"Open Day on the topic" Available UNPF for all investors. " ENPF opened the doors to young visitors

ЕНПФ доступен для всехNovember 20, 2018 in the Karaganda regional branch of JSC "UAPF" was held "Open Day on the theme" Available UAPF for all investors. More than 300 people became its visitors. For the first time, along with depositors and recipients, the foundation invited colleges and students of higher educational institutions to the event: Karaganda Economic University of Kazakhstan; Academician E.A. Buketova, Karaganda State Medical University, As the director of the branch Mordvintsev Andrei Valentinovich explained, the foundation pays special attention to the formation of financial literacy and a culture of retirement planning for the younger generation.

Students of KEUK have taken the II place in the Republican annual competition of research works of students in natural, technical, social and humanitarian and economic science in higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Students of KEUK have taken the II place in the Republican annual competition of research works of students in natural, technical, social and humanitarian and economic science in higher education institutions of the Republic of KazakhstanStudents of KEUK of specialty "Management" Sergebayeva Aygerim, Turumtayeva Madina and the student of specialty "International Relations" of Zhubekov Amin are awarded with the diploma of the II degree at the Republican competition in natural, technical, social and humanitarian and economic science which took place on base TREASURY him Al-Farabi.
The research supervisor of team and scientific work is the doctor of PhD., associate professor of "Management and innovation" of Omarov A.T.
The competition took place in 3 stages:
I stage (intra high school, October 2017 January ь 2018);
The II stage (in basic higher education institutions of UMS TREASURY him AL-Farabi, from January to April 1, 2018):
The III stage (republican, from April to June, 2018)
On competition NIRS independently performed finished research works of students on the priority directions and modern are presented to problems of natural, technical, social and humanitarian and economic science.

Meeting in the Technology Business Incubator "Coworking Center" Dostyk "

Meeting in the Technology Business Incubator "Coworking Center" Dostyk "

November 13, 2018 The Coworking Center «Dostyk» organized a meeting with the founder of the Sauda Information and Trading Platform, the founder of International Mentors Group LLP, Zh.E. Ashirbekov.
A businessman who has many years of experience told students that how you can open your own business with only 10,000 tenge. And he also told the audience about the difficulties that new entrepreneurs face. He talked about promoting his own business in social networks.
The discussion was conducted by students very lively, they were interested in absolutely everything: how did parents react to starting a business, where to find a room, how to deal with "difficult" clients.

Republican conpetition for research papers

Republican conpetition for research papersExpress congratulation for the student of major “World Economy” -Garafutdinova Elmira, takes the 3rd place in the republican competition for the best natural-technical, social-humanity and economic research paper.

The ENACTUS KEUK team conducted a second set of new members to their ranks.

The ENACTUS KEUK team conducted a second set of new members to their ranks.November 12, 2018 at the Karaganda Economic University, Kazpotrebsoyuz was presented and recruited into the ENACTUS KEUK team. Flashbacks from the World Cup and National Competitions were presented to students, the speakers of ENACTUS KEUK told the students about our goals and values. The team conducted an interview, during which we got to know each student closer. In order to join the team, students will complete a course within 7 days, where they will learn about what Enactus does and what awaits future participants.

«Platinum lecture» of the member of the Constitutional Council of the RK, doctor of legal sciences - Unzila Shapakkyzy

«Platinum lecture» of the member of the Constitutional Council of the RK, doctor of legal sciences - Unzila Shapakkyzy

In the framework of the implementation of the program «Ruhani zhangyru» on the 8th of November at KEUK there was a meeting with a member of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of legal sciences - Unzila Shapakkyzy for the students and teachers of the specialty «Jurisprudence» for the explanation of a new approaches to the functioning of the bodies of constitutional supervision and control of the USA and European countries, as well as a comparative analysis of the domestic practice of examining the compliance of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, of the «platinum lecture» - «Constitutional values - the basis of the modernization of the state and society» was analyzed.

Оutdoor lesson

Оutdoor lesson

7 Nov 2018 senior teacher of chair of "Tourism and catering business» Ayeshova N. T. organized outdoor lesson for the 2nd year students of specialty "Restaurant and hotel business" in the chain of "Dodo Pizza" pizzeria.
Dodo pizza is a Company that was founded in 2011 in Syktyvkar city. Today the Chain includes pizzerias in Russia, USA, China, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Romania, Estonia, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan!
The Manager of pizzerias organized an interesting information tour of the reception of visitors, separate service and household premises of the enterprise, answered all the questions raised by the students on the organization of service.

«Will those who have not loved their homeland be able to love their people?» or «Where does the Motherland begin?»

«Will those who have not loved their homeland be able to love their people?» or «Where does the Motherland begin?»

Patriotism begins with love for one's land, city, and small homeland. Students of the specialty Logistics and Marketing (Log-21k, Log-32, MG-21k groups), many of whom are from other cities, have decided that it is correct to get acquainted with the history of the region where their student youth passes.
On November 7, 2018, they visited the Mine Museum at the Mining Industrial College. The guide, Vladimir Valentinovich, by the way, is a former miner, a true patriot and keeper of mining glory, acquainted them with the history of the mines and plunged into mining reality: in the cage, the students sank into the mine and saw the miners' hard everyday life with their own eyes. The campaign for them was very informative, convincing, colorful and memorable.

Ореned curator/s clasess

Ореned curator/s clasessMessage from President of Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Growth of welfare of Kazakhstan people: increase of income and quality of life" is actively studied in the educational process of our University. What are the trends in the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and how can contribute to the prosperity of the country's youth, how to become a competitive specialist – these and other equally important issues are discussed in the student community and on curatorial hours. Thus, the 2nd year undergraduates of the specialty "Jurisprudence" Kinsfater Arthur and Fedoseeva Ekaterina on October 31, 2018 held an open curatorial hour, which was preceded by an essay contest in the directions of the Message of the President of Kazakhstan.
As part of the event, the faculty of business and law summed up the results of the essay contest on the topics: "My choice – public service", "Modernization of the judicial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan: new approaches", "my innovative business ideas in the light of the adoption of the program "business Road map-2020"," Civil position of a modern lawyer"," youth Support-the priority of social policy of Kazakhstan". As the best essay considered by student of group Y-18s Agayev Arastun on the theme "My choice – public service".
Also at the curatorial hour between students of groups Yu-14, Yu-15, Yu-17s and Yu-18s was held intellectual game "tournament of experts", aimed at identifying the level of knowledge of the Message of students. The winners were students of the group Yu-14.

The project “Leader living next to you” in the framework of the “Rukhani Zhangyru” Program

The project “Leader living next to you” in the framework of the “Rukhani Zhangyru” Program

On November 8, 2018, Department of Strategic Development organized a meeting with graduates and curator of the “Rukhani Zhangyru” regional office, candidate of psychology sciences, Krasnikova N. V. and also with the invited leader of this Program.
The project “Leader living next to you” in the framework of the “Rukhani Zhangyru” Program is a meeting with a hero, detailed information of his achievements and successes. This hero was Aliya Shoshakova, who has an experience as a project manager, project head manager, head of non-governmental organizations and an entrepreneur.
The meeting caused a great interest among the audience, an active dialogue was held, and a lot of questions were asked. Among the students were distributed leaflets, booklets and memory cards.

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