Meeting with graduates of rural schools in 2019 Abay district.

Meeting with graduates of rural schools in 2019 Abay district.

October 12, 2018 the Dean UFF Serikova G. S., vice Dean for VR FEU Yusupov M.T., master, lecturer of the Department "Banking management and financial markets" Isanov A. S., with the participation of the student volunteers conducted a career guidance for graduates of rural schools of Abay district, Abay DISTRICT,. Despite the remoteness of the villages of Abai district, such as southern, For, Topar and other village alumni and class leaders and the efforts of the DISTRICT attended the event.
Students were shown a video about the University, told about the benefits of studying at KEUK, about the rules of admission to the UNIVERSITY. From the mouths of schoolchildren have been told the positive reviews about KEUK. It should also be noted that school graduates actively participated in this event: they asked a lot of questions on the educational process, types of specialties, on the infrastructure of the University, etc.
The result of high-quality career guidance work was the organization of excursions and trial testing of UNT in the walls of KEUK in October-November 2018.


Meeting with graduates in the framework of employment

Meeting with graduates in the framework of employment


On October 10, 2018, a meeting was held by A.M. Zhakipbekova, representative of Employment Centre of Karaganda with graduates on the organization and passing of “Youth practice”. “Youth practice” is organized for graduates of educational organizations in order to gain initial work experience in the acquired profession (specialty).
Unemployed at the age of not older than 29 years old are sent to youth practice for 3 years after graduation the university. The duration of “Youth practice” is up to 6 months. Wages are paid monthly. To participate in “Youth practice”, unemployed submit documents to Employment centers:
1) an application;
2) a copy of an identity document;
3) a copy of employment book (if available);
4) a copy of the document confirming the availability of technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher and postgraduate education.


125th anniversary of S.Seifullin

125th anniversary of S.SeifullinKEUK library held an educational hour within the framework of the implementation of the Program article “Ruhani janğıru” which was dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the founder of modern Kazakh literature S.Seifullin, a poet, a writer and a statesman.
The students were introduced to the life and work of Saken Seifullin, the book exposition “From a writer to a revolutionary” was presented, where his main works were presented. The members of the literary club “Lira” recited poems and performed text specimens.
S. Seifullin was one of the originators of the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan and remained one of its leaders until the end of his days. He was the first Kazakh writer who was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. He conducted a great teaching and research work.
Future generations should be proud of their hero: a great man, a writer and a revolutionary.

Guest lectures of associate professor Gencho Valchev from the Trakia University of Stara Zagora (Bulgaria)

Guest lectures of associate professor Gencho Valchev from the Trakia University of Stara Zagora (Bulgaria) For students of specialties “Social Work” and “Jurisprudence” of Karaganda Economic University will be held a lecture courses on theme “Communicative aspects of social functioning of the individual and the formation of key and professional competencies” of PhD, associate professor Gencho Valchev of the Trakia University of Stara Zagora (Bulgaria) from the 8th of October till the 2nd of November, 2018.

Meeting with first year students

Meeting with first year students

Teachers of our university pay great attention to working with students living in dormitories. Senior teacher of the department "General Legal and Special Disciplines" Adilbekova K.K. held a meeting with first-year students, discussed with them questions of patriotism and culture of inter-ethnic communication. During the ensuing discussion, there was not only an exchange of views, but also a closer interaction of students with each other, which allowed them to get to know each other better, to establish friendly relations.

«Golden Autumn» autumn cross-country for the rector's Cup.

«Golden Autumn» autumn cross-country for the rector's Cup.

There was hold Autumn Cross “Golden Autumn” for the Cup of The Rector on the 21nd of September 2018 in Karaganda economical university. More than 100 students competed in 500-metres and 1000-metres track system race.
The final results:
In the individual event (girls):
I place - LisichkinaVarvara
II place - Shayazdanova Dana
III place - Katayeva Victoria
In the individual event (boys):
I place - Bondar Andrey
II place - Äbdіr Jaras
III place - AlimkhanYelaman
In the team event (girls):
I place - College of Economics, Business and Law
II place - Faculty of Economics and Management
III place - Faculty of Business and Law
In the team event (boys):
I place - Faculty of Business and Law
II place - College of Economics, Business and Law
III place – Faculty of Accounting and Finance


Field trip in "Magnum Cash & Carry"

Field trip in "Magnum Cash & Carry"

Teachers of the Department of "Marketing and logistics" Lessov D.D. and Tomashinova A. E. conducted a field trip in "Magnum Cash & Carry" with students of Accounting and Finance faculty of groups Log-42 , Log–43, MK–42.
The administration of "Magnum Cash & Carry" has shown the process of how the goods are delivered to the shelves, places and storage conditions. Students were able to strengthen their theoretical knowledge in the field of commercial logistics, distribution logistics and merchandising basics

Report on the meeting with representatives of the State Revenue Department in Karaganda region

Report on the meeting with representatives of the State Revenue Department in Karaganda region

On October 3, 2018, Department of Strategic Development organized a meeting with Akhmetova Gulzhanat Kynayevna, Chief Specialist of Human Resources Department of the State Revenue Department in Karaganda region and Zhanna Dosmukhambetova, Leading Specialist of this department for attracting students to the state structure.
Employees of the State Revenue Department demonstrated the main activities of the Department and explained the procedure for entering to the state service.

Social work and the ANC

Social work and the ANCSenior lecturer of the department "Social work and the ANC" Badel A.B held a meeting with students living in the hostel number 4 KEU on the topic "Volunteering among young people."
During the meeting, the goals and objectives of volunteering, as well as increasing the role of volunteering among young people, were identified.

Fruitful career guidance work in Abay district.

Fruitful career guidance work in Abay district.

October 3 2018. master of the Department of "Banking and financial markets" in the city of Abay held a professional work for graduates of the school №5.they.Abay Abay and students of College of city of Abay.
Students and College students were shown a video about the University, told about the benefits of studying at KEUK, about the rules of admission to the UNIVERSITY. It is important to note that the graduates of the school and College actively participated in this event: they asked a lot of questions on the educational process, types of specialties, on the infrastructure of the University, etc.
The result of fruitful career guidance work was the organization of excursions in the walls of KEUK in October 2018.
Similar meetings are planned in the future.

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