BP-Social operation-Social administration

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Social operation-«Social administration»


    Faculty of Business and Law

    Field of study:


    Degree program: Bachelor of specialty services 5В090500 «Social Work» Educational program «Social administration»
    degree and term Single degree ( one university ) (ECTS 279 credits/ 160 kaz. credits)
    institution Karaganda Economic University
    Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance of Education (IKAQAE) http://nkaoko.kz/
    Term actions This program was approved by the University for a period of 4 years for those receiving a degree at the University from 2016
    Level QF for ЕHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): First cycle ; ЕКР (European qualifications framework): cycle 6; НРК (National Qualifications Framework): cycle 6
  • A) The purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program - training of highly qualified specialists with the ideological position that is adequate to the current level of social life, skills and abilities of analysis and modeling of social , socio-educational and psycho-correction work on the use of the knowledge, competence to regulate the behavior of citizens and social groups, that contribute to the realization of personal interests, maintaining social stability and promoting social harmony in the society.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • The main disciplines:
    • Theory of social work
    • Organization, management and administration in social work Fundamentals of social medicine
    • Legislature support of social work
    • General and social psychology
    • Economic foundations of social work
    • Methods and technologies of social work
    • Ethical foundations of social work
    • Social services in social work
    • Social work with family and children
    • Social work with youth
    • Social work with women
    • Social work in organizations of penitentiary system
    • Social gerontology
    • The basics of anti-corruption
    • Conflictology
    • Religious studies and social work wilt religion
    • Regulation of social sphere
    • Social management
    • 2.general information/Specialization
    • «Bachelor in the field of services»
    • 3.Direction
    • services
    • 4.features
    • magistracy
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • Agencies, organizations of different legal forms in the system of social protection, education, health and culture; the penitentiary system, social-pedagogical, social and psychological services of specialized organizations (family children's homes, nursing homes, social shelters, special correctional institutions); Children and youth clubs; youth organizations and associations; medical and other health care organizations; rehabilitation centers for the various categories of the population; social services in the social and industrial sector; non-profit non-governmental organizations.
    • 2.Further training
    • magistracy
  • D) Style education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • Credit education technology , information and communication technology training , within which are implemented following groups of teaching methods :
    • Active methods ;
    • Interactive methods ;
    • Practice - oriented methods .
    • 2.assessment methods
    • As part of the block- ranking control technology following groups control methods are applied :
      • Oral methods of control ;
      • Written methods of control ;
      • Practical methods of control ;
      • Test methods of control
    • Control forms :
      • Individual ;
      • Group ;
      • Collective .
  • E) Software competence
    • 1.General competence
    • The program complies with the requirements of the State educational standards "Higher Education . Undergraduate . " to ensure the quality of academic programs in the first cycle level.
    • This includes the general competence ( also known as key skills ) expected of graduates of the first cycle (see . On the website http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P1200001080 ).
    • Listed below are a summary of competence and the competence of the most characteristic for this program:
      • have a basic knowledge in the field of natural sciences ( social, humanitarian, economic ) disciplines that contribute to the formation of a highly educated person with a broad outlook and a culture of thinking
      • be skilled in the acquisition of new knowledge necessary for daily professional activity and continuing education in the magistracy- know the social and ethical values based on public opinion , traditions, customs , social norms and navigate to them in their professional activity
      • know the basics of the legal system and legislation of Kazakhstan ; abide by business ethics , own ethical and legal standards of conduct
      • to know the traditions and culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan ; to be tolerant to the traditions and culture of other peoples of the world
      • to know the trends of social development ; to be able to adequately guided in different social situations
      • be able to work in a team , properly to defend their point of view, to offer new solutions ; be able to find compromises , to relate their views to the collective opinion : to strive for professional and personal growth
      • be able to analyze socially significant problems and processes , and to practice the methods of the humanities , social and economic sciences in a variety of social and professional activities
    • 2.- be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the professional sphere
      • be able to communicate information, ideas , problems and solutions in the field of social work
      • be able to critically rethink the experience , modify if necessary, the profile of their professional activities , be aware of the social importance of their future profession , have a high motivation to carry out professional activitie
      • to be able to synthesize, analyze , the perception of information , setting goals and choosing the ways of achieving it : can formulate arguments and solve problems in the field of social work
      • know the classification , arrangement methods and technology in social work and be able to analyze the efficiency of use in practice
      • possess knowledge of organizational structure , governance and management , performance criteria in relation to social work
      • to be able to master the knowledge , skills and competences in the field of social work ( ability to conduct social dialogue )
      • possess knowledge, skills and competencies for the effective implementation of the action on the provision of social services- be able to master the principles of social dialogue- possess basic knowledge of the physiology of labor and life safety , the ability to competently operate in emergency and emergency situations
      • be able to analyze the best scientific and technical expertise and trends in social work techniques
      • be able to carry out theoretical and experimental research on the provision of social services
      • to be able to self-improvement and professional growth of the individual with diverse humanitarian and natural science knowledge and interests
  • F) A complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of student professional practice in work organization as well as with clients , graduates can demonstrate the ability of the following :
      • demonstrate basic knowledge of the social and legal system and the legislation of Kazakhstan, history, theory , practice of social work, social psychology ; social pedagogy ; to learn general and particular methods and techniques of social work;
      • apply this knowledge to practical solutions to the challenges facing the social work , use of information and communication technologies in the sphere of professional activity, to successfully research and production activities ;
      • the collection and interpretation of information for all types of professional activity in the field of social services .
      • communicate information , ideas, problems and solutions in the field of social services , both specialists and non-specialists.

BP-Jurisprudence-Legal security of personnel management

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Jurisprudence. Specialization: "Legal security of personnel management"


    Faculty of Business and Law

    Field of study:


  • Student’s enrollment on educational program for 01.10.2016
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:

    Degree program: Bachelor of Law in specialty 5B030100 "Jurisprudence" the educational program "Legal security of personnel management"
    The extent and duration Single degree (240 credits ECTS / 129 Kazakhstan credits.
    University Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Validity The program is approved by the University for a period of 4 years for those receiving a degree at the university since 2017
    Level Republic of Kazakhstan for the EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 1st cycle; EQF (European Qualifications Framework) level 6; NQF (National Qualifications Frame): Level 6
  • A) Target
    • The purpose of this BA program consists of qualitative preparation of highly qualified specialists with a high level of legal culture and legal awareness, fundamental knowledge and professional competences in the field of legal policy, law-making and realization of rightsable to manage personal in the service of the state and municipal bodies, commercial and non-commercial activities organizations carrying out legal maintenance of these structures.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • Main subjects: Administrative Law, Labor Law, Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Civil Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, right to social security, Legal support of human resource management, social partnership, Legal support of Human Resources administration, management, State and local government
    • 2.General information/ Specialization
    • Graduates will be able to apply their knowledge, skills and competence;
    • The training program for undergraduate education program "Legal security of personnel management" designed to prepare highly educated professionals. The main task of the program is to develop the students' competence in various areas of law with an emphasis on discipline, labor law and civil law profile, the acquisition of practical skills. Discipline programs are designed to generate the knowledge and skills necessary for professional work in law enforcement organizations, institutions, businesses, including their legal services and personal services, the effective functioning of legal and personnel services, government, active within the system of social partnership representing the interests of employers and their associations, participation in the development of normative legal acts in accordance with the profile of their professional activities. During the years of study the students produced an algorithm, a clear scheme of professional activities, which helps to achieve success not only in the field of law, but in the management of corporations and government agencies.
    • 3.Direction
    • Bachelors of this section have intended in the legal, management and research work in organizations of different ownership forms and in various fields.
    • 4.Features
    • The features of this program -preparation interdisciplinary lawyers at the intersection of law and government. Specialization of juridical education requires depth study of the legal aspects of labor relations. To develop the ability not only to generate new ideas in the field of legal regulation and practice in the field of human resources management, but also to introduce them to the lowest social cost. Objects of professional activity of graduates of the program is legal and administrative activity of enterprises regardless of their organizational-legal form, standard-setting; law enforcement; Expertise and consulting in the executive and representative authorities and commercial structures.
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1. Employment
    • The educational program "Legal security of personal management" designed to meet the needs of students, employers and society. It is supposed to establish stable relations with employers on the basis of mutual benefit, so employers offer jobs to students, assist in the development and further development of the educational program, teaching of individual disciplines, research and quality assurance processes. OP includes practical components, such as field trips, internships, practice-work organization "Legal Clinic" Graduates of the program will be able to work in the offices of organizations or companies that are engaged in the selection, the involvement of staff and their professional development, as well as personnel management, labor relations , counseling in these areas, resolution of labor disputes, etc. These divisions and companies are: Human Resources (HR department) management, legal departments, private employment agencies, consulting companies, employers' associations, etc.
    • 2.Further education
    • Master degree
  • D) Education style
    • 1.Learning and teaching approaches
    • Study applies 6 levels:
    • knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • Use assessment evidence, intermediate and final examination. Teaching methods: students' independent work, tests, essay writing, essays, solution case-study, projects and presentations, practice. Project reports, critical incident analysis. Do not direct teaching methods: questionnaires and interviews of students, graduates, employers, syllabus analysis, and training content
  • E) Software competence
    • 1.General competence
    • The program complies with the requirements of the State educational standards " Higher education. Undergraduate." IQAA agency for quality assurance of academic programs in the first cycle level.
    • This includes the general competence (also known as key skills) expected of graduates of the first cycle
    • Listed below are a summary of competence and the competence of the most characteristic for this program:
    • Be aware of the social importance of their future profession, have a sufficient level of professional sense of justice
    • Able to conscientiously fulfill the professional obligations to comply with the principles of legal ethics
    • Has the culture of behavior, willing to cooperate with colleagues, teamwork
    • Able to shape personnel policy and corporate culture of the organization to meet the requirements of current legislation.
    • Has intolerance towards corrupt behavior, respectful of the rights and legitimate
    • Able to work with information in global computer networks
    • Knows the necessary skills for professional communication in Kazakh and foreign languages
    • Can build business communication.
    • Have skills of public speaking.
    • 2.Specific competencies
    • Able to participate in the development of normative legal acts in accordance with the profile of their professional activities.
    • Capable of competence to practice the acquired skills in team management.
    • Able to organize teamwork by the construction management personnel records management systems.
    • Possess abilities legally correct to qualify the facts and circumstances. It offers ways to resolve legal conflicts, and makes recommendations to improve the legislation.
    • Develop and represent for discuss the draft of local regulations, contracts, orders, explains the key positions, argues the answers to the questions. 6.Ability to combine administrative, economic and legal processes in the field of personnel management, including to hiring, adaptation, motivation, evaluation, training, development, and release of personal;
    • Ready to take part in the legal examination of draft normative legal acts, including with a view to identifying their provisions to facilitate the creation of conditions for corruption.
    • Able to interpret the different legal acts. It uses standard legal acts, jurisprudence and interpretation of acts of the development of legal mechanisms and their reflection in personnel documents.
    • Have the skills of giving qualified legal opinions and advice in specific legal activities. Allows for the development of legal mechanisms for administrative and economic characteristics of the organization, particularly its corporate document, and able to find a balance between the interests of the organization and the interests of a particular employee.
    • Able to take complex economic and legal management solutions.
    • Hold the systematic and analytical skills to perceive and evaluate organizational and legal risks in the area of personnel management, propose and formalize legal solutions to neutralize them.
  • F) Results of the training program
    • In the context of student professional practice, work in commercial structures and organizations, "Legal Clinic", graduates can demonstrate the ability of the following:
    • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic legal concepts and institutions, including scientific and practice-oriented knowledge of labor law, social security law, insurance law, Documentation, social partnership law, the resolution of labor disputes, the legal aspects of employment and occupation, International labor law, legal regulation of cross-border labor and especially foreign labor law, necessary for the implementation of professional abilities.
    • Demonstrate the ability to analyze and solve problems in the field of civil, labor, administrative, legal and other relations.
    • Ably interpret and apply legal acts in specific situations, be right-realizable and interpretative acts documents.
    • Demonstrate the ability to business communication, negotiation, interaction with colleagues in the professional community.
    • Find optimal ways of obtaining the necessary legal information and be able to handle it, critically assessing the arguments and evidence.
    • Demonstrate ability to make better management decisions, and to establish the facts reveal violations and be able to classify them by defining a measure of responsibility and punish those responsible, to take the necessary measures to restore the violated rights.
    • Determine urgent scientific problems, the study of which can enrich the jurisprudence.
    • Demonstrate capacity for analysis and synthesis of the results of scientific research on the basis of today's interdisciplinary approaches.

BP-World Economy-International Business

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    World Economy


    Faculty of Economics and Management

    Field of study:

    Social Science and Business

    Degree programme: Bachelor of Economics and Business in 5В051300 “World Economy” specialty, educational programme “International Business”
    Degree and term Single degree (one university) (211 ECTS credits / 129 Kazakhstani credits)
    Educational institution Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) http://nkaoko.kz/
    Validity The present program is approved by the University for the 4 year period for those, who get an academic degree at the University since 2017
    Level QF-EHEA (The Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area): 1st cycle; EQF (The European Qualifications Framework): Level 6; NQF (The National Qualifications Framework): Level 6
  • A) Purpose
    • development of students’ personal qualities; formation of universal and professional competences in accordance with requirements of the labor market for “International Business” major;
    • producing specialists in International Business with fundamental economic knowledge and who are capable of working as analysts and visioners, International Relations and World Economy experts, who are able to analyze processes in separate spheres such as economics, politics, security or culture and information technologies.
  • B) Specification
    • 1.Course/subject area
      • Main courses: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Mathematics in Economics, Logistics, Accounting and Audit, Taxes and Taxation, Strategic Management, Global Economics and Global Goods Markets Forecasting, Contemporary History of International Relations, Regional Studies, Multilateral Diplomacy, International Economics, International Business, Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship and Basics of Business, Stock Exchange Market, Fundamental and Technical Analysis of Stock Markets, Electronic Business and Developing Technologies for Entrepreneurship, Infographics and Communications
    • 2.General information/Specialization
      • “International Business” educational programme is aimed at professional training of specialists, able to forecast trends and respond to the strategic challenges of an ever changing global business environment by applying the theory and methodology of economic science to investigate world economic processes and to put their conclusions into practice, analyzing world commodity and financial markets, enhancing the competitiveness of goods and services, various types of foreign economic activity and international payments, patterns in integration processes throughout the world and the activities of international economic organizations.
    • 3.Major
      • Social Sciences, Economics and Business
    • 4.Peculiarities
      • Graduates of the “International Business” educational programme are focused on:
        • business analytics,
        • world economy;
        • international relations;
        • global political, economic, military, ecological, cultural-ideological and other processes.
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
      • the companies doing foreign trade, banks and other financial institutions, government agencies, embassies and trade offices of Kazakhstan abroad;
      • international economic organizations;
      • Kazakhstani and foreign enterprises, noncommercial and public organizations, dealing with international economic issues;
      • the media, covering issues of international economic activity.
    • 2.Further education
      • “International Business” graduates have a possibility to continue their studies within Master’s degree programmes in accordance with the related specialties or any others under the stipulation that they pass all prerequisites for the educational programme.
  • D) Educational
    • 1.Teaching and learning approaches
      • Competence approach, student-oriented teaching, subjects integration and interdisciplinary approach are emphasized.
    • 2.Assessment methods
      • The main criteria of Bachelor’s degree completion is completing a minimum of 129 credits of theoretical studies and 9 credits of professional internship according to the Kazakhstani system or 211 credits of theoretical studies and 20 credits of professional internship according to the ECTS.
  • E) Programme competences
    • 1.General competences
      • ability to think systematically, generalize, analyze and perceive information, formulate goals and choose the ways to achieve them, bring out the implication of international issues;
      • ability to think and write logically, reasonably and plainly;
      • сapability to analyze socially significant issues and processes;
      • ability to use basic principles of natural sciences in professional activity, apply methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research;
      • having politically correct corporate culture of international communication (formal and informal), skills of finding compromises through negotiations;
      • capability to make organizational and administrative decisions in different situations and take responsibility for them;
      • ability to apply regulatory and legal documents in professional activity.
    • 2.Professional competences
      • thorough knowledge of the history and current state of international relations;
      • knowledge of the key principles and methods of analytical work in economic sphere;
      • comprehension of the logics of global processes and development of international relations in its historical, economic and legal dimension;
      • knowledge of the content and instruments of macroeconomic policy;
      • ability to analyze the state of the business environment on the basis of international business theories in order to make appropriate managerial decisions;
      • understanding the structure of global processes in scientific-technological innovations, perspectives of its changes and the place of Kazakhstan in these processes;
      • ability to calculate macroeconomic indicators and analyze their impact on the national economy and national business entities as components of the international economic environment;
      • ability to assess the economic and social conditions for business in the international business environment;
      • understanding the strategies of international economic development;
      • ability to conduct researches of the state and market conditions, segmentation of business entities, competitive situation, consumer behavior;
      • ability to comprehensively analyze the problems of international business development, applying economic-mathematical and econometric methods;
      • ability to determine the macro- and microfactors of the motivation for Kazakhstani enterprises to enter the world markets;
      • ability to analyze the system of regulatory mechanisms of foreign trade policy and adapt foreign trade activities of specific companies in the international business environment;
      • possession of conceptual apparatus and theoretical knowledge in the field of International Relations and Global Economics;
      • knowledge of the features of political and legal environment and infrastructure of international trade activities;
      • ability to draft foreign trade contracts and take into account the specifics of intraregional trade;
      • ability to use professional-specialized knowledge and practical skills to solve practical issues in the field of International Business.
  • F) Full list of education results within the programme
    • fulfilling obligations of assistance and administration with the knowledge of foreign languages in economic institutions of the governmental and non-governmental system,
    • carrying out organizational and administrative functions in institutions, organizations and enterprises, dealing with external economic activity;
    • participation in organization of international negotiations, meetings, conferences, seminars on International Relations, international Business and World Economy issues;
    • applying the theory and methodology of economic science to investigate world economic processes and putting their conclusions into practice.

Бакалавриат-ОП-Project and innovation management

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Project and innovation management


    Faculty of Economics and Management

    Field of study:

    Business and management

  • Contingent of students on the educational program
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:
    - inside the country
    - outside Kazakhstan

    Program degree: Bachelor of economy and business For specialty 6B04111 «Project and innovation management»
    Degree and duration Single degree (one university) (220 ECTS – credits / 129 kaz.credits)
    Educational institution Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance of Education (IQAA)http://nkaoko.kz/
    Duration This program is approved by University for a period of 4 years for the persons receiving degree at university since 2018
    Level QF for the EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area) 1 cycle; EQF (European Qualifications Framework) level 6; NQF (National Qualifications Frame): Level 6
  • A) Object
    • The purpose of this baccalaureate program is training of specialists of an economic profile, competitive in the labor market, demanded by the modern entities and market structures, capable to adapt effectively to dynamically changing social and professional conditions of activities, the main professional functions capable having the high level of readiness for implementation structurally to influence nature and the direction of development of the professional spheres of the activities owning skills of organizing work and a management activity
    • Successful graduates should be able to: professionally solve practical questions of economic activity and management organization; determine and take into account in their work the development trends of scientific and technical progress in specific sectors of the economy; to develop innovative programs and projects; form a favorable innovative climate for the adaptation of firms to innovation; to systematize information to obtain an objective assessment of innovative projects; to make decisions when choosing sources and amounts of funding for the development of innovative projects; apply practical methods of justifying innovative solutions in conditions of uncertainty and risk; to analyze the experience of foreign countries and use it in the country; Use domestic and foreign experience in the field of e-management, economy, marketing and management.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline/subject area
    • The main disciplines
    • Basic disciplines: Management; Marketing; Organization of business; Finance, Entrepreneurship
    • Profiling discipline: Innovation management; Investment management; Business assessment; Analysis of projects; Project Financing; Risk-management of innovation projects
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • With the implementation of educational programs specialty 6B04111 «Project and innovation management»
    • used credit-modular system of educational process organization, based on a modular principle, curricula, using the credit system and the corresponding educational technology
    • 3.Direction
    • Social sciences, economy and business
    • 4.Pecularities
    • Graduates of the educational program "Project and innovation management" are oriented on:
      • a management activity at the different levels;
      • ability to organize business processes of the company;
      • ability to research and solve problems in an entrepreneurship, science, production;
      • to develop, introduce and possess skills of management of innovative activity.
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • Business structures, industrial production, organizations and firms of various patterns of ownership, state bodies, financial organizations, project and research institutions, research and production, educational institutions.
    • 2.Further training
    • Master degree 6М050700 «Management»
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational process is widely used innovative forms of employment (business games, exit occupations, case studies, field sessions, debates, round tables, discussions, review of literature, individual and group projects), the invitation of practical workers to holding lectures, seminars, master classes is also provided
    • 2.Methods of assessment
    • Rating control; intermediate certification (testing, oral examination, written examination, writing of the essay, protection of projects); protection of reports on passing educational, production, predegree practician; final assessment (state exam, protection of the thesis)
  • E) Program competence
    • 1.General competence: The program conforms to requirements of the State obligatory standard of education "The higher education. Bachelor degree." for quality assurance of the academic programs at the first level of a cycle.
    • RC 1 – To be able to perform collection and interpretation of scientific and practical, statistical and analytical information for creation of the analysis. RC 2 – to Seize methodology and a technique of the discipline "management" promoting to knowledge by future specialists in the field of management, to own the main categories of the studied discipline; to provide information in various forms of messages, to cooperate and work in group, to discuss and defend the line item, to make decisions. RC 3 – to be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities, to analyze and estimate the decisions applied by the state to regulation of economic processes. RC 4 - to be able to put theoretical knowledge into practice and to understand purpose of projects and their role in the solution of professional tasks. To develop arguments and to make decisions in the field of project management, by means of search, collection, the analysis and systematization. RC 5 – to Know methods and methodology of process of production organization at the entity; to be able to analyze and plan production processes; to be able to make the choice of the effective strategic solution at the entity; RC 6 – to know traditions and culture of the people of Kazakhstan; to be tolerant to traditions, culture of other people of the world; RC 7 – to know tendencies of social development of society; to be able to be guided adequately in various social situations; RC 8 – to be capable to work in team, it is correct to argue the point of view, to propose new solutions; to be able to reach compromise, to correlate the opinion to opinion of collective: to aim at professional and personal growth; RC 9 – to possess bases of economic knowledge, to have scientific ideas of management, marketing, finance and so-called; nobility and understand the purposes and methods of state regulation of economy, a role of a public sector in economy.
    • 2.Special (professional) competence:
    • PC 1 - To know the Laws regulating investing activities in various forms; general principles and methods of reasons for investments into real production sector. PC 2 - Independently to purchase and to creatively use new knowledge of the theory and practice of production management. PC 3 – to be able to perform collection and interpretation of scientific and practical, statistical and analytical information for creation of the analysis. PC 4 - to Seize theoretical knowledge of an economic safety of the country in modern conditions of the economic relations. PC 5 – to be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities during creation, functioning of subjects of small, medium and large business. PC 6 - to be able to perform collection, the analysis, interpretation of information for development of management decisions taking into account production, social, economic purposes; to be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities during creation, functioning of subjects of small, medium and large business; in case of interaction of subjects of business with customs, tax and other participants of a business environment; when holding liquidating and rehabilitation procedures. PC 7 - to be able to put theoretical knowledge into practice in the field of personnel management of the organization. PC 8 - to be able to use time as the tool of a management activity in efficiency of the organization. PC 9 - to be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities, to analyze and estimate the decisions applied by the state to regulation of economic processes. PC 10 - to develop arguments and to make decisions in the field of project management, by means of search, collection, the analysis and systematization. PC 11 - to be able to apply theoretical knowledge in the field of ethics, cultures of behavior in society, oratory and management in practical activities. PC 12 – to use methods of forming and control of management decisions; to be able to conduct practical researches, the analysis of problem situations, developments of offers and recommendations about increase in efficiency of a management activity. PC 13 - to be able to analyze and plan production processes; to be able to make the choice of the effective strategic solution at the entity. PC 14 - the nobility and to apply functions and innovation management methods on micro and macrolevel; to be able to carry out an efficiency evaluation of innovative projects and risk management methods. PC 15 - to show knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles of bankruptcy and sanitation of the entity in the conditions of forming of market infrastructure. PC 16 - to build the argumentation and proofs through search, collection, the analysis, systematization and interpretation of information taking into account social, ethical and scientific reasons; to be able to provide information in different forms of messages, to cooperate and work freely in group, to discuss and defend the line item, to make decisions; to use methods of forming and control of management decisions. PC 17 - to know skills of development of own recommendations about development of infrastructure of corporate social liability necessary for practical work of the specialists who are engaged in implementation of social projects. PC 18 - to be able to estimate personal merits and demerits critically; realizes the social importance of the future profession, to have skills of independent job search, passing of an interview, interview; it is capable to perform effectively managerial functions in the multicultural environment. PC 19 - to be able to put into practice different types of motivation and methods of remuneration of workers according to their psychological types; to be able to estimate critically merits and demerits in the existing behavior of the organization; to analyze and create an organization culture. PC 20 - can apply the knowledge and understanding when carrying out a practical research, the analysis of problem situations, developments of offers and recommendations about increase in efficiency of a management activity.
  • F) A complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of student's professional practice, in work in the organization, and also with the client, graduates can show a capability to the following: initiative, communicativeness, economic thinking and logic, organizational capabilities, analytical abilities, leadership, ethics, quality orientation and on the consumer

Бакалавриат-ОП-Physical culture and sports management

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Physical culture and sports management


    Faculty of Business and Law

    Field of study:

    Training of teachers with subject specialization of General development

  • Contingent of students on the educational program
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:
    - inside the country
    - outside Kazakhstan

    The degree of the program Bachelor`s degree on the educational program 6B01402 " Physical culture and sports management»
    The degree and duration Single degree (one University) (220 ECTS – credits/ 129 credits in Kazakh)
    Educational institution Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation -
    Period of validity -
    Level QF for EHE (Qualification framework for the European higher education): 1st cycle; EQF (European qualification framework): level 6; NQF (national qualification framework): level 6
  • A) The aim
    • The aim of the educational program - the formation of the personality of a specialist with professional competencies for the organization of pedagogical, sports and mass, sports and recreation activities and management of physical culture and sports.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • Main disciplines:
    • Basic disciplines: Theory and methodology of physical culture and sports.Fundamentals of lawof physical culture and sports; Social protection of bodies of physical culture and sports; Psychology and pedagogy; Public administration in sports; Organizational structures of management in sports; Brand management in sports; Event-management; Sports facilities; Organization and evaluation of business
    • Profile disciplines: Adaptive physical culture; Therapeutic physical culture and massage; Modern technologies of sports training; Innovations in the organization of the training process in a sports school; Fitness technology; technology of medical nutrition; Theory and methodology of sports and outdoor games; Technology of organization and conduct of mass sports events.
    • 2.General information/ Specialization
    • In the implementation of the educational program "Physical culture and sports management" is used credit-unit system of the educational process, based on the unit principle of presentation of the content of the educational program and the making of curricula, the use of credit units (credits) and relevant educational technologies.
    • The educational program "Physical culture and sports management" contains theoretical training, including the study of cycles of General education, basic and profile disciplines. The volume of the GE cycle is 56 academic credits, the BE cycle includes the study of academic disciplines and undertaking of internship and consists of not less than 112 academic credits, the PD cycle includes academic disciplines and types of internship in the amount of not less than 60 academic credits.
    • 3.Direction
    • Pedagogical science
    • 4.Particularities
    • The educational program forms professional competence on introduction of scientific approaches to management of the sphere of physical culture and sports, readiness for physical self-improvement, the organization of pedagogical, sports and mass, physical culture and improving activity according to the world experience and national priorities as a symbol of national unity, solidarity and new Kazakhstan patriotism.
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • The sphere of professional activity of bachelors in the specialty 6B01402 - "Physical culture and sports management" are:
    • Education:
      • secondary education institutions: secondary schools, boarding schools;
      • primary and secondary vocational-technical school;
      • children's and youth sports schools, schools of the highest sports skill, schools of the Olympic reserve;
      • administrative bodies of education.
    • Physical culture and sports:
      • governing bodies of physical culture and sports;
      • public and private commercial organizations in the field of sports: agencies, firms, clubs, teams;
      • sports (mass sports, youth sports, Paralympic sports);
      • physical culture and health rehabilitation, medical and biological, rehabilitation centers;
      • research centers and laboratories that study physical and mental health problems.
    • 2.Further education
    • Master’s degree 7М01400501 «Physical culture and sport»
  • D) The forms of education
    • 1.Learning and teaching approaches
    • Active and practice-oriented forms and methods of training are widely used in the educational process (cases, business games, simulation classes, trainings, ICT, the method of quasi-professional activity), it is also provided to invite practitioners to lectures, seminars, master classes
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • Progress check; midterm assessment (testing, oral exam, written exam, project protection, passing the standard); protection of reports on the passage of educational, teaching and educational, pedagogical, industrial and pre-graduate internship; end-of-course assessment (passing an assembled examination, thesis defense)
  • E) Programme competencies
    • КК1
    • The ability of a person to socio-cultural and physical development based on the principles of multiculturalism, multilingualism and environmental thinking
    • КК2
    • Readiness to use digital technologies for the development of production, business, science, social sphere
    • КК3
    • The ability to apply medical and biological knowledge to assess the impact of physical activity, physical abilities and functional state of the involved; adequately choose the means and methods of motor activity, methods of correction in the process of training and sports training
    • КК4
    • Ability to carry out professional activity on the basis of the developed legal consciousness, legal thinking and legal culture, to solve standard professional tasks within the legal field
    • КК5
    • The ability to effectively manage sports organizations, enterprises and projects, the brand of a sports organization on the basis of knowledge in the field of sports management, to determine the resources necessary to achieve the goals of the organization, to make management decisions in an adequate form and to conduct organizational, managerial, marketing research
    • КК6
    • The ability to take into account the common factors of mental and age and gender development of students in the organization and management of the pedagogical process and in the scientific study of pedagogical problems
    • КК7
    • Readiness to conduct training exercises, organization and refereeing competitions in the studied sports; ability to use various exercises to improve the level of development of motor qualities, innovative methods of sports massage
    • КК8
    • Readiness to implement programs of mass physical culture and sports events and health training for various bodies involved, including technologies of weight management and nutrition, taking into account the requirements for sports facilities, equipment and inventory from the standpoint of safety
    • КК9
    • Ability to understand the essence of economic relations for the functioning of a successful business in the professional field
  • F) A complete list of the results of training in this program
    • РО1
    • Demonstrate personal and professional competitiveness, citizenship, physical and environmental culture, critical thinking, creativity and willingness to collaborate
    • РО2
    • To carry out interpersonal, intercultural and professional communications, using grammatical knowledge and speech patterns in oral and written forms in the state, Russian and foreign languages, to analyze information in accordance with the situation of communication
    • РО3
    • Use different types of ICT: Internet resources, cloud and mobile services for search, storage, processing, protection and distribution of information
    • РО4
    • To demonstrate knowledge of anatomical and physiological structure and function of organs, regularities of physical development and features of their manifestation in different age periods; biological bases, purpose, tasks, main directions of motor recreation with different population groups
    • РО5
    • To possess skills of psychophysical self-improvement on the basis of scientific representation about a healthy way of life, ways of rationing and control of training and competitive loadings in the chosen sport; abilities of an independent substantiation of equipment of competitive, rehabilitation and training exercises and their use during practical occupations with trained bodies
    • РО6
    • Demonstrate knowledge of their rights and obligations, and possess the skills and abilities to use legal acts for the realization of rights and protection of their interests
    • РО7
    • Knows the main provisions of legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international legal documents in the field of physical education and sports. The role and place of legislation on PhCS in the legal field of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is able to apply them in professional activities
    • РО8
    • Implements the basic provisions of management sciences, organizational foundations of the sphere of physical culture and sports, is able to carry out marketing activities to promote sports services and goods and knows the methodology of marketing research.
    • РО9
    • Demonstrate and use knowledge of the nature of state management, objectives and tasks of the public administration, to introduce integrative information and analysis on issues of development of physical culture and sports for managerial decision-making for its improvement
    • РО10
    • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical foundations of physical culture and sports, psychological and age-sex characteristics of students, provide psychological support and psychological safety of the educational process based on the diagnosis of psychological characteristics of the student and the team
    • РО11
    • To demonstrate knowledge of pedagogical mechanisms, principles and means of physical education, possession of methods of scientific research and to carry out planning, pedagogical control and analysis of educational process by methods of psychological research
    • РО12
    • Demonstrate knowledge of the origins and evolution of the theory of sports training, methods of training in physical culture, theoretical aspects of the development of various sports and modern sports achievements in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • РО13
    • To be able to formulate the basic ideas, provisions and principles of physical education and sports in the organization and conduct the classes; to possess the technology of teaching different categories of the population to motor actions, the development of motor coordination qualities in the process of gymnastics, athletics and other sports, taking into account sanitary, climatic, regional and national conditions
    • РО14
    • To demonstrate knowledge about the classification, methods, stages of organizing and holding mass sports events, types of events, types of world sports events, the requirements for their implementation and own solutions for the organization of individual and mass sports work in the context of the implementation of the Doctrine of National Unity, National idea "Mangilik El", the Program "Ruhani Zhangyru", Concept of development of physical culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025
    • РО15
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of economic processes, use the knowledge to achieve effective results, the ability to create and develop a business in its professional field, to develop the conditions for its successful operation.

6B03102 Psychology and Management in education

  • Specialty cipher:


    Name of the specialty:

    Psychology and Management in education


    Faculty of Business, Law and Technology

    Direction of study:

    6В03 Social sciences, journalism and information
    6В031 Social Sciences
    В041 Psychology

  • Contingent of students on the educational program
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:
    - inside the country
    - outside of Kazakhstan



Registration number


Code and classification of the field of education

6В03 Social Sciences, Journalism and information

Code and classification of training areas

6В031  Social Sciences

Group of educational programs

В041 Psychology

Name of the educational program

6В03102  Psychology and Management in Education

Type of EP


The purpose of EP

The purpose of the educational program is to provide high-quality training of specialists with professional competencies in the field of psychology, the use of psychological practices based on the moral and ethical principles of professional assistance to people, groups, communities and management in education in the context of increasing the global competitiveness of the Kazakh education system

Level according to the International Standard Classification of Education


Level by National Qualifications Framework


Level by industry qualifications framework


Distinctive features of the EP


Partner University ( joint educational program )


PARTNER University ( dual degree program )


List of competencies

Matrix of correlation of learning outcomes in the educational program with the formed competencies

Learning outcomes

Form of training


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Volume of credits


Awarded degree

bachelor of Social Knowledge in the educational program 6B03102 " Psychology and Management in education»

Availability of an appendix to the license for the direction of personnel training

Appendix 005 to License KZ34LAA00021414 dated February 02, 2021.

Accreditation of the educational program


Accreditation body name


Validity period of accreditation


Information about the disciplines

Information about disciplines by courses and EP

The uniqueness of the program

The uniqueness of the educational program consists in a systematic approach to the formation of professional competence of specialists who are ready to implement technologies of psychological diagnosis, counseling, correction and development of a competitive personality in various types of human activities, and managers of a new formation who have personal and social responsibility, leadership qualities, introduce innovative management technologies in education and scientific achievements of psychology and management

Courses of general education disciplines

Obligatory component

Name of the discipline

Short description of the discipline

Number of credits

Formed competencies (codes)


Module of socio-political knowledge (Sociology, Political Science, Cultural Studies, Psychology)

Sociology studies society, its constituent systems (institutions, processes), and the patterns of their functioning and development.

Political science studies the political sphere of society: political power, political institutions, relations, processes and patterns of their functioning.

Culturology studies culture as a special and integral system of human life and activity, the laws of its origin, development and comprehension.

Psychology studies the main psychological processes, states, properties, the inner world of the individual in the process of reflecting this world.




Modern history of Kazakhstan

The modern history of Kazakhstan forms objective historical knowledge about the main stages of the development of modern Kazakhstan, directs the student's attention to the implementation of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru", to the formation and development of historical and cultural processes and statehood. The course covers the problems of the ethnogenesis of the Kazakh people, the evolution of forms of statehood and civilization on the territory of the Great Steppe, reveals the most significant historical facts and events, fills the content of the Kazakh model of development in the period of accelerated modernization with real scientific and historical knowledge.





The philosophy is aimed at developing students' openness of consciousness, understanding of their own national code and national identity, spiritual modernization, constructive and critical thinking, the cult of knowledge and education. The course is focused on the development of students' philosophical culture in the context of the modernization of social consciousness and the solution of global problems of our time, on the formation of students' reflection, on the development and strengthening of tolerance, intercultural dialogue and culture of thinking.




Physical training

The discipline forms an understanding of the social significance of physical culture and its role in personal development and preparation for professional activity; knowledge of the scientific, biological, pedagogical and practical foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle; motivational and value attitude to physical culture, attitudes to a healthy lifestyle, physical improvement and self-education habits of regular physical exercise and sports; mastering the system of practical skills and abilities that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, mental well-being, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities, qualities and properties of the individual, self-determination in physical culture and sports.




Foreign language

The discipline improves students' language skills, develops skills in four types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing). Language training is interactive, student-centered, and result-oriented. Great importance is given to independent work of students, including writing a paragraph/summary of the text and project work, performing grammatical and lexical exercises.




Kazakh (Russian) language

The course content includes lexical and grammatical topics aimed at the development of all types of speech activity and vocabulary work, the development of everyday conversation in various situations and the terminology of the Kazakh (Russian) language.




Information and communication technologies

The course is aimed at mastering students' professional and personal competencies, which will enable them to use modern information and communication technologies in various fields of professional activity, scientific and practical work, for self-education and other purposes. The discipline forms the ability to critically evaluate and analyze the processes, collection, processing, search and storage methods, methods of information transmission using digital technologies in the professional sphere in the context of the implementation of the state program Digital Kazakhstan.



University component

Name of the discipline

Short description of the discipline

Number of credits

Formed competencies (codes)


Ecology and life safety

The discipline reveals the content of the main laws that determine the interaction of living organisms with the environment, the laws of the development of the biosphere, the functioning of ecological systems and the biosphere as a whole, as well as the provision of first aid and protection of humans in the technosphere from negative impacts of anthropogenic and natural origin.



Values of Mangilik el

The course examines the essence of national identity, national education, ethnic socialization and identification, the culture of interethnic communication in the context of the National Idea "Mangilik El". The course is aimed at educating socially active members of society with a high level of development of national identity, national spirit, spirit of patriotism, historical consciousness and social memory; the spirit of professionalism and competitiveness, ready for active and decisive actions to preserve the stability, independence, and security of our state, and able to build a constructive dialogue with representatives of other cultures.



Religious Studies

The content of the course is focused on the study of the essence, history, origin, development, role and place of the religions of Judaism, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism, and Islam in modern society. The discipline forms: knowledge about the main religious trends; culture of interfaith communication, tolerance; competence in countering the ideology of religious extremism and the influence of non-traditional totalitarian religious associations, movements and cults



Courses of basic disciplines

University component

Name of the discipline

Short description of the discipline

Number of credits

Formed competencies (codes)


Interdisciplinary course  «Professionally-oriented language»

The content of the course increases the initial level of foreign language proficiency achieved at the previous stage of education, and contributes to the students' mastering the necessary and sufficient level of communicative competence for solving professional activities when communicating with foreign partners, as well as for further self-education. The content of the discipline is focused on the development of lexical and grammatical skills; automation of reading skills of special texts; development of dialogic speech on professional topics in situations of communication in the future field of activity; development of information culture; expanding the horizons and improving the general culture of students




Strategic state planning in the field of education

The discipline is aimed at forming students' knowledge in the field of strategic state planning in the field of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, developing practical skills in making managerial decisions based on the development, monitoring and evaluation of documents of the state planning system in the conditions of constant changes in the external environment




Internal and external education quality assessment system

The academic discipline is aimed at the formation of competencies in the following issues: national system of teacher growth: innovations in the system of certification of teachers: international studies of the quality of education, regulatory and legal grounds for conducting control within educational organizations, psychological and pedagogical features of the implementation of control functions, internal quality assurance system in the management system of an educational organization, external assessment of quality assurance in the management system of an educational organization, processes of continuous improvement of the quality of education in the management system of an educational organization; provides a high level for the implementation of management tasks in education.




General Psychology

General psychology is a fundamental general professional course aimed at mastering students' basic theoretical concepts, knowledge of psychological theories, laws and mechanisms of cognitive processes; basic general psychological provisions that explain the laws of the development and functioning of the mental health and about the mental health as the highest form of reflection of reality.




Anatomy of the central nervous system and physiology of higher nervous activity

The discipline introduces the structure of the nervous system at the subcellular, cellular, tissular and organ levels, as well as the functional role of the main structures of the central nervous system in the process of implementing behavior and its vegetative support; examines the development of the nervous system in the process of evolution and the main stages of the ontogenesis of the nervous system in humans; forms an idea of the material basis of human mental activity as the basis of the physiology of higher nervous activity, psychophysiology and anthropology.




Social Psychology

The academic discipline forms ideas about the main subject areas of social psychology, the specifics and features of socio-psychological knowledge; it is aimed at mastering knowledge about the main stages of the development of social psychology, the mechanisms of thinking and behavior of people in social groups, various forms of interaction of individuals with each other and society; it develops the skills of socio-psychological analysis of various situations, phenomena, effects and phenomena, the organization of interpersonal and group interaction




Methodology and methods of scientific research in psychology

The discipline introduces students to the methodological and theoretical foundations of scientific research, the methodology of organizing scientific research, the requirements for the organization of scientific work and forms research competencies. The course is focused on the development of knowledge about the methodology of science and scientific research in psychology, forms competencies for the organization and conduct of scientific research, writing and design of student scientific papers.




Practical training in psychology

The workshop forms the competencies of future psychologists in the field of mastering the norms and rules of using the tools of psychological diagnostics, psychological counseling, individual and group psychocorrective work; the ability to use techniques and techniques, basic techniques developed within the framework of an objective psychodiagnostic approach, interpersonal, behavioral, professional skills of individual and group work, skills of drawing up a program of psychodiagnostic examination and correctional work.




Educational psychology

The academic discipline reveals psychological phenomena and patterns of educational activity, education and development of subjects of the educational process, forms professional thinking and skills of psychological analysis and forecasting of the effectiveness of the organization of training, education at different stages of ontogenesis, the effectiveness of professional and pedagogical activities, professional competencies in the field of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process.




Practical training

The purpose of the practical training (introductory) is to acquire primary professional competencies, including the consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge acquired in the course of training, obtaining the first skills of research activities, business correspondence skills, and the acquisition of practical skills and work skills in accordance with the educational program. The educational practice is focused on familiarization with the main activities of the university; with the organizational and legal form, structure, and management system of educational organizations; study of the main tasks of future professional activity.




Psychological and pedagogical practice

Psychological and pedagogical practice of students is a personality-oriented active form of training, which lays the foundation for the formation of professional competencies of the future psychologist. The purpose is to get acquainted with the activities of the psychological service in the organization of education, the content of the work of the school psychologist, his documentation, participation in the planned activities of the psychological service to support the educational process. The practice is aimed at the professional adaptation of students, the formation of communication skills and personal qualities necessary for interaction and cooperation in the workforce.




Elective component

Name of the discipline

Short description of the discipline

Number of credits

Formed competencies (codes)


Fundamentals of Law

The discipline forms students' initial knowledge of the law, develops a positive attitude to it, awareness of the need to comply with legal norms in the conditions of the rule of law, legal awareness and legal consciousness of the subject of law, understanding of the basics of the system of legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the successful use of laws and regulations in their professional activities.

(The basic concepts about the state, the law and the state-legal phenomena. Bases of Constitutional law of the RK. Bases of Constitutional law of the RK. Law-enforcement authorities and court of the RK. Public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bases of administrative law of the RK. Bases of civil and family law of the RK. Bases of civil and family law of the RK. Bases of financial law of the RK .Bases of financial law of the RK. Labour law and welfare law of the RK. Labour law and welfare law of the RK. Bases of ecological and ground law of the RK. Criminal law of the RK. Procedural law of the RK)




Anti-corruption: Legal and economic aspects

The discipline forms an anti-corruption model of students' behavior and a public atmosphere of rejection of corruption, forms an active civil position of Kazakhstanis in the fight against corruption.

(The concept and content of corruption. Forms of corruption offenses. The legal basis for the counteraction against corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Issues of qualification of embezzlement of entrusted property and fraud. Issues of qualification of pseudo-entrepreneurship, and performing actions on the recording of the invoice, without the actual execution of works, provision of services, goods are shipped. Issues of qualification of creation and management of financial (investment) pyramid. Issues of the legalization of qualification (laundering) of money and (or) other property obtained by criminal means. Issues of qualification of economic smuggling. Issues of qualification raiding and an illegal gambling business. Issues of qualification of abuse of authority. Issues of qualification of abuse of power or official authority. Issues of qualification of illegal participation in entrepreneurial activity and impeding legitimate business. Issues of qualification of receiving a bribe, giving bribe and mediation in bribery. Issues of qualification of forgery and omission in the service. Issues of qualification of abuse of power. Issues of qualification of abuse of power and idle power)




Legal regulation of the education system

In the course of studying the discipline, students master the knowledge about education as an element of the legal space; study the system of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on education, the Constitutional foundations of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on education, the mechanisms of legal regulation of the educational system, educational legal relations, legal responsibility in the field of education; study and analyze the legal foundations of the management of the educational system, the legal status and legal foundations of the educational institution and the content of the legal status of the subjects of the educational process; legal regulation of education quality management and international legislation on education.




Non-judicial ways to protect civil rights

The discipline forms knowledge about the institutions of non-judicial forms of protection of rights as a method of alternative dispute resolution, forms of non-judicial protection of civil rights, other (pre-trial) forms of protection of civil rights; the principles of regulating the activities of special bodies – arbitration and arbitration courts, notaries; study and analyze trends in the development of constitutional law to protect the rights and interests of citizens and organizations, as well as the competence of a psychologist and manager in education in resolving civil disputes and situations in the organization of education.




State regulation of the education system in the regions

The discipline is aimed at the formation of knowledge in the field of state regulation of the education system at the regional level and the formation of skills to assess the impact of management decisions on the quality of educational services, competencies in the use of methods for analyzing the effectiveness of the management system in the field of education.


CC 4


Public-private partnership in the field of education at the regional level

The course is aimed at developing students' knowledge of the basic principles, forms and methods of PPP in the field of education, mechanisms of interaction between the state and business in the field of infrastructure provision of the education sector; skills in using legal acts and policy documents in the field of PPP, assessing the effectiveness of PPP projects in the field of education at the regional level.



Pedagogical management

The academic discipline includes consideration of a number of issues on the formation of knowledge about the goals, objectives and levels of pedagogical management, the management of pedagogical systems as a type of social management; about goal-setting, decision-making and planning in the activities of a teacher; improving the skills to apply methods of effective management of pedagogical personnel, analyze the level of formation of the organizational and managerial competence of the teacher, the style of pedagogical management (leadership, interaction), monitor and analyze the organizational and managerial activities of the teacher in class, formulate recommendations for achieving professional success and competitiveness of the teacher.


CC 5


Strategic management of an educational organization

The academic discipline is aimed at the formation of managerial competencies in the field of strategic management of an educational organization through the assimilation of knowledge about the typology of strategies, the essence of the process of strategic management; understanding the key concepts of "mission", "vision", "values", "goal"; developing the skills to carry out a strategic analysis of the external and internal environment (benchmarking, SWOT analysis, etc.); will get an idea of ​​qualitative indicators and quantitative indicators in strategic planning, strategic planning of the participation of educational organizations in ratings, ranking, methods of strategic planning, forecasting and design and change management in educational organizations.



Information and digital technologies in education

The academic discipline reveals the possibilities of digital educational resources, forms knowledge about the implementation of the examination of ready-made digital educational resources, the integration and operation of information educational environments and management systems, which are later transferred to the educational platform, technologies for providing access to the services of educational organizations: websites, e-mail, user support in educational environments, digital technologies in research and their application in inclusive education


CC 5


Modern technologies of educational systems management

The academic discipline forms knowledge about the features of modern technologies for managing educational systems, their importance in ensuring the quality of education: state and public administration, communication technologies in management, management of innovative processes, health-saving management technologies, management of methodological work, technology of using game management in preschool education, technology the use of personal management, information technologies of management, technologies of dialogical management.



Work psychology

The discipline forms students' understanding of the specifics of labor psychology as a scientific psychological direction and its place in the structure of the human sciences; introduces the basic concepts and development trends of modern psychological concepts in the field of labor psychology, with the specifics of the individual's labor activity in the modern organizational environment; contributes to the development of practical skills and abilities to optimize it; reveals the specifics of the individual psychological characteristics of an individual as a subject of labor activity and allows you to develop specific ideas about ways to optimize the labor process in an organization.


CC 6


Organizational psychology

The purpose of mastering the discipline is to train professionals who are able to solve the whole range of tasks for the psychological support of effective organizational development, who own modern technologies of personnel management. Students will get acquainted with the current state of organizational psychology, with domestic and foreign organizational and psychological theories and concepts; will master the systematic knowledge of the psychological foundations of management activities and their application to solving practical problems in organizations; will master practical methods and techniques of organizational and psychological work.




In the process of studying the discipline, students will get acquainted with the theoretical foundations of psychodiagnostics; will learn the basics of designing, adapting and applying psychodiagnostic techniques, systematized knowledge in the field of theory and practice of making a psychological diagnosis. Competencies will be formed in the field of complex application of operational methods of psychodiagnostics in the process of interaction with clients of the psychological service; in the field of solving problems of psychological work related to the knowledge, understanding and explanation of various mental phenomena and psychological characteristics of people; solving a fairly wide range of psychodiagnostic tasks in the work of a psychologist.


CC 7


Experimental psychology

The purpose of the practical discipline is to form a system of knowledge among students on the methodology of a psychological experiment, its procedure and basic characteristics; the formation of skills in the use of methods of organizing a psychological experiment; acquisition of skills in designing and conducting a psychological experiment, choosing a method, collecting and presenting empirical data, their mathematical and statistical processing, evaluating research results and interpreting them within the framework of the initial research concept, the ability to interact between the experimenter and the subject.



Psychology of development

The academic discipline is aimed at the formation of students' system of knowledge about the laws, mechanisms and phenomena of development, the ability to use this knowledge in the practical work of a psychologist; theories of mental development in foreign psychology and their analysis; on the principles and methods of research in developmental psychology; on the criteria for the periodization of age-related development, the relationship between mental and biological, the role of socialization, social institutions in the development of personality.


CC 8


Age-related psychology

The discipline acquaints students with the psychological characteristics of human development in different age periods: perinatal psychology, psychology of infancy, psychology of early childhood, preschool psychology, psychology of primary school age, psychology of adolescence, psychology of adolescence, youth and adulthood, gerontopsychology.


CC 8


Family psychology

The discipline is aimed at the formation of knowledge about the psychological characteristics of the personality in the family, premarital behavior, stages of development of family relations, marital compatibility, problems and tendencies of the modern family, patterns of marital interaction, family microclimate, marital conflicts, psychological and pedagogical characteristics and conditions of upbringing in the family; the ability to participate in psychological research based on the application of general professional knowledge and skills.


CC 8


Pedagogy and Psychology of Inclusive Education

The content of the discipline includes general issues of inclusive education, the conceptual apparatus of pedagogy and psychology of inclusive education, the history of its formation in the Republic of Kazakhstan; the concepts of norm and deviation, health and illness, disorder, defect in the somatic, mental, motor, intellectual, speech, sensory, emotional-volitional development of a person; the main tasks and principles of pedagogy and psychology of inclusive education; professional activity of a psychologist in the socio-psychological adaptation of children with special abilities; psychological typology of deviant development, a system of psychological support.



Fundamentals of Pathopsychology

The academic discipline forms knowledge of the basic concepts of pathopsychology, its subject, tasks, fundamental and applied significance for psychology, psychiatry and other related fields of knowledge; ideas about changes and disorders of mental processes, psychological states, emotional and personal sphere in borderline neuropsychic, personality disorders, mental diseases and behavioral disorders, psychopathological and pathopsychological syndromes; practical skills in conducting pathopsychological research of the cognitive sphere and personality using professional techniques.




Social pathologies

The discipline forms the knowledge necessary to understand the causes and diversity of behavior of various population groups and social well-being, as well as ideas about the need and effectiveness of preventive measures with the participation of teachers. The course studies such social phenomena as: stress and depression, aggressive behavior, crime, domestic violence, suicide, pathologies of urbanization, alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, human trafficking and slavery, religious extremism, corruption as negative social phenomena.



Minor program "Economic Foundations of Entrepreneurship"

Economic theory, Management




Minor program "Finance"

Finance, Tax and Taxation


Minor program "Entrepreneurial projects"

Entrepreneurship, Business Planning


Minor Program "Human Development Trends"

Acmeology, Psychology of communication


Courses of major disciplines

University component

Name of the discipline

Short description of the discipline

Number of credits

Formed competencies (codes)


Innovation management in education

The academic discipline is aimed at mastering theoretical knowledge, developing the ability to carry out managerial tasks, make managerial decisions that are effective for the current state of the education sector and taking into account the prospects for its development. The problems are presented as follows: Modernization of the education system. Independence, autonomy of an educational organization, independence of subjects of education as a necessary condition for increasing the efficiency of the educational process. Information and educational environment and social and administrative resources for the development of educational organizations. The modern concept and program for the development of an educational organization. Formation of interprofessional interaction of specialists of an educational organization and management styles. Traditional and innovative technologies for managing educational systems. Management of educational innovation. Innovative management of the technological basis of the educational process. Economic innovation in education. Management of pedagogical innovation. Organizational innovation in education.




History of psychology

The purpose of studying the discipline is to form a system of knowledge among students with the main stages of the formation and development of psychology as a science. The content of the discipline examines the subject, object and methods of the history of psychology, the main stages in the development of psychology; the analysis of the patterns of development of psychological knowledge, the specifics of the main scientific schools and their formation in Kazakhstan and the world in the context of the general cultural and general scientific historical situation is carried out.




General and social pedagogy

The discipline forms scientific ideas about the theory and practice of general and social pedagogy. The course is focused on mastering knowledge about the emergence and development of pedagogy, child development in society, social education, socialization, the essence of socio-pedagogical victimology, methodology and technology of socio-pedagogical activity, the peculiarities of socio-pedagogical work with various population groups and social institutions.





The tasks of the industrial practice are: to master the skills and abilities of setting goals, formulating tasks for individual and joint activities, cooperation with work colleagues in the interests of solving problems of psychological work; deepen and consolidate theoretical knowledge in psychology, get the skill of their practical application; carry out psychological support of an organization, group, individual; master the methods of diagnostic and socio-psychological research; to form a professional position of a psychologist, worldview, style of behavior, master professional ethics; to get acquainted with the specifics of the psychologist's activities in various organizations of the social sphere.






The purpose of the internship is to acquire practical professional knowledge and work experience of a manager (assistant manager, deputy manager, specialist) in education management bodies, the regional Department for Quality Assurance in the field of education, in the organization of education. In the course of practical training, the professional readiness of the future specialist for independent labor activity, compliance with job descriptions, and the quality of the work performed are checked.







The purpose of the internship is to acquire practical professional knowledge and work experience of a psychologist, social psychologist on the basis of various organizations in the social sphere, at enterprises, in public organizations. During the internship, the professional readiness of the future specialist for independent work is checked, compliance with job descriptions, the quality of work performed. work.






Undergraduate practice

The purpose of pre-diploma practice is to generalize and systematize theoretical and practical knowledge in the conditions of a student's activity in a particular organization; processing of the material obtained in the course of experimental (empirical) research, justification of the selection and application of research methods adequate to the goals, objectives and hypothesis of the diploma project, determination of the correctness of quantitative and qualitative processing and interpretation of research results, registration of the diploma project is carried out.






Elective component

Name of the discipline

Short description of the discipline

Number of credits

Formed competencies (codes)


Psychology of Personality

The academic discipline is designed to form scientific categories and concepts related to "personality psychology", the main domestic and foreign scientific approaches to the study of personality; the ability to independently use conceptual tools from the field of personality psychology and apply the knowledge gained to analyze specific personality problems. The content of the discipline includes questions about personality structure, personality formation, personality dynamics, current personality problems in society, the inner world of the personality, the spiritual being of the personality and the social context of personality development.



Differential psychology

The objectives of the course are to study and systematize knowledge about individual differences, the sources of their formation, structure and ways of manifestation. The content of the discipline includes theoretical and methodological foundations for describing and explaining systematic individual differences, studies of the structure and genesis of personality and intelligence, personality-theoretical paradigms, the structure of individual psychological characteristics of a person, the role of environmental and genetic factors in their origin, the influence of individual psychological characteristics on the nature of development, learning, activity, interpersonal interaction.


The psychology of influence

In the process of studying the discipline, students will have knowledge about communication, will master the understanding of psychological influence and the scope of its manifestation, the main approaches to understanding the process of manipulation, will gain knowledge about manipulative technologies and the conditions for their use, types and mechanisms of psychological defenses, practical methods of protection and counteraction to manipulative influences.



The psychology of emotions

The content of the discipline includes knowledge about topical problems of the psychology of emotions, various interpretations and basic approaches to the consideration of emotions from antiquity to the present; connections of emotions with various spheres of the human psyche; physiological, psychodynamic (motivational), cognitive theories of emotions; emotional states and various approaches to determining the ways of developing emotions; diagnostics and correction of emotional states, methods of correction: art therapy, music therapy, psychodrama, etc.


Psychosocial technology

The discipline is aimed at developing the competencies of future psychologists in the use of modern technologies in psychosocial practice in various fields: psychological counseling, psychological correction, psychotherapeutic assistance, social and psychological patronage, psychoprophylactic work, psychological trainings, attracting clients to participate in self-support groups, emergency (according to phone) psychological help, psychological support.



Innovative technologies in psychology

The academic discipline forms the knowledge of innovative technologies in psychology, the experience of introducing psychological innovations into the work of psychologists in world practice and in Kazakhstan: treatment by drawing, the use of IT-developments, music therapy, dance and movement therapy, etc., the competence of future psychologists in the implementation of innovative technologies in social sphere.


Minor program "Economic Foundations of Entrepreneurship"

Business Economics, Entrepreneurship




Minor program "Finance"

Banking, Organization of interaction between banks and enterprises


Minor program "Entrepreneurial projects"

Risk Management, Entrepreneurial Projects: Management and Implementation


Minor Program "Human Development Trends"

Conflictology, Technology for the development of critical thinking

Competence code

Content of competence

Learning outcomes code

Content of the learning outcome for the educational program


The ability of an individual to social, cultural and physical development based on the principles of multiculturalism, multilingualism and ecological thinking


Demonstrates personal and professional competitiveness, civic stance, physical and ecological culture, culture of academic honesty, formation of critical thinking, creativity and readiness for collaboration


Carries out interpersonal, intercultural and professional communication, using grammatical knowledge and speech means and skills of academic presentation in oral and written forms in the state, Russian and foreign languages, analyzes information in accordance with the communication situation


Readiness to apply digital technologies for the development of production, business, science, social sphere


Uses various types of ICT: Internet resources, cloud and mobile services for the search, storage, processing, protection and dissemination of information.


The ability to carry out professional activities based on developed legal awareness, legal thinking and legal culture, to solve standard tasks of professional activities, to make decisions and take actions in managerial and psychological activities in accordance with the law.


Understands the values of law and the concept of the common good; demonstrates a respectful attitude to law and law, intolerance to unlawful behavior, manifestations of corruption, strives for fair behavior and law enforcement; evaluates the legal, moral and ethical consequences of their actions; demonstrates adherence to the standards of academic integrity, business qualities.


The ability to effectively manage educational bodies and organizations on the basis of knowledge in the field of public administration of education, strategies for the development of an educational organization, determine the resources necessary to achieve the goals of the organization, draw up managerial decisions in an adequate form and conduct organizational and managerial research


Demonstrates and operates with knowledge of the state policy in the field of education, the goals of the functioning and tasks of the education system, the essence of public administration of education, state planning in the field of education, educational management at the regional level, presents integrated information and conducts analysis and forecasting on the development and improvement of the education system in Republic of Kazakhstan


Implements the main provisions of management sciences, demonstrates knowledge of the mechanisms of interaction between the state and business in the field of infrastructural support of the education sector, practical skills in making managerial decisions, the ability to assess the impact of managerial decisions on the quality of educational services, uses methods for analyzing the effectiveness of the education management system in the face of constant changes in the external environment


Willingness to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the education quality system, apply modern innovative management technologies in education, develop concepts and programs for the development and management of an educational organization, use methods of analysis, monitoring, correction and assessment of the external and internal environment of an educational organization, digital literacy


Demonstrates knowledge of international and domestic experience in assessing the quality of the education system, the ability to apply methods, technologies and tools for assessing the quality of programs, plans, projects and results of an educational organization; carries out internal and external monitoring and examination of the quality of the provision of educational services; reproduces methods and procedures, concepts, rules and principles of internal and external assessment of the education quality system in educational institutions;


Demonstrates practical skills in using modern electronic means of supporting the information and digital environment of an educational organization, makes management decisions in the face of different opinions of participants in educational relations, social partners, prevents conflicts and defends his own position; assesses the social and administrative resources for the development of the educational organization, the results of assessing the education quality system; identifies problems, risks and shortcomings in the education quality system; shows creative and analytical skills, systemic and critical thinking in the implementation of management tasks in education.


Willingness to identify the specifics of a person's mental functioning, taking into account the characteristics of age stages, developmental crises and risk factors, his / her belonging to gender, ethnic, professional and other social groups; predicting changes and dynamics of the level of development and functioning of the cognitive and motivational-volitional sphere, self-awareness, psychomotor skills, character abilities, temperament, functional states, personality traits and accentuations in health and mental disorders



Demonstrates knowledge about the structure and development of the central nervous system, its main divisions, their structural features, ideas about the functional organization of the nervous system, neural mechanisms of the organization of reflex behavior and the principles of the systemic organization of brain functions; applies knowledge of the anatomy of the nervous system to understand the patterns of human higher nervous activity, understands the anatomical and physiological foundations of the psyche, owns the skills of finding and using information about the results of modern research in the field of anatomy and physiology of the nervous system


Demonstrates knowledge about psychological phenomena, categories, methods of studying and describing the patterns of functioning and development of the psyche, analyzes the psychological theories of the emergence and development of the psyche in the process of evolution; owns the basic methods of analyzing psychological properties and states, characteristics of mental processes, various types of activities of individuals, the skills of analyzing their activities as a professional psychologist in order to optimize their own activities, understands the specifics and goals of fundamental and applied branches of psychology, the origins of their emergence and development.


Readiness to implement standard programs aimed at preventing deviations in social and personal status and development, selection and application of psychodiagnostic techniques that are adequate to the goals, situation and contingent of respondents, to describe the structure of a professional's activity within a certain area, to implement standard basic procedures for providing an individual, group, organization of psychological assistance using traditional and innovative methods and technologies


Demonstrates the ability to develop the design of psychological research, conduct psychological research based on the application of professional knowledge and skills in various scientific and scientific-practical areas of psychology; owns the techniques of analyzing, evaluating and interpreting the results of psychological research, checking and evaluating the relationship between theory and empirical data, preparing reporting documentation and summarizing the data obtained in the form of scientific articles and reports; applies methods of psychodiagnostics


Demonstrate knowledge of innovative psychosocial technologies, possess the skills of organizing psychological counseling, psychological correction, psychological assistance and support, the ability to use techniques and techniques, the basic techniques developed as part of an objective psychodiagnostic approach, show interpersonal, behavioral, professional skills of individual and group work, compilation skills programs of psychological support of a person, a group.


The ability to carry out psychological analysis and forecasting the effectiveness of the organization of training and education, psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process


Demonstrates knowledge of psychological phenomena and patterns of educational activity, upbringing and development of subjects of the educational process, the formation of professional thinking, psychological culture, ethics, mastery of methods of effective communication, cooperation and interaction


Demonstrates knowledge of modern conditions for the implementation of inclusive education, regulatory and information support of an inclusive educational environment, psychological and pedagogical support of subjects of inclusive education, criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of inclusive education; implements the skills of developing programs for psychological support of the educational process, social and pedagogical work with various groups of the population and social institutions


The ability to understand the essence of economic relations for the functioning of a successful business in the professional field


Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of economic processes, skills of entrepreneurship, leadership, receptivity to innovation, use them to achieve effective results, the ability to create and develop a business in the professional field, and develop conditions for its successful functioning.

Name of the type of practice: Practical training

Course: 1.

The purpose of the practical training (introductory) is to acquire primary professional competencies, including the consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge acquired in the course of training, obtaining the first skills of research activities, business correspondence skills, and the acquisition of practical skills and work skills in accordance with the educational program. The educational practice is focused on familiarization with the main activities of the university; with the organizational and legal form, structure, and management system of educational organizations; study of the main tasks of future professional activity.

Name of the type of practice: Psychological and pedagogical practice

Course: 2

Psychological and pedagogical practice of students is a personality-oriented active form of training, which lays the foundation for the formation of professional competencies of the future psychologist. The purpose is to get acquainted with the activities of the psychological service in the organization of education, the content of the work of the school psychologist, his documentation, participation in the planned activities of the psychological service to support the educational process. The practice is aimed at the professional adaptation of students, the formation of communication skills and personal qualities necessary for interaction and cooperation in the workforce.

Name of the type of practice: Work experience internship

Course: 3

The tasks of the industrial practice are: to master the skills and abilities of setting goals, formulating tasks for individual and joint activities, cooperation with work colleagues in the interests of solving problems of psychological work; deepen and consolidate theoretical knowledge in psychology, get the skill of their practical application; carry out psychological support of an organization, group, individual; master the methods of diagnostic and socio-psychological research; to form a professional position of a psychologist, worldview, style of behavior, master professional ethics; to get acquainted with the specifics of the psychologist's activities in various organizations of the social sphere.


Name of the type of practice: Work experience internship

Course:  4

The purpose of the internship is to acquire practical professional knowledge and work experience of a manager (assistant manager, deputy manager, specialist) in education management bodies, the regional Department for Quality Assurance in the field of education, in the organization of education. In the course of practical training, the professional readiness of the future specialist for independent labor activity, compliance with job descriptions, and the quality of the work performed are checked.


Name of the type of practice: Work experience internship

Course:  4

The purpose of the internship is to acquire practical professional knowledge and work experience of a psychologist, social psychologist on the basis of various organizations in the social sphere, at enterprises, in public organizations. During the internship, the professional readiness of the future specialist for independent work is checked, compliance with job descriptions, the quality of work performed work.

Name of the type of practice: Undergraduate practice

Course:  4

The purpose of pre-diploma practice is to generalize and systematize theoretical and practical knowledge in the conditions of a student's activity in a particular organization; processing of the material obtained in the course of experimental (empirical) research, justification of the selection and application of research methods adequate to the goals, objectives and hypothesis of the diploma project, determination of the correctness of quantitative and qualitative processing and interpretation of research results, registration of the diploma project is carried out.

Name of the software product



Massive Open Online Course «Cultural Studies»



Massive Open Online Course «Kazakh language»

Kazakh language


Massive Open Online Course «Professional Kazakh language»

Interdisciplinary course «Professionally-oriented language»


Massive Open Online Course «Russian language»

Russian language


Massive Open Online Course «English language»

English language


Massive Open Online Course «Information and communication tehnologies»

Information and communication tehnologies


Massive Open Online Course «Management»

Pedagogical management


Massive Open Online Course «Entrepreneurship»

Entrepreneurial projects


Massive Open Online Course «Entrepreneurial projects: management and implementation»

Entrepreneurial projects


Massive Open Online Course «Non-judicial ways to protect civil rights»

Non-judicial ways to protect civil rights, Legal regulation of the education system


Massive Open Online Course «Fundamentals of Law»

Fundamentals of Law


Massive Open Online Course «Innovation management in education »

Innovation management in education, Strategic management of an educational organization


Electronic textbook «Sociology»



Electronic textbook «General and social pedagogy»

General and social pedagogy


Electronic textbook «Research work of students at the university as a factor of a competent specialist»

Методология и методы научных исследований в психологии


Electronic textbook «Organization and planning of scientific research and innovation activities»

Methodology and methods of scientific research in psychology


Electronic textbook «Communication in psychology»

Social psychology, Work psychology, Organizational psychology


Electronic textbook «Psychology» (on Russian and Kazakh)

General psychology



Educational programs - Bachelor

Speciality CodeSpeciality NameFacultyChairDirection of training
6B03101 International relations Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME) Chair of International Relations and World Economy Social Sciences
6B04212 Jurisprudence - "Legal regulation in the field of economics" Faculty of business, law and technology (FBLT) Chair of Legal Regulation of Economic Relations Law
6B04213 Customs affairs Faculty of business, law and technology (FBLT) Chair of Customs affairs Law
6B04101 Economy Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME) Chair of Economics and Entrepreneurship Business and management
6B04102 Management Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME) Chair of Management and Innovation Business and management
6B04111 Project and innovation management Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME) Chair of Management and Innovation Business and management
6B01402 Physical culture and sports management Faculty of business, law and technology (FBLT) Chair of physical culture Training of teachers with subject specialization of General development
6B04103 Accounting and audit Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies (FFLDT) Chair of Accounting and Auditing Business and management
6B04104 Finance Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies (FFLDT) Chair of Finance Business and management
6B04105 State and local government Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME) Chair of state and local government Business and management
6B04106 Marketing Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies (FFLDT) Department of Marketing and Logistics Business and management
6B04107 World Economy Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME) Chair of International Relations and World Economy Business and management
6B06101 Information systems Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies (FFLDT) Chair of Information and Computing Systems Information and Communication Technology
6B06102 Computing engineering and software Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies (FFLDT) Chair of Information and Computing Systems Information and Communication Technology
6B06103 IT-analitika Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies (FFLDT) Chair of Information and Computing Systems Information and Communication Technology
6B07201 Technology of food products Faculty of business, law and technology (FBLT) Chair of Merchandising and Certification Manufacturing and production industries
6B07502 Standardization, certification and metrology (on branches) Faculty of business, law and technology (FBLT) Chair of Merchandising and Certification Standardization, certification and Metrology (by branches)
6B11101 Tourism Faculty of business, law and technology (FBLT) Chair of Tourism and Catering Service industry
6B10201 Social work Faculty of business, law and technology (FBLT)

Chair of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work

Social security
6B04108 Estimation Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME) Chair of Evaluation and Ecology Business and management
6B11102 Restaurant business and hotel business Faculty of business, law and technology (FBLT) Chair of Tourism and Catering Service industry
6B11303 Logistics Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME) Chair of Marketing and Logistics Transport services
6B05201 Ecology Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME) Chair of Evaluation and Ecology Environment
6B01401 Basics of Law and Economics Faculty of business, law and technology (FBLT)

Chair of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work

Training of teachers with subject specialization of General development
6В03102 Psychology and Management in education Faculty of business, law and technology (FBLT)  Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work Social sciences, journalism and information
Social Sciences

Educational programs - PhD

Code of specialtySpecialtyDirection of training
8D04101 Economy Social Sciences and Business
8D04102 Management Social Sciences and Business
8D04103 State and local government Social Sciences and Business
8D04110 Finance Business and Management


  • Speciality Code:




    Direction of training:

    Social Sciences and Business

  • Contingent of doctoral students on educational program for 2021-2022
    Doctoral students studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Doctoral students studying for a fee
8D04101 "Economics"
The content of the educational doctoral program 8D04101 "Economics" consists of such disciplines as "Methodology of scientific research", "Innovative development and competitiveness of the economy", "Infrastructural support for the development of the knowledge economy", etc.
This allows you to acquire such competencies as:
- knowledge of methods of scientific research of socio-economic systems, transformation of research results into ideas,
- the ability to generate ideas in the field of improving the competitiveness of the country and its regions based on the efficient use of resources, an interactive knowledge economy and knowledge-intensive technologies.
- ability to solve research problems based on econometric models using modern electronic data processing technologies
The duration of doctoral studies is 3 years. The form of study is full–time.
The educational programs of the doctoral program are based on the enhanced integration of educational, methodological and research activities focused on the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel with a high level of knowledge, skills, skills and competencies in the field of economics.
The basis of the fundamental educational program of the doctoral program consists of author's courses, professorial scientific seminars, guest lectures, master classes of famous scientists and practitioners.
Scientific and applied research is carried out within the framework of scientific schools of leading scientists of Kazakhstan.
The effective implementation of research activities is facilitated by the functioning of the Research Institute of Economic and Legal Research.
The university's stable position as a strategic partner has allowed us to form a reliable network of our corporate partners in scientific and creative research: these are institutions of the financial and credit system, departments and departments of public administration, enterprises of various forms of ownership, colleges, etc.
The main partner universities in the implementation of joint research projects, increasing academic mobility, and organizing scientific internships are the Institute for Research in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, Germany, the Institute of Innovation Management, Germany, the University of St. Stephen, Hungary, the University of Economics of Krakow, Poland, St. Cl. Ohridski Sofia University, Bulgaria, the University of Santiago de Compastela, Spain, etc.

Program degree:
the doctor on a profile of specialty 8D04101 Economy
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(at least 180 ECTS credits)
Educational institution Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance of Education (NCAOKO)

Validity period This program is approved by the University for a period of 3 years for persons receiving a degree at the university since 2016
KR level for the EHEA

(Qualification Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 3rd cycle; ECR (European Qualification Framework): level 8; NRK (National qualifications framework): level 8

  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program is to train competitive scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of socio-economic systems, professional academic elite with a high level of scientific competence and culture, skills of their implementation in practical and scientific activities
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • Main disciplines:
      - Basic disciplines: Interdisciplinary course "Methods of scientific research", Academic Writing
      - Core disciplines: Mathematical models in management, Strategic management of public sector resources: methodological approaches and effective practices, Innovative development and competitiveness of the economy; Competitiveness and effectiveness of the corporate sector of the economy; Infrastructural support for the development of the knowledge economy; Formation of a knowledge-intensive economy.
    • 2.General information/
    • -When implementing the educational program 8D04101 "Economics", a credit-modular system of organizing the educational process is used, based on the modular principle of curricula, the use of a system of credit units and appropriate educational technologies
    • 3.Direction
    • Scientific and pedagogical doctoral studies
    • 4.Pecularities
    • Graduates of the educational program 8D04101 "Economics" are focused on the following types of professional activities:
      The spheres of professional activity of graduates are scientific directions for the branches of the national economy, the social sphere: education, services and business, etc. The objects of professional activity are research institutes, higher educational institutions, state and local government bodies; production and economic, social and managerial, marketing, financial and analytical services of enterprises, business structures, organizations and departments.
      The types of professional activity of PhD graduates in the OP "Economics" are production and management, research, pedagogical directions
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • scientific directions for the branches of the national economy, social sphere: education, services and business
    • 2.Further training
    • scientific directions for the branches of the national economy, social sphere: education, services and business
  • D) Education style
    • 1.Approaches to study and learning
    • Innovative forms of classes are widely used in the educational process
    • 2.Evaluation methods
    • Boundary control; intermediate certification (essay writing); defense of research reports, scientific internship (report), final certification (doctoral dissertation defense)
  • E) Program competencies
    • KK 1 - Knowledge of methods of scientific research of socio-economic systems, the ability to transform research results into ideas and inform the scientific community about them, based on the norms of academic literacy and scientific ethics
      KK2 - Implementation of scientific and pedagogical activities using the skills of university training of specialists in the field of socio-economic sciences
      KK3 - The ability to solve research problems based on econometric models using modern electronic data processing technologies
      KK4 - The ability to generate ideas in the field of improving the competitiveness of the country and its regions based on the efficient use of resources, an interactive knowledge economy and knowledge-intensive technologies.
      KK5 - The ability to integrate
      existing knowledge and competencies in the field of economics, to contribute with their own research and achievements that deserve publication at the national or international level
      PC2 - Be prepared to apply effective project management in the formulation of research objectives in the field of economy;
      PC3 - Be prepared for the development of research in the field of economy;
      PC4 - Be prepared for constructive protection of research results in the field of economy;
      PC 5 - Be prepared to show a deep economic knowledge;
      PC 6 - Be prepared to interpret the deep economic knowledge in research in promising areas of the economy;
      PC7 - Be prepared for the generation of knowledge in the economy and related fields of scientific research and solve tasks that require abstract and creative thinking and originality in the development of economic decision-making;
      PC 8 - To have information on the socio-economic importance and formulate a conclusion about the effectiveness of mechanisms for sustainable social, ecological and economic development;
      PC 9 - Own methodology economic and safe use of natural resources in relation to the rational use of subsoil;
      PC 10 - Be able to demonstrate the consistency of obtaining and comparing the information in the field of economy;
      PC 11 - Being able to teach economic disciplines at the university, using the appropriate programs and teaching materials in economics;
      PC 12 - Be able to critically evaluate the proposed options for management decisions, to develop and justify proposals for their improvement, taking into account criteria of social and economic benefits, risks and possible socio-economic consequences;
      PC 13 - Being able to analyze and interpret the data of domestic and foreign statistics on socio-economic processes and phenomena, to identify trends in the socio-economic indicators;
      PC 14 - To be able on the basis of standard operating procedures and regulatory framework to calculate the economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activity of economic entities;
      PC 15 - Be able to carry out economic plans, sections calculations to justify them, and to submit the results in accordance with accepted standards in the organization;
      PC 16 - Demonstrate the ability to describe the economic processes and phenomena, construction of standard theoretical models and econometric analysis and meaningful interpretation of the results
  • F) The complete list of learning outcomes for this program
    • Is PO1 - Designs scientific research based on modern methodology and tools, generates scientific results and substantiates ideas in the field of transformation of socio-economic systems
      RO2- Is able to synthesize new and complex ideas using oral and written communication skills during research and subsequent publication in international scientific journals
      RO3 - Organizes research, project and educational and professional activities of students, applying the skills of social interaction, interpersonal, intercultural and professional communication
      RO4 - Constructs econometric models in the field of analysis and forecasting of the dynamics of socio-economic systems and finds their solution using modern methods and programs of information processing
      RO 5 - Connects the system of basic provisions on management and the methodology of management based on results for the analysis and evaluation of strategic plans, programs and projects in the public sector of the economy
      RO6 - Constructs trends in innovative development and growth of competitiveness of the economy and its sectors based on modern concepts and their synthesis,
      RO7 - Applies a system of knowledge about the multidimensionality and nonlinearity of the organizational and economic mechanism of modern economic activity in the context of the development of a knowledge-intensive economy, about the influence of factors of production of various sectors of the economy for the formation of the knowledge economy.
      RO8 - Implements scientific, experimental and managerial activities based on modern scientific methods, based on knowledge and the results of its own original research.
  • Mandatory disciplines
    • The purpose of teaching the discipline. "Methods of scientific research" is a basic discipline that is taught in the specialty 6D050600 - "Economics" at the PhD level. The purpose of the course is to master the methodology of scientific thinking by doctoral students, to improve the skills of writing scientific papers and to creatively apply knowledge in the practice of studying various fields of economic activity based on critical analysis.
      - study of methodological and methodological approaches to conducting economic research;
      - determination of the structure and stages of the research process, taking into account the critical analysis of the problem posed;
      - in-depth study of the main methods of conducting research and, on this basis, mastering the skills of self-assessment based on the use of concepts and analytical tools;
      - instilling skills of working with information sources - the analytical base of the study;
      - development of the ability to develop recommendations based on a deep and critical analysis of scientific and practical material;
      - generalization of the author's position within the framework of intermediate and final results in the process of developing and modeling independently conducted scientific research.
      The object of study of this discipline is a system of principles, methods, rules of organization and construction of theoretical and practical activities in the scientific field.
      Prerequisites: "Organization and planning of scientific research", "Modern problems of the economy of Kazakhstan", "Micro-, macroeconomic analysis".
      Post-requirements: research work, work on a doctoral dissertation
      Learning outcomes:
      A. knowledge of scientific analysis methods;
      B. ability to identify and formulate a problem;
      C. reasonable and competent use of analytical apparatus;
      D. Creative and effective use of methods of planning and organizing research;
      E.the ability to interpret the results productively in order to obtain practically meaningful recommendations.
      Methodology of disciplines: analysis and synthesis, comparison, abstraction, concretization, generalization, modeling.
  • Name of the discipline: Mathematical models in management
    • Prerequisites: Mathematical methods of assessment and management of economic risks, Mathematical modeling at the macro and micro level
      Post-requirements: Strategic management of public sector resources: methodological approaches and effective practices Research practice, research work of a doctoral student.
      Objective: To master the theoretical foundations and practical skills of applying mathematical models used in the development of management decisions.
      Brief description of the course: To be able to apply practical skills in constructing mathematical models to prove hypotheses and obtain scientific results.
      Learning outcomes (competencies):
      A. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the methodology, methodology and technology of constructing mathematical models of management tasks and finding their solutions.
      B. Demonstrate the ability to use model design skills and the use of modern information technologies to find the optimal solution.
      C. Critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize scientific results based on mathematical methods and models.
      D. to Acquire the skills to collect and interpret information, to be able to present it in different forms of communication, working in groups, to discuss and defend their position, to make decisions.
      E. to be able to solve various management problems, to interpret the results and give recommendations..
  • Name of the discipline: Statistical methods of analysis of socio-economic systems
    • Prerequisites: Mathematical methods of assessment and management of economic risks, Mathematical modeling at the macro and micro level
      Post-requirements: Research work, work on a doctoral dissertation.
      Objective: to develop doctoral students' skills in working with big data, processing them using statistical methods to obtain results, their subsequent interpretation and transformation into their own ideas.
      Course summary: The interdisciplinary course focuses on the formation of doctoral students' ability to design and implement economic scientific research based on secondary analysis of statistical data using statistical software packages (STATA, R)
      Learning outcomes (competencies):
      A. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of methods and methods of statistical processing of big data using digital big data processing technologies
      C. Demonstrate the ability to think, design scientific ideas as a result of interpreting the results obtained as a result of data processing
      D. Contribute through original research to improving the efficiency of managing socio-economic processes by strengthening the analytical foundations of decisions
      made d. Be able to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize solutions based on big data processing of socio-economic processes.
      E. To be able to communicate their knowledge and achievements to the scientific community through the preparation of analytical materials as a result of data processing using digital statistical technologies
      F. To promote the ideas of scientific development in the field of analytically sound strategic decisions.
  • Name of the discipline: Innovative development and competitiveness of the economy
    • Prerequisites: Micro-macro economic analysis, Economics of modern business and development strategies
      Post-requirements: Competitiveness and efficiency of the corporate sector of the economy, Infrastructural support for the development of the knowledge economy, the formation of a knowledge-intensive economy.
      Objective: The discipline is focused on the formation of doctoral students' understanding of the fundamentals of the functioning and development of innovation systems in the national and global economy, analysis and determination of their role and importance in improving the competitiveness and industrial and innovative development of the country.
      Brief description of the course: Theoretical foundations of the formation of an innovative economy. Globalization and competitiveness of Kazakhstan's economy. Global trends in the development of innovation. The main factors of activation of innovation activity. Mechanisms of regulation of innovation activity in various economic systems. Development of innovative activity as a factor of increasing the competitiveness of Kazakhstan. Innovation policy is a central tool for ensuring the competitiveness of the economy. Formation of the innovative strategy of the enterprise. Methodological approaches to research and formation of innovation potential, innovation environment and innovation infrastructure. Formation of an innovative model of industrial development in Kazakhstan. Formation of a competitive national economy based on clustering.
      Learning outcomes:
      A. Acquire knowledge and understanding of modern concepts and theories explaining the principles and the relationship between innovative development and the competitiveness of the economy.
      V. be able to analyze, predict and design trends of innovative development of the national economy, to find problems and bottlenecks, to find solutions to overcome them
      C. Critically evaluate different concepts and generate their own ideas about the possible ways of activization of innovative development and competitiveness of the economy master the ways of argumentation and evidence of the proposed ideas taking into account social, ethical and scientific considerations.
      D. to Form the ability to make innovative development models and model of a competitive economy
      E. Acquire skills in collecting and interpreting information, be able to communicate it in various forms of messages to the scientific community, work in a group, discuss and defend their position.
  • Name of the discipline: Assessment of the competitiveness of the corporate sector of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    • Prerequisites: Micro-macro economic analysis, Economics of modern business and development strategies
      Post-requirements: Research work, work on a doctoral dissertation.
      Purpose: The course is designed to develop the ability of doctoral students to analyze and evaluate the competitiveness of the corporate sector of the economy as the basis of the competitiveness of the national economy
      Brief description of the course: The course examines the issues of assessing and analyzing the competitiveness of enterprises of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, critically analyzes the methodology for assessing and diagnosing the competitiveness of the corporate sector of the economy.
      Learning outcomes :
      A. Demonstrates a systematic understanding of the process of determining the level of competitiveness of the corporate sector of the economy and its impact
      V. Demonstrates the ability to evaluate and synthesize new ideas to put into practice the acquired knowledge in the process of conducting scientific research, development of management decisions, strategic plans, budgets.
      C. contribute their own original ideas, and logical arguments to prove your own position when evaluating the performance of the corporate sector of the economy.
      D. Communicates his knowledge and ideas on ways to improve the competitiveness of the corporate sector and increase its effectiveness.
      E. Demonstrates the skills of independent collection, analysis and presentation of data monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the corporate sector on the example of individual industries.
  • Name of the discipline: Infrastructural support for the development of the knowledge economy
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific research, Methodology of scientific research,
      Post-requirements: Research work, work on a doctoral dissertation.
      Purpose: formation of knowledge in the field of understanding the role, place, size of the impact of infrastructure on the development of the entire socio-economic system of the country
      Brief description of the course: The course involves the study of the infrastructure of the involvement of factors of production in economic processes in a modern market economy. The objects of study are subjects of innovation infrastructure and the intellectual property market, subjects of financial and market infrastructure, subjects of the social sphere contributing to the development of the knowledge economy in Kazakhstan and related to both the public and private sector
      Learning outcomes:
      A. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of doctoral students about the multidimensionality and nonlinearity of the organizational and economic mechanism of modern economic activity in the context of advanced development and formation of the knowledge economy
      B. Demonstrate the ability to design scientific ideas in the field of understanding the importance of the role of the infrastructure of the economy in the formation of the knowledge economy
      C. Contribute through original research
      D. Be able to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize solutions for the development of the infrastructure of the economy
      E. Be able to communicate their knowledge and achievements about the multidimensionality and nonlinearity of the organizational and economic mechanism of modern economic activity, the impact of infrastructure to the scientific communityA.
  • Name of the discipline: Formation of a knowledge-intensive economy
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific research, Methodology of scientific research
      Post-requirements: Research work, work on a doctoral dissertation.
      Objective: to study theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of a competitive national knowledge-intensive economy and to develop practical recommendations for its further development and to increase the level of competitiveness of knowledge-intensive industries
      Brief description of the course: The course is designed to study theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of a knowledge-intensive competitive national economy, the knowledge economy and the development of strategic solutions to determine the further development and increase the competitiveness of knowledge-intensive industries
      Learning outcomes:
      A. to Demonstrate a systematic understanding of doctoral students about the key issues of high-tech enterprises based on the assessment of the level, structure and dynamics of values of key economic indicators
      B. Demonstrate the ability to design scientific ideas in the understanding of system analysis to the problems of Economics and management, prospects for the development of high-tech industries and the formation of their view on the modern scientific and theoretical basis, an adequate economic conditions and economic mechanisms.
      C. With. To contribute through original research to the expansion of the boundaries of the knowledge-based economy
      D. To be able to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize solutions for the formation of a knowledge-based economy
      E. To be able to communicate their knowledge and achievements about the multidimensionality and nonlinearity of the organizational and economic mechanism of modern economic activity, the impact of infrastructure to the scientific community.

PhD-EP-Innovation Management

  • Speciality Code:



    Innovation Management

    Direction of training:

    Social Sciences and Business

  • Contingent of doctoral students on educational program for 2023-2024
    Doctoral students studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Doctoral students studying for a fee

8D04107 “Innovation Management”

The content of the educational doctoral program 8D04107 “Innovation Management” consists of such disciplines as: “Academic writing”, “Scientific research methods”, “Mathematical models in management”, “Statistical methods for analyzing socio-economic systems”, “Strategic resource management” public sector: methodological approaches and effective practices”, “Business process management in the digital economy”, “Innovative technologies in management”, “Industrial market of information products and services”, “Business models in the information market”.

Innovative management allows you to acquire competencies in the development and implementation of new ideas and technologies in management activities in the conditions of rapid updating of knowledge and modernization of society. It is aimed at solving fundamental and applied problems, conducting qualified and creative analysis of modern problems of economics and management. It also includes organizing and conducting one’s own and joint scientific projects, setting current tasks and expanding the boundaries of scientific research on management issues. An important aspect is understanding the principles of constructing and improving educational programs in the field of management, as well as taking into account the economic, social, legal and communication aspects of business and management.

Graduates of doctoral studies in the field of study 8D04107 - “Innovation Management” have expert knowledge and skills that allow them to successfully work in various sectors of the economy, such as innovative enterprises, research laboratories, technology parks, venture funds, consulting agencies and government organizations that promote the development of innovation.

The duration of doctoral studies is 3 years. Full-time form of education.

PhD educational programs are built on the enhanced integration of educational, methodological and research activities focused on training scientific and pedagogical personnel with a high level of knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies in the field of economics.

The basis of the fundamental educational doctoral program is the author's courses, professorial scientific seminars, guest lectures, master classes of famous scientists and practitioners.

Scientific and applied research is carried out within the framework of scientific schools of leading scientists of Kazakhstan.

The effective implementation of research activities is facilitated by the functioning of the “Research Institute for Economic and Legal Research”, specialized educational and research laboratories and offices.

The university’s stable position as a strategic partner has made it possible to form a reliable network of our corporate partners in scientific and creative research: these are institutions of the financial and credit system, departments and agencies of public administration, enterprises of various forms of ownership, colleges, etc.

The main partner universities in implementing joint research projects, increasing academic mobility, and organizing scientific internships are: Institute for Eastern and South-East European Studies (Germany), Institute of Innovation Management (Germany), St. Stephen's University (Hungary), Economic University of Krakow ( Poland), Sofia University. St. Cl. Ohridsky (Bulgaria), University of Santiago de Compastela (Spain), etc.

Program degree: PhD of specialty 8D04107 Innovation Management
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(185 ECTS - credits / 75 kaz.credits)
Educational institution Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance of Education (IQAA)
Duration This program is approved by University for a period of 3 years for the persons receiving degree at university since 2016
Level QF for the EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area) third cycle; EQF (European Qualifications Framework) level 8; NQF (National Qualifications Frame): Level 8
  • A) Object
    • The aim of the educational program specialty 8D04102 «Management» is a training of highly qualified senior managers and researchers state and prospects of modern management system
    • Successful graduates must:
    • - demonstrate a systematic understanding of the field of study, mastery of the skills and research methods used in this field;
      - plan, develop, implement and adjust complex process of scientific research;
      - contribute their own original research in expanding the boundaries of scientific areas that may merit publication at the national or international level;
      - critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas;
      - communicate their knowledge and achievements of colleagues, the scientific community and the general public;
      - promote the development of a society based on knowledge.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • The main disciplines
      Basic disciplines: Management of researches
      Profiling discipline: Mathematical models in management, Innovative technologies in management, Management and budgeting on the results in the public sector of the economy, Knowledge management, Management of natural resources, Marketing innovations, Actual problems of marketing management in the global economy, The development of management in the context of the globalization of the modern economy
    • 2.General information/
    • With the implementation of educational programs specialty 8D04102 «Management» used credit-modular system of educational process organization, based on a modular principle, curricula, using the credit system and the corresponding educational technology
    • 3.Direction
    • PhD
    • 4.Pecularities
    • Graduates of educational programs focused on:
      Professional activities of PhD graduates in the specialty «Management” are
      in organizational and management areas:
      -Head, top managers of enterprises of all forms of ownership and economic sectors;
      -Head, employees of state and local government;
      -Head and experts in change management and the development of effective business communication and others.
      in the pedagogical-educational and research areas:
      -teachers, scientific employees of higher educational institutions;
      -Head, employees of research centers;
      -analytic consultants clearing houses;
      -analytic, consultants, experts, scientific research and experimental and consulting organizations;
      - Managers, senior managers, consultants, experts, national and international projects
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • research areas for sectors of the national economy, social sphere: education, services and business
    • 2.Further training
    • Post doc
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational process is widely used innovative forms of employment (business games, case studies, field sessions, debates, round tables, discussions, review of literature, individual and group projects)
    • 2.Methods of assessment
    • Landmark control; intermediate certification (essay writing); protection NIRD reports on the passage of pedagogical and research practices (reports); Scientific study tour (report), final examination (state examination, the doctoral thesis defense)
  • E) Program competence
    • 1.General competence
    • The program complies with the requirements of the State educational standards of postgraduate education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the third level of the cycle.
      This includes the general competence (also known as key skills) expected of graduates of the third cycle.
      Listed below are a summary of competence and the competence of the most characteristic for this program:
      RC1 - Have an idea about the main stages of development and a paradigm shift in the evolution of science, on the subject, ideological and methodological specificity of the natural (social, humanitarian, economic) sciences;
      RC2 - have an understanding of the scientific economic schools, their theoretical and practical developments, as well as scientific concepts of the world and Kazakhstan science in the field of economics and management;
      RC3 - Have an idea about the mechanism of introduction of scientific developments into practice, rules of cooperation in the scientific community, teaching and research ethics, research scientist;
      RC4 - Demonstrate an understanding of the methodology of scientific knowledge and modern trends, trends and patterns of development of Russian science in the context of globalization and internationalization, the achievements of world and Kazakhstan science in the field of economics and management;
      RC5 - Recognize and accept the social responsibility of science and education;
      RC6 - know perfectly foreign language for scientific communication and international cooperation;
      RC7 - To be able to organize, plan and implement the process of scientific research;
      RC8 - be able to analyze, evaluate and compare the different theoretical concepts in the field of research, to draw conclusions and to process information from different sources;
      RC9 - Be able to carry out independent scientific research, academic integrity is characterized on the basis of current theories and analysis methods to generate their own new scientific ideas, communicate their knowledge and ideas to the scientific community, expanding the boundaries of scientific knowledge;
      RC10 - Be able to choose and use modern research methodology effectively;
      RC11 - Have the skills of critical analysis, evaluation and comparison of different theories and ideas, analytical and experimental research activities, responsible and creative approach to scientific and educational activities;
      RC12 - Have the skills of oratory and public speaking at international scientific meetings, conferences and seminars, scientific events, fundamental scientific domestic and international projects, scientific writing and scientific communication;
      RC13 - Have the skills of planning, coordinating, forecasting results of the study and implementation of the processes of scientific research in economics;
      RC14 - Have skills systemic understanding of the field of study and demonstrate the high-quality and effectiveness of selected research methods, leadership management and leadership team;
      RC15 - Have skills in conducting patent searches and experience transfer of scientific information using modern information and innovative technologies, the protection of intellectual property rights to scientific discovery and development;
      RC16 - Be competent in the field of scientific and pedagogical activity in the conditions of rapid renewal and growth of information flows;
      RC17 - Be competent in carrying out theoretical and experimental research, formulation and solution of theoretical and applied problems, professional and comprehensive analysis of the problems in the economy;
      RC18 - Be competent in matters of interpersonal communication and human resource management, high school preparation of experts for examination of research projects and studies, to ensure continuous professional growth.
    • 2.Special (professional) competence:
    • PC1 - Be prepared for the selection of appropriate methodology and the correct use of research techniques in the field of management;
      PC2 - Be prepared to apply effective project management in setting research purposes in innovative projects;
      PC3 - Be prepared for development in the field of management studies;
      PC4 - Be prepared for constructive protection of research results in the field of management;
      SC5 - Be prepared to show in-depth knowledge in management;
      SC6 - Be prepared to interpret the deep economic knowledge in research in promising areas of management;
      PC7 - Be prepared for the generation of knowledge in the economy and related fields of scientific research and solve tasks that require abstract and creative thinking and originality in the development of management decisions
      PC8 - To have information on the socio-economic importance and formulate conclusions about the effectiveness of the use of social engineering;
      PC9 - Own methodology of financial management;
      PC10 - Be able to demonstrate the consistency of obtaining and comparing the management information;
      PC11 - Being able to teach economic disciplines in higher education using the appropriate programs and training materials management profession;
      PC12 - Be able to critically evaluate the proposed options for management decisions, to develop and justify proposals for their improvement, taking into account criteria of social and economic benefits, risks and possible socio-economic consequences;
      PC13 - Being able to analyze and interpret the data of domestic and foreign statistics on socio-economic processes and phenomena, to identify trends in the socio-economic indicators;
      PC14 - To be able on the basis of standard operating procedures and regulatory framework to calculate the economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activity of economic entities;
      PC15 - Be able to carry out economic plans, sections calculations to justify them, and to submit the results in accordance with accepted standards in the organization;
      PC16 - Demonstrate the ability to describe the economic processes and phenomena, construction of standard theoretical models and econometric analysis and meaningful interpretation of the results
  • F) Complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of professional practice in organizations, institutions and companies, graduates are able to demonstrate the ability of the following:
      be competent:
      - in the field of scientific and pedagogical activity in the conditions of rapid renewal and growth of information flows;
      - in carrying out theoretical and experimental research;
      - in the formulation and solution of theoretical and applied problems in scientific research;
      - to conduct a professional and comprehensive analysis of the problems in the relevant field;
      - in matters of interpersonal communication and human resource management;
      - in matters of university training;
      - in the examination of projects and studies;
      - to ensure continuous professional growth
  • Management of researches 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, History and philosophy of science, Organization and planning of scientific research, Management
    • The purpose of the studied discipline - to teach specialists to bases management, the organizations and planning of scientific and economic researches, to be able to understand in effect the main categories of the economic theory which will allow doctoral candidates to develop their scientific thinking and to draw own conclusions on actual problems of modern economy, will allow them to seize the modern computer and information technologies necessary for specialists of a new formation.
    • For deeper studying doctoral candidates have to:
    • have:
      • complete idea of science and scientific researches;
      • idea of a role, content and value of methodology of scientific researches in training of specialists of high qualification;
      • complex idea of methodology of economic researches: theoretical, empirical and special methods, methods;
    • nobility:
      • main concepts of modern science;
      • the terms and concepts used when studying discipline;
      • the main a provision, connected with the organization, statement and carrying out scientific researches in the form suitable for any specialty;
      • mechanism of carrying out economic researches, their sequence;
      • principles, methodology and technique of carrying out scientific research;
      • methods of the economic analysis, economical mathematical and economical statistical methods of research;
    • to be able:
      • to choose a problem, to prove its relevance, to determine structure of scientific research;
      • to use the economica-mathematico-statistical device to carrying out the economic analysis of data;
    • to own:
      • practical skills of critical thinking, search, accumulating, handling and use of information and development of theoretical knowledge in scientific research;
      • abilities on registration of results of research in the form of the scientific article, the scientific report, the thesis.
    • Management of researches - the specific part of science of research directed to acceptance of effective management decisions in system of management.
    • Management of researches - the interactive discipline which is in interrelation with many disciplines of educational process, allowing to incorporate modern achievements of science and practice and to train qualified specialists for modern economy.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: Dr.Econ.Sci., prof. Sikhimbayeva D. R.
  • Mathematical models in management 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific researches, Mathematical methods of an assessment and management of economic risks.
    • Post requisites: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation.
    • Objective: Mastering the theoretical foundations of the application of mathematical methods used in the development of managerial decisions and practical skills in the formalization of control problems, the construction of mathematical models, content interpretation and analysis of the results of calculations.
    • Brief description of the course: Discipline examines the basic concepts of mathematical modeling of economic systems. Balance models: Model Leontief diversified economy; The linear model of trade; Manpower planning. Econometric modeling. inventory control models. Wilson Model. network planning and management models. Mathematical models of queuing systems. Simulation. Models of linear optimization management. Modeling the behavior of producers. Game models for management decisions.
    • Expected results: knowledge of the basic types of mathematical models used in the formulation of management decisions and the acquisition of practical skills of application of the models and of modern information technologies in order to find the best management decision.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: c.e.s., associate professor Yemelina N.K.
  • Innovative technologies in management 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Strategic management, Corporate management, Mathematical methods of an assessment and management of economic risks.
    • Post requisites: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation.
    • Objective: Formation of the theoretical and methodological basis for the functioning and development of innovative technologies in the national and world economy as a factor for increasing competitiveness and industrial and innovative development of the country.
    • Brief description of the course: Methodological foundations of system research in modern economic theory; Theoretical bases of increase of a role of innovative and information factors in maintenance of growth of national economy; The theory of the "new economy"; Theoretical bases of formation and development of national innovative systems in modern economy; Theoretical bases of functioning of the high technology sector in the national economic system; country features of reforming and functioning of national innovation systems in the world economy; Methodology of assessing and improving the effectiveness of innovation in the modern economy; Stages of reforming the national innovation system in the economy of Kazakhstan: The main factors and problems of increasing the effectiveness of authorizing a knowledge-intensive sector in Kazakhstan; Development of the system of commercialization of innovation in the national economic system of Kazakhstan; Priority directions of development of the system of financing and investment of innovative processes in Kazakhstan, etc.
    • Expected results: mastering and development of the main theoretical concepts of identification and reforming the national innovation system and identifying key problems associated with the increase of innovative activity in Kazakhstan in the current conditions of cyclical development of national economic systems.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: D.e.s, Prof. Taubayev A.A.
  • Management and budgeting on the results in the public sector of the economy 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific researches, Strategic management, Сorporate management
    • Post requisites: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation.
    • Objective: the discipline is intended for an in-depth study of the method of management and budgeting based on results in the public sector of the economy.
    • Brief description of the course: Transition from the product management and budget financing to the management of the final results and new forms of budget allocation and a new monitoring system, in which the results are not only financial statements, but also reporting on the final results of the activities of distributors and budget recipients.
    • Expected results: The study by doctoral students of this discipline will allow them to assimilate the content and features of management in the public sector of the economy, to establish the relationship between budget expenditures and the results achieved, between the expected results of the program implementation and the amount of resources required for this, to form an idea of ​​the basic concepts of public sector resources management: resources, process , product, result (intermediate and final), efficiency (or unit costs, productivity), monitoring indicator, to master the methods for efficient allocation of budget funds between competing expenditure items in accordance with the priorities of state policy, to monitor the implementation of programs and the expenditure of budgetary funds by setting performance indicators and comparing actually achieved results with those planned.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: D.e.s, Prof. Pritvorova T. P.
  • Knowledge management 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific researches, Strategic management, Science in national economy of Kazakhstan
    • Post requisites: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation.
    • Objective: Formation of theoretical and practical skills for managers of PhD in the field of knowledge management, which have a direct impact on the formation of an innovative economy.
    • Brief description of the course: Among the topics outlined on the course are: knowledge management as a field of research, management restructuring, the legal framework for knowledge management, knowledge engineering, knowledge management information technologies, a communication resource for knowledge management, corporate culture and creative process management, new forms of knowledge management, corporate community in knowledge management, psychological aspects of knowledge management.
    • Expected results: in studying this course, the doctoral student will know the basic concepts and concepts of knowledge management, the forms, methods, technologies, content and functions of the knowledge management process. The acquired knowledge during the course of this course also allows the doctoral candidate to more quickly translate knowledge into goods and services and organize their implementation, to participate in the management of innovative projects and programs in the process of their implementation.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: D.e.s, Prof. Alimbaev А.А.
  • Management of natural resources 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Strategic management, Organization and planning of scientific researches, Corporate management
    • Post requisite: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation
    • Objective: obtaining knowledge of activities in the system of natural capital management in modern conditions on the basis of theoretical provisions and practical studies of domestic and foreign science, as well as modern methods of scientific research
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical and methodological foundations of natural capital management, The economic content and methodological approaches to the determination of the value of natural resources, Methodology for determining the economic efficiency of natural resources, Opportunities of sustainable use of natural resources of Kazakhstan, Environmental impacts of natural resource extraction in Kazakhstan, Development of economic valuation of natural resources, Mechanisms of natural capital management
    • Expected results: To deepen the fundamental knowledge gained earlier in training; develop the skills of independent creative thinking in the field of the problem being studied; to develop the ability to understand the problems of this discipline; to ensure the formation of an objective worldview of specialists on the problem of research.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: D.e.s, Prof. Sihimbaev M. R.
  • Marketing innovations 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific researches, Strategic management, Corporate management, Risk management in the organization
    • Post requisites: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation.
    • Objective: Formation of the theoretical and methodological basis for the functioning and development of marketing features for innovative products, understanding of the most serious strategic problems of marketing management that arise before managers of innovative companies, and developing skills and skills necessary for the successful operation of enterprises in industries with a high rate of technological change.
    • Brief description of the course: the theoretical foundations of the modern concept of marketing innovations; specific features of strategic and operational marketing in high-tech sectors; types of marketing research suitable for analyzing the needs for innovation and the prospects for the development of new markets related to innovation; characteristics of consumer behavior in high-tech markets; characteristics of components of the marketing mix (product, price, distribution channels, communications), taking into account the specifics of "high-tech".
    • Expected results: assimilation of the main theoretical marketing of innovative products, understanding of the most serious strategic problems of marketing management, the ability of doctoral students to assess the commercial potential of innovation and develop a program for market entry.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: D.e.s, Prof. Borbasova Z.N.
  • Actual problems of marketing management in the global economy 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific researches, Strategic management, Corporate management, Risk management in the organization
    • Post requisites: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation.
    • Objective: mastering the principles and methods of marketing management of the company, for making strategic and tactical management decisions based on the marketing concept of demand management, creating values and shaping the market in a global economy.
    • Brief description of the course: The course is designed to reflect the diversity and evolution of views on marketing management, as well as the dynamics and vector of the development of modern marketing thought. Knowledge of new areas of research in marketing, understanding of the place of marketing management in the system of strategic business management are designed to promote the development of a "marketing" way of thinking for doctoral students. This discipline is focused on developing and deepening the issues of strategic management, providing a focus on the use of marketing tools for effective management of the company
    • Expected results:
      • to form the students' knowledge, skills and skills in developing strategic marketing solutions at the corporate level;
      • to generate knowledge, skills and skills of market analysis and segmentation, selection of target segments and positioning of the product and company;
      • to generate knowledge, skills and skills of marketing complex realization in various branches and spheres of activity;
      • to generate knowledge, skills and skills in diagnosing and effectively solving the problems of integrating marketing and management.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: D.e.s, Prof. Borbasova Z.N.
  • The development of management in the context of the globalization of the modern economy 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific researches, Strategic management, Corporate management
    • Post requisites: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation.
    • Objective: Doctoral students PhD skills of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of management.
    • Brief description of the course: The methodology of management is based on the principles of analysis and the position of neoclassical synthesis with the central idea of economic equilibrium.
    • Expected results: deepen and develop the fundamental knowledge obtained earlier in PhD in doctoral studies in the field of interaction of economic entities of different nationalities in the management of international exchange of goods, services, capital, labor and technology. On the basis of the acquired knowledge, the skills of independent creative thinking, to develop the ability to understand various issues and ensure the formation of a stable objective world view of PhD specialists.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: D.e.s, Prof. Borbasova Z.N.

PhD-EP-State and local government

  • Speciality Code:



    State and local government

    Direction of training:

    Social Sciences and Business

  • Contingent of doctoral students on educational program for 2021-2022
    Doctoral students studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Doctoral students studying for a fee

8D04103 «State and local management"

The content of the educational program at the doctoral specialty 8D04103 «State and local management" constitute such disciplines as "Public administration economic security of Kazakhstan", "Globalization and its impact on the main economic processes", "The theory of social management" and others. This makes it possible to acquire competence in the field of professional scientific and innovative activity in the conditions of constant updating and modernization of society in the formulation of Fundamental and Applied Economics, Management Studies, skilled and creative analysis of the current economic problems of the society, in the organization and carrying out of copyright and joint research projects, formulation of the original objectives and expanding the frontiers of scientific research in the field of public administration and local self-government in the use of information systems and adequate software to improve the efficiency of state and local government, in the understanding of the impact of macro- and micro-economic tools for the effective development of the national economy, in the development of guidelines the administration and improvement of educational programs in the field of economic, environmental, energy, food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to effectively manage the human capital of the republic, in the design of their educational trajectory and further professional development.
Graduates of doctoral studies in the direction of preparation 8D04103 «State and local management" as objects of professional activity can choose higher education institutions, research institutes, government republican government, government, regional governments and municipalities, state, national companies, state pension, insurance and other foundations, government enterprises, public and private institutions and international funds, departments of social policy and social governance, information and analytic centers of government.
The term of doctoral studies - 3 years. Full-time form of education.
Educational programs of doctoral studies built on the enhanced integration of educational, methodological and research activities focused on the preparation of the teaching staff with a high level of knowledge, skills and competences in the field of economy.
The basis of the fundamental educational doctorate program constitute the author's courses, professors' scientific seminars, guest lectures, master-classes of famous scientists and practitioners.
Scientific and applied research is carried out within the framework of scientific schools of the leading scientists of Kazakhstan.
Efficient implementation of research activities contributes to the functioning of the research institute "Economic and legal research", as well as the work of the scientific consortium "KEU - Institute for Regional Development", specialized training and research laboratories and offices.
Stable position of the University as a strategic partner allowed to form a reliable network of our corporate partners in the scientific and creative studies: it is the institution's financial and credit systems, departments and agencies public administration, enterprises of different ownership forms, colleges and others.
The major universities-partners will in the implementation of joint research projects, raising the academic mobility, organization of scientific training are the Institute for Research in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Germany, Institute for Innovation Management, Germany, St. Istvan University, Hungary, the Economic University in Krakow, Poland, Sofia University them. St. Cl. Ohrid, Bulgaria, Santiago de Kompastela University, Spain, etc.

The degree program:Doctor of Philosophy PhD on specialty 8D04103 "State and local management"
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)(185 ECTS – credits/ 75 Kazakhstan credits)
Educational institution Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education – Consulting (IQAA)http://nkaoko.kz/
Term of validity This program was approved by the University for a period of 3 years for those who is receiving a degree at the University from 2016
Level QF for EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 3rd cycle; EQF (European qualifications framework): level 8; NQF (National Qualifications Framework): level 8
  • A) Purpose
    • The aim of the educational program specialty 8D04103 « State and local management " is to acquire doctoral theoretical knowledge , skills, research and teaching in the field of state and local government
    • Successful graduates must demonstrate:
      • Demonstrate systematic understanding of the field of study, mastery of the skills and research methods used in this field;
      • Plan, design, implement and adjust complex process research studies;
      • To contribute their own original research in expanding the boundaries of scientific areas that may merit publication on national or international level, state and local government;
      • Critically analyze, evaluate and cite new and complex ideas in state and local government agencies;
      • Communicate their knowledge and achievements of colleagues, the scientific community and the general the public;
    • Promote the development of a society based on knowledge of the state and the local government system.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline/Subject area
    • Main disciplines:
    • Basic disciplines: State management of economic safety of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    • Profiling disciplines:
    • The theory of public management, Mathematical model of governance, globalization and its impact on the main economic processes, management and performance budgeting in the public sector of the economy, theory of economics, econometric analysis in scientific research, development of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan, the policy of incomes and wages in today's economy
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • With the implementation of educational programs specialty "State and local management" is used credit-modular system of educational process organization, based on a modular principle, curricula, using a system of credits (loans) and related educational technology.
    • 3.Direction
    • PhD
    • 4.Features
    • Graduates majoring 8D04103 "State and local management" are focused on the following types of professional activity:
      • research in fundamentally new areas of theory and practice;
      • With participation in scientific conferences, seminars and round tables on the state and local governments mu m;
      • identification and resolution of problems of the domestic economy, global and strategic governance;
      • Participating in research projects within the framework of grants and scientific topics;
      • Resistant communication and the development of partnerships with research centers elations and scientific project managers
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • in higher educational institutions in research activities; in research centers, expert institutions
    • 2.Further education
    • Postdoctoral program
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational process is widely used active and interactive forms of employment (case -study, project method, round tables, discussions, case method, debates)
    • 2.Evaluation methods
    • Landmark control; intermediate certification (writing cases); protection SR reports on the passage of pedagogical and research practices (reports); scientific study tour (report), final examination (state examination, defense doctoral thesis)
  • E) Programmatic competencies
    • 1.General competence
    • The program is complies with the requirements of the State educational standards of postgraduate education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the third level of cycle. This includes the general competencies (also known as key skills) of expected graduates of the thirdcycle.
    • The competencies listed beloware the summary and the most characteristic competencies for this program:
    • CC1 - have an idea about the main stages of development and a paradigm shift in the evolution of science, on the subject, ideological and methodological specificity of the natural (social, humanitarian, economic) sciences;
    • CC2 - have an understanding of the scientific schools of national and world economics, their theoretical and empirical aspects, including the field of State Local Government;
    • CC4 - demonstrate an understanding of the methodology of scientific knowledge and modern trends, trends and patterns of development of national science in the context of globalization and internationalization, the achievements of world and Kazakhstan science in the field of state and local government;
    • CC5 - understand and accept the social responsibility of science and education;
    • CC6- know perfectly foreign language for scientific communication and international cooperation;
    • CC7 - be able to organize, to plan and implement the research process;
    • CC8 - be able to analyze, evaluate and compare various theoretical concepts in the field of research, to draw conclusions and to process information from different sources;
    • CC9 - be able to conduct an independent scientific research characterized by academic integrity based on modern theories and methods of analysis, be able to generate their own new scientific ideas, to show their knowledge and ideas to the scientific community, expanding the boundaries of scientific knowledge;
    • CC10 - be able to choose and use modern research methodology effectively;
    • CC11 - have the skills of critical analysis, evaluation and comparison of different theories and ideas, have the skills of analytical and experimental research activities, and the skills of responsible and creative approach to scientific and pedagogical activity
    • CC12 - have the skills of oratory and public speaking at international scientific meetings, conferences and seminars, scientific events, fundamental scientific domestic and international projects, scientific writing and scientific communication;
    • CC13 - have the skills of planning, coordinating, forecasting the results of the study and implementation of the process of scientific investigation;
    • СС14 - have the skills of systemic understanding of the field of study and demonstrate the high-quality and effectiveness of selected research methods, leadership management and leadership team;
    • СС15 - have the skills of systemic understanding of the field of study and demonstrate the high-quality and performance of selected scientific methods;
    • СС16 - be competent in the field of scientific and educational activities in terms of information flows quickly update and growth;
    • СС17 - be competent in carrying out theoretical and experimental research, in formulation and solution of theoretical and applied problems of professional and comprehensive analysis of the problems in the relevant field;
    • СС18 - be competent in matters of interpersonal communication and human resource management, in matters of high school preparation of experts for examination of research projects and studies, to ensure continuous professional growth.
    • 2.Specific competencies
    • PC 1 - to know the current management problems in the field of improving the competitiveness of the national economy and the globalization of Kazakhstan;
    • PC 2 - to know the conditions to ensure the economic, environmental, energy, food and other state security;
    • PC 3 - to have the ability to use specialized theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for professional practice and development of original ideas for improving the state of local government and self-government;
    • PC4 - the ability to analyze and compare the contents of the scientific economic concepts and paradigms critically, to assess the value of scientific creativity and new ideas on perspectives state development in the context of globalization;
    • PC 5 - be able to use a set of specialized knowledge to conduct theoretical and applied research, the development of innovative technologies for data collection and the creation of innovative skills, integrating them in various fields of applied science;
    • PC 6 - be competent in the use of information systems and adequate software to improve the efficiency of state and local government;
    • PC 7 - to be able to solve the problems arising in the course of research and educational activities that require for professional knowledge deepening independently;
    • PC 8 - with the help of unique scientific solutions be able to contribute to the expansion of the frontiers of research in the field of State Local Government;
    • PC 9 - be competent in matters of high school preparation of experts;
    • PC 10 - have the ability to demonstrate leadership, innovation, academic and professional creativity, commitment to the development of new ideas in the field of State Local Government;
    • PC 11 - have the skills of professional involvement in research projects of scientific departments, skills of participation in scientific events of international, national and regional level, skills of organization of scientific events - roundtables, seminars and conferences;
    • PC 12 - have skills of the most advanced and specialized skills and techniques which are necessary to solve an important problems in the research and development of innovations in the field of State Local Government;
    • PC 13 - demonstrate the ability to describe the economic processes and phenomena, demonstrate the ability in construction of standard theoretical models and econometric analysis and meaningful interpretation of the results;
    • PC 14 - be competent in the setting of basic and applied economic, administrative tasks, be competent in a skilled and creative analysis of the current economic problems of society;
    • PC 15 - be competent in the organization and in carrying out of copyright and joint research projects, in the formulation of the original objectives and expanding the frontiers of scientific research in the field of State Local Government;
    • PC 16 - be competent in the field of implementation and management innovation, to be competent in the design of educational trajectory and further professional development.
  • F) The complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of professional practice, in the work of organizations, institutions and companies, graduates are able to demonstrate the ability of the following:
    • be competent: in the field of scientific and pedagogical activity in the conditions of rapid renewal and growth of information flows; in carrying out theoretical and experimental research studies; in the formulation and solution of theoretical and applied problems in scientific research; to conduct a professional and comprehensive analysis of the problems in the relevant field; in matters of interpersonal communication and human resource management; in matters of university training; in the examination of projects and studies; to ensure professional growth.
  • "State management of economic security in Kazakhstan", 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Discipline "State management of economic security in Kazakhstan" is a compulsory subject in accordance with the State educational standards specialty 8D04103- State and local government.
      Economic security is the ability of the national economy to ensure effective satisfaction of social needs in the domestic and international levels. For in-depth training in the area of state and local government a special place is government control of economic security, the result of which should be to improve the efficiency, quality and competitiveness of services and products of the country.
      Doctoral students for the study of this discipline should be aware of the content of the disciplines: "Fundamentals of Economics and Law", "Macroeconomics", "Microeconomics", "Management", "Public Administration Theory", "State regulation of the economy", "Municipal management".
      The study of doctoral discipline should
      the main domestic and foreign scientists and approaches to public management of economic security;
      the scientific basis of organizational and management activities in the field of public administration economic security;
      laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and normative legal acts regulating the issues of economic security;
      be able to:
      use of categorical apparatus of economics, management theory, economic systems, including knowledge of the basic theories and concepts of all sections of specialization subjects;
      solve the theoretical and practical aspects of risk management in the activity of economic entities and the economic security of business entities;
      be skilled in:
      use of the theory and methods of economics to the analysis of contemporary socio-economic problems in this specialty and the chosen field of subject specialization;
      analytical work used in scientific research;
      scientific approaches to understanding the theoretical essence, functions and governance processes of economic security;
      to organize and analyze the economic security of industries and regions.
      Full name lecturer: Doctor of Law, Professor. Khanov T.A.
  • Mathematical models in management, 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Information technologies in management, Managerial Economics
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • Purpose: Mastering the theoretical basis for applying mathematical models used in developing managerial decisions and practical skills in formalizing management tasks, building mathematical models, meaningful interpretation and analysis of computational results.
    • Brief description of the course: Basic concepts of mathematical modeling of economic systems. Balance models: Leontief's model of a diversified economy; Linear trade model; Models of inventory management. Wilson's model. Models of network planning and management. Mathematical models of queuing systems. Simulation modeling. Models of linear optimization of control. Modeling the behavior of producers. Game models for making managerial decisions.
    • Expected results: knowledge of the main types of mathematical models used in the development of management decisions and the acquisition of practical skills in the application of the studied models and modern information technologies for finding the optimal management solution.
    • Full name lecturer: k. e.s. Emelina N.K.
  • Econometric analysis in scientific research, 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Information technologies in management, Managerial Economics
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • Purpose: This course is aimed at developing doctoral students' analytical and research skills in economics using econometric modeling and teaching modern econometric methods and their application in applied econometrics based on STATA software.
    • Brief description of the course: Among the topics outlined on the course are: models of linear and nonlinear regressions; evaluation of instrumental variables; two-dimensional models with bounded dependent variables; a time series model with one or more equations; static linear models with panel data; Dynamic linear models with panel data and models with panel data with limited dependent variables. An integral part of the course is practical exercises, during which the doctoral students will work on empirical exercises using the STATA program.
    • Expected Result: As a result of successful study of the discipline, the doctoral student must acquire the following skills:
      • the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and mathematical tools to study practical problems of the economy;
      • the ability to develop their own theoretical and econometric models for solving problems in the economy;
      • skills of independent work with the program STATA.
    • Full name lecturer: k. e.s. Emelina N.K.
  • Management and budgeting on the results in the public sector of the economy, 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Public Sector Economics, Theory and Practice of Public Administration, Managerial Economics
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • Purpose: Mastering the theoretical and practical bases of the current method of management and budgeting on the results in the public sector of the economy of modern countries for using this method in research and practice.
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical bases of functioning of public sector in modern economy, features of management by results in public sector: models and mechanisms, methodology of formation of service standards (on materials of social infrastructure), state activity on provision of public goods in Kazakhstan economy, system of state planning and results-based budgeting, the introduction of results-based planning into the production management and public goods delivery system, the organization of a performance monitoring process in the public sector, and the evaluation of municipal development programs.
    • Expected Result: As a result of successful study of the discipline, the doctoral student must acquire the following skills: to acquire knowledge in the field of the public sector of the economy, modern classifications of public goods and services, management methods applied for the most effective management of public sector resources in a modern market economy; be able to apply in practice the knowledge gained to the process of developing strategic plans of state bodies, regional development programs, city programs; reasoning and logical to prove one's own position when formulating indicators and program indicators, establishing their ability to measure the effects of primary and secondary appropriation of public goods in the economy of Kazakhstan; to create the ability to draw up a logical framework and work plan for organizing the evaluation of regional programs, to collect and interpret quantitative and qualitative parameters in the monitoring of the effectiveness of public sector programs in Kazakhstan; to acquire the skills of independent collection, analysis and presentation of monitoring data on the performance of the public sector through the example of individual programs.
    • Full name lecturer: d. e.s. Pritvorova T.P.
  • The policy of income and wages in the modern economy, 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific research, Economics of the public sector.
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • The goal: the development of theoretical foundations by the doctoral students on the mechanism of interrelation between the market distribution of incomes and the methods of state intervention in the structure of the population's incomes, including through social institutions.
    • Brief description of the course. To justify the conceptual provisions of the social state in the context of income and wages of citizens. To form an idea of ​​the system of state methods, instruments and institutions that exert regulatory influence on incomes and wages; consider monetary (or quasi-monetary) and natural instruments for regulating the incomes of the population in the fiscal and monetary spheres, social insurance and social assistance systems, labor market institutions, education, health, culture and sports. Form an idea of ​​the effect of synergy in the application of various instruments of revenue regulation. Develop and consolidate the skills of analyzing the quantitative indicators of income and wages based on economic and statistical methods.
    • Expected results: To develop a system of initial ideas on the regulation of incomes and wages in a market economy in the context of the subsidiary responsibility of a citizen, family and state. To form an idea of ​​the role, scale and forms of participation of the public sector of the economy in the income of the population. To master the skills of economic and statistical analysis and evaluation of the results of the state of the art and state of the art at the macro level (based on the SNA93 system) and at the micro-level (household).
    • Full name lecturer: d. e.s. Pritvorova T.P.
  • The theory of public management (an alternative to economic theory and economics), 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Theory and practice of public administration, Problems of ensuring sustainable development of the economy of Kazakhstan
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • The goal: the formation of a scientific outlook among listeners, future specialists in the economic sphere, the education of new economic thinking and culture, the ability to identify the real contradictions in the process of cognition and find ways to resolve them.
    • Brief description of the course: The theory of public management studies the content of economic processes, concepts, categories, laws and patterns of formation and development of various types of economies, economic theories. The course assumes an in-depth study of sources, systematization and disclosure of the views of prominent economists, revealing the relationship and continuity of ideas, finding new approaches and conclusions.
    • Expected results: The study of the content of the main categories and laws of the economy, the critical analysis and comparison of their interpretations by different schools contribute to a better understanding of economic life, develops the ability for independent scientific research.
    • Full name lecturer: d.e.s. Ainabek K.S., к. e.s. Zhetpisbayeva M.K.
  • The theory of economic science (the evolution of economic science), 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Theory and practice of public administration, Knowledge-based economy in the context of globalization, Institutional Economics
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • The goal: the formation of knowledge of historically developed stages in the development of economic science, concepts, approaches for undergraduates of the economic profile, the acquisition of knowledge of methods and tools for the study of economic processes.
    • Brief description of the course: "Theory of Economic Sciences" studies the evolution of views on economic processes, concepts, categories, laws and patterns of formation and development of various types of economies, economic theories. The study of this course assumes an in-depth study of economic schools and trends, consideration of different views of outstanding economists, the disclosure of the essence of economic laws, phenomena and economic processes.
    • Expected results: mastering of the basic principles and methods of the course, allowing to study phenomena and processes from the scientific point of view; the ability to understand the content of economic theories of the past and the modern era, and determine their value for use in research work at the present stage; acquiring a holistic view of the theory of economic science; a comprehensive view of the economic system and an understanding of the essence of its components; the idea of ​​the essence of mercantilism, classical political economy, Marxist political economy, economics, economic theory and theory of economic science, the theory of public management.
    • Full name lecturer: d.e.s. Ainabek K.S., к.e.s. Zhetpisbayeva M.K.
  • Globalization and its impact on basic economic processes, 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Theory and practice of public administration, State regulation of the real sector of the economy.
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • The goal: the formation of a comprehensive view of doctoral students about the current integration processes, the significance and impact of globalization on the system of international economic relations, the main global problems of the present and ways to solve them.
    • Brief description of the course: Professional analysis of modern integration processes occurring in different regions of the world, taking into account their civilization and cultural specifics, the methodology of studying global processes of the present.
    • Expected results: to be able to take into account the factor of economic efficiency of international activities in the implementation of programs and projects, to know and understand the logic of global processes and the development of the world political system of international relations in their conditionality by economy, history, law, understanding the structure of global processes of scientific and technological innovation and the prospects for change in them places and roles of Kazakhstan.
    • Full name lecturer: d. e.s. Taubayev A.A.
  • Development of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan, 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific research, State regulation of the real economy, Basics of local government organization
    • Post-requisition: Research practice, research work of the doctoral candidate.
    • Purpose: to study the theoretical foundations and basic concepts of public-private partnership.
    • Brief description of the course: the formation of a complex of theoretical knowledge on public-private partnership and its development features, taking into account the prevailing conditions for the organization and conduct of entrepreneurial activities in the national economic system.
    • This course is aimed at a comprehensive study of the general theoretical foundations of public-private partnership.
    • Expected results: In studying this course, the doctoral student will know the essence and content of public-private partnership, the features of its development in the modern economy, the stages of transformation of the national model of state assets management in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The knowledge gained during the course of this course will also allow the doctoral student to observe the logical sequence of the research and to solve the correctly set goal and tasks of public-private partnership in a comprehensive manner.
    • Full name lecturer: d. e.s. Taubayev A.A.
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