Round table: "Innovative models of interaction between employers, social partners and the university"

Round table: "Innovative models of interaction between employers, social partners and the university"17.02.2016 in the department of Economics and Management was held a roundtable on the theme: "Innovative models of interaction between employers, social partners and the University," whose goal was to improve university cooperation with employers and the social partners in order to improve the quality of training in the field of Economics and Management for the region and assist in employment of graduates.

The best teacher

February 1, 2016 Doctor of Economics, Professor D.R. Sihimbaeva and Ph.D., Associate Professor J.M. Omarkhanova was handed the title of "The best teacher of the university 2015".

"Miss FEM-2016"

"Miss FEM-2016"Department of " Ecology and evaluation " congratulates student group Eco -12k Zhunusova Arailym , which became the owner of the title "Miss FEM-2016"

Lecture in honour 50 years of university KEU

Lecture in honour 50 years of university KEUA department conducted "banking" lecture in honour 50 years of university KEU. The graduating students of university and managers of commercial banks took part. The graduating students of university of came forward before students Dauylbaeva Аisha, Pugan Татyana and Elsieva Lena.

Going to the theater!

Going to the theater!Teacher of the Department "World Economy and International Relations" Nazarov E.Zh. with his curatorial group MO-11K and foreign students from Russia and Tajikistan on February 5 went to the show "Lost" in the Kazakh Drama Theater named after S.Seifullin.
The play "Lost" raises one of the most acute problems of our time such as terrorism and religious extremism, and high flow especially the youth in the hot spot of so-called pseudo-state - Islamic State and Libya. Emotional game cast left nobody indifferent. The performance was shown moments terrorists luring youth into their ranks and sent to Syria to fight.
Today, when the problem is very serious on a global level, the need for this kind of performances is only growing. In this connection, a visit to these performances by students is very helpful in terms of education and information.
For foreign students were provided simultaneous translation headphones, as the play was in the Kazakh language.

Students continue to get acquainted with the history of foreign countries

Students continue to get acquainted with the history of foreign countriesFebruary 2, 2016 Art. teacher of "World Economy and International Relations" Syzdykbekov Yerzhan Serikovich held a public lectures on the subject "Modern and Contemporary History of foreign countries" on the theme: "Education. The role of the revolutions in the historical process. The typology of revolutions "with students of 1 course of the specialty" International Relations ". Session was held on a high methodological level using interactive department. This lesson was attended by head of the department and faculty, as well as Dean of the PMT Ph.D., professor G. Gimranova

Роль кафедры Финансы, налогооThe role of the Department of Finance, Taxation and Insurance in the implementation of scientific and educational KEUK strategy

Роль кафедры Финансы, налогооThe role of the Department of Finance, Taxation and Insurance in the implementation of scientific and educational KEUK strategyFebruary 3, 2016 in Harvard Hall (104). Department of "Finance, Insurance and Taxation" held an event dedicated to the 50th anniversary of KEUK "The role of the Department of Finance, Taxation and Insurance in the implementation of scientific and educational KEUK strategy". At the event were invited Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Utebayev M.S., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Kuchukova N.K., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Iskakova Z.D., as well as practitioners of the state enterprises and private companies. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and New Technologies, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Bugubaeva R.O. opened this event with welcome speech.
The following reports were voiced Modern higher education and the role of KEUK in the preparation of a specialty "Finance" - Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor Iskakova Zagira Dyusembaevna; Monetary policy of the National Bank of Kazakhstan in the conditions of global economic turbulence - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Kuchukova Nurilya Kenzhebekovna; Some issues of Economy and Finance - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Utebayev Musiraly Smailovich; The role of the Department of the State Tax Service in the formation of human resources potential in the organs of government revenue - Tahanov Ayan Borisovich, head of the administration management of indirect taxes in Karaganda region.

Outdoor lesson

Outdoor lesson 2 February 2016 a teacher, Ph.D., assistant professor Tutkusheva J.K. was held a visiting session in the MH-21 groups, E-32 on the subject "Professional Career Planning" on the topic: "Business career in the modern world". Also classes are held Koybagarova Gauhar - counselor of state supporting entrepreneurship and CF programs of JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund" Damu ".

Trends and prospects of development of civil service in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Trends and prospects of development of civil service in the Republic of KazakhstanJanuary 27, 2016 at the Academy of the "Bolashak" was held scientific-theoretical seminar on "Problems and prospects of development of the legislation on the civil service in the Republic of Kazakhstan."
The moderator – head of the "Legal disciplines" Academy "Bolashak" PhD, Associate Professor A.T. Kabzhanov, coordinator – Ph.D., Associate Professor L.K. Amandykova.
The participants: Ph.D., Professor of "Constitutional and International Law" Buketov Karaganda State University, K.S. Muslimov, Senior Lecturer of the Regional center of retraining and advanced training of civil servants MSPE "Akim's office of Karaganda region" S.H. Mustafin. Main Specialist of the Department of Civil Service of the Karaganda region R.M. Zhusupov, Ph.D., Associate Professor of "Legal disciplines" Academy "Bolashak" A.M. Maldybaev and others.
Bolat Keneluly Syzdyk, Senior Researcher of Scientific Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies KEUK, was attended the seminar. He made a report: "Prevention of crime and delinquency among government officials of the Republic of Kazakhstan."

"Methodological seminar for curators"

"Methodological seminar for curators"

January 14, 2015 was held a methodical seminar for curators of the Faculty of Economics and Management on the theme: "Features of the curator in the academic group" with the participation of the Board of curators Nurkeeva BA, as well as the department of sociology and SAP SR Otynshina GS, where the attention of curators was presented methodical piggy bank, proposed by the Center of Youth Initiatives University. It shows all the things that will help the curator to look at their work in a new way: a sequence diagram of working with students, the technology permits the curator of various problems in the group, and various forms of information and thematic curatorial hours, evaluation criteria curatorial work, etc.

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