Exit classes in branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan

Exit classes in branch of National Bank of KazakhstanWithin carrying out exit, platinum lectures teachers of Banking chair gave exit classes for F-11s/k group with participation of the NB RK branch director Mazhitov D. M., the manager Talimova L.A. chairs., associate professor Kurmanalina A.K. and teacher Issanov A.S.

A visit of the expert professor Stephen Heygen

A visit of the expert authorized by the European Commission for carrying out the research directed on an assessment of influence of projects Tempus IV in Kazakhstan and other countries of Central Asia - professor Stephen Heygen took place on November 13th, 2015. The objective of his research - to estimate changes which resulted implementation of projects and their influence on internationalization of higher education institution or a national education system. Two projects of the program Tempus IV are successfully complete in our university: "Central Asian network on ensuring quality and accreditation (CANQA)" and "Creation of socially useful universities by the principle of "Research-Science-Production".

Master - the modern reality of young professionals.

Master - the modern reality of young professionals.To date, studies in graduate acquires high importance and need for the development of personal self-determination and young professionals. And in this regard plays a major role awareness of young people.
So, 5 and 6 November 2015 in the walls of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz Department of postgraduate and further education together with the deans of the University were held the presentation of master branding programs in our university, for students KEUK. During the presentation it was disclosed features of master degree, the specific master's degree programs, the rules of admission to postgraduate programs. Coverage of the student sector data presentation was quite extensive - undergraduate students 2.3 and 4 courses.
The significance of such events certainly high, as evidenced by strong interest of students who have had many different questions on the master's program and the rules of admission to them.

Academic Open Day

Academic Open DayIt was held an Academic Open Day for graduates of Karaganda Technical College in the Palace of students of KEU on November 9, 2015, where 96 graduates were participated.

Open Day at Karaganda

Open Day at KaragandaIt was held an Open Day at Karaganda economic university on November 6th, 2015 in the format of "Party-Quest".
For graduates of schools and colleges were offered an exciting game – tour to university, where 425 graduates of Karaganda and Karaganda region were participated.

An open curatorial hour in group f-12 (curator Borisova E.I.. 02.11.2015) Theme: «The fight against religious extremism»

An open curatorial hour in group f-12 (curator Borisova E.I.. 02.11.2015)  Theme: «The fight against religious extremism»Curator Elena Borisova spoke with words of welcome and outlined the purpose of the open curatorial hour. The purpose of the open curatorial hour is to counter religious extremism. Participated and undergraduates, and students. Master Kurmanalin S. told of banned religious organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Student Bekseitov I. – gave a presentation on "Combating religious extremism".

Meeting of the graduates of Abai region with representatives of KEUK within the framework of holding the event to attract university entrants .

Meeting of the graduates of Abai region with representatives of KEUK within the framework of holding the event to attract university entrants .Meeting of the graduates of Abai region with representatives of KEUK within the framework of holding the event to attract university entrants .
At this event, representatives gave the following informations: advantages and the history of university , rules of entering the university , acquaintance with specialties and so on. It was conversations with potential graduates and questionnaire design. At this event took part 89 graduates of the 7 schools Abai district.
Representatives of KEUK vice dean for character building of Accounting and Finance Department Mucipova L.K., Professor of chair «SPD» Minzhanov N.A., teacher of chair «PREO» Amantay Abdulla and teacher of chair «Banking» Isanov A.S.
There were school graduates of Abay district in the school hall .
Speech by the Vice Dean character of Accounting and Finance Department Mucipova L.K. for the graduates of the school of Abay district.
Speech of Professor of chair «SPD» Minzhanov N.A. for the graduates of the school of Abay district.
Meeting of the graduates of Abai region with representatives of KEUK within the framework of holding the event to attract university entrants .

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