Yesenin readings "And the corner is dear to the heart ..."

Yesenin readings "And the corner is dear to the heart ..."On February 12, 2020, a festival of beautiful poetry and music was held in the library of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Yesenin. Students of KEUK - activists of the literary club "Lira" and students of 10th grade of secondary school No. 10 and KSEI of grammar scholl No. 45 of Karaganda took part in the Yesenin readings "And the corner is dear to the heart ..." S. Yesenin entered the history of Russian literature as a subtle lyricist, landscape master, singer of peasant Russia, an expert on the folk language and soul of the people. Accompanied by violin and guitar, the guests of the meeting recited with pleasure the most liked verses. Pupils of schools and students noted that the poet’s works perfectly convey the idea of patriotism, love of the motherland. Especially they liked the song “A blue fire was noticed” both in solo and in choral performance by schoolchildren and students. At the end of the holiday, all participants were awarded with diplomas and souvenirs.

National and religious traditions in art.

National and religious traditions in art.The Department of «Social work and ANК» held a round table «Religion and art within the framework of the course «
eligious Studies", the socio-political Council and the student scientific circle "Tolerance", which considered national and religious traditions in the history of painting, music, architecture and sculpture. Students in their presentations demonstrated the relationship between religion and art, the understanding of which helps to understand the national and universal in art and religion.

International correspondence student subject Olympiad on the educational program "Marketing»

International correspondence student subject Olympiad on the educational program "Marketing»

On February 7, the international correspondence intellectual Olympiad on the educational program "marketing" was held at the Turan University in Almaty. The aim of the Olympiad is to develop the activity and creative abilities of students, increase interest in professional training, provide opportunities for self-expression, and contribute to achieving the optimal level of educational results and conditions for achieving them.
According to the results of the Olympiad, the team of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz " on "consisting of students of the MK-22 group Umutchakova K., Tusupova K., Makhmutova sh. under the guidance of doctor of Economics, Professor borbasova Z. N. took 1st place in the section "Modern marketing technologies". Technical support was provided by a student of the MK-19-4s group, S. Dzhumagalieva.
Congratulations and we are proud of our students!

Al-Farabi - Second Teacher

Al-Farabi - Second TeacherFebruary 10, 2020 teachers of the SRiANK department held a lecture and an intellectual game with students on the topic "Teacher of the East", dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of philosophy, mathematics and music theorists Abu Nasra al-Farabi. During the meeting, issues of biography, science and culture were discussed.

Volunteering in KEU

Volunteering in KEUThe year 2020 has been declared the year of the volunteer in Kazakhstan. «Volunteers are not just free work, but an indicator of citizens 'responsibility and readiness to change the world for the better» - K-Zh. Tokayev, President of Kazakhstan.
Within the framework of the «Taza Alem» project, students of the ECO-19к group Kudaibergenov Eldar, Omargali Abdurakhman, Nygymet Zhalgas provided volunteer assistance to improve the territory of the KSU «Station of young naturalists», partners of the UNPK «Nysana».
Zhumazhan Gulzhan, a student of the ECO-19-1k group, together with volunteers and activists of the faculty of Economics, management and entrepreneurship, helped veterans and lonely pensioners cope with snow drifts and house cleaning within the framework of the «Kamkor» project.

Meeting with representatives of the state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the Karaganda Region"

Meeting with representatives of the state institution "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the Karaganda Region"On February 7, 2020, a graduate students met at the Karaganda Economic University with a representative of the state institution “Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs of the Karaganda Region” - Kayyr Zhanar Dayyrgyzy - chief specialist, Turgumbaeva Zhanna Amanbaevna - chief specialist.
Representatives of the civil service showed a presentation and spoke in detail about all the moments of passing to the civil service, and also answered all the students' questions of interest. Representatives shared how they themselves prepared for testing and went through the stages of the interview.

February 7 - "Day of open doors""» In the police Department of the Karaganda region.

February 7 - "Day of open doors""» In the police Department of the Karaganda region.

Students of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz took part in the open day in the police Department of the Karaganda region. During the event, police major A. R. Mellatov gave students a lecture "on internal Affairs bodies", students received answers to their questions and got acquainted with the"polygon of investigative actions".
As part of the implementation Of the plan of joint activities, the Department of OP and OSO of the Karaganda region developed and approved the schedule of monthly classes for students

Associate Professor Karzhasova G. B. of the Department of "General Legal and special disciplines" held an open class on the subject: "Procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan»

Associate Professor Karzhasova G. B. of the Department of "General Legal and special disciplines" held an open class on the subject: "Procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan»

29 January 2020 in the framework of the discipline of "Procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" among students of the group TD-32, specialty: 5v030400 "Customs" by Professor G. B. Karasabai was held an open lesson on the theme "Claim as a means of protection of infringed rights". During the lecture, the students were informed about the specifics of conducting and preparing procedural civil procedural documents during the lawsuit.
Guests of the open session: Video clip: Amangeldin Aibek Timurovich-judge of the Almaty district court of Nur-Sultan (civil jurisdiction), associate Professor of the Department of civil law and process of the Academy of justice at the Supreme Court, master of law.
Akparov Diyar Bakytovich-Head of the legal Department of "company "Autocenter Bacchus" LLP, Member of the chamber of legal consultants "Ekpert PRAVA»

Scientific seminar for 3rd year doctoral students the educational program "Economy»

Scientific seminar for 3rd year doctoral students the educational program "Economy»

On January 29, 2020, KEU held a scientific seminar on the educational program "Economics" for 3rd-year doctoral students.
This seminar was attended by 3rd-year doctoral students Salauatova D. M. and Keneshova G. A. with the results of scientific research on the topic of the thesis. During the scientific seminar, questions were asked about the research topic, and the scientific works of doctoral students were reviewed.
At the same time, the seminar provided practical advice from doctoral students on selection and publications in foreign rating publishing houses, where the works of the graduates themselves were published.

Professionals for Professionals

Professionals for ProfessionalsOn January 25, the Department of Management and Innovation, jointly by an international trainer, professional coach, official representative of the expert-analytical association Prof-Dialogue Tasbulatova Balsulu, conducted a training on the topic "Coaching tools in education" for the teaching staff of the Gymnasium of 38 Karaganda.
For members of the administration of the gymnasium and partner schools, the training "New in the selection and assessment of staff effectiveness" was held. The participants got acquainted with the methodology of complex diagnostics on issues of vocational guidance. Using the example of a school’s problem, the group members tried to draw up the Wheel of balance and think over the steps to solve a specific problem. After the event, all participants received certificates.

Internship of the faculty of the Department " Banking management and financial markets»

Internship of the faculty of the Department " Banking management and financial markets»

Тhe Department of "Banking management and financial markets" headed by the head of the doctor of Economics, Professor T Alimova L. A., also the faculty of the Department passed an internship in the CF of JSC "Zhusan Bank" in Karaganda.
Top managers of Zhusan Bank JSC held master classes, delivered lectures, and demonstrated presentations about the Bank's activities.
As a result of the internship, participants were awarded certificates of JSC "Zhusan Bank".

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