Refresher course "Methods of video lectures" for employees of the Karaganda Academy im.B.Beysenova

Refresher course "Methods of video lectures" for employees of the Karaganda Academy im.B.BeysenovaFrom January 11 to January 20, 2016 at Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz took a refresher course "Methods of video lectures" for employees of the Karaganda Academy. B.Beysenova. The course is conducted by the director of the Center for Training TV Tarskaya Marina Nikolaevna and visiting professional Artis Әkіm Duman Nұrlybekұly. As part of the course the students have acquired the skills of behavior during the shooting process, we have mastered the technique of online lessons, didactic principles of audio, video tutorials, video lectures and destination types. Staging diction and speech stsenodvizheniyu contributed to a mini - trainings Duman Nұrlybekұly.
On the part of the audience noted the high professionalism of Tarskaya M.N.and Әkіm D.N. Overall, the course was held at a high level. Upon completion of the course were awarded certificates to all participants of the course.

The best curator FAF

The best curator FAFOn the 19th of January 2016 in the 105 audience the dean's office of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance spent a training for supervisors on "Methodical box of curator of academic groups". The Chairman of the Board of curators master teacher Tsitsina AS spoke with report and presentation and shared with successes in your work like a winner of the nomination "The best curator FAF" master degree, senior teacher Valeyeva VZ and the University sociologist Otynshina GS

On December 25, 2015 of "Accounting and audit" chair's stuff went to "Shapagat" specialized children's home in order to congratulate them with the New Year.

On December 25, 2015 of "Accounting and audit" chair's stuff went to "Shapagat" specialized children's home in order to congratulate them with the New Year.On a good tradition teachers of chair "Accounting and audit" raised money for gifts for pupils of orphanage "Shapagat". According to the recommendation of administration of orphanage teachers of chair Nyikanbayev A.I., Furmanova M. A. and Hasenova G. T. visited pupils of the 8th group. In group there were 7 children aged from 2 till 3 years. All of them received sweets and toys. At the beginning children looked with care and studied guests, and after receiving gifts were delighted and started playing with teachers, muttering something in their own language. Having played, having thanked, children saw off guests. And guests with tears in the eyes said goodbye to children.

"Christmas story in the" boarding school №4 of Karaganda "

"Christmas story in the" boarding school №4 of Karaganda "December 20, 2015 on the initiative of the Faculty of Economics and Management student theater "Inspiration" of the Karaganda Economic University, and the sponsorship of limited partnership "Water Crystal" was held Christmas charity event for children of primary school "boarding school №4 Karaganda" .
Members of the theater prepared for children New Year's program with the main characters of different fairy tales such as Pinocchio and Malvina, Baba Yaga and fright, The Bremen Town Musicians, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden, etc. Children and their parents were very pleased with our program. Especially those delicious gifts that they heartily presented by the representatives of the company "Water Crystal".
Guide Faculty of Economics and Management would like to thank the sponsorship of limited partnership "Water Crystal" to all the students who actively participated in the campaign, as well as theater "Inspiration" for gifted positive emotions and a fabulous New Year children boarding school №4.

"Biology Expert-2015"

December 19 on the basis of the Karaganda Economic University Department of "Ecology and Assessment" organized Biology Olympiad "Zatoka Biology - 2015", which was attended by 90 high school students of Karaganda.
At the end of the Olympic Games have revealed the winners with the highest scores:
1st place - Zharkeshova Merey, uch. 11 "B" class secondary school №81
2nd place - Kul Vadim account. 11 "A" class secondary school №63
3rd place - Emdaltseva Vitalina, uch. 11 "A" class secondary school №45
3rd place - Vladimir Kim, uch. 10 "A" class secondary school №63.
3rd place - Shaekin Bekzat, uch. 11 "A" class secondary school №101.
The award ceremony will take place on December 25 at a solemn ceremony at the Department of "Ecology and evaluation."


ROUNDTABLE "RESULTS AND PROSPECTS OF MSW in Kazakhstan "December 22 department "Ecology and Assessment" held a round table on the problems of training and SDW, which was invited by the chief specialist of the NGO "EcoObraz" Maria Tyuryuscheva.
All participants were awarded certificates for active participation in the training seminar.


Off-site lesson in MSPE "HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CENTER OF THE FIRST PRESIDENT"Senior Lecturer of the Department "World Economy and International Relations" Baygozhina GM held a visiting session to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan in the MSPE "HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CENTER OF THE FIRST PRESIDENT" in the discipline "Diplomacy of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Group MO-21, MO-22, MO-23K.
Museum exhibitions devoted to the most important stages in the development of independent Kazakhstan, tells about the life and activity of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Archival materials, films and photographs, books, works of fine and decorative art, a unique collection of awards of the President, weapons, personal belongings and documents, works of NA Nazarbayev presented in thematic exhibitions:
"On the way to independence (1985-1991 biennium)."
• «State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
• «Atameken", "Kazakhstan model of the institute of presidency"
• «Republic of Kazakhstan: the formation of state and the determination of strategy of development"
• «Kazakhstan and the world community" "Award to President - gratitude to people"
• «Public recognition of NA Nazarbayev "
• «The role of the NA Nazarbayev in providing of national, regional and global security "
• «Collection of weapon"
• «Gifts to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan."


InformationParticipants of the International Scientific Conference of students and undergraduates "Strategy for the sustainable development of the country through the eyes of young scientists" held on November 19 2015. in KEUK.

Сontest of essay on a theme "Value of realization of the specialized exhibition of EXPO for Kazakhstan" among the apprentice of schools of Karaganda

Сontest of essay on a theme "Value of realization of the specialized exhibition of EXPO for  Kazakhstan" among the apprentice of schools of Karaganda19 December, 2015 year Juspekova A.K. and E. I. Shabanova conducted Сontest of essay on a theme "Value of realization of the specialized exhibition of EXPO for Kazakhstan" among the apprentice of schools of Karaganda.
Part was taken apprentice middle schools № 10, 18, 68, 45. On results the competition of essay winners were certain: 1 место – ученица СОШ– Ешимханова Б.; 2 место – учащиеся СОШ №10 – Бахитова Әйгерім, Номоков Дмитрий, Катарова Акбота. Победители конкурса были награждены дипломами и призами.

National Student League Basketball

National Student League BasketballWomen's national team DEs Kazpotrebsoyuz took second place in the tournament of the National Student League Basketball.
Congratulations to the team with great success!
From 11 to 14 December 2015, in Astana, on the basis of the "Nazarbayev University" held the final game of the National Student League Basketball.
Women's basketball team of our University took second place, losing only in the final of the national team experienced the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University in Almaty, which stands in the premier league championship of Kazakhstan.

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