International scientific and practical seminar «Spirituality and creativity-priorities of modern education»

International scientific and practical seminar «Spirituality and creativity-priorities of modern education»The Department "Social work and the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan” in the framework of the Program «Ruhanijangyru» held the international scientific-practical seminar "Spirituality and creativity - the priorities of modern education", which was attended by the heads and employees of state agencies, non-governmental organizations, ethnocultural associations, domestic and foreign scientific and pedagogical workers, doctoral students, undergraduates and students.

Competition of student projects Hackaton ""

Competition of student projects Hackaton ""On the basis of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, an IT Forum “Digital Technologies in the Public Interest” was held, organized by the State Administration “Youth Policy of the Karaganda Region” with the participation of the NGO “Association of Entrepreneurs of the Karaganda Region”.

Explanation of the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan on October 5, 2018 "growth of welfare of Kazakhstan Citizens: increasing incomes and quality of life"

Explanation of the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan on October 5, 2018 "growth of welfare of Kazakhstan Citizens: increasing incomes and quality of life"Within explanation of basic provisions of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan on October 5, 2018 "Growth of welfare of Kazakhstan citizens: increasing incomes and quality of life" at the Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz there was a meeting of students of the first and second years of training with the CEO of "Sultan kara" company Kayrat Sadykov. The meeting is organized by the Center of youth initiatives of KEUK together with department of Social work and assembly of the people of Kazakhstan with assistance of the Karaganda regional branch of public association "Youth wing "Zhas Otan" of "Nur Otan" party".


Interuniversity Youth Forum “The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Contribution of Young Scientists”

Interuniversity Youth Forum “The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Contribution of Young Scientists”The Inter-University Youth Forum "The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Contribution of Young Scientists" was held at the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, which was attended by young scientists, doctoral students, undergraduates and students, "Turan", "Narhoz" and the Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Sh. Kabylbaeva. The authors of the best reports were awarded diplomas of I, II and III degrees and certificates. Holders of 1-prize places awarded with valuable prizes.


The winners of the student forum

The winners of the student forumOctober 18 this year our university hosted the Interuniversity Youth Scientific Forum "The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Contribution of Young Scientists." According to the results of the forum, students of the group of the State Medical University-31k Māssatkyzy Nazerke received a diploma of “III-degree”, the title of the report: Halyқty baspanamen kamtamasymyz etu sayasatynyn maseleleri; Omirbekova Elvira received a diploma in the nomination “Best speaker”, title of the report: Kazakhstandagy zhastar arasyndagy zhumyssyzdyk dengeiі. Scientific adviser: master, teacher Yertay Khuanbek.

Active members of the hackathon

Active members of the hackathonFrom october 16 to october 18 of this year. Our university hosted the IT-WEEKEND.KZ-2018 hackathon for students of colleges and universities of the Karaganda region to solve problems related to the implementation of the «Ruhani Janyru» program, in which students from the Department of Economic theory and state and local government, the group of the State SLG-31k: Zholdybai Altynai, Omarov Aybar, Kunanbayev Sayakhat. Scientific adviser: master, teacher Yertay Khuanbek.

Reader conference

Reader conferenceIn the Karaganda regional youth library the name of ZH. of Bekturov a reader conference passed on the book of President of Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev "Era of independence" : "Тauelsizdiktin zhylnamalary" Chronicle of Independence".

Employment Training Workshop

Employment Training WorkshopFor KEU graduates, on 17 and 18 October 2018, the Department of Strategic Development organized a training workshop on employment skills with Krasnikova N.V., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, curator of “Atameken” subprogram of the regional office “Rukhani Zhangyru”. The training program included: a job search algorithm, skills for conducting successful negotiations with an employer, creating an effective resume and opportunities for professional self-determination.

"Day of Birthday Person" in the hostel number 1

"Day of  Birthday Person" in the hostel number 1October 15, 2018 teachers of the chair of "Tourism and Catering" held an event "Birthday Day" in the hostel number 1. The teachers together with the students congratulated the birthday girl, a student of the group RD-11k, Avazhan Symbat. The birthday celebration was held in a friendly atmosphere, a small gift was presented on behalf of the students.

Presentation of the co-working center “Good Zone”

Presentation of the co-working center “Good Zone”October 12, 2018 in the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, a meeting was held with the participation of representatives of the “Youth Resource Center of the Karaganda Region”. During the meeting, a presentation was held before the students and teachers of the Coworking Center “Good Zone. The center is aimed at helping residents in certain areas: legal support, IT consultation, seminars, training for self-development and improvement of the quality of life, discussion of ideas and making them a reality, assistance in marketing. Representatives of the "Saryarka Social and Entrepreneurial Corporation" also spoke on their activities in the framework of cooperation with students. At the end, the participants asked questions to the meeting organizers. The meeting was very interesting for all interested parties.

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