Congratulations to winners of interuniversity competition!

Congratulations to winners of interuniversity competition!February 26, 2016 on the basis of the University them. EA Buketov was a competition of social projects "Innovative Approach to Social Sphere" among students of Karaganda universities (the University, KSTU, Bolashak, KEUK), which under the guidance of lecturer SWandSPD Ertay Khuanbek attended by students groups "OPEC-11K" and "SR-21k. " Total social projects competition was attended by 16 teams, which resulted in the team of the "OPEC-11k" as part of Isayeva Aituar, Қanatұly Zhanaidarov, Yerzhan Maқpal took the 2nd place, and the team of the "CP-21K" within Zhosalbaevoy Gүlіm, Asқatқyzy Nazim, Ybyray Ayaulym took 3rd place.
On behalf of the staff of the department Congratulations to winners of the competition and wish them further success in their research activities.


Congratulations to winners of interuniversity competition! Congratulations to winners of interuniversity competition! Congratulations to winners of interuniversity competition!
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ