Republican subject Olympiad on logistics.

Republican subject Olympiad on logistics.February 26, 2016 a group of students Log-22 Basyrov Sh. Log-32: Balanescu E., A. Denisenko, D. Fomin participated in the Republican subject Olympiad on specialty vehicle group among students of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, which was held on the basis of KazATC in the following specialties:
1)Organization of transport, traffic and operation;
2)Transport, transport equipment and technologies;
3)Logistics (by industry).
4)Transportation construction.
The winners will be determined by the decision of the competition committee.
As a result of the discipline Logistics (by industry) student group Log-22 Basyrov Shamil took 3rd place and was awarded a diploma of III degree MES.


Republican subject Olympiad on logistics. Republican subject Olympiad on logistics. Republican subject Olympiad on logistics.
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