Visiting class of students majoring in "Social work" and " Fundamentals of law and Economics»

Visiting class of students majoring in "Social work" and " Fundamentals of law and Economics»

On the basis of too Diversified medical center "Hippocrates" in the Rehabilitation and health center "LIFE IN" head of Department "Social work and the ANC" Abdakimova M. K. and senior lecturer, Alpysbaeva M. B. conducted the field trip for the students of specialty "Social work". Social, medical workers of the Center acquainted students with the rehabilitation program of the institution. Psychological training on team building was conducted with students. The rehabilitation center "LIFE in" carries out huge rehabilitation work with people of all age categories, programs on improvement and rehabilitation for different categories of patients (including at cerebral palsy) are created


Visiting class of students majoring in "Social work" and " Fundamentals of law and Economics»

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