• Speciality Code:



    Innovation Management

    Direction of training:

    Social Sciences and Business

  • Contingent of doctoral students on educational program for 2023-2024
    Doctoral students studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Doctoral students studying for a fee

8D04107 “Innovation Management”

The content of the educational doctoral program 8D04107 “Innovation Management” consists of such disciplines as: “Academic writing”, “Scientific research methods”, “Mathematical models in management”, “Statistical methods for analyzing socio-economic systems”, “Strategic resource management” public sector: methodological approaches and effective practices”, “Business process management in the digital economy”, “Innovative technologies in management”, “Industrial market of information products and services”, “Business models in the information market”.

Innovative management allows you to acquire competencies in the development and implementation of new ideas and technologies in management activities in the conditions of rapid updating of knowledge and modernization of society. It is aimed at solving fundamental and applied problems, conducting qualified and creative analysis of modern problems of economics and management. It also includes organizing and conducting one’s own and joint scientific projects, setting current tasks and expanding the boundaries of scientific research on management issues. An important aspect is understanding the principles of constructing and improving educational programs in the field of management, as well as taking into account the economic, social, legal and communication aspects of business and management.

Graduates of doctoral studies in the field of study 8D04107 - “Innovation Management” have expert knowledge and skills that allow them to successfully work in various sectors of the economy, such as innovative enterprises, research laboratories, technology parks, venture funds, consulting agencies and government organizations that promote the development of innovation.

The duration of doctoral studies is 3 years. Full-time form of education.

PhD educational programs are built on the enhanced integration of educational, methodological and research activities focused on training scientific and pedagogical personnel with a high level of knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies in the field of economics.

The basis of the fundamental educational doctoral program is the author's courses, professorial scientific seminars, guest lectures, master classes of famous scientists and practitioners.

Scientific and applied research is carried out within the framework of scientific schools of leading scientists of Kazakhstan.

The effective implementation of research activities is facilitated by the functioning of the “Research Institute for Economic and Legal Research”, specialized educational and research laboratories and offices.

The university’s stable position as a strategic partner has made it possible to form a reliable network of our corporate partners in scientific and creative research: these are institutions of the financial and credit system, departments and agencies of public administration, enterprises of various forms of ownership, colleges, etc.

The main partner universities in implementing joint research projects, increasing academic mobility, and organizing scientific internships are: Institute for Eastern and South-East European Studies (Germany), Institute of Innovation Management (Germany), St. Stephen's University (Hungary), Economic University of Krakow ( Poland), Sofia University. St. Cl. Ohridsky (Bulgaria), University of Santiago de Compastela (Spain), etc.

Program degree: PhD of specialty 8D04107 Innovation Management
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(185 ECTS - credits / 75 kaz.credits)
Educational institution Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance of Education (IQAA)
Duration This program is approved by University for a period of 3 years for the persons receiving degree at university since 2016
Level QF for the EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area) third cycle; EQF (European Qualifications Framework) level 8; NQF (National Qualifications Frame): Level 8
  • A) Object
    • The aim of the educational program specialty 8D04102 «Management» is a training of highly qualified senior managers and researchers state and prospects of modern management system
    • Successful graduates must:
    • - demonstrate a systematic understanding of the field of study, mastery of the skills and research methods used in this field;
      - plan, develop, implement and adjust complex process of scientific research;
      - contribute their own original research in expanding the boundaries of scientific areas that may merit publication at the national or international level;
      - critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas;
      - communicate their knowledge and achievements of colleagues, the scientific community and the general public;
      - promote the development of a society based on knowledge.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • The main disciplines
      Basic disciplines: Management of researches
      Profiling discipline: Mathematical models in management, Innovative technologies in management, Management and budgeting on the results in the public sector of the economy, Knowledge management, Management of natural resources, Marketing innovations, Actual problems of marketing management in the global economy, The development of management in the context of the globalization of the modern economy
    • 2.General information/
    • With the implementation of educational programs specialty 8D04102 «Management» used credit-modular system of educational process organization, based on a modular principle, curricula, using the credit system and the corresponding educational technology
    • 3.Direction
    • PhD
    • 4.Pecularities
    • Graduates of educational programs focused on:
      Professional activities of PhD graduates in the specialty «Management” are
      in organizational and management areas:
      -Head, top managers of enterprises of all forms of ownership and economic sectors;
      -Head, employees of state and local government;
      -Head and experts in change management and the development of effective business communication and others.
      in the pedagogical-educational and research areas:
      -teachers, scientific employees of higher educational institutions;
      -Head, employees of research centers;
      -analytic consultants clearing houses;
      -analytic, consultants, experts, scientific research and experimental and consulting organizations;
      - Managers, senior managers, consultants, experts, national and international projects
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • research areas for sectors of the national economy, social sphere: education, services and business
    • 2.Further training
    • Post doc
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational process is widely used innovative forms of employment (business games, case studies, field sessions, debates, round tables, discussions, review of literature, individual and group projects)
    • 2.Methods of assessment
    • Landmark control; intermediate certification (essay writing); protection NIRD reports on the passage of pedagogical and research practices (reports); Scientific study tour (report), final examination (state examination, the doctoral thesis defense)
  • E) Program competence
    • 1.General competence
    • The program complies with the requirements of the State educational standards of postgraduate education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the third level of the cycle.
      This includes the general competence (also known as key skills) expected of graduates of the third cycle.
      Listed below are a summary of competence and the competence of the most characteristic for this program:
      RC1 - Have an idea about the main stages of development and a paradigm shift in the evolution of science, on the subject, ideological and methodological specificity of the natural (social, humanitarian, economic) sciences;
      RC2 - have an understanding of the scientific economic schools, their theoretical and practical developments, as well as scientific concepts of the world and Kazakhstan science in the field of economics and management;
      RC3 - Have an idea about the mechanism of introduction of scientific developments into practice, rules of cooperation in the scientific community, teaching and research ethics, research scientist;
      RC4 - Demonstrate an understanding of the methodology of scientific knowledge and modern trends, trends and patterns of development of Russian science in the context of globalization and internationalization, the achievements of world and Kazakhstan science in the field of economics and management;
      RC5 - Recognize and accept the social responsibility of science and education;
      RC6 - know perfectly foreign language for scientific communication and international cooperation;
      RC7 - To be able to organize, plan and implement the process of scientific research;
      RC8 - be able to analyze, evaluate and compare the different theoretical concepts in the field of research, to draw conclusions and to process information from different sources;
      RC9 - Be able to carry out independent scientific research, academic integrity is characterized on the basis of current theories and analysis methods to generate their own new scientific ideas, communicate their knowledge and ideas to the scientific community, expanding the boundaries of scientific knowledge;
      RC10 - Be able to choose and use modern research methodology effectively;
      RC11 - Have the skills of critical analysis, evaluation and comparison of different theories and ideas, analytical and experimental research activities, responsible and creative approach to scientific and educational activities;
      RC12 - Have the skills of oratory and public speaking at international scientific meetings, conferences and seminars, scientific events, fundamental scientific domestic and international projects, scientific writing and scientific communication;
      RC13 - Have the skills of planning, coordinating, forecasting results of the study and implementation of the processes of scientific research in economics;
      RC14 - Have skills systemic understanding of the field of study and demonstrate the high-quality and effectiveness of selected research methods, leadership management and leadership team;
      RC15 - Have skills in conducting patent searches and experience transfer of scientific information using modern information and innovative technologies, the protection of intellectual property rights to scientific discovery and development;
      RC16 - Be competent in the field of scientific and pedagogical activity in the conditions of rapid renewal and growth of information flows;
      RC17 - Be competent in carrying out theoretical and experimental research, formulation and solution of theoretical and applied problems, professional and comprehensive analysis of the problems in the economy;
      RC18 - Be competent in matters of interpersonal communication and human resource management, high school preparation of experts for examination of research projects and studies, to ensure continuous professional growth.
    • 2.Special (professional) competence:
    • PC1 - Be prepared for the selection of appropriate methodology and the correct use of research techniques in the field of management;
      PC2 - Be prepared to apply effective project management in setting research purposes in innovative projects;
      PC3 - Be prepared for development in the field of management studies;
      PC4 - Be prepared for constructive protection of research results in the field of management;
      SC5 - Be prepared to show in-depth knowledge in management;
      SC6 - Be prepared to interpret the deep economic knowledge in research in promising areas of management;
      PC7 - Be prepared for the generation of knowledge in the economy and related fields of scientific research and solve tasks that require abstract and creative thinking and originality in the development of management decisions
      PC8 - To have information on the socio-economic importance and formulate conclusions about the effectiveness of the use of social engineering;
      PC9 - Own methodology of financial management;
      PC10 - Be able to demonstrate the consistency of obtaining and comparing the management information;
      PC11 - Being able to teach economic disciplines in higher education using the appropriate programs and training materials management profession;
      PC12 - Be able to critically evaluate the proposed options for management decisions, to develop and justify proposals for their improvement, taking into account criteria of social and economic benefits, risks and possible socio-economic consequences;
      PC13 - Being able to analyze and interpret the data of domestic and foreign statistics on socio-economic processes and phenomena, to identify trends in the socio-economic indicators;
      PC14 - To be able on the basis of standard operating procedures and regulatory framework to calculate the economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activity of economic entities;
      PC15 - Be able to carry out economic plans, sections calculations to justify them, and to submit the results in accordance with accepted standards in the organization;
      PC16 - Demonstrate the ability to describe the economic processes and phenomena, construction of standard theoretical models and econometric analysis and meaningful interpretation of the results
  • F) Complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of professional practice in organizations, institutions and companies, graduates are able to demonstrate the ability of the following:
      be competent:
      - in the field of scientific and pedagogical activity in the conditions of rapid renewal and growth of information flows;
      - in carrying out theoretical and experimental research;
      - in the formulation and solution of theoretical and applied problems in scientific research;
      - to conduct a professional and comprehensive analysis of the problems in the relevant field;
      - in matters of interpersonal communication and human resource management;
      - in matters of university training;
      - in the examination of projects and studies;
      - to ensure continuous professional growth
  • Management of researches 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, History and philosophy of science, Organization and planning of scientific research, Management
    • The purpose of the studied discipline - to teach specialists to bases management, the organizations and planning of scientific and economic researches, to be able to understand in effect the main categories of the economic theory which will allow doctoral candidates to develop their scientific thinking and to draw own conclusions on actual problems of modern economy, will allow them to seize the modern computer and information technologies necessary for specialists of a new formation.
    • For deeper studying doctoral candidates have to:
    • have:
      • complete idea of science and scientific researches;
      • idea of a role, content and value of methodology of scientific researches in training of specialists of high qualification;
      • complex idea of methodology of economic researches: theoretical, empirical and special methods, methods;
    • nobility:
      • main concepts of modern science;
      • the terms and concepts used when studying discipline;
      • the main a provision, connected with the organization, statement and carrying out scientific researches in the form suitable for any specialty;
      • mechanism of carrying out economic researches, their sequence;
      • principles, methodology and technique of carrying out scientific research;
      • methods of the economic analysis, economical mathematical and economical statistical methods of research;
    • to be able:
      • to choose a problem, to prove its relevance, to determine structure of scientific research;
      • to use the economica-mathematico-statistical device to carrying out the economic analysis of data;
    • to own:
      • practical skills of critical thinking, search, accumulating, handling and use of information and development of theoretical knowledge in scientific research;
      • abilities on registration of results of research in the form of the scientific article, the scientific report, the thesis.
    • Management of researches - the specific part of science of research directed to acceptance of effective management decisions in system of management.
    • Management of researches - the interactive discipline which is in interrelation with many disciplines of educational process, allowing to incorporate modern achievements of science and practice and to train qualified specialists for modern economy.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: Dr.Econ.Sci., prof. Sikhimbayeva D. R.
  • Mathematical models in management 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific researches, Mathematical methods of an assessment and management of economic risks.
    • Post requisites: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation.
    • Objective: Mastering the theoretical foundations of the application of mathematical methods used in the development of managerial decisions and practical skills in the formalization of control problems, the construction of mathematical models, content interpretation and analysis of the results of calculations.
    • Brief description of the course: Discipline examines the basic concepts of mathematical modeling of economic systems. Balance models: Model Leontief diversified economy; The linear model of trade; Manpower planning. Econometric modeling. inventory control models. Wilson Model. network planning and management models. Mathematical models of queuing systems. Simulation. Models of linear optimization management. Modeling the behavior of producers. Game models for management decisions.
    • Expected results: knowledge of the basic types of mathematical models used in the formulation of management decisions and the acquisition of practical skills of application of the models and of modern information technologies in order to find the best management decision.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: c.e.s., associate professor Yemelina N.K.
  • Innovative technologies in management 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Strategic management, Corporate management, Mathematical methods of an assessment and management of economic risks.
    • Post requisites: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation.
    • Objective: Formation of the theoretical and methodological basis for the functioning and development of innovative technologies in the national and world economy as a factor for increasing competitiveness and industrial and innovative development of the country.
    • Brief description of the course: Methodological foundations of system research in modern economic theory; Theoretical bases of increase of a role of innovative and information factors in maintenance of growth of national economy; The theory of the "new economy"; Theoretical bases of formation and development of national innovative systems in modern economy; Theoretical bases of functioning of the high technology sector in the national economic system; country features of reforming and functioning of national innovation systems in the world economy; Methodology of assessing and improving the effectiveness of innovation in the modern economy; Stages of reforming the national innovation system in the economy of Kazakhstan: The main factors and problems of increasing the effectiveness of authorizing a knowledge-intensive sector in Kazakhstan; Development of the system of commercialization of innovation in the national economic system of Kazakhstan; Priority directions of development of the system of financing and investment of innovative processes in Kazakhstan, etc.
    • Expected results: mastering and development of the main theoretical concepts of identification and reforming the national innovation system and identifying key problems associated with the increase of innovative activity in Kazakhstan in the current conditions of cyclical development of national economic systems.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: D.e.s, Prof. Taubayev A.A.
  • Management and budgeting on the results in the public sector of the economy 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific researches, Strategic management, Сorporate management
    • Post requisites: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation.
    • Objective: the discipline is intended for an in-depth study of the method of management and budgeting based on results in the public sector of the economy.
    • Brief description of the course: Transition from the product management and budget financing to the management of the final results and new forms of budget allocation and a new monitoring system, in which the results are not only financial statements, but also reporting on the final results of the activities of distributors and budget recipients.
    • Expected results: The study by doctoral students of this discipline will allow them to assimilate the content and features of management in the public sector of the economy, to establish the relationship between budget expenditures and the results achieved, between the expected results of the program implementation and the amount of resources required for this, to form an idea of ​​the basic concepts of public sector resources management: resources, process , product, result (intermediate and final), efficiency (or unit costs, productivity), monitoring indicator, to master the methods for efficient allocation of budget funds between competing expenditure items in accordance with the priorities of state policy, to monitor the implementation of programs and the expenditure of budgetary funds by setting performance indicators and comparing actually achieved results with those planned.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: D.e.s, Prof. Pritvorova T. P.
  • Knowledge management 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific researches, Strategic management, Science in national economy of Kazakhstan
    • Post requisites: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation.
    • Objective: Formation of theoretical and practical skills for managers of PhD in the field of knowledge management, which have a direct impact on the formation of an innovative economy.
    • Brief description of the course: Among the topics outlined on the course are: knowledge management as a field of research, management restructuring, the legal framework for knowledge management, knowledge engineering, knowledge management information technologies, a communication resource for knowledge management, corporate culture and creative process management, new forms of knowledge management, corporate community in knowledge management, psychological aspects of knowledge management.
    • Expected results: in studying this course, the doctoral student will know the basic concepts and concepts of knowledge management, the forms, methods, technologies, content and functions of the knowledge management process. The acquired knowledge during the course of this course also allows the doctoral candidate to more quickly translate knowledge into goods and services and organize their implementation, to participate in the management of innovative projects and programs in the process of their implementation.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: D.e.s, Prof. Alimbaev А.А.
  • Management of natural resources 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Strategic management, Organization and planning of scientific researches, Corporate management
    • Post requisite: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation
    • Objective: obtaining knowledge of activities in the system of natural capital management in modern conditions on the basis of theoretical provisions and practical studies of domestic and foreign science, as well as modern methods of scientific research
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical and methodological foundations of natural capital management, The economic content and methodological approaches to the determination of the value of natural resources, Methodology for determining the economic efficiency of natural resources, Opportunities of sustainable use of natural resources of Kazakhstan, Environmental impacts of natural resource extraction in Kazakhstan, Development of economic valuation of natural resources, Mechanisms of natural capital management
    • Expected results: To deepen the fundamental knowledge gained earlier in training; develop the skills of independent creative thinking in the field of the problem being studied; to develop the ability to understand the problems of this discipline; to ensure the formation of an objective worldview of specialists on the problem of research.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: D.e.s, Prof. Sihimbaev M. R.
  • Marketing innovations 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific researches, Strategic management, Corporate management, Risk management in the organization
    • Post requisites: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation.
    • Objective: Formation of the theoretical and methodological basis for the functioning and development of marketing features for innovative products, understanding of the most serious strategic problems of marketing management that arise before managers of innovative companies, and developing skills and skills necessary for the successful operation of enterprises in industries with a high rate of technological change.
    • Brief description of the course: the theoretical foundations of the modern concept of marketing innovations; specific features of strategic and operational marketing in high-tech sectors; types of marketing research suitable for analyzing the needs for innovation and the prospects for the development of new markets related to innovation; characteristics of consumer behavior in high-tech markets; characteristics of components of the marketing mix (product, price, distribution channels, communications), taking into account the specifics of "high-tech".
    • Expected results: assimilation of the main theoretical marketing of innovative products, understanding of the most serious strategic problems of marketing management, the ability of doctoral students to assess the commercial potential of innovation and develop a program for market entry.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: D.e.s, Prof. Borbasova Z.N.
  • Actual problems of marketing management in the global economy 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific researches, Strategic management, Corporate management, Risk management in the organization
    • Post requisites: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation.
    • Objective: mastering the principles and methods of marketing management of the company, for making strategic and tactical management decisions based on the marketing concept of demand management, creating values and shaping the market in a global economy.
    • Brief description of the course: The course is designed to reflect the diversity and evolution of views on marketing management, as well as the dynamics and vector of the development of modern marketing thought. Knowledge of new areas of research in marketing, understanding of the place of marketing management in the system of strategic business management are designed to promote the development of a "marketing" way of thinking for doctoral students. This discipline is focused on developing and deepening the issues of strategic management, providing a focus on the use of marketing tools for effective management of the company
    • Expected results:
      • to form the students' knowledge, skills and skills in developing strategic marketing solutions at the corporate level;
      • to generate knowledge, skills and skills of market analysis and segmentation, selection of target segments and positioning of the product and company;
      • to generate knowledge, skills and skills of marketing complex realization in various branches and spheres of activity;
      • to generate knowledge, skills and skills in diagnosing and effectively solving the problems of integrating marketing and management.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: D.e.s, Prof. Borbasova Z.N.
  • The development of management in the context of the globalization of the modern economy 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific researches, Strategic management, Corporate management
    • Post requisites: Research work, work on his doctoral dissertation.
    • Objective: Doctoral students PhD skills of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of management.
    • Brief description of the course: The methodology of management is based on the principles of analysis and the position of neoclassical synthesis with the central idea of economic equilibrium.
    • Expected results: deepen and develop the fundamental knowledge obtained earlier in PhD in doctoral studies in the field of interaction of economic entities of different nationalities in the management of international exchange of goods, services, capital, labor and technology. On the basis of the acquired knowledge, the skills of independent creative thinking, to develop the ability to understand various issues and ensure the formation of a stable objective world view of PhD specialists.
    • Family name, Name, Patronimic name of lecturer: D.e.s, Prof. Borbasova Z.N.
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