Award ceremony for the holders of the title " Best University teacher»

Award ceremony for the holders of the title " Best University teacher»

On February 28, 2020, the award ceremony for the holders of the title "Best University teacher" was held with the participation of Vice-Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Miras Daulenov.
471 applicants from 81 higher educational institutions of the Republic took part in the competition for the title of "Best University teacher". Dauren Kazhabergenovich Sarzhanov, Professor of the Department of Marketing and logistics, was among the holders of the title "Best University teacher".
Scientific-pedagogical activity of the teacher was evaluated by qualitative and quantitative indicators: development, participation and publication of textbooks, monographs, manuals in English; a certificate of successful completion of training based on the platform of massive open online courses, etc.
This grant allows a teacher to complete an internship at leading universities in the world to improve their skills and conduct research.b
The chair "Marketing and logistics" congratulates the people of Kazakhstan of Kozhabergenov and wishes him further victories in scientific and educational activities!

Lecture "on prevention and prevention of tuberculosis".

Lecture "on prevention and prevention of tuberculosis".

On 13.03.2020, as part of the month of tuberculosis prevention, a lecture was organized among students of the faculty of Business, law and technology with the invitation of the senior nurse of the University , on the prevention of tuberculosis by giving up Smoking, alcohol and drugs, as well as on the importance of passing a fluorography examination.



The chair of Russian and Foreign languages held the annual intellectual game “Experts of languages” among school – graduates of 11 grade city schools.
All the participants were awarded with diplomas:

1st place – MSI SS №15
2nd place – MSI Gymnasium №93, MSI SS №16
3rd place – MSI SS №17, MSI SS №18

We thank all the pupils for active participation!

The meeting «A thousand Fates - one people»

The meeting «A thousand Fates - one people»

The department of SW and ANK held a meeting with representatives of the Karaganda german society «Wiedergeburt» - members of deported german families, dedicated to the Day of gratitude and memory of the outstanding writer, translator, essayist, public figure Gerold Belger.
Korevko V.V., Zvizhinsky L.R. shared their memories of the events of the war years, deportation and expressed gratitude to the Kazakh people, who extended a helping hand to the germans in dashing years.

Zhas orken

In 2017, on the initiative of the Samruk Kazyna Foundation, the Zhas Orken program was launched to attract, select and develop talented university graduates.
Candidates undergo a five-level selection process, which includes the world's best practices for assessing abilities and potential. The interest in our program among graduates is obviously growing, if in 2017 about 600 graduates took part in the competitive selection, then last year more than 4000 candidates from 21 cities of Kazakhstan were selected.

Expert in biology-2020

Expert in biology-2020The Department of Ecology and assessment held the regional Olympiad «Expert in biology – 2020» among students of schools and colleges of the Karaganda region for the purpose of professional orientation work and identification, development of creative abilities. The regional Olympiad allowed to determine the degree of proficiency in the basics of biology , the level of development of creative thinking and interest in the study of biological disciplines. A total of 148 students from 35 schools in Karaganda and Karaganda region took part in the Olympiad.
The winners were determined based on the results:
1st place. Bezovchuk Carolina Anatolyevna.
Feofilov Victor.
2nd place.Kairat Haqnazar.
Gorbatov Maxim.
Navrodskaya Valeriya Vital'evna.
Zholdak Alexandra.
3rd place. Bolat Akerke Erbolovna.
Semenov Ivan Ivanovich.
Tursynkhanova Nuray.
Yeldosova Aitolkyn.
Ryabov Vitaly Aleksandrovich.
Bedelkhan Bakdaulet Mantayuly.


Сompetition«ҰЛЫ ДАЛА ДАНЫШПАНЫ»The Department of the Kazakh Language and Culture of Kazakhstan on March 3, 2020 organized and held a competition “You gave danyshpani” among students, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet, wise thinker, philosopher, composer, founder of Kazakh written literature A. Kunanbaev. The competition was attended by students of different nationalities of three faculties: “FEUP”, “FBPT”, “FFLCT”
The purpose of the competition: to popularize the life and work of the great Kazakh poet A. Kunanbaev, expanding knowledge and using the state language among students of different nationalities.
Three teams of students "Enerpazar", "Zhalyn", "Adamny balasy" competed. Participants performed songs, read verses by A. Kunanbaev and answered questions of the quiz. At different stages of the competition, they showed good knowledge of the state language and won the attention of the audience. According to the results of the competition, the Zhalyn team of the Faculty of Finance, Logistics and Digital Technologies won. An article about this event was published in the regional newspaper “Ortalyk Kazakhstan.”



The Chair of Foreign and Russian languages held a competition "Multilingual Student" among students of non-language disciplines who speak Kazakh, Russian and English; the competition was held to motivate students of the university to learn languages.
According to the results of the competition following teams were awarded with certificates:
I place – Karaganda State University of the name of academician E.A.Buketov;
II place - Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz;
III place – Karaganda Medical University.
Members of the competent jury noted the high level of preparation of creative teams which once again proved that the multilingual student is a reality!

International foreign languages Olympiad

International foreign languages Olympiad

At the International foreign languages Olympiad dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev, held on February 28, 2020 at the Eurasian National University our students Roshchin Nikita (English language), Paramzin Vadim (English language) and Abdul-Sattarova Diana (German language) presented our university with the great results.

Roshin Nikita, 1st year student of the group IR-19-2, took the 2nd place.
Congratulations to all students and teachers of chair of «Foreign and Russian languages»!
Wish you success in future endeavors!


«Confrontation»On February 28, 2020, as part of the study of the discipline " Criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ", students of the group u-18-4, u-18-5, u-18-7s, TD-18-2, a lecture was held with the senior investigator for the police Department of the SU DP region, police captain Belispaev N. A. on the topic "Confrontation". During the lecture, the students were informed about the specifics of conducting and preparing procedural civil procedural documents during a lawsuit.

Our choice - management, service, tourism

Our choice - management, service, tourismOn February 29, 2020, the Department of Higher Mathematics (N. Kozlova) together with the Center for Career Guidance and Public Relations (B. Blyalov) conducted an elective course for students in grades 10-11 on the topic “Management, service, tourism”. The aim of the course was the vocational guidance of graduate students in the field of management and service. A business game was held to identify value orientations in a career. As a result of the event, students showed interest in these specialties and the university.

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