On December 6, 2019 in KEUK the Department "Bank management and financial markets" held the Republican subject Olympiad "Leader-Financier of the XXI century" among students of Universities of Kazakhstan, Russia and students of colleges and schools, dedicated to the day of the financier.
Among the invited Universities took an active part, Kuban Krasnodar, NARKHOZ., Almaty, KazNTU im.S. Seifullina G. Nur-Sultan, Pavlodar state University. S. toraigyrova, EITI.K. Satpaeva G. Ekibastuz, University "Turan" Almaty, KABP Karaganda, Financial Academy Turan Nur-Sultan and our KEUK Karaganda. Also among the invited guests were top managers of commercial banks and LLP of Karaganda, students of KEUK, students of colleges of KABP and KTL No. 1.
The subject Olympiad consisted of 3 rounds ("presentation of projects", "magnificent seven" and "zhorga"). The Olympiad was held in a sharp struggle. All teams once again showed excellent knowledge in the field of Finance. According to the results of the Republican subject Olympiad "Leader-Financier of the XXI century" places are distributed as follows:
Grand Prix:, Kuban Krasnodar and Karaganda CAMP
1st place: NARKHOZ Almaty, Turan-Almaty and KazATU.S. Seifullina G. Nur-Sultan
Turan-Astana Nur-Sultan
2nd place: Pavlodar state University. S. M. Turan-Astana and EITI them.K. Satpaeva G. Ekibastuz
3rd place: KEUK.
The next subject Olympiad is traditionally planned in 2020 year.



Congratulations to the university staff on successful institutional accreditation at Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (03/12/12.-05/12/2019).

"Intellectual marathon"

"Intellectual marathon"

December 5, 2019, the Department of Legal regulation of economic relations, held an "Intellectual marathon". The purpose of the intellectual game is to stimulate the interest of College students in their future specialty "Jurisprudence", to consolidate the basic theoretical knowledge in the basic branches of law, Patriotic education of the younger generation, its intellectual development, the creation of a system of cooperation and partnership between the University and secondary professional educational institutions.
CONGRATULATIONS to the participants and nominees of the game students Of the College of Economics, business and law and 2nd year students of the specialty "Jurisprudence" KEUK!

Presentation of educational programs of master's and doctoral studies in the framework of career guidance

Presentation of educational programs of master's and doctoral studies in the framework of career guidance

09.12.2019 the Department of postgraduate education held a presentation of educational programs of master and doctoral studies in the Department of Treasury in Karaganda region within the framework of career guidance.
Chief specialist Fazletdinova Zlata Danilovna and Methodist Kyzylova Zhanetta Yergalievna provided information on admission to master's and doctoral studies, as well as detailed and answered all questions of practitioners.



The Department of postgraduate education congratulates the 2nd year undergraduates of the educational programs "Accounting and audit" and "Marketing and logistics"Hasenova Marya Erlanovna and Zhapbasova Talshyn Berikbayevna on the victory in the Republican contest "The Best undergraduate of Kazakhstan-2019". We wish you further victories and success in your studies !

Olympiad on the history of Kazakhstan

Olympiad on the history of Kazakhstan

The Olympiad on the History of Kazakhstan among students of schools of Karaganda and satellite cities (Temirtau, Abay) was held in KEUK. The Olympiad was held in 2 rounds. The first round-testing on the history of Kazakhstan, during which the students who scored the highest number of points were determined. In the second round, students answered quiz questions, including Ethnography of Kazakhstan, history of Kazakhstan (Soviet period), Independent Kazakhstan, sights of Karaganda, "portraits spoke". The competition jury determined the winners. Become them:
I-place: Tulabek Akbota (the school "Murager") and Kachkina Ekaterina (school №82).
II-place: Tagabaeva Ulzhalgas (school №18) and Аbikenova Anara (school №82). III-place: Аnuarbekova Zhaina (school №18) and Kadyrova Albina (school №82).
Participants and teachers were awarded certificates and diplomas.

Integrity hour at the faculty of business and law

Integrity hour at the faculty of business and law

The United Nations proclaimed December 9 as the International anti-corruption day.
In this regard, on December 9, 2019 in all academic groups of the faculty of business and law held the event "Parasattylyk sagattary", "Hour of integrity" aimed at improving the legal literacy of students, the formation of anti-corruption culture in the student environment and intolerance to corruption.
The event held in discussion and game forms. Students were explained the main provisions of such normative documents as the anti-corruption strategy of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025 years, the Law "On combating corruption", and the main provisions of University regulatory document "Code of academic integrity". Members of the University student community "Sanaly urpaq" took part in the organization and development of some events.

XIII Youth Spartakiad for prizes of Akim of Karaganda region.

XIII Youth Spartakiad for prizes of Akim of Karaganda region.

A student sports contest in traditional sportswas held in Karaganda region, in which the team of our University took part.
At the end of the competition, the KEU team took the 3rd team place.
The 1stteam place tookthe national team of Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov, the 2nd-Karaganda State Technical University.
As always, confident victories were won by the national volleyball teams (teacher in charge – senior lecturer, Matushkin G. Yu.) and draughts (teacher in charge – senior lecturer,IskakovZh.K.)
A worthy contribution was made by members of the skating team (teacher in charge –Candidate of pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor, Baimagambetov Yu. T.), which took 2ndplace, as well as in the winter presidential all-around and cross-country skiing (teacher in charge – thehead of the Chair, Gaak A. Yu.) – 2ndplace; basketball players-boys – 2ndplace, basketball players-girls – 3rdplace (teacher in charge – Chairman of KEUsports club,Ayatbek D. E.); athletics – 2ndplace (teachers in charge – senior lecturers – IskakovZh. K., Borovikova Sh. O.).
Students participating in the games and the teaching staff of the Chairof physical education thank the University administration for the conditions and the opportunity to participate in these prestigious student competitions.

Head of the Department of
Physical culture Гаак А.Ю.


Open practical lesson on the discipline "Advocacy".

Open practical lesson on the discipline "Advocacy".

4.12.2019 senior lecturer of the Department of "General Legal and special disciplines" Rakhimgulova M. B. in the group Yu-36s was held an open practical lesson on the discipline "Advocacy". The lesson was held in the form of a game trial.
The purpose of the lesson was to form the skill of applying law to a specific situation, to develop such professional skills as teamwork, effective legal research, building arguments, public speaking.
This form of training allows students to deepen their knowledge of the discipline "Advocacy" and consolidate knowledge on the subjects of "criminal procedure" and "Criminal law".


Congratulations!!!Congratulations to Professor Balgimbekov D. U. with the title of "Best worker of science" in the field of higher and postgraduate education. We wish not to stop there, constantly improve and develop professionally and personally. Department of "General Legal and special disciplines".

Round table: «Modern Kazakhstan. The Leadership Lessons Of The Nation».

Round table: «Modern Kazakhstan. The Leadership Lessons Of The Nation».

On december 1, 1991, our country elected its first President as a result of national elections, and the history of Independence began with this. Therefore, in 2011, the Parliament adopted the law "About entering of addition into the law RK "About holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan" according to which December 1 was adopted as the state holiday - the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
By this decision, the Parliament of the country not only exalted a great personality, but also gave an appropriate assessment of the status of the institution of the presidency.
The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev is the founder of the new independent state, who ensured the unity of Kazakhstan, protection of the Constitution, human and civil rights and freedoms.
At the round table were: Abilov K.Zh. - vice-rector for social Affairs, Badel A.-senior lecturer, master of the department «SR and APK», a student of gr. SR-41k Kenshilik Albina and student gr. SR-18-1 to Azine Shynargul.

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