Master class

Master class

According to the work Plan of the unpk "KENI" of the educational program 5B030100 " Jurisprudence "on December 5, 2018, the next master class was held by the judge of the specialized inter-district court of Karaganda region Mustafin D. E. and assistant judge Turtbaeva T. On"Simplified (written) production".
Features and "pitfalls" of this type of legal proceedings were revealed, the statistics of consideration of cases in written proceedings and in the order of a court order were given. The guests answered the students ' questions.



On November 29, 2018, the Department of Legal regulation of economic relations held an intellectual game among the teams of graduates of the specialty "Law" College of Business Economics and Law and students of the specialty "Law" KEUK.
The purpose of the intellectual marathon is to stimulate students ' interest in their future specialty, to create a system of cooperation and partnership between the University and secondary vocational schools.
At the end of the game prizes were awarded:
- 1-st place team "League of lawyers" (CBEL);
- 2-nd place team Yuvesta (CBEL);
- 3-rd place to the "Parliament" team (KEUK);
Awarded diplomas in the nomination:
- "Most active player" st. gr. P-34 Ortygali Escenas;
- "Best captain of the game" st. gr. P-33 Kraft Ksenia.

Through social and civic activity to spiritual growth

Through social and civic activity to spiritual growthThe development of volunteerism among young people is one of the main directions of educational work carried out by all stakeholders of the educational program "Social work" in the framework of the Educational, scientific and educational complex “Damu”. The participation of students of specialties of the Department SW and APK as volunteers in the festival “Spark of goodness”, dedicated to the international Day of persons with disabilities, evidence of practical implementation of the Programme “Rukhani Zhangyru”.
Festival “Spark of Goodness” was organized by the public Association “Center of rehabilitation of disabled people “Laiykty Omir” and “Center of social services” took part the representatives of local authorities and social services. At the festival there was a fair-sale of products of arts and crafts of people with disabilities, as well as a music concert.

Report of the SSS meeting

Report of the SSS meeting

Under the leadership of the master's degree, senior lecturer Abdurakhmanova Z. held an extended meeting of the student's scientific club with participation of 1-4 courses students on specialty "Tourism and catering business". Students had presented 15 reports and 3 projects.
Under the guidance of teachers KEU students developed projects such as: Tretyakov, Dmitry theme: "Methods of promoting restaurant services in crisis", scientific supervisor master Alekseenko, T. N.; Sebaeva Ainura "Factors of competitiveness in the opening of restaurants", supervisor Вekisheva S. T.; Sarmagambetova Isara: "Sacral mobile app for touring the sacred places of Kazakhstan", scientific supervisor Z. A. Abdurakhmanovа.
The best reports will be selected and published in the Cathedral collected book, as well as published in Russian and foreign collections books of the conference.

Curator hour

Curator hour

Under the leadership of the master, senior lecturer of the Department of tourism and catering business Abdurakhmanova Z. held an open curatorial hour dedicated to the Day of the first President of Kazakhstan. The report was made by the 2nd year students of RD-21K Serikbol Balzhan and Kushekova Zhanara, who introduced the participants to the multilateral personality traits of our President in their ideological content, reflected all the achievements of the country on the path of sovereign development.
Today, our country has a clear development strategy, a dynamic economy and a stable political system, and we are deservedly proud of these achievements.

Тable “Leader of the nation-together with the country»

Тable “Leader of the nation-together with the country»

The Department of "Social work and APK" held a round table dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which was attended by students and teachers of the University.
The round table discussed the outstanding merits of the First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, his role as the Leader of the nation, in the establishment of Kazakhstan's model of public administration, the construction of its own statehood, the transition to a market economy, the creation of a democratic society and the strengthening of national consciousness.
KEU students who participated in the dialogue, stressed that under the leadership of the First President of Kazakhstan in a short time turned into an independent, politically and economically independent state; expressed his words of pride for his country, love for his native land, native land.
In conclusion, there was a film about the leader of the nation Nursultan Nazarbayev "The way of the leader: "Fiery river" and "Iron mountain".

Presentation of certificates of advanced training

Presentation of certificates of advanced training

On November 27, 2018 y., the Head of the Office of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan B.M. Nurmukhanov has presented certificates of advanced training to the dean of FBL, Professor Momysheva F.S., head. Chair of the LRER department -Professor N.R. Veselskaya, and to the head. Of GLSD Department of PhD T.I.Au

«The main directions and ways to achieve digitalization in the economy».

«The main directions and ways to achieve digitalization in the economy».

As part of implementation of the State program «Digital Kazakhstan» on November 29.11.2018. the Department of «Accounting and Audit» held a round table discussion on the topic «The main directions and ways to achieve digitalization in the economy». Professors and teachers of the department, responsible for the Scientific Research Work of Students of the faculty Maikenova A.E. and students of the educational program «Accounting and Audit» took part in the round table.





November 30, 2018 in KEUK Department "Banking management and financial markets" held the Republican subject Olympiad "Leader-Financier of the XXI century" among students of Universities of Kazakhstan, Russia and students of colleges and schools, dedicated to the day of financier.
Among the invited Universities took an active part, Kuban Krasnodar, NARKHOZ., Almaty, KazNTU im.S. Seifullin, Astana, ENU.L. N. Gumilev, Astana. Also among the invited guests were top managers of BWI and LLP of Karaganda, students of KEUK, students of colleges of CABP and KTL №1.
Subject olymipad consisted of 3 rounds (the"project presentation", "the magnificent seven" and "zhorga").
The Olympics were held in a bitter struggle. All teams once again showed excellent knowledge in the field of Finance.
According to the results of the Republican subject Olympiad "Leader-Financier of the XXI century" places are distributed as follows:
1st place: Kuban Krasnodar, NARKHOZ., Almaty
2nd place: KazATU, Astana, Eurasian national University, Astana, Karaganda, KEUK
3-place: CTL Karaganda and CABP
The next subject Olympiad is traditionally planned in 2019 year.

Open day of the Department of Social work and APK»

Open day of the Department of Social work and APK»The Department SW and APK the part of career guidance held an Open doors day for students of the specialty "Social work" Karaganda Bank College. During the meeting, students were provided with information about the goals, objectives, content of the educational program "Social work" and employment prospects in the field of social services. The special attention of students was attracted by the activities of Educational, research and production complex "Damu" at the Department SW and APK as evidence of systematization and quality training.
During the tour the students were introduced with the activities of the informational-educational center, the center for student services, laboratories, Museum exhibits are invited. A special impression on the students was made by the office of "Digital learning technologies"and the possibility of digitalization of social services.
The meeting was fruitful, the students expressed a desire to continue working together through the Distance school "Social work" at the Department of SW and APK to prepare for the UNT and participate in events in other formats.

Visiting class of students majoring in "Social work" and " Fundamentals of law and Economics»

Visiting class of students majoring in "Social work" and " Fundamentals of law and Economics»

On the basis of too Diversified medical center "Hippocrates" in the Rehabilitation and health center "LIFE IN" head of Department "Social work and the ANC" Abdakimova M. K. and senior lecturer, Alpysbaeva M. B. conducted the field trip for the students of specialty "Social work". Social, medical workers of the Center acquainted students with the rehabilitation program of the institution. Psychological training on team building was conducted with students. The rehabilitation center "LIFE in" carries out huge rehabilitation work with people of all age categories, programs on improvement and rehabilitation for different categories of patients (including at cerebral palsy) are created

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