
Submit applications for settlement    Number of available places in the hostel    Number of beds 546

Dormitory Information

The Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz has formed the basis of the future student campus, which includes 4 dormitories, a stadium, a tennis court, basketball and volleyball courts, a gym, a medical center, student cafes, mini-laundries, an information and educational center, an honesty store. There is a wireless WI-FI Internet access network in the dormitories of the university and the student campus.

In 4 comfortable dormitories of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz that meet all modern requirements with a total area of more than 14,000 sq. m. more than 300 students live here. A warm atmosphere and homely comfort awaits you in every dormitories.
The dormitories of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz are distinguished by comfort, security and all conditions for living. Students live in two and four local rooms. The dormitories have all the conditions for living, studying and recreation. Much attention is paid to creating conditions for classes and recreation. Reading rooms are equipped for studying in the hostel, computer classes are created.

Student dormitories are equipped with video surveillance cameras. The registration is carried out on each floor and is monitored by security guards. At the entrance to the dormitories, residents pass through electronic passes.

The University strives to provide a place in the dormitory for all those in need.

Student dormitories are located at the following addresses:
dormitory No. 1 - Akademicheskaya str., 5 (number of rooms – 62)

dormitory No.2 - Akademicheskaya str., 7 (number of rooms – 29)

dormitory No. 3 - Akademicheskaya str., 5/1 (number of rooms - 30)

dormitory No. 4 - Komissarova str., 32 (number of rooms - 69)

To receive an electronic referral to the dormitory, the student/applicant must:

  1. Register on the website
  2. Submit an online application with the attachment of electronic materials:

- student's/applicant's identity card;

- photo 3*4;

- certificates of social category (supporting documents on disability, on the presence in the family of 4 or more children left without parental care). If available.

- diplomas, certificates of international, republican and regional levels in the field of sports, science, debate movement and creativity (if available).

**The application is considered within 3 working days.

  1. Sign the application with an electronic digital signature (EDS).

**If the student /applicant is not an adult, then the application from the student /applicant is signed by the EDS of one of the parents.

  1. After receiving the status of the application "Approved", it is necessary to conclude a housing lease agreement and sign an EDS.
  2. Make payment for accommodation (in the amount of 11,500 tenge) and attach a receipt for payment in electronic form (IT is MANDATORY to indicate "Payment for the hostel" in the column name of the payment). **Payment can be made via the mobile banking application (Kaspi, CenterCredit Bank, Halyk Bank).
  3. Waiting for the signing of a housing lease agreement by the rector of the university.
  4. Receiving an electronic referral for settlement.
  5. Contacting the university dormitory at the address indicated in the direction.

Upon check-in, you must present to the commandant of the hostel:

  1. Referral for the provision of a hostel;
  2. Medspravka (pass the med.examination at the Medical Center of the University, 205 kab.)

Contact phone number for communication:

8 (7212) 44-16-24 (ext.169)

Nonresident students have a preferential right to move into the dormitory of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz:

1) persons with disabilities from among the disabled, disabled since childhood, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care, if both or one parent has a disability (groups 1 and 2) (a copy of the death certificate of both or the only parent or a certificate from an orphanage, a copy of the certificate of disability);

2) persons from among the youth who were left without parental care at the time of reaching adulthood, persons equated by benefits and guarantees to participants and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, persons from among rural youth who entered the specialties that determine the socio-economic development of the village, as well as persons with the status of an oralman who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan (a copy of the certificate of guardianship and guardianship, a copy of the certificate of an oralman);

3) students enrolled in the first year, who have the sign "Altyn Belgi", students who have a certificate of the winner of the Presidential, international and republican Olympiad and (or) competition, as well as applicants who graduated from an educational institution with honors with a supporting document on education (a copy of the certificate, certificate, diploma);

4) holders of an educational grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (a copy of the certificate of awarding an educational grant);

5) from a large family, if the family has more than 3 children under 18 years old and the mother has the sign "Altyn alka" or "Kumis alka" (a copy of the certificate of the presence of 4 or more children in the family);

6) foreign citizens admitted to study at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz under international agreements (contracts) are placed in a dormitory on a general basis;

7) students from among the senior students who have high results in educational, scientific and social work (a copy of the transcript, copies of diplomas).

Скачать этот файл (Положение_о_студенческом_общежитии_2024.pdf) Положение_о_студенческом_общежитии_2024.pdf  208 Кб
Скачать этот файл (Правила_заселения_и_выселения_из_общежитий_2024.pdf) Правила_заселения_и_выселения_из_общежитий_2024.pdf  245 Кб
Скачать этот файл (Правила_проживания_в_общежитии_2024.pdf) Правила_проживания_в_общежитии_2024.pdf  246 Кб















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