6В04101 Economy

The educational program "Economy" is a traditional program of the Karaganda economic University, having produced a considerable number of qualified specialists of the Karaganda region and the Republic, the program continues to develop and update dynamically.
The purpose of the educational program "Economics" is to train highly qualified economists-analysts for companies in the financial, real, public sector, business, with the skills of management.
After completing the education program "Economics" You can:
- To create enterprises and organize production processes in it.
- To design labor processes and workplaces, to develop modern forms of payment and stimulation of labor.
- To choose effective organizational and management structures of firms ' management
- To carry out business activities and participate in public procurement and tenders.
- To diagnose the production and economic potential of the enterprise.
- To make and analyze the budgets of firms.
- Manage risk.
- Analyze business operations.
A graduate of "Economics" is an economist – a kind of "economic doctor" who knows all the strengths and weaknesses of the organization and makes decisions on the correct elimination of priorities and objectives of the elimination of financial problems, losses, optimization of costs and expenses.
After the successful completion of the development of the educational program, graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies in the master's degree of the University, as well as in firms, companies of various forms of ownership and state bodies.

BP-Technology of food products

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Technology of food products


    Faculty of Business and Law

    Field of study:

    Technical science and technologies

  • Contingent of students on the educational program
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:
    - inside the country
    - outside Kazakhstan

    Degree of the program:Bachelor of engineering and technologyin specialty 5В072700 «Technology of food products»
    The extent and duration Single degree (one university)(289 ECTS – credits / 164 kaz. credits)
    Educational institution Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation The Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA)http://nkaoko.kz/
    Validity This program was approved by the University for a period of 4 years for those receiving a degree at the University from 2016
    Level QF for EHEA (Qualifications Framework for European Higher Education Area): 1st cycle; EQF (European qualifications framework): level 6; NQF (National qualifications framework): level 6
  • A) The aim
    • The aim of Bachelor's program is the qualitative preparation of bachelors in technology of food products, with professional and social competencies that meet the requirements of a modern economy and labor market.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline/subject area
    • The main disciplines: Fundamentals of food technology; Commodity food products; The design of the industry; Technology service and support; Especially national and international cuisine; Therapeutic feeding technology; Organization of production in catering; Technology sectors of food products; Thermal processes of refrigeration technology
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • Technology of food products
    • 3.Direction
    • Technical
    • 4.Features
    • The regular participation of students of specialty in international and national competitions, Olympiads
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • Graduates of this educational program can work:
    • on the production of food production enterprises;
    • in catering;
    • in the hotel complexes;
    • in the design, research and development organizations;
    • educational institutions.
    • 2.Further training
    • Master`s program in the specialty 6М072700 «Technology of food products»
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • In the process of teaching a lot of attention paid to the use of innovative methods and technologies of training, project, practice-oriented training and student-centered learning.
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • Quality assessment of the development of basic educational programs includes ongoing monitoring of progress, interim assessment of students and final state certification of graduates. For each academic discipline provides for specific forms and procedures for ongoing monitoring of progress (colloquia, performance of tasks, writing essays, essays, solution of case tasks, preparation of presentations, crossword puzzles, performance at seminars and IWST classes, etc.) and conducting boundary control.
  • E) Program competences
    • 1.General competences
    • The program complies with the requirements of the State educational standards «Higher Education. Baccalaureate»To ensure the quality of academic programs in the first cycle level.
    • This includes the general competence (also known as key skills) expected of graduates of the first cycle (see. http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P1200001080 on the website).
    • Listed below are a summary of competence and the competence of the most characteristic for this program:
      • ability to apply knowledge in practice;
      • research skills;
      • possession of methods of descriptive information and activities: data systematization and structuring description of the subject area (selection of key figures, personalities, issues, systematization of concepts, technologies and methods for solving problems, maintaining its own database, compilation of essays, reviews, manuals);
      • ability to adapt to new situations;
      • ability to generate new ideas (creativity);
      • desire to lead to success;
      • understanding of the culture and customs of other countries;
      • knowledge and ownership of core management functions (decision-making, organization, motivation, control) and methods of their implementation;
      • knowledge and ownership of the main business processes in the organization;
      • ability to work independently and ability to develop and manage projects; concern for the quality;
      • initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
    • 2.Specific competencies
      • to have an understanding of the structure of the food industry and the basics of food technology products, prospects of development of the food industry;
      • to know the features of the technology sectors of food products, merchandising of food products, equipment, food production, food rheology, economy and management of the production of food products, the order of implementation and operation of quality management systems;
      • to be able to analyze and anticipate changes in supply and demand for the products of the food industry;
      • to have sufficient theoretical knowledge to analyze the economic situation in the area of food production;
      • to know the organization of activity of catering, particularly national and international cuisine,
      • to be able to describe the basic properties of raw materials and finished products;
      • to know the laws of the processes occurring in foods;
      • to be able to analyze the impact of various factors on the processes;
      • to be able to monitor and evaluate the quality of raw materials and food products;
      • to own method of examination of product quality;
      • to be able to organize all kinds of processes in catering and analyze the impact of various factors on the processes;
      • to be able to calculate the flow rate of raw materials, semi-finished products, materials, production capacity and loading equipment;
      • to be able to exercise control over the observance of technological discipline and the proper operation of process equipment;
      • to be able to develop measures to improve processes and increase efficiency.
  • F) Complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of student professional practice, in work organization as well as with clients, graduates can demonstrate the ability of the following:
    • organization and management processes;
    • control over observance of technological discipline and the proper operation of process equipment;
    • calculation of production capacity and loading equipment;
    • development of measures to improve processes and increase the efficiency of production;
    • development of methods of quality control techno chemical raw and finished products;
    • analysis of the technical equipment and production activity of the enterprises taking into account environmental requirements, occupational safety, fire and explosion safety and industrial hygiene, expanding species in catering services;
    • analysis of the technical and economic performance of enterprises and marketing activities;
    • development and design of technological schemes of the food industry and catering;
    • analysis of scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience in the food industry and catering;
    • experimental research to improve the quality of raw materials and finished products relevant sectors of food products.

BP-Law and economy bases

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Basics of law and economics


    Faculty of Business and Law

    Field of study:


  • Contingent of students on the educational program
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:
    - inside the country
    - outside Kazakhstan

    Degree program: Bachelor of education specialty 5В011500 ««Basics of law and economics»
    The degree and time single degree (one University) (ECTS 279 loans / 160 кaz. loans)
    Training institution Karaganda economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation Independent Kazakhstan Agency Quality Assurance Of Education (IQAA) http://nkaoko.kz/
    Time action This program was approved by the University for a period of 4 years for individuals receiving degrees from the University 2016 year
    Level QF for ESHE (Qualification framework for the European space of the higher education): first cycle; ЕQF (European qualifications framework): level 6; NFQ (national qualifications framework): level 6
  • A) Goal
    • The purpose of the educational program specialty 5V011500 - Basics of Law and Economics - are consistent with the mission of the university, takes into account the development of the economy, the legal basis of functioning of society and business, the labor market needs of the region with an emphasis on student center learning, teaching and assessment, and aimed at the formation of the future teachers of professional competence in the field of fundamentals of law and economics, knowledge of the principles of structuring the foundations of law and economics as subjects, skills, research and organizational and managerial activities in the education system.
  • B) Feature
    • 1.Discipline / scope of the subject
    • Introduction to the pedagogical profession
    • Pedagogy
    • Ethnopedagogics
    • Psychology
    • Age physiology and school hygiene
    • Self-knowledge
    • Methods of teaching the basics of law and economics
    • Theory and methods of educational work
    • Management in the education
    • Technologies of criterion evaluation
    • Theory of the state and right
    • Constitutional law of the RK
    • Family law of the RK
    • History of pedagogy
    • Management
    • Marketing
    • Methods and organization of scientific research in pedagogy
    • Bases of pedagogical mastery
    • Inclusive education
    • 2.General information/
    • Specialization
    • «bachelor of education»
    • 3.Direction
    • education
    • 4.Features
    • magistracy
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • Elementary, main and profile school;
    • specialized school;
    • organizations of technical and professional, postsecondary education.
    • 2.Further training
    • Magistracy
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to studying and learning
    • Credit technology of education, information and communication technology training, in which are implemented the following groups of teaching methods:
      • active methods;
      • interactive methods;
      • practice-oriented methods.
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • Within realization of block and rating technology of control the following groups of control methods are applied:
      • oral methods of control;
      • written methods of control;
      • practical methods of control;
      • test control methods
    • Control forms:
      • individual;
      • group;
      • collective.
  • E) Program competences
    • 1.Common competence
    • The program conforms to requirements of the State obligatory standard of education «Higher education. Bachelor. » for ensuring quality of the academic programs at the first level of a cycle.
    • It includes the common competences (also known as key skills) the expected graduates of the first cycle (look on the website http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P1200001080 ). The listed below competences represent summary and most characteristic competences for this program:
      • to possess basic knowledge in the field of natural-science (social, humanitarian, economic) discipline, contributing to the formation of a highly educated personality with a broad Outlook and culture of thinking
      • to own skills of acquiring new knowledge needed for the everyday professional activity and to continue education in magistracy
      • to be able to analyze and understand world outlook problems from scientific positions, explore the cultural wealth, logically and reasonably right to think and it is correct to build oral and written language
      • to be able to self-knowledge, a critical evaluation of its merits and disadvantages, to moral and physical self-improvement, the high motivation of their professional and civic engagement
      • to be able to professional written and verbal communication in the Kazakh and Russian languages; know a foreign language at the level necessary for professional tasks
      • know the socio-ethical values, based on public opinion, traditions, customs, social norms and focus on them in their professional activities
      • know the basics of the legal system and legislation of Kazakhstan; to respect the rules of business ethics, to own ethical and precepts of law of behavior
      • know the trends of social development; to be able guided adequately in various social situations
      • to be capable to work in team, correctly defend their point of view, offer new solutions;
      • to be able to find compromises, to relate their opinion with the opinion of the team: strive for professional and personal growth
      • to be able to analyze socially significant problems and processes and use in practice methods of humanitarian, social and economic Sciences in various types of social and professional activities
      • have the basics of economic knowledge, to have scientific knowledge about management, marketing, Finance; know and understand the goals and methods of state regulation of the economy, the role of the public sector in the economy
    • 2.- to be able to bring information, ideas, problems and solutions in the field of education
      • to be able to critically rethink the experience, modify if necessary, the profile of their professional activities, be aware of the social importance of their future profession, have a high motivation to implement professional activities
      • to be able to generalize, analysis, information perception, goal setting and choice of ways of its achievement: can devise and sustain arguments and solve problems in the field of education
      • know the classification, packaging methods and teaching technologies and be able to analyze the effectiveness of use of teaching activities
      • to be ready to develop an individual trajectory of legal and economic culture
      • know the methods of feasibility analysis, capable of substantiation adopted and implemented decisions in the field of education: able to apply the results in practice
      • to have knowledge of the organizational structure, methods of control and regulation, performance criteria in relation to the establishment of the legal and economic foundations of human life
      • to be able to master anniecanada, competence-based culture and approaches to education ( KSH and competence)
      • to have knowledge, skills, competencies for effective action in education for the purposes of personal growth and development
      • to be able to learning about the formal and informal economy
      • to be able to analyze advanced scientific and technical experience and tendencies of development of technologies in the field of education
      • to be able to perform theoretical and experimental studies for the formation of legal and economic culture
  • F) Full list of results of training in this program
    • In the context of professional teaching practice, in the work in the organization of education, graduates can show ability to the following:
    • demonstrate knowledge of natural Sciences, socially-humanitarian and economic disciplines, promoting formation of the highly educated identity of the teacher with a broad outlook and culture of thinking;
    • to apply this knowledge in professional pedagogical activity;
    • formulate and practically to solve problems in the field of the right and economy, use information technology in professional activities
    • collecting and interpreting information to ensure the pedagogical process, participations in planning, organization and functioning of an education system, improvement of educational technologies according to requirements of modern labor market and the employer
    • report information, ideas, problems and solutions in education, as professionals, and to non-specialists.

BP-Standardization, certification and metrology

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry)


    Faculty of Business and Law

    Field of study:

    Technical science and technologies

  • Contingent of students on the educational program
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:
    - inside the country
    - outside Kazakhstan

    Degree of the program:Bachelor of engineering and technologyin specialty 5B073200 "Standardization, Metrology and Certification"
    The extent and duration Single degree (one university)(289 ECTS – credits / 164 kaz. credits)
    Educational institution Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation The Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA)http://nkaoko.kz/
    Validity This program was approved by the University for a period of 4 years for those receiving a degree at the University from 2016
    Level QF for EHEA (Qualifications Framework for European Higher Education Area): 1st cycle; EQF (European qualifications framework): level 6; NQF (National qualifications framework): level 6
  • A) The aim
    • The aim of Bachelor's program is to provide high-quality practice-oriented training in the field of standardization, metrology and certification, with professional and social competencies that meet the requirements of the modern economy and the labor market.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline/subject area
    • The main disciplines: The quality management system; Metrology; Test, control and security products; Qualimetry; Monitoring and evaluation of the quality of food products; Standardization; Certification; Examination of the quality of goods and services; Feed and food safety; Technology development of standards and regulatory documents; Accreditation of conformity assessment bodies and testing centers; Confirmation of conformity of products and services.
    • 2.General information/
    • Specialization
    • Standardization, Metrology and Certification (in the field of consumer goods and services)
    • 3.Direction
    • Technical
    • 4.Features
    • International practice passage by students of specialty is practiced
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • Graduates of this educational program can work:
      • In the technical regulation system of the RK State organs and services;
      • At industrial enterprises;
      • In conformity assessment organs and testing laboratories;
      • Quality management centers;
      • In educational institutions;
      • In the consumer protection organizations;
      • In the customs authorities.
    • 2.Further training
    • Master`s program in the specialty 6M073200 "Standardization and Certification"
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • In the process of teaching a lot of attention paid to the use of innovative methods and technologies of training, project, practice-oriented training and student-centered learning
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • Quality assessment of the development of basic educational programs includes ongoing monitoring of progress, interim assessment of students and final state certification of graduates. For each academic discipline provides for specific forms and procedures for ongoing monitoring of progress (colloquia, performance of tasks, writing essays, essays, solution of case tasks, preparation of presentations, crossword puzzles, performance at seminars and IWST classes, etc.) and conducting boundary control.
  • E) Program competences
    • 1.General competences
    • The program complies with the requirements of the State educational standards «Higher Education. Baccalaureate»To ensure the quality of academic programs in the first cycle level.
    • This includes the general competence (also known as key skills) expected of graduates of the first cycle (see. http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P1200001080 on the website).
    • Listed below are a summary of competence and the competence of the most characteristic for this program:
      • ability to apply knowledge in practice;
      • research skills;
      • possession of methods of descriptive information and activities: data systematization and structuring description of the subject area (selection of key figures, personalities, issues, systematization of concepts, technologies and methods for solving problems, maintaining its own database, compilation of essays, reviews, manuals);
      • ability to adapt to new situations;
      • ability to generate new ideas (creativity);
      • desire to lead to success;
      • understanding of the culture and customs of other countries;
      • knowledge and ownership of core management functions (decision-making, organization, motivation, control) and methods of their implementation;
      • knowledge and ownership of the main business processes in the organization;
      • ability to work independently and ability to develop and manage projects; concern for the quality;
      • initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
    • 2.Specific competencies
      • to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the history and standardization, metrology and certification;
      • to know the organization of work in the Republic of Kazakhstan state technical control system, standardization of international practice, the rules of conformity assessment of products and services, audit management systems, the basics of licensing;
      • to have an understanding of modern quality management, the basics of business, economics and management of the organization;
      • to be able to apply computer technology to plan and work on standardization, metrology and certification;
      • to own statistical methods of quality control, standardization of methods, the method of examination of quality products, the sampling methods, analysis of product quality, methods of calculation of economic efficiency of the standardization, metrology and certification;
      • to know the basics of metrological support of production, methods of verification, calibration and repair of measuring instruments, the rules of metrological expertise, methods of measurement, methods of testing, analysis and quality control of products;
      • to be able to work with the normative documents, to carry out their actualization, to make acts, protocols, fill the certificate forms, to develop normative and technical documentation, to carry out compliance assessment of technical documentation.
  • F) Complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of student professional practice, in work organization as well as with clients, graduates can demonstrate the ability of the following:
    • organization, development, revision and amendments to standards and normative documents;
    • assessment of projects, programs, standards, standardization documents and the evaluation of their compliance with the current legislation, technical regulations, interrelated standards and documents;
    • analysis of the application of the Republic of Kazakhstan with international and foreign technical regulations, standards, technical conditions and other normative documents on standardization, metrology and certification;
    • analysis of the existing base of normative documents, assessment activities and the achieved level of standardization across industries and application areas, offer their improvement;
    • determination of the range of measured and controlled parameters of production and technological processes, the optimal standards of measurement accuracy and reliability of the control, the choice of measuring instruments, testing and monitoring;
    • the development of measurement and testing programs, techniques and control of measuring instruments, the development of measurement systems for specific industries;
    • testing and type approval of measuring instruments, their verification and calibration, certification of measuring instruments, metrological control and supervision of measuring instruments;
    • metrological examination and metrological study of design, technological and operational documentation;
    • preparation of plans for the introduction of new measuring techniques, the introduction of advanced methods of measuring, testing and control;
    • analysis of the documents presented for the certification of products (services), processes (works) and systems, assess their compliance with standards and other normative documents;
    • analysis of the production and evaluation of the stability of the quality of products (services);
    • development of methods and check the status of production programs and the functioning of the quality management systems in the enterprise;
    • organization and carrying out of the inspection control of certified products (services), processes and systems;
    • evaluation of the implementation of corrective and preventive actions.


  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:



    Faculty of Economics and Management

    Field of study:

    Social sciences and business

  • Contingent of students on the educational program
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:
    - inside the country
    - outside Kazakhstan

    Program degree:Bachelor of economy and businessin 5В050700 «Management»
    Degree and duration Single degree (one university)(220 ECTS – credits / 129 kaz.credits)
    Educational institution Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance of Education (IQAA)http://nkaoko.kz/
    Duration This program is approved by University for a period of 4 years for the persons receiving degree at university since 2016
    Level QF for the EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area) 1 cycle; EQF (European Qualifications Framework) level 6; NQF (National Qualifications Frame): Level 6
  • A) Object
    • The purpose of this baccalaureate program is training of specialists of an economic profile, competitive in the labor market, demanded by the modern entities and market structures, capable to adapt effectively to dynamically changing social and professional conditions of activities, the main professional functions capable having the high level of readiness for implementation structurally to influence nature and the direction of development of the professional spheres of the activities owning skills of organizing work and a management activity
    • Successful graduates shall: to professionally resolve practical issues of economic activity and the organization of management; to stir up innovative activities in acceptance of management decisions; to choose options of the most effective development of an accounting entity; to be able to adjust a favorable psychological microclimate; to conduct independently the research analysis on economy to management of the organization in general; to analyze experience of foreign countries and to use it in the conditions of the country; it is rational to plan and manage time; to make use of domestic and foreign experience in the field of economy, marketing and management.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • The main disciplines
    • Basic disciplines: Management; Marketing; Organization of business; Time-management
    • Profiling discipline: Personnel management; Business planning; Production management; Innovative management, Analysis of projects
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • With the implementation of educational programs specialty 5В050700 «Management»
    • used credit-modular system of educational process organization, based on a modular principle, curricula, using the credit system and the corresponding educational technology
    • 3.Direction
    • Social sciences, economy and business
    • 4.Pecularities
    • Graduates of the educational program "Management" are oriented on:
      • a management activity at the different levels;
      • ability to organize business processes of the company;
      • ability to research and solve problems in an entrepreneurship, science, production;
      • to develop and implement the business ideas.
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • Business structures, industrial production, organizations and firms of various patterns of ownership, state bodies, financial organizations, project and research institutions, research and production, educational institutions.
    • 2.Further training
    • Master degree 6М050700 «Management»
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational process is widely used innovative forms of employment (business games, exit occupations, case studies, field sessions, debates, round tables, discussions, review of literature, individual and group projects), the invitation of practical workers to holding lectures, seminars, master classes is also provided
    • 2.Methods of assessment
    • Landmark control; intermediate certification (testing, oral examination, written examination, writing of the essay, protection of projects); protection of reports on passing educational, production, predegree practician; final assessment (state exam, protection of the thesis)
  • E) Program competence
    • 1.General competence: The program conforms to requirements of the State obligatory standard of education "The higher education. Bachelor degree." for quality assurance of the academic programs at the first level of a cycle.
    • RC 1 – To be able to perform collection and interpretation of scientific and practical, statistical and analytical information for creation of the analysis. RC 2 – to Seize methodology and a technique of the discipline "management" promoting to knowledge by future specialists in the field of management, to own the main categories of the studied discipline; to provide information in various forms of messages, to cooperate and work in group, to discuss and defend the line item, to make decisions. RC 3 – to be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities, to analyze and estimate the decisions applied by the state to regulation of economic processes. RC 4 - to be able to put theoretical knowledge into practice and to understand purpose of projects and their role in the solution of professional tasks. To develop arguments and to make decisions in the field of project management, by means of search, collection, the analysis and systematization. RC 5 – to Know methods and methodology of process of production organization at the entity; to be able to analyze and plan production processes; to be able to make the choice of the effective strategic solution at the entity; RC 6 – to know traditions and culture of the people of Kazakhstan; to be tolerant to traditions, culture of other people of the world; RC 7 – to know tendencies of social development of society; to be able to be guided adequately in various social situations; RC 8 – to be capable to work in team, it is correct to argue the point of view, to propose new solutions; to be able to reach compromise, to correlate the opinion to opinion of collective: to aim at professional and personal growth; RC 9 – to possess bases of economic knowledge, to have scientific ideas of management, marketing, finance and so-called; nobility and understand the purposes and methods of state regulation of economy, a role of a public sector in economy.
    • 2.Special (professional) competence:
    • PC 1 - To know the Laws regulating investing activities in various forms; general principles and methods of reasons for investments into real production sector. PC 2 - Independently to purchase and to creatively use new knowledge of the theory and practice of production management. PC 3 – to be able to perform collection and interpretation of scientific and practical, statistical and analytical information for creation of the analysis. PC 4 - to Seize theoretical knowledge of an economic safety of the country in modern conditions of the economic relations. PC 5 – to be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities during creation, functioning of subjects of small, medium and large business. PC 6 - to be able to perform collection, the analysis, interpretation of information for development of management decisions taking into account production, social, economic purposes; to be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities during creation, functioning of subjects of small, medium and large business; in case of interaction of subjects of business with customs, tax and other participants of a business environment; when holding liquidating and rehabilitation procedures. PC 7 - to be able to put theoretical knowledge into practice in the field of personnel management of the organization. PC 8 - to be able to use time as the tool of a management activity in efficiency of the organization. PC 9 - to be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities, to analyze and estimate the decisions applied by the state to regulation of economic processes. PC 10 - to develop arguments and to make decisions in the field of project management, by means of search, collection, the analysis and systematization. PC 11 - to be able to apply theoretical knowledge in the field of ethics, cultures of behavior in society, oratory and management in practical activities. PC 12 – to use methods of forming and control of management decisions; to be able to conduct practical researches, the analysis of problem situations, developments of offers and recommendations about increase in efficiency of a management activity. PC 13 - to be able to analyze and plan production processes; to be able to make the choice of the effective strategic solution at the entity. PC 14 - the nobility and to apply functions and innovation management methods on micro and macrolevel; to be able to carry out an efficiency evaluation of innovative projects and risk management methods. PC 15 - to show knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles of bankruptcy and sanitation of the entity in the conditions of forming of market infrastructure. PC 16 - to build the argumentation and proofs through search, collection, the analysis, systematization and interpretation of information taking into account social, ethical and scientific reasons; to be able to provide information in different forms of messages, to cooperate and work freely in group, to discuss and defend the line item, to make decisions; to use methods of forming and control of management decisions. PC 17 - to know skills of development of own recommendations about development of infrastructure of corporate social liability necessary for practical work of the specialists who are engaged in implementation of social projects. PC 18 - to be able to estimate personal merits and demerits critically; realizes the social importance of the future profession, to have skills of independent job search, passing of an interview, interview; it is capable to perform effectively managerial functions in the multicultural environment. PC 19 - to be able to put into practice different types of motivation and methods of remuneration of workers according to their psychological types; to be able to estimate critically merits and demerits in the existing behavior of the organization; to analyze and create an organization culture. PC 20 - can apply the knowledge and understanding when carrying out a practical research, the analysis of problem situations, developments of offers and recommendations about increase in efficiency of a management activity.
  • F) A complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of student's professional practice, in work in the organization, and also with the client, graduates can show a capability to the following: initiative, communicativeness, economic thinking and logic, organizational capabilities, analytical abilities, leadership, ethics, quality orientation and on the consumer

BP-Accounting and audit

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Accounting and audit


    Accounting and Finance Department

    Field of study:

    Social sciences and business

  • Contingent of students on the educational program
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:
    - inside the country
    - outside Kazakhstan

    Degree of the study program: Bachelor of Economics and Business With a specialization in 5B050800 “Accounting and audit”
    Degree and Duration of Study Unitary Degree (240 ECTS Points/ 129 Kazakhstan credits)
    Institute of Higher Learning Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation Austrian Agency for Quality Assurance (AQA)
    Period of Validity This program has been confirmed by the University for the period of four years for Bachelor students receiving their academic degree since 2016.
    Level Qualification Frameworks for European Higher Education Area – 1 Cycle;European Qualification Frameworks – 6 Level;National Frameworks of Qualification: Level 6
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of this Bachelor study program is the training of highly skilled personnel who possess a deep and specialized knowledge in the area of accounting and financial reporting, audit, methods of experimental research activities and analysis of business activities of firms. This study program also aims to provide academic training to those individuals who will be able to implement above-mentioned skills and competencies in their professional activities.
    • Successful graduates must demonstrate an ability to fix and document the movement of assets, liabilities and the capital in accounting documents; know methods of accounting of business transactions and disclosure of financial results; prepare financial reports in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards; develop accounting and tax policies of an enterprise.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline/ Area of Study
    • Main Disciplines: Economic Theory, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Statistics, Basics of Accounting, Financial Accounting I, Financial Accounting II, Managerial Accounting, Economic Analysis, Audit
    • 2.General Information/ Specialization
    • The study program 6M050800 “Accounting and Audit” of scientific and pedagogical areas of concentration aims to train highly skilled Bachelors and is based on the competencies in various economic areas and a substantial experience in the field of Accounting and Audit.
    • Disciplines of the study program are intended to form abilities and skills needed for the organization of accounting of the status and the movement of assets, liabilities and the capital; the development of methods of accounting of business transactions and disclosure of financial results; preparation of financial reports in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards; development of accounting and tax policies of an enterprise. The graduates of the study program “Accounting and Audit” are accountants. Specialization: Accounting and Internal Audit in the Real Estate Sector of Economics.
    • 3.Concentration
    • Bachelor students of the given program of study are able to carry out their work activities in the area of management, entrepreneurship, commerce and research at organizations of various forms of ownership and various fields of specialization.
    • 4.Special Aspects
    • The object of the professional activities of accountants is the business activities of organizations of various economic sectors with a regard to the special aspects of the industry: state owned companies (Ministries and Departments, Tax Committee, Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan); research organizations, other organizations regardless of their organizational and legal forms.
  • C) Job Placement and Further Education
    • 1.Job Placement
    • The study program 6M050800 “Accounting and Audit” is revised periodically with respect to the needs of the Bachelor students, employers and society. The department of accounting and audit established working contacts with an array of employers on the mutually profitable basis. Thus, employers offer vacant job placements for the Bachelor students and enhance the contents of the study program. The given study program contains research-related components: research work of the Bachelor students and research internship. The department watches closely the career paths their graduates opt to follow. Bachelor students aim to study for the rest of their lives and strive for independent learning.
    • 2.Further Education
    • Master’s Degree
  • D) Style of Teaching
    • 1.Approaches to Learning and Education
    • 6 levels of “learning” are used: knowledge, understanding, exploitation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
    • 2.Methods of Evaluation
    • Two forms of grading/ evaluation are used such as intermediate and final. The Intermediate form of evaluation gives a feedback to Bachelor students and instructors regarding what needs to be changed in the learning process. This form of grading is used on a continuous basis throughout the entire semester and at the end of it. The final grade gives a final estimate of the academic performance of the Bachelor students at the end of the module or the study program and it is summed in a numeral and letter equivalent.
    • Throughout the entire period of the study program, teaching staff uses the following methods of instruction: independent work of Bachelor students, testing, essay writing, solving case studies, preparations of projects and presentations, practice work. They also employ indirect teaching methods such as questionnaire, surveys of Bachelor students, graduates, employers, analysis of syllabuses and contents of the educational program.
  • E) Program Competencies
    • 1. Key competencies
    • The study program conforms fully to the requirements of the State compulsory standard of graduate education “Bachelor studies” for ensuring the quality of study programs at the second level of the cycle. This includes key competencies (also known as skills) of the future graduates of the second cycle (Please refer to the website: http://adilet.zan/kz/rus/docs/P1200001080). Below listed competencies present general and the most distinctive competencies of the study program. The graduates must:
    • 1. Know the basics of econometrics, economic and mathematical methods, data analysis and prognosis, statistics for the purpose of solving economic problems.
    • 2. Know principal normative and legal documents that regulate the area of the professional activity relevant to accounting and audit in various economic sectors of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • 3. Be able to use basic and special methods of economic analysis of the information, organize and summarize information, prepare surveys, reports on professional activity.
    • 4. Have the fundamentals of economic knowledge, have the scientific understanding of the management, marketing, finance, etc. Know and understand the objectives and methods of state regulation of the economy, the role of the public sector in the economy.
    • 5. Know the basics of the legal system and legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, abide by business ethics, have ethical and legal standards of conduct and show intolerance towards corrupt behavior.
    • 6. Be able to work with information in global computer networks.
    • 7. Know the necessary skills for professional communication in a foreign language.
    • 2. Specific competencies
    • 1. Be able to develop a rational system of organization on the basis of accounting and reporting of effective choice of accounting policy, based on compliance with existing legislation and the provisions of International Financial Reporting Standards.
    • 2. Be able to carry out work under the presence of the chief accountant and document the movement of assets, liabilities and equity of the organization and determination of the results of its economic and financial activities
    • 3. Be able to use computer technology in user mode to solve economic problems.
    • 4. Own methods and procedure of disclosure of the administrative nature of the internal reporting entities, providing linkages with indicators of financial statements.
    • 5. Have the skills of taxation and its impact on financial and management decisions.
    • 6. Know the peculiarities of accounting in the sectors of the economy, the ability to apply foreign experience of accounting.
    • 7. To be able to develop accounting policies and express professional opinion in accordance with the provisions of International Financial Reporting Standards.
  • F) A complete list of study results for this training program
    • In the context of student professional practice in work organization as well as with clients, graduates can demonstrate the ability of the following:
    • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the basic methods of accounting and auditing, including the most advanced knowledge in the field of accounting and auditing.
    • Demonstrate the ability to perform work on account of presence and movement of assets, liabilities and equity of the organization and determination of the results of its economic and financial activities.
    • Show understanding and knowledge of tax accounting and its impact on financial and management decisions.
    • Show the ability to work with accounting software, used computer equipment in user mode to solve economic problems.
    • Apply the knowledge and understanding on a professional level.
    • Formulate arguments and solve problems of financial and tax accounting and auditing.
    • Collect and interpret information to make judgments taking into account social, ethical and scientific considerations.
    • Communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialists and non-specialists.


  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:



    Accounting and Finance Department

    Field of study:

    Social sciences and business

  • Contingent of students on the educational program
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:
    - inside the country
    - outside Kazakhstan

BP-State and Local Management

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    State and Local Management


    Faculty of Economics and Management

    Field of study:

    Social sciences and business

  • Contingent of students on the educational program
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:
    - inside the country
    - outside Kazakhstan

    Degree program: Bachelor of Economics and Business Бакалавр экономики и бизнеса по специальности 5В051000 "State and local government"
    Degree and term Single degree (one university) (at least 220 ECTS - credits / at least 129 kaz. credits)
    Educational institution Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education - Consulting (IQAA)http://nkaoko.kz/
    Validity This program is approved by the University for a period of 4 years for those who receive a degree at the university from 2016
    Level KR for EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 1st cycle; EQF (European Qualifications Framework): Level 6; NQF (national qualifications framework): level 6
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program of the specialty 5В051000 "State and local government" is to develop students' skills and abilities aimed at acquiring the professional competencies necessary for professional activities in the field of state and local government to increase its efficiency, effectiveness and transparency.
      Successful graduates must:
      - demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the field of state and local government, including elements of the most advanced knowledge in this field;
      - apply this knowledge and understanding at the professional level;
      - formulate arguments and solve problems in the field of state and local government;
      - to collect and interpret information to form judgments taking into account social, ethical and scientific considerations;
      - communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions, both to specialists and non-specialist.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • Basic disciplines: Economic Theory, Macroeconomics, Management, Marketing
      Main subjects: Theory of Public Administration; Regional Economics and Management; State and Business; Municipal Management; Socio-economic planning
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • When implementing the educational program of the specialty “State and local government”, a credit-modular system of organization of the educational process is used, based on the modular principle of curricula, using a system of credit units (credits) and relevant educational technologies
    • 3.Direction
    • Social Sciences, Economics and Business
    • 4.Features
    • Graduates of the specialty "State and local management" are focused on the following professional activities:
      organizational and managerial;
      information and methodical;
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • Central and local executive authorities; representative authorities; national and private companies, budget organizations; civil society institutions; public organizations; non-profit organizations; international organizations and international authorities; research and educational organizations and institutions
    • 2.Further education
    • Masters in the specialty 6M051000 "State and local government"
  • D) Education style
    • 1.Learning and teaching approaches
    • In the educational process, active and interactive forms of conducting classes are widely used (business games, case studies, field work in organizations and institutions, round tables, discussions, literature review and drawing up individual and group projects). The training courses include meetings with representatives of state and local government bodies, public organizations, and civil society institutions
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • Boundary control; intermediate certification (testing, oral / written exam); protection of professional practice reports; final certification (state exam, defense of thesis)
  • E) Program Competence
    • 1.General competence
    • The program complies with the requirements of the State Compulsory Educational Standard “Higher Education. Undergraduate. ”To ensure the quality of academic programs at the first level of the cycle. OK1 - to have basic knowledge in the field of natural science (social, humanitarian, economic) disciplines that contribute to the formation of a highly educated personality with a broad outlook and culture of thinking; OK 2 - have the skills to handle modern technology, be able to use information technology in the field of professional activity; OK 3 - possess the skills of acquiring new knowledge necessary for daily professional activities and continuing education in the magistracy; OK 4 - to know social and ethical values based on public opinion, traditions, customs, social norms and to be guided by them in their professional activities; OK 5 - know the basics of the legal system and legislation of Kazakhstan; comply with business ethics, possess ethical and legal standards of conduct; OK 6 - know the traditions and culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan; be tolerant to the traditions and culture of other nations of the world; OK 7 - know the trends of social development of society; be able to adequately navigate in various social situations; OK 8 - to be able to work in a team, correctly defend one's point of view, propose new solutions; be able to find compromises, relate his opinion with the opinion of the team: strive for professional and personal growth; OK 9 - possess the basics of economic knowledge, have a scientific understanding of management, marketing, finance, and so on; know and understand the goals and methods of state regulation of the economy, the role of the public sector in the economy;
      OK 10 - to be able to navigate modern information flows and adapt to dynamically changing phenomena and processes in the global economy; be flexible and mobile in different conditions and situations related to professional activities; possess decision-making skills of an economic and organizational nature in conditions of uncertainty and risk; OK 11 - to be able to analyze and understand ideological problems from a scientific point of view, independently master cultural riches, think logically and convincingly and correctly construct oral and written speech;
      OK 12 - to be able to self-knowledge, to critically evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, to moral and physical self-improvement, to highly motivate their professional and civic activism; GC 13 - be able to analyze socially significant problems and processes and use in practice the methods of the humanities, social sciences and economics in various types of social and professional activities; OK 14 - to be capable of professional written and oral communication in the Kazakh and Russian languages; know a foreign language at the level necessary to perform professional tasks; OK 15 - to be able to express and justify their position on the choice of methods for solving the set tasks
    • 2.Special (professional) competencies PC 1 – knowledge of the main stages of the evolution of the state management theory.
    • PC 2 - the ability to determine the priorities of professional activity, effectively implement management decisions. PC 3 - the ability to identify problems, define goals, choose the best solution, evaluate the results and consequences of the management decision. PC 4 - the ability to make decisions in the face of uncertainty and risk. PC 5 - the ability to apply adequate tools and mechanisms of regulatory impact in the implementation of management decisions. PC 6 - the ability to assess the ratio of the planned result and the resources spent. PC 7 - the ability to apply existing technologies and methods of personnel work. PC 8 - the ability to apply the rules of law in professional activities when making management decisions. PC 9 - the ability to determine the parameters of quality management decisions and the implementation of administrative processes, identify deviations and take corrective measures. PC 10 - the ability to adequately assess the goals and results of activities. PC 11 - the ability to use the basics of the theory of motivation in solving managerial problems.
      PC 12 - the presence of skills for the preparation, accounting, storage, protection, transfer of official documentation in accordance with the requirements of the workflow. PC 13 - the ability to determine social, political, economic patterns and trends, the ability to develop projects of social change, the ability to assess the economic, social and political conditions and the consequences of government programs adopted. PC 14 - the ability to compile and systematize information for creating databases, possession of management software tools, the ability to prepare information and methodological materials on the socio-economic development of society and government activities, the ability to apply information and communication technologies in their professional activities
      PC 15 - knowledge and ability to adapt the best practices of foreign state and municipal management to their practical activities. PC 16 - the ability to cooperate with state institutions c civil society, business, the media, citizens.
      PC 17 - the ability to interact in the course of professional activities in accordance with the ethical requirements for official conduct. PC 18 - the ability to develop projects of regulatory and non-regulatory legal acts, the ability to navigate the legal system of Kazakhstan. PC 19 - the ability to identify information necessary for making decisions when receiving "feedback" in professional activities, the ability to find the basis for the cooperation of public authorities of Kazakhstan with business and civil society institutions
  • F) Full list of learning outcomes for this program
    • In the context of student professional practice, in work in an organization, as well as with a client, graduates can demonstrate the ability to do the following: initiative, communication, strategic thinking, organization, analyticity, leadership, ethics, quality orientation, consumer orientation, intolerance to corruption
Educational practice

Course: 1, 1s
The purpose of educational practice is acquaintance of students of the educational program of specialty "Public and Local Administration" to activities of a higher educational institution, educational programs, types functions and tasks of future professional activity, acquisition of primary professional competences in public administration.
The expected results:
• to get acquainted with KEUK main activities;
• to study the purposes and tasks of the educational program of specialty "Public and Local Administration";
• to study tasks of future professional activity;
• to seek for self-development, ability to independently solve professional problems.

Work practice
Course: 2, 2s, 3, 3s, 4
The purpose of a work practice is fixing of key competences, studying of practical experience and development of methods, receptions and approaches to management in public sector, acquisition of practical skills and experience of professional activity in "The public and local administration".
The expected results:
• to consider specifics of the main activities of establishment;
• to consider the main standard and legal documents regulating activity of establishment;
• to study the external environment of public institution and to give characteristic of management of the organization;
• to disclose specifics of functioning of bodies of representative and executive power;
• to analyse efficiency of implementation of regional state programs;
• to consider preventive actions for prevention of corruption;
• to study use of standards of the labor law, respect for office discipline, business etiquette by the public servant;
• to analyse efficiency of activity of establishment;
• to seize abilities to independently plan the activity, to come into useful contacts, to define a role professional position, to form sense of responsibility.

Course: 3s, 4
The purpose of an externship is generalization and systematization of the theoretical and practical knowledge gained when studying activity of concrete public institution and their generalization during performance of final qualification work.
The expected results:
• systematization, fixing and expansion of the theoretical and practical knowledge gained by students in the course of training;
• acquisition of experience of the solution of the practical tasks demanding use of professional knowledge and abilities;
• formation of skills of effective management of social and economic processes;
• formation of skills of creative thinking and independent activity in the analysis of a problem, improvement of practical skills of work in the specialty;
• collecting, generalization and the analysis of the materials received during practice for preparation of the report on practice and use of results when writing final qualification work.


BP-Jurisprudence-Legal security of personnel management

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Jurisprudence. Specialization: "Legal security of personnel management"


    Faculty of Business and Law

    Field of study:


  • Student’s enrollment on educational program for 01.10.2016
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:

    Degree program: Bachelor of Law in specialty 5B030100 "Jurisprudence" the educational program "Legal security of personnel management"
    The extent and duration Single degree (240 credits ECTS / 129 Kazakhstan credits.
    University Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Validity The program is approved by the University for a period of 4 years for those receiving a degree at the university since 2017
    Level Republic of Kazakhstan for the EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 1st cycle; EQF (European Qualifications Framework) level 6; NQF (National Qualifications Frame): Level 6
  • A) Target
    • The purpose of this BA program consists of qualitative preparation of highly qualified specialists with a high level of legal culture and legal awareness, fundamental knowledge and professional competences in the field of legal policy, law-making and realization of rightsable to manage personal in the service of the state and municipal bodies, commercial and non-commercial activities organizations carrying out legal maintenance of these structures.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • Main subjects: Administrative Law, Labor Law, Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Civil Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, right to social security, Legal support of human resource management, social partnership, Legal support of Human Resources administration, management, State and local government
    • 2.General information/ Specialization
    • Graduates will be able to apply their knowledge, skills and competence;
    • The training program for undergraduate education program "Legal security of personnel management" designed to prepare highly educated professionals. The main task of the program is to develop the students' competence in various areas of law with an emphasis on discipline, labor law and civil law profile, the acquisition of practical skills. Discipline programs are designed to generate the knowledge and skills necessary for professional work in law enforcement organizations, institutions, businesses, including their legal services and personal services, the effective functioning of legal and personnel services, government, active within the system of social partnership representing the interests of employers and their associations, participation in the development of normative legal acts in accordance with the profile of their professional activities. During the years of study the students produced an algorithm, a clear scheme of professional activities, which helps to achieve success not only in the field of law, but in the management of corporations and government agencies.
    • 3.Direction
    • Bachelors of this section have intended in the legal, management and research work in organizations of different ownership forms and in various fields.
    • 4.Features
    • The features of this program -preparation interdisciplinary lawyers at the intersection of law and government. Specialization of juridical education requires depth study of the legal aspects of labor relations. To develop the ability not only to generate new ideas in the field of legal regulation and practice in the field of human resources management, but also to introduce them to the lowest social cost. Objects of professional activity of graduates of the program is legal and administrative activity of enterprises regardless of their organizational-legal form, standard-setting; law enforcement; Expertise and consulting in the executive and representative authorities and commercial structures.
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1. Employment
    • The educational program "Legal security of personal management" designed to meet the needs of students, employers and society. It is supposed to establish stable relations with employers on the basis of mutual benefit, so employers offer jobs to students, assist in the development and further development of the educational program, teaching of individual disciplines, research and quality assurance processes. OP includes practical components, such as field trips, internships, practice-work organization "Legal Clinic" Graduates of the program will be able to work in the offices of organizations or companies that are engaged in the selection, the involvement of staff and their professional development, as well as personnel management, labor relations , counseling in these areas, resolution of labor disputes, etc. These divisions and companies are: Human Resources (HR department) management, legal departments, private employment agencies, consulting companies, employers' associations, etc.
    • 2.Further education
    • Master degree
  • D) Education style
    • 1.Learning and teaching approaches
    • Study applies 6 levels:
    • knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • Use assessment evidence, intermediate and final examination. Teaching methods: students' independent work, tests, essay writing, essays, solution case-study, projects and presentations, practice. Project reports, critical incident analysis. Do not direct teaching methods: questionnaires and interviews of students, graduates, employers, syllabus analysis, and training content
  • E) Software competence
    • 1.General competence
    • The program complies with the requirements of the State educational standards " Higher education. Undergraduate." IQAA agency for quality assurance of academic programs in the first cycle level.
    • This includes the general competence (also known as key skills) expected of graduates of the first cycle
    • Listed below are a summary of competence and the competence of the most characteristic for this program:
    • Be aware of the social importance of their future profession, have a sufficient level of professional sense of justice
    • Able to conscientiously fulfill the professional obligations to comply with the principles of legal ethics
    • Has the culture of behavior, willing to cooperate with colleagues, teamwork
    • Able to shape personnel policy and corporate culture of the organization to meet the requirements of current legislation.
    • Has intolerance towards corrupt behavior, respectful of the rights and legitimate
    • Able to work with information in global computer networks
    • Knows the necessary skills for professional communication in Kazakh and foreign languages
    • Can build business communication.
    • Have skills of public speaking.
    • 2.Specific competencies
    • Able to participate in the development of normative legal acts in accordance with the profile of their professional activities.
    • Capable of competence to practice the acquired skills in team management.
    • Able to organize teamwork by the construction management personnel records management systems.
    • Possess abilities legally correct to qualify the facts and circumstances. It offers ways to resolve legal conflicts, and makes recommendations to improve the legislation.
    • Develop and represent for discuss the draft of local regulations, contracts, orders, explains the key positions, argues the answers to the questions. 6.Ability to combine administrative, economic and legal processes in the field of personnel management, including to hiring, adaptation, motivation, evaluation, training, development, and release of personal;
    • Ready to take part in the legal examination of draft normative legal acts, including with a view to identifying their provisions to facilitate the creation of conditions for corruption.
    • Able to interpret the different legal acts. It uses standard legal acts, jurisprudence and interpretation of acts of the development of legal mechanisms and their reflection in personnel documents.
    • Have the skills of giving qualified legal opinions and advice in specific legal activities. Allows for the development of legal mechanisms for administrative and economic characteristics of the organization, particularly its corporate document, and able to find a balance between the interests of the organization and the interests of a particular employee.
    • Able to take complex economic and legal management solutions.
    • Hold the systematic and analytical skills to perceive and evaluate organizational and legal risks in the area of personnel management, propose and formalize legal solutions to neutralize them.
  • F) Results of the training program
    • In the context of student professional practice, work in commercial structures and organizations, "Legal Clinic", graduates can demonstrate the ability of the following:
    • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic legal concepts and institutions, including scientific and practice-oriented knowledge of labor law, social security law, insurance law, Documentation, social partnership law, the resolution of labor disputes, the legal aspects of employment and occupation, International labor law, legal regulation of cross-border labor and especially foreign labor law, necessary for the implementation of professional abilities.
    • Demonstrate the ability to analyze and solve problems in the field of civil, labor, administrative, legal and other relations.
    • Ably interpret and apply legal acts in specific situations, be right-realizable and interpretative acts documents.
    • Demonstrate the ability to business communication, negotiation, interaction with colleagues in the professional community.
    • Find optimal ways of obtaining the necessary legal information and be able to handle it, critically assessing the arguments and evidence.
    • Demonstrate ability to make better management decisions, and to establish the facts reveal violations and be able to classify them by defining a measure of responsibility and punish those responsible, to take the necessary measures to restore the violated rights.
    • Determine urgent scientific problems, the study of which can enrich the jurisprudence.
    • Demonstrate capacity for analysis and synthesis of the results of scientific research on the basis of today's interdisciplinary approaches.

BP-Social operation-Social administration

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Social operation-«Social administration»


    Faculty of Business and Law

    Field of study:


    Degree program: Bachelor of specialty services 5В090500 «Social Work» Educational program «Social administration»
    degree and term Single degree ( one university ) (ECTS 279 credits/ 160 kaz. credits)
    institution Karaganda Economic University
    Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance of Education (IKAQAE) http://nkaoko.kz/
    Term actions This program was approved by the University for a period of 4 years for those receiving a degree at the University from 2016
    Level QF for ЕHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): First cycle ; ЕКР (European qualifications framework): cycle 6; НРК (National Qualifications Framework): cycle 6
  • A) The purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program - training of highly qualified specialists with the ideological position that is adequate to the current level of social life, skills and abilities of analysis and modeling of social , socio-educational and psycho-correction work on the use of the knowledge, competence to regulate the behavior of citizens and social groups, that contribute to the realization of personal interests, maintaining social stability and promoting social harmony in the society.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • The main disciplines:
    • Theory of social work
    • Organization, management and administration in social work Fundamentals of social medicine
    • Legislature support of social work
    • General and social psychology
    • Economic foundations of social work
    • Methods and technologies of social work
    • Ethical foundations of social work
    • Social services in social work
    • Social work with family and children
    • Social work with youth
    • Social work with women
    • Social work in organizations of penitentiary system
    • Social gerontology
    • The basics of anti-corruption
    • Conflictology
    • Religious studies and social work wilt religion
    • Regulation of social sphere
    • Social management
    • 2.general information/Specialization
    • «Bachelor in the field of services»
    • 3.Direction
    • services
    • 4.features
    • magistracy
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • Agencies, organizations of different legal forms in the system of social protection, education, health and culture; the penitentiary system, social-pedagogical, social and psychological services of specialized organizations (family children's homes, nursing homes, social shelters, special correctional institutions); Children and youth clubs; youth organizations and associations; medical and other health care organizations; rehabilitation centers for the various categories of the population; social services in the social and industrial sector; non-profit non-governmental organizations.
    • 2.Further training
    • magistracy
  • D) Style education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • Credit education technology , information and communication technology training , within which are implemented following groups of teaching methods :
    • Active methods ;
    • Interactive methods ;
    • Practice - oriented methods .
    • 2.assessment methods
    • As part of the block- ranking control technology following groups control methods are applied :
      • Oral methods of control ;
      • Written methods of control ;
      • Practical methods of control ;
      • Test methods of control
    • Control forms :
      • Individual ;
      • Group ;
      • Collective .
  • E) Software competence
    • 1.General competence
    • The program complies with the requirements of the State educational standards "Higher Education . Undergraduate . " to ensure the quality of academic programs in the first cycle level.
    • This includes the general competence ( also known as key skills ) expected of graduates of the first cycle (see . On the website http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P1200001080 ).
    • Listed below are a summary of competence and the competence of the most characteristic for this program:
      • have a basic knowledge in the field of natural sciences ( social, humanitarian, economic ) disciplines that contribute to the formation of a highly educated person with a broad outlook and a culture of thinking
      • be skilled in the acquisition of new knowledge necessary for daily professional activity and continuing education in the magistracy- know the social and ethical values based on public opinion , traditions, customs , social norms and navigate to them in their professional activity
      • know the basics of the legal system and legislation of Kazakhstan ; abide by business ethics , own ethical and legal standards of conduct
      • to know the traditions and culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan ; to be tolerant to the traditions and culture of other peoples of the world
      • to know the trends of social development ; to be able to adequately guided in different social situations
      • be able to work in a team , properly to defend their point of view, to offer new solutions ; be able to find compromises , to relate their views to the collective opinion : to strive for professional and personal growth
      • be able to analyze socially significant problems and processes , and to practice the methods of the humanities , social and economic sciences in a variety of social and professional activities
    • 2.- be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the professional sphere
      • be able to communicate information, ideas , problems and solutions in the field of social work
      • be able to critically rethink the experience , modify if necessary, the profile of their professional activities , be aware of the social importance of their future profession , have a high motivation to carry out professional activitie
      • to be able to synthesize, analyze , the perception of information , setting goals and choosing the ways of achieving it : can formulate arguments and solve problems in the field of social work
      • know the classification , arrangement methods and technology in social work and be able to analyze the efficiency of use in practice
      • possess knowledge of organizational structure , governance and management , performance criteria in relation to social work
      • to be able to master the knowledge , skills and competences in the field of social work ( ability to conduct social dialogue )
      • possess knowledge, skills and competencies for the effective implementation of the action on the provision of social services- be able to master the principles of social dialogue- possess basic knowledge of the physiology of labor and life safety , the ability to competently operate in emergency and emergency situations
      • be able to analyze the best scientific and technical expertise and trends in social work techniques
      • be able to carry out theoretical and experimental research on the provision of social services
      • to be able to self-improvement and professional growth of the individual with diverse humanitarian and natural science knowledge and interests
  • F) A complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of student professional practice in work organization as well as with clients , graduates can demonstrate the ability of the following :
      • demonstrate basic knowledge of the social and legal system and the legislation of Kazakhstan, history, theory , practice of social work, social psychology ; social pedagogy ; to learn general and particular methods and techniques of social work;
      • apply this knowledge to practical solutions to the challenges facing the social work , use of information and communication technologies in the sphere of professional activity, to successfully research and production activities ;
      • the collection and interpretation of information for all types of professional activity in the field of social services .
      • communicate information , ideas, problems and solutions in the field of social services , both specialists and non-specialists.


  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:



    Faculty of Business and Law

    Field of study:


  • Contingent of students on the educational program
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:
    - inside the country
    - outside Kazakhstan

    Degree program: Bachelor of tourism specialty 5B090200 "Tourism"
    The degree and duration Single degree (same University)(240 ECTS – credits/ 129 KAZ. credits)
    University Karaganda economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation Independent Kazakhstan Agency of Quality Assurance (IQA)http://nkaoko.kz/
    The validity of This program was approved by the University for a period of 4 years for individuals receiving degrees from the University in 2016
    Level CU for EHEA (Qualifications framework for the European higher education area): 1st cycle; EQF (European qualification framework: level 6; NQF (national qualifications framework): level 6
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of this undergraduate program is to provide educational services of higher professional education that enables graduates to successfully work in the field of tourism and hospitality; to have a common cultural and professional competencies, promote social mobility and demand on the labour market. the formation and development of graduates ' socio-personal qualities – dedication, organization, hard work, responsibility, citizenship, commitment to ethical values, communicative, tolerance, ability to work in a team.
  • B) Feature
    • 1.Discipline/subject
    • The main disciplines of the PD database is OK and the basic elective courses of the profile:Technique and tactics of active types of tourismEkskursovodovThe basics of "turyzmolohiya"The history of tourism Tourism managementMarketing tourismThe geography of international tourismTour operating The tourism infrastructurePlanning and organization of tourism businessService standards and quality management services in the tourism and hospitality industryPromotional activities in the tourism and hospitality industryGeographyOrganization of entertainment leisure in tourism and hospitality Processing of visa documents
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • Tourism and hospitality
    • 3.Direction
    • Services
    • 4.Features
    • I. organization of the educational practice: 1 course – training hike on the base of the Ile-Alatau National Park (Almaty), the State National Natural Park (Karkaralinsk);3rd year students of specialty "Tourism" practical training abroad (Hungary, Uzbekistan, Russian Federation etc.).II. International academic mobility: The possibility of teaching students who speak a foreign language during the academic semester abroad (Hungary, Malaysia, Russian Federation, etc.). III. The students of the specialty 5B090200 "Tourism" participate in international and national competitions on tourism.
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • A graduate 5V090200 "Tourism" can work:
      • in the state administration bodies related to the organization of tourism;
      • consulting companies tourist profile;
      • at the enterprises of tourism infrastructure: travel Agency, airline Agency, hotel complexes, sanatorium-preventorium, museums;
      • in marketing services of tourist enterprises;
      • in educational institutions, leading to the preparation of specialists in tourism;
      • in the research organizations studying the problems of tourism development;
      • in advertising agencies engaged in the promotion of tourism services in domestic and foreign market.
    • 2.Further training
    • Master
  • D) The style of education
    • 1.Approaches to studying and learning
    • The use of methodological innovations associated with the use of active and interactive forms and methods of training, as well as the use of practice-oriented approach, for example, conducting master-classes with the participation of practitioners, the organization of training sessions with visiting of the enterprises of the industry of tourism and hospitality etc.In the framework of international practice on the 3rd course organized travel abroad on a predetermined route (learning in practice tourism abroad and preparation of a group project for the organization of tourist business in the host country).
    • 2.Methods of evaluation
    • Oral questioning, written methods of control, testing, exam, reports on passage of training practice (training trips and international practice), production and predegree the practician; plus.
  • E) Software competence
    • 1.General competencies
    • The program meets the requirements of State educational standards of Higher education. Bachelor. for quality assurance of academic programmes at the first level of the cycle.This includes General competencies (also known as key skills) expected of graduates of the first cycle (see the web site http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P1200001080).
    • The following competencies represent the combined and the most relevant competencies for this program:
    • OK1 - to have basic knowledge in the field of science (social, humanitarian, economic) disciplines that contribute to the formation of highly educated personality with a broad Outlook and culture of thinking.
    • OK 2 - have the skills of handling modern technology to be able to use information technology in professional activities.
    • OK 3 - master the skill of acquiring new knowledge needed for the everyday professional activity and to continue education in magistracy.
    • OK 4 - to know the socio-ethical values, based on public opinion, traditions, customs, social norms and focus on them in their professional activities.
    • OK 5 - know the basics of the legal system and legislation of Kazakhstan; to abide by business ethics, to possess ethical and legal standards of conduct.
    • OK 6 - to know the traditions and culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan; be tolerant of the traditions and cultures of other peoples of the world.
    • OK 7 - know the trends of social development; be able to adequately navigate the various social situations.
    • OK 8 - be able to work in a team, correctly defend their point of view, to propose new solutions; to be able to find compromises, to relate their opinion with the opinion of the team: to strive for professional and personal growth.
    • OK 9 - should have the basics of economic knowledge, have scientific knowledge about management, marketing, Finance etc.; to know and understand the purpose and methods of state regulation of the economy, the role of the public sector in the economy.
    • OK 10 - be able to navigate in today's information flows and to adapt to dynamically changing phenomena and processes in the world economy; to be flexible and mobile in different environments and situations related to professional activities; to own skills of action by the economic and institutional conditions of uncertainty and risk.
    • OK 11 - able to analyse and understand philosophical problems from the scientific viewpoint, to master cultural wealth, logically and reasonably right to think and the right to build oral and written speech.
    • OK 12 - to be able to self-knowledge, a critical evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses, to moral and physical self-improvement, to high motivation of their professional and civic engagement.
    • OK 13 - able to analyze socially significant problems and processes and use in practice methods of humanitarian, social and economic Sciences in different types of social and professional activities.
    • OK 14 - to be able to professional written and verbal communication in the Kazakh and Russian languages; knowledge of foreign language at the level necessary to perform professional tasks.
    • OK 15 - should be able to Express and justify its position on methods of problem solving.
    • 2.Specific expertise:
    • PC 1 - knowledge of the main stages of evolution of management thought.
    • PC 2 - the ability to design an organizational structure to carry out the distribution of powers and responsibilities on the basis of their delegation.
    • PC 3 - willingness to develop procedures and methods of control.
    • PC 4 - ability to use basic theories of motivation, leadership and power to solve management problems.
    • PC 5 - ability to effectively organize group work based on the knowledge of group dynamics and principles of team formation.
    • PC 6 - to know the different ways of conflict resolution.
    • PC 7 - the ability to analyze and design interpersonal, group and organizational communications.
    • PC 8 - the ability to assess the conditions and consequences of take organizational and management decisions.
    • PC 9 - the ability to analyze the relationship between the functional strategies of companies with the aim of training a balanced managerial decisions.
    • PC 10 - the ability to participate in the development of the marketing strategy of organizations to plan and implement activities aimed at implementation.
    • PC 11 - ability to use basic methods of financial management for the valuation of assets, working capital management, decision-making on financing, formation of dividend policy and capital structure.
    • PC 12 - ability to evaluate the impact of investment decisions and financing solutions to increase the value (cost) of the company.
    • PC 13 - capacity to participate in development of strategy of human resource management of organizations of tourism, to plan and carry out activities aimed at its implementation.
    • PC 14 - to master modern technologies of personnel management.
    • PC 15 - willingness to participate in developing the organization's strategy, using tools of strategic management.
    • PC 16 - the ability to consider aspects of corporate social responsibility in the development and implementation of the strategy of the organization of tourism.
    • PC 17 - willingness to participate in implementation of programs of organizational change, the ability to overcome local resistance to change.
    • PC 18 - know the methods of making strategic, tactical and operational decisions in the management of the operating (production) activities of organizations of tourism.
    • PC 19 - the ability to plan operating (production) activities of organizations in the industry of tourism and hospitality.
    • PC 20 - know the methods of project management and willingness to implement them using modern software.
    • PC 21 - the willingness to participate in implementation of technological and product innovations in tourism.
    • PC 22 ability to analyze the behavior of consumers of services and demand generation.
    • PC 23 - knowledge of economic bases of conduct of organizations to have an idea about the different market structures and the ability to analyze the competitive environment of the tourism industry.
    • PC 24 - to master a second foreign language at a level that ensures effective professional activities in the tourism business.
    • PC 25 - the willingness to use optimal technological processes in the enterprises of the industry of tourism and hospitality, including in accordance with the requirements of the consumer.
    • PC 26 - the ability to apply, adapt and develop modern technologies of tourist activity.
    • PC 27 - the willingness to effectively apply the regulatory and technical documentation regulating tourism activity.
    • PC 28 - the willingness to master the theoretical foundations of design of the functional processes of enterprises of tourism on the basis of application of modern technologies and design methods.
    • PC 29 - the willingness to use applied methods research activities in the field of formation and promotion of tourism products, corresponding to requirements of consumers.
    • PC 30 - the willingness to use innovative technologies in the activities of tourism enterprises and new forms of customer service.
    • PC 31 - willingness to learn theoretical bases of designing of functional processes of tourism enterprises on the basis of application of modern technologies and design methods.
  • F) A complete list of learning outcomes for the program
    • In the context of student professional practice in the work of the organization, as well as with the client, the graduates can demonstrate the ability to:
      • forming a database of tours and tour operators;
      • to participate in the promotion of the tourism product to increase sales;
      • to implement selection and booking optimal option of the route and fare of flights/journey according to customer needs;
      • to execute orders for various types of services related to the tour;
      • to carry out the rebooking, cancellation and refund discharged air/railway ticket;
      • to make a reservation of hotel rooms;
      • strategic planning of enterprise activity;
      • to develop the tour program;
      • develop different types of tours for inbound and domestic tourism;
      • be able to conduct tours;
      • carry out tour support individual and group tourists;
      • to conduct various types of tours;
      • be able to organize tourist trips;
      • analyze the tourist market;
      • be able to work and communicate effectively with the client.
  • Characteristics of the discipline
    • Prerequisites: "Psychology of tourist activity", "Fundamentals of entrepreneurship in tourism"
    • Taught course"Organization of entertainment leisure in tourism sphere and hospitality is a relevant part of the professional training of a future specialist in the sphere of tourism and hospitality.
    • The purpose of teaching "Organization of entertainment leisure in tourism sphere and hospitality" is the study of the theoretical foundations of tourism as a specific type of leisure activities, consideration of the role and importance of tourist activities in the history of the development of cultural and leisure activities.
    • Tasks:
      • develop understanding of the regularities of origin and development of tourist activities;
      • to create understanding of leisure and its organizational forms;
    • to study the nature of animation and its types;
      • to examine the entertainment industry in the sphere of tourism;
      • to study the organization of work for the animation team in a tourist complex.
    • As a result of studying discipline the student should:
      • to know the history of the formation of cultural and leisure activities;
      • to gain knowledge about the mechanism of implementation of cultural and creative potential of leisure;
      • to acquire skills of drawing up of animated programs for individual tourists and groups of tourists.
    • Post-requisites: "Professional and business communication in tourism"
    • Learning outcomes (competences):
    • know the characteristics of the organization of leisure activities in the field of tourism and hospitality;
    • to learn concepts such as entertainment, animation, gambling,
    • to carry out analytical work in the evaluation of animation programs;
    • know the history of the formation of cultural and leisure activities;
    • to the knowledge of the mechanism of implementation of cultural and creative potential of leisure;
    • to Acquire skills of drawing up of animated programs for individual tourists and groups of tourists.
    • The methodology of the discipline: "Organization of entertainment leisure in tourism sphere and hospitality” is determined by its characteristics and purpose of the study. In this connection, it is expedient to use methods of training, i.e. to the formation of special knowledge, abilities, skills: situational tasks, a method of detecting errors, project method, case study, open and closed tests.
  • Characteristics of the discipline
    • Prerequisites: "Restaurant and hotel industry", "infrastructure of restaurant business and hotel industry", "management of restaurant business and hotel industry".
    • Modern hotel and restaurant business occupies an important place in the economic sphere of the country and helps to meet the primary needs of travelers in accommodation and food. In this regard, for a full amount of knowledge students need a comprehensive understanding of the hotel business.
    • The purpose of teaching is to form students ' holistic view of the hotel business, to consider the factors of development of the tourism industry and its component-the hotel business in some countries and regions of the world.
    • Objectives of the discipline:
    • presentation of the basics of the formation of international standards and the state system of classification of hotels;
      • to develop knowledge about the main functions of hotel and restaurant services and standards of service in the hospitality sector;
      • to form knowledge about the principles of HR and revenue management in the hotel business;
      • to form skills of work on information systems of restaurant and hotel business.
    • During the learning of the program of the course "restaurant and hotel business" students will consider the theoretical and applied problems of the restaurant and hotel business, and hospitality in General, get acquainted with the basic principles and functions of planning and organization of the restaurant and hotel business, will form practical skills and knowledge application in their future professional activities.
    • Post-requisites: "Planning and organization of restaurant business and hotel business", "Fundamentals of restaurant business."
    • Learning outcome:
    • To Master the theoretical foundations of the restaurant and hotel business
    • Know the evolution of the hospitality industry, the elements of the hotel product, the characteristics of hotels as a management object, the classification of hotels;
    • To Master the most important concepts of hotel services, issues of management of service processes at the enterprises of food, quality and culture of service, the scheme of management of personnel of hotels, as well as the technology of decision-making and implementation of management decisions
    • Learn how to describe the activities of all departments of the modern hotel (reception, room Fund, catering, security, financial Department, engineering and technical service, etc.).);
    • To be Able to analyze the current state of the global hotel business, to conduct financial control in hotels.
      • Methodology of the discipline: The theoretical basis of the discipline are the fundamental works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of hotel and restaurant business, modern economic, organizational and social problems of development of the communication sphere. In this regard, it is advisable to use teaching methods, i.e. aimed at the formation of special knowledge, skills: situational tasks, the method of group projects, the method of projects, methods of control.
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ