CONGRATULATIONS TO WINNERS OF REPUBLICAN SUBJECT OLYMPIAD!April 7-8, 2016 on the basis of Taldykorgan Zhetysu State University them. I.Zhansugurov passed VIII Republican student subject Olympiad among students of 1-4 courses of full-time enrolled in 5V011500- "Basics of Law and Economics", which, under the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of the department SWandSPD Abdakimovа M.K., received a group of students participating "OPEC-11K", "OPEC-41K." Of the 8 teams participating in the Olympic Games, our team of Isayeva Aituar, Қanatuly Zhanaidarov, Kuandykova Syrymbet took 2nd place.
The team were awarded the Cup winner, diplomas, certificates and a letter of thanks to the rector KEUK PhD, professor E.B. Aymagambetov.
On behalf of the staff of the department Congratulations to winners of the Olympic Games and wish them further success in research!

Chairs "Ecology and evaluation" and "Economics and Management" hosted a forum dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz "EXPO-2017: Business Opportunities and" green "investment."

Chairs "Ecology and evaluation" and "Economics and Management" hosted a forum dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz "EXPO-2017: Business Opportunities and" green "investment."Chairs "Ecology and evaluation" and "Economics and Management" held a forum dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz "EXPO-2017: Opportunities for business and" green "investments" in the online VDVS and Bashkiria. The forum was attended by Head of the Department of Ecology in Karaganda region Zh.I. Aliyev, an expert on the ecology department of Karaganda region Ibraeva MB, director of waste processing plant LLP TTC Mukaev EK, teachers and students KEUK.

International Foreign Languages Olympiad for students

International Foreign Languages Olympiad for students April 6-8, 2016 Buketov Karaganda State University was held International Scientific Forum "Language education in terms of social and cultural transformation of modern society", which was attended by representatives of 8 countries and 26 universities.
As part of this forum KSU organized International Student Foreign Languages Olympiad. The aim of the Olympiad - the development of personal potential of students as one of the indicators of competitiveness of the future professionals, promoting educational - research activity of students. The following students from our university took part at this contest: Shevchenko Oksana (IR-32), Smagulova Zhanara (IR-32), Abdakimova Assel (UA-41к), Orazbekova Aygerim (IR-41) and Madina Maydabekova (IR-42). According 3 rounds student of the group UA-41к Abdakimova Asel won the 3rd place in the English language. (Supervisor: Master, Senior Teacher Zhunussova A.K)

Towards the 50th anniversary of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsouz!

Towards the 50th anniversary of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsouz!On the 8th of April, 2016 under the auspices of the Office for Religious Affairs of the Karaganda region and Kazakhstan Peoples' Assembly of Karaganda region the department "SW and SPD " held the international scientific-practical conference on theme "Religion in the modern world: creating a culture of inter-ethnic and inter-religious dialogue, overcoming the influence of religious extremism and terrorism" dedicated to 50th anniversary of KEUK.
The representatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation participated in the work of the conference: higher educational institutions of Sterlitamak, Astana, Pavlodar, Uralsk, Almaty were presented. The Karaganda region was presented by the students, graduates and young scientists of KEUK, KSU, KSTU, KSMU, CKA.
Moderator Abilov K.Zh, Doctor of History, Professor, Vice-Rector for Social Affairs of KEUK, outlined the purpose and objectives of the conference, gave a brief description of the work for building a culture of interfaith dialogue and prevention of religious extremism.

Research internship of graduate students of Karaganda Economic University at Saint Petersburg State Economic University

Research internship of graduate students of Karaganda Economic University at Saint Petersburg State Economic UniversityIn March-April, 2016, second-year graduate students of scientific and pedagogical areas of study (6M050800 "Accounting and Audit", 6M070300 "Information Systems", 6M090800 "Valuation") participated in a 10-day international research internship at Saint Petersburg State Economic University, one of the leading institutes of the Russian Federation.
In the framework of the main internship program, graduate students have given a course of lectures related to actual topics and issues of accounting, information technologies and evaluation of businesses. In particular, the students have uncovered principle aspects of the use of computer methods in statistical analysis and prognosis, project-oriented management accounting, modern accounting and analysis, management and evaluation of business entities, audit in the system of external financial control, information-analytical activities related to providing of integrated safety and security of businesses and so on.
Graduate students have carried out the scientific component of the internship at the Saint Petersburg State Economic University Library. The activities of the students have been directly related to studying of international training and research literature in the area of their graduate research interests.

Master was held «.NET Framework - Microsoft software platform .»

Master was held «.NET Framework - Microsoft software platform .» 7 April 2016 class on the topic - IVS of the Department in conjunction with the LP " Epam Kazakhstan» Master was held «.NET Framework - Microsoft software platform .» EPAM Systems - the largest IT - company that can offer its customers a full range of services and competencies for the design and development of enterprise IT systems. The program of the master class was attended by Ainur Zhaparova - Talent Acquisition Assistant, Alexander Gunger – Senior Software Engineer, Alexey Slepenkov - Junior Software Engineer staff of the department "ITT" and P ( D ) to the " Mathematics and Informatics " KEBP , students of 1-4 courses and KEBP DEs .

"Ideas that change the world."

"Ideas that change the world."From 28 to 30 March 2016 the delegation of the University from among the best students, activists of all faculties took part in a series of two-day training seminar "Ideas to change the world", held on the base SE "First President of Kazakhstan Library - Leader of the Nation" (Astana)
The purpose of the seminar - the study of conceptual ideas and global initiatives of the First President of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation NA Nazarbayev, allowing to expand the circle of the younger generation of knowledge about the history of Kazakhstan and contribute to the formation of the Kazakhstan patriotism in his values.
The program included training sessions and cultural events.
As part of the study of the Plan of the Nation - 100 concrete steps to implement the five institutional reforms of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to listeners of the seminar included lectures on the topics:
"The formation of the modern state apparatus"
"Upholding the Rule of Law", "Industrialization and economic growth", "A nation united future", "transparent accountability to the government," the practical training at the interactive tables.
Cultural activities included a visit to the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Museum of the First President of Kazakhstan.

Seminar "Implementation of management systems in enterprises

Seminar "Implementation of management systems in enterprises14/03/2016 Kazakh Institute of Standardization and Certification held a seminar "Implementation of management systems in enterprises" at the Karaganda University of Economics Kazpotrebsoyuz.
The seminar was attended by staff of the department merchandising and certification companies such as:
- Угольный Департамент АО «АрселорМиталл Темиртау»
- ТОО «Нәтиже Сүт Фабрикасы»
- ТОО фирма «Акнар»

The beauty contest of the Faculty of Business and law «Miss FBP – 2016» in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the University.

The beauty contest of the Faculty of Business and law «Miss FBP – 2016» in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the University.And here fanfares sounded creative contest «Miss FBP-2016», conducted by the faculty of business and law, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of our University.
This competition is traditionally organized by the leaders and activists of the Congress of students FBP. In the competition program was attended by 10 students of the faculty (Amanzhol Alua group Tour-11K, Anieva Aitzhamal group CCI-11, Raizaeva Gulzira group U-15K, Chernysh Julia group U-12, Zharylgassynova Zhansaya group U-11K, Kasymova Aisulu U-11K, Sadvokasova Nina - TD 12 group, Bokova Aiza group RD-12, Iskakova Diana group RD-12, Kartai Madina group U-12.
All participants competed in the following directions: «Videovista», «Fight of wits», «Creative competition», «Defile». Estimated level of preparation of participants competent jury, which were presented to Directors and managers of companies «Roteck», model Agency «A-one», Snackage «Junior», a delivery service «sushi love», a network of cafe «the Couch», club «Incognito», the Studio «S perfect» companies, «Artomatic and Idealises» in Karaganda, «Headquarters», dance Studio «Sky Walkers» and other Sponsors of the contest were made by the company «Atlanta 404», the ice cream factory «Aspan», dance Studio «Eastside», a «Mega Music Festival», known professional photographer Karaganda Mirali Sadykov, «7Skay» karaoke.
Each contestant won the title in a particular category and received prizes from jury and sponsors. The title «Vice-Miss FBP 2016» was awarded Zharylgassynova Zhansaya (U-11K), and the winner of the contest and the title of «Miss FBP 2016» has made Amanzhol Alua (Tour 11K).

Round table on the theme «Alikhan Bokeihanov» - the leader of the Alash party

Round table on the theme «Alikhan Bokeihanov» - the leader of the Alash party28.03.2016 the chair "Social work and social - political disciplines" organized the event dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the greatest leader of "Alash orda" party Alikhan Bukeikhanov.
The round table was held with the participation of staff of the chair and students of all specialties of the University
During the event the video: "Great secrets of great people" was shown.

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