Reporting meeting with the population of the Department of ecology in the Karaganda region.

Reporting meeting with the population of the Department of ecology in the Karaganda region.

In Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, representatives of ESPK "Nysana" , the Department of ecology for the Karaganda region held a reporting meeting with the population on the results of the Department of ecology for 2019, where topical issues of ecology of the Karaganda region were considered. Teachers and students of the Department of ecology and assessment took an active part in this event. The Department is grateful to the Department of ecology and assessment for their cooperation.

Charity concert «Dreams come true»

Charity concert «Dreams come true»In the University, volunteers held a charity concert to help Rymkul Aizere in the framework of the project "Dreams come true". the collected funds are directed to the treatment of a small Aizere with a serious diagnosis.
We tried our best to cheer up our guest-Aizere and give her the opportunity to understand that all together, we can cope with any obstacle. Let the world and people all around be filled with only light and good.

Congratulations choreographic ensemble "Zhaina"!

Congratulations choreographic ensemble "Zhaina"!Congratulations to the choreographic ensemble "zhaina" and the head of Smagulova Aziz Oralkhanova on the well-deserved victory of the 1st place in the international competition "ASTANA GLOBAL FEST" in Nur-Sultan.
We wish you not to stop there, to always move forward, to conquer new heights

Opening of the year of the volunteer

Opening of the year of the volunteerThe official opening of the year of volunteers took place at our Karaganda Economic University. At this event, the most active volunteers in the categories “Volunteer of the Year”, “Media Volunteer”, “Best Project”, “Volunteer of the Year”, “Kind Heart”, and “Activist of the Year” were awarded.
Congratulations to all the nominated volunteers and wish you further success and strength for the implementation of projects and goals.

Seminar on the topic: "Prevention of drug crime among young people: issues of legal literacy and responsibility for drug crimes»

Seminar on the topic: "Prevention of drug crime among young people: issues of legal literacy and responsibility for drug crimes»

On February 19, 2020, employees of the RI ELS KEU, within the framework of the plan of the Council for legal education of KEUK, together with representatives of the police Department in the Karaganda region, held a Seminar on the topic: "Prevention of drug crime among young people: issues of legal literacy and responsibility for drug crimes".

As speakers at the seminar were senior officer of the Department for anti-drug crime police Department in Karaganda region, police Lieutenant Colonel of Kornienko Kiril Aleksandrovich, and also the detective of the Department for anti-drug crime police captain Ibrayeva Indira Dauletovna.

Addressing the students, representatives of the police Department in the Karaganda region noted that due to age characteristics and lack of life experience, as well as due to the desire to stand out among peers, to win in their eyes an imaginary authority, students are at risk of being involved in the use of drugs and other potent drugs.

In the course of a live dialogue with the audience, the guests explained in detail and in an accessible way what actions are considered illegal, what penalties are followed in this or that case for representatives of different age categories.

Technological business incubator "coworking center "Dostyk" organized a master class on the topic "Oratorical skills. Communication psychology»

Technological business incubator "coworking center "Dostyk" organized a master class on the topic "Oratorical skills. Communication psychology»

On February 20, 2020, the technology business incubator "coworking center "Dostyk" organized a master class on the topic "Oratorical skills. Psychology of communication" from a certified business coach, an expert in the field of oratorical skill and personal growth Irguzhayeva S.I.
Irguzhayeva Saltanat told about the main tools of oratory. So, she presented several mandatory points that a person should pay attention to when making a public speech. These include: the purpose of the speech, appearance, exit and gait, emotional mood, eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, diction, voice, speech speed and pace, and intonation. She described each point in detail, giving life examples. Note that the theory was immediately fixed by practice. She conducted practical exercises for those present on some of the above points.
At the end of the master class Irguzhayeva Saltanat thanked the participants and answered their questions.

Day of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan

Day of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan

February 15, 1989 - the day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. This event marked the end of the Afghan war for the Soviet Union, which claimed the lives of more than 15,000 Soviet soldiers.
In this regard, for the purpose of civil and Patriotic education of young people, raising the status of defender of the Motherland, forming a moral position at the faculty of Business, law and technology, from 14 to 18 February, thematic curatorial hours were organized and held dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.
The curators together with the students conducted an informational conversation about the events of the 9-year war in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, complementing their story with a demonstration of videos, slides and photos. In the discussion, the guys tried to reveal the causes and tragic consequences of this war. Students sang Patriotic songs, played musical instruments, and read poetry.
The events made it possible to reveal the heroic feats of fellow countrymen, participants of military operations, who were sent by the Motherland to serve and fulfilled their duty with honor.

Annual language Contest among of 1st year students

Annual language Contest among of 1st year students

Chair of Russian and Foreign languages held annual language contest among 1st and 2nd year students.

The winners by the English language (among the students of all specialities):
1st place – Zhansakalova Anelya E&MN-19-1
2nd place – Forostyanova Anastassia TOUR-19-3
3rd place – Pronina Olga TOUR-19-3


Visiting session in JSC KF «Halyk Bank»

Visiting session in JSC KF «Halyk Bank»On February 18, 2020, a field session was held for the MN-31k and U-31k groups within the walls of JSC KF "Halyk Bank". Given that students are graduating this year, there is another opportunity for them to undergo professional practice, with further employment.

Meeting in the village of Topar, Abay district

Meeting in the village of Topar, Abay districtOn February 18, 2020, teachers of KEUK Isanov S. S., Yusupov M. T., Amantai S., and Kolosovsky S. carried out career guidance work for school graduates in the village of Topar in the Abay district on the wall of the Abay high school. Secondary school named after Abay.Momyshula high school. Kornienko.

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