• Speciality Code:




    Direction of training:

    Social Sciences and Business

  • Contingent of doctoral students on educational program for 2021-2022
    Doctoral students studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Doctoral students studying for a fee
8D04101 "Economics"
The content of the educational doctoral program 8D04101 "Economics" consists of such disciplines as "Methodology of scientific research", "Innovative development and competitiveness of the economy", "Infrastructural support for the development of the knowledge economy", etc.
This allows you to acquire such competencies as:
- knowledge of methods of scientific research of socio-economic systems, transformation of research results into ideas,
- the ability to generate ideas in the field of improving the competitiveness of the country and its regions based on the efficient use of resources, an interactive knowledge economy and knowledge-intensive technologies.
- ability to solve research problems based on econometric models using modern electronic data processing technologies
The duration of doctoral studies is 3 years. The form of study is full–time.
The educational programs of the doctoral program are based on the enhanced integration of educational, methodological and research activities focused on the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel with a high level of knowledge, skills, skills and competencies in the field of economics.
The basis of the fundamental educational program of the doctoral program consists of author's courses, professorial scientific seminars, guest lectures, master classes of famous scientists and practitioners.
Scientific and applied research is carried out within the framework of scientific schools of leading scientists of Kazakhstan.
The effective implementation of research activities is facilitated by the functioning of the Research Institute of Economic and Legal Research.
The university's stable position as a strategic partner has allowed us to form a reliable network of our corporate partners in scientific and creative research: these are institutions of the financial and credit system, departments and departments of public administration, enterprises of various forms of ownership, colleges, etc.
The main partner universities in the implementation of joint research projects, increasing academic mobility, and organizing scientific internships are the Institute for Research in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, Germany, the Institute of Innovation Management, Germany, the University of St. Stephen, Hungary, the University of Economics of Krakow, Poland, St. Cl. Ohridski Sofia University, Bulgaria, the University of Santiago de Compastela, Spain, etc.

Program degree:
the doctor on a profile of specialty 8D04101 Economy
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(at least 180 ECTS credits)
Educational institution Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance of Education (NCAOKO)

Validity period This program is approved by the University for a period of 3 years for persons receiving a degree at the university since 2016
KR level for the EHEA

(Qualification Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 3rd cycle; ECR (European Qualification Framework): level 8; NRK (National qualifications framework): level 8

  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program is to train competitive scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of socio-economic systems, professional academic elite with a high level of scientific competence and culture, skills of their implementation in practical and scientific activities
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • Main disciplines:
      - Basic disciplines: Interdisciplinary course "Methods of scientific research", Academic Writing
      - Core disciplines: Mathematical models in management, Strategic management of public sector resources: methodological approaches and effective practices, Innovative development and competitiveness of the economy; Competitiveness and effectiveness of the corporate sector of the economy; Infrastructural support for the development of the knowledge economy; Formation of a knowledge-intensive economy.
    • 2.General information/
    • -When implementing the educational program 8D04101 "Economics", a credit-modular system of organizing the educational process is used, based on the modular principle of curricula, the use of a system of credit units and appropriate educational technologies
    • 3.Direction
    • Scientific and pedagogical doctoral studies
    • 4.Pecularities
    • Graduates of the educational program 8D04101 "Economics" are focused on the following types of professional activities:
      The spheres of professional activity of graduates are scientific directions for the branches of the national economy, the social sphere: education, services and business, etc. The objects of professional activity are research institutes, higher educational institutions, state and local government bodies; production and economic, social and managerial, marketing, financial and analytical services of enterprises, business structures, organizations and departments.
      The types of professional activity of PhD graduates in the OP "Economics" are production and management, research, pedagogical directions
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • scientific directions for the branches of the national economy, social sphere: education, services and business
    • 2.Further training
    • scientific directions for the branches of the national economy, social sphere: education, services and business
  • D) Education style
    • 1.Approaches to study and learning
    • Innovative forms of classes are widely used in the educational process
    • 2.Evaluation methods
    • Boundary control; intermediate certification (essay writing); defense of research reports, scientific internship (report), final certification (doctoral dissertation defense)
  • E) Program competencies
    • KK 1 - Knowledge of methods of scientific research of socio-economic systems, the ability to transform research results into ideas and inform the scientific community about them, based on the norms of academic literacy and scientific ethics
      KK2 - Implementation of scientific and pedagogical activities using the skills of university training of specialists in the field of socio-economic sciences
      KK3 - The ability to solve research problems based on econometric models using modern electronic data processing technologies
      KK4 - The ability to generate ideas in the field of improving the competitiveness of the country and its regions based on the efficient use of resources, an interactive knowledge economy and knowledge-intensive technologies.
      KK5 - The ability to integrate
      existing knowledge and competencies in the field of economics, to contribute with their own research and achievements that deserve publication at the national or international level
      PC2 - Be prepared to apply effective project management in the formulation of research objectives in the field of economy;
      PC3 - Be prepared for the development of research in the field of economy;
      PC4 - Be prepared for constructive protection of research results in the field of economy;
      PC 5 - Be prepared to show a deep economic knowledge;
      PC 6 - Be prepared to interpret the deep economic knowledge in research in promising areas of the economy;
      PC7 - Be prepared for the generation of knowledge in the economy and related fields of scientific research and solve tasks that require abstract and creative thinking and originality in the development of economic decision-making;
      PC 8 - To have information on the socio-economic importance and formulate a conclusion about the effectiveness of mechanisms for sustainable social, ecological and economic development;
      PC 9 - Own methodology economic and safe use of natural resources in relation to the rational use of subsoil;
      PC 10 - Be able to demonstrate the consistency of obtaining and comparing the information in the field of economy;
      PC 11 - Being able to teach economic disciplines at the university, using the appropriate programs and teaching materials in economics;
      PC 12 - Be able to critically evaluate the proposed options for management decisions, to develop and justify proposals for their improvement, taking into account criteria of social and economic benefits, risks and possible socio-economic consequences;
      PC 13 - Being able to analyze and interpret the data of domestic and foreign statistics on socio-economic processes and phenomena, to identify trends in the socio-economic indicators;
      PC 14 - To be able on the basis of standard operating procedures and regulatory framework to calculate the economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activity of economic entities;
      PC 15 - Be able to carry out economic plans, sections calculations to justify them, and to submit the results in accordance with accepted standards in the organization;
      PC 16 - Demonstrate the ability to describe the economic processes and phenomena, construction of standard theoretical models and econometric analysis and meaningful interpretation of the results
  • F) The complete list of learning outcomes for this program
    • Is PO1 - Designs scientific research based on modern methodology and tools, generates scientific results and substantiates ideas in the field of transformation of socio-economic systems
      RO2- Is able to synthesize new and complex ideas using oral and written communication skills during research and subsequent publication in international scientific journals
      RO3 - Organizes research, project and educational and professional activities of students, applying the skills of social interaction, interpersonal, intercultural and professional communication
      RO4 - Constructs econometric models in the field of analysis and forecasting of the dynamics of socio-economic systems and finds their solution using modern methods and programs of information processing
      RO 5 - Connects the system of basic provisions on management and the methodology of management based on results for the analysis and evaluation of strategic plans, programs and projects in the public sector of the economy
      RO6 - Constructs trends in innovative development and growth of competitiveness of the economy and its sectors based on modern concepts and their synthesis,
      RO7 - Applies a system of knowledge about the multidimensionality and nonlinearity of the organizational and economic mechanism of modern economic activity in the context of the development of a knowledge-intensive economy, about the influence of factors of production of various sectors of the economy for the formation of the knowledge economy.
      RO8 - Implements scientific, experimental and managerial activities based on modern scientific methods, based on knowledge and the results of its own original research.
  • Mandatory disciplines
    • The purpose of teaching the discipline. "Methods of scientific research" is a basic discipline that is taught in the specialty 6D050600 - "Economics" at the PhD level. The purpose of the course is to master the methodology of scientific thinking by doctoral students, to improve the skills of writing scientific papers and to creatively apply knowledge in the practice of studying various fields of economic activity based on critical analysis.
      - study of methodological and methodological approaches to conducting economic research;
      - determination of the structure and stages of the research process, taking into account the critical analysis of the problem posed;
      - in-depth study of the main methods of conducting research and, on this basis, mastering the skills of self-assessment based on the use of concepts and analytical tools;
      - instilling skills of working with information sources - the analytical base of the study;
      - development of the ability to develop recommendations based on a deep and critical analysis of scientific and practical material;
      - generalization of the author's position within the framework of intermediate and final results in the process of developing and modeling independently conducted scientific research.
      The object of study of this discipline is a system of principles, methods, rules of organization and construction of theoretical and practical activities in the scientific field.
      Prerequisites: "Organization and planning of scientific research", "Modern problems of the economy of Kazakhstan", "Micro-, macroeconomic analysis".
      Post-requirements: research work, work on a doctoral dissertation
      Learning outcomes:
      A. knowledge of scientific analysis methods;
      B. ability to identify and formulate a problem;
      C. reasonable and competent use of analytical apparatus;
      D. Creative and effective use of methods of planning and organizing research;
      E.the ability to interpret the results productively in order to obtain practically meaningful recommendations.
      Methodology of disciplines: analysis and synthesis, comparison, abstraction, concretization, generalization, modeling.
  • Name of the discipline: Mathematical models in management
    • Prerequisites: Mathematical methods of assessment and management of economic risks, Mathematical modeling at the macro and micro level
      Post-requirements: Strategic management of public sector resources: methodological approaches and effective practices Research practice, research work of a doctoral student.
      Objective: To master the theoretical foundations and practical skills of applying mathematical models used in the development of management decisions.
      Brief description of the course: To be able to apply practical skills in constructing mathematical models to prove hypotheses and obtain scientific results.
      Learning outcomes (competencies):
      A. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the methodology, methodology and technology of constructing mathematical models of management tasks and finding their solutions.
      B. Demonstrate the ability to use model design skills and the use of modern information technologies to find the optimal solution.
      C. Critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize scientific results based on mathematical methods and models.
      D. to Acquire the skills to collect and interpret information, to be able to present it in different forms of communication, working in groups, to discuss and defend their position, to make decisions.
      E. to be able to solve various management problems, to interpret the results and give recommendations..
  • Name of the discipline: Statistical methods of analysis of socio-economic systems
    • Prerequisites: Mathematical methods of assessment and management of economic risks, Mathematical modeling at the macro and micro level
      Post-requirements: Research work, work on a doctoral dissertation.
      Objective: to develop doctoral students' skills in working with big data, processing them using statistical methods to obtain results, their subsequent interpretation and transformation into their own ideas.
      Course summary: The interdisciplinary course focuses on the formation of doctoral students' ability to design and implement economic scientific research based on secondary analysis of statistical data using statistical software packages (STATA, R)
      Learning outcomes (competencies):
      A. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of methods and methods of statistical processing of big data using digital big data processing technologies
      C. Demonstrate the ability to think, design scientific ideas as a result of interpreting the results obtained as a result of data processing
      D. Contribute through original research to improving the efficiency of managing socio-economic processes by strengthening the analytical foundations of decisions
      made d. Be able to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize solutions based on big data processing of socio-economic processes.
      E. To be able to communicate their knowledge and achievements to the scientific community through the preparation of analytical materials as a result of data processing using digital statistical technologies
      F. To promote the ideas of scientific development in the field of analytically sound strategic decisions.
  • Name of the discipline: Innovative development and competitiveness of the economy
    • Prerequisites: Micro-macro economic analysis, Economics of modern business and development strategies
      Post-requirements: Competitiveness and efficiency of the corporate sector of the economy, Infrastructural support for the development of the knowledge economy, the formation of a knowledge-intensive economy.
      Objective: The discipline is focused on the formation of doctoral students' understanding of the fundamentals of the functioning and development of innovation systems in the national and global economy, analysis and determination of their role and importance in improving the competitiveness and industrial and innovative development of the country.
      Brief description of the course: Theoretical foundations of the formation of an innovative economy. Globalization and competitiveness of Kazakhstan's economy. Global trends in the development of innovation. The main factors of activation of innovation activity. Mechanisms of regulation of innovation activity in various economic systems. Development of innovative activity as a factor of increasing the competitiveness of Kazakhstan. Innovation policy is a central tool for ensuring the competitiveness of the economy. Formation of the innovative strategy of the enterprise. Methodological approaches to research and formation of innovation potential, innovation environment and innovation infrastructure. Formation of an innovative model of industrial development in Kazakhstan. Formation of a competitive national economy based on clustering.
      Learning outcomes:
      A. Acquire knowledge and understanding of modern concepts and theories explaining the principles and the relationship between innovative development and the competitiveness of the economy.
      V. be able to analyze, predict and design trends of innovative development of the national economy, to find problems and bottlenecks, to find solutions to overcome them
      C. Critically evaluate different concepts and generate their own ideas about the possible ways of activization of innovative development and competitiveness of the economy master the ways of argumentation and evidence of the proposed ideas taking into account social, ethical and scientific considerations.
      D. to Form the ability to make innovative development models and model of a competitive economy
      E. Acquire skills in collecting and interpreting information, be able to communicate it in various forms of messages to the scientific community, work in a group, discuss and defend their position.
  • Name of the discipline: Assessment of the competitiveness of the corporate sector of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    • Prerequisites: Micro-macro economic analysis, Economics of modern business and development strategies
      Post-requirements: Research work, work on a doctoral dissertation.
      Purpose: The course is designed to develop the ability of doctoral students to analyze and evaluate the competitiveness of the corporate sector of the economy as the basis of the competitiveness of the national economy
      Brief description of the course: The course examines the issues of assessing and analyzing the competitiveness of enterprises of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, critically analyzes the methodology for assessing and diagnosing the competitiveness of the corporate sector of the economy.
      Learning outcomes :
      A. Demonstrates a systematic understanding of the process of determining the level of competitiveness of the corporate sector of the economy and its impact
      V. Demonstrates the ability to evaluate and synthesize new ideas to put into practice the acquired knowledge in the process of conducting scientific research, development of management decisions, strategic plans, budgets.
      C. contribute their own original ideas, and logical arguments to prove your own position when evaluating the performance of the corporate sector of the economy.
      D. Communicates his knowledge and ideas on ways to improve the competitiveness of the corporate sector and increase its effectiveness.
      E. Demonstrates the skills of independent collection, analysis and presentation of data monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the corporate sector on the example of individual industries.
  • Name of the discipline: Infrastructural support for the development of the knowledge economy
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific research, Methodology of scientific research,
      Post-requirements: Research work, work on a doctoral dissertation.
      Purpose: formation of knowledge in the field of understanding the role, place, size of the impact of infrastructure on the development of the entire socio-economic system of the country
      Brief description of the course: The course involves the study of the infrastructure of the involvement of factors of production in economic processes in a modern market economy. The objects of study are subjects of innovation infrastructure and the intellectual property market, subjects of financial and market infrastructure, subjects of the social sphere contributing to the development of the knowledge economy in Kazakhstan and related to both the public and private sector
      Learning outcomes:
      A. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of doctoral students about the multidimensionality and nonlinearity of the organizational and economic mechanism of modern economic activity in the context of advanced development and formation of the knowledge economy
      B. Demonstrate the ability to design scientific ideas in the field of understanding the importance of the role of the infrastructure of the economy in the formation of the knowledge economy
      C. Contribute through original research
      D. Be able to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize solutions for the development of the infrastructure of the economy
      E. Be able to communicate their knowledge and achievements about the multidimensionality and nonlinearity of the organizational and economic mechanism of modern economic activity, the impact of infrastructure to the scientific communityA.
  • Name of the discipline: Formation of a knowledge-intensive economy
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific research, Methodology of scientific research
      Post-requirements: Research work, work on a doctoral dissertation.
      Objective: to study theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of a competitive national knowledge-intensive economy and to develop practical recommendations for its further development and to increase the level of competitiveness of knowledge-intensive industries
      Brief description of the course: The course is designed to study theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of a knowledge-intensive competitive national economy, the knowledge economy and the development of strategic solutions to determine the further development and increase the competitiveness of knowledge-intensive industries
      Learning outcomes:
      A. to Demonstrate a systematic understanding of doctoral students about the key issues of high-tech enterprises based on the assessment of the level, structure and dynamics of values of key economic indicators
      B. Demonstrate the ability to design scientific ideas in the understanding of system analysis to the problems of Economics and management, prospects for the development of high-tech industries and the formation of their view on the modern scientific and theoretical basis, an adequate economic conditions and economic mechanisms.
      C. With. To contribute through original research to the expansion of the boundaries of the knowledge-based economy
      D. To be able to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize solutions for the formation of a knowledge-based economy
      E. To be able to communicate their knowledge and achievements about the multidimensionality and nonlinearity of the organizational and economic mechanism of modern economic activity, the impact of infrastructure to the scientific community.
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ