Magistratura-EP-Standardization and certification-SP

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    "Standardization and certification" (scientific and pedagogical direction)


    Engineering science and technology

  • Contingent of master students on educational program for 2021-22
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis

The content of the educational master program in the specialty 7М07501 "Standardization and certification" presupposes the study of such disciplines as "Actual issues of technical regulation in the conditions of Eurasian integration", "Modern aspects of the development of standardization and certification (by industry)", "Actual problems of standardization and certification in construction "," Quality management systems (advanced course) ", etc. This allows you to acquire skills: the use of general scientific methodology, logic and technology conducted I research, design skills of its results in various forms of scientific production; pedagogical activity; use of foreign languages in the amount necessary for the implementation of professional, research and educational activities. And to be competent: in matters of organization, planning, conducting all types of professional activities; in all aspects of professional activities related to standardization, metrology and certification.
Graduates of the Master's program for educational program 7М07501 "Standardization and certification" as objects of professional activity can choose:
at scientific and pedagogical training: public administration bodies, universities and research organizations, organizations of state and non-state ownership, directly related to products (services), processes (works), equipment of enterprises and testing laboratories (centers), methods and means measurement, testing and control, regulatory documentation, standardization systems, certification and quality management, metrological support of scientific, industrial, social and economic scientific activity, design, manufacture and operation of measuring equipment.
Graduate is awarded an academic degree:
- on scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Technical Sciences in the specialty "7М07501 - Standardization and certification";
Training period:
• for scientific and pedagogical purposes - 2 years.
Full-time form of education.

Master of engineering sciences
on speciality 7М07501 -
«Standardization and certification» (on industries)
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(130 ECTS–credits/ 59 Kazakhstan credits)
Educational institution Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA)
Term of validity The program was approved by the University for a period of 2 years for those who receive a degree at the University from 2016
Level QFforEHEA(Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 2nd cycle; EQF (European qualifications framework): level 7; NQF (National Qualifications Framework): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program in the specialty 7М07501 - Standardization and certification (by industry) is:
      - for the scientific and pedagogical direction: preparation of competitive scientific and pedagogical staff in the field of standardization and certification, possessing general and subject-oriented competences, with high spiritual and moral qualities, striving for permanent professional growth and personal development, capable of successful implementation of scientific and teaching activity, independent thinking and ensuring the progressive socio-economic and cultural development of society;
      The objectives of the educational program in the specialty 7М07501 - Standardization and certification (by industry):
      - for the scientific and pedagogical direction: providing in-depth knowledge of the methodology of scientific knowledge, principles and structure of the organization of scientific activities in the field of standardization and certification;
      - deepening of theoretical and practical individual preparation of undergraduates in the chosen direction of science and pedagogical activity, mastering by master students of the most important and sustainable knowledge, providing a holistic perception of the scientific picture of the world;
      - training of professional, competent specialists able to solve modern scientific and practical problems and carry out research, management and teaching activities in higher education institutions, enterprises and organizations;
      - creation of creative thinking and creative approach to solving new problems and situations in the field of standardization and certification.
      - the formation of master students ability to self-improvement and self-development, the needs and skills of independent creative mastery of new knowledge.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline/subject area
    • History and philosophy of science;
      Foreign language (professional); Pedagogics;
      Organizationandplanningofscientificresearch; Methods and technology of education at higher school; Basics of professional and pedagogical communication;
      Modern methods of quality control and product safety;
      Modern aspects of development of standardization and certification (on industries); Challenging technical regulation issues under the conditions of the Eurasian integration;
      Challenging issues of identification and falsification;
      Major:Current technical regulation practice;
      Current problems and technology of management;
      Challenging problems of current scientific research;
      Quality management system (advanced course);
      Challenging problems of standardization and certification of products and services;
      Challenging problems of standardization and certification in construction;
      Production competitiveness issues;
      Challenging problems of quality management;
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • Standardization and certification
    • 3.Direction
    • Engineering science
    • 4.Features
    • Mastering competences of organization, planning, performing all types of scientific and pedagogical activities; in all aspects of scientific and pedagogical activities concerning standardization and certification
  • C) Employment and fur there ducation
    • 1.Employment
    • higher and vocational education institutions, research institutes; general governments, higher education institutions and research institutions, state and private institutions that have a direct bearing on production (services), processes (operations), equipment of enterprises and testing laboratories (centers), methods and measuring instruments, tests and control, standard documentation, systems of standardization, certification and quality management, design, production and operation of measuring equipment.
    • 2.Further education
    • PhD
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • Active, interactivemethods
    • 2.Evaluation methods
    • Individual tasks, defense of papers, presentation defense, writing reports, formative and midterm assessment; colloquiums, examinations
  • E) Program competencies
    • 1.General competencies
    • The program meets the requirements of the State Compulsory Educational Standards of postgraduate education for ensuring quality of the academic programs at the second level of the cycle.
      It includes the general competences (also known as key skills) of expected graduates of the second cycle (see on the website
      The following competences represent summary and most characteristic competences for this program:
      GC1 (general competence) - to know a role of science and education, current tendencies in development of scientific knowledge, challenging issues of science and equipment;
      GC2 - to know professional competences of a teacher of higher school, contradictions and consequences of globalization;
      GC3 - to know methodology of scientific knowledge, principles and structure of the organization of scientific activity;
      GC4 - to know psychology of cognitive activity of students in the course of training, psychological methods and means of increasing efficiency and quality of training;
      GC5 - to able to use and integrate gained knowledge for the solution of research tasks and carrying out analytical work in new unfamiliar conditions and non-standard situations;
      GC6 - to be able to use knowledge of pedagogics and psychology of higher school in the pedagogical activity;
      GC7 - to be fluent in a foreign language at the professional level that makes it possible to conduct scientific research and to teach special disciplines at higher education institutions;
      GC8 - to have skills of implementing research activity, solution of standard scientific tasks and correct representation of their results;
      GC9 - to have skills of performing academic and pedagogical activity with the use of modern information technologies, teaching methods and various means of professional communication;
      GC10 - to have skills of professional communication, cross-cultural communication, public speaking;
      GC11 - to be able to expand and deepen necessary knowledge for daily professional activity and continuation of education;
      GC12 - to be competent in the field of methodology of scientific research, scientific and pedagogical activity, in carrying out research in the professional area and expansion of professional skills;
    • 2.Specific competencies
    • PC1 (professional competence) - to be able to demonstrate current knowledge and understanding in the field of the organization of work in the State technical regulation system of the RK, international practice standardization, rules of confirmation of compliance of production and services, certification and audit of management systems, licensing bases;
      PC2 - to be able to generalize, analyze and interpret challenging problems of identification and falsification, competitiveness of production, legislative and other information, to formulate arguments and to solve problems in the field of standardization and certification;
      PC3 - to use methods of conducting research work in the field of tests and goods quality examination, to analyze quality of production, calculation of economic efficiency, to organize standardization and certification operations, to be able to justify made and implemented solutions in the professional area, to be ready to use the results in practice;
      PC4 - to be ready to develop new ideas in the field of standardization and certification and to use them, including in the context of scientific research;
      PC5 - to use methods of conducting independent research and interpretations of their results, methods of independent setting problems in the field of standardization and certification and finding ways of their solution;
      PC6 - to be able to analyze and estimate modern indicators in the field of standardization and certification in country and abroad;
      PC7 - be able to analyze the best scientific and technical experiences and tendencies of developing technologies in the field of tests and goods quality examination, to analyze quality of production, calculation of economic efficiency, to organize standardization and certification operations;
      PC8 - to be able to perform theoretical, pilot studies in the field of science and knowledge of standardization and certification;
      PC9 - to have tools for the analysis of development of standardization and certification in dynamics, analysis and justification of the conclusions obtained;
      PC10 - to have skills of developing theoretical and technical models in the field of standardization and certification;
      PC11 - to be able to make professional solutions taking into account the directions and the principles of development of standardization and certification; requirements of ethics and right;
      PC12 - to be able to develop and prove options of effective solutions, to be able to organize and analyze business activity;
      PC13 - to be able to reveal and analyze cause and effect relationship in the field of standardization and certification;
      PC14 - to be able to self-improvement and professional development of the personality with versatile humanitarian and natural-science knowledge and interests;
      PC15 - to be ready to plan and carry out applied research in the field of standardization and certification;
      PC16 - to be able to plan, organize, introduce the results of scientific research in the field of standardization and certification;
      PC17 - to be ready to participate in developing new programs and improving training courses on the major subjects;
      PC18 - to be ready to prepare and carry out various forms of the organization of educational activity with the use of modern methods of active training in the system of higher and additional education.
  • F) Qualification characteristics of the graduate of the educational program
    • The spheres of professional activity of graduates are education, science, industry, small and medium business, government bodies, management (management), etc.
      The objects of professional activity of graduates are:
      - with scientific and pedagogical training: public administration bodies, universities and research institutions, state and non-state institutions that have a direct relationship to products (services), processes (works), equipment of enterprises and testing laboratories (centers), methods and means measurements, testing and control, regulatory documentation, standardization systems, certification and quality management.
      The types of professional activity of graduates are:
      - with scientific and pedagogical preparation: research, pedagogical, design and survey, design and technological, organizational and managerial;
      Knowledge and skills of the graduate of the educational program
      The graduate of the educational program on a specialty 7М07501 - Standardization and certification (on branches) should:
      - with scientific and pedagogical preparation:
      to have an idea: the role of science and education in public life; on current trends in the development of scientific knowledge in the field of standardization and certification, the prospects for their use for building technical systems and devices; on the actual methodological and philosophical problems of technical sciences; on the modeling of systems in the field of standardization and certification; on the professional competence of the teacher of higher education; on the contradictions and socio-economic consequences of the processes of globalization;
      know: the methodology of scientific knowledge; principles and structure of the organization of scientific activity; psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process; psychological methods and means of increasing the effectiveness and quality of education; legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on standardization and certification issues; directions and basic principles of international cooperation in the field of standardization and certification; international, regional, foreign practice of works on standardization and certification, documents on mutual recognition of results of works in the field of standardization and certification; the basic requirements for normative and technical documentation, products and processes, the general principles of building quality management systems and integrated management systems;
      to be able: to use the received knowledge for original development and application of ideas in a context of scientific researches; Critically analyze existing concepts, theories and approaches to the analysis of processes and phenomena; to integrate the knowledge obtained within the framework of different disciplines, to solve research problems in the field of standardization and certification in new, unfamiliar conditions; by integrating knowledge, making judgments and making decisions based on incomplete or limited information; formulate and solve problems arising in the course of professional activity, choose the necessary research methods, modify and develop new methods based on the tasks of the specific study; summarize the results of research and analytical work in the form of a dissertation, a scientific article, a report, an analytical note, etc .; to apply knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of the higher school in the pedagogical activity; apply interactive teaching methods; to carry out information-analytical and information-bibliographic work with the use of modern information technologies; creative thinking and creative approach to solving new problems and situations; be fluent in a foreign language at a professional level, allowing scientific research and the teaching of special subjects;
      have the skills: research and development, the solution of standard scientific problems; realization of educational and pedagogical activity on credit technology of education; methods of teaching professional disciplines; use of modern information technologies in the educational process; professional communication and intercultural communication; oratorical art, the correct and logical formulation of their thoughts in oral and written form; expansion and deepening of knowledge necessary for daily professional activities and continuing education in doctoral studies;
      be competent: in the field of scientific research methodology; in the field of scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity in higher educational institutions; in the issues of modern educational technologies; in the implementation of scientific projects and research in the professional field; in the ways of ensuring the constant updating of knowledge, the expansion of professional skills and abilities.
  • History and philosophy of science
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, Political science, culturology.
    • Post-requisites: Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical communication.
    • Purpose: the study of patterns and trends in the development of special activities for the production of scientific knowledge, taken in their historical dynamics and examined in a historically changing sociocultural context.
    • Brief description of the course: The subject of history and philosophy of science. Philosophy and methodology of science as a branch of philosophical knowledge. Methodology of the system approach. Philosophy and methodology of synergetics. The emergence and formation of science. Science in the Ancient World, the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance. New European science is a classical stage in the development of science. The basic concepts and directions of the nonclassical and post-nonclassical stage of the development of science. Structure and levels of scientific knowledge. World outlook bases of science. Philosophical foundations of science and the scientific picture of the world. Science as a profession. Ideals and norms of science. Functions of science. Scientific traditions and scientific revolutions. History and philosophy of natural and technical sciences. History and Philosophy of Social and Human Sciences. Philosophical problems of development of modern global civilization.
    • The expected results:
    • Know: the nature, structure, principles of the organization and functioning of science; genesis and history of science from the standpoint of the formation of its models, images and styles of thinking, the interrelationship of scientific and philosophical thought; the fundamental basis and conceptual apparatus of history and philosophy of science; the production of knowledge, the laws of the formation and development of scientific disciplines, the basic principles of scientific research. Have an idea of ​​the socio-cultural specific features of history and the philosophy of science; freely operate with concepts; to know the universal connections of phenomena, to understand the essence of the development of science of its dynamics; independently to understand general theoretical questions; master the skills and techniques of the philosophical analysis of science and reflection.
    • To be able to use knowledge and abilities of understanding in practice, to transform the theoretical level of comprehension of information into the corresponding level of the communicative process.
    • To nominate, substantiate and criticize certain judgments, to separate the essential from the nonessential; to reveal the interrelations between the phenomena of reality; to identify and analyze the contradictions in the surrounding reality, to see it in change and development; conduct a philosophical analysis of fragments of reality with the application of methods and laws of philosophy; master the methodology of scientific knowledge; build a system of evidence in accordance with the criteria of severity, carry out information and search activities, carry out analytical and synthetic activities.
    • Present information in various forms of communication, taking into account the specific nature of the audience and build a communication process.
    • To increase the skills of independent work and development of the need for personal and professional self-improvement for the purpose of lifelong learning.
    • Name of the lecturer: Klishina M.B.
  • Foreign language (professional)
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Kazakh / Russian language in the volume of the university course.
    • Post-requisites: foreign language at the level of international standards B2, as well as LSP - a language for special purposes.
    • Purpose: systemic deepening of communicative competence within the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language skills in the professional work of the future master.
    • Brief description of the course: The organization of the financial industry. Regulation and Deregulation. Indefinite. Parts of speech – General overview. Retail banking. Commercial and investment banking. The future of bank branches. Continuous. Business correspondence 1 Formal and informal style 1. Perfect, Perfect Continuous. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Loans and credit. Business correspondence. Accounting. Types of Accounting. Central banking. Monetary policy. Money and banking. Герундий. Types of banks. Banking system. Financing international trade. Clarifying Incoterms. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Meeting 1. Meeting 2 Controlling meetings. Concluding a meeting. Foreign exchange. Foreign exchange markets. Exchange rates. Currency trading. Balance Sheet 1. Balance Sheet 2. Asset management. Regulating the financial sector. Revision of lexical and grammar material. Final test.
    • The expected results:
    • Ability to conduct dialogical and monologic speech in English;
    • Conduct discussions on professional, business and everyday topics;
    • To perceive English-speaking speech by ear (professional terminology);
    • Mastering the skills of business written communication;
    • Reading and translating texts by profession with a dictionary and without a dictionary;
    • Understand the content of the read;
    • Transfer the contents of the read;
    • Use of reference literature (explanatory and other dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias).
    • Name of the lecturer: Aubakirova G.T.
  • Pedagogy
    • Prerequisites: "Psychology", "History of Philosophy and Science".
    • Post-requisites: "Methods and technologies of teaching in higher education".
    • Purpose: mastering the fundamentals of the professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher of higher education, familiarizing future teachers with the general problems, methodological and theoretical foundations of high school pedagogy, modern technologies of analysis, planning and organization of teaching and upbringing, communicative technologies of the subject-subject interaction of the teacher and student in the educational process of the university
    • Brief description of the course: Pedagogical science and its place in the system of human sciences. The modern paradigm of higher education. The system of higher professional education in Kazakhstan. Methodology of pedagogical science. Professional and communicative competence of the teacher of higher education. Theory of teaching in higher education (didactics). Content of higher education. Organization of the learning process based on the credit system of education in higher education. Traditional and innovative methods and forms of organization of training. New educational technologies in higher education. Organization of independent work of students in the conditions of credit technology. Technology of compilation of teaching materials. Theory of scientific activity of higher education. NIRS. Higher school as a social institution of education and personality formation specialist. Curator in the system of higher education. Management in Higher Education.
    • The expected results:
    • To have an idea of the actual problems of pedagogical science, the essence of pedagogical activity of the university teacher and master the knowledge of the foundations of pedagogy of higher education, to master such concepts as the methodology of pedagogical science, the content of education, new educational technologies in higher education;
    • To distinguish pedagogical facts, phenomena, events from the reality surrounding them and describe them in the language of pedagogical science; explain and predict the development of pedagogical situations, relying on the laws of pedagogical theories; to design the educational process, based on new concepts of education and upbringing; to create a creative development environment in the process of education and upbringing; to develop educational-methodical and information complexes in various specialties;
    • Use the methods of information retrieval and analytical and synthetic activities in the solution of substantive tasks; be able to make judgments on social, scientific or ethical issues and interpret social processes, phenomena and facts on the basis of scientific critical analysis;
    • Provide information in various forms of communication, taking into account the specifics of the audience; organize and participate in interaction with the professional and surrounding community, work in a group, have different social roles in the team;
    • To increase the skills of independent work and development of the need for personal and professional self-improvement; to benefit from experience, to organize the relationship of their knowledge and to order them, to see the prospects of their own activity.
    • Name of the lecturer: Mulikova S.A.
  • Psychology
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, sociology, culturology.
    • Post-requisites: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching, pedagogical practice.
    • Purpose: training of undergraduates in the basics of psychology of higher education, expansion of their professional capabilities in terms of applying psychological knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction. The subject, tasks and structure of higher school psychology. Education as a global object of higher school psychology. Psychological foundations of the learning process. Psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process. Psychological methods and means of increasing the effectiveness and quality of teaching in modern conditions. Management of the learning process. Learning as a subject of educational activity. Psychological basis of the process of education. The problem of education in higher education. Education and the formation of professional self-awareness. Problems psychodiagnostics professionally-oriented personality. Psychological counseling of students and teachers, taking into account the profile of the future professional activities of a specialist. Psychology of pedagogical communication. Psychology of pedagogical influence. The problem of interpersonal interaction between the teacher and students.
    • The expected results:
    • to know the prospects for the development of psychological science and to understand the role of psychology in the professional activity of the university teacher;
    • to apply in various spheres of professional activity methods of studying characterological features of people and psychological influence on students and student groups;
    • carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of psychological techniques in managing conflicts in the pedagogical process of the university, the psychological factors of effectiveness and optimization of the educational process, stimulating the educational and cognitive activity of students, etc. and formulate conclusions on this basis;
    • present the interpretation of the results of psychological diagnostic techniques, the study of the psychological factors of the educational process and the educational and cognitive activity of the student in various forms of communication (characteristics, references, projects, mini-studies, etc.).
    • the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Name of the lecturer: Kenzhebaeva S.K.
  • Modern aspects of the development of standardization and certification (by industry)
    • Prerequisites: Standardization, Certification
    • Post-requisites: "Quality management systems" (advanced course), "Actual problems of standardization and certification of goods and services", "Actual problems of standardization and certification in construction".
    • Purpose: aims to study the scientific basis and methodology of the standardization and certification system
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction. Development and harmonization of state systems of standardization and certification with international systems. Harmonization of existing normative documents on standardization with international standards in the context of industries. Carrying out works to stimulate the introduction of quality management systems. International, regional and national standards of industrialized countries, the possibility of their application on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Expansion of international cooperation in the field of standardization, certification and accreditation. Training and professional development of personnel in the field of standardization, certification and accreditation. Characteristics of complex technical systems in the formation of product quality in the design. Organizational and technical principles of technological systems while ensuring the quality of products in production. Regularities in the development of technical systems while maintaining the quality of products in operation. Calculations and strength tests. Reliability in technology. System of national accreditation. System of program or specialized accreditation. System of international accreditation.
    • The expected results:
    • know: international and domestic standards, regulations and other regulatory and guidance materials related to the work being done; legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on standardization and certification; general principles of building quality management systems and environmental management in accordance with international standards of the ISO 9000 series and ISO 14000; basic requirements for normative and normative technical documentation, products, processes and quality management systems; methods of conducting scientific research and calculations;
    • be able to: formulate and solve problems arising in the course of scientific research and pedagogical activity; to process, analyze and comprehend them taking into account available literary data; to present the results of the work done in the form of reports, abstracts, articles;
    • have the skills to: use general scientific methodology, logic and technology to conduct research and teaching activities;
    • be competent: in matters of organization, planning, conducting all types of professional activities; in all aspects of professional activities related to standardization and certification.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Organization and planning of scientific researches
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, History and philosophy of science, Foreign language (professional)
    • Post-requisites: research practice, writing of a master thesis
    • Purpose: To give knowledges necessary for full understanding of the role and the place of scientific sphere as a subsystem of modern society, essence and content of scientific research as a type of professional activity, and also to create for master program's students an idea of process of standard and documentary maintenance of a scientific research.
    • Brief description of the course: Science as a system of ideas about the world and as an institute. Institute of science in a modern society.Elements of Kazakhstani science.Science resources.Current state of science in Kazakhstan.Essence and content of a scientific research.Methodology of a scientific research. Logical bases of a scientific research. Methods of a scientific research.Preparatory stage of research work.Collecting scientific information.Carrying out researches.Process of maintenance of scientific research.
    • The expected results:
    • To seize the basic concepts, methods and stages of implementation of research work, according to the last requirements to scientific and innovative activity.
    • To be able to put theoretical knowledge into practice and to understand their appointment and role in the solution of professional tasks.
    • To develop arguments and to make decisions by means of search, collecting, analysis and systematization of information.
    • To provide information in various forms of messages, to cooperate and work in-group, to discuss and defend the position, to make decisions.
    • To gain skills on realization of a complex of research actions when developing of the chosen direction of master research.
    • Name of the lecturer: Ulybyshev D.N.
  • Name of the discipline: Planning of scientific experiment
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogy, psychology
    • Postrequisites: master's dissertation
    • Purpose: formation at students of representations about science, phases of research work, including the choice of directions of scientific research, searching, accumulation and processing of scientific information, recommendations for design of scientific results and their introduction into production.
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical and methodological issues of a scientific experiment, the Results of their practical implementation. The main stages of planning of scientific experiment, methods of influencing the effective planning and research of a scientific experiment.
    • Expected results: To formulate and solve problems arising in the course of professional, research and pedagogical activities, can choose necessary methods of research, to modify existing and to develop new methods based on the objectives of a specific study; to process the results obtained during the practical work.
    • Name of the lecturer: Emelin P.V.
  • Name of the discipline: Methods and technologies of teaching in higher education
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogy, psychology
    • Postrequisites: teaching practice
    • Purpose: form competence in the planning, development and organization of the educational process in the university.
    • Brief description of the course: Priorities for reform and modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan. The content and forms of methodical work of the university teacher. Forms of organization of training of students in higher education. Methods and means of teaching in high school. Modern technologies of teaching in higher education.
    • Expected results: to know the prospects for the development of pedagogical science and professional activity of the university teacher, to understand the essence of technological education; to apply in the professional activity the methods of instruction adequate to the goals and content of the academic discipline, effective pedagogical technologies for training specialists; to carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of methods, means, forms and technologies of education in the university, reflecting the training sessions conducted and formulating conclusions on this basis; to represent the interpretation of positive pedagogical experience, educational materials and the results of the student's educational and cognitive activities in various forms of communication (references, reports, expert opinions, mini-studies, etc.); the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Name of the lecturer: Kenzhebaeva S.K.
  • Name of the discipline: Organization and methodology of the training sessions
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogy, psychology
    • Postrequisites: teaching practice
    • Purpose: the formation of pedagogical competencies required for the organization of the educational process in higher education and readiness for the management of students' educational and cognitive activity among undergraduates.
    • Brief description of the course: Actual problems of education. Standardization in education. Organization of educational process. Implementation of didactic principles in the teaching process. Forms of teaching in the learning process. Methods of teaching in an educational institution. Modern means of teaching. Modern technologies of teaching. Psychological and pedagogical bases of activation of the educational process. Interactive methods of teaching in high school. Methodology of using AMO on the SRSP (CDS). Psihologo-pedagogical bases of the control in training. The method of control in education in the university. Control of students' knowledge in the conditions of the credit system of training. Tasks and content of the methodical work of the university teacher.
    • Expected results: The magistracy demonstrates knowledge and understanding in the formation of a holistic view of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the methodology of teaching special disciplines with the help of the most modern textbooks, including certain aspects of knowledge at the forefront of the science being studied; Magistrates can apply their knowledge and understanding in terms of professional approach to their activities, demonstrate competence and demonstrate the construction of convincing arguments in solving problems that lie within the field of education; Magistrants have the ability to collect and interpret the necessary data in order to make judgments in the field of activating cognitive activity, pedagogical analysis and assessment of the methodological work of the university teacher; Magistrates can inform and visually present information, ideas, problems and their solutions in the audience not only professionals, but also non-specialists; Magistrates are able to develop and form skills, skills, independently study and analyze scientific and pedagogical sources on the problems studied.
    • Name of the lecturer: Minzhanov N.A.
  • Name of the discipline: Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical communication
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogy, psychology
    • Postrequisites: teaching practice
    • Purpose: professional qualities of students in the study of the foundations of professional-pedagogical relations, deepening their theoretical foundations of discipline. Deeper consideration of personality, relationships, conflict situations in the development of discipline.
    • Brief description of the course: The history of folk pedagogy. Communication and folk wisdom. In domestic pedagogy there is a problem of communication. Problems of development of communication abroad. The opinion of innovative teachers about pedagogical relations. The purpose of professional-pedagogical relations. The activity of professional-pedagogical relations. The content of professional-pedagogical relations. Structure of professional-pedagogical relations. Instruments of professional-pedagogical relations. Peculiarities of pedagogical management. Psychological climatic relations. Psychological barriers in the relationship. Relations in conflict situations.
    • Expected results: Magistrants can learn the basics of professional and pedagogical relations, understand the concept of a professional pedagogical approach: professional, pedagogical, communication, socialization, acceleration of the learning process and the ability to solve various situations in pedagogical activity through professional and pedagogical communication.
    • Name of the lecturer: Minzhanov N.A.
  • Name of the course: Actual problems of the theory of communication
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogy, psychology
    • Post-requisites: teaching practice
    • Purpose: formation of professionally significant qualities of graduate students in the process of learning the basics of what is happening in today's world of global transformation of industrial society into the information and communication society is accompanied not only by the penetration of communication into all spheres of society, the emergence and development of qualitatively new type of communicative structures and processes.
    • Brief description of the course: Methodological problems of theory of communication. The origins and main stages of development of communication theory. Communication research methods. Sociology and psychology of mass communication. Political communication. Corporate and business communication. Communication technologies in the information society. Developing and teaching courses in communications.
    • Expected results: to form the students of the philosophical-humanistic views of the teacher; promote the absorption of graduates of the basic psycho-pedagogical concepts, patterns, and the ability to apply them in pedagogical activity; to develop the students skills in the ability to purposefully develop psychological-pedagogical potential of the individual student; to teach the students methods of scientific and psychological studies in psychology of communication.
    • Name of the lecturer: Minzhanov N.A.
  • Name of the course: Modern methods of quality control and safety of goods
    • Prerequisites: chemistry, physics
    • Post-requisition: Master's thesis
    • Purpose: to study integrated education for researching the quality of food products, application of modern physical and chemical methods.
    • Brief description of the course: Modern issues of food products and quality of consumer goods, improving the consumer properties of modern issues of promoting nutritional value. Studies using modern analysis methods their composition, physical, chemical and rheological properties of genes.
    • Expected results: master's knowledge of the basic requirements required for a technical document, the analysis of food products in preparation, also know the spectral, chromatographic, luminescent and rheological methods.
    • Name of the lecturer: Karagaeva M.B.
  • Modern theory and practice of assessing the quality of goods
    • Prerequisites: chemistry, physics
    • Postrequisites: master's dissertation
    • Objective: to study the indicators of the quality of food products.
    • Brief description of the course: the Concept and importance of quality products. Indicators, characterizing the physico-chemical properties of food products.Theoretical methods for determining the quality of the products.Experimental methods for determining the quality of the products.Modern methods of quality management.
    • Expected results: knowledge of students of modern methods of quality assessment of food products.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Name of the course: Topical issues of technical regulation in the conditions of Eurasian integration
    • Prerequisites: History and philosophy of science
    • Postrequisites: master's dissertation
    • Objective: to study topical problems in the field of technical regulation in the Eurasian economic community
    • Brief description of the course: Of the customs Union.Development of test facilities in terms of integration.Harmonization of national standards.New schemes of confirmation of conformity.
    • Expected results: knowledge of current issues within the field of technical regulation in the conditions of Eurasian integration
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Modern practice of technical regulation
    • Prerequisites: quality management system
    • Postrequisites: master's dissertation
    • Objective: the main provisions of the state system of technical regulation aimed at ensuring the safety of products, services, processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Brief description of the course: The main principles of technical regulation, the procedure for the development and adoption of regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation, state control over compliance with legislation in the field of technical regulation. Technical regulation is aimed at creating, on the one hand, domestic producers "comfortable" conditions for the production of high-quality products. And on the other hand - to contribute to meeting the basic requirements of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.
    • Expected results: To master the knowledge of international and domestic standards, to understand such concepts as the basic principles of technical regulation, the organizational structure of the state system of technical regulation, to master the methodology for studying normative documents and guidance materials relating to the work performed; legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on technical regulation.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Name of the course: Topical problems of identification and falsification
  • Prerequisites: history and philosophy of science
    • Prerequisites: System of standardization and certification
    • Objective: To study the problems of adulteration and identification of food products.
    • Brief description of the course: the current State of identification and falsification of goods, methods of rigging products, to modify existing and to develop new methods based on the objectives of a specific study. In addressing these questions are essential methods of identification and falsification as the scientific Foundation for practical and theoretical developments.
    • Expected results: to Formulate and solve problems arising in the course of professional, research and teaching activities, choose methods and means of identification and falsification, to modify existing and to develop new methods based on the objectives of a specific study; to process the results obtained during the practical work.
    • Name of the lecturer: Dospaev M.M.
  • Modern problems and technologies of management
    • Prerequisites: history and philosophy of science
    • Post requisites: problems of competitiveness of production
    • Objective: the Study of contemporary issues to improve the quality of the food
    • Brief description of the course: the Evolution of views and the latest technologies in the field of management, the formation of new paradigm of management. Methods of recognition, analysis, evaluation of management decisions, increase of efficiency of organization functioning in the conditions of formation of innovative economy. The basic methods of modern management.Diagnostic technology and solutions to the problems of management of the modern organization.
    • Expected results: formation at students of knowledge of how to study the problems and technologies of management.
    • Name of the lecturer: Dospaev M.M.
  • Name of the course: Actual problems of modern scientific research
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogy, psychology
    • Post requisites: master's dissertation
    • Purpose: formation at students of representations about science, phases of research work, including the choice of directions of scientific research, searching, accumulation and processing of scientific information, recommendations for design of scientific results and their introduction into production.
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical, methodological and organizational problems of the studies. The contents and various aspects of science and scientific research: the specificity of science as activity, organization of individual and collective research and the research activities in General in Kazakhstan (including the mechanisms of state management of science). Methodology, methods and methodological approaches of modern science.Experiment planning. Obtaining and testing the significance of the mathematical model. Information and software scientific research, the Processing of the results of the experiment. Formulation of conclusions based on the results of the study. Discussion and evaluation of the results.
    • Name of the lecturer: Dospaev M.M.
  • Fundamentals of research activities
    • Prerequisites: master's thesis
    • Postrequisites: master's dissertation
    • Objective: learning the basics of research activities
    • Brief description of the course: Science as a constantly evolving system of ideas about the world, and as a necessary Institute for social development. The nature and content, the methodology and the logical framework of scientific research.The basic methods of scientific research, the necessary arrangements for the preparatory stage of research work the collection of scientific information and research planning. Theoretical and practical issues of organization and management of research work.
    • Expected results: knowledge of students of modern methods of research, inventive and innovative activities in the field of standardization and certification.
    • Name of the lecturer: Emelin P.V.
  • Quality management system (advanced course)
    • Prerequisites: Current issues of technical regulation in the conditions of Eurasian integration
    • Postrequisites: master's dissertation
    • Objective: to study the main requirements and principles of quality management systems.
    • Brief course description: International and domestic standards, regulations and other regulatory and guidance material relating to the work performed; the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of standardization, Metrology and certification; the General principles of quality management systems and environmental management in accordance with international standards series ISO 9000 and ISO 14000; the basic requirements to the normative and technical documentation, products, processes and quality management systems, methods of conducting scientific research and calculations.
    • Expected results: Use the laws, decrees, regulations and other regulatory documents when addressing the work performed in various fields of management system and quality.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Name of the discipline: Qualityof management system in universities
    • Prerequisites: System of standardization and certification
    • Postrequisites: master's dissertation
    • Objective: to study the main requirements and principles of quality management systems in higher education institutions.
    • Brief description of the course: Methodology of quality management of educational services. A process approach to the management of the educational process.Management of complex innovative technologies in formation of quality of educational services.Regulatory support quality management of educational services.Audit of the quality system.Confirmation of conformity of quality management system.Information technology at n oderske of the quality management system of educational services.
    • Expected results: knowledge of the basic principles of the quality management system in universities.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Actual problems of standardization and certification of products and services
    • Prerequisites: Current issues of technical regulation in the conditions of Eurasian integration
    • Postrequisites: master's dissertation
    • Objective: to study the main provisions of the state system of technical regulation aimed at ensuring the safety of products, services, processes in Kazakhstan.
    • Brief description of the course: Questions to determine the future direction of standardization associated with fundamental changes in the political and economic sphere: the development of market relations, increased autonomy of enterprises, free choice of methods of economic activities, the integration of economy into the world economic system. Work with normative documents. Metrological assurance in production.
    • Expected results: knowledge of students of the prospects of development of standardization, Metrology and certification and understanding of their role in ensuring the quality and safety of products and services.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Actual problems of standardization and certification in the food industry
    • Prerequisites: System of standardization and certification
    • Post requisites: master's dissertation
    • Objective: to study the main provisions of the state system of technical regulation in the food.
    • Brief description of the course: Basic problems in the field of standardization, Metrology and conformity assessment. The goals and objectives of the state system of ensuring the uniformity of measurements; principles and methods of standardization, the role of the state system of standardization; performance of activities on assessment and confirmation of conformity confirmation of conformity. The rules for certification and Declaration of food raw materials and standardization of catering services.New aspects of the development of standardization and certification in accordance with the law "On technical regulation".Actual problems of standardization, Metrology and conformity assessment in public catering.
    • Expected results: knowledge master new aspects of the development of standardization and Metrology in catering in accordance with the law of RK "On technical regulation".
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Actual problems of standardization and certification in construction
    • Prerequisites: System of standardization and certification
    • Postrequisites: master's dissertation
    • Objective: to study the main provisions of the state system of technical regulation in construction
    • Brief description of the course: Basic principles of building codes; procedures for the development and adoption of normative legal acts in the field of construction; rules of state supervision and control over observance of legislation in the field of construction.
    • Expected results: knowledge graduates of standardization, Metrology and certification in construction; the organization of works in standardization, Metrology and certification in construction companies.
    • Name of the lecturer: Kakenov K.S.
  • Name of the course: Actual problems of quality management
    • Prerequisites: quality management System
    • Post requisites: master's dissertation
    • Objective: to examine ways of improving quality management
    • Brief description of the course: the Concept of quality management in higher education. The evolution of the theory of quality management.TQM in education.Strategic planning for quality assurance in higher education.The tools of quality management.
    • Expected results: knowledge of students of the basics of quality management
    • Name of the lecturer: Kakenov K.S.
  • Name of the disciplines: Problems of competitiveness of production
    • Prerequisites: Modern methods of quality control and safety of products
    • Post requisites: master's dissertation
    • Objective: to study the problems of competitiveness of the Kazakhstani company
    • Brief description of the course: Issues of competitiveness of production. For successful survival and development in market conditions, the company should ensure the competitiveness of the products. Competitiveness is determined by quality, price, after-sales service and other indicators. The most significant indicator of competitiveness is quality.
    • Expected results: to have the skills of critical analysis of regulatory documents, study and systematization of the advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of competitiveness of production
  • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
    • Name of discipline: Modern quality management system Prerequisites: system of standardization and certification
    • Postrequisites: master's dissertation
    • Objective: to Study the main directions of quality management and competitiveness of products
    • Brief description of the course: Methodology and terminology of quality management; the recommendations of the international standards for quality assurance ISO; development of quality systems in enterprises; be responsible for the quality of products; certification of products and quality systems. Quality planning projects, the choice of the provisions of the standards and regulations that apply to specific project activities and works required to meet the requirements of these standards in terms of quality of results and processes of the project. Expected results: knowledge of student’s knowledge in the field of modern quality control of production, works, and services.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.

Magistratura-EP-Standardization and certification-PD

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    "Standardization and certification" (profile direction)


    Engineering science and technology

  • Contingent of master students on educational program for 2021-22
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis
The content of the educational master program in the specialty 7М07502 "Standardization and certification" assumes the study of such disciplines as "Economics of quality in the food industry", "Modern methods of food research", "System analysis and diagnosis of technical objects", "Actual problems of standardization, metrology and confirmation of conformity in the food industry », etc.. This allows you to acquire skills: the use of general scientific methodology, logic and technology to conduct research work, the ability to formalize its results in various forms of scientific products; pedagogical activity; use of foreign languages in the amount necessary for the implementation of professional, research and educational activities. And to be competent: in matters of organization, planning, conducting all types of professional activities; in all aspects of professional activities related to standardization, metrology and certification.
Graduates of the Master's program for educational program 7М07502 "Standardization and certification" as objects of professional activity can choose:
at profile preparation: management bodies, enterprises, organizations of state and non-state ownership, directly related to products (services), processes (works), equipment of enterprises and testing laboratories (centers), methods and means of measurement, testing and control, regulatory documentation , systems of standardization, certification and quality management, metrological support of industrial, social and environmental activities, design, manufacture and operation and this decline art;
Graduate is awarded an academic degree:
- in the profile direction - Master of engineering and technology in the specialty "7М07502 - Standardization and certification".
Training period:
- in the profile direction - 1,5 years
Full-time form of education

Degree program:
the master of technics and technology
7М07502 «Standardization and certification»
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(104 ECTS – credits / 48 Kazakhstan credits)
Educational institution Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA)
Term of validity The program was approved by the University for a period of 1,5 years for those who receive a degree at the University from 2016
Level QF for EHEA(Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 2nd cycle; EQF (European qualifications framework): level 7; NQF (National Qualifications Framework): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program in the specialty 7М07502 - Standardization and certification (by industry) is:
      - - for the profile direction: the preparation of competitive, highly qualified staff with in-depth professional competencies in the field of standardization and certification, with high spiritual and moral qualities, striving for permanent professional growth and personal development, capable of independent thinking and ensuring progressive socio-economic and cultural development of society.
      The objectives of the educational program in the specialty 7М07502 - Standardization and certification (by industry):
      - for the profile direction: providing in-depth knowledge of the theory and practice of standardization and certification as the basis of the graduate's professional competence;
      - development of the ability to apply scientific methods of cognition in professional activity, critically analyze existing concepts, theories and approaches to the study of processes and phenomena;
      - creation of creative thinking and creative approach to solving new problems and situations in the field of standardization and certification.
      - the formation of master students ability to self-improvement and self-development, the needs and skills of independent creative mastery of new knowledge.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline/subject area
    • Foreign language (professional); Psychology; Management; Economics of quality in the food
    • Basic:industry; Modern methods of research of food products; Modern problems of quality management of food products; Modern biotechnology and food technology.
    • Major:System analysis and diagnosis of technical objects; Organization and planning of scientific research and innovation; Fundamentals of research; Actual problems of standardization, metrology and conformity assessment in the food industry; Actual problems of standardization, metrology and conformity assessment in public catering; Quality management systems; Quality management systems in the university; Systems for the development and production of products for production; Quality control of raw materials and products of metallurgical production; Technical regulation. Theory and practice; Actual problems of commodity science of various groups of goods; Modern methods of managing the competitiveness of products; Problems of introduction of QMS at Kazakhstan enterprises; Actual problems of quality management; Standardization and certification in quality management of services; Actual problems in international standardization practice; Standardization: current status and problems.
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • Standardization and certification
    • 3.Direction
    • Technical science
    • 4.Features
    • The acquisition of competence in matters of organization, planning, carrying out all kinds of professional activities; in all aspects of profile-specialized activities related to standardization and certification
  • C) Employment and fur there ducation
    • 1.Employment
    • Public administrations, state and private institutions that have a direct bearing on production (services), processes (operations), equipment of enterprises and testing laboratories (centers), methods and measuring instruments, tests and control, standard documentation, systems of standardization, certification and quality management, design, production and operation of measuring equipment.
    • 2.Further education
    • Subject to additional development of pedagogical profile programs, professional activities with awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor on profile
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • Active, interactive methods
    • 2.Evaluation methods
    • Individual tasks, defense of papers, presentation defense, writing reports, formative and midterm assessment; colloquiums, examinations
  • E) Program competencies
    • 1.General competencies
    • The program meets the requirements of the State Compulsory Educational Standards of postgraduate education for ensuring quality of the academic programs at the second level of the cycle.
      It includes the general competences (also known as key skills) of expected graduates of the second cycle (see on the website
      The following competences represent summary and most characteristic competences for this program:
      GC1 (general competence) - to have an idea about the current trends in the development of specialised knowledge about the actual problems of technology in the field of standardization and certification;
      GC2 – to have an understanding of design, invention, innovation activities in the field of standardization and certification;
      GC3 - to have an idea about the organization of strategic management, innovation management, theories of leadership, on the basic financial and economic problems of functioning of the firms and companies;
      GC4 – to know main driving forces of the economy structure, features and rules of investment cooperation;
      GC5 – to know at least one foreign language at a professional level, allowing to conduct experimental and practical activities;
      GC6 - be able to critically analyse existing concepts and approaches to the study of processes and phenomena;
      GC7 - to be able to integrate the knowledge gained within different disciplines, to use them to solve analytical and management tasks in unfamiliar and challenging situations;
      GC8 - be able to analyze the activities of the enterprise and use the results in management, to apply new approaches to quality management;
      GC9 - to have skills of solutions to common professional tasks, research, analysis and solution of practical problems of enterprises and use the findings to improve methods of managing a business;
      GC10 - to have professional communication skills, intercultural communication, public speaking;
      GC11 - to be able to broaden and deepen the knowledge necessary for daily professional activities and continuing education;
      GC12 - to be competent in their professional activities, contemporary issues in the field of standardization and certification, organization and management of enterprises and the enhancement of professional skills.
    • 2.Specific competencies
    • PC1 (professional competence) - to be able to demonstrate knowledge in the field of standardization and certification, the solution of problems arising in the course of professional activities;
      PC2 - to be able to compile and process the results, analyze and execute in accordance with the requirements;
      PC3 - to own methods of experiment and analysis, to be able to justify accepted and sold solutions in the field of standardization and certification, to be ready to apply the results in practice;
      PC4 - to know the general principles of quality management systems;
      PC5 - to own methods of conducting independent research and interpretation of their results, techniques independent formulation of problems and finding their solutions;
      PC6 - to be able to analyze and assess the indicators of quality of different products;
      PC7 - to be able to analyze advanced vocational experience and technology trends;
      PC8 - to be able to perform experimental research in the field of standardization and certification;
      PC9 – to own tools for data processing, analysis of the calculations and justification of the findings with the aim of identifying problems in the field of standardization and certification;
      PC10 - to be able to choose necessary methods of research, to modify existing and to develop new methods, based on the objectives of a specific study;
      PC11 - to be able to make professional decisions taking into account economic development, market requirements;
      PC12 - to be able to develop and prove variants of effective decisions, to be able to organization and analysis of business activities;
      PC13 - be able to identify the direction and basic principles for the development of standardization and certification;
      PC14 - to be prepared for the development of new ideas and their application, including in the context of experimental studies in the field of standardization and certification;
      PC15 – to be prepared to plan and conduct applied research in the field of standardization and certification;
      PC16 - to be capable of planning, organizing and implementation of the results of experimental studies.
  • F) Qualification characteristics of the graduate of the educational program
    • The spheres of professional activity of graduates are education, science, industry, small and medium business, government bodies, management (management), etc.
      The objects of professional activity of graduates are:
      - - in the case of specialized training: management bodies, enterprises, organizations, public and private institutions, directly related to products (services), processes (works), equipment of enterprises and testing laboratories (centers), methods and means of measurement, testing and control, normative documentation, standardization systems, certification and quality management.
      The types of professional activity of graduates are:
      - with profile preparation: design and survey, design and technological, organizational and managerial.
      Knowledge and skills of the graduate of the educational program
      The graduate of the educational program on a specialty 7М07502 - Standardization and certification (on branches) should:
      - for profile preparation:
      to have an idea: about modern trends in the development of scientific knowledge in the field of standardization and certification; on the actual methodological and philosophical problems of technical sciences; on the contradictions and socio-economic consequences of the processes of globalization; on the current state of the technological environment of the world business partnership; about the organization of strategic management of the enterprise, innovative management, the theory of leadership; on the functioning of standardization, certification and quality management systems.
      know: the methodology of scientific knowledge; legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on standardization and certification issues; directions and basic principles of international cooperation in the field of standardization and certification; international, regional, foreign practice of works on standardization and certification, documents on mutual recognition of results of works in the field of standardization and certification; the main requirements for normative and technical documentation, products and processes, the methodology of system analysis and diagnosis of technical objects; general principles of building quality management systems and integrated management systems; know no less than one foreign language at a professional level, allowing to conduct research and practical activities.
      to be able: apply scientific methods of cognition in professional activity; Critically analyze existing concepts, theories and approaches to the analysis of processes and phenomena; to integrate the knowledge obtained within the framework of different disciplines, to solve research problems in the field of standardization and certification in new, unfamiliar conditions; to apply in practice new approaches to the organization of management; Make decisions in complex and unusual situations; to apply in practice the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of standardization and certification; creative thinking and creative approach to solving new problems and situations; to carry out information-analytical and information-bibliographic work with the use of modern information technologies; generalize the results of research and analysis in the form of a master's thesis, an article, a report, an analytical note, etc.;
      have the skills: solving standard scientific problems and professional tasks; scientific analysis and solving practical problems in the organization and management of activities for standardization and certification of organizations and enterprises; research problems in the field of standardization and certification; use of the obtained results for improvement of management methods of the enterprise; use of information and computer technologies in the sphere of professional activity in standardization and certification; professional communication and intercultural communication; oratorical art, the correct and logical formulation of their thoughts in oral and written form; expansion and deepening of knowledge necessary for daily professional activities and continuing education in doctoral studies; use of information and computer technologies in the sphere of professional activity in standardization and certification;
      be competent: in the field of methodology for research on standardization and certification; in the field of modern problems of standardization and certification; in the organization and management of standardization and certification activities in the enterprise; in the implementation of industrial relations with various organizations, including public service bodies; in the ways of ensuring the constant updating of knowledge, the expansion of professional skills and abilities.
  • Foreign language (professional)
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Kazakh / Russian language in the volume of the university course.
    • Post-requisites: foreign language at the level of international standards B2, as well as LSP - a language for special purposes.
    • Purpose: systemic deepening of communicative competence within the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language skills in the professional work of the future master.
    • Brief description of the course: The organization of the financial industry. Regulation and Deregulation. Indefinite. Parts of speech – General overview. Retail banking. Commercial and investment banking. The future of bank branches. Continuous. Business correspondence 1 Formal and informal style 1. Perfect, Perfect Continuous. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Loans and credit. Business correspondence. Accounting. Types of Accounting. Central banking. Monetary policy. Money and banking. Герундий. Types of banks. Banking system. Financing international trade. Clarifying Incoterms. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Meeting 1. Meeting 2 Controlling meetings. Concluding a meeting. Foreign exchange. Foreign exchange markets. Exchange rates. Currency trading. Balance Sheet 1. Balance Sheet 2. Asset management. Regulating the financial sector. Revision of lexical and grammar material. Final test.
    • The expected results:
    • Ability to conduct dialogical and monologic speech in English;
    • Conduct discussions on professional, business and everyday topics;
    • To perceive English-speaking speech by ear (professional terminology);
    • Mastering the skills of business written communication;
    • Reading and translating texts by profession with a dictionary and without a dictionary;
    • Understand the content of the read;
    • Transfer the contents of the read;
    • Use of reference literature (explanatory and other dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias).
    • Name of the lecturer: Aubakirova G.T.
  • Psychology
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, sociology, culturology.
    • Post-requisites: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching, pedagogical practice.
    • Purpose: training of undergraduates in the basics of psychology of higher education, expansion of their professional capabilities in terms of applying psychological knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction. The subject, tasks and structure of higher school psychology. Education as a global object of higher school psychology. Psychological foundations of the learning process. Psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process. Psychological methods and means of increasing the effectiveness and quality of teaching in modern conditions. Management of the learning process. Learning as a subject of educational activity. Psychological basis of the process of education. The problem of education in higher education. Education and the formation of professional self-awareness. Problems psychodiagnostics professionally-oriented personality. Psychological counseling of students and teachers, taking into account the profile of the future professional activities of a specialist. Psychology of pedagogical communication. Psychology of pedagogical influence. The problem of interpersonal interaction between the teacher and students.
    • The expected results:
    • to know the prospects for the development of psychological science and to understand the role of psychology in the professional activity of the university teacher;
    • to apply in various spheres of professional activity methods of studying characterological features of people and psychological influence on students and student groups;
    • carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of psychological techniques in managing conflicts in the pedagogical process of the university, the psychological factors of effectiveness and optimization of the educational process, stimulating the educational and cognitive activity of students, etc. and formulate conclusions on this basis;
    • present the interpretation of the results of psychological diagnostic techniques, the study of the psychological factors of the educational process and the educational and cognitive activity of the student in various forms of communication (characteristics, references, projects, mini-studies, etc.).
    • the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Name of the lecturer: Kenzhebaeva S.K.
  • Management
    • Prerequisites: General educational disciplines, Economic theory, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Theory of Public Administration, Marketing.
    • Post-requisites: Operational management, Human resources management, Theory and practice of public administration, Regional economy and management, Marketing management, Marketing research.
    • Purpose: to largely familiarize the undergraduates with the latest achievements of management science and best management practice.
    • Brief description of the course: Characteristics of management in modern conditions. Evolution of managerial thinking. The external environment and corporate culture. Management on a global scale. Management of the creation of small businesses. Setting goals and organizational design. Formulation and implementation of the strategy. Adoption of managerial decisions. Communications. Design of adaptive organizations. Change and innovation management. Human Resource Management. Work in teams. Dynamics of organizational behavior. Leadership in modern conditions. Motivation. Management control and quality control.
    • The expected results:
    • to know about the latest trends in management development in modern conditions; relations "organization-external environment"; designing adaptive organizations in conditions of changes and innovations; dynamics of organizational behavior, changing the nature of leadership in modern conditions; modern approaches to motivation, identification of types of teams in organizations;
    • be able to analyze the relationship of the organization with a volatile external environment, implement highly efficient planning in a rapidly changing environment; distinguish between modern command and network structures; recognize the characteristics of effective leaders; to develop the concepts of integrated quality management.
    • to have skills; effective management of crisis situations; ensuring the interaction of corporate culture and the environment; development of three levels of organizational strategy; the application of models and methods that facilitate the adoption of effective solutions in modern organizations; management of multicultural teams, application of modern approaches to motivation, implementation of communications in crisis situations, control and integrated quality management.
    • Name of the lecturer: Gelashvili N.N.
  • System analysis and diagnostics of technical objects
    • Prerequisites: Quality management systems
    • Post-requisites: Technical regulation. Theory and practice.
    • Purpose: Master students get knowledge of the basic concepts and methods of applied system analysis, decision theory, modeling and technical diagnostics to improve the reliability of objects.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction. Models and modeling. Systems, models of systems. Artificial and natural systems. The role of measurements in creating models of systems. Diagnostic systems.
    • The expected results:
    • to know: the general characteristics of the main problems of organization of system studies, the methodology of system analysis, the system analysis procedures, the types of modules and the main stages of building models, the methods of choice (decision-making), the algorithm for performing system analysis, the theory, methods and means of detecting defects of objects of a technical nature;
    • be able to: form problems, simulate simple and complex systems and technological processes, solve problems of choice (decision making), perform diagnostics of technical objects;
    • to have skills: constructing problems, modeling complex systems and technological processes, solving multicriteria tasks and selection problems, applying methods and diagnostic tools to detect defects in technical objects;
    • be professionally competent: in the field of test and functional diagnostics to improve the reliability, life and service life of technical objects.
    • Name of the lecturer: Dospaev M.M.
  • Quality economy in branches of the food industry
    • Prerequisites: Management
    • Post-requisites: master's project
    • Purpose: a study of innovative methods of management in branches of the food industry
    • Brief description of the course: History of development of economy of quality. Costs of quality. Entity, maintenance, classification. Control and analysis of costs of quality. Methods of accounting of costs of quality. Formation of project quality in the food industry. Innovative methods of management of production.
    • Expected results: knowledge of basic approaches which is used in case of the organization of real operation for accounting of costs of quality of production, processes and services.
    • Name of the lecturer: Legostayevа A.A.
  • Name of the discipline: Modern problems of quality management of food products
    • Prerequisites: Management
    • Post-requisites: Modern biotechnology and food technology
    • Purpose: to study modern forms of integration of science, technology and production
    • Brief description of the course: Indicators of the quality of food products. Modern approaches to improving the quality of products. The main directions of improving the quality of products. Standardization as an organizational and technical tool to improve product quality. Modern forms of integration of science, technology and food production.
    • Expected results: the knowledge of undergraduates modern forms of integration of science, technology and production.
    • Name of the lecturer: Legostaeva A.A.
  • Name of the discipline: Modern technologies of food storage
    • Prerequisites: chemistry, physics
    • Post-requisites: master's project
    • Purpose: to acquire a certain set of knowledge for the practical application of modern physicochemical properties of food products
    • Brief description of the course: Modern physicochemical methods of quality control. Physical methods of quality control of goods. Chemical methods used to control the quality of food. Microscopic, optical, etc. Chemical methods used to control the quality of food). Fundamental principles of food storage. Technology of storage and processing of products. Methods of storing food without cooling. Modern technologies and designs for storage of food products. Refrigeration technologies. New energy-saving technologies for increasing the shelf life of food products. Antibacterial systems. Filters. Nanotechnology. Ionizers of air. Generators of nitrogen. Storage in a controlled atmosphere (RA).
    • Expected results: Knowledge of complex methods of storing products using modern physical and chemical technologies.
    • Name of the lecturer: Balmagambetova L.T.
  • Name of the discipline: Modern biotechnology and food technology
    • Prerequisites: Biochemistry, microbiology, food technology.
    • Postrequisites: master's project
    • Purpose: to give the undergraduates theoretical knowledge in the field of biotechnology and to acquaint them with the methods, skills of practical application of biotechnology in the production of food additives.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction. Problems of food in the world. Possibilities of science and technology of developed countries in creating food additives in solving the food problem. Theoretical bases of biotechnology. Isolation of pure strains of microorganisms. Genetic engineering recombination of microorganisms based on the achievement of genetic engineering. Technology of production of food additives in fermenters. Drying and packaging, storage of food additives. Prospects for the development of molecular biology, biotechnology, genetic engineering, chemistry and food technology.
    • Expected results: the undergraduate will receive practical methodological approaches for the allocation of pure cultures of the ICD and their use in production, accelerating maturation, improving the quality of food.
    • Name of the lecturer: Balmagambetova L.T.
  • Name of the discipline: Organization and planning of scientific research and innovation activities
    • Prerequisites: management, psychology
    • Post-requisites: master's project
    • Purpose: the formation of the students about the science, the stages of scientific research work, including the choice of the direction of scientific research, the search for, the accumulation and processing of scientific information, recommendations on the formulation of the results of scientific work and their introduction into production.
    • Brief description of the course: Contents and procedure for conducting scientific research and technical developments: collection, processing, analysis and systematization of scientific and technical information on the research topic; choice of methods and means of solving the problem; development of methods and organization of experiments, analysis of their results; preparation of scientific and technical reports, reviews, publications on the results of the completed research.
    • Expected results: formation of the students' submissions about research, inventive and innovative activities in the field of standardization and certification.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Name of the course: Fundamentals of research activity
    • Prerequisites: management, psychology
    • Post-requisites: master's project
    • Purpose: to study the basics of organizing research
    • Brief description of the course: Scientific foundations of research activity. The choice of the direction of scientific research and the stages of research work. Methods of search, accumulation and processing of scientific information. Organization of work with scientific literature. Theoretical research. Modeling in scientific and technical creativity. The use of computers in scientific research. Experimental research. Processing of the results of experimental studies. Processing of the results of experimental studies. Registration of the results of scientific work and transfer of information.
    • Expected results: the formation of the students about the stages of scientific research work.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Name of the course: Actual problems of standardization, metrology and conformity assessment in the food industry
    • Prerequisites: Confirmation of conformity of products and services
    • Post-requisition: master's project
    • Purpose: to study the main provisions of the state system of technical regulation in the field of food production
    • Brief description of the course: The role and tasks of technical regulation in improving the quality and safety of products. Actual problems of introduction of technical regulations at the enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The newest models for solving the problems of increasing the competitiveness and sustainable development of modern branches of the food industry. Modern problems of certification of products and systems. International standards of food safety and quality. The role of standardization, metrology in the development of food production.
    • Expected results: knowledge of the latest models for solving problems in the field of food quality assurance.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Actual problems of standardization, metrology and conformity assessment in public catering
    • Prerequisites: Proof of conformity of products and services
    • Post-requisites: master's project
    • Objective: to study the main provisions of the state system of technical regulation in the food industry.
    • Brief description of the course: The main directions of the development of standardization, metrology and certification. The role of the State Committee for Standardization in the development of the industry. Interstate standardization in the field of food production. Problems of ensuring safety in the field of food production. Status and relevance of the fund of regulatory documents of the industry. Modern methods of quality control and food safety. Problems of metrological support of the industry. Development of methods for assessing the conformity of food products.
    • Expected results: master's knowledge of current problems in the field of standardization, metrology and confirmation of conformity in the field of catering services.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Name of the course: Quality management systems
    • Prerequisites: Standardization, certification
    • Postrequisites: master's project
    • Objective: to study the basic requirements and principles of building quality management systems.
    • Brief description of the course: international and domestic standards, regulations and other normative and guidance materials related to the work performed; legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on standardization, metrology and certification; general principles of building quality management systems and environmental management in accordance with international standards of the ISO 9000 series and ISO 14000; basic requirements for normative and normative-technical documentation, products, processes and quality management systems, methods of conducting scientific research and calculations.
    • Expected results: To master the methodology and methodology of studying the mastering by magistrants of the most important and considerate knowledge in the field of standardization, certification and quality management system: international and domestic standards, regulations and other normative and guidance materials related to the work performed; legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on standardization, metrology and certification; general principles of building quality management systems and environmental management in accordance with international standards of the ISO 9000 series and ISO 14000.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Quality management systems in universities
    • Prerequisites: Standardization, certification
    • Post-requisites: master's project
    • Objective: to study the basic requirements and principles of building quality management systems in higher education institutions.
    • Brief description of the course: Methodology of quality management of educational services. Process approach to the management of the learning process. Management of complex innovative technologies in shaping the quality of educational services. Normative co-management of the quality management of educational services. Audit of the quality system. Confirmation of the conformity of the quality management system. Information technologies in support of QMS of educational services.
    • Expected results: knowledge of the basic principles of the quality management system in universities.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Name of the course: Systems for the development and production of products for production.
    • Prerequisites: Standardization, certification
    • Post requisites: master's project
    • Objective: to study the system of development and delivery of products for production.
    • Brief description of the course: Principles of development and production systems for production (SRPP). Elements of the SRPP: technological and design documentation, tests, prototypes and batch of products. Features of development and setting for the production of non-food products; light industry products; food and agricultural products. The statement on production of production under the documentation of foreign firms.
    • Expected results: knowledge of the basic principles of the system of development and delivery of products for production.
    • Name of the lecturer: Dospaev M.M.
  • Quality control of raw materials and products of metallurgical production
    • Prerequisites: testing, control and safety of products
    • Post requisites: master's project
    • Objective: to acquire a certain set of knowledge for the practical application of modern methods of researching the quality of raw materials and products of metallurgical production
    • Brief description of the course: the concept of the types and methods of quality control and safety of raw materials and metal products. Classification of quality control methods. Resolving and non-destructive testing. Express - methods of quality control. Modern instrumental methods of quality control. Selection of the quality control method. Methods for controlling the safety of goods. Efficiency of modern methods of quality control of metallurgical products.
    • Expected results: master's knowledge of modern methods of quality control of raw materials and products of metallurgical production.
    • Name of the lecturer: Dospaev M.M.
  • Name of the course: Technical regulation. Theory and practice
    • Prerequisites: Technology of development of standards and normative documents
    • Post-requisites: master's project
    • Purpose: To study modern practice of technical regulation
    • Brief description of the course: The role and place of technical regulation in the general system of regulating the modern market, as well as the theoretical provisions and practices of technical regulation in the compulsory and voluntary fields. Principal moments of the Law of RK "On technical regulation". Development of technical regulations. The system of national standardization. Important aspects of confirming compliance with the requirements of technical regulations and activities in this area during the transition period. Topical issues related to risk assessment.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Actual problems of commodity science of different groups of goods
    • Prerequisites: Basics of research activities
    • Postrequisites: master's project
    • Objective: to study the problems of commodity production of commodity groups
    • Brief description of the course: Modern technologies for the production of quality products. The role of standardization in the creation of various groups of goods and an active competitive environment, in the introduction of innovations, the removal of barriers in domestic and foreign trade, in the harmonization of rules with international practice. Ecological aspects of the production of different groups of goods.
    • Expected results: Master's knowledge of the basics of technical regulation, the role of technical regulation in the creation of an active competitive environment in the production of various groups of goods
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Modern methods of managing the competitiveness of products
    • Prerequisites: Quality Management Systems
    • Postrequisites: master's project
    • Objective: to study modern methods of managing the competitiveness of products.
    • Brief course description: Quality and competitiveness of products in a globalized economy. Modern technological and economic factors that shape the quality of products. Modern methods of assessing the competitiveness of products. Modern methods of managing the competitiveness of products in foreign countries and in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Expected results: master's knowledge of modern methods of managing the competitiveness of products.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Name of the discipline: Problems of introduction of the quality management system at the Kazakhstan enterprises
    • Prerequisites: quality management systems in universities
    • Post-requisites: master's project
    • Objective: to study the place and role of the state in managing the quality of products of Kazakhstani enterprises
    • Brief description of the course: Standards regulating quality management. Modern methods of product quality management. The role of state management of products in modern conditions. Influence of state regulation of responsibility for the quality of manufactured products on the activities of enterprises. Problems of introduction of QMS at enterprises. Certification of QMS based on ISO 9001-2008.
    • Expected results: Master's knowledge of existing problems when implementing QMS at enterprises
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Actual problems of quality management.
    • Prerequisites: Quality Management Systems
    • Post-requisites: master's project
    • Objective: to study ways to improve quality management
    • Brief description of the course: The concept of quality management in higher education. Evolution of the development of the theory of quality management. TQM in education. Strategic Planning for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Quality management tools.
    • Expected results: master's knowledge of the basics of quality management
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Standardization and certification in quality management of services
    • Prerequisites: Quality management systems in universities
    • Post-requisites: master's project
    • Objective: to study the main provisions of the state system of technical regulation aimed at ensuring the security of services in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Brief description of the course: Actual problems in the field of services. The general concept of eliminating technical barriers to trade. International standards in the field of technical regulation of services. European standards in the field of technical regulation. International and European standards. Directives. Modules. Conformity assessment concepts. Mutual recognition of certification systems. Ensuring compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of VMS. Improvement of works on improving the quality of services in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Expected results: knowledge of international and domestic standards by undergraduates; actual problems of standardization of goods and services, to be able to use terminology and ND in the field of standardization and certification.
    • Name of the lecturer: Esenbaeva G.A.
  • Actual problems in the practice of international standardization
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of research and innovation activities
    • Postrequisites: master's project
    • Objective: to study the main provisions of international standardization.
    • Brief description of the course: Actual problems in the organization of standardization activities at the international level and harmonization of national standards. The current state of international cooperation in the field of standardization. International organizations on standardization. The problems of the application of international standards at the national level.
    • Expected results: knowledge of international and domestic standards by undergraduates; current problems in the practice of international standardization.
    • Name of the lecturer: Dospaev M.M.
  • Name of the course: Standardization: current status and problems
    • Prerequisites: Standardization
    • Post requisites: master's project
    • Objective: to study problems and conditions in the field of standardization.
    • Brief description of the course: Current state of standardization. The problems of the organization of standardization activities. The state of domestic and foreign organization of standardization activities. Improvement of standardization work in various industries.
    • Expected results: master's knowledge of the current state and problems of standardization.
    • Name of the lecturer: Dospaev M.M.

Magistratura-EP-Technology of food products-SP

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Technology of food products (scientific and pedagogical direction)


    Engineering science and technology

  • Contingent of master students on educational program for 01.10.2017
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis

The structure of the educational program in the specialty 6M070300 "Information systems" scientific and pedagogical direction branched into two educational trajectories:
1) Educational trajectory 1 - is: "Design and management of information systems", the purpose of giving the students a stable knowledge of the principles of design and management of integrated information systems for the effective organization of processes of management of information resources and systems. Study courses: "Methodology and practice of IT consulting", "Computer-aided design tools and systems management", "Application Design of information systems", "Programming in computational systems of parallel architecture", etc. these subjects enable you to acquire competence in the management of hardware and software complexes of information systems; professional search necessary information in Internet, scientific literature and periodicals; architecture selection and integration of hardware of information systems; design of information systems and their elements in specific areas.
2) Educational trajectory 2 has the direction "System analysis and modeling of information processes", the purpose of this work is the study of the fundamentals of the theory of modeling information systems and processes running in them, a methodology to develop computer models, methods, and means of implementation of simulation and processing results of computational experiments, as well as the formation of ideas about modern instrumental systems for simulation and designing information systems. Study courses: "Models and methods for multidimensional analysis of information-measuring systems", "Development of information systems in education", "technology development of information-analytical systems", "innovation project Management", "Methods and means for recognition of the images and visualization", etc. The following disciplines will be able to gain the following competencies: to analyze the data and to evaluate the required recognition of the unnormal tasks by using mathematical methods and methods of computer modeling, development of informational-analytical systems; manage IT projects.

The objects of professional activity of graduates of a magistracy in the specialty 6M070300 – Information systems are:
- with scientific and pedagogical training: research institutions; government bodies; educational institutions; design organizations; - industrial enterprises and others.
Graduate is given a degree:
- research and teaching - master of technical Sciences in the specialty 6M070300-Information systems.
Duration of study: scientific and pedagogical direction – 2 years.
Form of study full-time.

The degree program: Master student_Of technical Sciences On specialty 6M070300 «Information system» Scientific and pedagogical direction)
Degree and Duration of Study Single degree (one university)
(130_ ECTS – credits/ _59_Kazakhstan credits)
Institute of Higher Learning Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education – Consulting (IQAA)
Period of Validity This program was approved by the University for a period of 2 years for those who is receiving a degree at the University from 2017
Level QFforEHEA(Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 2nd cycle; EQF (European qualifications framework): level 7; NQF (National Qualifications Framework): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of this master's program is preparing masters that can effectively conduct research, develop and implement information technology and systems, and to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems, plan and carry out experimental research activities in the IT direction, and to successfully research and administrative activities.
      Successful graduates must demonstrate adequate knowledge of the methodological foundations of the design and implementation of IT systems, to master modern technologies in the IT environment -infrastructure, skills management and design of server and network technology implementation projects, and have in-depth scientific and pedagogical training. They can work in the IT sectors of the economy, education, medicine, law, art, services and business.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline/ Subjectarea
    • Maindisciplines: modelling Analysis and design of information systems, Design of applications, information systems, Methodology and practice of IT consulting, Technology development of information and intelligent systems, Management of IT – projects, the Protection of information resources of computer systems and networks, Protecting of information systems using visual programming, Programming in parallel computing systems architecture
      Design and management of information systems.
      System analysis and modeling of information processes.
    • 2.General Information/ Specialization
    • Design and management of information systems.
      System analysis and modeling of information processes.
    • 3.Direction
    • Engineering science
    • 4.Features
    • The program is aimed at training specialists competent to conduct a systematic work on increase of efficiency of their organizations on the basis of an evidence-based analysis of their activities and the use of modern information technology.
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • Graduates of the program 6M070300 "Information system" trained to work in the private, public and international organizations, research institutions, educational institutions etc. the Objects of their professional activity are: formalization and solution of applied tasks and processes, implementing IT-projects of automation of business processes and information systems in subject areas; implementation of design solutions using modern ICT and software engineering; project management Informatization of enterprises and organizations.
    • 2.Further Education
    • PhD
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational program is of applied character, aimed at fostering the skills of working with IT-technologies. In the learning process using problem-oriented software packages, machine learning, massive open online courses, electronic textbooks, slide films, video lectures, distance learning, webinars, methods used: team work, lecture-discussion, lecture two, lecture with errors, Dalton-plan, problem lecture, game methods (brain-ring, business games, jeopardy, Rivals, Exam classes, etc.), and virtual laboratory facilities for laboratory and practical classes. Attracting undergraduates to participate in research projects under the departmental research theme, which aims to support the ideas and works of masters and bringing them to commercialization. Additionally, undergraduates can participate in projects of SCO and to go for research internships in countries near and far abroad.
    • 2.Evaluation methods
    • The University of the University system of the quality of training undergraduates, including the current, interim, interim and final control of knowledge of students.
      Assessment methods: oral questioning, reports on laboratory works, their defence, project reports, individual assignments, colloquia, written tests, presentations, trainings, essays, tests, etc.
      The current control of progress and intermediate certification of students in the educational program conducted on a 100-point rating system of academic and extracurricular achievements of students.
      The examination mark for the discipline is defined as the sum of the maximum indexes of progress on the watershed controls – 60% intermediate certification (exam) – 40% and 100%
  • E) Programmatic competencies
    • 1. General competencies
    • The program is complies with the requirements of the State educational standards of postgraduate education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the second level of cycle.
      This includes the general competencies (also known as key skills)of expected graduates of the second cycle (seeon the website ).
      The competencies listed beloware the summaryand the most characteristic competencies for this program:
      - have an understanding of the role of science and education, modern trends in the development of scientific knowledge on current issues of science and technology;
      - be fluent in a foreign language on a professional level, allowing to conduct scientific researches;
      - to have skills of implementation of research activity, decision of standard scientific tasks and the proper submission of their results;
      - to be able to broaden and deepen the knowledge required for povsednevnoi professional activities and continuing education;
      - have professional communication skills, magculture communication, public speaking;
      - to be able to self-improvement and professional growth of the individual with versatile natural-scientific and humanitarian knowledge and interests;
      - be competent in the field of methodology of research of modern problems of world economy, organization and management of enterprises and the enhancement of professional skills.
    • 2. Specificcompetencie
    • Graduate students in the specialty 6M070300"Information systems" have the following competencies:
      - have knowledge about the current state and development trends of information technologies in the subject areas and related fields;
      - ability to conduct research and development of techniques for the analysis and optimization of processes of functioning of informational systems and technologies;
      - able to carry out effective planning, implementation, configuration and support of computer infrastructure of the organization;
      - possess the ability to develop design and working technical documentation in the field of automation of management processes;
      - be able to develop innovative projects, conduct investment analysis and risk analysis of projects, develop implementation schedules of projects to evaluate results of project activities; conduct project analysis in various fields;
      - to own skills of creation of mathematical models and models of recognition information;
      - possess the ability to choose technologies, tools and means
      computer equipment in the organization of design processes, monitoring and testing of the software product, tools, and systems management automation;
      - to own skills of work in team for developing IT projects;
      - mastering the skills of programming in computer systems parallel architecture;
      - be competent in solving professional tasks in the design and development of information systems of various classes.
  • F) The complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of professional practice, in the workof organizations, institutions and companies, graduates are able to demonstrate the ability of the following:
      - use a systematic approach when identifying problems and programming using modern tools and languages, the pilot model studies of socio-economic processes;
      - demonstrate high level of professional culture, including the culture of professional dialogue with civil position, ability to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems, to successfully research and administrative activities;
      -to own modern information technologies, including methods of obtaining, processing and storage of scientific information, to be able to organize and lead research activities in their chosen scientific specialty, to teach at universities;
      - design information systems and their components for different areas and create technical documentation;
      - participate in the organization of the following activities: organizational, managerial, research, teaching, and design;
      - design and development of effective database management systems, embedded and mobile applications, the creation and operation of corporate computer systems and networks, project management to create an effective and competitive software products;
      - skills of organizing and conducting research, obtaining the necessary backlog to continue scientific work in the doctorate.
  • "Analysis, modeling and design of information systems" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • This program is intended for higher educational institutions, which conduct training in the specialties 6M070300- "Information systems".
      The aim of the course is to study the principles and methods of studying the dynamics of the functioning of complex production facilities and ACS with the help of personal computers.
      The list of disciplines that precede the study of this discipline:
      "Basics of computer modeling", "System analysis and operation research", "Algorithmization and programming languages" (bachelor's degree).
      The list of disciplines that are interrelated with this discipline:
      "Automated design of facilities and control systems".
      In the process of studying the discipline, undergraduates must:
      have an idea:
      on the main provisions of the theory of information systems, as well as the principles and methods of their design;
      modern methods of analyzing information systems and processes, an apparatus for simulating random and non-standard parameters of complex systems;
      be able to:
      use intelligent simulation tools, computer simulation technology in the design of information systems;
      have the skills:
      the organization of computational experiments and the use of an object-oriented apparatus for analyzing and modeling information processes and systems;
      be competent:
      Practically apply the skills of modeling systems, networks and information protection processes in mathematical and algorithmic form, implement simulation models in the software complex.

      Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of technical sciences, professor Ten T.

  • "Psychology " 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • The field of higher education is one of the most responsible
      Professional training in the chain of organized Institutes of the educational system. The content of education as the most important Economic and social progress should be directed towards Creation of conditions for self-realization of the person. In this regard, the unified goal of the educational system at all its levels and stages is the creation of conditions for Comprehensive development of the individual.
      Educational landmarks that have received international recognition,
      Suggest the projection of the learning process on the personality of the trainee, to its Requests and needs, providing opportunities for its self-disclosure,
      Development of intellectual functions and abilities.
      In the conditions of formation in the Republic of Kazakhstan of a new system of education, oriented towards entering the world educational Space, there are significant changes in theory and practice Psychological science. The updating of the training is carried out in the context of Leading educational trends, including an active The mastering by man of the methods of cognitive activity. Therefore, an important The use of the possibilities of modern psychology in improving the effectiveness of educational structures, the scientific justification and
      Practical implementation of innovations. The course "Psychology" is intended for undergraduates of all specialties and Aimed at developing their professional reflection in the field of psychology Training and education, the effectiveness of which depends on Scientific approach, psychological competence and skillful use of psychological resources. Thus, the need for the development of a psychological-
      Pedagogical competence of specialists in the new conditions of public
      Development determines the relevance of this course in the higher
      Vocational education.
      The purpose of the course "Psychology" is to teach the undergraduates the basics of higher school psychology, to expand their professional capabilities in terms of applying psychological knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity.
      The tasks of studying the discipline:
      - To reveal the psychological and pedagogical essence of the educational process in higher education;
      - Give master students a holistic view of the most significant theoretical concepts, empirical research and basic applications of general, social, age and pedagogical psychology in relation to the course "Psychology";
      - To consider the basic tendencies of development of the higher school at the present stage;
      - To develop psychological and pedagogical thinking of undergraduates.
      It means:
      A) accept the idea of the uniqueness and uniqueness of each person, his mental make-up. Do not allow purely prescription actions;
      B) develop an attitude towards the person as the supreme value. This excludes the manipulation of the student to achieve other goals;
      C) to form an idea of the active, creative character of the human psyche. This will help to recognize that direct intervention in the psyche to change it is unacceptable. All skills, skills, knowledge, personality traits, interests and values are formed or changed in activity. Any external, direct interference in the psyche, bypassing its own activity, can be disastrous;
      D) understand that the relationship of man with other people is the main driving force, the source of new formations of the individual psyche.
      As a result of studying the course "Psychology" undergraduates should master the following basic competencies (knowledge, skills, skills):
      - The socio-psychological nature of pedagogical activity;
      - The properties of mental processes included in cognitive activity;
      - Content and specificity of psychological and pedagogical influence;
      - Individual features of objects of influence.
      Be able to:
      - Effectively apply modern methods and methods of teaching in higher education;
      - Use the necessary psychological and methodological resources for the preparation and conduct of classes (lectures, seminars, SRMP and examinations);
       Apply adequate psychodiagnostic methods of studying the personality of the student and the student group;
      Acquire practical skills:
      - Management of the learning process on various aspects of communication in the field of professional activity;
      - Professional reflection;
      - Possession of the main methods of psychological influence;
      - Professional communication.
      The meaning of the course "Psychology" is determined by its leading role in
      Formation and disclosure of the creative potential of professional-
      Oriented personality. A graduate of a master's degree will have an opportunity
      Carry out the following types of professional activities:
      - Educational, research, diagnostic and correctional;
      - Expert and advisory; Cultural and educational.
      The study of the course "Psychology" is based on the knowledge gained
      Master students in mastering the previous academic disciplines: "Philosophy", "Age Psychology", "Social Psychology", "Pedagogical psychology", etc.
      The psychology psychology school is interconnected with "General psychology", "Pedagogy of higher education" and other psychological disciplines.

      Full name of the lecturer: candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Kenzhebaeva S.K.

  • " Pedagogics" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • The program of the course "Pedagogy" is intended for undergraduates. The course is designed for 2 credits, of which 15 hours are lectures, 15 hours - seminars, 30 hours - SRMP, 30 hours - SRM.
      The separation of the pedagogy of higher education into a relatively independent field of scientific knowledge is caused by the needs of the development of modern society in improving and improving the efficiency of training specialists for all branches of modern production. Today, the quality of vocational training of graduates of higher education is characterized not only by the high level of professional knowledge and skills. At the forefront comes a personal factor that determines the ability to competently and responsibly perform professional and social roles, produce new ideas, technologies and solutions, the ability to communicate effectively in the areas of scientific, practical activities and education. Accordingly, higher education should be directed not so much at the armament with the knowledge and skills of the student, but rather in revealing the essential forces, the person's ability to reflect and the need for continuous self-education and self-development. In this set of problems, it is important to train teachers, which largely determines the effectiveness of education. The teacher in modern conditions becomes not so much the carrier and transmitter of scientific information, but rather the organizer of cognitive activity of students, their independent work and scientific creativity.
      At present, the educational process in higher education institutions has become more complex in terms of its tasks, intensity and content. It requires profound psychological reflection by teachers of the laws of educational activity, the principles and methods of teaching and upbringing, and the formation of personality. The reform of education, the transition to three cycles of study (bachelor's - master's degree - doctoral studies) and the credit system of instruction actualize a new layer of knowledge and pedagogical science aimed at the competent design and implementation of innovative educational technologies.
      Among the many factors that determine the effectiveness of the teacher of higher education, his professional and pedagogical competence is brought to the forefront.
      This program of the course "Pedagogics" (for the master's degree of the University) is focused on the preparation of undergraduates for teaching and methodological activities in higher education.
      The course content reflects the current trends of humanization and democratization of the teaching and upbringing process in higher education, new technologies of teaching and upbringing, and focuses on the individual and creative style of pedagogical activity.
      The purpose of teaching the course is to master the basics of the professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher of higher education, to familiarize future teachers with the general problems, the methodological and theoretical foundations of high school pedagogy, modern technologies of analysis, planning and organization of teaching and upbringing, communicative technologies of subject-subject interaction between the teacher and student in Educational process of the university.
      Mastering the course should help students understand:
      - Actual problems of modern higher education and pedagogical science;
      - The essence of pedagogical activity of the university teacher;
      - The role of subject education in the professional training of a future specialist;
      - Himself a subject of professional activity and master the way of self-determination and analysis of his own professional activity.
      To master the skills:
      - The separation from the reality of pedagogical facts, phenomena, events and their description in the language of pedagogical science, relying on the laws of pedagogical theories, explanations, prediction and development;
      - The construction of the educational process, based on new concepts of teaching and upbringing;
      - Creation of a creative and developing environment in the process of education and upbringing.
      Be competent in:
      - Solving problems of higher pedagogical education and prospects for its further development;
      - In the application of effective university learning technologies;
      - The main types of pedagogical communicative interaction, means and technologies of uncontrolled learning;
      - Solving current psychological and pedagogical problems, assessing the results achieved;
      Organization and management of students' activities.
      Designed for undergraduates of all specialties.

      Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Mulikova S.A.

  • "History and Philosophy of science " 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • The course "History and Philosophy of Science" is universally binding for all
      Specialties of magistracy. He forms the culture of scientific
      Develop analytical skills and research skills. Activities.
      The course introduces the phenomenon of science as a subject of special
      Philosophical analysis, forms knowledge about the history and theory of science; about The laws of the development of science and the structure of scientific knowledge; About science as Profession and social institution; On the methods of conducting scientific research; about The role of science in the development of society.
      The aim of the course is to study the laws and trends of development of a special Activities on the production of scientific knowledge, taken in their historical Dynamics and considered in the historically changing socio-cultural
      Context. Course Objectives:
      The identification of the specifics and interrelationship of the main problems, the themes of philosophy Science and the history of science;
      The disclosure of the self-consciousness of science in its social and philosophical perspectives;
      Understanding of the phenomenon of science as a profession, social institution and Immediate productive force;
      Disclosure of disciplinary self-determination of natural,
      Social and technical sciences, their community and spilled.
      A short essay on the development of history and the philosophy of science. Historical- Philosophical interpretation of the genesis and development of science.
      The prerequisites of science in Ancient Eastern civilization - Egypt, Babylon, India, China. Role Ancient Greek philosophy in the emergence of science. Science in the Western and Eastern medieval. Development of logic, mathematics, philosophy, medicine. Preconditions for the emergence of an experimental method in the Renaissance. Formation of experimental science in modern times. The formation of classical natural science and its methodology. Creating a mechanical picture of the world. Formation of evolutionary ideas. Formation of ideas and methods of non-classical science. The emergence of history and the philosophy of science as an independent branch of philosophical reflection. Positivism, empirio-criticism, neopositivism, postpositivism. Scientific revolutions. The theory of the development of science as the replacement of scientific paradigms. The growing role of philosophy in the development of natural science and other sciences. Scientific rationality. Formation of science as a professional activity. Ideals and norms of science. History and philosophy of natural, technical and sociohumanitarian sciences. Formation and development of science in Kazakhstan. Features of the modern stage of development of science. Philosophical problems of development of modern global civilization. Core competencies:
      As a result of studying the discipline "History and Philosophy of Science", the master student must: Know:
      - Nature, structure, principles of the organization and functioning of science;
      - Genesis and history of science from the standpoint of the formation of its models, images and Styles of thinking;
      - Interrelation of scientific and philosophical thought;
      - The fundamental basis and conceptual apparatus of history and philosophy of science;
      - The production of knowledge, the laws of the formation and development of scientific disciplines;
      - Basic principles of scientific research.
      Be able to:
      - Formulate and solve problems arising in the course of research activities and require in-depth professional knowledge;
      - Select the necessary research methods, modify existing ones and develop new methods based on the tasks of the specific study;
      - To analyze and comprehend the realities of modern theory and practice on the basis of the history and philosophy of science, the methodology of natural-science, social and humanitarian and technical knowledge;
      - To apply methodological and methodological knowledge in the conduct of scientific research, pedagogical and educational work.
      To have skills:
      - Conducting independent research and scientific and pedagogical activities that require a fundamental education in the corresponding direction;
      - Writing scientific articles, abstracts, speeches at conferences, symposiums, round tables, discussions and debates.
      Prerequisites: Philosophy Post-requisites: disciplines of specialization

      Full name of the lecturer: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Klishina M.V.

  • "Foreign language (professional)" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • At the present stage of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
      Education is an important reserve in the implementation of socio-
      Economic transformations in the country, the main instrument of successful
      Social activities in multicultural and multilingual Society, a factor of cultural and intellectual development and upbringing Personality, possessing planetary thinking.
      At the present time, a social order for graduates Universities with a profound knowledge of foreign languages, in connection with which The role of a foreign language in the training of specialists is significantly increased New formation. The discipline "Foreign Language" occupies a special place among Other courses in the system of training masters - specialists of the second stage Higher education, since it is impossible to overestimate the importance of foreign Languages in access to global academic knowledge, necessary Young sovereign Kazakhstan.
      Teaching foreign languages in a master's degree in a non-linguistic institution, as Profile, and research direction should be Aimed at mastering the future masters of the language for professional and Academic goals at an advanced level, which will allow to operate freely Scientific-conceptual apparatus of the specialty, to expand the scientific-Information base, master the skills of interpreting the scientific Information, argumentation, persuasion, scientific controversy, academic
      The peculiarity of teaching a foreign language in a magistracy is
      In the study of relevant general scientific and specialized literature, the use of
      Innovative methods and technologies, and the attraction of modern means
      (Internet resources).
      The main goal of teaching a foreign language in a master's program is to
      Systemic deepening of communicative competence within the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and Skills of active language proficiency in the professional activities of the future Master's degree. Specific teaching objectives of the teaching correspond to this goal Disciplines "Foreign Language":
      - Improvement of oral communication skills in a foreign language in monologic and dialogical forms on the basis of skills development
      - arguments and controversies within the framework of general scientific and scientific-professional Problems;
      - further development of reading skills of foreign literature on Relevant specialty and articles of socio-political Orientation with subsequent processing and interpretation of the extracted Information;
      - training in the written explication of scientific information on
      A foreign language in the generally accepted basic forms;
      - the study of the linguistic characteristics of the genres of business speech,
      Official-business and scientific functional styles on the profile
      Training of a specialist;
      - improving the skills of translating texts from a foreign language into
      The language of instruction and the language of instruction in a foreign language on the basis of authentic texts of general scientific and professional orientation;
      - further improvement of listening skills on the material
      Professionally-oriented content.
      The foreign language course in the Master's program meets the requirements
      Continuity and is one of the links of the three-tiered Education. This typical program is aimed at continuing the study of a foreign language, improving the database created on the previous Stage, and is thus closely related to the discipline "Foreign Language" in Baccalaureate. In addition, the teaching of a foreign language is based on Linguistic knowledge of students, they received in practical courses on Kazakh language, Russian language, as well as knowledge and skills of undergraduates specialties.
      Since in the course of studying the discipline "Foreign Language" students
      Work with special literature related to the scientific project, Accordingly, they actively use the knowledge obtained in Process of studying a foreign language, for presentation in their course and Master's theses. In addition, undergraduates can draw their knowledge Foreign language, acquired skills and abilities in any related
      Discipline, studied in parallel. Thus, after completing the course "Foreign Language" Master student should know:
      - Functional-stylistic characteristics of scientific presentation
      Material in the foreign language being studied, General scientific terminology and terminological sublanguage Corresponding specialty in a foreign language, -basis of business correspondence in the framework of international cooperation;
      Be able to:
      - freely read, translate the original literature on the chosen specialty with the subsequent analysis, interpretation and evaluation of the extracted information,
      - Explain in writing (abstract, abstract, summary) scientific information,
      - participate in professional discussions, scientific debates, discussions, discussions at the round table, give presentations on scientific research (at seminars, conferences, symposia, forums), listen to and understand public speeches with direct and indirect communication (lectures, reports , TV and Internet programs);
      Have skills:
      - oral communication on the specialty in the forms of monologue, dialogue / polylogue (report, communication, discussion, debate, debate, round-table discussions), preparation of written information materials on the specialty (scientific report, communication, abstracts, poster report, Abstract, abstract);
      - work with lexicographic sources in a foreign language (traditional and on-line);
      - the use of modern approaches to the study of a foreign language (national buildings of foreign languages).
      According to the curriculum, practical classes in a foreign language are assigned not only to classroom lectures, but also to independent types of master's work (SRMP). In this connection, it is proposed to make reading and translating texts of a general scientific and professional nature for the SRMP, that is, the so-called "academic reading" with the appropriate oral and written presentation of the material, and at a subsequent monitoring stage this type of work is the basis Abstract and / or presentation of the individual design work of the undergraduate. This program consists of recommended for the type of program recommended parts: Introduction, the Basic part, the tasks for the independent work of the undergraduate, the topics of the independent work of the undergraduate, the Requirements for the control of knowledge and forms of control, the List of recommended literature.

      Full name of the lecturer: Candidate of Philology, professor Aubakirova G.T., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Yertysbaeva G.N.

  • «Organization and planning of scientific researches» 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, History and philosophy of science.
    • Postrequisites: research practice, writing of a master thesis
    • Purpose: To give know ledges necessary for full understanding of the role and the place of scientific sphere as a subsystem of modern society, essence and content of scientific research as a type of professional activity, and also to create for master program's students an idea of process of standard and documentary maintenance of a scientific research.
    • Brief description of the course: Science as a system of ideas about the world and as an institute. Institute of science in a modern society. Elements of Kazakhstani science. Science resources. Current state of science in Kazakhstan. Essence and content of a scientific research. Methodology of a scientific research. Logical bases of a scientific research. Methods of a scientific research. Preparatory stage of research work. Collecting scientific information. Carrying out researches. Process of maintenance of scientific research.
    • The expected results:
    • To seize the basic concepts, methods and stages of implementation of research work, according to the last requirements to scientific and innovative activity.
    • To be able to put theoretical knowledge into practice and to understand their appointment and role in the solution of professional tasks.
    • To develop arguments and to make decisions by means of search, collecting, analysis and systematization of information.
    • To provide information in various forms of messages, to cooperate and work in-group, to discuss and defend the position, to make decisions.
    • To gain skills on realization of a complex of research actions when developing of the chosen direction of master research.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Ulybyshev D
  • «Science in the national economy of Kazakhstan» 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: «History and philosophy of science»
    • Postrequisites: Management of innovative projects
    • Purpose: To give the undergraduates the knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the institute of science, its goals, tasks and functions in relation to the national economy of Kazakhstan, identifying key elements of the scientific sphere, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its development, interaction of the country's scientific sphere with other subsystems of the national economy; form a comprehensive understanding of the current problems of the functioning of the scientific sector in Kazakhstan, as well as developed and developing countries.
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical bases of innovative development of modern economy. Modern ideas about science. Institute of Science and its components. Intellectual capital as the main resource of science. Science as a kind of professional activity. Foreign experience in organizing the scientific sphere (USA, European Union, Russia, Japan). Trends in the development of the scientific sector of Kazakhstan. Interrelation of science and the state. Interrelation of science and business. Infrastructure of science. Legal regulation of scientific activity. Preparation of scientific research. Accompaniment of scientific research.
    • The expected results:
    • master knowledge of the scientific field in the context of modern concepts of social development, the formation and development of science as a key element of the modern market economy, the interaction of science with other subsystems of the national economy.
    • be able to apply in practice the knowledge gained about the mechanisms of the functioning of the scientific sphere, the sources of research funding, the regulatory support of scientific activities, and the organizational support of scientific research.
    • It is reasoned and logical to prove own position regarding applied scientific methods, compilation and writing of scientific works, the role of science in the modern economy.
    • to collect and interpret the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the development of science within its own position on the role of the state and business in its development, to discuss the most acute problems of the state of science in Kazakhstan.
    • acquire the skills of organizing independent and collective scientific research, writing scientific papers (applications, articles, projects).
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Ulybyshev D
  • «Methods and technologies of teaching in higher education» 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogy. Psychology.
    • Postrequisites: teaching practice
    • Purpose: form competence in the planning, development and organization of the educational process in the university.
    • Brief description of the course: Priorities for reform and modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan. The content and forms of methodical work of the university teacher. Forms of organization of training of students in higher education. Methods and means of teaching in high school. Modern technologies of teaching in higher education.
    • The expected results: to know the prospects for the development of pedagogical science and professional activity of the university teacher, to understand the essence of technological education; to apply in the professional activity the methods of instruction adequate to the goals and content of the academic discipline, effective pedagogical technologies for training specialists; to carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of methods, means, forms and technologies of education in the university, reflecting the training sessions conducted and formulating conclusions on this basis; to represent the interpretation of positive pedagogical experience, educational materials and the results of the student's educational and cognitive activities in various forms of communication (references, reports, expert opinions, mini-studies, etc.); the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Kenzhebaeva S.
  • «Organization and methodology of the training sessions» 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogy. Psychology.
    • Postrequisites: teaching practice
    • Purpose: the formation of pedagogical competencies required for the organization of the educational process in higher education and readiness for the management of students' educational activities.
    • Brief description of the course: Actual problems of education. Standardization in education. Organization of educational process. Implementation of didactic principles in the teaching process. Forms of teaching in the learning process. Methods of teaching in an educational institution. Modern means of teaching. Modern technologies of teaching. Psychological and pedagogical bases of activation of the educational process. Interactive methods of teaching in high school. Methodology of using AMO on the SRSP (CDS). Psihologo-pedagogical bases of the control in training. The method of control in education in the university. Control of students' knowledge in the conditions of the credit system of training. Tasks and content of the methodical work of the university teacher.
    • The expected results: The magistracy demonstrates knowledge and understanding in the formation of a holistic view of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the methodology for teaching special disciplines with the help of the most modern textbooks, including certain aspects of knowledge that are at the forefront of the science being studied. Magistrates can apply their knowledge and understanding in terms of professional approach to their activities, demonstrate competence and demonstrate the construction of convincing arguments for solving problems that lie within the field of education. Magistrants have the ability to collect and interpret the necessary data to express their judgments in the field of activating cognitive activity, pedagogical analysis and evaluation of the methodological work of the university teacher. Magistrates can inform and visually present information, ideas, problems and their solutions in the audience not only professionals, but also non-specialists; Magistrates are able to develop and form skills, to independently study and analyze scientific and pedagogical sources on the problems studied.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Minzhanov N.
  • «System research in the management tasks» 2 credits/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Design of information systems (bachelor)
    • Postrequisites: Management of IT – projects, computer-aided design tools and systems management.
    • Purpose: to study the system of research in control problems
    • Brief description of the course: Systemology. Applied General systems theory. System analysis. Imitation models, systems, and methods. Knowledge model and expert system. Optimal control. Model comparison and selection. Decision-making in situations of conflict, risk, uncertainty. Empirical-statistical modeling. Dynamic models and research. Problems of management in technical, industrial, economic, and environmental systems. Forecasting development. Improvement and optimization. Ensuring reliability and security.
    • The expected results: competence in the field of systems theory and system analysis, knowledge of simulation modelling, dynamic models, optimization models.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yavorsky V.
  • «Models and methods of analysis of multidimensional information-measuring systems» 2 credits/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Basics of Computer Modeling (Bachelor's)
    • Postrequisites: Mathematical and instrumental methods of decision support
    • Purpose: development of models and methods for the analysis of multidimensional AIS for their practical application.
    • Brief description of the course: Measuring information systems (MIS). Mathematical models of information - measuring systems. Thermodynamic models of information processes. Thermodynamics of multidimensional information systems. Principles of constructing multidimensional information - measuring systems. Algorithms for the operation of multidimensional measurement systems.
    • The expected results: Competencies in the field of knowledge of typical classes of models and methods for modeling complex systems, methods of system and structural analysis, principles for constructing models for the processes of functioning of complex systems, formalization and algorithmization methods, hierarchy and variability methods, function decomposition.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ten T.
  • «Designing applications of information systems» 2 credits/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Design of Information Systems (Bachelor's)
    • Postrequisites: Automated design of facilities and control systems.
    • Purpose: the course "Design of Information Systems Applications" provides for the study of the methodological foundations of software development technologies, the use of these technologies in the design of IP software in a certain functional area.
    • Brief description of the course: Specificity and tasks of information software systems. Problems and features of designing software for information systems. Modern trends in software engineering. Methodical foundations of technologies of software development for information systems. Methodology for developing solutions for Microsoft. The technological process of creating an application. The main processes of the software life cycle. Models and stages of the software life cycle. Evaluation, selection and implementation of software development technologies. General classification of information application architectures. Data Warehousing and online analytical data processing systems. Tools and methodologies for the design, development and maintenance of information systems. Basic means of building IP in the architecture of "client-server". Programming on the server and client side. The problem of data integration. The reference architecture model (OMA - Object Management Architecture) of the distributed information system. Review and analysis of tools and methodologies for developing and maintaining network applications of group software. Trends and prospects for the development of software development technologies.
    • The expected results: Mastering the skills of programming applications of information systems, knowledge of the architecture of information applications, the technology of software development.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ten T.
  • «Software for modeling systems» 2 credits/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Models and methods of analysis of multidimensional information-measuring systems.
    • Postrequisites: Mathematical and instrumental methods of decision support.
    • Purpose: studying the principles of the system approach in modeling systems.
    • Brief description of the course: Basic concepts of models and modeling. Theory of estimation and filtration. Robust systems. Fuzzy sets in control problems. Models of comparison and choice. Identification and assessment of states. Simulation models, systems, methods. Tools for simulating, identifying and designing information processes and systems. Modeling technology.
    • The expected results: Modeling of the technological process, realized with the help of application software packages. Formalization and solution of prediction problems on the basis of models.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Tazhbayev N.
  • «Компьютерные образовательные среды и системы» 2 credits/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Computer science. New technologies in EIS (Bachelor's)
    • Postrequisites: Design of information systems using visual programming tools, Automated design of facilities and control systems
    • Purpose: the study of the application in the learning process of Internet technologies of instruction, both for providing students with educational and methodological materials, and for interactive interaction between the teacher and trainees.
    • Brief description of the course: Scientific - theoretical bases of pedagogical technologies. Modern educational and educational technologies and their implementation in the teaching and educational process. Telecommunications in education. Distance learning. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system. Modern information technologies in education: didactic problems, use prospects, higher education in the 21st century. Distance Learning Technologies. Informatization of modern teaching technologies.
    • The expected results: To know the place and role of information technologies in science and education, automated systems for teaching and managing scientific and educational institutions, distance learning systems, apply the skills of using Internet technologies at a reconstructive level, set goals, create problems and conduct research on the use of information technologies in science and education.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Drozd V.
  • «Development of information systems in education» 2 credits/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: History and philosophy of science. Psychology. Pedagogy.
    • Postrequisites: Management of innovative projects
    • Purpose: studying methods and methods of developing IP in educationи
    • Brief description of the course: Informatization of education as the dictates of time. The goals and objectives of IP in education. Basic concepts of informatization of education. Computer in the management of educational institutions. Information technology for quality and affordable education. Classification and characteristics of software tools for information technology training. Perfection of pedagogical technologies and models of training in conditions of computerization of education. Electronic means of educational purpose, their composition and typology. The model of the electronic training course. Opportunities of hypertext technology to create an electronic training course (AAU). Use of knowledge bases and databases in the learning process. Organization of interactive learning process. Overview of modern automation systems for school management.
    • The expected results: Acquisition of knowledge, abilities and skills in the use of information and communication technologies in education.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Drozd V.
  • «Methodology and practice of IT consulting» 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Design of Information Systems (Bachelor's).
    • Postrequisites: IT project management. Automated design of facilities and control systems.
    • Purpose: is the formation of students a set of theoretical knowledge and methodological foundations in the field of IT consulting, as well as the practical skills required for the qualified implementation of consulting projects.
    • Brief description of the course: Consulting in the field of information technology and organization of consulting. Consulting projects for the selection of software solutions for enterprises. Practice of consulting in projects of creation of information systems of enterprises. Methodological basis for organization of transition to IT outsourcing. The practice of IT outsourcing.
    • The expected results: to know the characteristics of the information technology (IT) market and the prospects for the development of information systems (IS) in business and public administration, the content of the main types of IT consulting and the work performed by consultants, the typical stages of consulting projects and their documentation, the specifics of the creation and organization projects maintenance of IP enterprises in various fields, the concept of IT outsourcing, the methodology for organizing the transition to IT outsourcing; to be able to analyze projects for the creation and organization of IP support in various fields, to determine the goals and objectives of IT consulting projects, to develop a commercial proposal for the project, to choose and apply methods of work for a specific task of the consulting project; plan and document the stages of the project, develop recommendations for improving the operation of the enterprise using IT / IT outsourcing, manage related projects.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Tazhbayev N.
  • «Modeling of business processes» 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Design of Information Systems (Bachelor's)
    • Postrequisites: Mathematical and instrumental methods of decision support. Management of innovative projects.
    • Purpose: mastering the theoretical foundations of modeling business processes, getting acquainted with methods of analyzing business processes, and gaining knowledge in the field of business process management.
    • Brief description of the course: The concept of a business process. Process approach and process-oriented organization. Theoretical bases of management of business processes. Basic approaches and standards for modeling business processes. Methodologies for modeling business processes. Software tools for modeling business processes. Methods for describing the various subject areas of the organization. Methods for analyzing business processes. Process Controlling and Monitoring.
    • The expected results: Knowledge of business process management methods, to be able to use tools for modeling business processes, to carry out managerial functions in the framework of projects and programs to improve business processes.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Tazhbayev N.
  • «Technologies of Information and Intelligent Systems Development» 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: System research in management tasks.
    • Postrequisites: Automated design of facilities and control systems.
    • Purpose: the study of the problems of automation of the analysis of information preparation for making managerial decisions using modern tools for wide application and specialized packages of applied programs; mastering the basics of development and maintenance of data loading systems, data warehouses, operational and intellectual data analysis technologies, reflecting activities in various subject areas.
    • Brief description of the course: Basic concepts of information-intellectual systems. Intellectual systems and their types. The main concepts of intelligent DSS systems. Basic concepts of information and intelligent systems development (IIS) technology. Stages of designing IIS. Stages of existence of IIS. Modern methodology and instrumental CASE design tools IIS. Methodology of functional analysis and design. Basic concepts of the SADT concept (IDEF0). Methodology of object-oriented analysis and design. Basic provisions of the concept of OOP. Unified UML modeling language. The main types of UML diagrams used in the design of information systems. Database modeling. Basic notation. Diagrams of IDEF1X. Data mining technology DataMining. DataMining Tasks.
    • The expected results: Knowledge of the basic concepts of the course, the methodology of modern methodology for modeling IIS, the rules of the decision-making process, building knowledge bases, knowledge representation skills in IMS systems, mastering the use of modern methodology for the analysis of system requirements (UML) and data modeling.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ten T.
  • «Technologies of Information and Analytical Systems Development» 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Models and methods of analysis of multidimensional information-measuring systems
    • Postrequisites: Mathematical and instrumental methods of decision support
    • Purpose: mastering of the basic means of modern information and analytical technologies and methods of their application in the development of information systems for decision support.
    • Brief description of the course: General questions of modeling of automated information systems. Mathematical support of information systems. Information technology for decision support. Models and methods of decision-making. Stages of the decision-making process. Decision-making under conditions of certainty. Decision-making under risk. Decision-making under conditions of stochastic uncertainty. Decision-making under conditions of strategic uncertainty. Models and methods for finding optimal strategies in games with mixed strategies. Models and methods for finding optimal strategies in games with mixed strategies. Hierarchical games Germeier. Elements of the theory of heuristic solutions. Basic concepts of cluster analysis. Application of expert assessments in the decision-making process. Application of expert judgment in the decision-making process.
    • The expected results: Formation of a conception of the content of analytical work related to the adoption of managerial decisions, tools and information technologies that enhance their analysis effectiveness, the acquisition of knowledge of analytical technologies and methodologies for modeling information systems for decision support DSS, the ability to apply various methods and algorithms for determining the optimal solution under conditions of certainty , risk, uncertainty.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Tazhbayev N.
  • «Programming in parallel architecture computing systems» 2 credits/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Designing applications of information systems.
    • Postrequisites: Master's dissertation.
    • Purpose: studying the basics of programming in parallel architecture computing systems
    • Brief description of the course: Relationship of algorithmic and architectural aspects in the construction of the Armed Forces. Features and limitations of parallel architecture. Parallel architectures with shared memory and messaging. Systematics of Finn. Levels of parallelism. Variants of VS architectures based on parallel, pipelined and sequential data processing. Classification of the BC parallel architecture. processors with a full and abbreviated set of commands. Symmetric multiprocessor systems. Clustered aircraft. Systems with mass parallel processing. With non-uniform access to memory.
    • The expected results: Mastering the skills of programming in parallel architecture computing systems.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Drozd V.
  • «Modern methods of distributed computing» 2 credits/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Design of Information Systems (Bachelor's)
    • Postrequisites: Master's dissertation.
    • Purpose: the study of modern methods of distributed computing
    • Brief description of the course: Statement of the problem of the global integration of information resources. Examples of global distributed applications. Characteristics of the scale of distributed systems. Features of the development of large-scale systems. Mathematical foundations of the engineering of distributed systems. Formalization of communication time. Design patterns. Principles of component design. Architecture Description Languages ​​(ADL). Analysis of the effectiveness of distributed systems. Qualitative models of software systems. Principles of effectiveness evaluation. Dependency analysis. Models of calculations. Statistical methods for assessing performance. Integration of data. Classification of data-driven systems. Templates for the integration of distributed data warehouses. Metadata, the standard Dublin Core. Initiative Semantic Web, languages ​​RDF and OWL.
    • The expected results: To know the typology and methodology of distributed computing, the foundations of a system approach to the design of interoperable distributed computing information systems, the basic cluster solutions, OMG CORBA's main specifications, design and implement distributed applications, distributed computing systems.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Drozd V.
  • «IT Project Management» 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: System research in management tasks
    • Postrequisites: Master's dissertation
    • Purpose: mastering the practical skills of planning and managing a project to develop software, in accordance with the technological process.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction to project management. Management of IT project configuration. Project planning. Quality assurance. Management of risks. Methods for monitoring the progress of the project
    • The expected results: Skills and skills in the organization of research and design work, the development of a timetable for the implementation of the project, evaluating the results of project activities, obtaining practical skills in drafting terms of reference, planning work, conducting project evaluation, and analyzing project risks.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Tazhbayev N.
  • «Management of innovative projects» 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Development of information systems in education, Modeling of business processes.
    • Postrequisites: Master's dissertation
    • Purpose: formation and development of master's professional competences in the field of innovation and management of innovative projects.
    • Brief description of the course: Features of project activities. Innovative project. Innovative projects and business model of the organization. Basic methods of project analysis. Investment analysis of innovative projects. Information environment of project analysis. Project Management Office and its main functions. Project team of the innovative project. Management of innovative programs. Financing of innovative projects.
    • The expected results: Mastering the knowledge of project activities and project business, the basic principles of project management, the software environment for managing innovative projects, the ability to develop the concept of an innovative project, conduct investment analysis and risk analysis of the project, have the skills to work in a project team.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yavorsky V.
  • «Автоматизированное проектирование средств и систем управления» 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: System research in management tasks. Designing applications of information systems. Computer educational environments and systems. Technologies of Information and Intelligent Systems Development.
    • Postrequisites: Master's dissertation.
    • Purpose: formation of scientifically grounded ideas about the principles, hardware and software of computer-aided design of information and control systems.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction to computer-aided design. General information about design objects and tasks. Basic concepts of CAD. Technical support of CAD. Mathematical support for analysis of design solutions. System environment of CAD. Mathematical support of synthesis of design solutions. Methods of designing automated systems.
    • The expected results: Ability to apply a systematic approach to design, mathematical models, methods and algorithms in analysis procedures at macro and micro levels, use computer graphics subsystems and geometric modeling. Knowledge of the formulation of problems of parametric and structural synthesis in CAD, methods of designing automated systems.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Drozd V.
  • «Mathematical and instrumental methods of decision support» 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Models and methods of analysis of multidimensional information - measuring systems. Modeling of business processes. Technologies of Information and Analytical Systems Development.
    • Postrequisites: Master's dissertation.
    • Purpose: formation of theoretical knowledge, practical skills on issues related to the adoption of managerial decisions; application of mathematical and instrumental methods in the process of preparation and adoption of managerial decisions in organizational-economic and production systems, i.e. those tools with the help of which, in modern conditions, options for management decisions are formed and analyzed.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction in support of decision-making. Operations research and decision making. Modern methods of control theory. System analysis and modeling. A formal description of the problem area of ​​design. Semantic networks, frames and projection models. Simulation and visual computer modeling in making managerial decisions. Automated design tools. Organization of software tools for computer-aided design. Systems of unified design (ESKD) and project documentation (ETSD).
    • The expected results: Knowledge of the fundamentals of the theory of systems and decision making, computer-aided design tools, mastering the skills of applying mathematical methods in decision-making.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yavorsky V.
  • «Protection of information resources of computer systems and networks» 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Information Security and Information Protection (Bachelor's)
    • Postrequisites: Master's dissertation.
    • Purpose: studying of the basic principles, methods and means of information protection in the process of its processing, transmission and storage using computer means in information systems.
    • Brief description of the course: Basic concepts and definitions. Conceptual framework for information protection. Organizational and legal aspects of information protection. Standardization in the field of IT security. Mathematical methods and models in problems of information protection. Multilevel protection of information in computer systems and networks. Security policy and risk management.
    • The expected results: Knowledge of the basic concepts and directions in the protection of computer information, principles of information protection, classification and examples of security threats to computer systems, modern approaches to protection of products and information technology systems, the ability to configure built-in security in the operating system, knowledge of the security audit skills of information systems.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ten T.
  • «Protection of software and databases» 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Information Security (Bachelor's)
    • Postrequisites: Master's dissertation.
    • Purpose: studying methods and means of ensuring information security in the design and use of databases.
    • Brief description of the course: The main threats and tools for protecting software and databases. Causes, types, basic methods of breaching confidentiality in DBMS. Receiving unauthorized access to confidential information by logical conclusions. SQL injection. Means of ensuring information security in DBMS. Tasks and tools for database security administrator. Security models used to build protection in DBMS. Use a transaction to isolate user actions. Locks. Referential integrity, trigger and event implementation of security rules. Features of the application of cryptographic methods.
    • The expected results: Be able to use software protection tools provided by database management systems to own methods for using software protection tools.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Drozd V.
  • «Designing information systems using visual programming tools» 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Architecture of information systems. System research in management problems (bachelor's)
    • Postrequisites: Master's dissertation
    • Purpose: development of technologies, principles of organization and design of information systems using visual programming tools, study of tools and technologies for the development of modern information systems.
    • Brief description of the course: Classification of systems. The architecture of IP. The work of the core of IC. Decision making structures. Cyclic structures. Basic form processing. Sessions. Integration and interaction in the visual network. Organization of the process of developing visual content. Syndication and aggregation of visual content. Visual portals. Classification of visual portals. Development of mobile visual applications.
    • The expected results: Mastering the necessary knowledge of scientific approaches to analysis and the principles of visual programming, as well as the formation of practical skills in the design and implementation of information systems through visual programming.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Tazhbayev N.
  • «Methods and tools for pattern recognition and visualization» 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Designing applications of information systems.
    • Postrequisites: Master's dissertation
    • Purpose: mastering the skills of using mathematical methods of pattern recognition in the process of research and development of modern complex systems.
    • Brief description of the course: Statement of the problem of pattern recognition. Classification theory. Bayesian classifier. Classification of data analysis tasks. Stages and tasks of constructing the recognition system. Classification of recognition systems. Formation of a characteristic space and description of classes. Methods and algorithms for image recognition.
    • The expected results: Knowledge of the basic concepts of the theory of pattern recognition, the use of mathematical methods and models for solving applied, mastering the skills of building mathematical models of classifiers and models of information recognition systems.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Tazhbayev N.


  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Marketing (scientific and pedagogical direction)


    Faculty of Economics and Management

  • 2021-22 Contingent of master students on educational program for
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis


Training on the educational master's program 7М04111 "Marketing" allows you to prepare a specialist with a high level of professional culture, including the culture of professional communication, with a civil position, able to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems, able to work individually and in a team. This is achieved as a result of the study of such disciplines as "Actual problems of marketing firm", "Actual problems of industrial marketing", "organization of marketing research", "Modern concepts of international marketing", "Marketing in the industries and fields of activity" and others. This contributes to the development of competence in obtaining, processing and transmission of marketing information using modern technology; development of marketing strategies; conduct comprehensive marketing research; development, organization and implementation of marketing policy; use of modern marketing technologies; application of international quality standards and international ISO standards, in the implementation of research and teaching activities in the field of training; in the field of solving marketing problems of commercial and non-commercial organizations; in the organization, planning and management of marketing activities; in decision-making on product, price, distribution and communication marketing strategy.
Graduates of the master in education program 6М051100-"Marketing" scientific and pedagogical training as objects of professional activity can choose from: universities, research and expert consulting organizations, inter-Agency, inter-regional and international scientific project organization, teacher of secondary vocational and higher educational institutions; scientific employee of scientific research organizations in the public and private sector; expert, consultant in educational organizations.
In the scientific and pedagogical direction the graduate is awarded an academic degree: Master of economic Sciences, specialty " 7М04111-Marketing»;
On the scientific and pedagogical direction the term of training – 2 years.
Form of training – full-time.

Degree of the program:
Master of Economic Sciences
on the specialty 7М04111 "Marketing"
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(131ECTS–59 credits)
Education alin stitution Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance (IKAQA)
Period of validity This program is approved by the University for a period of 2 years for those who receive a degree from the university in 2016
Level QFдля ЕHEA(Qualification Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 2cycle; ЕQF(European qualification frameworks): level7; НРК(national qualifications framework): level7
  • A) Goal
    • The goal of the educational program is the preparation of highly qualified marketing analysts with high qualifications who are able to apply theoretical knowledge, as well as marketing and other management technologies in a complex and rapidly changing business environment for work at private and public sector enterprises, consulting companies, and for scientific and teaching activities.
      The graduate of the educational program in the specialty 7М04111 "Marketing" is awarded an academic degree:
      - with scientific and pedagogical training - Master of Economics in specialty 7М04111 "Marketing";
      Graduates of the specialty 7М04111 "Marketing" can work in the following positions:
      - Head and specialist of marketing services of enterprises, commercial organizations and companies;
      - the manager on group of the goods and trade marks;
      - manager of the sales department;
      - employee in marketing research units, advertising agencies;
      - Marketer-researcher or marketing analyst;
      - Head of Department;
      - marketing director.
  • B) Detail
    • 1.Discipline / Area
    • Main disciplines:
      History and philosophy of science
      Foreign language (professional)
      Organization and planning of scientific research
      Methods and technologies of teaching in higher education
      Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical communication
      Quantitative methods of analysis in marketing
      Marketing Management
      Actual problems of marketing company
      Organization of marketing research
      Modern concepts of international marketing
      Marketing in branches and spheres of activity
      International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
      Actual problems of industrial marketing
      Development of the marketing system in the banking sector
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • at scientific and pedagogical training: higher educational institutions, research and expert-consulting organizations, interdepartmental, interregional and international scientific project institutions
    • 3.Direction
    • scien tifi cand pedagogical
    • 4.Features
    • The spheres of professional activity of graduates are education, science, industry, small and medium business, marketing activities, advertising, research and forecasting, trade, etc.
  • C) Employ mentand further education
    • 1.Employment- training of personnel for the system of higher, postgraduate education and the research sector;
      - Head and specialist of marketing services of enterprises, commercial organizations and companies;
      - the manager on group of the goods and trade marks;
      - manager of the sales department;
      - employee in marketing research units, advertising agencies;
      - Marketer-researcher or marketing analyst;
      - Head of Department;
      - marketing director.
    • 2.Furthertraining
    • Doctorate PhD
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and learning
    • Wide use in the educational process of active and interactive forms of conducting classes (computer simulations, business and role games, case studies, psychological and other trainings) combined with extracurricular work with the goal of forming and developing the professional skills of students.
      The training courses include meetings with representatives of state bodies at the regional level, public organizations, domestic and foreign companies, master classes of experts and specialists.
    • 2.Evalu ationmet hods
    • Oral interrogation, front-line interview, written check, testing, colloquium, course work protection, boundary control, final control, examinations, teaching practice, research practice, research work of the undergraduate, including the performance of the master's thesis, a comprehensive examination, design and defense of the master's thesis
  • E) Soft ware competencies
    • 1.General competences
    • The program meets the requirements of the State Compulsory Standard of Postgraduate Education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the second level of the cycle.
      - The following competences represent the summary and most characteristic competences for this program:CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, CC5, CC6, CC7, CC8, CC9, CC10, CC11, CC12,
    • Competence group

      The cipher competencies

      The types Sunow and competencies

      Key (general scientific, social-personal, humanitarian-social, communicative, instrumental) competencies 

      CC 1

      to have an idea of ​​the role of science and education, of current trends in the development of scientific knowledge, of the urgent problems of science and technology

      CC 2

      to have an idea of ​​the professional competence of the teacher of higher education, the contradictions and consequences of globalization

      CC 3

      know the methodology of scientific knowledge, principles and structure of the organization of scientific activity

      CC 4

      know the psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process, psychological methods and tools to improve the efficiency and quality of training

      CC 5

      be able to use and integrate the knowledge gained to solve research problems and conduct analytical work in new unfamiliar conditions and atypical situations

      CC 6

      To be able to apply knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of the higher school in the pedagogical activity

      CC 7

      be fluent in a foreign language at a professional level, allowing research and teaching of special subjects in universities

      CC 8

      have the skills to carry out scientific research, solve standard scientific problems and correctly present their results

      CC 9

      have the skills of conducting educational and pedagogical activity using modern information technologies, teaching methods and various means of professional communication

      CC 10

      have the skills of professional communication, intercultural communication, oratory

      CC 11

      be able to expand and deepen the knowledge necessary for day-to-day professional work and continuing education

      CC 12

      be competent in the methodology of scientific research, scientific and pedagogical activity, in carrying out research in the professional field and expanding professional skills

      Special (professional) competences 

      SC 1

      will allow the marketer to make informed decisions, guided by the results of statistical data processing and mathematical modeling

      SC 2

      acquisition of competencies in the field of risk management; skills related to identification, risk analysis and decision making, which include maximizing the positive and minimizing the negative consequences of the onset of risk events; forecasting of a risk situation, determining the permissible limits of risk, choosing the most preferable option for risk management actions

      SC 3

      master the basics of theoretical knowledge in the field of marketing management; to assimilate the methodological bases of the analysis of the marketing environment, the features of marketing tools used at macro, corporate and micro levels, to change them for strategic and operational planning of marketing activities; through the search, collection, analysis and systematization of marketing information to justify effective management decisions in the activities; to bring the received information to specialists and representatives of the professional community; independently be able to make changes in the content of marketing activities, as well as monitor and audit marketing activities

      SC 4

      be ready to develop new ideas and their application, including in the context of scientific research

      SC 5

      master the knowledge of the fundamentals of the marketing activities of the enterprise; apply theoretical knowledge in practice; to study problems of marketing of the enterprise and tools of their decision; to provide information on the formation of knowledge, skills and skills to solve marketing problems of the firm; to study the specificity of marketing activities in various subject areas; to generate knowledge on the theory and practice of modern marketing firms

      SC 6

      a master student must acquire skills in conducting marketing technology in various markets.

      SC 7

      be able to analyze advanced scientific and technical experience and trends in technology development

      SC 8

      be able to perform theoretical, experimental research in the relevant field of science and knowledge

      SC 9

      To expand and form a complex of theoretical knowledge in the field of marketing research; to develop specific skills in the organization of marketing research in enterprises and organizations; averaging search, collection, analysis and systematization of marketing information to justify marketing decisions; be able, using the methodology of theoretical marketing, to apply and apply methods and methods of marketing management in the organization of marketing research; carry out a comprehensive marketing research of the commodity market, collect information on the analyzed object of analysis, compile a report on the market research conducted

      SC 10

      Master students should familiarize themselves with the main tools of marketing analysis, study the main characteristics of assortment policy, product promotion and sales promotion

      SC 11

      to study the peculiarities of organizing and conducting marketing research in foreign markets; apply theoretical knowledge in practice; to study the toolkit of international marketing; to study the specifics of the development of measures to increase the competitiveness of goods and firms on foreign firms; form knowledge by

      SC 12

      to have an idea of ​​the role of science and education, of current trends in the development of scientific knowledge, of the urgent problems of science and technology

      SC 13

      to have an idea of ​​the professional competence of the teacher of higher education, the contradictions and consequences of globalization

      SC 14

      know the methodology of scientific knowledge, principles and structure of the organization of scientific activity

      SC 15

      know the psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process, psychological methods and tools to improve the efficiency and quality of training

      SC 16

      be able to use and integrate the knowledge gained to solve research problems and conduct analytical work in new unfamiliar conditions and atypical situations

      SC 17

      To be able to apply knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of the higher school in the pedagogical activity

      SC 18

      be fluent in a foreign language at a professional level, allowing research and teaching of special subjects in universities

      SC 19

      have the skills to carry out scientific research, solve standard scientific problems and correctly present their results

      SC 20

      have the skills of conducting educational and pedagogical activity using modern information technologies, teaching methods and various means of professional communication

      SC 21

      have the skills of professional communication, intercultural communication, oratory

      SC 22

      be able to expand and deepen the knowledge necessary for day-to-day professional work and continuing education

      SC 23

      be competent in the methodology of scientific research, scientific and pedagogical activity, in carrying out research in the professional field and expanding professional skills

      SC 24

      will allow the marketer to make informed decisions, guided by the results of statistical data processing and mathematical modeling

      SC 25

      acquisition of competencies in the field of risk management; skills related to identification, risk analysis and decision making, which include maximizing the positive and minimizing the negative consequences of the onset of risk events; forecasting of a risk situation, determining the permissible limits of risk, choosing the most preferable option for risk management actions

    • 2.Specific competences
    • 1) have an idea:
      - the role of science and education in public life;
      - on current trends in the development of scientific knowledge;
      - On the actual methodological and philosophical problems of natural (social, humanitarian, economic) sciences;
      - on the professional competence of the teacher of higher education;
      - on the contradictions and socio-economic consequences of the processes of globalization;
      2) know:
      - the methodology of scientific knowledge;
      - principles and structure of the organization of scientific activity;
      - Psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process;
      - psychological methods and means of increasing the effectiveness and quality of education;
      3) be able to:
      - use the knowledge gained for the original development and application of ideas in the context of scientific research;
      - Critically analyze existing concepts, theories and approaches to the analysis of processes and phenomena;
      - to integrate the knowledge received within the framework of different disciplines for solving research problems in new unfamiliar conditions;
      - through the integration of knowledge to make judgments and make decisions based on incomplete or limited information;
      - apply knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of higher education in their pedagogical activity;
      - apply interactive teaching methods;
      - to carry out information-analytical and information-bibliographic work with the use of modern information technologies;
      - To think creatively and creatively to solve new problems and situations;
      - be fluent in a foreign language at a professional level, allowing research and teaching of special subjects in universities;
      - To summarize the results of research and analytical work in the form of a dissertation, a scientific article, a report, an analytical note, etc
      4) have skills:
      - research activities, solutions to standard scientific problems;
      - realization of educational and pedagogical activity on credit technology of education;
      - methods of teaching professional disciplines;
      - use of modern information technologies in the educational process;
      - professional communication and intercultural communication;
      - oratory, correct and logical formulation of their thoughts in oral and written form;
      - expanding and deepening the knowledge necessary for daily professional activities and continuing education in doctoral studies.
      5) be competent:
      - in the field of research methodology;
      - in the field of scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity in higher educational institutions;
      - in the issues of modern educational technologies;
      - in the implementation of scientific projects and research in the professional field;
      - in ways to ensure a continuous updating of knowledge, the expansion of professional skills and abilities.
  • F) Full list of learning outcomes for this program
    • In the context of professional practice, in work in organizations, institutions and companies, graduates can demonstrate the ability to:
      - to have an idea: about the scientific direction on the issues under study; on economic laws and the forms of their manifestation; marketing environment of national and international markets; about the basic tendencies and prospects of development of marketing on branches of economy;
      - to know: the main provisions and regulatory requirements of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and legislation relating to the organization of business and marketing activities; achievements of science, advanced domestic and foreign practice in the field of marketing and marketing activities.
  • Name of the discipline: History and philosophy of science
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, political science, culturology.
    • Post-requisites: Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical communication.
    • Purpose of the course: the study of patterns and trends in the development of special activities for the production of scientific knowledge, taken in their historical dynamics and examined in a historically changing sociocultural context.
    • Brief description of the course: The subject of history and philosophy of science. Philosophy and methodology of science as a branch of philosophical knowledge. Methodology of the system approach. Philosophy and methodology of synergetics. The emergence and formation of science. Science in the Ancient World, the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance. New European science is a classical stage in the development of science. The basic concepts and directions of the nonclassical and post-nonclassical stage of the development of science. Structure and levels of scientific knowledge. World outlook bases of science. Philosophical foundations of science and the scientific picture of the world. Science as a profession. Ideals and norms of science. Functions of science. Scientific traditions and scientific revolutions. History and philosophy of natural and technical sciences. History and Philosophy of Social and Human Sciences. Philosophical problems of development of modern global civilization.
    • Expected Result:
    • Know: the nature, structure, principles of the organization and functioning of science; genesis and history of science from the standpoint of the formation of its models, images and styles of thinking, the interrelationship of scientific and philosophical thought; the fundamental basis and conceptual apparatus of history and philosophy of science; the production of knowledge, the laws of the formation and development of scientific disciplines, the basic principles of scientific research. Have an idea of ​​the socio-cultural specific features of history and the philosophy of science; freely operate with concepts; to know the universal connections of phenomena, to understand the essence of the development of science of its dynamics; independently to understand general theoretical questions; master the skills and techniques of the philosophical analysis of science and reflection.
    • To be able to use knowledge and abilities of understanding in practice, to transform the theoretical level of comprehension of information into the corresponding level of the communicative process.
    • To nominate, substantiate and criticize certain judgments, to separate the essential from the nonessential; to reveal the interrelations between the phenomena of reality; to identify and analyze contradictions in the surrounding reality, to see it in change and development; conduct a philosophical analysis of fragments of reality with the application of methods and laws of philosophy; master the methodology of scientific knowledge; build a system of evidence in accordance with the criteria of severity, carry out information and search activities, carry out analytical and synthetic activities.
    • Present information in various forms of communication, taking into account the specific nature of the audience and build a communication process.
    • To increase the skills of independent work and development of the need for personal and professional self-improvement for the purpose of lifelong learning.
    • Full name of lecturer: Professor Klishina M.V.
  • Name of the discipline: Foreign language (professional)
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Kazakh / Russian language in the volume of the university course.
    • Post-requisites: mastering a foreign language at the level of international standards B2, as well as LSP - a language for special purposes.
    • Purpose of the course: systemic deepening of communicative competence within the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language skills in the professional work of the future master.
    • Brief description of the course: The organization of the financial industry. Regulation and Deregulation. The times of the Indefinite group. Parts of speech - General overview. Retail banking. Commercial and investment banking. The future of bank branches. Continuous group times. Business correspondence 1 Formal and informal style 1. Group times Perfect, Perfect Continuous. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Loans and credit. Passive voice and passive design. Business correspondence. Modal verbs: may, must, to be to, to, to, should. Accounting. Types of Accounting. Infinitive and infinitive constructions. Features of the infinitive translation. Central banking. Monetary policy. Money and banking. Gerund. Features of translation gerund. Types of banks. Banking system. Communion I, II. Features of translation. Financing international trade. Clarifying Incoterms. Structure of the English sentence. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Meeting 1. Meeting 2 Controlling meetings. Concluding a meeting. Types of offers. Foreign exchange. Foreign exchange markets. Exchange rates. Currency trading. Complex sentences. Types of subordinate clauses. Balance Sheet 1. Time alignment. Balance Sheet 2. Subjunctive mood. Asset management. Regulating the financial sector. Conditional offers. Revision of lexical and grammar material. Indirect speech. Final test.
    • Expected Result:
    • Ability to conduct dialogical and monologic speech in English;
    • Conduct conversations on professional, business and everyday topics;
    • Perceive English-speaking speech by ear (professional terminology);
    • Mastering the skills of business written communication;
    • Reading and translating texts by profession with a dictionary and without a dictionary;
    • Understand the content of the read;
    • Transfer the contents of the read;
    • Use of reference literature (explanatory and other dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias).
    • Full name of lecturer: Professor Aubakirova G.T.
  • Name of the discipline: Pedagogy
    • Prerequisites: "Psychology", "History of Philosophy and Science".
    • Post-requisites: "Psychology", "History of Philosophy and Science".
    • Purpose of the course: mastering the fundamentals of the professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher of higher education, familiarizing the future teachers with the general problems, methodological and theoretical foundations of high school pedagogy, modern technologies of analysis, planning and organization of teaching and upbringing, and communicative technologies of the subject-subject interaction of the teacher and student in the educational process of the university.
    • Brief description of the course: Pedagogical science and its place in the system of human sciences. The modern paradigm of higher education. The system of higher professional education in Kazakhstan. Methodology of pedagogical science. Professional and communicative competence of the teacher of higher education. Theory of teaching in higher education (didactics). Content of higher education. Organization of the learning process based on the credit system of education in higher education. Traditional and innovative methods and forms of organization of training. New educational technologies in higher education. Organization of independent work of students in the conditions of credit technology. Technology of compilation of teaching materials. Theory of scientific activity of higher education. NIRS. Higher school as a social institution of education and personality formation specialist. Curator in the system of higher education. Management in Higher Education.
    • Expected Result:
    • To have an idea of the actual problems of pedagogical science, the essence of the pedagogical activity of the university teacher and master the knowledge of the foundations of pedagogy of higher education, to master such concepts as the methodology of pedagogical science, the content of education, new educational technologies in higher education;
    • To distinguish pedagogical facts, phenomena, events from the surrounding reality and describe them in the language of pedagogical science; explain and predict the development of pedagogical situations, relying on the laws of pedagogical theories; to design the educational process, based on new concepts of education and upbringing; to create a creative development environment in the process of education and upbringing; to develop educational-methodical and information complexes in various specialties;
    • Use the methods of information retrieval and analytical and synthetic activities in solving the problem tasks; be able to make judgments on social, scientific or ethical issues and interpret social processes, phenomena and facts on the basis of scientific critical analysis;
    • Present information in various forms of communication, taking into account the specific nature of the audience; organize and participate in interaction with the professional and surrounding community, work in a group, have different social roles in the team;
    • To increase the skills of independent work and development of the need for personal and professional self-improvement; to benefit from experience, to organize the relationship of their knowledge and to order them, to see the prospects of their own activity.
    • Full name of lecturer: Professor Mulikova S.A.
  • Name of the discipline: Psychology
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, sociology, culturology.
    • Post-requisites: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching, pedagogical practice.
    • Purpose of the course: training of undergraduates in the basics of psychology of higher education, expansion of their professional capabilities in terms of applying psychological knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction. The subject, tasks and structure of higher school psychology. Education as a global object of higher school psychology. Psychological foundations of the learning process. Psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process. Psychological methods and means of increasing the effectiveness and quality of teaching in modern conditions. Management of the learning process. Learning as a subject of educational activity. Psychological basis of the process of education. The problem of education in higher education. Education and the formation of professional self-awareness. Problems psychodiagnostics professionally-oriented personality. Psychological counseling of students and teachers, taking into account the profile of the future professional activities of a specialist. Psychology of pedagogical communication. Psychology of pedagogical influence. The problem of interpersonal interaction between the teacher and students.
    • Expected Result:
    • А) to know the prospects for the development of psychological science and understand the role of psychology in the professional activity of the university teacher;
    • B) to apply in various spheres of professional activity methods of studying characterological features of people and psychological influence on students and student groups;
    • C) to carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of psychological techniques in managing conflicts in the pedagogical process of the university, psychological factors of effectiveness and optimization of the educational process, stimulating the educational and cognitive activities of students, etc. and formulate conclusions on this basis;
    • D) to represent the interpretation of the results of psychological methods of diagnosis, the study of the psychological factors of the educational process and the educational and cognitive activity of the student in various forms of communication (characteristics, references, projects, mini-studies, etc.).
    • E) the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Kenzhebaeva S.K.
  • Name of the discipline: «Marketing-management»
    • Prerequisites: "Organization and planning of scientific research", "Mathematical modeling at macro and micro levels".
    • Post-requisites: Master's dissertation
    • Purpose of the course: the formation of a modern system of professional knowledge and skills necessary to effectively solve management problems based on modern marketing principles and methods.
    • Brief description of the course: The current level of economic development is characterized by diversification of production and a constant process of increasing the competitiveness of products and services. Therefore, it is necessary to train highly qualified specialists in the field of marketing who have special thinking that allows them to make decisions on the development of an enterprise (firm) on the basis of deep market research and changing the situation on it. In this regard, the course "Marketing Management" is one of the main and mandatory disciplines and is devoted to an expanded consideration of marketing issues with an emphasis on managing marketing processes and procedures.
    • Expected Result: Master students in the process of studying the discipline must learn the basics of marketing management, master such concepts as goods, prices, sales, communications and be able to analyze them in specific situations in the economy.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Dauletova A.M.
  • Name of the discipline: Organization and planning of scientific research
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific research
    • Post-requisites: research practice, writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose of the course: To provide the knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the role and place of the scientific sphere as a subsystem of modern society, the essence and content of scientific research as a type of professional activity, and also to create for students of the master's program an idea of the process of standard and documentary support of scientific research.
    • Brief description of the course: Science as a system of ideas about the world and as an institution. Institute of Science in Modern Society. Elements of Kazakhstan science. Scientific resources. The current state of science in Kazakhstan. The essence and content of scientific research. Methodology of scientific research. Logical bases of scientific research. Methods of scientific research. Preparatory stage of research work. Collection of scientific information. Researching. The process of accompanying scientific research.
    • Expected results:
      • А. to learn the basic concepts, methods and stages of the implementation of scientific research in accordance with the latest requirements for scientific and innovative activities.
      • В. be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and understand their purpose and role in solving professional problems.
      • С. developing arguments and making decisions by searching, collecting, analyzing and systematizing information.
      • Д. to present information in various forms of the Messages, to cooperate and work in a group, to discuss and defend their position, to make decisions.
      • Е. to acquire skills in the implementation of a complex of research actions in the development of a selected area of master's studies.
      • Full name of lecturer: docent Ulybyshev D.N.
  • Name of the discipline: Science in the national economy of Kazakhstan
    • Prerequisites: "History and Philosophy of Science", "Microeconomics", "Macroeconomics"
    • Post-requisites: "Modern concepts of international marketing"
    • Purpose of the course: To give the undergraduates the knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the institute of science, its goals, tasks and functions in relation to the national economy of Kazakhstan, identifying key elements of the scientific sphere, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its development, interaction of the country's scientific sphere with other subsystems of the national economy; form a comprehensive understanding of the current problems of the functioning of the scientific sector in Kazakhstan, as well as developed and developing countries.
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical bases of innovative development of modern economy. Modern ideas about science. Institute of Science and its components. Intellectual capital as the main resource of science. Science as a kind of professional activity. Foreign experience in organizing the scientific sphere (USA, European Union, Russia, Japan). Trends in the development of the scientific sector of Kazakhstan. Interrelation of science and the state. Interrelation of science and business. Infrastructure of science. Legal regulation of scientific activity. Preparation of scientific research. Accompaniment of scientific research.
    • Expected results:
    • master the knowledge of the scientific field in the context of modern concepts of social development, the formation and development of science as a key element of the modern market economy, the interaction of science with other subsystems of the national economy; be able to apply in practice the knowledge gained about the mechanisms of the functioning of the scientific sphere, the sources of research funding, the regulatory support of scientific activities, the organizational support of scientific research; reasoning and logical to prove one's own position regarding the applied scientific methods, compilation and writing of scientific works, the role of science in the modern economy; to collect and interpret quantitative and qualitative parameters of the development of science within its own position on the role of the state and business in its development, to discuss the most acute problems of the state of science in Kazakhstan; acquire the skills of organizing independent and collective scientific research, writing scientific papers (applications, articles, projects).
      • Full name of lecturer: docent Ulybyshev D.N.
  • Name of the discipline: Methods and technologies of teaching in higher education
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogy, Psychology
    • Post-requisites: teaching practice
    • Purpose of the course: form competence in the planning, development and organization of the educational process in the university.
    • Brief description of the course: Priorities for reform and modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan. The content and forms of methodical work of the university teacher. Forms of organization of training of students in higher education. Methods and means of teaching in high school. Modern technologies of teaching in higher education.
    • Expected results:
    • to know the prospects for the development of pedagogical science and professional activity of the university teacher, to understand the essence of technological education; to apply in the professional activity the methods of instruction adequate to the goals and content of the academic discipline, effective pedagogical technologies for training specialists; to carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of methods, means, forms and technologies of education in the university, reflecting the training sessions conducted and formulating conclusions on this basis; to represent the interpretation of positive pedagogical experience, educational materials and the results of the student's educational and cognitive activities in various forms of communication (references, reports, expert opinions, mini-studies, etc.); the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Kenzhebaeva S.K.
  • Name of the discipline: Organization and methodology of the training sessions
    • Prerequisites: "Pedagogy", "Psychology"
    • Post-requisites: teaching practice
    • Purpose of the course: the formation of pedagogical competencies required for the organization of the educational process in higher education and readiness for the management of students' educational and cognitive activity among undergraduates.
    • Brief description of the course: Actual problems of education. Standardization in education. Organization of educational process. Implementation of didactic principles in the teaching process. Forms of teaching in the learning process. Methods of teaching in an educational institution. Modern means of teaching. Modern technologies of teaching. Psychological and pedagogical bases of activation of the educational process. Interactive methods of teaching in high school. Methodology of using AMO on the SRSP (CDS). Psihologo-pedagogical bases of the control in training. The method of control in education in the university. Control of students' knowledge in the conditions of the credit system of training. Tasks and content of the methodical work of the university teacher.
    • Expected results: The magistracy demonstrates knowledge and understanding in the formation of a holistic view of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the methodology of teaching special disciplines with the help of the most modern textbooks, including certain aspects of knowledge at the forefront of the science being studied; Magistrates can apply their knowledge and understanding in terms of professional approach to their activities, demonstrate competence and demonstrate the construction of convincing arguments in solving problems that lie within the field of education; Magistrants have the ability to collect and interpret the necessary data in order to make judgments in the field of activating cognitive activity, pedagogical analysis and assessment of the methodological work of the university teacher; Magistrates can inform and visually present information, ideas, problems and their solutions in the audience not only professionals, but also non-specialists; Magistrates are able to develop and form skills, to independently study and analyze scientific and pedagogical sources on the problems studiedФ.И.О. лектор: д.п.н., проф. Минжанов Н.А.
  • Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical communication
    • Prerequisites: "Pedagogy", "Psychology"
    • Post-requisites: teaching practice
    • Purpose of the course: the development of professional qualities of students in the study of the foundations of professional and pedagogical relations, deepening their theoretical foundations of discipline. Deeper consideration of personality, relationships, conflict situations in the development of discipline.
    • Brief description of the course: The history of folk pedagogy. Communication and folk wisdom. In domestic pedagogy there is a problem of communication. Problems of development of communication abroad. The opinion of innovative teachers about pedagogical relations. The purpose of professional-pedagogical relations. Activities of professional-pedagogical relations. The content of professional-pedagogical relations. Structure of professional-pedagogical relations. Instruments of professional-pedagogical relations. Peculiarities of pedagogical management. Psychological climatic relations. Psychological barriers in a relationship. Relations in conflict situations.
    • Expected results: Magistrants will be able to study the basics of professional and pedagogical relations, understand the concept of the professional pedagogical approach: professional, pedagogical, communication, socialization, speeding up the learning process and the ability to solve various situations in pedagogical activity through professional and pedagogical communication.
    • Full name of lecturer: professor Minzhanov N.A.
  • Name of the discipline: Actual problems of the theory of communication
    • Prerequisites: "Pedagogy", "Psychology"
    • Post-requisites: Teaching practice
    • Purpose of the course: formation of professionally significant qualities of undergraduates in the process of teaching the basics of the global transformation of an industrial society in the information and communication society that is taking place in the modern world, accompanied not only by the penetration of communication into all spheres of the life of society, the emergence and development of a qualitatively new type of communicative structures and processes.
    • Brief description of the course. Methodological problems of the theory of communication. The origins and main stages of the development of the theory of communication. Communicative methods of research. Sociology and psychology of mass communication. Political Communication. Corporate, business communication. Communicative technologies in the information society. Development and teaching of communication courses.
    • Expected results: to form philosophical and humanistic views of the teacher among the undergraduates; to promote the mastering of basic psychological and pedagogical concepts among students, the laws and the ability to apply them in future pedagogical activity; to develop the ability of master students in the ability to purposefully develop the psychological and pedagogical potential of the trainee's personality; To teach undergraduates the methods of scientific and psychological research in the field of psychology of communication.
    • Full name of lecturer: professor Minzhanov N.A.
  • Name of the discipline: Quantitative methods of analysis in marketing
    • Prerequisites: Mathematics for Economists, Economic and Mathematical Methods and Models, Econometrics, Computer Science.
    • Post-requisites: Strategic marketing, Organization of marketing research, writing a master's thesis.
    • Purpose of the course: the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the application of statistical methods for marketing analysis, the results of which can be used for practical purposes and allow to reduce the risk of making a decision in conditions of uncertainty.
    • Brief description of the course: The methodology of the course is based on the principles of scientificness, accessibility, ensuring the assimilation of the fundamentals of quantitative methods of marketing analysis, statistical data processing and mathematical modeling.
    • Expected results:
    • know the features of quantitative analysis methods used to solve marketing problems;
    • apply a statistical approach to the analysis of data in marketing research;
    • to make informed decisions, guided by the results of statistical data processing and mathematical modeling;
    • report the results of the quantitative analysis of the marketing research and propose a solution to the problem;
    • carry out independent applied research in the field of marketing research, using statistical and mathematical methods of analysis.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Emelina N.K.
  • Name of the discipline: Mathematical methods for the assessment and management of economic risks
    • Prerequisites: Mathematics in Economics, Finance, Informatics, Economic Analysis.
    • Post-requisites: Financial management (advanced course), International Financial Reporting and Auditing Standards
    • Purpose of the course: learn how to use mathematical methods to assess the degree of economic risks, manage sectoral and regional risks.
    • Brief description of the course: The essence of economic risk. Mathematical models and methods of risk assessment. Absolute indicators of risk assessment in conditions of certainty. Relative indicators of risk assessment under conditions of certainty. Probabilistic indicators of risk under conditions of partial uncertainty. Statistical method of risk assessment. Estimates of the degree of risk in conditions of uncertainty. Analysis of the profitability and risk of financial transactions on the basis of the Pareto optimality principle. Expert methods of risk assessment. Assessment of the consistency of expert opinions. Specific indicators of the propensity of the project to take risks. Analytical method for assessing the degree of investment risk. Market valuation model for Sharpe's capital assets. Selection of an optimal plan by the method of constructing event trees. Management of investment projects in a risk environment.
    • Expected results: acquisition of competencies in the field of risk management; skills related to identification, risk analysis and decision making, which include maximizing the positive and minimizing the negative consequences of the onset of risk events; forecasting of a risk situation, determining the permissible limits of risk, choosing the most preferable option for risk management.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Emelina N.K.
  • Name of the discipline: Actual problems of marketing company
    • Prerequisites: "Economic theory", "Marketing", "Practical marketing"
    • Post-requisites: "Organization of marketing research", "Actual problems of industrial marketing"
    • Purpose of the course: the expansion of the professional knowledge of undergraduates necessary to develop the concept of marketing and the successful sale of goods, services, social values and ideas.
    • Brief description of the course: marketing as an effective form of organization of the company 's sales and marketing activities, marketing management. Areas and conditions for the application of marketing in the social sphere. Marketing of non-profit organizations. Marketing ideas. The role of the state in the creation and development of a national marketing system. Marketing planning. Analysis of the product and program as a basis for decision-making. Analysis of the life cycle of the product. Price policy. Objective components of the "price-quality" ratio. Tovarodvizhenie. Functions performed by the channels of commodity circulation. Communication policy of the firm. Planning of marketing activities. Organization and control of marketing.
    • Expected Result: strengthening the marketing focus of business, expanding the use of marketing tools.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Borbasova Z.B..
  • Name of the discipline: Principles and technology of marketing in a market system
    • Prerequisites: "Economic theory", "Marketing", "Sociology", "Statistics"
    • Post-requisites: «Marketing-management»
    • Purpose of the course: study of principles, functions, means and methods of marketing, marketing communications.
    • Краткое описание курса: The emergence of marketing, its concepts and environment of functioning, the emergence of marketing, marketing development, marketing concepts, marketing environment. The market as an economic basis of marketing. Two types of farming system. Demand and supply in a market economy, a model of the economy. The system of marketing research, the main directions of marketing research, methodological basis, the procedure of marketing research. Functions of marketing. A set of marketing tools. Advertising in the system of marketing communications, project implementation, Consumers and the market. Retail. Organization of marketing activities of the enterprise. Fundamentals of marketing in the agro-industrial complex. Banking marketing. Industrial marketing. Ethical aspects of marketing.
    • Expected Result: a master student must acquire skills in conducting marketing technology in various markets.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Borbasova Z.B..
  • Name of the discipline: Organization of marketing research
    • Prerequisites: «Marketing-management»
    • Post-requisites: International Purchases and Supply Chain Management
    • Purpose of the course: systematization and deepening of theoretical knowledge, the study of modern methods and methods of organizing and conducting market research.
    • Brief description of the course: the concept of marketing research as a system, the definition of problems and approaches to conducting marketing research. Methodology for developing a marketing research plan. Modern principles of marketing research organization. The process of sampling in marketing research. Scaling methods in marketing research. Collection and analysis of data in marketing research. Use in the marketing research of the software complex SPSS. Preparation of a report on the results of marketing research. Use of methods of marketing research in different types of markets. International marketing research. Ethics of marketing research.
    • Expected Result: be able to conduct a systematic analysis of the methods used in marketing research.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Dauletova A.M.
  • Name of the discipline: Marketing analysis of the market
    • Prerequisites: "Marketing", "Statistics"
    • Post-requisites: writing master's thesis
    • Purpose of the course: to study the technology of marketing analysis for the market of goods, consumers, competitors, sales and communication systems.
    • Brief description of the course: The concept of marketing analysis, marketing as a system of research, information support of marketing research, goals, objects, methods of marketing research. Market analysis. Calculation of market capacity. Life cycle of goods (ZHTST). Assortment management. ABC - analysis, the law "Poreto". Portfolio analysis: BCG matrix. Segmentation of the market. Positioning. Price policy. Organizational structure of the company. Outsourcing. Promotion of products. Analysis of advertising. Brand: creation and valuation of value. Stimulation of sales, loyalty programs. SWOT-analysis. The state of competition in the industry (on the market). Industry trends and prospects for market development. Matrix McKinsey-GE. Globalization and the place of Kazakhstan in the globalizing world.
    • Expected Result: Master students should familiarize themselves with the main tools of marketing analysis, study the main characteristics of assortment policy, product promotion and sales promotion.
    • Ф.И.О. лектора: docent Dauletova A.M.
  • Name of the discipline: Real estate marketing
    • Prerequisites: «Marketing-management», «Organization of marketing researches», «Actual problems of marketing of firm»
    • Post-requisites: writing master's thesis
    • Purpose of the course: study of the scientific and theoretical foundations of marketing of real estate and the practice of their use in management and marketing activities.
    • Brief description of the course: Basic concepts of real estate marketing, planning to enter the real estate market, real estate market needs, the basic concepts of managing a real estate company in the real estate market, real estate as a product, promoting the sale of real estate, segmentation of the real estate market, realtor macro analysis, consumer demand, the theoretical basis of real estate advertising, marketing information system in the real estate market, the ma system survey studies of the real estate market, and marketing communications in the real estate market, especially pricing of software products in the real estate market.
    • Expected results: get an idea about the specifics of marketing activities in the real estate market. The master should know the specifics of organizing and conducting market research on the real estate market, the features of marketing tools, methods and techniques used in the real estate market, independently make changes in the content of marketing activities of real estate market subjects.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Borbasova Z.B..
  • Name of the discipline: Global Marketing
    • Prerequisites: "Marketing-management", "Marketing analysis of the market"
    • Post-requisites: writing master's thesis
    • Purpose of the course: formation of knowledge, skills and skills in the field of global marketing theory and methodology.
    • Brief description of the course: The concept of global marketing. Socio-economic essence of marketing. Trends in the development of marketing as a concept of market management of an enterprise. Globalization of the world economy and influence on the content of international marketing activities. Essence and distinctive features of global marketing. Motives and levels of global marketing. Principles of implementing the concept of global marketing. Global marketing in the activities of transnational corporations. Risks and effectiveness of the global marketing concept. The main trends in the development of global marketing. Global marketing strategies. Criteria for evaluating the chosen marketing strategy. Essence and distinctive features of the basic strategies of global marketing. Development and implementation of a global marketing mix. Complex marketing as a tool for implementing the strategy of global marketing. Features of the formation of commodity policy. Selection and formation of commodity nomenclature. Features of pricing policy. Features of the formation of marketing policy. Factors determining the effectiveness of marketing policy in the implementation of global marketing. Complex of marketing communications.
    • Expected Result: the undergraduate must use the principles of global marketing to manage the market activity of the enterprise; Develop a program and determine the direction of market research when implementing the concept of global marketing; Develop content and tools for implementing a global marketing mix.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Borbasova Z.B..
  • Name of the discipline: "Marketing in industries and spheres of activity"
    • Prerequisites: "Marketing-management", "Actual problems of marketing of the company".
    • Post-requisites: writing master's thesis
    • Purpose of the course: The modern approaches to the organization of marketing activity in various branches and spheres of activity are opened, as well as to form an effective combination of marketing strategy and tactics in the students of the master's degree in various fields and fields of activity in modern conditions
    • Brief description of the course: Marketing in the industry and the market of means of production, Marketing in agribusiness, Marketing in trade, Marketing in the sphere of services and entertainment industry, Marketing of educational services, Marketing in public health, Bank marketing, Marketing in insurance business, Marketing in construction, Marketing of hotel industry, Marketing in restaurant business, Marketing in tourism, Marketing in the advertising business, Marketing of innovations and development of a new product, Marketing at the enterprises of folk arts and crafts.
    • Marketing in the market of industrial and technical products. Marketing in the agro-industrial complex. Marketing in the sulfur industry. Features of marketing in the field of education. Features of marketing in the production and sale of handicrafts. Marketing of consulting services. Marketing in foreign economic activity. Features of marketing in insurance activities. Features of marketing in wholesale and retail trade. Features of marketing of tourist and restaurant business. Features of marketing in the political sphere. Marketing in the banking sector.
    • Expected Result: to choose the optimal strategy for the firm, based on an analysis of the prevailing situation and market conditions in a particular field of activity; Identify features of marketing activities in different markets and areas of activity; conduct segmentation of industry markets and positioning of enterprises on them .; to organize management of marketing taking into account features of the branch markets and the enterprises; acquire the skills of organizing independent and collective scientific research, writing scientific papers (applications, articles, projects).
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Dauletova A.M.
  • Name of the discipline: Relationship Marketing
    • Prerequisites: "Marketing-management", "Principles and technology of marketing in the market system".
    • Post-requisites: writing master's thesis
    • Purpose of the course: studying new approaches to marketing management, based on the formation and retention of loyal customers, employees and partners of the organization.
    • Brief description of the course: the concept of relationship marketing, the principles of relationship marketing. Marketing relationships and direct marketing. Prerequisites for the development of relationship marketing. Internal marketing. Types of behavior of employees. Structure of internal marketing. The essence of management relations in the organization. Employee-client relationships. Complaint management. Negotiation process. Profitability of buyers. Relationships "company - customer". Implementing relationship marketing. Consumer loyalty: concept, evaluation, enhancement programs. Implementing relationship marketing. Relationship marketing and network economics.
    • Expected Result: the master student should study the logic of the process of relationship marketing and master the basic problems of managing relationships with partners of the company, acquire skills in organizing internal marketing at the enterprise.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Nakipova G.E.
  • Name of the discipline: International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
    • Prerequisites: "Marketing-management", "Actual problems of marketing of the company", "Organization of marketing research".
    • Post-requisites: writing master's thesis
    • Purpose of the course: procurement and supply chain management, a wide range of possible tasks and a broad range of supply chain management
    • Краткое содержание дисциплины: Commodity management system. Role and place of management of the enterprise's goods stock. The purpose of the SCM is to effectively control the inventory. Classification of goods stock. Trading strategy and supply chain management. Sales planning and demand forecasting. Forecasting of demand. Uncertainty and risk in the supply chain. Insurance fund. Calculation of the seasonal coefficient and its implementation in sales planning. Linear trend. Planning of procurement and optimal level of inventory. ABC analysis. Practical application. XYZ analysis. Practical application. Computation of computational methods of inventories. Foreign trade contracts in accordance with the Inkoterms Terms and Conditions of International Transport
    • Expected results: Provider professionals in the field of supply channels, along with effective project management, also provide professional skills. This program requires skilled professionals to manage specialized delivery channels at the mid-career career of undergraduates .... management channels of delivery.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Tazabekov A.I.
  • Name of the discipline: Pricing: theory and practice in the Republic of Kazakhstan
    • Prerequisites: "Marketing-management", "Principles and technology of marketing in the market system", "Marketing analysis of the market"
    • Post-requisites: writing master's thesis
    • Purpose of the course: to study the basic mechanisms of pricing, the methodology of pricing, to determine the relationship of pricing with other elements of marketing policy.
    • Brief description of the course: In conditions of Kazakhstan's transition to a market economy, price as a category of market economy acquires special significance. It becomes an instrument for solving many economic problems, both at the micro and macro levels.
    • Pricing and its relationship with other marketing tools. Analysis of breakeven conditions of price decisions. Discounts as a tool of pricing policy. Investigation of buyers' sensitivity to price levels. Features of pricing for goods for industrial use. Determination of prices for consumer goods.
    • Expected results: Master students should acquire skills in the formation of price strategies on the market.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Tazabekov A.I.
  • Name of the discipline: Actual problems of industrial marketing
    • Prerequisites: "Marketing-management", "Actual problems of marketing of the company"
    • Post-requisites: writing master's thesis
    • Purpose of the course: deepening of knowledge about the specifics of the marketing activities of an industrial enterprise in the markets.
    • Краткое описание курса: In market conditions, the successful operation of industrial enterprises largely depends on the quality of marketing decisions, skillful and competent marketing activities. In this regard, the role of professional training of specialists with the ability to research and identify the needs of the industrial goods market, to develop the marketing strategy of the enterprise and to achieve commercial success sharply increases. Therefore, industrial marketing is one of the fundamental disciplines in the training of professional economists
    • Expected Result: To develop the skills of solving applied problems in the field of industrial marketing.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Nakipova G.E.
  • Name of the discipline: Creative advertising
    • Prerequisites: "Marketing-management", "Principles and technology of marketing in the market system", "Marketing analysis of the market"
    • Post-requisites: writing master's thesis
    • Purpose of the course: Studying the main aspects of the creative component of advertising activities by students.
    • Краткое описание курса: Creative advertising as a component of a complex of marketing communications. Technologies of creative planning. Marketing component of the advertising message. Coordination of the creative with the marketing task, the stage of the product life cycle and the motives of the target audience. Technologies of creative planning. Principles of the formation of an effective creative brief. The concept of creativity in advertising. Creative as a feature of psychologically effective advertising. An algorithm for finding a creative concept and an advertising idea. Definition of an advertising problem. Primary research. Interpretation of data. Advertising strategies. Methods of searching for a creative concept and an advertising idea. Technology of brainstorming. Techniques for the development of advertising messages. Name in advertising. Text in advertising. A game. Humor. Seriality in advertising. Involvement in situational time. Creating effective TV advertising. Development of advertising for radio. Internet sites and banner advertising. Method for evaluating the advertising message and its style. Protection of creative development before the customer. Advertising creative and legal regulation in advertising communication
    • Expected Result: the undergraduate should study the theoretical basis of creativity in advertising; To analyze the strategic and tactical actions associated with the development of effective advertising messages.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Nakipova G.E.
  • Name of the discipline: "Development of the marketing system in the banking sector"
    • Prerequisites: "Marketing-management", "Actual problems of industrial marketing"
    • Post-requisites: writing master's thesis
    • Purpose of the course: to study Kazakhstan's experience of developing the marketing system in the banking sector of countries, as well as mastering practical skills in applying its elements and principles to the banking sector.
    • Brief description of the course: The essence of banking marketing. Institutional development of the Kazakhstan market of banking services. Research of the market of bank services. Features segmentation of the banking services market. Analysis of market opportunities of the bank. Planning the product line. Price policy in the bank. Organization of sales of banking services. Communication policy of the bank. Planning and control of marketing in the bank.
    • Expected Result: Master students should learn the peculiarities of bank marketing, its distinctive features and characteristics.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Nakipova G.E.
  • Name of the discipline: Methods and techniques of marketing research
    • Prerequisites: "Principles and technology of marketing in a market system", "Marketing analysis of the market"
    • Post-requisites: writing master's thesis
    • Purpose of the course: studying methods and tools for organizing marketing research.
    • Brief description of the course: determination of the need for conducting marketing research, the method of logical and semantic modeling of problems, the formulation of marketing research objectives, the choice of methods for conducting market research, exploratory research, descriptive research, casual research, experiments and their role in marketing research, types of experiments, design experiments, methods of data collection, observation, focus group method, other qualitative methods, survey methods, panel the method of obtaining data from respondents, the choice of specific methods for collecting surveys, measuring in marketing research, the construction of measurement scales, the reliability and reliability of measurement, the compilation of questionnaires.
    • Expected Result: acquire skills in the use of methods used in conducting marketing research.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Dauletova A.M.


  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Marketing (profile direction)


    Faculty of Economics and Management

  • 2021-22 жылғы білім бағдарламасы бойынша оқитын магистранттар контингенті
    Мемлекеттік білім тапсырысы негізінде білім алатын магистранттар
    Магистранты, обучающиеся на платной основе


Training in the educational master program 7М04112 "Marketing" allows you to prepare a specialist with a high level of professional culture, including a culture of professional communication, having a civil position, able to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems that can work both individually and in a team. This is achieved as a result of studying such disciplines as "Marketing in the market of goods for industrial and technical purposes", "Applied marketing", "Pricing in a market economy", "Modern theories of communication in marketing", etc. This contributes to the development of competence in obtaining, processing and transfer of marketing information using modern technical means; development of a marketing strategy; conducting complex marketing research; development, organization and implementation of marketing policy; use of modern marketing technologies; the application of international quality standards and international ISO standards, in the implementation of research and teaching activities in the field of vocational training; in the field of solving marketing problems of commercial and non-commercial organizations; in matters of organization, planning and management of marketing activities; in making decisions regarding the commodity, price, distribution and communication marketing strategies.
Graduates of the Master's program in the educational program 7М04112- "Marketing" in the profile preparation as objects of professional activity can choose: bodies of the system of state and administrative management, enterprises, organizations of the state and non-state sector, related to graduates of this direction, the head, specialist and / or consultant higher and middle level of state and local government; manager of the higher and middle management level of enterprises, firms and organizations of various industries and forms of ownership; expert, consultant on governance in the system of state and administrative management, enterprises, organizations, firms of various industries and forms of ownership.
In the profile direction, the graduate is awarded an academic degree - Master of Economics and Business in the specialty "7М04112 - Marketing".
In the profile direction, the term of study is 1 year
Full-time form of education.

Degree of the program:
Master of Economics and Business
on the specialty 7М04112 "Marketing"
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(69 ECTS – 28 credits)
Education alin stitution Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance (IKAQA)
Period of validity This program is approved by the University for a period of 1 years for those who receive a degree from the university in 2016
Level QFдля ЕHEA (Qualification Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 2 cycle; ЕQF (European qualification frameworks): level 7; НРК (national qualifications framework): level 7
  • A) Goal
    • The goal of the educational program is the preparation of highly qualified marketing analysts with high qualifications who are able to apply theoretical knowledge, as well as marketing and other management technologies in a complex and rapidly changing business environment for work at private and public sector enterprises, consulting companies, and for scientific and teaching activities.
      The graduate of the educational program in the specialty 7М04112 "Marketing" is awarded an academic degree:
      - for profile preparation - Master of Economics and Business in specialty 7М04112 "Marketing".
      Graduates of the specialty 7М04112 "Marketing" can work in the following positions:
      - Head and specialist of marketing services of enterprises, commercial organizations and companies;
      - the manager on group of the goods and trade marks;
      - manager of the sales department;
      - employee in marketing research units, advertising agencies;
      - Marketer-researcher or marketing analyst;
      - Head of Department;
      - marketing director.
  • B) Detail
    • 1.Discipline / Area
    • Main disciplines:
      Foreign language (professional)
      Business strategy of innovative development of the enterprise
      Marketing Management
      Pricing: theory and practice
      Modern theories of communication in marketing
      Marketing in the market of goods for industrial and technical purposes
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • at the profile preparation: bodies of the system of state and administrative management, organizations, firms, corporations, foreign economic activities, regardless of the size or form of ownership, relevant to graduates of this direction;
    • 3.Direction
    • profile
    • 4.Features
    • The spheres of professional activity of graduates are education, science, industry, small and medium business, marketing activities, advertising, research and forecasting, trade, etc.
  • C) Employ mentand further education
    • 1.Employment - Head and specialist of marketing services of enterprises, commercial organizations and companies;
      - the manager on group of the goods and trade marks;
      - manager of the sales department;
      - employee in marketing research units, advertising agencies;
      - Marketer-researcher or marketing analyst;
      - Head of Department;
      - marketing director.
    • 2.Furthertraining
    • Doctorate PhD
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and learning
    • Wide use in the educational process of active and interactive forms of conducting classes (computer simulations, business and role games, case studies, psychological and other trainings) combined with extracurricular work with the goal of forming and developing the professional skills of students.
      The training courses include meetings with representatives of state bodies at the regional level, public organizations, domestic and foreign companies, master classes of experts and specialists.
    • 2.Evalu ationmet hods
    • Oral interrogation, front-line questioning, written check, testing, colloquium, course work protection, boundary control, final control, examinations, production practice, experimental work of the undergraduate, including the performance of the master's thesis, a comprehensive examination, design and defense of the master's thesis
  • E) Soft ware competencies
    • 1.General competences
    • The program meets the requirements of the State Compulsory Standard of Postgraduate Education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the second level of the cycle.
      This includes general competencies (also known as key skills) of expected graduates of the second cycle(
    • Competency group

      Code of competence

      Виды ЗУНов и компетенций

      Key (general scientific, social-personal, humanitarian-social, communicative, instrumental) competencies 


      to have an idea of ​​the current trends in the development of scientific knowledge, the current problems of science and technology


      master the basics of theoretical knowledge in the field of marketing management; to assimilate the methodological bases of the analysis of the marketing environment, the features of the marketing tools used at the macro, corporate and micro levels, to change them for the implementation of strategic and operational planning of marketing activities


      through the search, collection, analysis and systematization of marketing information to justify effective management decisions in activities


      bring the information received to professionals and representatives of the professional community


      know at least one foreign language at a professional level, allowing for scientific research and practical activities


      be able to apply scientific methods of cognition in professional activity, critically analyze existing concepts and approaches to the study of processes and phenomena


      be able to integrate the knowledge obtained within different disciplines, use them to solve analytical and management problems in new unfamiliar and complex situations


      independently be able to make changes in the content of marketing activities, as well as monitor and audit marketing activities


      to have the skills of solving standard scientific and professional problems, researching, analyzing and solving practical problems of enterprises and using the results obtained to improve the methods of enterprise management


      have the skills of professional communication, intercultural communication, oratory


      be able to expand and deepen the knowledge necessary for day-to-day professional work and continuing education


      be competent in the methodology of research, modern problems of the world economy, in the organization and management of the enterprise, as well as in the expansion of professional skills

      Special (professional) competences 

      SC 1

      obtaining skills to develop a business strategy for innovative enterprise development. The ability to apply knowledge in practice in the modern conditions of the formation and development of high technology production


      acquisition of competences in the field of science, which include the classification of sciences; basis of the methodology of scientific research


      learn skills in the formation of price strategies on the market


      be ready to develop new ideas and their application, including in the context of experimental research


      own methods of conducting independent research and interpretation of their results, methods of self-statement of problems and finding ways to solve them


      know the solutions of applied problems in the field of pricing


      be able to analyze advanced scientific and technical experience and trends in technology development


      be able to perform experimental research in the relevant field of science and knowledge


      to acquire skills in marketing communications


      To acquire skills in managing advertising and marketing communications in different markets


      acquisition of practical skills in the formation of marketing strategies in the sectors of material production


      acquisition of practical skills for the organization and development of the marketing service of the enterprise


      acquisition of practical skills for the organization and development of applied marketing


      be capable of self-improvement and professional growth of the individual with a variety of humanitarian and natural science knowledge and interests


      be ready to plan and conduct applied research in the relevant professional field


      be able to plan, organize, implement the results of experimental research


      to acquire skills in the use of marketing tools

    • 2.Specific competences
    • must:
      1) have an idea:
      - the role of science and education in public life;
      - on current trends in the development of scientific knowledge;
      - On the actual methodological and philosophical problems of natural (social, humanitarian, economic) sciences;
      - on the professional competence of the teacher of higher education;
      - on the contradictions and socio-economic consequences of the processes of globalization;
      2) know:
      - the methodology of scientific knowledge;
      - principles and structure of the organization of scientific activity;
      - Psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process;
      - psychological methods and means of increasing the effectiveness and quality of education;
      3) be able to:
      - use the knowledge gained for the original development and application of ideas in the context of scientific research;
      - Critically analyze existing concepts, theories and approaches to the analysis of processes and phenomena;
      - to integrate the knowledge received within the framework of different disciplines for solving research problems in new unfamiliar conditions;
      - through the integration of knowledge to make judgments and make decisions based on incomplete or limited information;
      - apply knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of higher education in their pedagogical activity;
      - apply interactive teaching methods;
      - to carry out information-analytical and information-bibliographic work with the use of modern information technologies;
      - To think creatively and creatively to solve new problems and situations;
      - be fluent in a foreign language at a professional level, allowing research and teaching of special subjects in universities;
      - To summarize the results of research and analytical work in the form of a dissertation, a scientific article, a report, an analytical note, etc .;
      4) have the skills:
      - research activities, solutions to standard scientific problems;
      - realization of educational and pedagogical activity on credit technology of education;
      - methods of teaching professional disciplines;
      - use of modern information technologies in the educational process;
      - professional communication and intercultural communication;
      - oratory, correct and logical formulation of their thoughts in oral and written form;
      - expanding and deepening the knowledge necessary for daily professional work and continuing education in doctoral studies.
      5) be competent:
      - in the field of research methodology;
      - in the field of scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity in higher educational institutions;
      - in the issues of modern educational technologies;
      - in the implementation of scientific projects and research in the professional field;
      in the ways of ensuring the constant updating of knowledge, the expansion of professional skills and abilities.
  • F) Full list of learning outcomes for this program
    • In the context of professional practice, in work in organizations, institutions and companies, graduates can demonstrate the ability to:
      - be able to: adapt the world experience of marketing technologies to the conditions of the domestic market; evaluate the conjuncture in the markets of goods and services; to make weighted management and marketing decisions; analyze and assess the condition and features of the sectoral, regional and international markets; determine the priorities and objectives of marketing activities; adapt to economic and organizational changes; be mobile and adaptive socially, morally, psychologically;
      - to have skills: obtaining, processing and transferring marketing information using modern information technologies; conducting complex marketing research; development of strategies and tactics of marketing activities; use of modern marketing technologies; application of international quality standards and international ISO standards.
  • Name of the discipline: Foreign language (professional)
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Kazakh / Russian language in the volume of the university course.
    • Post-requisites: mastering a foreign language at the level of international standards B2, as well as LSP - a language for special purposes.
    • Purpose of the course: systemic deepening of communicative competence within the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language skills in the professional work of the future master.
    • Brief description of the course: The organization of the financial industry. Regulation and Deregulation. The times of the Indefinite group. Parts of speech - General overview. Retail banking. Commercial and investment banking. The future of bank branches. Continuous group times. Business correspondence 1 Formal and informal style 1. Group times Perfect, Perfect Continuous. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Loans and credit. Passive voice and passive design. Business correspondence. Modal verbs: may, must, to be to, to, to, should. Accounting. Types of Accounting. Infinitive and infinitive constructions. Features of the infinitive translation. Central banking. Monetary policy. Money and banking. Gerund. Features of translation gerund. Types of banks. Banking system. Communion I, II. Features of translation. Financing international trade. Clarifying Incoterms. Structure of the English sentence. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Meeting 1. Meeting 2 Controlling meetings. Concluding a meeting. Types of offers. Foreign exchange. Foreign exchange markets. Exchange rates. Currency trading. Complex sentences. Types of subordinate clauses. Balance Sheet 1. Time alignment. Balance Sheet 2. Subjunctive mood. Asset management. Regulating the financial sector. Conditional offers. Revision of lexical and grammar material. Indirect speech. Final test.
    • Expected Result:
    • Ability to conduct dialogical and monologic speech in English;
    • Conduct conversations on professional, business and everyday topics;
    • Perceive English-speaking speech by ear (professional terminology);
    • Mastering the skills of business written communication;
    • Reading and translating texts by profession with a dictionary and without a dictionary;
    • Understand the content of the read;
    • Transfer the contents of the read;
    • Use of reference literature (explanatory and other dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias).
    • Full name of lecturer: Professor Aubakirova G.T
  • Name of the discipline: «Management»
    • Prerequisites: "Organization and planning of scientific research", "Mathematical modeling at macro and micro levels".
    • Post-requisites: Master's dissertation
    • Purpose of the course: the formation of a modern system of professional knowledge and skills necessary to effectively solve management problems based on modern marketing principles and methods.
    • Brief description of the course: The current level of economic development is characterized by diversification of production and a constant process of increasing the competitiveness of products and services. Therefore, it is necessary to train highly qualified specialists in the field of marketing who have special thinking that allows them to make decisions on the development of an enterprise (firm) on the basis of deep market research and changing the situation on it. In this regard, the course "Marketing Management" is one of the main and mandatory disciplines and is devoted to an expanded consideration of marketing issues with an emphasis on managing marketing processes and procedures.
    • Expected Result: Master students in the process of studying the discipline must learn the basics of marketing management, master such concepts as goods, prices, sales, communications and be able to analyze them in specific situations in the economy.
  • Name of the discipline: Psychology
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, sociology, culturology.
    • Post-requisites: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching, pedagogical practice.
    • Purpose of the course: training of undergraduates in the basics of psychology of higher education, expansion of their professional capabilities in terms of applying psychological knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction. The subject, tasks and structure of higher school psychology. Education as a global object of higher school psychology. Psychological foundations of the learning process. Psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process. Psychological methods and means of increasing the effectiveness and quality of teaching in modern conditions. Management of the learning process. Learning as a subject of educational activity. Psychological basis of the process of education. The problem of education in higher education. Education and the formation of professional self-awareness. Problems psychodiagnostics professionally-oriented personality. Psychological counseling of students and teachers, taking into account the profile of the future professional activities of a specialist. Psychology of pedagogical communication. Psychology of pedagogical influence. The problem of interpersonal interaction between the teacher and students.
    • Expected Result:
    • А) to know the prospects for the development of psychological science and understand the role of psychology in the professional activity of the university teacher;
    • B) to apply in various spheres of professional activity methods of studying characterological features of people and psychological influence on students and student groups;
    • C) to carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of psychological techniques in managing conflicts in the pedagogical process of the university, psychological factors of effectiveness and optimization of the educational process, stimulating the educational and cognitive activities of students, etc. and formulate conclusions on this basis;
    • D) to represent the interpretation of the results of psychological methods of diagnosis, the study of the psychological factors of the educational process and the educational and cognitive activity of the student in various forms of communication (characteristics, references, projects, mini-studies, etc.).
    • E) the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Kenzhebaeva S.K
  • Name of the discipline: «Marketing-management»
    • Prerequisites: "Organization and planning of scientific research", "Mathematical modeling at macro and micro levels".
    • Post-requisites: Master's dissertation
    • Purpose of the course: the formation of a modern system of professional knowledge and skills necessary to effectively solve management problems based on modern marketing principles and methods.
    • Brief description of the course: The current level of economic development is characterized by diversification of production and a constant process of increasing the competitiveness of products and services. Therefore, it is necessary to train highly qualified specialists in the field of marketing who have special thinking that allows them to make decisions on the development of an enterprise (firm) on the basis of deep market research and changing the situation on it. In this regard, the course "Marketing Management" is one of the main and mandatory disciplines and is devoted to an expanded consideration of marketing issues with an emphasis on managing marketing processes and procedures.
    • Expected Result: Master students in the process of studying the discipline must learn the basics of marketing management, master such concepts as goods, prices, sales, communications and be able to analyze them in specific situations in the economy.
    • Full name of lecturer: Professor Dauletova A.M.
  • Name of the discipline: The business strategy of innovative development of enterprise
    • Prerequisites: «Economic theory», «Microeconomics»
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis.
    • Purpose of the course: the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the business strategy of innovative development of the enterprise.
    • Brief description of the course: Innovation concepts. The life cycle of product innovation. Commercialization of innovative product. Innovation policy for the modern enterprise. Market research-and-technical products. The essence and content of business strategy of innovative development of the enterprise. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the company's business strategy. Features of personnel management innovation of the enterprise. State regulation of innovation activity. Innovative project and program. Development and management. Economic efficiency innovation project. State support of business strategies of innovative enterprises.
    • Expected results: obtaining skills of development of business strategy for innovative development of the enterprise. The ability to apply knowledge in practice in modern conditions of formation and development of knowledge-intensive production.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Sadvakasova Z. M.
  • Name of the discipline: Organization eksperimentalno research
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, Sociology, Higher mathematics, Marketing
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: obtaining skills in the field of organization eksperimentalno research
    • Brief description of the course: Science as a system of ideas about the world and as an institution. The classification of the Sciences. The philosophical basis of the methodology of scientific research. The logic of process research. The levels and methods of scientific research. Methods of collecting empirical information. The methods of theoretical generalizations of empirical information. The planning studies. The stages of the research.
    • Expected results: the acquisition of competences in the field of science, which include the classification of Sciences; the basics of methodology of scientific research.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Ulybyshev D.N.
  • Name of the discipline: Pricing: theory and practice
    • Prerequisites: «Marketing- Management»
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: to study the basic mechanisms of pricing, the methodology of pricing, to determine the relationship of pricing with other elements of marketing policy.
    • Brief description of the course: In conditions of Kazakhstan's transition to a market economy, price as a category of market economy acquires special significance. It becomes an instrument for solving many economic problems, both at the micro and macro levels.
    • Pricing and its relationship with other marketing tools. Analysis of breakeven conditions of price decisions. Discounts as a tool of pricing policy. Investigation of buyers' sensitivity to price levels. Features of pricing for goods for industrial use. Determination of prices for consumer goods.
    • Expected results: Master students should acquire skills in the formation of price strategies on the market.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Dauletova A.M.
  • Name of the discipline: Pricing in a market economy
    • Prerequisites: «Marketing- Management»
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: deepening of knowledge about specificity of pricing activity of the enterprise in the markets.
    • Brief description of the course: Pricing and market characteristics. Essence and prices. Characteristics of basic approaches to price determination. Price functions. Accounting and measurement function. The function of matching demand and supply. The law of supply and demand. Linear and power-law dependence of demand on the price of goods. The stimulating function of prices. Use of incentive function in the pricing policy of the state, region, firm. Price distribution function. Mechanisms for redistribution of newly created value. Function of capital overflow. Objective nature of the functions of prices. Dependence of pricing on the type of market. Pricing in the market of free competition. The essence of adaptive price policy. The elasticity of demand for price is the basis for assessing the reaction of buyers to price changes. Classification of methods of information collection. Factors determining the choice of methods. Methods based on the analysis of actual data on purchases. Price system in the economy Types of prices. Characteristics of prices depending on the stage of commodity circulation: wholesale prices, purchase prices, retail prices. Methods of state price regulation. Objectives and methods of state regulation of prices. Subjects of pricing.
    • Expected results: to impart skills in solving applied problems in the field of pricing.
    • Full name of lecturer: docent Dauletova A.M.
  • Name of the discipline: Modern theories of communication in marketing
    • Prerequisites: «Marketing- Management»
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: study of the main directions in the communication policy of the enterprise.
    • Brief description of the course: place of function and role of marketing communications in the system of communication of society, institutional and economic foundations of the activity of mass communication as the leading tool of marketing influence on consumers of goods and services; methodology of analysis, applied technical methods of analysis of modern QMS in terms of organization of texts of advertising, PR and other means of communication with target audiences.
    • Expected results: acquire skills in marketing communications.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Borbasova Z.B..
  • Name of the discipline: Management of advertising and marketing communications
    • Prerequisites: "Marketing", "Advertising of goods and services"
    • Post-requisites: writing master's thesis
    • Purpose of the course: formation of knowledge and practical skills in the management of advertising and marketing communications
    • Brief description of the course: the theory of integrated marketing communications, the evolution of IMC models, factors, levels and barriers in the integration of marketing communications; goals and objectives of advertising and other means of marketing communications; have conceptual notions about the socio-psychological factors of the impact of marketing communications tools, methods for planning the use of advertising media, planning an advertising campaign, calculating its effectiveness.
    • Expected results: a master student must acquire skills in managing advertising and marketing communications in various markets.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Borbasova Z.B..
  • Name of the discipline: Marketing in the market of goods for industrial and technical purposes
    • Prerequisites: "Marketing-management" "Management"
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: study the features of the application of marketing tools, methods and techniques associated with the activities of companies, enterprises and organizations of the sphere of material production.
    • Brief description of the course: Science as a system of ideas about the world and as an institution. Classification of sciences. Philosophical foundations of the methodology of scientific research. The logic of the process of scientific research. Levels and methods of scientific research. Methods for collecting empirical information. Methods of theoretical generalization of empirical information. Research planning. Stages of research.
    • Expected results: acquisition of practical skills in the formation of marketing strategies in the branches of material production.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Nakipova G.E.
  • Name of the discipline: Marketing in the innovation sphere
    • Prerequisites: economic theory, competition
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: formation of knowledge about marketing as a management system in the innovation sphere, as well as the skills of using marketing approaches, methods and solutions for activating the innovative activity of enterprises.
    • Brief description of the course: The role of competition in a market economy. Competitiveness and methods of its achievement. Competitive strategies in the field of large-scale standard production. Competitive advantages of narrow specialization. Competitive start in the sphere of radical innovations. Competitive strategies in the field of small non-specialized business. Economics as a community of competing companies. Features of competitive relations in Kazakhstan.
    • Expected results: acquisition of practical skills for the organization and development of the marketing service of the enterprise
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Borbasova Z.B..
  • Name of the discipline: Applied marketing
    • Prerequisites: Marketing
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: a deepening of knowledge about applied marketing on various types of the market.
    • Brief description of the course: Marketing in the consumer market, features of the consumer market, strategic marketing in the consumer market, features of price marketing in the consumer market, commodity and marketing marketing in the consumer market, marketing communications in the consumer market, features and principles of organization of marketing research, marketing of industrial enterprises, marketing of trade organizations , marketing of industrial markets, regional marketing, marketing of large business structures, marketing in ma om business.
    • Expected results: acquisition of practical skills for the organization and development of applied marketing.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Borbasova Z.B..
  • Name of the discipline: Marketing activity of the company
    • Prerequisites: Marketing
    • Post-requisites: writing of a thesis
    • Purpose of the course: the expansion of the professional knowledge of undergraduates necessary to develop the concept of marketing and the successful sale of goods, services, social values and ideas.
    • Brief description of the course: Marketing as an effective form of organization of the company 's production and marketing activities. Marketing management, areas and conditions for applying marketing in the social sphere, marketing of non-profit organizations, marketing ideas. The role of the state in the creation and development of the national marketing system, marketing planning, product and program analysis as a basis for decision-making. Analysis of product life cycle, price policy, objective components of price-quality ratio. Tovarodvizhenie. Functions performed by the channels of commodity circulation. Communication policy of the firm. Planning of marketing activities. Organization and control of marketing.
    • Expected results: Master students should acquire skills in using marketing tools.
    • Full name of lecturer: Doctor of economic sciences, professor Borbasova Z.B..

Magistratura-EP-State and local Management-SP

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    State and local Management (scientific and pedagogical direction)


    Social sciences, economy and business
  • 2021-22 Contingent of master students on educational program for
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis

The educational program "Management of regional development" in the specialty 7М04103 "The public and local administration" is directed to training of the research and educational personnel capable to conduct scientific research in spheres of the public and local administration and education and to apply them in the course of professional activity.
The contents of the educational program assume studying of such disciplines as "The theory and practice of public administration", "State regulation of the real sector of economy", "Institutional bases of administrative activity", "Economy of the public sector", Bases of the organization of local government", "Regional institutes of development and PPP", etc. It allows to gain competences in: to development and implementation of programs of social and economic development at the level of regions and the country in general, formation of organizational, industry and interindustry structures, carrying out monitoring of efficiency of activity and the made management decisions in implementation of the administrative analysis, in the field of social and economic policy of the state, economy and management of firms and corporations on the basis of the operating regulatory framework.
Graduates of a magistracy of OP "Management of Regional Development" of specialty 7М04103 "Public and local administration" can carry out the following types of professional activity: heads various structural divisions of the public and local administration, in particular in the device and Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the office of Parliament of RK and the Government of RK; local executive bodies, companies; teachers in higher educational institutions; the research associate at research institutes, and others.
Graduate is awarded an degree:
- on the scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Economic Sciences in the specialty "7М04103 - State and Local Administration";
Training period:
on scientific and pedagogical direction - 2 years.
Full-time form of education.

The degree program: Master student of Economic Sciences in specialty 7М04103 "State and local management" Educational program: "Management of regional development"
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(131 ECTS – credits/ 59 Kazakhstan credits)
Education alin stitution Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance (IKAQA)
Period of validity This program was approved by the University for a period of 2 years for those who is receiving a degree at the University from 2016
Level QF for EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 2nd cycle; EQF (European qualifications framework): level 7; NQF (National Qualifications Framework): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program of the specialty 7М04103 "State and local government" is the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel who are able to conduct research in the fields of state and local government and education and apply them in the process of professional activity
      Successful graduates must demonstrate:
      - demonstrate educational knowledge and understanding that obtained at the level of higher education, which are the basis or the possibility for the original of development or application of ideas, often in the context of scientific research;
      - apply knowledge, understanding and ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar situations and contexts within broader (or multidisciplinary) areas related to state and local government;
      - integrate knowledge, deal with the complexities and make judgments based on incomplete or limited information, taking into account ethical and social responsibility for the application of these judgments and knowledge;
      - clearly communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and rationale of the system of state and local government;
      - continue learning by yourself.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline/Subject area
    • Main disciplines: Theory and Practice of Public Administration.
      Basic disciplines: Organization and planning of scientific researches, Methods and technologies of teaching in higher education,
      Academic writing, Regional Development Institutions and PPP
      Majors: Institutional bases of management,
      Public Sector Economics, State Regulation of the Real Sector of the Economy, Digital Technologies in Management, Basics of Local Government Organization, Housing and Public Utilities Management
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • In order to implement the educational program specialty "State and local management" is used credit-modular system of educational process organization, based on a modular principle of curricula, using a system of credits and relevant education-enforcement technologies.
    • 3.Direction
    • The scientific and pedagogical
    • 4.Features
    • Graduates of specialty 7М04103 "State and local management" focused on the following types of professional activities: scientific research, socio-economical, managerial, expert-analytical, experimental research, scientific and pedagogical, economic and organizational, organizational and technological activities.
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • In higher educational institutions; in research activities; in the expert institutions
    • 2.Further education
    • PhD
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational process is widely used active and interactive forms of conducting classes (case studies on state and local government, round table discussion, case projects, brainstorming, debates).
    • 2.Evaluation methods
    • Frontier control; intermediate certification (testing); reports protection on the research work of a student, the passage of teaching and research practices; scientific training (report), final examination (state examination, master's thesis protection)
  • E) Programmatic competencies
    • 1.General competencies
      The program is complies with the requirements of the State educational standards of postgraduate education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the second level of cycle.
      This includes the general competencies (also known as key skills) of expected graduates of the second cycle.
      The competencies listed beloware the summaryand the most characteristic competencies for this program:
      GC1 - to possess the methodology of scientific research, the basics of psychological and pedagogical activity and in-depth communication skills in terms of foreign language education for self-realization in the professional field;
      GC2 - to carry out research and professional-pedagogical activities using modern educational technologies, academic literacy and management skills at the regional level
    • 2.Specific competencies
    • PC 1– Own the methodology of the modern public administration system for the implementation of scientific research in the field of public sector economics, city economics, and the labor market;
      PC 2 - Make management decisions at the macro and meso-levels based on the use of digital technologies for the effective implementation of state and regional programs;
      PC 3 - To be competent in the field of scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity in the context of rapid updating and growth of information flows, university training specialists, the examination of scientific projects and research;
      PC 4 - Integrate knowledge in the field of state and local government for the expansion of professional skills
  • F) A complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of professional practice in organizations, institutions and companies, graduates are able to demonstrate the ability of the following:
      be competent: in the field of research methodology; in the field of scientific and pedagogical activity in higher education institutions; in matters of modern educational technologies; in the implementation of research projects and studies in the professional field; to how to ensure continuous updating of knowledge and the expansion of professional skills and abilities.
  • History and philosophy of science 2 credits /3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, political science, culturology.
    • Post requisites: Fundamentals of professional pedagogical communication, pedagogy of higher education, psychology.
    • History and philosophy of science forming the ability of theoretical and methodological thinking and analysis, the high morality and ethical responsibility of the scientist, its culture, because behind all philosophical constructions there is an ethical idea. Studying the history and philosophy of science is not only an introduction to philosophical culture; it is a condition for the development of the capacity for reflection and hermeneutic activity.
    • The goal of teaching the discipline is the formation of a philosophical and methodological culture, the ability of theoretical thinking and analysis, high morality and culture, the development of analytical skills and research skills.
    • Course Objectives:
      • to determine the place of science in culture and to show the main points of philosophical understanding of science in the socio-cultural aspect;
      • to give an idea of the evolution of science as an independent type of spiritual activity, to reveal the main periods in the development of science;
      • to describe science as a social institution; to discuss the issue of norms and values of the scientific community;
      • to uncover questions related to the discussion of the nature of scientific knowledge and the problem of ideals and the criteria for scientific knowledge;
      • to present the structure of scientific knowledge and describe its basic elements;
      • to give an idea of scientific rationality;
      • to acquaint with modern methodological concepts in the field of philosophy of science;
      • to show the specifics and grounds for stating the problem of the development of science in the twentieth century, to present the basic strategies for describing the development of science.
    • The master must know: the history of the formation of the world's philosophical theoretical thought, the features of the basic philosophical concepts, in order to understand that philosophy is a special form of reflection,
    • first, with a critical position,
    • secondly, with the construction of general schemes of ontology in universal and normative forms,
    • thirdly, with the creation of conditions for understanding, explaining and seeing the world.
    • Full name of the lecturer: k.f.s., Professor Klishina M.V.
  • «Foreign language (professional)» 2 credits //3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: foreign language
    • Post-requisites: Organization and planning of scientific research, Managerial Economics
    • One of the priorities of the state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the modernization of the education system, designed to train highly qualified specialists of the new formation, able to keep pace with the times and succeed in their activities.
    • The teaching of foreign languages ​​in a master's degree in a non-linguistic university of a profile, direction, should be aimed at mastering the future masters of the language for professional and academic purposes at an advanced level, which will allow them to freely operate the scientific and conceptual apparatus of the specialty, expand the scientific and information base, master the skills of interpreting scientific information , argumentation, persuasion, scientific controversy, academic writing.
    • The purpose of teaching discipline is to systematically deepen communicative competence within the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language proficiency in the future Master's professional activity.
    • Course Objectives:
      • to improve the skills of oral communication in a foreign language on the basis of developing skills in argumentation and polemics within the framework of general scientific and scientific and professional issues;
      • to study of the linguistic characteristics of official-business and scientific functional styles in the field of specialist training;
      • further improvement of listening skills on the basis of professionally-oriented content.
    • The foreign language course in the Master's program meets the requirements of continuity and is one of the links of the three-level higher education. This typical program is aimed at continuing the study of a foreign language, improving the base created in the previous stage, and, thus, is closely related to the discipline "Foreign Language" in the bachelor's degree. In addition, the teaching of a foreign language is based on the linguistic experience of undergraduates acquired in the course of studying the Kazakh / Russian language course, as well as the knowledge and skills of undergraduates in the specialty.
    • A master student should know:
      • Functional-stylistic characteristics of the presentation of the material in the foreign language being studied;
      • general scientific terminology of the relevant specialty in a foreign language;
    • basis of business correspondence in the framework of international cooperation.
    • Full name of the lecturer: k.f.s., Professor Aubakirova G.T.
  • Psychology 2 credits //3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Psychology
    • The purpose of teaching the discipline: the training of undergraduates the basics of psychology of higher education, the expansion of their professional capabilities in terms of the application of psychological knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity.
    • The tasks of studying the discipline:
    • To reveal the psychological and pedagogical essence of the educational process in higher education.
    • Give graduate students a holistic view of the most significant theoretical concepts, empirical studies and basic applications of general, social, age and pedagogical psychology in relation to the course "Psychology".
    • To consider the main trends in the development of higher education at the present stage.
    • Develop psychological and pedagogical thinking of undergraduates.
    • Course Prerequisites: the study of the course "Psychology" is based on the knowledge gained in the previous bachelor disciplines: philosophy, sociology, culturology.
    • Course post requisites: all subsequent humanitarian disciplines, which are a practical area for applying psychological knowledge and expanding the possibilities for professional training of a specialist: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching, pedagogical practice.
    • Full name of the lecturer: k.p.s, ass.professor Kenzhebayeva S.K.
  • Pedagogy 2 credits //3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Psychology", "History of Philosophy and Science".
    • Postrequisites: "Methodology of teaching special disciplines."
    • The purpose of teaching the course "Pedagogy" is to know the fundamentals of the professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher of higher education, to familiarize future teachers with the general problems, the methodological and theoretical foundations of high school pedagogy, modern technologies of analysis, planning and organization of teaching and upbringing, communication technologies of subject-subject interaction between the teacher and student in the educational process of the university.
    • Tasks:
      • to form representations about actual problems of higher education and pedagogical science;
      • to form ideas about the essence of pedagogical activity;
      • to form an idea of ​​yourself as a subject of professional activity and to master the way of self-determination and analysis of one's own professional activity;
      • to form the skills of pedagogical activity;
      • to form the skills of organization and management of students' activities;
      • improve the skills of scientific research;
      • improve the skills of professional thinking.
    • Full name of the lecturer: d.p.s, professor Mulikova S.A.
  • State and local Management 2 credits //3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: State and local Management.
    • The theory and practice of state building in the Republic of Kazakhstan poses a number of new problems in the field of the formation and functioning of the system of public administration, since its facilities are quite dynamic due to the large-scale introduction of market mechanisms in the economy of the country. It is important to develop such a mechanism of governance and legal regulation that would facilitate the implementation of the strategic objectives of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a democratic, secular, socially-oriented state.
    • The aim of the course is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of public administration.
    • In accordance with this goal, the following tasks are set:
    • have:
      • a holistic view of the state as a subject of management in a market economy;
      • a comprehensive view of the public administration system and understand the essence of its components: process, goals, functions, principles, methods, bodies, public service personnel;
      • An idea of ​​the nature of public administration as a type of professional activity for determining the similarities and differences between state and other types of management;
    • know:
      • principles, mechanism, specificity of using the main tools for implementing state economic policy at different levels of government;
    • be able to:
      • Understand the structure of the management system at all levels;
    • own:
      • practical skills of working in public authorities.
    • To improve the effectiveness of this course, graduate students need to know the content of the following disciplines: "Management", "Theory of Public Administration", "State Regulation of Economics", "English Language", "Fundamentals of Law". The study of these disciplines is the basis for an in-depth study of the theoretical and practical aspects of public administration that will allow specialists to make effective state decisions.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Professor Zhetpisbayeva M.K.
  • Organization and planning of scientific research 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: History and Philosophy of Science, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics
    • Post-requisites: Methodology of teaching special disciplines, innovative research methods in management
    • Purpose: to study the basic concepts, methods and stages of research work.
    • Short course description: formation of a complex of knowledge about the essence, role, function of science and scientific research and their interrelation with the main stages of research activity.
    • Theoretical ideas about science will be revealed as a constantly developing system of ideas about the world, and as a necessary institution of social development. Within the framework of this course, knowledge of the essence and content, methodology and logical foundations of scientific research will be presented. Also, the basic methods of scientific research, necessary preparations for the preparatory stage of research work, such as the collection of scientific information and planning of research will be studied. In general, this course is aimed at a comprehensive study of general theoretical and practical issues of the organization and management of research work.
    • Expected results: In studying this course, the master student will know the basic concepts, methods and stages of scientific research, in accordance with the latest requirements for scientific and innovative activities. The acquired knowledge in the course of this course will also allow the undergraduate to follow the logical sequence of the research and to solve the correctly set goal and tasks of the study in a comprehensive manner.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., associate professor Ulybyshev D.N.
  • Science in the National Economy of Kazakhstan 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Macroeconomics, State regulation of the economy
    • Post-requisites: Research practice, work on master's thesis
    • Purpose: to study the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development and development of the knowledge-intensive sector of modern economy as a factor in the formation of the system of science and technology-production and commercialization of innovation and technology.
    • Brief description of the course: The science of Kazakhstan is viewed as a sphere of the economy characterized by high specific costs for research and development, and facilitating the implementation of fundamental and applied research, development, production and commercialization of domestic science-intensive technologies. Monitoring or surveying the knowledge-intensive sector that is developing in Kazakhstan is a priority task, since it is precisely on this that the question of including Kazakhstan in the world system of producers of high-tech products and about taking a worthy place in it depends.
    • The growth of knowledge-intensive markets within the globalization process of the world economy is due to the redistribution of financial, material and labor resources from other markets. Therefore, firms operating in the high-tech sector, on the one hand, take advantage of this process, and on the other hand, their activity accelerates it. A detailed study of the knowledge-intensive sector of the economy assumes a schematic representation of the actors and connections within its framework.
    • Expected results: obtaining skills of abstract thinking, knowledge of the essence of the subjects of the high technology sector, the concept of science in modern conditions. The opportunity to apply knowledge in practice in the current conditions of the formation and development of knowledge-intensive production.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., associate professor Ulybyshev D.N.
  • Methods and technologies of teaching in higher education 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogy, Psychology
    • Post-requisites: Pedagogical practice
    • The purpose of the academic discipline is to form competencies in the planning, development and organization of the educational process in the university.
    • Brief description of the course: The course is presented in four sections: Priorities for reform and modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan; Content and forms of methodical work of the university teacher; Forms of organization of training of students in higher education; Methods and means of training in the university; Modern technologies of teaching in higher education.
    • Expected result: acquisition of competences in the field of development of pedagogical science and professional activity of the university teacher, to understand the essence of technological education; to apply in the professional activity the methods of instruction adequate to the goals and content of the academic discipline, effective pedagogical technologies for training specialists; to carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of methods, means, forms and technologies of education in the university, reflecting the training sessions conducted and formulating conclusions on this basis; to represent the interpretation of positive pedagogical experience, teaching materials and the results of the student's educational and cognitive activities in various forms of communication (references, reports, expert opinions, mini-studies, etc.).
    • Full name lecturer: p.s.k., associate professor Kenzhebayeva S.K.
  • Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical communication 3 credits //5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogy, Psychology
    • Post-requisites: Pedagogical practice
    • The goal: the formation of professionally significant qualities of undergraduates in the process of learning the basics of professional and pedagogical communication, arming them with the knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the discipline. The main approaches to the description of personality, interpersonal relations, conflicts.
    • Brief description of the course:
    • The historical aspect of the development of communication in folk pedagogy. Communication and folk wisdom. Analysis of the problem of communication in the domestic pedagogy. The development of communication problems abroad. Analysis of the problem of communication in the domestic pedagogy. Innovative teachers about pedagogical communication. The objectives of professional and pedagogical communication. Functions of professional and pedagogical communication. The content of professional and pedagogical communication. Means of professional and pedagogical communication. The structure of professional and pedagogical communication. Features styles of pedagogical leadership.
    • Psychological climate of communication. Psychological barriers to communication. Communication in conflict situations.
    • Expected result: the undergraduate must: show deep knowledge of the content of the activities of the teacher in an educational institution, according to the method of organizing the independent activities of students; know the method of organizing the educational process in an educational institution; be able to correctly assess the trends in the development of modern pedagogy and the practice of education.
    • Full name lecturer: p.s.d., associate professor Minzhanov N.A.
  • Academic Writing 3 credits //5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Profession-oriented foreign language.
    • Post-requisites: Managerial economics in the system of regional development, work on the master's thesis.
    • The goal developing undergraduates the skills of structured presentation of their own ideas, the ability to create scientific and scientific-informational texts of various types, taking into account the specifics of academic discourse. Development of the ability to generate your own thoughts and build your own arguments, organizing all this in extremely accurate and clear textual form.
    • Short course description: Concepts and models of academic writing. Scientific text and academic writing. Publicity and communication. Culture, structure and literature: the boundaries of the scientific and unscientific. Writing as a process, product and practice. The integrity of the academic text. Models and principles of writing. Academic literacy and letter evaluation criteria. The feasibility of assessing the letter. Technology organization of the process of writing and generating ideas. The organization of the writing process.
    • Technology generation and organization of ideas. Text as an intellectual action. Academic text as a system. The organization of the whole text. Practice of nonlinear text organization: from method to technology. Logical and syntactic problems of academic and scientific text.
    • Expected results: undergraduates will be:
    • formulate a thesis and build a text from hypothesis to conclusions; - critically evaluate, select, summarize and use information from various sources; - impartially, objectively and reasonably pursue their own line of evidence based on logic and facts, avoiding various types of plagiarism; - use different types of logical order and argumentation methods; - write syntactically consistent and logically connected text; - Express your thoughts in a clear and precise language;
    • be able to - use modern methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages; logically organize the text and organize its elements; - use different models and technologies of academic writing in the work on the text; - interact with the reader, understand and respect someone else's point of view; - to put forward and substantiate their own hypothesis, formulate a thesis and build a text from hypothesis to conclusions; - critically evaluate, select, summarize and use information from various sources; - impartially, objectively and reasonably pursue their own line of evidence based on logic and facts, avoiding various types of plagiarism; - use different types of logical order and argumentation methods; - write syntactically consistent and logically connected text; - Express your thoughts in a clear and precise language;
    • to own - technologies of generation of own ideas; - skills for constructing text based on models; - Paraphrase and quoting skills; - skills to build a coherent and coherent text; - skills to use the criteria for the evaluation of the academic text in the application to his and others' text; - the skills of correcting complex syntax and logical errors.
    • Full name lecturer: Candidate of Philology, Professor G. Aubakirova
  • Академический стиль в письме 3 кредита/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Profession-oriented foreign language.
    • Post-requisites: Managerial economics in the system of regional development, work on the master's thesis.
    • The purpose: the study of the specifics, typology and types of academic style in the letter; review of effective communication technologies, including in the academic community; the study of the principles and techniques of creating a scientific text in a number of its main modifications; study of the rules for the construction of scientific texts of various genres and sub-styles (actually scientific, scientific and educational, popular science, etc.; providing undergraduates with practical skills to create and edit a scientific text for publication; the development of the features of the academic tradition in a certain field of scientific activity in accordance with the profile of the training of a student.
    • Brief course description: Features of scientific communication. Academic writing and academic community. The problem of plagiarism and quoting. Culture of written scientific speech (scientific style and its substrates). Consistency and consistency. Dialogue and intertextuality. Hypothesis. Rational explanation. Analogy.
    • Pseudo-reasoning. Features of the use of the description and narration. The main components of a scientific article. Speech forms in a scientific text.
    • Expected result: As a result of mastering the course of academic writing, undergraduates will:
    • Know:
      • features of presenting the results of scientific activities in oral and written form when working in Russian and international research teams;
      • methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages;
      • stylistic features of presenting the results of scientific activities in oral and written form in the state and foreign languages;
      • regulatory documents for the preparation of applications, grants, research projects;
      • content requirements and rules for manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals;
    • Be able to:
      • follow the standards adopted in scientific communication when working in Russian and
    • international research teams to solve scientific and scientific-educational problems;
      • follow the basic standards adopted in scientific communication in the state and foreign languages;
      • present scientific results on the topic of the dissertation in the form of
    • publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals;
      • present the results of research (including dissertations) to the academic and business community;
    • Own:
      • skills in analyzing major world outlook and methodological problems, incl. interdisciplinary nature, arising when working on solving scientific and scientific-educational problems in Russian or international research teams;
      • various types of communications in the implementation of work in Russian and international teams to solve scientific and scientific-educational tasks;
      • skills of analyzing scientific texts in the state and foreign languages;
      • skills of critical evaluation of the effectiveness of various methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages.
    • Full name lecturer: Candidate of Philology, Professor G. Aubakirova
  • Regional Development Institutes and PPP 3 credits /5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Macroeconomics, Management, Theory of the state governance, State and business.
    • Post-requisites: State regulation of the real economy. Practical practice. Work on the master dissertation.
    • Purpose: To introduce graduate students the role of regional development institutions as a subject of partnership and explain their role in the implementation of public-private partnership projects.
    • Brief description of course: The essence of regional development institutions as a subject of partnership relations. Regional development institutes. The concept of public-private partnership. Legal regulation of public-private partnership in regions. Public-Private Partnership Mechanism. Public-private partnership projects as a mechanism for the implementation of the regional innovation system.
    • Expected outcomes: During this course the undergraduates should be aware of the essence of regional development institutions as a subject of partnership and have the ability to analyze public-private partnership projects.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.d., professor Taubayev A.A.
  • Fundamentals of management in the state enterprise 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Macroeconomics, Management, Public Administration Theory, State and Business
    • Post-requisites: State regulation of the real sector of the economy, research experience, work with master's thesis.
    • Purpose: to study the management of different sectors of the economy in the system of public enterprise, managed in various branches of economy.
    • Brief description of the course: Formation of theoretical knowledge complex on management of the state enterprise system and the peculiarities of its development taking into account the existing situation in the organization and implementation of entrepreneurial activity in the national economic system. This course focuses on a comprehensive study of general theoretical principles of governance in the public enterprise system.
    • Expected outcomes: During this course the undergraduate will know the stages of transformation of the national model of state assets management in the Republic of Kazakhstan to the nature and content of the state enterprises. The knowledge acquired during the course course will also allow the undergraduate to comply with the logical sequence of the study and to address the correct goals and objectives of a comprehensive public enterprise system.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.d., professor Taubayev A.A.
  • Институциональные основы управленческой деятельности 3 credits /5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic Theory, Theory and Practice of State Administration, Macroeconomics, State Regulatoryization of Economies.
    • Post-requisites: State regulating the real sector of the economy, the organization of the organization of the local self - governance. Experimental Practice, Work on Master 's Dissertation.
    • The goal: to formulate the basic principles of social and economic relations, the role of the norms of society and individual economic norms, social and economic institutions as social and economic systems.
    • Brief description of the course: Undergraduate students study the institutional framework of neoclassical economics, institutional theory: "old" and "new" institutionalism rationality as the norm, theorem, coefficient and transactional impulse, change of institutes in time: evolution and revolution, the effect of historical development, theory firm: institutional variant , the type of contracts and arrangements for the organization of the market.
    • Expected results: Undergraduate students earn the undergraduate degree in institutional economics and their economical space; the study of the theory of evolution in ancient institutionalism, new institutionalism and neo - institutionalism; development of institutional representation in the economy; the acquisition of basic principles of institutional economy on the basis of the classical theory of institutes;
    • Formation of representation in the institutes, as well as the fundamental forms of social and economic organization of the society; the acquisition of a transac - tion in the category of competitive advantages of the firm in the modern economy space; contributing to the development of contracts and contracts, as well as the expansion of existing contracts.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.d., professor Pritvorova T.P.
  • Labor market in the post-industrial economy: patterns, institutions, regulatory mechanisms 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, Macroeconomics, State regulation of the economy
    • Post-requisites: Research practice, work on master's thesis
    • The goal: the formation of a system of initial ideas about the laws of development of the labor market in the postindustrial economy, the institutions and methods of state regulation formed in it, which do not undermine the essence of the market economy.
    • Brief description of the course: In this course, graduate students study the structure of the labor market and employment in post-industrial and industrial countries, conditioned by the laws of economic development; Institutes of the labor market and their opportunities in regulating the relations of employers and employees; standard and non-standard employment in the post-industrial economy, its main forms, prerequisites and categorical composition of employees; approaches to measuring the effectiveness of public employment promotion programs; discriminatory segments of the labor market and possible measures for their regulation; the phenomenon of self-employment, its structure and forms in the industrial and post-industrial economy; Outsourcing and outstaffing of the workforce.
    • Expected results: In studying this discipline, the master student gets an idea of ​​the patterns of development of the postindustrial labor market, international organizations regulating the labor market; assessment of Kazakhstan's labor market institutions in comparison with OECD countries; forms the skills of using the OECD statistical databases on the labor market and a qualified assessment of state employment programs; master the practice of a blitz-survey on the types of precarious work in the Kazakhstan labor market.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.d., professor Pritvorova T.P.
  • Economics of the public sector 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic Theory, Finance, Taxation and Taxation, State Regulatoryization of Economies.
    • Post-requisites:
    • State Regulatory Reforms in Real Economy, Implementation Practice, Work on Master 's Dissertation.
    • Purpose: It is a complex representation of the economic sector of the social sector, the emerging markets, the state of a state of a state of the economy in the economic conditions of dominating market relations.
    • Brief description of the course: Public sector and public goods. Redistribution and efficiency. Public choice: collective decision-making. Incomes of the state. Moving the tax burden. Excessive tax burden. Optimal taxation. Expenses of the state. Formation and production of goods and services in the public sector. Evaluation of the effectiveness of public expenditure. Budget federalism.
    • Expected Result: The master should be able to use general provisions of the microeconomic theory to investigate the range of problems associated with the economic activity of the state, including: analysis of imperfections in the market and the state, the impact of public revenues and expenditures on the allocation of resources, the distribution and redistribution of income, the assessment of the effectiveness of economic activities of the state consequences of various fiscal policy measures.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., professor Zhetpisbayeva M.K.
  • City Economy 3 кредита/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Finance, Management, Marketing, Territory marketing, State regulation of economy, Municipal management, Regional economy and management.
    • Post-requisites: Managerial economy in the system of regional development, housing and communal services management.  
    • The purpose:
    • to give a comprehensive presentation in the field of the city's economy, studying the formation of the local budget, housing and public utilities, features of communal property management, features of monitoring and evaluation of regional programs.
    • Brief description of the course:
    • to give a comprehensive presentation in the field of the city's economy, studying the formation of the local budget, housing and public utilities, features of communal property management, features of monitoring and evaluation of regional programs.
    • Expected results:
    • the magistrate should know the basic concepts of the city’s economy as a science; be able to analyze data characterizing the development of urban infrastructure; have the skills to work with regulations in the field of development of infrastructure systems of the city.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., ass.professor Zhanbekova Z.H.
  • State regulation of the real sector of the economy 3 credits //5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic Theory, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Management.
    • Post-requisites: knowledge of this discipline is necessary for the research practice of a master student, work on a master's thesis.
    • The purpose: to study the theoretical and practical aspects of the public real sector of the economy. The course content includes the most important theoretical and methodological issues of state regulation of the real sector of the economy, as well as the results of their practical implementation.
    • Brief description of the course:
    • In this course, undergraduates receive knowledge of the goals and objectives of government regulation in the conditions of market formation, state regulation objects, its subjects, the essence of economic categories of government intervention, the tools and methods used in analyzing the efficiency of the state’s economy, the directions of economic policymaking countries in macroeconomic management and planning,
    • formation of the mechanism of formation of the innovation, investment sectors of the national economy, forms of regulation of the social and labor sphere, use information technology to solve various research and administrative tasks.
    • Expected results:
    • In studying this discipline, the undergraduate develops the ability to analyze, organize and plan in the field of state regulation of the economy, verify and structure information obtained from various sources, understand current trends in the development of political processes in the world, the global economy and globalization, orient in international competition ability to project activities in the professional field based on a systematic approach, the ability to build and use models to describe and predict various phenomena, to carry out their qualitative and quantitative analysis, etc.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., ass.professor Baygurenova M.A.
  • Regional investment-innovation policy 3 credits //5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Macroeconomics, State Regulatoryization of Economy, Regional Economics and Management, State Regulatory Improvement Initiatives.
    • Post-requisites: Experimental Practice, Work on Master 's Dissertation
    • The purpose: The training course is aimed at developing the state-of-the-art organs and local self-government bodies, promoting investment and innovation programs, and implementing them on different levels of economic systems.
    • Brief description of the course: Concept of Business Planning for Innovative Projects. Sustainability and organization of business planning. Methods and Techniques of Planning for Innovation. Business plan for innovative projects. Innovative solutions in business planning for innovative projects in the region. Prognostication of innovative projects. Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of innovative projects realized in the regional level.
    • Business calendar for business planning, innovative projects. Governance with risks and advances in innovation projects. Business planning in the field of innovation projects.
    • Expected results: In the result, the Master 's degree must be based on the fundamental principles of economical processes that are inexpedient for innovation decisions; to estimate the optimal allocation of resources within the competitive areas of competition as private, as well as in economics in the state sector; to take advantage of the basic types of solutions, which will allow the manager to define deficit of deficit resources, cost policy and production companies, as well as to apply the results of the decision-making relationship between the business structures and the business.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., ass.professor Baigurenova M.A.
  • Fundamentals and organization of the local self-governance 3 credits //5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Municipal Management, Theory of Public Administration.
    • Post-requisites: research practice of a master student, work on a master's thesis
    • Purpose: to study local government systems, to generalize theoretical knowledge and practical world experience about tasks, functions, methods and organizational forms of management at the local level, to develop clear knowledge in the field of local self-government, to develop management skills in local self-government.
    • Brief description of the course: Government structure and regional management. Regions in unitary states. Subjects of the federation and other regional entities in federal states. Regionalized states (states of autonomies). Local government: the foundations of status. Local government and self-government systems. Powers and structure of elected bodies of self-government. Interaction of state and local government bodies. British system of local government. The American system. Romanesque system. The German system. The Scandinavian system. Local government of Japan. System of local government in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Expected results: As a result of mastering the content of the discipline "Organization of local self-government", the master student should know the modern scientific and practical views on the activity of the local self-government system, the principles and methods of organizing its basic elements in specific conditions of social and economic development of the society; be able to apply methods of organization and management of local authorities, use categories, concepts and terms of local government, their classification; have the ability to analyze, organize and plan in the field of local government; know the culture of thinking, know its general laws, master the skills of public speech, argumentation, discussion and polemics; have the skills of independent work to identify the peculiarities of our state's policy at the present stage.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Mussatayeva A.A.Full name lecturer: PhD Mussatayeva A.A.
    • Теория местного самоуправления 3 credits //5 ECTS
  • Theory of Local Self-Government 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Theory and practice of public administration, Municipal management
    • Post-requisites: research practice of a master student, work on a master's thesis
    • The goal: to form a systematic understanding of local self-government among graduate students as one of the mandatory elements of the system of power and government in the state; to develop and consolidate the skills of applying the theory of local self-government for the purposes of municipal government.
    • Short description of the course: The concept of local government. Principles of local government. Basic theories of local government. Principles of legal regulation of local self-government depending on the legal systems of states. Local government in foreign countries. Territorial arrangement of local authority. Competence of local government. Organizational forms of local self-government. The combination of representative and immediate democracy. Relations between local, regional and national authorities. State support of local self-government. Forms and ways to control the activities of local governments from the central authorities. Resources of local government. Municipal property. Local budget. Basic rights of local self-government. Associations, commercial and non-profit intermunicipal organizations. Guarantees of local government. Responsibility of bodies and officials of local self-government.
    • Expected results: As a result of mastering the content of the discipline "Theory of Local Government", the master student must know the essence and content of local government, its specific features, the basic theories of local government; be able to understand the essence of local government as a form of the people exercising their power; freely understand issues and problems of local self-government; freely navigate in the scientific and research literature on these issues; master the basic categories; skills to exercise their right to exercise local self-government.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., professor Gimranova G.I.
  • Digital technologies in management 2 credits /3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Informatics, Management
    • Post-requisites: Understanding Disciplines in Learning Disciplines for Master 's Degree Studies, Work on Master' s Dissertation.
    • Purpose: to study modern information technologies
    • Brief description of the course: Conceptual bases of information technologies in management. State management and information technologies. Foreign experience of application of information technologies in management activities. Improvement of information technologies and their impact on improving the efficiency of the public sector.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., professor Omarova Sh.E.
  • Digital technologies in economy 2 redits/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Informatics, Management
    • Post-requisites: Understanding Disciplines in Learning Disciplines for Master 's Degree Studies, Work on Master' s Dissertation.
    • Purpose: to study the theoretical and practical foundations of building information systems, their use in various fields of activity.
    • Brief description of the course: Economic Information Systems. review of EIS resources. New information technologies in the economy. Computer networks. Business information environment. Protection of information in the EIS. EIS management. Information systems of marketing. Accounting information systems. Banking information systems. Tax information systems. EIS of financial management. Corporate information systems.
    • Expected results: the master student must master the fundamentals of the construction and functioning of the EIS, and be able to use them in various sectors of the economy.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., professor Omarova Sh.E.
  • Managerial economics in the system of regional development 3 сredits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites:
    • Economics of the public sector, The theory and practice of the state control, Institutional economy.
    • Post-requisites:
    • State Regulatory Realization of the Real Economy, Organization of Managerial Supervision.
    • The purpose: Formation of graduate students and students using economical methods and methods to analyze and manage management decisions.
    • Brief description of the course: Economical Sourcing Firm. Optimal resolution of the solution. Alternative models for the company. Supply and demand. Elasticity of the question. Theory and appraisal of production. Significance of the weakness in the control decisions. Decision-making on cost-of-sale policy and business processes: supranational competition and monopoly.
    • Deciding on pricing and production: monopolistic competition and oligopoly. Features of pricing. Economic analysis of the effectiveness of the planned investment and the degree of risk. Globalization and multinational corporation management. The problems of government intervention in a market economy.
    • Expected results:
    • As a result of mastering the content of the discipline “Management Economics”, the undergraduate must know the basics of economic processes necessary for making management decisions; be able to make decisions on the optimal allocation of limited resources among competing areas in both the private and public sectors of the economy; possess the skills of making the main types of decisions that managers should take in relation to the distribution of scarce resources, pricing policies and production volumes of the company, as well as methods of building effective relationships between government and business.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Zhidkobilnova O.V.
  • State Administration of Regional Tourism Development 3 сredits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Theory and practice of public administration, Institutional bases of management.
    • Post-requisites: Research practice, work on the master's thesis
    • The purpose: the formation of undergraduates skills and skills for the implementation of state regulation of regional tourism development.
    • Brief description of the course:
    • Course Content Basic concepts and definitions. Tourism as a management system. The system of state regulation of tourism. Formation of state tourism development policy. State functions in the field of tourism regulation. Models of adoption and implementation of management decisions. Technology development of a regional tourism development program. Resource potential for the development of regional tourism, its economic assessment.
    • Tax regulation in the field of tourism. Model organization of social tourism. Government agencies for the regulation of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Legal support of tourism development regulation.
    • Expected results: As a result of mastering the content of the discipline "State Administration for the Development of Regional Tourism", the undergraduate should know the basics of state regulation of regional tourism development, the functions and methods of state regulation of tourism, the basis for developing state programs for managing tourism development.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Zhidkobilnova O.V.
  • Management of housing and communal services 3 сredits /5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Regional Economics and Management, Municipal Management, Theory and Practice of Public Administration
    • Post-requisites: Research practice, work on the master's thesis
    • The purpose: form a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of the housing and utilities sector, give future specialists in state and local government knowledge of the essence of the housing and utilities complex reform, the structure of the housing and utilities sector and the basics of operating, maintaining and repairing the housing stock, develop the practical skills necessary to management decisions in the housing and utilities sector.
    • Brief description of the course:
    • Reforms of housing and communal services. Regulatory framework of housing and utilities. Fundamentals of Housing Management. The essence of the composition and structure of housing services. The role of local governments in reforming the housing management system. Organization and management of the systems of power supply, heat supply, gas supply, water supply and drainage. Management of enterprises of heat, electricity, water supply.
    • Management of financial flows in housing and communal complexes. The main tasks and types of work on the improvement of urban areas.
    • Expected results: be able to apply the conceptual apparatus of the discipline, analyze data describing the development and management of housing and public utilities at the regional level, know the legislative and regulatory documents governing the activities of housing and public utilities, be able to process and analyze information necessary for managing the development of housing and communal services, understand the modern system of housing and communal services, its main principles and methods of management, to develop practical skills necessary for making management decisions in the field of housing and utilities.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., ass.professor Zhanbekova Z.H.
  • Urban infrastructure and spatial development 3 сredits /5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Municipal Management, Regional Economics and Management, Public Sector Economics, City Economy.
    • Post-requisites: Research practice, work on the master's thesis.
    • The purpose: to form knowledge in the field of urban infrastructure development and spatial development of cities, to know the structure and principles of organization of territorial and sectoral city management bodies, to develop skills in managing urban space and urban economy.
    • Brief description of the course: Territory as an object of planning and development. Systems of populated areas. Structural organization of urban areas and administrative boundaries. Regulatory framework for the development of territories. General plan of the city. Land use and development rules. Development projects of urban areas. Development of built-up areas. Types and categories of urban infrastructures. Formation and development of infrastructure systems in cities. Socio-economic resources for the development of infrastructure systems of the city. Development of infrastructure systems of the city in the context of socio-economic reforms. Infrastructure of the housing sphere of the city. Communal infrastructure of the city. Social infrastructure of the city.
    • Expected results: know the main characteristics, indicators and parameters of urban infrastructures, as well as objects that form the urban space; be able to use the conceptual apparatus of the discipline; use information bases that characterize the transformation of the urban space of the development of the city, the urban space; determine the goals, priorities and directions of development of infrastructure systems in cities. To gain experience and skills in the use of methods for the development of infrastructure systems in cities, be competent in the development of infrastructure systems and spatial development; be able to use information and communication technologies when making management decisions in the field of spatial development of innovative development of the urban environment.
    • Full name lecturer: e.s.k., ass.professor Zhanbekova Z.H.

Magistratura-EP-State and local Management-PD

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    State and local Management (profile direction)


    Social sciences, economy and business
  • 2021-22 Contingent of master students on educational program for
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis

Contents of the educational program "Management of regional development" in the specialty 7М04104 "The public and local administration" of profile form of education it is directed training of the highly qualified specialists capable to participate in processes of preparation, acceptance, realization, assessment and expert support of management decisions in regional state bodies.
The educational program assumes studying of such disciplines as "The theory and practice of public administration", "The organization of administrative activity in local governments", "Management of housing and communal services", "Bases of the organization of local management and self-government", "Management of PPP projects in the region" and others.
It allows to gain competences in: to development and implementation of programs of social and economic development at the level of regions and the country in general, formation of organizational, industry and interindustry structures, carrying out monitoring of efficiency of activity and the made management decisions in implementation of the administrative analysis, in the field of social and economic policy of the state, economy and management of firms and corporations on the basis of the operating regulatory framework.
The list of positions of the expert by profile preparation: the expert, the chief specialist, the head of department in the central and local public authorities of management, heads of regional managements, directors of departments, the Chairman of the Committee in the central state bodies etc.
The degree is appropriated to the graduate:
- in the profile direction - the Master of economy and business in the specialty "7М04104 - the Public and local administration".
Training term:
in the profile direction - 1 year
Form of education – internal.

The degree program: Master of economy and business in specialty 7М04104 "State and local management" Educational program: "Management of regional development"
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(70 ECTS – credits/ 28Kazakhstan credits)
Education alin stitution Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance (IKAQA)
Period of validity This program was approved by the University for a period of 1 years for those who is receiving a degree at the University from 2016
Level QF for EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 2nd cycle; EQF (European qualifications framework): level 7; NQF (National Qualifications Framework): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program of the specialty 7М04104 "State and local government" training of the highly qualified specialists capable to participate in processes of preparation, acceptance, realization, assessment and expert support of management decisions in regional state bodies
      Successful graduates must demonstrate:
      - demonstrate educational knowledge and understanding that obtained at the level of higher education, which are the basis or the possibility for the original of development or application of ideas, often in the context of scientific research;
      - apply knowledge, understanding and ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar situations and contexts within broader (or multidisciplinary) areas related to state and local government;
      - integrate knowledge, deal with the complexities and make judgments based on incomplete or limited information, taking into account ethical and social responsibility for the application of these judgments and knowledge;
      - clearly communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and rationale of the system of state and local government;
      - continue learning by yourself.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline/Subject area
    • Main disciplines: Theory and Practice of Public Administration.
      Basic disciplines: Management, Psychology, Foreign language (professional), the Organization of administrative activity in local governments
      Majors: Bases of the organization of local management and self-government, Management of housing and communal services, Management of PPP projects in the region
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • In order to implement the educational program specialty "State and local management" is used credit-modular system of educational process organization, based on a modular principle of curricula, using a system of credits and relevant education-enforcement technologies.
    • 3.Direction
    • profile
    • 4.Features
    • Graduates of specialty 7М04104 "Public and local administration" are focused on performance of the following types of professional activity:
      social and economic, organizational, organizational and administrative, economic.
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • bodies of the public and local administration
    • 2.Further education
    • Doctoral studies (profile direction)
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational process is widely used active and interactive forms of conducting classes (case studies on state and local government, round table discussion, case projects, brainstorming, debates).
    • 2.Evaluation methods
    • Frontier control; intermediate certification (testing); protection of reports of experimental research of the undergraduate, about passing of a work practice (report); scientific training (report), final assessment (state exam, protection of the master project)
  • E) Programmatic competencies
    • 1.General competencies
      The program is complies with the requirements of the State educational standards of postgraduate education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the second level of cycle.
      This includes the general competencies (also known as key skills) of expected graduates of the second cycle.
      The competencies listed beloware the summaryand the most characteristic competencies for this program:
      GC1 - To apply management skills, psychological knowledge and communicative abilities regarding foreign-language education in professional activity
    • 2.Specific competencies
    • PC 1– To apply knowledge in the field of the public and local administration to adoption of effective management decisions on macro and mesolevels;
      PC 2 - To understand and use knowledge and skills of realization of PPP of projects in general and in housing sector in particular for improvement of quality of services and reliability of their receiving by the consumer;
      PC 3 - Integrate knowledge in the field of state and local government for the expansion of professional skills
  • F) A complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of professional practice in organizations, institutions and companies, graduates are able to demonstrate the ability of the following:
      be competent: in development of the corresponding expected and analytical recommendations about issues of activity of the public and local authorities in the sphere of management of regional development; in ensuring expert maintenance of development and assessment of projects and programs of development of territories of the region
  • Foreign language (professional)" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language
    • One of the priority directions of state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the modernization of an education system designed to train the highly qualified specialists of a new formation capable to keep up to date and succeed in the activity.
    • The purpose of teaching discipline – is system deepening of communicative competence within the international standards of foreign-language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language proficiency in professional activity of future master.
    • Problems of a course:
      • improvement of skills of oral communication in a foreign language on the basis of development of abilities of the argument and polemic within a general scientific and scientific and professional perspective;
      • studying of linguistic characteristics of official and scientific functional styles on a profile of training of the expert;
      • further improvement of skills of audition on material of the professional focused contents.
    • The course of a foreign language in a magistracy meets the requirements of continuity and is one of links of three-stage higher education. This standard program is focused on continuation of a learning of foreign language, improvement of the base created at the previous step and, thus, is closely connected with discipline "Foreign language" in a bachelor degree. Besides, training in a foreign language relies on the linguistic experience of undergraduates gained in the course of studying of a course Kazakh / Russian and also on knowledge and abilities of undergraduates in the specialty.
    • The undergraduate has to know:
      • functional and stylistic characteristics of statement of material in the learned foreign language;
      • general scientific terminology of the corresponding specialty in a foreign language;
      • bases of business correspondence within the international cooperation.
    • Lecturer's full name: k.f.s, associate professor Ertysbayeva G.N.
  • Management 1 credits / 2 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Management (bachelor degree)
    • Purpose of teaching discipline: mastering by master students of the basic principles and methods of organization and management of the enterprise, the study, systematization and consolidation of the foundations of theory and practice of enterprise management in the current conditions of management, decision-making processes in the field of management, theory and practice of management and its components, such as: the basic idea of ​​formal organizations, medium, small and large, on external and internal variables, their effective management, motivation and control, group dynamics and leadership.
    • Problems of studying of discipline:
      • consideration of general theoretical and practical aspects of management;
      • acquisition of knowledge that will help to carry out personnel management activities, the ability to resolve conflict situations in the organization, build effective organizations, achieve their goals, using labor, intelligence, the motives of other people's behavior and exercise leadership in a variety of situations;
      • studying of basic elements of system of management
      • studying of approaches to a concept management
      • definition of a role and the place of the manager in the organization, requirements to the modern head
      • receiving complex idea of methodology modern management
    • Lecturer's full name: PhD Orynbasarova E.D.
  • Psychology 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Psychology
    • Purpose of teaching discipline: training of undergraduates in fundamentals of psychology of the higher school, extension of their professional opportunities in respect of use of psychological knowledge in the sphere of pedagogical activities.
    • Tasks of a study of discipline:
    • To open a psychology and pedagogical entity of educational process at the higher school.
    • To give to undergraduates an integral idea of the most considerable theoretical concepts, empirical researches and the main applications of the general, social, age and pedagogical psychology in relation to course "Psychology".
    • To consider the main tendencies of development of the higher school at the present stage.
    • To develop psychology and pedagogical thinking of undergraduates.
    • Course Prerequisites: the course study "Psychology" is based on knowledge gained on prior disciplines of a bachelor degree: philosophy, sociology, cultural science.
    • Lecturer's full name: k.p.s, associate professor Kenzhebayeva S.K.
  • State and local Management 2 credits //3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: State and local Management
    • The theory and practice of state building in the Republic of Kazakhstan poses a number of new problems in the field of the formation and functioning of the system of public administration, since its facilities are quite dynamic due to the large-scale introduction of market mechanisms in the economy of the country. It is important to develop such a mechanism of governance and legal regulation that would facilitate the implementation of the strategic objectives of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a democratic, secular, socially-oriented state.
    • The aim of the course is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of public administration.
    • In accordance with this goal, the following tasks are set:
    • have:
      • a holistic view of the state as a subject of management in a market economy;
      • a comprehensive view of the public administration system and understand the essence of its components: process, goals, functions, principles, methods, bodies, public service personnel;
      • An idea of ​​the nature of public administration as a type of professional activity for determining the similarities and differences between state and other types of management;
    • know:
      • principles, mechanism, specificity of using the main tools for implementing state economic policy at different levels of government;
    • be able to:
      • Understand the structure of the management system at all levels;
    • own:
      • practical skills of working in public authorities.
    • To improve the effectiveness of this course, graduate students need to know the content of the following disciplines: "Management", "Theory of Public Administration", "State Regulation of Economics", "English Language", "Fundamentals of Law". The study of these disciplines is the basis for an in-depth study of the theoretical and practical aspects of public administration that will allow specialists to make effective state decisions.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Professor Zhetpisbayeva M.K.
  • The organization of administrative activity in local governments 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Management, Theory of Public Administration, Municipal Management, Human Resource Management, Regional Economics and Management
    • Post-requisition: Internship practice, work on the master's project.
    • Purpose: the formation of a complex of theoretical knowledge of undergraduates on management activities in local government, development of specific skills in the implementation of various types of management activities, analysis of management systems in local government.
    • The brief description of the course: The subject and methods of the science of management in local government. Management activities as a function of local governments. Organizational bases of management. Methodological foundations of management. Technological bases of management. Providing management activities. Leader as the central figure of the control system in local government. Personnel policy in local government. Motivation and systems of motivation of labor activity of workers. Administrative conflicts in local governments.
    • Expected results: The magistrate should:
    • know: the basis for the formation of management activities in local governments; content of the principles, norms and rules of the organization of management activities; technologies and mechanisms for the formation of management activities;
    • have skills: to creatively comprehend and use in their future professional activities the basics of organizing management activities; be guided in the future professional activities of knowledge of the organization of management activities; own methods of analyzing situations that may lead to a conflict of interest in local governments;
    • understand: technologies and mechanisms for the formation of the organization of management activities; content of the principles of organization of management activities.
    • to be competent: in practical application of modern technologies and methods of organizing management activities.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Baigurenova M.A.
  • Economics of the municipal economy 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Theory of Public Administration, Finance, Management, Marketing, Macroeconomics, State Regulation of Economics.
    • Post-requisition: Internship practice, work on the master's project.
    • Purpose: to study the essence and laws of the development of the municipal economy in the conditions of the market.
    • Brief description of the course: Conceptual bases of municipal economy. Municipal management and power. Planning is an important area of the municipal economy. The effectiveness of the municipal economy and the process of implementing state decisions at the territorial level.
    • Expected results: the master student must master the methods of effective municipal management.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Zhanbekova Z.Kh.
  • Fundamentals of local government and self-government 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Municipal Management, Theory of Public Administration
    • Post-requisites: master's work practice, master's project work
    • Objective: to study the systems of local government and self-government, to generalize theoretical knowledge and practical world experience about tasks, functions, methods and organizational forms of management at the local level, to develop clear knowledge in local self-government among masters, to develop management skills in local self-government.
    • Short course description: Theoretical bases of local government. Functions and powers of executive and representative bodies of management. State structure and regional management. Regions in unitary states. Subjects of the federation and other regional entities in federal states. Regionalized states (states of autonomies). Local government: the foundations of status. Local government and self-government systems. Powers and structure of elected bodies of self-government. Interaction of state and local government bodies. British system of local government. The American system. Romanesque system. The German system. The Scandinavian system. Local government of Japan. System of local government in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Expected results: As a result of mastering the content of the discipline "Fundamentals and organization of local government and self-government", the master student should know the modern scientific and practical views on the activities of the local government and self-government system, the principles and methods of organizing its basic elements in specific conditions of social and economic development of the society; be able to apply methods of organization and management of local authorities, use categories, concepts and terms of local government, their classification; have the ability to analyze, organize and plan in the field of local government; know the culture of thinking, know its general laws, master the skills of public speech, argumentation, discussion and polemics; have the skills of independent work to identify the peculiarities of our state's policy at the present stage.
    • Full name of the lecturer: PhD Mussatayeva A.A.
  • Regional and local government 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Finance, Theory of Public Administration, Regional Economics and Management, Municipal Management
    • Post-requisites: undergraduate work experience, work on a master's project.
    • The goal: to form a systematized view of undergraduates about local government as one of the mandatory elements of the system of government and administration in the state; develop and consolidate the skills of applying the theory of local government for the purposes of municipal government.
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical aspects of the concept of local government. Principles of local government. The basic theory of local government. Principles of legal regulation of local self-government, depending on the legal systems of states. Local government in foreign countries. The territorial structure of local government. Competence of local government. Organizational forms of local government. The combination of representative and direct democracy. Relationships of local, regional and national authorities. State support of local government. Forms and methods of control over the activities of local governments by the central government. Local government resources. Municipal property. Local budget. Basic rights of local government. Associations, commercial and non-profit inter-municipal organizations. Guarantees of local government. Responsibility of bodies and officials of local self-government.
    • Expected results: As a result of mastering the content of the discipline "Theory of Local Self-Government", the undergraduate must know the essence and content of local self-government, its specific features, the basic theories of local self-government; be able to understand the essence of local self-government as a form of exercise of power by the people; freely understand the issues and problems of local government; free to navigate in the scientific and research literature on these issues; own the main basic categories; skills to exercise their right to exercise local self-government.
    • Full name of the lecturer: PhD Mussatayeva A.A.
  • Management of housing and communal services 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Theory of Public Administration, State and Business, Regional Economics and Management, Municipal Management .
    • Post-requisites: undergraduate work experience, work on a master's project.
    • The purpose: form a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of the housing and utilities sector, give future specialists in state and local government knowledge of the essence of the housing and utilities complex reform, the structure of the housing and utilities sector and the fundamentals of operation, maintenance and repair of the housing stock, develop the practical skills necessary to management decisions in the field of housing and communal services.
    • Brief description of the course: Reforms of housing and communal services. Regulatory framework of housing and utilities. Fundamentals of Housing Management. The essence of the composition and structure of housing services. The role of local governments in reforming the housing management system. Organization and management of the systems of power supply, heat supply, gas supply, water supply and drainage. Management of enterprises of heat, electricity, water supply. Management of financial flows in housing and communal complexes. The main tasks and types of work on the improvement of urban areas.
    • Expected results: be able to integrate the conceptual apparatus of the discipline, analyze data describing the development and management of housing and public utilities at the regional level, know the legislative and regulatory documents governing the activities of housing and public utilities, be able to process and analyze information necessary for managing the development of housing and public utilities, put into practice the modern system of housing and communal services, its basic principles and methods of management, to develop practical skills necessary for making management decisions in the field of housing and communal services.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Zhanbekova Z.Kh.
  • Urban infrastructure and spatial development 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Municipal Management, Territory Marketing, Land Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Social and Economic Planning, Regional Economics and Management.
    • Post requisites: undergraduate work experience, work on a master project
    • The goal is to create knowledge in the field of urban infrastructure development and spatial development of cities, to know the structure and principles of organization of territorial and sectoral city management bodies, to develop skills in managing urban space and urban economy.
    • Brief description of the course: Territory as an object of planning and development. Systems of populated areas. Structural organization of urban areas and administrative boundaries. Regulatory framework for the development of territories. General plan of the city. Land use and development rules. Development projects of urban areas. Development of built-up areas. Types and categories of urban infrastructures. Formation and development of infrastructure systems in cities. Socio-economic resources for the development of infrastructure systems of the city. Development of built-up areas. Types and categories of urban infrastructures. Formation and development of infrastructure systems in cities. Socio-economic resources for the development of infrastructure systems of the city. Development of infrastructure systems of the city in the context of socio-economic reforms. Infrastructure of the housing sphere of the city. Communal infrastructure of the city. Social infrastructure of the city.
    • Expected results: integrate knowledge in the area of ​​basic characteristics, indicators and parameters of urban infrastructures, as well as objects that form the urban space; be able to use the conceptual apparatus of the discipline; use information bases that characterize the transformation of the urban space of the development of the city, the urban space; determine the goals, priorities and directions of development of infrastructure systems in cities. Acquire experience and skills in the use of methods for the development of infrastructure systems in cities, be competent in the development of infrastructure systems and spatial development; be able to use information and communication technologies when making management decisions in the field of spatial development of innovative development of the urban environment.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Zhanbekova Z.Kh.
  • Management of PPP projects in the region 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Macroeconomics, Theory of Public Administration, Management, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Regional Economics and Management, State and Business.
    • Post-requisites: undergraduate work experience, work on a master project.
    • Purpose: learn how to use different management methods and mechanisms for developing PPP projects at the regional level.
    • Brief description of the course: Regulatory legal acts in the field of PPP. Institutes of PPP. PPP project planning. Selection of contractual form of PPP. Funding and state support measures. Risk management in PPP projects in the regions of Kazakhstan. Analysis of the application of PPP projects in the regions of Kazakhstan.
    • Expected result: acquisition of risk management competencies in PPP projects; skills related to identification, risk analysis and decision-making, which include maximizing the positive and minimizing the negative consequences of the occurrence of risk events; skills to develop PPP projects.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Taubayev A.A.
  • Development of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan as a factor in improving the efficiency of investment and innovation processes 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, State regulation of the economy
    • Post-requisites: master's work practice, master's project work
    • Purpose: to study the theoretical and practical aspects of the development of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan. The course content includes the most important theoretical and methodological issues of development of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan, as well as the results of increasing the efficiency of investment and innovation processes.
    • Brief description of the course: In this course, master students receive knowledge in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship, which is due to the growing role of technological development as a factor of the country's competitiveness.
    • Increasing the effectiveness of the use of research and development results directly depends on the state's ability to form, at the state level and at the level of economic entities, favorable framework conditions for supporting innovation. This process should be systemic in nature and include a set of legal and organizational and economic measures aimed at stimulating innovative activity of producers of high-tech products and services (including tax, depreciation, antimonopoly, customs and foreign economic policies, as well as standardization and suppression of unfair competition); financial support for innovative processes (including, state policy on financing research and development from the state budget, equity financing, attraction of extra-budgetary sources of financing, including funds of international organizations, venture funds, private capital, population funds, etc.); integration of science and industry.
    • Expected results: In studying this discipline, the master student develops the ability to analyze, organize and plan research and development through the establishment of stable relations between science and the market and the activation of technology transfer, to verify and structure information obtained from various sources.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Taubayev A.A.


  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Economic (scientific and pedagogical direction)


    Social sciences, economy and business

  • 2021-22 Contingent of master students on educational program for
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis

Содержание образовательной магистерской программы по специальности 7М04101 «Экономика» составляют такие дисциплины, как «Экономическая безопасность фирмы», «Организация инвестиционной и инновационной деятельности предприятия», «Современные проблемы экономики Казахстана», «Экономика социальной сферы», «Управление затратами» и др. Это позволяет приобрести компетенции в использовании методов принятия управленческих решений; в вопросах проведения в Республике Казахстан экономических реформ; в вопросах экономического развития страны; в вопросах методики преподавания экономических дисциплин.

Выпускники магистратуры по образовательной программе 7М04101 - «Экономика» в качестве  объектов профессиональной деятельности могут выбирать:

при научной и педагогической подготовке: научно-исследовательские институты; высшие учебные заведения; органы государственного и местного управления; производственно-экономические и планово-экономические, социально-управленческие и маркетинговые, финансово-аналитические службы предприятий и организаций; подразделения внешнеэкономической деятельности.

Выпускнику присваивается академическая степень:

- по научному и педагогическому направлению – Магистр экономических наук по специальности «7М04101-Экономика»;

Срок обучения:

по научному и педагогическому направлению – 2 года.

Форма обучения – очная.

Degree program: Master of Economic Sciences specialty 7М04101 "Economy" scientific - pedagogical direction
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(131 ECTS - credits / 59 Kaz. Credits)
Education alin stitution Karaganda University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance (IKAQA)
Period of validity This program is approved by the University for a period of 2 years for persons who receive a degree at the university from 2018
Level QF for the EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 2nd cycle; EQF (European Qualifications Framework): Level 7; NQF (national qualifications framework): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of sustainable development economics at the macro-, micro-level, with in-depth competencies for conducting research and experiments
      Successful graduates must:
      - apply scientific methods of knowledge in professional activities;
      - critically analyze existing concepts, theories and approaches to the study of processes and phenomena;
      - integrate knowledge gained in various disciplines;
      - use them to solve analytical and managerial tasks in new unfamiliar conditions;
      - to conduct a microeconomic analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise and use its results in the management of the enterprise;
      - put into practice new approaches to the organization of marketing and management;
      - put into practice the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of regulation of economic relations;
      - to think creatively and creatively to solve new problems and situations;
      - to carry out information-analytical and information-bibliographic work with the involvement of modern information technologies;
      - summarize the results of experimental research and analytical work in the form of a thesis, article, report, analytical note, etc
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline/Subject area
    • Basic disciplines: History and Philosophy of Science, Foreign language (professional). Pedagogy, Psychology, Organization and planning of scientific researches, Science in the national economy of Kazakhstan, Methods and technologies of education in higher education, Kesibi-pedagogykariyam-Katynasnegіzіderi, Academic writing, Academic style in writing, Mathematical methods for assessing and managing economic risks, Mathematical modeling macro and micro level
      Main disciplines:
      Economic security of the company, Micro-macro economic analysis,
      Measurement of indicators of macroeconomic development of the economy of Kazakhstan, Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the development of the company, Modern concepts and applied research in the field of economic analysis, Organization of investment and innovation activity of an enterprise, Investment design, Modern business' economy and strategies of development, Social economy, Kazakhstan салалардың бәсекеге қабілеттілігін бғалау, Шығындарды бақару, Cost management, Health economics, Industrial Economics
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • When implementing the educational program of the specialty 7М04101 "Economics", a credit-modular system for organizing the educational process is used, based on the modular principle of the curriculum, using the credit system and the corresponding educational technologies
    • 3.Direction
    • Business and management
    • 4.Specialfeatures
    • Graduates of the educational program 7М04101 "Economics" are focused on:
      - solving standard scientific and professional tasks;
      - scientific analysis and solution of practical problems in the organization and management of the economic activities of organizations and enterprises;
      - professional communication and intercultural communication;
      -the use of public speaking skills, the correct and logical design of their thoughts in oral and written form;
      - Expansion and deepening of knowledge necessary for everyday professional activities and continuing education in doctoral studies;
      - the use of information and computer technology in the field of professional activity.
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • - scientific research institutes, higher educational institutions, state and local government bodies, production and economic, and economic planning;
      - social - managerial and marketing; financial and analytical services of enterprises and organizations; commercial and business structures;
      - units of foreign economic activity.
    • 2.Further education
    • Grand PhD courses 6D050600 "Economics"
  • D) Educationstyle
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational process widely uses innovative educational methods of conducting classes (role-playing, business games, case-method, training, field classes in organizations and institutions, round tables, discussions, drawing up individual and group projects). The training courses include meetings with representatives of various organizations and institutions.
    • 2.Evaluation methods
    • Midterm; intermediate certification; protection of RPRP reports on pedagogical and research practices (reports); scientific foreign internship (report), final certification (state exam, defense of the master's dissertation)
  • E) Programmatic competencies
    • 1.General competencies
      GK1 - To possess the methodology of scientific research, the basics of psychological and pedagogical activity and in-depth communication skills in terms of foreign language education for self-realization in the professional field
      GK2 - To carry out research work and professional and pedagogical activity using modern educational technologies, skills of academic literacy and mathematical apparatus
    • 2.Specific competencies
    • PC 1- Be able to perform analysis of indicators of economic security, achieve and ensure the economic security of a company, enterprise, region, understand the reasons, capture trends, analyze and predict economic phenomena occurring at the micro and macro levels
      PC 2 - To be competent in interpreting and understanding the results of the innovation and innovation activities of an enterprise, to carry out an economic assessment of the competitiveness of firms, industries, regions, to understand the role and importance of the process of optimization and cost management in increasing the efficiency of a company
      PC 3 - To be competent in the issues of economic management of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to be able to apply the methodology of economic analysis in the social sphere and the spheres determining the sustainable development of the economy, understand the patterns of functioning of modern economic agents and develop strategies for their development
  • F) Full list of program learning outcomes
    • In the context of master's professional practice, in work in an organization, as well as with a client, undergraduates can demonstrate the ability to do the following:
      - understand professional practical problems;
      - apply the techniques of analytical, advisory activities;
      - master the most important and sustainable knowledge;
      - to implement the results of research in the educational process and practice;
      - be responsible for maintaining partnerships, trusting relationships;
      - develop the skills of initiative, independence, tolerance, ability to successfully socialize in society and actively adapt to the labor market and solve modern scientific and practical problems.
  • Economic security of the company 2 credits /3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: disciplines: mastery of the basics of economic theory, marketing, management, statistics, micro and macroeconomics, as well as the socio-economic situation and the state of the national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For the most high-quality mastering of the course, the student must possess knowledge of such disciplines as “Enterprise Economics”, “Entrepreneurship”, “Cost Management”.
    • Post requisites: after mastering the discipline "The economic security of the company" it is possible to study the following disciplines: "Business planning of innovative projects", "Anti-crisis policy of the enterprise", "Economics of industries", "Organization of investment and innovation activities of the enterprise" and other disciplines aimed at studying features and patterns of formation and development of economic security of enterprises and organizations in the system of the national economy of Kazakhstan.
    • Purpose: is to study undergraduates the theoretical and practical bases and mechanisms to ensure the economic security of the enterprise and the organization of the national economy.
    • A brief description of the course: The subject, method and objectives of the course "The economic security of the company." The essence and principles of economic security. Basics of the functioning and development of economic security. Indicators and indicators of economic security. Mechanisms for ensuring economic security. Technical and technological safety fundamentals of the company. Protection of economic interests and protection of trade secrets. Innovative investment security mechanisms of the company. Organizational and informational aspects of economic security. State mechanisms to support economic security. Formation strategy for the crisis management of the company. Evaluation of the economic security of the company.
    • Expected results: as a result of studying the discipline the undergraduate must know the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the formation and development of the economic security of the real sector of the economy; possess the skills to perform calculations and justifications when choosing forms and methods of project planning, studying and systematizing the factors ensuring the economic security of an enterprise and organization.
    • Professor’s full name: Doctor of Economics, Professor Salzhanova Z.A.
  • Foreign language (professional) «English language» 2 credits / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: systemic deepening of communicative competence in the framework of international standards of foreign language education based on the further development of skills and abilities of active language proficiency in the professional activities of the future master.
    • A brief description of the course : Modern foreign language teaching relies on a competence-based approach, according to which, on the basis of the knowledge gained, the skills and abilities necessary for solving practical problems are developed. As a result, undergraduates acquire such competencies as general - intercultural, sociocultural, and cognitive; communicative-linguistic, sociolinguistic, professional-oriented.
    • The specificity of mastering a foreign language in a master’s degree consists in studying current general scientific and specialized literature, using innovative methods and technologies, and attracting modern means (Internet-resources).
    • Expected results: at the end of the course “Foreign Language (Professional)” the undergraduate should know:
      • functional and stylistic characteristics of the scientific presentation of the material in the foreign language being studied,
      • General scientific terminology and terminological sublanguage of the corresponding specialty in a foreign language,
      • basics of business correspondence within the international
    • cooperation;
      • free to read, translate the original literature on the chosen specialty with the subsequent analysis, interpretation and evaluation of the extracted information,
      • to participate in professional discussions, scientific debates, debates, round-table discussions,
      • to make a presentation of scientific research (at seminars, conferences, forums),
      • perceive and understand public speaking (lectures, reports, television and Internet programs).
    • Professor’s full name: Aubakirova G.T.
  • History and Philosophy of Science 2 credits / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, political science, cultural studies.
    • Post requisites: Basics of professional pedagogical communication, higher school pedagogy, psychology.
    • The purpose of teaching the discipline: the formation of philosophical and methodological culture, the ability of theoretical thinking and analysis, high morality and culture, the development of analytical skills and research skills.
    • A brief description of the course: forms the ability of theoretical and methodological thinking and analysis, high morality and ethical responsibility of the scientist, his culture, since behind all the philosophical constructions there is an ethical idea. The study of the history and philosophy of science is not only an introduction to the philosophical culture, it is a condition for the development of the ability to reflect and hermeneutic activity.
    • Expected results: in order to master the course, the undergraduate must know: the history of the formation of world philosophical theoretical thought, the peculiarities of basic philosophical concepts, in order to understand that philosophy is a special form of reflection connected
    • First, with a critical position,
    • secondly, with the construction of general ontology schemes in universal and normative forms,
    • thirdly, with the creation of conditions for understanding, explaining and seeing the world.
    • Professor's full name: Klishina M.V.
  • Pedagogy 2 credits / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Psychology", "History and philosophy of science"
    • Post requisites: "Methods of teaching special disciplines"
    • Purpose: mastering the fundamentals of the professional and pedagogical culture of a higher school teacher, familiarizing future teachers with general problems, methodological and theoretical foundations of higher school pedagogy, modern analysis technologies, planning and organizing training and education, communicative technologies of subject-subject interaction of a teacher and a student in the educational process high school.
    • Expected results:
      • to form an idea of the actual problems of higher education and pedagogical science;
      • to form ideas about the essence of pedagogical activity;
      • to form an idea of yourself as a subject of professional activity and master the way of self-determination and analysis of your own professional activity;
      • to form the skills of pedagogical activity;
      • to form the skills of organization and management of students;
      • improve research skills;
      • improve the skills of professional thinking.
    • Professor's full name: Mulikova SA
  • Psychology 2 credits / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: the study of the course "Psychology" is based on the knowledge gained from previous undergraduate disciplines: philosophy, sociology, cultural studies.
    • Post requisites: all subsequent humanitarian disciplines, which are the practical field of application of psychological knowledge and expanding the possibilities of professional training of a specialist: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching in higher education, pedagogical practice.
    • Purpose: training of undergraduates in the basics of higher education psychology, expansion of their professional capabilities in the application of psychological knowledge in the field of educational activities.
    • Expected Results: In order to master the course the undergraduate must:
    • to reveal the psychological and pedagogical essence of the educational process in higher education.
    • to give undergraduates a holistic view of the most significant theoretical concepts, empirical studies and the main applications of general, social, age and educational psychology in relation to the course "Psychology".
    • to consider the main trends in the development of higher education at the present stage.
    • develop the psychological and pedagogical thinking of undergraduates.
    • Professor's full name: Kenzhebayeva SK
  • Organization and planning of scientific исследований2 credit / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, History and philosophy of science.
    • Post-requisites: research practice, writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose: To provide the knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the role and place of the scientific sphere as a subsystem of modern society, the nature and content of scientific research as a type of professional activity, as well as to form students ' master's ideas about the process of normative and documentary support of scientific research.
    • Brief description of the course: Science as a system of representations of the world and as an institution. Institute of science in modern society. Elements of science in Kazakhstan. Science resources. The current state of science in Kazakhstan. The essence and content of scientific research. Methodology of scientific research. Logical foundations of scientific research. Methods of scientific research. Preparatory stage of research work. Collection of scientific information. Realization of research. The process of scientific research support.
    • Expected result:
    • Master the basic concepts, methods and stages of research, in accordance with the latest requirements for scientific and innovative activities.
    • To be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and understand their purpose and role in solving professional problems.
    • Develop arguments and make decisions through the search, collection, analysis and systematization of information.
    • To provide information in various forms of communications, to cooperate and work in the group, to discuss and defend their position, to make decisions.
    • Acquire the skills to implement a set of research activities in the development of the chosen direction of master's research.
    • Name of teacher D. Ulybyshev N
  • Science in the national economy of Kazakhstan 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, microeconomics, macroeconomics, economic theory
    • Post-requisites: economic security of the company, the practice of modern economic development
    • The goal:to Give students the knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the Institute of science, its aims, tasks and functions in relation to the national economy of Kazakhstan, to identify the key elements of the scientific sphere, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its development, the interaction of the scientific sphere of the country with other subsystems of the national economy; to form the students a comprehensive idea about the current problems in the functioning of the scientific sector in Kazakhstan, as well as developed and developing countries.
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical foundations of innovative development of modern economy. Modern ideas about science. Institute of science and its components. Intellectual capital as the main resource of science. Science as a type of professional activity. Foreign experience in the organization of the scientific sphere (USA, EU, Russia, Japan). Trends in the development of the scientific sector in Kazakhstan. The relationship of science and the state. The relationship of science and business. The infrastructure of science. Legal regulation of scientific activity. Preparation of scientific research. Support of scientific research.
    • Expected results: to Acquire knowledge about the scientific sphere in the context of modern concepts of social development, the formation and development of science as a key element of the modern market economy, the interaction of science with other subsystems of the national economy; to be Able to apply in practice the knowledge about the mechanisms of functioning of the scientific sphere, sources of research funding, legal support of scientific activities, organizational support of scientific research; Argumentative and logical to prove their own position on the applied scientific methods, preparation and writing of scientific works, the role of science in the modern economy; to collect and interpret the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the development of science within their own position on the role of the state and business in its development, to discuss the most pressing problems of the state of science in Kazakhstan; to Acquire the skills of organizing independent and collective research, writing scientific papers (applications, articles, projects).
    • Name teacher: candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor Ulybyshev, D. N.
  • Мethods and technologies of higher education 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: management, economic theory, pedagogy, History and philosophy of science
    • Post-requisites: micro-macroeconomic analysis, social Economy
    • Purpose: to form competencies in planning, development and organization of the educational process at the University.
    • Brief description of the course: Priorities of reforming and modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan. The content and forms of methodical work of the University teacher. Forms of organization of training of students in higher school. Methods and means of education at the University. Modern technologies of higher education.
    • Expected results: to know prospects of development of pedagogical science and professional activity of the teacher of higher education institution, to understand the essence of technologization of training; to apply in professional activity the methods of training adequate to the purposes and the maintenance of educational discipline, effective pedagogical technologies of preparation of specialists; to carry out analytical and synthetic activity in an assessment of opportunities and restrictions of methods, means, forms and technologies of training at higher education institution, reflection of the conducted training sessions and to formulate conclusions on this basis; to present the interpretation of positive pedagogical experience, teaching materials and results of educational and cognitive activity of the student in various forms of messages (references, reports, expert opinions, mini-studies, etc.); the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Name of lecturer: candidate of pedagogic Sciences, Professor, Kenjebayeva S. K.
    • Prerequisites: pedagogy, psychology and human development, philosophy, introduction to the teaching profession, pedagogical psychology.
    • Post-requisites: pedagogical practice.
    • The purpose of the discipline: formation of professional activity of future teachers-educators in the process of teaching the discipline "fundamentals of professional pedagogical communication", mastering the basics of theoretical knowledge of professional pedagogical communication. Reveal the size, norms of speech and the essence of the structure of communication.
    • Tasks :
      • education in the field of professional pedagogical communication;
      • reveal the functions, styles, types of professional pedagogical communication;
      • mastering the skills of teachers-educators to observe the ethics of communication.;
      • familiarization with the theoretical and methodological problems of modern professional pedagogical communication, its basic principles
  • Academic writing (Academic Writing) 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Professional foreign language.
    • Post-requisites: NIRM, Master's thesis
    • Purpose: formation of undergraduates ' skills of structured presentation of their own ideas, the ability to create scientific and scientific-information texts of various types, taking into account the specifics of academic discourse. Development of the ability to generate your own thoughts and build your own arguments, organizing it all in the most accurate and clear text form
    • Brief description of the course:
    • Concepts and models of academic writing. Scientific text and academic writing. Publicity and communication. Culture, structure and literature: the boundaries of scientific and non-scientific. Writing as a process, product and practice. The integrity of the academic text. Models and principles of writing. Academic literacy and the assessment criteria letter. The appropriateness of the writing assessment. Technology organization of the writing process and generating ideas. Organization of the writing process. Technologies of generation and organization of ideas. Text as an intelligent action. Academic text as a system. Organization of the whole text. The practice of non-linear text organization: from method to technology. Logical and syntactical problems of academic and scientific text.
    • Expected results: thus, as a result of the development of the course of academic writing undergraduates will be:
    • know-the basic principles of non-linear construction of the scientific (academic) text as an integral system; - fundamental differences between the scientific text of the journalistic and artistic; - international norms and requirements for the scientific text;
    • be able to-use modern methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages; logically organize the text and organize its elements; - use different models and technologies of academic writing in the work on the text; - interact with the reader, to understand and respect someone else's point of view; - to put forward and justify their own hypothesis, to formulate a thesis and build a text from hypothesis to conclusions; - critically evaluate, select, summarize and use information from various sources; - impartially, objectively and reasonably conduct its own line of evidence based on logic and facts, avoiding various types of plagiarism; - use different types of logical order and methods of argument; - write syntactically consistent and logically coherent text; - Express your thoughts in clear and accurate language;
    • own technologies generate their own ideas; ‒ skill of building a text-based models; ‒ the skills of paraphrase and quotation; ‒ skills for building coherent and logically ordered text; ‒ the skills to use evaluation criteria academic text as applied to his and others ' text; ‒ the skills to repair complex syntax and logic errors
    • Teacher's name: Minanov N. K.
  • Аcademic writing style 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Professional foreign language.
    • Post-requisites: NIRM, Master's thesis
    • Goals and objectives: the study of the specifics, typology and types of academic style in the letter; review of effective communication technologies, including in the academic community; the study of the principles and methods of creating a scientific text in a number of its main modifications; the study of the rules of construction of scientific texts of various genres and sub-genres (actually scientific, scientific and educational, popular, etc.); providing undergraduates with practical skills of creating and editing a scientific text for publication; mastering the features of the academic tradition in a particular field of scientific activity in accordance with the profile of training undergraduates.
    • Brief description of the course:
    • Features of scientific communication. Academic writing and academic community. The problem of plagiarism and citation. The culture of written scientific language (scientific style and its sub-genres). Consistency and consistency. Dialogue and intertextuality. Hypothesis. Rational explanation. Analogy. Pseudo-reasoning. Features of the use of description and narration. The main components of the scientific article. Speech forms in the scientific text.
    • Еxpected results: thus, as a result of the development of the course of academic writing undergraduates will be:
    • Know:
    • peculiarities of presenting the results of scientific activities in oral and written form when working in Russian and international research teams;
    • methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages;
    • stylistic features of presentation of the results of scientific activity in oral and written form in the state and foreign languages;
    • normative documents for preparation of applications, grants, research projects;
    • requirements for the content and rules of manuscripts for publication in the
    • peer-reviewed scientific publications;
    • Know:
    • follow the standards adopted in scientific communication when working in Russian and
    • international research teams to solve scientific and educational problems;
    • follow the basic rules adopted in scientific communication in the state and foreign languages;
    • to present scientific results on the topic of dissertation work in the form of
    • publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals;
    • present the results of research (including dissertation) to the academic and business community;
    • Own:
    • skills of analysis of the main ideological and methodological problems, including interdisciplinary nature, arising when working on solving scientific and educational problems in Russian or international research teams;
    • different types of communication when working in Russian and international teams to solve scientific and educational problems;
    • skills of analysis of scientific texts in the state and foreign languages;
    • skills of critical evaluation of the effectiveness of various methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages.
    • Teacher's name: Minanov N. K.
  • Мathematical methods for the evaluation and management of economic рисками3 credit / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic and mathematical methods, Econometrics, Mathematics in Economics, Microeconomics, Statistics, Organization and planning of scientific research (Organizationandplanningofscientificresearchs)
    • Post-requisites: Economics of modern business and development strategy, cost management
    • Purpose: to learn how to use mathematical methods to assess the degree of economic risks, to manage industry and regional risks.
    • Brief description of the course: the Essence of economic risk. Mathematical models and methods of risk assessment. Absolute indicators of risk assessment in conditions of certainty. Relative performance of risk assessment under conditions of certainty. Probabilistic risk measures under partial uncertainty. Statistical method of risk assessment. Risk assessments under uncertainty. Analysis of profitability and risk of financial operations on the basis of Pareto optimality principle. Expert methods of risk assessment. Assess the consistency of expert opinions. Specific indicators of the project's risk appetite. Analytical method for assessing the risk of investment. Market model of capital assets valuation of Sharpe. Selection of the optimal plan by the method of constructing event trees. Management of investment projects in terms of risk.
    • Expected results: acquisition of competencies in the field of risk management; skills related to identification, risk analysis and decision-making, which include maximizing the positive and minimizing the negative consequences of the occurrence of risk events; forecasting the risk situation, determining the permissible limits of risk, choosing the most preferred option for risk management.
    • Teacher's name: Kozlova K.
  • Мathematical modeling at the macro - and micro-levels 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic and mathematical methods, Econometrics, Mathematics in Economics, Microeconomics, macroeconomics, Statistics, Organization and planning of scientific research (Organizationandplanningofscientificresearchs)
    • Post-requisites: management of competitiveness of the organization, Analysis of regional markets, Management analysis
    • Purpose: this course is aimed at studying the economy with the help of mathematical models at the macro and micro levels, the main methods of analysis of economic data for decision - making and forecasting of socio-economic development.
    • Brief description of the course: Modeling in Economics and its use in the development and formalization of economic theory. Utility maximization. Study of consumer choice model. Slutsky's Equation. Models of manufacturers ' behavior. Models of inventory management. Economic interaction of consumers and producers. The Walras Model. Leontief's model of a diversified economy. Linear model of trade. Employment modeling. Inflation models. Economic growth model. Public debt model. Mathematical models of market economy. Modeling of investments and analysis of their efficiency.
    • Expected results: knowledge of the main types of models, methods of constructing functions that describe the dependence of the main economic factors and the acquisition of practical skills in the application of the studied models in the formulation and solution of problems of analysis and optimal choice.
    • Name teacher: candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor Emelina N.К.
  • Мicro-macroeconomic analys3 credit / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, microeconomics, macroeconomics, entrepreneurship, organization of production, economic security of the company
    • Post-requisites: organization of investment and innovation activity of the enterprise, Economy of modern business and development strategy, cost Management
    • Purpose: development of economic thinking and communication of economic knowledge necessary for future scientific, pedagogical or economic activity
    • Short course description: Modern micro-macroeconomics and its methodology. Theory of elasticity of supply and demand. Consumer choice theory. Theory of production. Production cost. Offer in conditions of perfect competition. Monopoly. Monopolistic competition. Oligopoly. Markets of factors of production. Macroeconomic indicators. Macroeconomic instability: economic cycles, unemployment, inflation. National income: production, distribution and consumption. Total supply and demand. Model "AD-AS". Macroeconomic balance in commodity and money markets. Model "is-LM". Open economy. Economic growth.
    • Expected results: the Development of market relations, increasing the role of organizations and firms in the recovery of the country's economy have necessitated a significant improvement in the quality of training of specialists engaged in the study of the economy. Master student must be able to: form a set of knowledge about Economics; develop specific skills to select and prepare for the implementation of specific situations; to be able, successfully and at the lowest possible cost to implement projects (especially in the field of development of new products, which enables the company to significantly improve its competitiveness) and effectively manage them.
    • Name teacher: candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor Gimranova G. I.
  • Measurement of indicators of macroeconomic development of the economy of Kazakhstan 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "enterprise Economics", "macroeconomics", "Economic theory", "Statistics", " Economic analysis»,
    • Post-requisites: Modern problems of management in the economy of Kazakhstan, Regional innovation system, NIRM, Master's thesis
    • Goals and objectives: the purpose of the discipline-the development of undergraduates ' skills in the use of modern methods of measuring macroeconomic dynamics, familiarization with their advantages, disadvantages and areas of application, the formation of skills of the use of knowledge in the analysis of economic dynamics using real statistics
    • Objectives of the discipline:
      • to form an understanding of different methods of measuring macroeconomic dynamics;
      • to develop the ability to analyze economic dynamics using real statistical data;
      • to form the skills of educational and research activities.
    • Brief description of the course:
    • Indicators of economic dynamics. Economic indices. Indicators of the SNA. Measurement of economic growth of Kazakhstan. The measurement of inflation in Kazakhstan. The measurement of the labor market of Kazakhstan.
    • Expected result:
    • As a result of the development of the discipline the student must:
    • know the theoretical foundations of modern methods of measuring economic dynamics;
    • be able to apply methods of measuring economic dynamics when working with real statistics;
    • have the skills to analyze the economic dynamics and understanding of macroeconomic indicators of the economy of Kazakhstan.
  • Аnalysis and evaluation of the company's development efficiency 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "enterprise Economics", "macroeconomics", "Economic theory", "Statistics", " Economic analysis»,
    • Post-requisites: Modern problems of management in the economy of Kazakhstan, Modern business’ economy and strategies of development, Regional innovation system, Master's thesis
    • Goals and objectives: the Goal is to develop undergraduates skills and practical skills in the use of subject and professional knowledge for the analysis and evaluation of the company in economic and social aspects.
    • Course objective:
      • development of the ability to apply the principles of a systematic approach to solving economic problems,
      • formation of scientific and theoretical basis for independent research and development of scientific and qualification work (master's thesis)
    • Short course description: Tasks and methods of preliminary data analysis. Structure of analytical tasks. Technologies and concepts of modern strategic analysis. Analytical tasks of tactical control. The generalized complex assessment of activity of the organization. Assessment of socio-economic activities of the company. The impact of social activities of the company on the cost structure, resources and performance.
    • Expected result:
    • As a result of the development of the discipline undergraduate should:
      • to form a master's ability to critically analyze and select the most suitable methods of economic analysis for research,
      • develop the skills of information consolidation for conceptual, institutional qualitative analysis,
      • to develop the ability to carry out a critical assessment of the company's performance indicators
      • to form a complete system of knowledge on understanding the nature and regularity of the processes occurring both within the enterprise and in its external environment;
      • to instill and develop professional skills in conducting economic analysis of financial and economic activities of the enterprise in terms of the efficiency of the use of attracted resources and the achievement of the planned results;
      • to consolidate practical skills in the development and use of a system of indicators to assess the effectiveness of various aspects of financial and economic activity of the enterprise.
  • Organization of investment and innovation activities of the enterprise 2 credits / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: economic security of the company, Mathematical methods of assessment and management of economic risks
    • Post-requisites: Research work, work on master's thesis
    • Purpose: to give undergraduates the knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the purpose, objectives and functions of investment and innovation of the enterprise, the development of undergraduates comprehensive understanding of the role of the enterprise in the innovation and investment process.
    • Brief description of the course: the essence and content of economic security in terms of national, regional and sectoral, technological, intellectual and information security; study of economic security through the use of tools of system and structural and functional methodology; assessment of economic security of production and financial activities of the company; ensuring external economic security of the company; security of the company in bankruptcy; economic security of banking systems; ensuring the protection of information objects of the company; organization of protection of trade secrets.
    • Expected results: in the study of the discipline "organization of investment and innovation activities of the enterprise" undergraduate must master the knowledge of investment and innovation in terms of its role and importance, its components, the interaction of the state and private business entities, the state as a subject of investment and innovation process.
    • Name of lecturer: doctor of Economics, Professor Alimbaev A. A
  • Investment design 2 credits / ECTS
    • Prerequisites: micro-macroeconomic analysis, economic security of the company, economic analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the company, mathematical methods of assessment and management of economic risks, etc.
    • Post-requisites: writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose: to teach undergraduates to think systematically, comprehensively, strategically, effectively to focus their activities on innovation and competitiveness of managed objects,
    • Brief description of the course: improving the competitiveness of the organization - one of the most pressing issues for the modern economy of Kazakhstan.
    • Knowledge and application of tools of competitive economy - essence and mechanism of action of economic laws, laws of the organization, scientific approaches, principles, modern methods and models of management will help to solve complex problems in the conditions of fierce competition.
    • Competitiveness synthesizes many factors: political, economic, technological, cultural, psychological, managerial, etc. Therefore, the idea of ensuring the competitiveness of various objects should permeate all regulatory, legal, technological and economic documents, educational, methodological and business literature, etc.
    • Methods to be used in the study of the course: methods of analysis (system, comparative, factor, SWOT-analysis, international, correlation and regression, cluster, balance, etc.); methods of forecasting (parametric, expert, mathematical and statistical, etc.); scientific approaches (system, complex, marketing, reproduction, structural, cluster, functional, etc.); tools of competitive economy (economic laws (laws), laws (laws) of the organization, scientific approaches, principles, etc.).
    • Together, the scientific approaches, methods and situations considered by the discipline represent the theory of competitiveness management, which will provide a breakthrough of the Kazakh economy as a whole.
    • Expected results: in the process of studying the discipline master student will master the principles of competitiveness management in the context of globalization; methods of assessing the quality of management of competitiveness of the organization; methods of rationing competitiveness; methods of resource saving and pricing.
  • Assessment of competitiveness of enterprises and industries of Kazakhstan 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "competition", "enterprise economy".
    • Post-requisites: writing a master's thesis
    • Goals and objectives: the purpose of the discipline is to determine the system of competitive advantages of undergraduates and factors affecting the competitiveness and efficiency of enterprises and industries. One of the key concepts reflecting the essence of market relations is competitiveness. The study and analysis of the competitiveness of enterprises and industries, especially those that are the main link in the economy, the formation on the basis of which the skills of adaptation to the development of recommendations and conclusions with high practical value.
    • Objectives of the discipline:
      • in-depth study of the theoretical and theological foundations of the concepts of competition and competitiveness;
      • study of evolutionary theories of competition and competitiveness;
      • identification of internal and external factors of competitiveness of enterprises and industries in a market economy;
      • evaluation of the efficiency of enterprise competitiveness management;
      • study of methodological directions and practical aspects of the analysis and evaluation of competitive economic entities
    • Brief description of the course:
    • Level of competition. Competitiveness of the industry. Enterprise competitiveness. Competitiveness management system: the concept and features of the relevance of competition in the market. Factors of competitiveness of economic entities.
    • Expected results: at the end of the course undergraduates:
      • mastering the principles of managing the competitiveness of economic entities;
      • to know the basic laws of development of the competitive environment;
      • factors affecting the competitiveness of the industry and enterprise;
      • proposed measures to increase competition;
      • understanding of the features of the formation of economic entities in a competitive environment
    • ability to make decisions based on the search, collection, analysis and systematization of information.
    • Cost Management 3 Credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites discipline: "Economic Theory", "Business Economics", "Microeconomics", "Management".
    • Postrequisites of the discipline: Research work, work on the master's thesis
    • The purpose of the discipline. The main objective of the course "Cost Management" is to provide undergraduates with the necessary information in the process of formation of production and operating costs, costs of occurrence and various types of products when making decisions on theoretical and practical aspects of the costs of various economic categories, planning, management and control managers.
    • Tasks:
    •  to form the concept of laws and objectives of cost management in market conditions;
    •  to generate knowledge about the principles of cost savings and enterprise planning;
      • to study the basic principles of calculating the cost of operating expenses;
      • to form knowledge about the mechanism of formation of production costs;
    • Teach to analyze costs when making investment decisions.
    • Brief course description:
    • The role and importance of cost management in market conditions. Classification of costs and content. Cost planning (budgeting). Calculating the cost of goods. The cost of the product. Cost analysis when making short-term management decisions. Analysis of costs and benefits when making investment decisions. The basic principles of calculating the cost of turnover. Cost control. Transfer prices.
    • Learning outcomes (competencies):
    • Know the main categories of the subject, the methodology and methods of studying the “Cost Management” discipline that influences the thinking of future managers ,;
    • To be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and understand their role in solving professional issues;
    • Process arguments and decision making based on search, collection, analysis, and systematization;
    • Provide information in various ways, communicate with the group, work, participate in debates and justify your decision, make the right decision;
    • Build skills to implement a set of measures for inclusion in the management system.
  • Social economy 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: economy of branches, State regulation of economy, Micro-macroeconomic analysis
    • Post-requisites: Research work, work on master's thesis
    • The goal: to give students the knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the system of economic relations existing in the social sphere of the modern market economy, to develop in students a comprehensive understanding of the role of different economic actors in the development of the social sphere and social services.
    • Brief description of the course: the Concept of the social sphere, its goals and objectives in the modern state. Forms of organizations in the social sphere. Structure of education management, levels of management and distribution of functions. Educational institution. Science and scientific activity. Science management bodies, functions, distribution of functions. Forms of organization of science management, scientific institutions. Features of economic relations in health care. Health financing models. Sphere of culture: peculiarities of organization and management, tools and mechanisms, state policy. Financing of the sphere of culture in the modern economy. State social insurance. Pension programs and pension funds. Special social services. Social assistance
    • Expected results: to acquire knowledge in the field of economy of the social sphere of the national economic system and regional socio-economic systems, the formation of the strategy of development of the social sphere and the practice of its implementation; to be able to apply in practice the knowledge gained in the theory of formation and functioning of the social sphere; reasoned and logical to prove their own position on the tools to achieve the maximum possible provision of the population with social services and ensure their availability; to collect and interpret quantitative and qualitative parameters of the social sphere development and their meanings within the framework of own position on the role of the state in its development, to discuss the most acute social problems of the modern market economy; to acquire skills of independent collection, analysis and presentation of information about the social sphere.
    • Name teacher: candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor Ulybyshev, D. N.
  • Health Economics 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, macroeconomics
    • Post-requisites: writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose: this course examines the current important economic aspects of the development of the health sector through the mastery of tools for assessing public policy in the field of health.
    • Short course description: health Economics: basic problems and concepts Individual demand for health. Formation of demand for medical services. Offer of medical services. Features of the health insurance market
    • Expected result: as a result of the study of this discipline undergraduates will be able to analyze the most significant problems of economic development of the health sector, be able to apply an analytical approach in the study of health problems and have the skills to assess the factors affecting the health of the individual and the nation as a whole.
  • Мodern problems of management in the economy of Kazakhstan (author's course) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economics and management in agriculture, Mathematical methods of assessment and management of economic risks, Micro-macro economic analysis
    • Post-requisites: Research work, work on master's thesis
    • Purpose: formation of undergraduates ' understanding of the actual problems of functioning and reforming of the national economic system of Kazakhstan in the context of increasing its competitiveness in the world economic system.
    • Brief description of the course: in this course, undergraduates study the Theoretical foundations of the identification of the national economic system of Kazakhstan; Stages of reform of the national economy of Kazakhstan; the Main factors of sustainable socio - economic development, modernization and restructuring of the Kazakh economy; Problems associated with the formation and development in Kazakhstan of elements of socially-oriented market economy; Problems related to the innovative and technological development of the economy of Kazakhstan; Problems associated with the reform of the public sector of the economy of Kazakhstan; Problems of improving the efficiency of public Finance through the introduction of results-based budgeting; Problems of ensuring rational subsoil use in Kazakhstan, etc.
    • Expected results: mastering the basic theoretical concepts of identification of the national economic system, the definition of the main factors and problems of sustainable development of the economy of Kazakhstan, its modernization and restructuring, to identify the main problems of the economy of Kazakhstan at the present stage and to learn possible ways of their effective solutions.
    • Name of lecturer: doctor of Economics, Professor Pritvorova Etc.
  • Мodern problems of the international economy 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Mathematical modeling at the macro and micro levels, the Practice of modern economic development
    • Post-requisites: Research work, work on master's thesis
    • Purpose: to form undergraduates system, professional knowledge of the problems of industrial and innovative strategy of the state
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical and methodological foundations of world economic processes. The contemporary importance of theories of international trade. Models of international economic relations. Foreign economic activity: policies and procedures. Objectives and opportunities of non-tariff restrictions in international trade. International lending: theory and methodology. Economic consequences of population migration. Modern forms of technology transfer in the world economic space. Analysis of integration processes in the world economic space. Modern world monetary and financial system. The problem of stability of the exchange rate. Foreign exchange markets in international trade. Methodological approaches to the problem of balance of payments regulation.
    • Expected results: the development of entrepreneurship, increasing the role of business in the recovery of the country's economy have necessitated a significant improvement in the quality of training of specialists engaged in the study of foreign management experience in the field of entrepreneurship
    • Name of lecturer: doctor of Economics, Professor Pritvorova Etc
  • Economy of modern business and development strategy 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Economic Theory ..
    • Post requisites: research practice, writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose: The purpose of the course is to develop the knowledge and skills of analyzing the activities of enterprises in modern conditions and management practices. Discipline focuses on the main roles, skills and management functions, focusing on management responsibility for the effective and efficient achievement of goals.
    • Brief course description: Economic concepts of strategy justification. The evolution of modern firms. The scale and boundaries of the company. Integration and its alternatives. Diversification strategy. Markets and competitive analysis. Market barriers. Strategic position and competitive advantage. Maintain competitive advantage. Strategy and internal organization
    • Expected results:
    • know:
      • behavior models of economic agents and markets
      • basic concepts, methods and tools for quantitative and qualitative analysis of the economic aspects of strategic decisions
    • be able to:
      • analyze the economic characteristics of the competitive position of the company and its competitive advantages
      • manage the development of the organization to analyze and develop the strategy of the organization on the basis of modern methods and advanced scientific achievements
      • independently use analytical tools for relevant economic problems
    • Lecturer: Abdikarimova A.T.
  • Industrial Economics, 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Economic Theory .
    • Post requisites: research practice, writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose and objectives of the discipline:
      • provide analytical skills needed to understand the problems of industrial economics, including on the basis of game theory
      • explore key issues on the internal organization of the company
      • analyze theoretically and empirically various aspects of strategic interaction between firms, both in price and non-price aspects
      • describe the theory and empirical data on the determinants of the industrial structure
      • Provide you with the ability to apply a firm's economic behavior model to analyze issues in business strategy, competition policy, and regulation.
    • Brief course description: The contents of the industrial economy. Theory of the firm. The main microeconomic indicators. Game Theory and Competition. Market structure and market forces. Product Differentiation.
    • Learning outcomes (competencies):
    • describe and explain the determinants of firm size and structure and the consequences of property separation
    • describe and explain the pricing behavior of companies with market power and its implications for welfare
    • apply analytical models of company behavior and strategic interaction
    • evaluate various business practices, including deterrence, product differentiation, price discrimination
    • recognize and explain the main determinants of market structure and key issues of competition policy and regulation.


  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Economic (profile direction)


    Social sciences, economy and business

  • 2021-22 Contingent of master students on educational program for
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis

Содержание образовательной магистерской программы по специальности 7М04102 «Экономика» составляют такие дисциплины, как «Экономическая безопасность фирмы», «Организация инвестиционной и инновационной деятельности предприятия», «Современные проблемы экономики Казахстана», «Экономика социальной сферы», «Управление затратами» и др. Это позволяет приобрести компетенции в использовании методов принятия управленческих решений; в вопросах проведения в Республике Казахстан экономических реформ; в вопросах экономического развития страны; в вопросах методики преподавания экономических дисциплин.

Выпускники магистратуры по образовательной программе 7М04102 - «Экономика» в качестве  объектов профессиональной деятельности могут выбирать:

при научной и педагогической подготовке: научно-исследовательские институты; высшие учебные заведения; органы государственного и местного управления; производственно-экономические и планово-экономические, социально-управленческие и маркетинговые, финансово-аналитические службы предприятий и организаций; подразделения внешнеэкономической деятельности.

Выпускнику присваивается академическая степень:

- по научному и педагогическому направлению – Магистр экономических наук по специальности «7М04102-Экономика»;

Срок обучения:

по научному и педагогическому направлению – 2 года.

Форма обучения – очная.

Degree program:
Master of Economic Sciences
specialty 7М04102 "Economy"
specialized direction
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(70 ECTS - credits / 28Kaz. Credits)
Education alin stitution Karaganda University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance (IKAQA)
Period of validity This program is approved by the University for a period of 1 year for persons who receive a degree at the university from 2018
Level QF for the EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 2nd cycle; EQF (European Qualifications Framework): Level 7; NQF (national qualifications framework): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program of the specialty 7М04102 "Economics" is to prepare innovative and competitive personnel who are ready for active entrepreneurship, have the skills of economic analysis, are able to give current assessment and forecast for activities in the field of economic policy and economic decision-making at the enterprise level with project skills in the field of economics and entrepreneurship with high spiritual and moral qualities
      Successful graduates must demonstrate sufficient knowledge and skills in analyzing and planning the activities of the company, developing the ability to make management decisions based on the available analytical information
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline/Subject area
    • Basic disciplines: Foreign language (professional), Management, Psychology, Mathematical and statistical analysis of economic processes, Mathematical and statistical analysis in assessing and predicting the activities of the company
      Main disciplines:
      Economic security of the firm, Optimization of the cost of the firm, Diagnostics of the financial crisis, Innovative entrepreneurship, Business diagnostics of the company, Business planning start-up, Comprehensive economic analysis of the enterprise
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • When implementing the educational program of the specialty 7М04102 "Economics", a credit-modular system for organizing the educational process is used, based on the modular principle of the curriculum, using the credit system and the corresponding educational technologies.
    • 3.Direction
    • Business and management
    • 4.Specialfeatures
    • Graduates of the educational program 7М04102 "Economics" are focused on:
      - application of scientific methods of knowledge in professional activities;
      - Critical analysis of existing concepts, theories and approaches to the study of processes and phenomena;
      - integration of knowledge gained in various disciplines, their use for solving analytical and managerial tasks in new unfamiliar conditions;
      - conducting a microeconomic analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise and using its results in the management of the enterprise;
      - practical application of the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of regulation of economic relations;
      - creative thinking and creative approach to solving new problems and situations;
      -conducting information-analytical and information-bibliographic work with the involvement of modern information technologies;
      - generalization of the results of experimental research and analytical work in the form of a master's thesis, article, report, analytical note, etc.
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • - state and local government appartus;
      - production and economic and planning and economic; social, managerial and marketing, financial and analytical services of enterprises and organizations;
      - commercial and business structures, divisions of foreign economic activity.
    • 2.Further education
    • Specialized grand PhD courses 6D050600 "Economics
  • D) Educationstyle
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational process widely uses innovative educational methods of conducting classes (role-playing, business games, case-method, training, field classes in organizations and institutions, round tables, discussions, drawing up individual and group projects). The training courses include meetings with representatives of various organizations and institutions.
    • 2.Evaluation methods
    • Midterm; intermediate certification; protection of RPRP reports on pedagogical and research practices (reports); scientific internship (report), final certification (state exam, defense of the master's project)
  • E) Programmatic competencies
    • 1.General competencies
      The program complies with the requirements of the State Compulsory Educational Standard “Post-Graduate Education. Master's program ”to ensure the quality of academic programs at the first cycle level.
      GK1 - Apply management skills, psychological knowledge and communication skills in terms of foreign language education in professional activities;
      GK2 - Use the mathematical apparatus and skills of economic calculations
    • 2.Specific competencies
    • PC 1 - To be competent in achieving and ensuring the economic security of the company, master the basic concepts, methods and stages of the business;
      PC 2 - To be able to analyze and evaluate the economic performance of the company and develop further recommendations and strategies for improving indicators;
      PC 3 - Master the methods of analysis and experiment, be ready to put the results into practice, have the skills to plan and conduct applied scientific research in the field of economics, have the skills of oratory, opposing and arguing their thoughts and research results
  • F) Full list of program learning outcomes
    • In the context of master's professional practice, in work in an organization, as well as with a client, undergraduates can demonstrate the ability to do the following: understand professional practical problems, apply analytical techniques, consultancy activities, master the most important and sustainable knowledge, integrate research results into the educational process and practice ; to be responsible for maintaining partnership, trusting relationships, initiative, independence, tolerance, ability to successfully socialize in society and actively adapt to the labor market and solve modern scientific and practical problems.
  • Economic security of the company 2 credits /3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: disciplines: mastery of the basics of economic theory, marketing, management, statistics, micro and macroeconomics, as well as the socio-economic situation and the state of the national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For the most high-quality mastering of the course, the student must possess knowledge of such disciplines as “Enterprise Economics”, “Entrepreneurship”, “Cost Management”.
    • Post requisites: after mastering the discipline "The economic security of the company" it is possible to study the following disciplines: "Economics of industry markets", "Organization of investment activity of the enterprise", and other disciplines aimed at studying the resilience and patterns of formation and development of the economic security of the company in the national economy of Kazakhstan . Competencies: as a result of studying the discipline, the undergraduate must know the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the formation and development of the economic security of the economy; determination of the features of the functioning and development of the economic security of the company; possess skills to perform economic and systematization of factors and mechanisms to ensure the economic security of business entities.
    • Purpose: studying the discipline is mastering undergraduates the theoretical and practical foundations and mechanisms to ensure the economic security of enterprises and organizations of the national economy.
    • Expected results: Essence and principles of economic security; Basics of the functioning and development of economic security; Indicators and indicators of economic security; Mechanisms for ensuring economic security; Protection of economic interests and protection of trade secrets; Innovative investment security mechanisms of the company; Organizational and informational aspects of economic security; Economic security in the firm’s crisis management system; Analysis and evaluation of indicators of the economic security of the company;
    • Professor's full name: Doctor of Economics, Professor Salzhanova Z.A.
  • Foreign Language (professional) 2 credits /3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: foreign language, Kazakh / Russian language in the amount of the university course.
    • Post requisites: mastering a foreign language at the level of international standards B2, as well as LSP - language for special purposes.
    • Purpose: systemic deepening of communicative competence in the framework of international standards of foreign language education based on the further development of skills and abilities of active language proficiency in the professional activities of the future master.
    • A brief description of the course: The organization of the financial industry. Regulation and Deregulation. Indefinite group times. Parts of speech - General overview. Retail banking. Commercial and investment banking. The future of bank branches. Group times are continuous. Business correspondence 1 Formal and informal style 1. Perfect, Perfect Continuous group times. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Loans and credit. Passive voice and translation of passive structures. Business correspondence. Modal verbs: may, must, be. Accounting. Types of Accounting. Infinitive and infinitive constructions. Features translation infinitive. Central banking. Monetary policy. Money and banking. Gerund. Features of the transfer of gerund. Types of banks. Banking system. Communion I, II. Translation features. Financing international trade. Clarifying Incoterms. The structure of the English sentence. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Meeting 1. Meeting 2. Controlling meetings. Concluding a meeting. Types of sentences. Foreign exchange. Foreign exchange markets. Exchange rates. Currency trading. Complex sentences. Types of subordinate clauses. Balance Sheet 1. Coordination of tenses. Balance Sheet 2. Subjunctive. Asset management. Regulating the financial sector. Conditional sentences. Revision of lexical and grammar material. Indirect speech. Final test.
    • Expected results:
    • Ability to conduct dialogic and monologue speech in English;
    • Conduct conversations on professional, business and everyday topics;
    • Perceive English speaking by ear (professional terminology);
    • Mastering business writing skills;
    • Reading and translating specialty texts with and without a dictionary;
    • Understand the content of the read;
    • Transfer read content;
    • Use of reference books (explanatory and other dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias).
    • Professor's full name: Ph.D., Professor G. Aubakirova
  • Management 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Economic Theory", "Microeconomics", "Macroeconomics", "International Economics"
    • Post requisites: "State regulation of the economy", "Enterprise economy"
    • Purpose: mastering students of the basic principles and methods of organizing and managing an enterprise, studying, systematizing and fixing the fundamentals of the theory and practice of managing enterprises in modern business conditions, decision-making processes in the field of management, acquainting them with modern methods and methods of working in conditions of industry competition, since the formation market economic relations requires the training of qualified professionals, armed with new knowledge and skills that possess modern apparatus for solving fundamentally new tasks.
    • Expected results:
    • master the theoretical foundations of management;
    • to master the methods of implementation of basic management functions (decision-making, organization, motivation and control);
    • to master modern technologies of effective influence on individual and group behavior in an organization;
    • master the methods and basic techniques of research activities in the process of improving the management of the organization;
    • to improve the skills of independent work and the development of the need for personal and professional self-improvement.
    • Professor’s full name: Blyalov B.E.
  • Psychology 2 кредита/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, sociology, cultural studies.
    • Post requisites: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching, teaching practice.
    • Purpose: training of undergraduates in the basics of higher education psychology, expansion of their professional capabilities in the application of psychological knowledge in the field of educational activities.
    • A brief description of the course: Introduction. The subject, tasks and structure of the psychology of higher education. Education as a global object of higher education psychology. Psychological basis of the learning process. Psychology of students' cognitive activity in the learning process. Psychological methods and means of improving the efficiency and quality of education in modern conditions. Management of the learning process. Student as a subject of educational activity. Psychological basis of the process of education. The problem of education in higher education. Education and the development of professional identity. Problems of psychodiagnostics of professionally-oriented personality. Psychological counseling of students and teachers, taking into account the profile of the future professional activity of a specialist. Psychology of pedagogical communication. Psychology of pedagogical influence. The problem of interpersonal interaction of the teacher and students.
    • Expected results:
    • to know the prospects of the development of psychological science and to understand the role of psychology in the professional activities of a university teacher;
    • apply methods of studying the character traits of people and psychological influence on students and student groups in various spheres of professional activity;
    • carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of psychological techniques in managing conflicts in the pedagogical process of the university, psychological factors of efficiency and optimization of the educational process, stimulating students' learning and cognitive activity, etc. and formulate conclusions on this basis;
    • to provide an interpretation of the results of psychological methods of diagnosing, studying the psychological factors of the educational process and educational and cognitive activity of the student in various forms of communication (characteristics, references, projects, mini-studies, etc.).
    • the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Professor's full name: Ph.D., associate professor Kenzhebaeva SK
  • Mathematical and statistical analysis of economic processes 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, Mathematics in Economics, Microeconomics, macroeconomics, Statistics, Informatics.
    • Post-requisites: practical training, writing a master's project
    • Objective: to master the theoretical foundations of the application of statistical methods for the analysis of economic processes and practical skills in the formalization of economic problems, the construction of mathematical models, meaningful interpretation and analysis of the results of calculations.
    • Brief description of the course: the Role of mathematical and statistical methods in the modern economy. Statistical methods of processing and analysis of economic information. The use of methods of analysis of variance in the economy. Cluster analysis and its role in economic research. The method of linear discriminant analysis. Analysis of consumer behavior model. Analysis of the behavior model of manufacturers. Analysis of the model of interaction between consumers and producers. Analysis of economic processes using the equation of pair linear regression. Nonlinear regression analysis. Application of multivariate linear regression models in the economy. Elasticity in economic analysis. Methods of analysis of the dynamics of economic processes. Time series analysis using growth curve models. Methods of analysis of economic processes subject to seasonal fluctuations.
    • Expected results: acquisition of practical skills in statistical data processing and mathematical modeling, as well as independent applied research of economic processes, using statistical and mathematical methods of analysis and modern information technology
  • Mathematical and statistical analysis in the evaluation and forecasting of the company 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, Mathematics in Economics, Microeconomics, macroeconomics, Statistics, Informatics.
    • Post-requisites: writing a master's project
    • Purpose: formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the use of statistical methods for assessing and forecasting the economic performance of the company.
    • Brief description of the course: Content, objectives and methods of evaluation and forecasting of the company. Information support of economic forecasting. Methods of predictive studies. Intuitive estimation and prediction methods. Assessment and forecasting of economic indicators of the company on the basis of a single-factor model of linear regression. Estimation and forecasting with non-linear regression equation. Estimation and forecasting based on multivariate regression model. Forecasting taking into account time lag. Statistical description of the development of economic processes using time series. Methods of forecasting the dynamics of economic indicators of the company. Methods of forecasting economic indicators of the company using trend models. Forecasting using trend-seasonal models. Adaptive forecasting methods. Models of stationary and non-stationary time series. Verification of economic forecasts.
    • Expected results: the acquisition of practical skills in assessing and forecasting the economic performance of the company, using statistical and mathematical methods of analysis and modern information technology
  • Optimization of company costs 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: enterprise Economics, Microeconomics, " Pricing»
    • Post-requisites: writing a master's project
    • Goals and objectives: the purpose of the discipline – to acquaint undergraduates with the theoretical and practical aspects of cost optimization as a diverse economic category, the process of formation of production costs and circulation as places of formation of costs, and for various types of products and the formation on this basis of information necessary for decision-making on cost optimization, including planning, management and control.
    • Objectives of the discipline:
      • to form an understanding of the theoretical laws of the concept of expenses as a diverse economic category in the firm;
      • to form an understanding of the theoretical and practical laws of the process of formation of production and circulation costs and their optimization;
      • to form knowledge of methods and methodological bases necessary for making decisions on cost optimization (planning, management and control);
      • to form knowledge about the methods of analysis and development of strategies to optimize the company's costs;
      • to form the ability to choose an effective solution to optimize the costs of the company;
      • to form the skills of educational and research activities.
    • Brief description of the course:
    • Classification of the company's costs. Production cost. Calculation of production costs. The basic principles of calculation of circulation costs. Methods of optimization of costs of firm. Principles of cost optimization. Ways to optimize costs. Cost monitoring as a means of optimization. Cost-benefit analysis when making optimization decisions. Cost control.
    • Expected results: thus, as a result of the development of the course of academic writing undergraduates will be:
    • To master the methodology and methodology of the discipline "strategic cost management", contributing to the knowledge of future specialists in the field of the main categories of the discipline.
    • To be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and understand their purpose and role in solving professional problems.
    • C. develop arguments and make decisions through the search, collection, analysis and systematization of information.
    • To provide information in various forms of communications, to cooperate and to work in the group, to argue and defend their position, to make decisions.
    • E. acquire skills to implement a set of measures included in the management system.
  • Diagnosis of financial crisis 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: economic theory, management, Finance, financial management, economic analysis
    • Post-requisites: practical training, writing a master's project
    • Objective: to Study the causes of the financial crisis in the company, namely: the General decline in the market, the wrong development strategy, and ineffective management. The study of the use of universal tools: cost reduction, sales promotion, optimization of cash flows, work with debtors and restructuring of accounts payable.
    • Brief description of the course: reducing the efficiency of capital use, reducing profitability and absolute values of profit; the emergence of loss of production; lack of own funds and reserve funds analysis of the effectiveness of the current strategy and its functional areas (strategy in the field of financial management, sales and production); monitoring changes in key performance indicators of the company in functional areas; analysis of competitive advantages of the company, its strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats ( SWOT-analysis); analysis of competitive prices and costs of the enterprise, periodic marketing research and operational monitoring of competitors.
    • Expected results: diagnosis and recognition of the crisis situation; definition of the crisis "focus", definition of outdated technological processes, uncontrolled growth of costs, incorrect positioning of goods in the market; development of methods of" treatment"; formation of an enlarged plan to overcome the crisis.
    • Name of lecturer: PhD, associate Professor Z. M. Sadvakasova
  • Business planning start-UP3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: economic theory, management, business planning, project management, project analysis
    • Post-requisites: practical training, writing a master's project
    • Purpose: to form undergraduates system, professional knowledge, skills and business planning of innovative projects'.
    • Brief description of the course: "business planning startup projects": the formation of a set of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the management of innovative projects of economic entities, taking into account the prevailing conditions of the organization and conduct of business in the national economic system. This course is aimed at a comprehensive study of General theoretical and practical issues of organization and planning of innovation.
    • Expected results: to master the basic concepts, methods and stages of implementation of the startup project, in accordance with the latest requirements for scientific and innovative activities.
    • To be Able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and understand their purpose and role in solving professional problems.
    • C. develop arguments and make decisions through search, collection, analysis and systematization.
    • To Provide information in various forms of communications, to cooperate and to work in the group, to argue and defend their position, to make decisions.
    • E. Acquire skills for the implementation of complex research activities and to properly solve the goal and objectives of the startup of the design.
    • Name of lecturer: Dr. S. B. PhDБайбосынов
  • Innovative entrepreneurship 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Entrepreneurship, enterprise Economics, Economic theory, Microeconomics
    • Post-requisites: practical training, writing a master's project
    • Purpose: formation of undergraduates necessary skills and competencies for successful work in the field of entrepreneurship, innovation in the market.
    • Tasks:
      • master's degree students mastering the theoretical foundations of innovative entrepreneurship, such as: theoretical, methodological and empirical knowledge in the field of innovation;
      • acquisition of knowledge of the processes and laws of formation of the national innovation system, the structure and mechanisms of the innovation market, as well as an idea of the strategic role of innovation at the micro level;
      • the acquisition by students of practical skills in the field of management of innovative activity at the firm level, the planning and organization of R & d processes, decision making and substantiation of decisions on the methods of commercialization of scientific and technological innovation in conditions of uncertainty and risk.
    • Brief description of the course: Innovative essence of entrepreneurial activity. The life cycle of innovation and resource provision of innovation. Financing of innovative activity at the expense of own funds. Risks of innovation. Evaluation of the effectiveness of innovation. Economic and calendar planning of the pre-production stage of the innovation project. Organizational forms of innovation.
    • Expected results: as a result of the study of the discipline undergraduate should know the current trends and varieties of innovative entrepreneurship and its decisive influence on the development of productive forces, be able to assess the economic situation of an economic entity in the market, to know: the method of choosing the strategy and tactics of innovative behavior, allowing to obtain and maintain competitive advantages of the enterprise.
  • Business diagnostics of the company 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "enterprise Economics", "macroeconomics", "Economic theory", "Statistics", " Economic analysis»,
    • Post-requisites: writing a master's project
    • Goals and objectives: the Goal is to provide a comprehensive assimilation of scientific knowledge and practical skills to identify the most important problems and priorities of economic activity and the development of a model of behavior in the market, which will improve the efficiency and financial performance of the enterprise. A prerequisite for the study of this course is the consideration of economic analysis as a comprehensive assessment of the business, as the study are all the main aspects of the economic activities of the company and thus develop balanced recommendations for the implementation of specific management measures, taking into account all important aspects of the business.
    • Brief description of the course: Analysis of the company's position in the market and its adaptability to the conditions of economic conditions. Analysis of the financial condition of the company. Analysis of internal production efficiency: analysis of the use of resources, analysis of the dynamics of the value and structure of costs. Analysis of the investment strategy of the company.
  • Comprehensive economic analysis of the company 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "enterprise Economics", "macroeconomics", "Economic theory", "Statistics", " Economic analysis»,
    • Post-requisites: writing a master's project
    • Goals and objectives: the Aim of developing the students skills using the professional knowledge for conducting analysis and evaluation of the firm's activities in the economic, social aspects.
    • Course objective:
      • development of skills to perform a comprehensive economic analysis of the enterprise
      • to form a methodological and theoretical basis for independent analysis and development of quality solutions
    • Brief description of the course: Organization and information support of the analysis of enterprises. Method and methods of analysis of financial and economic activity. The system of reserves to improve the efficiency of economic activity. The method of complex analysis of economic activity of the enterprise. Analysis of financial results.
    • Expected result:
    • As a result of the development of the discipline undergraduate should:
      • to form a master's ability to critically analyze and select the most suitable methods of economic analysis for research,
      • develop the skills of information consolidation for conceptual, institutional qualitative analysis,
      • have the skills to prepare analytical materials for the assessment of economic policy activities and strategic decision-making at the micro and macro level;
      • will be able to carry out a critical assessment of indicators of economic development of the enterprise
      • form a complete system of knowledge on understanding the nature and regularity of the processes occurring both within the enterprise and in its market environment.


  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Tourism (scientific and pedagogical direction)



  • 2021-22 Contingent of master students on educational program for
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis

The contents of the educational master program in 7М11101 "Tourism" are assumed by studying of such disciplines as "Tourism economy", "Theoretical and methodological problems of the industry of tourism", "Technology of entrance tourism", "Problems of the organization of entertaining leisure in tourism", etc. It promotes development of competences of questions of maintenance of tourism, indicators of his development, development of the world industry of tourism, social and economic policy of the state in the field of economy and the territorial organization of rest and tourism. And also to acquisition of skills: the scientific organization of work, automation of processes of collecting, storage and the information processing used in professional activity; conducting tourist office-work; communicative communication in the sphere of professional interests; marketing planning in the sphere of tourism. And to be competent: in questions of assessment of the current state and the prospects of development of the domestic and foreign tourist market, strategic and tactical planning by the tourist of activity; in questions of the organization by the professional tourist of activity.
Graduates of a magistracy according to the educational program 7М11101" as objects of professional activity can choose "Tourism":
by scientific and pedagogical preparation: scientific institutions of a geographical, social and economic profile, design and survey and planned organizations, higher educational institutions.
The academic degree is appropriated to the graduate:
- in the scientific and pedagogical direction – the Master of sciences in the specialty "7М11101 – Tourism";
Training term:
• in the scientific and pedagogical direction – 2 years.
Form of education – internal.

Program degree: The master of sciences in 7М11101 "Tourism"
Degree and term Unary degree (one university) (130 ECTS – the credits / 59 kaz. credits)
Educational institution Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IKAQAE)
Action term This program is approved by the University for a period of 2 years for the persons receiving degree at the university since 2018
Level QF for ESHE (A qualification framework for the European space of the higher education): 2nd cycle; EQF (European qualification framework): level 7; NFQ (national frame of qualifications): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • • The purpose of this master program is providing the appropriate conditions for preparation of the highly qualified competitive personnel in the sphere of tourism having profound theoretical knowledge, research skills, seeking for constant professional growth and personal development
      • Successful graduates have to show:
      • Ability to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems, to plan and conduct research activity, to successfully carry out research and administrative activity;
      • ability to analyze tourist activity, to make the scientifically based choice of forms of tourist management;
      • on the basis of the system analysis to be able to build and use models for the description and forecasting of processes, the phenomena and situations, carrying out at the same time their qualitative and quantitative analysis and synthesis;
      • ability to be guided in informatics and to work on the computer equipment in the course of professional activity;
      • ability to operate with big arrays of scientific information, to work independently with her various sources;
      • ability to present results of the done work in the form of reports, papers, articles, works;
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline/area of a subject
    • History and philosophy of science
      Foreign language (professional)
      Organization and planning of scientific research
      Academic Writing
      Methods and technologies of higher education
      Cost management in tourism and hotel industry
      Modern studies of the tourism industry
      Strategic planning in tourism
      Corporate culture and personnel management in the tourism industry
      Impressions economy
      Business organization in the tourism industry
      Technology of inbound tourism
      Service Economy
      Applied touroperating
      Tourism Economy
      Current trends and forecasting the development of the tourist market
    • 2.General information / Specialization
    • At implementation of the educational program of specialty 7М11101 "Tourism" the credit and modular system of the organization of educational process based on the modular principle of curricula, use of system of test units and the appropriate educational technologies is applied
    • 3.Direction
    • Service
    • 4.Features Training of masters of sciences in the field of the tourism industries, fixing of the mastered knowledge by an involvement in mobility on the international practice
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • Objects of professional activity of graduates are:
      at scientific and pedagogical preparation: the educational institutions training specialists in tourism, restaurant and hotel business the state bodies connected to the organization of tourism (the ministries, city administrations, their regional subdividings and structures), the state and private companies which are engaged in tourist, hotel and restaurant business, the consulting companies of a tourist profile, marketing services of the tourist enterprises, hotel and restaurant complexes, tourism infrastructure facilities.
    • 2.Further training
    • PhD doctoral studies
  • D) Style education
    • 1.Approaches to studying and training
    • In educational process it is widely used innovative forms of training (business games, cases, a debate, round tables, discussions, the review of literature, individual and group projects), master classes.
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • Critical self-assessment of and peers, reports on projects, assessment of actual data, critical analysis of an incident, seminars. Essay and presentations.
  • E) Program providing
    • 1.General competencies
      The program meets the requirements of the State Compulsory Standard of Postgraduate Education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the second level of the cycle.
      This includes general competencies (also known as key skills) of the expected second-year graduates (see the website
      The following competencies are the consolidated and most characteristic competencies for this program:
      To possess the methodology of scientific research, the basics of psychological and pedagogical activity and in-depth communication skills in terms of foreign language education for self-realization in the professional field
      To carry out research work and professional and educational activities using modern educational technologies, skills of academic literacy and the mathematical apparatus
      Possess tools for processing economic data, analysis of calculations and justification of the findings of PC2
      To be able to set goals and choose research methods, interpret and present the results of scientific research in the field of resource assessment and forecast of tourism development potential
      Have the skills of planning, designing and conducting tourist activities in the formation of the promotion and implementation of the tourist product
      To be able to present the results of scientific research in the field of tourism in the form of reports, applied developments, reports, publications and public discussions
    • 2.Specific Competences
      to be able to demonstrate modern knowledge and understanding in the field of tourism
      be able to compile, analyze and interpret socio-economic, financial, investment, legislative and other information, formulate arguments and solve problems in the field of hospitality and tourism
      know the methods of analysis, be able to justify the decisions made and implemented in the professional field, be ready to put the results into practice
      be prepared to develop new ideas and their application, including in the context of research
  • F) Full list of learning outcomes for this program
    • In the context of professional practice, in work in organizations, institutions and companies, graduates can demonstrate the ability to:
      • to have an idea:
      about a scientific direction on studied questions;
      about the main trends in the development of the modern tourist market;
      on the laws of tourist activities and forms of their manifestation;
      on the scientific substantiation of the development trends of the modern tourist system and the tourist market;
      • to know:
      international tourist markets and tools
      psychological and social factors of scientific work;
      methodology and research methods;
      types of scientific results: a single fact, empirical generalization, model, law, law, theory;
      • to have the skills to build theoretical and econometric models
      formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems, plan and conduct research activities, successfully carry out research and management activities;
      analyze tourism activities, make a scientifically-based choice of forms of tourism management;
      on the basis of system analysis, build and use models to describe and predict processes, phenomena and situations, while carrying out their qualitative and quantitative analysis and synthesis;
      to be oriented in computer science and work on computer equipment in the course of professional activity;
      operate with large arrays of scientific information, independently work with its various sources;
      present the results of the work done in the form of reports, abstracts, articles, papers;
      • to have skills:
      general scientific methodology, logic and technology of research;
      conducting independent research work;
      updating of knowledge in the process of professional activity, ensuring the active use of new information;
      be competent:
      in matters of money, finance, the tourist market and other areas of tourism, as well as in the field of pedagogy and psychology.
  • History and philosophy of science
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, Political science, culturology.
    • Post-requisites: Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical communication.
    • Purpose: the study of patterns and trends in the development of special activities for the production of scientific knowledge, taken in their historical dynamics and examined in a historically changing sociocultural context.
    • Brief description of the course: The subject of history and philosophy of science. Philosophy and methodology of science as a branch of philosophical knowledge. Methodology of the system approach. Philosophy and methodology of synergetics. The emergence and formation of science. Science in the Ancient World, the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance. New European science is a classical stage in the development of science. The basic concepts and directions of the nonclassical and post-nonclassical stage of the development of science. Structure and levels of scientific knowledge. World outlook bases of science. Philosophical foundations of science and the scientific picture of the world. Science as a profession. Ideals and norms of science. Functions of science. Scientific traditions and scientific revolutions. History and philosophy of natural and technical sciences. History and Philosophy of Social and Human Sciences. Philosophical problems of development of modern global civilization.
    • The expected results:
    • To know: the nature, structure, principles of the organization and functioning of science; genesis and history of science from the standpoint of the formation of its models, images and styles of thinking, the interrelationship of scientific and philosophical thought; the fundamental basis and conceptual apparatus of history and philosophy of science; the production of knowledge, the laws of the formation and development of scientific disciplines, the basic principles of scientific research. Have an idea of ​​the socio-cultural specific features of history and the philosophy of science; freely operate with concepts; to know the universal connections of phenomena, to understand the essence of the development of science of its dynamics; independently to understand general theoretical questions; master the skills and techniques of the philosophical analysis of science and reflection.
    • To be able to use knowledge and abilities of understanding in practice, to transform the theoretical level of comprehension of information into the corresponding level of the communicative process.
    • To nominate, substantiate and criticize certain judgments, to separate the essential from the nonessential; to reveal the interrelations between the phenomena of reality; to identify and analyze the contradictions in the surrounding reality, to see it in change and development; conduct a philosophical analysis of fragments of reality with the application of methods and laws of philosophy; master the methodology of scientific knowledge; build a system of evidence in accordance with the criteria of severity, carry out information and search activities, carry out analytical and synthetic activities.
    • Present information in various forms of communication, taking into account the specific nature of the audience and build a communication process.
    • To increase the skills of independent work and development of the need for personal and professional self-improvement for the purpose of lifelong learning.
    • Name of the lecturer: Klishina M.V.
  • Psychology
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, sociology, culturology.
    • Post-requisites: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching, pedagogical practice.
    • Purpose: training of undergraduates in the basics of psychology of higher education, expansion of their professional capabilities in terms of applying psychological knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction. The subject, tasks and structure of higher school psychology. Education as a global object of higher school psychology. Psychological foundations of the learning process. Psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process. Psychological methods and means of increasing the effectiveness and quality of teaching in modern conditions. Management of the learning process. Learning as a subject of educational activity. Psychological basis of the process of education. The problem of education in higher education. Education and the formation of professional self-awareness. Problems psychodiagnostics professionally-oriented personality. Psychological counseling of students and teachers, taking into account the profile of the future professional activities of a specialist. Psychology of pedagogical communication. Psychology of pedagogical influence. The problem of interpersonal interaction between the teacher and students.
    • The expected results:
    • to know the prospects for the development of psychological science and to understand the role of psychology in the professional activity of the university teacher;
    • to apply in various spheres of professional activity methods of studying characterological features of people and psychological influence on students and student groups;
    • carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of psychological techniques in managing conflicts in the pedagogical process of the university, the psychological factors of effectiveness and optimization of the educational process, stimulating the educational and cognitive activity of students, etc. and formulate conclusions on this basis;
    • present the interpretation of the results of psychological diagnostic techniques, the study of the psychological factors of the educational process and the educational and cognitive activity of the student in various forms of communication (characteristics, references, projects, mini-studies, etc.).
    • the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Name of the lecturer: Kenzhebaeva S.K.
  • Pedagogy
    • Prerequisites: "Psychology", "History of Philosophy and Science".
    • Post-requisites: "Methods and technologies of teaching in higher education".
    • Purpose: mastering the fundamentals of the professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher of higher education, familiarizing future teachers with the general problems, methodological and theoretical foundations of high school pedagogy, modern technologies of analysis, planning and organization of teaching and upbringing, communicative technologies of the subject-subject interaction of the teacher and student in the educational process of the university
    • Brief description of the course: Pedagogical science and its place in the system of human sciences. The modern paradigm of higher education. The system of higher professional education in Kazakhstan. Methodology of pedagogical science. Professional and communicative competence of the teacher of higher education. Theory of teaching in higher education (didactics). Content of higher education. Organization of the learning process based on the credit system of education in higher education. Traditional and innovative methods and forms of organization of training. New educational technologies in higher education. Organization of independent work of students in the conditions of credit technology. Technology of compilation of teaching materials. Theory of scientific activity of higher education. NIRS. Higher school as a social institution of education and personality formation specialist. Curator in the system of higher education. Management in Higher Education.
    • The expected results:
    • To have an idea of the actual problems of pedagogical science, the essence of pedagogical activity of the university teacher and master the knowledge of the foundations of pedagogy of higher education, to master such concepts as the methodology of pedagogical science, the content of education, new educational technologies in higher education;
    • To distinguish pedagogical facts, phenomena, events from the reality surrounding them and describe them in the language of pedagogical science; explain and predict the development of pedagogical situations, relying on the laws of pedagogical theories; to design the educational process, based on new concepts of education and upbringing; to create a creative development environment in the process of education and upbringing; to develop educational-methodical and information complexes in various specialties;
    • Use the methods of information retrieval and analytical and synthetic activities in the solution of substantive tasks; be able to make judgments on social, scientific or ethical issues and interpret social processes, phenomena and facts on the basis of scientific critical analysis;
    • Provide information in various forms of communication, taking into account the specifics of the audience; organize and participate in interaction with the professional and surrounding community, work in a group, have different social roles in the team;
    • To increase the skills of independent work and development of the need for personal and professional self-improvement; to benefit from experience, to organize the relationship of their knowledge and to order them, to see the prospects of their own activity.
    • Name of the lecturer: Mulikova S.A.
  • Foreign language (professional)
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Kazakh / Russian language in the volume of the university course.
    • Post-requisites: foreign language at the level of international standards B2, as well as LSP - a language for special purposes.
    • Purpose: systemic deepening of communicative competence within the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language skills in the professional work of the future master.
    • Brief description of the course: The organization of the financial industry. Regulation and Deregulation. Indefinite. Parts of speech – General overview. Retail banking. Commercial and investment banking. The future of bank branches. Continuous. Business correspondence 1 Formal and informal style 1. Perfect, Perfect Continuous. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Loans and credit. Business correspondence. Accounting. Types of Accounting. Central banking. Monetary policy. Money and banking. Герундий. Types of banks. Banking system. Financing international trade. Clarifying Incoterms. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Meeting 1. Meeting 2 Controlling meetings. Concluding a meeting. Foreign exchange. Foreign exchange markets. Exchange rates. Currency trading. Balance Sheet 1. Balance Sheet 2. Asset management. Regulating the financial sector. Revision of lexical and grammar material. Final test.
    • The expected results:
    • Ability to conduct dialogical and monologic speech in English;
    • Conduct discussions on professional, business and everyday topics;
    • To perceive English-speaking speech by ear (professional terminology);
    • Mastering the skills of business written communication;
    • Reading and translating texts by profession with a dictionary and without a dictionary;
    • Understand the content of the read;
    • Transfer the contents of the read;
    • Use of reference literature (explanatory and other dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias).
    • Name of the lecturer: Aubakirova G.T.
  • Name of discipline "Modern researches of the industry of tourism" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: tourismology bases, planning and organization of tourist business.
    • The course "Modern Researches of the Industry of Tourism" is one of the main subjects of an obligatory component which studying is necessary when training masters of tourism.
    • Purpose:Main objective of a course - formation at undergraduates of modern ideas of the tourism industry as interindustry an economic complex and as branches of economy, about modern transformations of the world industry of tourism.
    • The main objectives of a course are: - acquaintance of students to system approach to studying of the industry of tourism as methodological basis of studying of internal and external relations, establishment of mechanisms of formation of steady structure of tourist recreational systems; - acquaintance to borders and structure of the modern industry of tourism, main stages of her development; acquaintance to the last transformations of the world industry of tourism, innovative concepts of tourist marketing; - acquaintance to formation problems in Kazakhstan the modern highly effective industry of tourism.
    • The expected results:
    • integrated system approach to the analysis and synthesis of components of the modern industry of tourism;
    • syntheses of experience of activity of the industry of tourism at the world, regional and national levels;
    • estimates of problems of development of the industry of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the practical analysis of the conditions and factors exerting impact on this development;
    • to be guided in materials UNWTO and other tourism organizations for use of foreign experience in the work.
    • Name of the lecturer:Mataeva B.T.
  • Organization and planning of scientific researches 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, History and philosophy of science.
    • Post-requisites: research practice, writing of a master thesis
    • Purpose: To give knowledges necessary for full understanding of the role and the place of scientific sphere as a subsystem of modern society, essence and content of scientific research as a type of professional activity, and also to create for master program's students an idea of process of standard and documentary maintenance of a scientific research.
    • Purpose: the study of basic concepts, methods and stages of research work.
    • Short description of course: the formation of a complex of knowledge about the essence, role, function of science and research and their relationship with the main stages of research activities. Theoretical ideas about science as a constantly evolving system of ideas about the world and as a necessary institution of social development will be revealed. Within the framework of this course knowledge of the nature and content, methodology and logical foundations of scientific research will be presented. It will also study the main methods of scientific research, the necessary preparations for the preparatory stage of research work, such as the collection of scientific information and research planning. In general, this course is aimed at a comprehensive study of the general theoretical and practical issues of the organization and management of research work.
    • Expected results:
    • When studying this course, the undergraduate student will know the basic concepts, methods and stages of research work, in accordance with the latest requirements for scientific and innovative activities. The knowledge gained in the study of this course will also allow the undergraduate to observe the logical sequence of the study and comprehensively solve the goals and objectives of the study.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Ulybyshev D.N.
  • "Science in national economy of Kazakhstan" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, History and philosophy of science, Macroeconomic.
    • Post-requisites: The current trends and prediction of development of the tourist market, Application-oriented touroperating
    • Purpose: To give to undergraduates of knowledge, sciences, necessary for complete understanding of institute, its purposes, tasks and functions in relation to national economy of Kazakhstan, detection of key elements of the scientific sphere, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its development, interaction of the scientific sphere of the country with other subsystems of national economy; to create at undergraduates complex idea of current problems of functioning of a scientific sector in Kazakhstan and also developed and developing countries.
    • Short description of course: Theoretical bases of innovative development of the modern economy. The modern ideas of science. Institute of science and its components. Intellectual capital as main resource of science. Science as type of professional activity. Foreign experience of the organization of the scientific sphere (USA, European Union, Russia, Japan). Tendencies of development of a scientific sector of Kazakhstan. Correlation of science and state. Correlation of science and business. Science infrastructure. Legal regulation of scientific activities. Preparation of scientific research. Attending of scientific research.
    • The expected results:
    • To seize knowledge of the scientific sphere in the context of the modern concepts of social development, formation and development of science as key element of the modern market economy, interaction of science with other subsystems of national economy.
    • To be able to put into practice the gained knowledge of mechanisms of functioning of the scientific sphere, sources of financing of researches, standard legal support of scientific activity, organizational maintenance of scientific research.
    • With deep arguments and it is logical to prove own position concerning the applied scientific methods, drawing up and writing of scientific works, science roles in modern economy.
    • To carry out collecting and interpretation of quantitative and qualitative parameters of development of science within own position about a role of the state and business in her development, to discuss on the most burning issues of a condition of science of Kazakhstan.
    • To gain skills of the organization of independent and collective scientific research, writing of scientific works (applications, articles, projects).
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Ulybyshev D.N.
  • "Methods and technologies of training at the higher school" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Pedagogics, Psychology
    • Post-attributes: student teaching
    • Purpose: to create competences of planning, development and the organization of educational process of higher education institution.
    • Short description of course: Priorities of reforming and upgrade of the higher education in Kazakhstan. Contents and forms of methodical operation of the teacher of higher education institution. Forms of the organization of training of students at the higher school. Methods and training aids in higher education institution. The modern technologies of training at the higher school.
    • The expected results: to know perspectives of development of pedagogical science and professional activity of the teacher of higher education institution, to understand a training technologization entity; to apply in professional activity training methods, adequate to the purposes and the maintenance of a subject matter, effective pedagogical technologies of training of specialists; to realize analitic-synthetical activities in assessment of opportunities and restrictions of methods, means, forms and technologies of training in higher education institution, a reflection of the given studies and to formulate on this basis of the inference; to represent interpretation of the positive pedagogical experience, educational and methodical materials and results of educational cognitive activity of the student in different forms of messages (helps, reports, expert opinions, mini-researches, etc.); need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Ped., associate professor Kenzhebayeva S.K.
  • "Basics of professional and pedagogical communication" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Pedagogy", "Psychology"
    • Post requisites: pedagogical practice
    • Purpose: the formation of professionally significant qualities of undergraduates in the process of learning the basics of professional and pedagogical communication, arming them with knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the discipline. The main approaches to the description of personality, interpersonal relations, conflicts are revealed.
    • Short description of course: The historical aspect of the development of communication in folk pedagogy. Communication and folk wisdom. Analysis of the problem of communication in the domestic pedagogy. The development of communication problems abroad. Analysis of the problem of communication in the domestic pedagogy. Innovative teachers about pedagogical communication. The objectives of professional and pedagogical communication. Functions of professional and pedagogical communication. The content of professional and pedagogical communication. Means of professional and pedagogical communication. The structure of professional and pedagogical communication. Features styles of pedagogical leadership. Psychological climate of communication. Psychological barriers to communication. Communication in conflict situations
    • Expected results: the undergraduate student should: show a deep knowledge of the content of the activities of the teacher in an educational institution, according to the method of organizing independent activities of students; know the method of organizing the educational process in an educational institution; be able to correctly assess the trends in the development of modern pedagogy and the practice of education
    • Full name lecturer: Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Minzhanov N. A., Ph.D. Econ., professor Klishina M. V.
  • Name of the discipline: Academic Writing (Academic Writing)
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Professional foreign language.
    • Post requisites: NIRM, Master thesis
    • Purpose: to develop undergraduates the skills of structured presentation of their own ideas, the ability to create scientific and scientific information texts of various kinds, taking into account the specifics of academic discourse. Development of the ability to generate your own thoughts and build your own arguments, organizing all this in extremely accurate and clear textual form
    • Short description of course: Concepts and models of academic writing. Scientific text and academic writing. Publicity and communication. Culture, structure and literature: the boundaries of the scientific and unscientific. Writing as a process, product and practice. The integrity of the academic text. Models and principles of writing. Academic literacy and letter evaluation criteria. The feasibility of assessing the letter. Technology organization of the process of writing and generating ideas. The organization of the writing process. Technology generation and organization of ideas. Text as an intellectual action. Academic text as a system. The organization of the whole text. Practice of nonlinear text organization: from method to technology. Logical and syntactic problems of academic and scientific text
    • Expected results: Thus, as a result of mastering the course of academic writing, undergraduates will be:
    • to know - the basic principles of non-linear construction of scientific (academic) text as an integrated system; - The fundamental differences of the scientific text from the journalistic and artistic; - international standards and requirements for a scientific text;be able to - use modern methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages; logically organize the text and organize its elements; - use different models and technologies of academic writing in the work on the text; - interact with the reader, understand and respect someone else's point of view; - to put forward and substantiate his own hypothesis, to formulate a thesis and build the text from hypothesis to conclusions; - critically evaluate, select, summarize and use information from various sources; - impartially, objectively and reasonably pursue their own line of evidence based on logic and facts, avoiding various types of plagiarism; - use different types of logical order and argumentation methods; - write syntactically consistent and logically connected text; - Express your thoughts in a clear and precise language;
    • to own - technologies of generation of own ideas; - skills for constructing text based on models; - Paraphrase and quoting skills; - skills to build a coherent and coherent text; - skills to use the criteria for assessing an academic text as applied to one's own and someone else's text; - the skills to correct complex syntax and logical errors
    • Full name lecturer: Master Senior Lecturer Zhunusova A. K.
  • Name of the discipline: Academic style in the letter
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Professional foreign language.
    • Post requisites: NIRM, Master thesis
    • Purpose: to study the specifics, typology and types of academic style in the letter; review of effective communication technologies, including in the academic community; the study of the principles and techniques of creating a scientific text in a number of its main modifications; studying the rules for constructing scientific texts of various genres and sub-styles (actually scientific, academic, popular science, etc .; providing graduate students with practical skills for creating and editing a scientific text for publication; mastering the features of the academic tradition in a particular field of scientific activity in accordance with the profile of preparation undergraduate.
    • Short description of course: Features of scientific communication. Academic writing and academic community. The problem of plagiarism and quoting. Culture of written scientific speech (scientific style and its substrates). Consistency and consistency. Dialogue and intertextuality. Hypothesis. Rational explanation. Analogy. Pseudo-reasoning. Features of the use of the description and narration. The main components of a scientific article. Speech forms in a scientific text.
    • Expected results: Thus, as a result of mastering the course of academic writing, undergraduates will be:
    • know:
      • features of presenting the results of scientific activities in oral and written form when working in Russian and international research teams;
      • methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages;
      • stylistic features of presenting the results of scientific activities in oral and written form in the state and foreign languages;
      • regulatory documents for the preparation of applications, grants, research projects;
      • content requirements and rules for manuscripts for publication inpeer-reviewed scientific publications;
    • be able to:
      • follow the standards adopted in scientific communication when working in Russian and international research teams to solve scientific and scientific-educational problems;
      • follow the basic standards adopted in scientific communication in the state and foreign languages;
      • present scientific results on the topic of the dissertation in the form of publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals;
      • present the results of research (including dissertations) to the academic and business community;
    • own:
      • skills in analyzing major worldview and methodological problems, incl. interdisciplinary nature, arising when working on solving scientific and educational problems in Russian or international research teams;
      • various types of communications in the implementation of work in Russian and international teams to solve scientific and scientific-educational tasks;
      • skills of analyzing scientific texts in the state and foreign languages;
      • skills of critical evaluation of the effectiveness of various methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages.
    • Full name lecturer: Master Senior Lecturer Zhunusova A. K.
  • "Management of expenses on the enterprises of tourism and hotel economy" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business".
    • Post-requisites: "Technology of entry tourism", "An applied touroperating", "Tourism economy"
    • Purpose: bases of theoretical knowledge and also to acquaint with practical aspects management of expenses in tourism.
    • Short description of a course: Process of management of expenses. Classification of expenses Planning and calculation of expenses. Systems and methods of calculation of expenses. Job order method of calculation of expenses. A job order method in services industry. Budget of the contract for carrying out the audit inspection
    • The expected result: to seize knowledge in the field of theoretical bases and concepts management of expenses of hotel and restaurant business; to be able to operate independently expenses of the enterprises, firms and companies in the sphere of hospitality.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Kenzhebekov N.D.
  • "Current problems of management and marketing of tourism and hospitality" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Planning and organization of tourist business", "Planning and organization of restaurant business and hotel business"
    • Post-requisites: "Technology of entrance tourism", "An applied touroperating", "Tourism economy"
    • Purpose: to give bases of theoretical knowledge and also to acquaint with practical aspects of marketing management of processes of service of guests in hotels and restaurants
    • Short description of a course: Theoretical bases in the concept of management and marketing of restaurant business and hotel business. Organizational bases of management of restaurant. Management of technological processes. Economic bases of management and marketing of restaurant business. The business plan – a basis of restaurant business. Pricing and control of restaurant business. State and prospects of small restaurant business
    • The expected result: to seize knowledge in the field of theoretical bases and concepts of management and marketing of hotel and restaurant business; to study the factors influencing adoption of marketing decisions in the field of goods, the price, sale and advance of a product in the sphere of hospitality; by means of search, collecting, the analysis of marketing information, identification of communication communications and binding processes in the market environment and carrying out market researches to prove marketing decisions in the sphere of hotel and restaurant business; to independently be able to introduce amendments in marketing activity of the enterprises, firms and companies in the sphere of hospitality.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Kenzhebekov N.D.
  • "Strategic planning in tourism" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Theoretical and methodological problems of the industry of tourism, structure of the tourist market
    • Post-attributes: Economy of tourism, the Problem of the organization of entertaining leisure in tourism
    • Purpose: To study formation of integral idea of strategic planning as a basic function a top – the manager of tourism, methodology of strategic planning, programming, design on a macrolevel of an economic unit of the tourist market.
    • Short description of course: Mastering of the main strategic planning at the level of the managing unit of the tourist market, accounting of factors of the external and internal environment of strategic activities of tourist branch.
    • The expected results: to acquire business – planning in tourism, value and components business – the plan
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Zambinova G.K.
  • "Labor market economy in tourism" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, Management, Microeconomics, Macroeconomic, Economic-mathematical methods and simulation
    • Post-attributes: Economy of tourism, the Problem of the organization of entertaining leisure in tourism, Technology of entrance tourism
    • Purpose: to clarify an economic entity of economy of the enterprise, the role and functions in the conditions of formation of market economy, is of Great importance in a study of course a study of legislative and instructive material concerning functioning of the enterprises. At the same time it is expedient to consider practice of activities of the enterprises in comparing, to carry search on this basis of the most effective directions, forms and methods of management of the enterprise.
    • Short description of course: to help students to seize the fundamental principles of functioning of the enterprise in the conditions of formation of market infrastructure, to impart to students on the basis of the gained knowledge skills of independent innovative thinking, to work out ability to understand different questions of business and to develop ways of their decision according to the modern requirements to development of economy, to provide formation of steady objective outlook of future experts.
    • The expected results: to acquire methods of statistical observation and the comparative analysis, mathematical models, methods of the graphics image, etc.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Zambinova G.K.
  • "Corporate culture and human resource management in the tourism industry" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business"
    • Post-requisites: "Technology of entry tourism", "An applied touroperating", "Tourism economy"
    • Purpose: to study theoretical both development of practical skills of bases of corporate culture and human resource management in the tourism industry
    • Short description of a course: The consumer in modern social and economic system. The consumer in modern concepts of management of the organization. Instruments of formation of the relations with consumers in a tour. industries. Corporate culture and its place in the resource management system a tour. organizations. Elements of formation of corporate culture and mechanism of her interaction
    • The expected results: undergraduates have to be able to provide visually information on problems of development of the industry of tourism and results of the practical analysis of the conditions and factors exerting impact on this development; undergraduates have to increase skills of independent work human resource management in the sphere of tourism.
  • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Zhuspekova A.K.
    • Name of the discipline: Modern approaches to organizational and management activitiesPrerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business."
    • Post requisites: "Problems of quality management services in tourism", "Promotion of tourist product"
    • Purpose: to learn how to adjust the goals and program of action of tourist organizations, depending on the state of the market, creating competitive products.
    • Short description of course: the content and elements of the tourism enterprise management system, the types of organizational structures of the management system, the economic risk management system of the tourism enterprise, the classification and management of tour operators, Psychological aspects in the personnel management of a tourism company, international cooperation in tourism.
    • Expected results: When studying this course, the undergraduate will be able to identify the main aspects of the organization of the management of tourism activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Zhuspekova A. K.
  • Name of the discipline: Impressions Economy
    • Prerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business"
    • Postrequisites: Research Practice
    • Purpose: a systematic presentation of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the problems of formation and development of the economy impressions in the tourist space, as well as the formation of a theoretical and practical knowledge base for making science-based decisions that ensure the development of the tourist industry ..
    • Short description of course: Prerequisites for the formation of the economy of impressions as a special direction of the service sector. Impressions as a subject of economic analysis. Tourist and his consumer behavior. Tourist space is the basis for the formation of tourist experiences. Tourist impression as a special tourist product. Gambling as part of the entertainment industry. Animation and its types. Animation and organizational structure of a tourist facility. Tourist animation programs. Restaurant animation. Organization of family leisure. Organization of youth leisure. Segmentation of the market of animation services.
    • Expected results: In the course of studying the discipline, future specialists form an idea of ​​the main components of the process of the economy of impressions; a set of knowledge about the tourist image is acquired, which is the basis of the economy of impressions.
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Zhuspekova A. K.
  • "Innovations in the tourism industry" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business"
    • Post-requisites: Research practice
    • Purpose: to study innovations in technique, technology, economy, control and the social sphere.
    • Short description of course: innovations in technique, technology, economy, control and the social sphere. To implement an innovation of change and in other spheres. The tour operator saves time on processing of the request, accelerates tour design process, with the efficiency attracts new clients. The management system innovations meeting the requirements of branch and the market is necessary for formation of innovative strategy of the enterprises of the tourism industry and further implementation of the innovative ideas in the sphere of tourism (automation, software development, development of new types of tourism and new tourist routes, novelty in services in the sphere of hospitality, etc.).
    • The expected results: to acquire practical skills on application of animation in tourism.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Zhuspekova A.K.
  • Name of the discipline: Business organization in the tourism industry
    • Prerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business"
    • Postrequisites: Research Practice
    • Purpose: to form professional knowledge systems for undergraduates: on the global and domestic tourism industry, the basics and features of tourism organization and tourism activities, the formation, promotion and realization of tourism products, the acquisition of organizational, economic, advertising skills, calculations of production indicators of a tourism company as part of the tourism industry ..
    • Short description of course: Introduction to the organization of tourist activities. Organizational basics of tourism. Theoretical foundations of the formation, promotion and implementation of the tourist product. Services in the tourist industry. Transport support in tourism. Tourist formalities and insurance in tourism.
    • Expected results:
    • to know:
      • organizational bases of the tourism industry, the structure of the tourism industry, features of commercial relations between participants of the tourist market, the concept, types and technologies of organizing the activities of a tour operator, a travel agent and contractors in the tourism industry,
      • features and composition of the tourist product and its constituent elements, especially the organization of tourist activities in Kazakhstan in domestic, inbound and outbound tourism;
      • structure of the tourist business and income distribution, the main economic and legal aspects of entrepreneurship and service activities;
      • basics of organizing the activities of service enterprises.
    • be able to:
      • apply information on the importance of tourism in the modern world, on the directions of the main tourist flows, tourist statistics in the practice of justifying tourist projects;
      • reasonably identify factors of competitiveness of a particular tourist product;
      • analyze the features of travel agent and tour operator activities of tourism enterprises; to carry out practically expedient selection of tourist resources in order to substantiate specific tourist projects.
    • to own:
      • skills to determine the general regulatory status of tour operator and travel agent activities, as well as a reasoned selection of various types of tourism resources, counterparty organizations and technologies for the implementation of professional tourist activities.
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Zambinova G. K.
  • "Formation of innovative services in the tourist industry" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business"
    • Post-requisites: Research practice
    • Purpose: formation at undergraduates idea of innovations in tourism
    • Short description of a course: Concept of an innovation, innovative process. Management of innovative process. Research and development role in management of firm as subject of the market. Assessment of innovative projects. Overall economic efficiency of innovations. Methods of assessment of innovative projects, examination of innovative projects. Innovations in modern Kazakhstan. Analysis of a condition of the Kazakhstan economy and sphere of innovations.
    • The expected results: to acquire practical skills according to the analysis of a condition of innovative services in regional and all-republican scales; to disclose the principles and methods of implementation of activity innovative services at the professional level
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Zambinova G. K.
  • «Applied touroperating » 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business"
    • Post-requisites: writing of the master thesis
    • Purpose: formation at undergraduates representation of a basis of a touroperating.
    • Short description of a course: concept and essence of a touroperating. Reasons emergence of business of tour operators. Main differences between tour operator and travel agent. Distinctions on the system of income. Distinctions on accessory of a tourist product. Kinds of tour operators. By the form activity. Operators of the mass market. Legal basis of activity of a touroperating. Order of registration and execution of the main documents. Development of tourist's products. Relationship with suppliers: travel agents, the transport companies, hotels, the enterprises providing services of entertainment, insurance companies, the enterprises of food, etc. Signing of the contracts. Development of a tour and route. Work with clients. Advertizing activity. Formation and development of a touroperating in Kazakhstan.
    • Full name lecturer:Mataeva B.T.
  • "Problems of quality management of services in tourism" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business"
    • Post-requisites: writing of the master thesis
    • Purpose: to study theoretical bases quality management of services in tourism and also to be able to put it into practice
    • Short description of a course: theoretical bases of the organization of sales of a tourist product, feature of realization of tours, about document flow, about use of vehicles in formation of a tourist product. features of tourist business in Kazakhstan, an order of formation of travel company, development and the choice of tourist programs, questions of relationship of travel agency with clients and competitors, staffing.
    • The expected results: to master practical skills quality management in tourism.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Dauletova A.M.
  • Name of the discipline: Service Economy
    • Prerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business"
    • Postrequisites: Research Practice
    • Purpose: to develop undergraduate theoretical knowledge in the service sector of the economy.
    • Short description of coures: The concept of service economy. Post-industrial society as a theoretical construct. Modern trends in the development and management of economic systems. Public sector and public goods. Redistribution and efficiency. Formation and development of the post-industrial economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Financing and production of goods and services in the public sector. Evaluation of the effectiveness of public spending.
    • Expected Results:
    • to know:
      • The Basics of the Economy
    • To be able to:
      • apply economic theories to various areas of activity Possess: the skills of collecting and preparing analytical data on areas of the economy
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Zhuspekova A. K.
  • "Advance of a tourist product" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business"
    • Post-requisites: Research practice
    • Purpose: to study specifics and features of a tourist product in the conditions of the market
    • Short description of a course: specifics of a tourist product, feature of a product, feature of evolution of the tourist industry, change in public psychology of consumption of tourist services consumer behavior of their consumer and also regularity and border of use of marketing tools in the tourist industry in the light of their influence on technologies of sales.
    • The expected results: to master practical skills on advance a tour. product on the market of services.
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Zhuspekova A. K.
  • Name of the discipline "Current trends and forecasting the development of the tourist market" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Basics of Tourism", "Planning and Organization in Tourism"Post requisites: writing of master's theses
    • Objective: to be able to analyze the development of the tourist market
    • Short description of course: Stage and cyclical development of the market of tourist services, a modern model of the global market of tourist services. The creation of a highly efficient tourist product as a factor in the formation of a competitive market for tourist services. Analysis of tourist needs, supply and demand. Forecasting the development of the market for rural and ecological tourism. Forecasting the development of the business travel market.
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Kenzhebekov N. D.
  • Name of the discipline: Recreational planning and design of tourist destinations
    • Prerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business"
    • Post requisites: writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose: in-depth study of the recreational potential and design of tourist destinations
    • Short description of course: Cultural tourism for peace and development. Tourist management of World Cultural Heritage sites. Sociology of tourist destinations. Economy of tourist destinations. Entrepreneurship and small business in tourist destinations.
    • Expected results: to know and understand the role of recreational planning and design of tourism business
    • Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Kenzhebekov N. D.


  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Tourism (profile direction)



  • 2021-22 Contingent of master students on educational program for
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis

The contents of the educational master program in 7М11102 "Tourism" are assumed by studying of such disciplines as "Tourism economy", "Professional ethics and etiquette in the tourism industry", "Cultural and leisure activity in the tourism industry", "Technology and practice of a touroperating", etc.
Experts of this direction have innovative thinking, are capable to think creatively and to approach creatively the solution of standard and non-standard micro and macro economic tasks. Own the advanced information technologies, are capable to expand independently knowledge, skills in professional activity at the level of micro and macroeconomics, have skills of professional communication and cross-cultural communication, are capable to work in team and to be integrated into conditions of world business, are ready to the solution of socially important national and regional tasks
Graduates of a magistracy according to the educational program 7М11102" as objects of professional activity can choose "Tourism":
by profile preparation: the top management of the public and economic board, consulting, expert and other enterprises and the organizations of the industry of tourism and hospitality, authorized body on tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan, his division on places;
The academic degree is appropriated to the graduate:
- in the profile direction - the Master in the field of services in the specialty "7М11102 – Tourism".
Training term:
- in the profile direction - 1 year
Form of education – internal.

Program degree: The master in the field of services in 7М11102 "Tourism
Degree and term Unary degree (one university) (70 ECTS – the credits / 28 kaz. credits)
Educational institution Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IKAQAE)
Action term This program is approved by the University for a period of 1 year for the persons receiving degree at the university since 2018
Level QF for ESHE (A qualification framework for the European space of the higher education): 2nd cycle; EQF (European qualification framework): level 7; NFQ (national frame of qualifications): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of this master program is providing the appropriate conditions for preparation of the highly qualified competitive personnel in the sphere of tourism having profound theoretical knowledge, research skills, seeking for constant professional growth and personal development
      Successful graduates have to show:
      Ability to formulate and solve modern practical problems, to plan and to carry out successfully administrative activity in a business environment;
      ability to analyze activity of tourist firms, to make the choice of necessary forms of tourist management;
      on the basis of the system analysis to be able to build and use models for the description and forecasting of processes, the phenomena and practical situations, carrying out at the same time their qualitative and quantitative analysis and synthesis.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline/area of a subject
    • Basic disciplines
      Foreign language (professional)
      Management of tourism at the state and regional levels
      Tourism Economics
      Professional ethics and etiquette in the tourism industry
      Cultural and leisure activities in the tourism industry
      Technology and practice tourioperating
    • 2.General information / Specialization
    • At implementation of the educational program of specialty 7М11102 "Tourism" the credit and modular system of the organization of educational process based on the modular principle of curricula, use of system of test units and the appropriate educational technologies is applied
    • 3.Direction
    • Service
    • 4.Features Training of masters in the field of services, fixing of the mastered knowledge by participation in mobility of the international practice
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • The objects of professional activity of graduates are:
      with specialized training: government bodies related to the organization of tourism (ministries, akimats, their regional divisions and structures), public and private companies engaged in the tourist, hotel and restaurant business, consulting companies of the tourist profile, marketing services of tourist enterprises, hotel and restaurant complexes, objects of tourism infrastructure
    • 2.Further training
    • PhD doctoral studies
  • D) Style education
    • 1.Approaches to studying and training
    • In educational process it is widely used innovative forms of training (business games, cases, a debate, round tables, discussions, the review of literature, individual and group projects), master classes.
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • Critical self-assessment of and peers, reports on projects, assessment of actual data, critical analysis of an incident, seminars. Essay and presentations.
  • E) Program providing
    • 1.General competencies
      The program meets the requirements of the State Compulsory Standard of Postgraduate Education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the second level of the cycle.
      This includes general competencies (also known as key skills) of the expected second-year graduates (see the website
      The following competencies are the consolidated and most characteristic competencies for this program:
      Apply management skills, psychological knowledge and communication skills in terms of foreign language education in professional activities
      To have skills of organizational and managerial activity at the level of state structures and private enterprises of the tourist industry
      To be able to analyze and assess the state of tourism in a regional context by main types of tourism
      Have the skills to develop new tourism projects that meet the requirements of the tourism industry, the objectives and resources of regional development, identify priority areas of tourism activities, make the necessary regulatory and technical documentation
      Integrate knowledge in the field of tourism to expand skills and abilities
    • 2.Specific Competences
      be able to analyze and evaluate modern indicators of the social, economic and political development of the country and regions
      be able to analyze advanced scientific and technical experience and technology trends
      be able to perform experimental studies in the field of hospitality and tourism
      own tools for processing economic data, analysis of calculations and justification of the findings
  • F) Full list of learning outcomes for this program
    • In the context of professional practice, in work in organizations, institutions and companies, graduates can demonstrate the ability to:
      have an idea:
      • about theoretical and practical directions on studied questions;
      • about the main trends in the development of the modern tourist market;
      • on the laws of tourist activity and their manifestation in the business environment;
      • on the state and development of global business partnerships;
      • know:
      • international tourist markets and tools;
      • psychological and social factors of experimental work;
      • empirical generalization, model, pattern of development of the tourist market;
      • be able to:
      • formulate and solve modern practical problems, plan and successfully carry out management activities in a business environment;
      • analyze the activities of travel companies, make the choice of the necessary forms of tourism management;
      • on the basis of system analysis, build and use models to describe and predict processes, phenomena and practical situations, while carrying out their qualitative and quantitative analysis and synthesis;
      • navigate in computer science and work on a computer in the course of professional activity;
      • present the results of the work done in the form of reports, abstracts, articles, papers;
      • have skills:
      • methodology, logic and technology for conducting analytical work;
      • conducting independent experimental research work;
      • updating of knowledge in the process of professional activity, ensuring the active use of new information in the business environment;
      • be competent:
      • in matters of money, the tourist market and other areas of tourism.
  • Psychology
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, sociology, culturology.
    • Post-requisites: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching, pedagogical practice.
    • Purpose: training of undergraduates in the basics of psychology of higher education, expansion of their professional capabilities in terms of applying psychological knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction. The subject, tasks and structure of higher school psychology. Education as a global object of higher school psychology. Psychological foundations of the learning process. Psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process. Psychological methods and means of increasing the effectiveness and quality of teaching in modern conditions. Management of the learning process. Learning as a subject of educational activity. Psychological basis of the process of education. The problem of education in higher education. Education and the formation of professional self-awareness. Problems psychodiagnostics professionally-oriented personality. Psychological counseling of students and teachers, taking into account the profile of the future professional activities of a specialist. Psychology of pedagogical communication. Psychology of pedagogical influence. The problem of interpersonal interaction between the teacher and students.
    • The expected results:
    • to know the prospects for the development of psychological science and to understand the role of psychology in the professional activity of the university teacher;
    • to apply in various spheres of professional activity methods of studying characterological features of people and psychological influence on students and student groups;
    • carry out analytical and synthetic activities in assessing the possibilities and limitations of psychological techniques in managing conflicts in the pedagogical process of the university, the psychological factors of effectiveness and optimization of the educational process, stimulating the educational and cognitive activity of students, etc. and formulate conclusions on this basis;
    • present the interpretation of the results of psychological diagnostic techniques, the study of the psychological factors of the educational process and the educational and cognitive activity of the student in various forms of communication (characteristics, references, projects, mini-studies, etc.).
    • the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Name of the lecturer: Kenzhebaeva S.K.
  • Foreign language (professional)
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Kazakh / Russian language in the volume of the university course.
    • Post-requisites: foreign language at the level of international standards B2, as well as LSP - a language for special purposes.
    • Purpose: systemic deepening of communicative competence within the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language skills in the professional work of the future master.
    • Brief description of the course: The organization of the financial industry. Regulation and Deregulation. Indefinite. Parts of speech – General overview. Retail banking. Commercial and investment banking. The future of bank branches. Continuous. Business correspondence 1 Formal and informal style 1. Perfect, Perfect Continuous. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Loans and credit. Business correspondence. Accounting. Types of Accounting. Central banking. Monetary policy. Money and banking. Герундий. Types of banks. Banking system. Financing international trade. Clarifying Incoterms. Revision of grammar and lexical material. Meeting 1. Meeting 2 Controlling meetings. Concluding a meeting. Foreign exchange. Foreign exchange markets. Exchange rates. Currency trading. Balance Sheet 1. Balance Sheet 2. Asset management. Regulating the financial sector. Revision of lexical and grammar material. Final test.
    • The expected results:
    • Ability to conduct dialogical and monologic speech in English;
    • Conduct discussions on professional, business and everyday topics;
    • To perceive English-speaking speech by ear (professional terminology);
    • Mastering the skills of business written communication;
    • Reading and translating texts by profession with a dictionary and without a dictionary;
    • Understand the content of the read;
    • Transfer the contents of the read;
    • Use of reference literature (explanatory and other dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias).
    • Name of the lecturer: Aubakirova G.T.
  • Management
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business"
    • Post-requisites: Research practice
    • Purpose: is development of the knowledge and skills in the management theory and practice. Discipline focuses on the basic roles, skills and functions of management, with special attention to managerial responsibility for effective and efficient achievement of goals. Special attention is given to social responsibility, managerial ethics, and four functions of manager (planning, organizing, motivating and controlling). The course material will be useful in planning careers, managing relationships with other people, making complex decisions, designing jobs, becoming a leader, and making sense of today’s – and tomorrow’s corporate world. This course will also help you understand some of the challenges involved in both managing and being managed. Ultimately, the tools and skills developed in this course should equip you to become more effective contributors to organizations that you join.
    • Brief description of the course: Organization and Management. Management Evolution. Internal and External Environment of the Organization. Ethics and Social Responsibility. Communication Processes in Management. Decision Making in Management. Organization as a Function of Management. Motivation in Management. The Controlling Process in Management. Leading and Leadership: Power and Influence. Stress Management, and Conflict Management. Change Management.
    • The expected results:
    • Demonstration of the knowledge and skills in the management area
    • Applying of the theoretical knowledge and understanding what organizations are all about and what is involved in becoming productive and satisfied members of them
    • Development of the skills of argumentation through the searching, analyses and interpretation of the information
    • Development of the presentation skills
    • Development of the self-studying skills
    • Name of the lecturer: Abdukarimova А.Т.,Ulakov S. N.
  • "Tourism economy" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Tourismology bases", "Planning and organization of tourist business"
    • Post-requisites: Research practice
    • Purpose: profound studying of contents, a role and the place of economy of tourism in the system of economic sciences, studying of international experience of the organization of economy of tourism.
    • Short description of a course: Introduction to a course. Definition of economy as sciences in relation to tourism. Branch of economy in the system of national economy. Theoretical bases of tourism. Structural aspects of studying of economy of tourism. Enterprise as subject of market economy. Analysis and economic assessment of tourist resources, infrastructures and industries of tourism.
    • The expected results: to know the nature and specifics of economy of tourism; to gain practical skills according to prospects and features of management of tourism at the branch level; to be able to adapt them for justification of problems of economy, interrelations at the micro and macro levels; to have communicative abilities in the field of tourist resources, infrastructures and the industries of tourism; to fix knowledge and practical skills in the field of current problems of economy of tourism in modern conditions and concepts of economy of tourism.
    • Full name lecturer: PhD Econ., associate professor Zhuspekova A.K.
  • Name of the discipline: Tourism management at the state and regional levels
    • Prerequisites: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics.
      Post requisites: preparation of the master's project
      Purpose: to obtain a systematic understanding of the various levels of management in the field of tourism, learn to identify the features and problems of organizing and managing tourism enterprises and make informed management decisions.
      Short description of course: Region: approaches to the definition. Basic concepts, subject and method of studying the regional economy. Factors of development and tasks of the economy of regional tourism. The main objectives and directions of the state policy of regional tourism. System economic analysis and modeling of regional tourism processes. State regulation of the tourism industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
      Expected results: the undergraduate student should be familiar with methodological approaches, methods and models of management in tourism activities, as well as methods for selecting optimal solutions in standard and non-standard situations in the field of tourism.
      Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Kenzhebekov N. D.
  • Name of the dicipline: Managing the development of the tourism industry
    • Prerequisites: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics
      Post requisites: preparation of the master's project
      Purpose: learn how to adjust the goals and program of action of tourism organizations, depending on the state of the market, creating competitive products.
      Short description of course: Content and elements of a tourism enterprise management system. Types of organizational structures of the management system. The economic risk management system of a tourist enterprise. Classification and management of tour operators. Psychological aspects in the management of personnel of a travel company, international cooperation in the field of tourism.
      Expected results: When studying this course, the undergraduate will be able to identify the main aspects of the organization of the management of tourism activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.
      Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., associate professor Kenzhebekov N. D.
  • Name of the discipline: "Professional ethics and etiquette in the tourism industry" 3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business"
      Post requisites: preparation of the master's project
      Purpose: To study the theoretical and practical skills of the fundamentals of corporate culture and personnel management in the tourism industry
      Short description of course: Ethics as a science and the phenomenon of spiritual culture. Subject and categorical apparatus of ethics. Levels of ethical knowledge. The history of the development of ethical teachings. Morality as a regulator of social behavior. The historical development of morality. The history of the development of ethical teachings. Essence, structure and main problems of applied ethics. Professional ethics of a specialist in the field of tourism. Professional and ethical views in tourism activities (categories, norms, principles). Professional image of a specialist in the field of tourism. Professional standards of tourist activities. Professional and moral requirements for specialists in the field of tourism. Etiquette models of behavior in professional activities. Ethics and etiquette of service relationships. Features of public speaking and culture of a business meeting. Culture of business conversation and dispute. Speech etiquette. Etiquette of greetings and presentations.
      Expected results: undergraduates should be able to clearly present information about the problems of development of the tourism industry and the results of a practical analysis of the conditions and factors influencing this development; undergraduates should improve the skills of independent work management staff in the field of tourism.
      Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., Associate Professor ND Kenzhebekov
  • "Basics of professional and pedagogical communication" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Pedagogy", "Psychology"
    • Post requisites: pedagogical practice
    • Purpose: the formation of professionally significant qualities of undergraduates in the process of learning the basics of professional and pedagogical communication, arming them with knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the discipline. The main approaches to the description of personality, interpersonal relations, conflicts are revealed.
    • Short description of course: The historical aspect of the development of communication in folk pedagogy. Communication and folk wisdom. Analysis of the problem of communication in the domestic pedagogy. The development of communication problems abroad. Analysis of the problem of communication in the domestic pedagogy. Innovative teachers about pedagogical communication. The objectives of professional and pedagogical communication. Functions of professional and pedagogical communication. The content of professional and pedagogical communication. Means of professional and pedagogical communication. The structure of professional and pedagogical communication. Features styles of pedagogical leadership. Psychological climate of communication. Psychological barriers to communication. Communication in conflict situations
    • Expected results: the undergraduate student should: show a deep knowledge of the content of the activities of the teacher in an educational institution, according to the method of organizing independent activities of students; know the method of organizing the educational process in an educational institution; be able to correctly assess the trends in the development of modern pedagogy and the practice of education
    • Full name lecturer: Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Minzhanov N. A., Ph.D. Econ., professor Klishina M. V.
  • Name of the discipline: "Innovations in hotel and restaurant services" 3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business."
      Post requisites: preparation of the master's project
      Purpose: to form undergraduates the idea of innovation in tourism
      Short description of course: Organization and management of the service delivery process. Basics of the organization of the enterprise. The organization of the main production at the enterprises of the service sector. Organization of quality control of services and products. The organization of customer service. Fundamentals of the organization of wages at service enterprises. Organization of production infrastructure of service enterprises. Basics of corporate planning. Marketing Planning Planning the volume of production and sales of services.
      Expected results: acquire practical skills in analyzing the state of innovative services on a regional and national scale; reveal the principles and methods of carrying out activities innovative services at the professional level
      Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., Associate Professor Kenzhebekov N. D.
  • Name of the discipline: "Cultural and leisure activities in the tourism industry" 3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business."
      Post requisites: preparation of the master's project
      Purpose: study of the theoretical foundations of tourism as a specific type of leisure activity, consideration of the role and significance of tourist leisure in the history of the development of cultural and leisure activities
      Short description of course: Tourism as a specific type of leisure activity. Socio-cultural potential of tourism in modern society. The content of cultural and leisure activities. Entertainment industry in the field of tourism. National parks as a tourist destination. Gambling as part of the entertainment industry. Animation and its types. Animation and organizational structure of a tourist facility. Tourist animation programs. Restaurant animation. Organization of family leisure. Organization of youth (student-go) leisure. Segmentation of the market of animation services.
      Expected results: the birth and development of tourist leisure; concept and organization of leisure; animation and its types; entertainment industry in tourism; organization of work of the animation team in the tourist complex.
      Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., Associate Professor Mataeva B.T.
  • Name of the discipline: "Technology animation programs" 3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business."
      Post requisites: preparation of the master's project
      Purpose: To study the theory and practice of animation and its application in Kazakhstan.
      Short description of course: concept, functions and principles of animation, types of animation, development of animation programs, tourist animation, hotel animation, forms and tasks of animation programs, strategic planning in animation activities, technology for creating animation programs, international experience in organizing animation programs, restaurant animation.
      Expected results: learn practical skills in the application of animation in tourism
      Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., Associate Professor Mataeva B.T.
  • Name of the discipline: "Technology and practice of touring" 3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business."
      Post requisites: preparation of the master's project
      Purpose: to form undergraduates of modern ideas about the basics of applied touring, the principles of organizing the service of tourists, the formation of the marketing network of the tour operator and the promotion of the tourist product, visa support leaving the country.
      Short description of course: the concept and essence of touring. The reasons for the emergence of the business of tour operators. The main differences between the tour operator and travel agent. The differences in the income system. Differences in the ownership of the tourist product. Varieties of tour operators. By type of activity. Mass market operators. The legal basis of the activities turopereytinga. The procedure for registration and execution of basic documents. Development of tourist products. Relationship with suppliers: travel agents, transport companies, hotels, entertainment companies, insurance companies, catering companies and others. Conclusion of contracts. Development of the tour and route. Work with clients. Advertising activity. Formation and development turopereytinga in Kazakhstan.
      Expected results: know and understand the role of applied touring in tourist activities; be able to apply the basic principles of the organization of tourist services; be able to build tourist routes; analyze the activities of the travel agency; have the skills of independent work.
      Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., Associate Professor Mataeva B.T.
  • Name of the discipline: "Tourist formalities and security in tourism" 3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Fundamentals of Tourism", "Planning and organization of tourism business."
      Post requisites: preparation of the master's project
      Objective: the basics of theoretical knowledge, as well as to familiarize with the practical aspects of cost management in tourism.
      Short description of course: Tourism as an activity. Technology transport service tourists. Technique and technology activities of tourism organizers. Technique and technology of recreational and animation activities in tourism. Technology to create a tourist product
      Expected result: to gain knowledge of the theoretical foundations of registration of entrance documents; be able to apply basic concepts and principles of hospitality in addressing specific economic situations and develop effective measures to attract tourists; prepare students for self-employment through the study of technology of inbound tourism
      Full name lecturer: Ph.D. Econ., Associate Professor Mataeva B.T.
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