Through social and civic activity to spiritual growth

Through social and civic activity to spiritual growthThe development of volunteerism among young people is one of the main directions of educational work carried out by all stakeholders of the educational program "Social work" in the framework of the Educational, scientific and educational complex “Damu”. The participation of students of specialties of the Department SW and APK as volunteers in the festival “Spark of goodness”, dedicated to the international Day of persons with disabilities, evidence of practical implementation of the Programme “Rukhani Zhangyru”.
Festival “Spark of Goodness” was organized by the public Association “Center of rehabilitation of disabled people “Laiykty Omir” and “Center of social services” took part the representatives of local authorities and social services. At the festival there was a fair-sale of products of arts and crafts of people with disabilities, as well as a music concert.


Through social and civic activity to spiritual growth Through social and civic activity to spiritual growth
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