• Fon1
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Our graduates

1 Aimagambetov Erkara Balkaraevich – Rector of Karaganda economic university, d.e.sc., professor
2 Ashlyaev Hazbolat Sopyzhanovich – Chairman of the Kazpotrebsoyuz
3 Nigmatullin Erlan Zairullaevich – Parliament's Senate deputy
4 Karzhasov Bazarbai Karabaevich – Chairman of Karaganda Oblpotrebsoyuz
5 Кuttybai Miras – Youth Policy Department Head of Karaganda region
6 Baranova Tatyana Ivanovna – c.e.sc., docent of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANE and PA), Orenburg branch
7 Кuvandykov Maksat Kapashevich – Head of the customs regulation of the Aktobe region
8 Podyablonskaya Lidiya Michailovna – c.e.sc., docent of the department «State and local finances», sen. scientific employee, State university of the RF MF
9 Аlimov Gabdulmutalap Suleimenovich – first deputy director of the RSE «Karaotkel» of Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
10 Shaihina Tursynkhan – Cairman of trade and commerce chamber of the Akmola region
11 Baltashev Maral Matzhanovich – Director of the administrative building of the Supreme court

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