Online conference on the topic: "Conceptual problems of drug use in the Republic of Kazakhstan»

Online conference on the topic: "Conceptual problems of drug use in the Republic of Kazakhstan»

April 15, 2020 within the framework of the project of grant financing Of the Committee of science of the MES of Kazakhstan on the theme: "Criminal-legal and criminological problems of countering illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues in the Republic of Kazakhstan" online conference was held on the "Zoom" platform on the topic: "Conceptual problems of drug use in the Republic of Kazakhstan".
The videoconference was attended by scientists and experts, as well as representatives of research structures of the city of Karaganda.
During the online conference were discussed the problematic issues of combating drug-related crime in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Participants of the videoconference pointed to the need to improve measures to combat drug addiction and drug trafficking. As a result of the online conference, a Collection of scientific papers will be published.






Online conference on the topic: "Conceptual problems of drug use in the Republic of Kazakhstan»

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