Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME)

Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME)

About the faculty

Economics was the only faculty in 1966 and was taken as the basis of the Karaganda Cooperative Institute of the Centrosoyuz of the USSR. The faculty included departments of Political Economy, Higher Mathematics, economic Geography and Economic history, Foreign languages, History of the CPSU, Commodity Science of Industrial and Food Products, and Physical Education.

In 1970, he was the first to graduate 190 highly qualified trade economists, who made a huge contribution to the development of consumer cooperation in the republic, becoming the organizers of cooperative production, procurement of agricultural products and trade in rural areas. Among them, H. Ashlyaev-now Chairman of the Board of Kazpotrebsoyuz; E. Aliakparov-worked as chairman of the Pavlodar Regional Consumer Union and deputy Chairman of the Board of Kazpotrebsoyuz; E. Kadyrbayev-worked as deputy chairman of the Board of the Pavlodar Regional Consumer Union, director of the cooperative college.

Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME)

Graduates of the faculty are also the rector of the University, Doctor of Economics, Professor E. B. Aimagambetov; the vice-rector of the University for Academic Affairs and Strategic Development, Ph. D. in Economics, Professor R. O. Bub'baeva.

Graduates are employed in all economic spheres in the country and abroad, work in the offices of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government, in ministries, departments, and companies.

The main backbone of the faculty, through which educational, methodological, research, and educational processes are implemented, consists of the heads of departments, the chairmen of the scientific and methodological Bureau, the Council of Curators, and the Committee on Youth Affairs. The teaching staff of the faculty consists of experienced teachers. According to the results of the competition "Advanced Faculty", which was held for several years at the University, the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship was repeatedly awarded this title.

The presence of a highly qualified team of teachers and thanks to their purposeful work, there are competitive advantages of the educational programs implemented at the faculty: "Economics" ("Economics and Management"), "Management" ("Project and Innovation Management"), "State and Local Management", "International Relations", "World Economy" ("International Business"), "Ecology" ("Environmental Management"), "Evaluation". In recent years, all the educational programs of the faculty according to the "General Rating of Universities" are among the top ten in Kazakhstan. According to the educational programs "Economics", "Management", "State and Local Government", specialists are trained in a three-level system: bachelor's degree, master's degree, PhD. The teaching is conducted by well-known professors and associate professors in the country, who have been retrained in leading research centers and universities of the near and far abroad.

The golden chronicle of the university includes the names of graduates-athletes: Abylaykhan Zhusupov – world champion among youth in 2013, winner of the Junior Olympics in 2014, winner of the gold medal of the Asian Youth Championship in 2014. The athlete also received silver at the Asian Senior Championships in 2017, and bronze at the World Championships in 2017 and 2019. He competed in the men's welterweight division at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio. He is one of the leaders of the national team. He won a license for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo in the weight category up to 69 kilograms. Due to the downtime in amateur boxing competitions associated with the coronavirus pandemic, the boxer received permission from the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan to fight in the professional ring against the experienced Meshak Mwankemwa from Tanzania, who has already held more than 30 fights. The fight in the first middleweight division lasted all six scheduled rounds. Abylaykhan won this fight by a decision of judges.

Khodzhabekova Aizhan – Master of Sports of the international class of the Republic of Kazakhstan, medalist of the World Championships, Champion of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2019, finalist of the President's Cup, winner of the Women's Boxing Sports Contest.

Akhatova Lyudmila and Kireev Vladislav – Masters of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in biathlon. Members of the national team of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Multiple champions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Participants of the World University Games. Asian champions.

Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME)Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME)Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME)

Students of all bachelor's and master's degree programs are provided with ample opportunities to participate in academic internal and external mobility programs within the framework of inter-university agreements with universities in Kazakhstan and abroad. The University implements more than 100 memoranda of cooperation with foreign universities in Germany, Great Britain, Spain, the Czech Republic, the USA, Canada, Russia, etc. Cooperation agreements with partner universities provide for partnership in the field of scientific research, exchange of information materials and literature, participation in conferences, and joint fundraising. Close and fruitful cooperation helps us to support the mobility of KEU students from our partners.

Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME)

Having modern material and technical, educational and methodological bases, highly qualified teaching staff, the faculty implements the mission of the university, solving innovative tasks.

The structure of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurshipt includes 7 departments:
- Department of Kazakh language and culture of Kazakhstan
- Department of foreign and Russian languages
- Department of world economy and international relations
- Department of economic theory, state and local government
- Department of Economics and entrepreneurship
- Department of ecology and assessment
- Department of management and innovation

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Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEME)

Dear applicants!

On my own behalf and on behalf of all the teachers and staff of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurshipt of the Karaganda University of Economics, I welcome you!
Each of you now faces a responsible choice - where to study and what profession to associate with your immediate future. Decision making should be deliberate and balanced. It is important that the learning process be an interesting and informative, and the upcoming professional activities bring satisfaction and ensure a successful career, decent wages, high social status, and authority in society.
Stepping over the threshold of the faculty, you will immediately feel that you have fallen into a special world, where knowledge and creativity are at the head. The peculiarity of studying at our faculty is not only the acquisition of new knowledge, but also a new acquaintance with oneself, one's own development.
The Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurshipt prepares professional workers in accordance with the State Educational Standard.
The Karaganda Economic University has an effective system of support and incentives for students. By entering the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurshipt, you have every chance to become participants in international programs and projects. The faculty implements several joint programs with leading Russian, Western European and Asian universities.
We live in the XXI century with you. This age of globalization, when the requirements for an economist working in any country in the world, become universal.
I am sure that your names will eventually occupy a worthy place in the list of our honorary graduates, if, of course, you will be persistent in your desire to achieve certain heights in this life, if you want to develop your intellect, your creative abilities. The main thing is to understand that a lot in your life depends, first of all, from you - from your desire, optimism, determination and consistency.


Welcome to our team!
Sincerely, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurshipt
Ph.D., Professor Gimranova Galiya Ilyasovna


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