Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving Day.Presidential Decree N. Nazarbayev announced March 1 Day of gratitude.
The will of fate, in the 30-40 years of the twentieth century, entire peoples were deported to Kazakhstan. They were discharged from the wagons directly into the bare steppe. Kazakh families are themselves in dire need, take them into their adobe homes, sharing last cake.
Hundreds of thousands of people of different nationalities have found their home here, Kazakhstan has become their family home.
Day of Thanks, it was decided to celebrate the day of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan education, on the day the thanks of all ethnic groups, each other and the Kazakh people, who showed compassion and took these people as family.
It is difficult to overestimate the significance of this holiday. After all, today, to the multinational people of Kazakhstan are huge problems for the implementation of the Strategy "Kazakhstan -2050" and the preservation of peace, tranquility and stability is the most important key to the implementation of the tasks!

Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day.
Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day.
Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day.

February 29, 2016 at Karaganda Economic University held a solemn event dedicated to the Day of gratitude. It began with a theatrical staging of art, which tells about the hospitality of the Kazakh people.
Guests of the event were representatives of the national-cultural centers of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in Athens, boxer Serik Eleuov, as well as parents of Olympic boxing champion Serik Sapiev, Champion Youth Olympic Games Abylaikhan Zhusupova who gave the museum the University of his gloves and a gold medal champion.
Congratulations were: Vice-Rector for Social Affairs, Doctor of History, Professor KJ Abilov, deputy head of the Department of Civil Service in Karaganda region Akhmetov BM, chairman of the regional Polish Society "Polonia" Chmielewski VA , a representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international organization UNICEF, Kozhanbaev Damir et al.
The concert program was attended by amateur groups DEs "Zhayna", "Dance Avenue", "Naz Konyr" vocal studio "Melody" children's dance ensemble "Erkenaz" RTSDO "Art School №2» and secondary school №10.

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