Binary online lectur

Binary online lecturWe continue to work online! And our partners help us in this.
On april 15, 2020, the head of the department of "Social work and ANC", associate docent M. K. Abdakimova organized a binary online lecture for students of the SR-18-2 group on the discipline "Social services in social work" with the participation of the head of the social and psychological service of LLP MF "Hippocrates" V.A. Nesterova.
The topic of the lecture is "Special social services in the field of health". The topic is relevant, especially in these difficult days for the whole country. For students who attended this lecture, it was very important to hear the opinion of a specialist practitioner who shared his knowledge and experience in providing social and psychological assistance to the population.


Binary online lectur Binary online lectur
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ