Faculty of business, law and technology (FBLT)

Faculty of business, law and technology (FBLT)



Dear applicant!

Do you dream of achieving success in life and finding your place in the vast world? So the crucial moment in your life has come – the choice of a future profession. And, of course, you ask yourself the questions: "Who will I become? What awaits me?".

Choosing a university and a future profession is one of the most important and responsible moments in every person's life! Professional growth, career and opportunities for self-realization depend on the quality of the education received.

It is honorable and responsible to be a student of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology. At our faculty, every applicant has great prospects. Students study according to specially developed university programs, conduct research under the guidance of experienced scientists and teachers, participate in interesting youth projects and implement them in real life.

As our esteemed rector likes to repeat, a student is a barometer of our life. I, with both hands – FOR!

I invite you, dear applicant, to spend your best years at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. And as a former graduate, and now dean of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology, I guarantee it will be interesting!

Sincerely, Dean of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology

Rakhimgulova Manshuk Bulatovna. PhD, associate professor.

Contact phone: 8(7212)441558 ext.120

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology for Educational and Methodological Work

Ayeshova Nurgul Temirtayevna

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology for Educational Work

Yeleubekova Nazgul Yeleubekkyzy

Contact phone number:8 (7212 )44-15-58 ext.121


Faculty of business, law and technology of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz have extensive experience in training specialists with higher education, able to conduct business and be leaders in various fields of Economics and law.

The history of the faculty begins in 1980. Initially, the faculty appeared as a trade, and in the late 90's expanded and renamed. Since the Foundation it was headed by с.t.s. associate Professor Tulegenov A. (1980-1982, 1984-1989), V. Demchishin (1982-1984), Ph.-M. D., associate Professor K. Omarov (1989-1991,) c.ph-m.s. associate Professor A. Nevmatullin (1992-1997), candidate of economic Sciences, Professor S. Ayazhanov (1997-2000), associate Professor R. Sharipov (2000-2003.), doctor of Economics, Professor S. Akhmetzhanova (2003-2005). Since 2005, the faculty is headed by c.j.s., Professor F. S. Momysheva.

The faculty is known for its modern 6 departments: "Tourism and restaurant business" (head of the Department c.e.s., associate Professor B. T. Mataeva), "Social work and Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" (head of the Department c.p.s., associate Professor M. K. Abdakimova), "Legal regulation of economic relations" (head of the Department c.j.s., Professor N. R. Veselskaya), "General Legal and special disciplines" (head of the Department, PhD M.B.Rakhimgulova), "Commodity Science and certification" (head of d.p.s., Professor G. A. Esenbaeva), "Physical culture" (head of the Department master of pedagogical Sciences A. Yu. Gaak).

The faculty for four decades of its history has accumulated a wealth of experience in scientific, educational, educational and international activities and is rightly proud of the teachers and staff, most of whom have associated with him his scientific professional career. High professionalism of the person and activity they created and develop not only traditions of the higher school, but also the atmosphere of humanity, collectivism and psychological comfort, which has always distinguished the faculty of business, law and technology.

The faculty owes its achievements to veterans. Among them: N. Alekseev, T. Alexeenko, A. Alimbaev, S. Adambekova, L. Antsiperova, A. Artemenko, B. Baidulaev, O. Bashkenov, V. Demchishin, Sh Dyusenova, A. Emelina, E. Ertysbaev, R. Eshkeev, T. Zhandildin, S. Zakarin, M. Ibraev, S. Isabekov, Sh. Kalanova, B. Kasenov, K. Kenzin, M. Klishina, K. Kryukov, S. Kurleubaev, G. Matushkin, A. Mayakovskaya, V.Mayakovsky, L. Merkulova, S. Mustafin, N. Nikitina, I. Peregudov, V. Ponomareva, M. Serkibayeva., M. Feidak, R. Sharipov, S. Sheryazdanov.

The faculty of business, law and technology prepares highly qualified bachelors in the following educational programs:
6B04212 Jurisprudence
6b04213 Customs case
6b11101 Tourism
6B11102 Restaurant and hotel business
6b07201 Standardization, certification and Metrology
6В07502 Technology of food products
6B10201 Social work
6b01401 Fundamentals of law and Economics
6B01402 Physical culture and sports management
6В04214 Judicial and law enforcement activities
6В03102 Psychology and Маnagement in education

The faculty successfully applies credit technology of education, which allows each student to build their own trajectory of higher education, to realize their highest career goals. This is facilitated by excellent material and technical base, equipped offices: "Courtroom", "Training and forensic testing ground", "Management and service", "Techniques and tactics of active tourism", "management of restaurant and hotel business"," Assembly of people of Kazakhstan», «Legal clinic for free legal assistance to the population".

The faculty concluded a cooperation agreement with the faculty of Law of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Lomonosov Moscow state University".
One of the results of close cooperation between the faculties is the successful defense of PhD theses by teachers of the Department "General Legal and special disciplines" T. I. Au (2015) and K. S. Akhmetova (2017) in MSU.M. V. Lomonosov.

Every year, students of the faculty are trained in programs of external academic mobility in the largest universities in Russia, Europe and Asia, with which the faculty maintains constant ties.
Currently, more than 900 teachers are engaged in pedagogical activity at the faculty, including 6 doctors of science, 3 doctors of PhD, 34 candidates of science, 32 associate professors, 37 masters of which the winners of the Republican competition for the title of "Best teacher of the University" are G. Esenbayeva, K. Kakenov, N. Minzhanov, S. Mulikova, T. Khanov. The best scientists, employers and specialists with practical experience are involved in the educational process.

The personnel potential of the faculty allows to conduct the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the state mandatory standards of education and to prepare graduates who demonstrate competitive knowledge and abilities in the labor market

Address Akademicheskaya street, 9
- 385 room- dean
- 387 room - Deputy Dean
- 388 room - Secretaries
Теl.: (87212) 44-15-58 (вн.120) - dean;
(87212)- 44-16-25 (вн. 121) – Deputy Dean;
122 – Secretaries.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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