N.A. Nursultan Nazarbayev – founder of independent Kazakhstan, a national leader

N.A. Nursultan Nazarbayev – founder of independent Kazakhstan, a national leaderOn the eve of the Day of the first President of Kazakhstan in Karaganda Economic University the Department of “Social work and APK” held a number of events, including lectures, round tables, curatorial hours dedicated to this date.
Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is celebrated in the country since 2012. The date was chosen not by chance, because it was December 1, 1991 that Nursultan Nazarbayev won the first Kazakhstan elections.
In the most difficult years for the country, when after the collapse of the USSR it was necessary to find a way out of the difficult crisis situation, the President led the country on a new path of development, as a result of which Kazakhstan occupies a strong position in the geopolitical space today.
All this, as well as the historical role of the First President in the formation and development of sovereign Kazakhstan was discussed at the round tables and curatorial hours at the KEU.
Students and teachers were unanimous in the opinion that the achievements of Kazakhstan headed by our Leader – Nursultan Nazarbayev, we can be deservedly proud and confident about the future.



A round table on the topic “New opportunities for the development of tourism between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation” was held in the coworking center of the KEU. Heads of travel agencies «Helios», «Meridian», «Keremet», and representatives of the restaurant and hotel business «Rubin», «Cosmonaut», «Abiba» and others took part in the round table.
The main issue is to consolidate the joint efforts of travel companies, hotels, food facilities of air carriers, transport companies to improve the quality of the tourist product and expand the range of tourist offers.



Every year, the University hosts a Career Day. The purpose of this event: acquaintance of graduates with employers. This year, 10 representatives of tourist organizations, restaurant, hotel business and representatives of other enterprises were invited to the career day.
The students of the specialties “Tourism” and “Restaurant and Hotel Business” had the opportunity to meet with employers, introduce them a resume, talk and ask exciting questions. Many graduates of this study year were invited to work in travel agencies "Helios", "Travel House", the restaurant "Rubin", LLP "Meridian", the Regional Local History Museum, the restaurant "Abiba".

Comprehensive Intellectual Olympiad – 2018

Comprehensive Intellectual Olympiad – 2018

On November 24, 2018 the Department of World Economy and International Relations of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz held the annual Intellectual Olympiad “Clash of Minds” dedicated to celebration of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Olympiad was designed for students of the 11th classes of general educational institutions of Karaganda.
By the end of the event students of the KSU Secondary School No.83 took the 1st and 2nd places and KGU Secondary School No.77 took 3rd place.

Enactus KEUK team at the annual «Top To Future Top Leadership Forum» business forum

Enactus KEUK team at the annual «Top To Future Top Leadership Forum» business forum

The Enactus KEUK team participated in the annual «Top-Future Top Leadership Forum» annual business forum, which took place from November 22-23 in Almaty. This forum is a modern format of business communication between business leaders and start-up entrepreneurs. The main purpose of the business forum is to prepare competitive business projects that will be presented at the national and world Enactus cups.

Kurator hour on the program "Ruhani zhangyru" patriotism begins at home, in the family "

Kurator hour on the program "Ruhani zhangyru" patriotism begins at home, in the family "

The annual Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the most significant political events in the country. November 5, 2018 teachers of the Department of Commodity Research and Certification Karimov B.N. and Abzalbek M.S. together with students of curatorial groups S-22SK, TPP-21k, TPP-31k of the Faculty of Business and Law held an open curatorial hour on the topic: “Discussion Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan NursultanNazarbayev to the People of Kazakhstan“ Growth of Kazakhstan Welfare: Improving Income and Quality of Life ”.
The next message to the people of Kazakhstan is devoted to topical issues of socio-economic development of the country and the task of further improving the welfare of Kazakhstan. During the discussion, 6 factors were identified to improve the welfare of Kazakhstan.

Festival of KVN Open League "Magnitka"

Festival of KVN Open League "Magnitka"

24 November 2018 in Temirtau, a Festival of Open League of KVN "Magnitka" where the team "KVN", faculty of business and law "Tsukerki" took the 3rd place out of 14 teams in the following composition:
Aitmukhhanov Temirlan TPP-22
Shortanov Genghis TPP -12
Anastasia Kalacheva Tour-14s
Gerasimenko Alexander TPP - 12
Zhakibayeva Ayaulym TPP-12
Zhakibayeva Ayaulym became the best player of the Open League "Magnitka". Our Congratulations! We wish you further victories!


Students of the faculty of business and law became the owners of the GRAND PRIX game of KVN for the Cup of Akim of Karaganda region, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Astana.

Students of the faculty of business and law became the owners of the GRAND PRIX game of KVN for the Cup of Akim of Karaganda region, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Astana.

Students of the faculty of business and law, Sharipova Zarina the group RD-22, Rahmatulaev Denis group RD-34C and Bagzhanov, Eltizar group of Yu-36S became owners of GRAND Prix the game of KVN for the Cup of Akim of Karaganda region dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Astana the team "the big Bang Theory". In total, four teams took part in the game, two of which are teams of Astana city. Take Congratulations on the victory and wish you further success!

The creative team of the faculty of business and law won the annual creative competition among first-year students " Debut-2018»

The creative team of the faculty of business and law won the annual creative competition among first-year students " Debut-2018»Every year within the walls of Karaganda economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz held a creative talent competition among faculties "Debut". Following the results of performances in the nominations, the creative team of the faculty of business and law won, and became the owner of the Cup "Debut - 2018". Congratulations to all participants, the entire creative team of the faculty, we wish you further success and victories!

“The best police assistance squad”

“The best police assistance squad”

On November 24, 2018, the annual competition “The best police assistance squad” was held on the basis of the State University named after E.A. Buketov. The competition was attended by national teams of KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, KarSTU and KEUK. Within the framework of the competition, competitions were held in mini-football, rope pulling, and knowledge of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In a fair and difficult struggle, our team won the first place. According to the results of the competition, the organizers and the leadership of the Local Police Service of the Karaganda City Police Department gave all participants memorable gifts and a cup for the first place to our team. Thus, once again our students proved that they are the first among the first!Congratulations!



The victory of students majoring in "Finance" at the national Olympics under the guidance of the staff of the Department "banking management and financial markets"

The victory of students majoring in "Finance" at the national Olympics under the guidance of the staff of the Department "banking management and financial markets"

Students of the educational program "Finance" the Department "BMandFM" NARKHOZ, Almaty, JSC "Tsesnabank" and in KazATUS. Seifullina passed the Republican subject Olympiad in Economics among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Seifullin Astana.
According to the results of pre-selection among students of the specialty "Finance", KEUK provided the following services:

1) Zvereva L., Alberti, J. gr.F-24 p. Diploma 3 degrees. Almaty NARKHOZ. Scientific adviser: Talimova L.A., Saifullina Y.M.
2) Seidgazimov A., Burd E., Gataeva K., Farakhova M. students of group F-43 team "Kazyna". Diploma for the 1st place. KazATU. Astana. Scientific adviser: Talimova L.A., Idirissova A.T.
3) S. Pazyuk, N. Lentovsky gr. F-42 and f-33. JSC "KASE". Certificates. Almaty city. Scientific adviser: Borissova Y.I.

All participants under the guidance of teachers of the Department" Pefp " showed good results, competed well, they were awarded with diplomas and certificates. Congratulations!

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