Basic precautions against coronavirus infection

Wash your hands regularly
Treat your hands regularly with an alcohol-based product or wash them with soap. If a virus is present on the surface of the hands, then treating the hands with an alcohol-containing product or soap will kill it.
Keep your distance in public
Stay at least 1 meter away from people, especially if they have a cough, runny nose, or fever. Coughing and sneezing, a person with a respiratory infection spreads the smallest drops containing the virus around him. If you are too close to such a person, you can get the virus by inhaling air.
If possible, do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Hands touch many surfaces on which the virus may be present. Touching the hands containing the infection to the eyes, nose, or mouth can transfer the virus from the skin of the hands to the body.
Observe hygiene


In public places it is advisable to be in medical masks, change them every 2 hours. When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or bend of your elbow; immediately throw the napkin into the garbage container with a lid and treat your hands with an alcohol-containing antiseptic or wash them with soap and water. In public transport it is advisable to wear medical gloves.
Seek medical attention
If you have visited countries where Covid-19 is registered, or have been in close contact with someone who has symptoms of a respiratory illness after traveling abroad, notify your healthcare provider.
Fever, coughing and shortness of breath require immediate medical attention, as they can be caused by a respiratory infection or other serious illness.
Symptoms of damage to the respiratory system in combination with an increase in temperature can have a variety of reasons, among which, depending on the trips made by the patient and his contacts, there may be a coronavirus.
Follow medical advice
Follow the recommendations of specialists, central and local health organizations, as well as the organization in which you work, to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.
Do not self-medicate. Doctors have the most up-to-date information on the dynamics of COVID-19 in your area. They can provide the most appropriate personal protective measures for people in your area.
Personal protective measures for recently visited COVID-19 distribution areas
• If you feel unwell, stay home until you recover, even if you have mild symptoms like a headache or a runny nose. By refraining from contact with others and not visiting medical institutions, you help these institutions to work more efficiently and protect yourself and others from possible infection with COVID-19 or other viral infections.
• If you have fever, coughing, or difficulty breathing, do not delay seeking medical attention, as these symptoms may be caused by a respiratory infection or other serious illness. First, call your health care provider and report any recent trips or contacts with travelers. Applying for medical care over the phone will allow specialists to quickly refer you to a suitable medical institution. In addition, this will help to avoid the possible spread of COVID-19 and other viral infections.

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