Annual language Contest among of 1st year students

Annual language Contest among of 1st  year studentsOn the 29 of February, 2016 at 10.00 Department of Russian and Foreign languages organized and held annual language contest among 1st year students.
The winners by the English language (among students of speciality "International Relations"):
1 st place - Aygerim Ospanova Aygerim MO-11k
2nd place- Zhaparov Sayan MO-13
3 rd place Lissichkina Varvara MO-13

The winners by the English language (among the students of all specialties)
1 st place Sovetova Kymbat UA-12
2nd place- Aben Ardak RD-11k
3 rd place - Mishchenko Anastasia UA 12

The winners by the Russian language:
1 st place- Khasenov Svetlana F-11k
2nd place- Zeinullina Diana UA-11k
3 rd place- Amanbek Janibek MO-11k

We thank all students for active participation !!!

 Annual language Contest among of 1st  year students

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