• Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    State and Local Management


    Faculty of Economics and Management

    Field of study:

    Social sciences and business

  • Contingent of students on the educational program
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:
    - inside the country
    - outside Kazakhstan

    Degree program: Bachelor of Economics and Business Бакалавр экономики и бизнеса по специальности 5В051000 "State and local government"
    Degree and term Single degree (one university) (at least 220 ECTS - credits / at least 129 kaz. credits)
    Educational institution Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education - Consulting (IQAA)http://nkaoko.kz/
    Validity This program is approved by the University for a period of 4 years for those who receive a degree at the university from 2016
    Level KR for EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 1st cycle; EQF (European Qualifications Framework): Level 6; NQF (national qualifications framework): level 6
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program of the specialty 5В051000 "State and local government" is to develop students' skills and abilities aimed at acquiring the professional competencies necessary for professional activities in the field of state and local government to increase its efficiency, effectiveness and transparency.
      Successful graduates must:
      - demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the field of state and local government, including elements of the most advanced knowledge in this field;
      - apply this knowledge and understanding at the professional level;
      - formulate arguments and solve problems in the field of state and local government;
      - to collect and interpret information to form judgments taking into account social, ethical and scientific considerations;
      - communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions, both to specialists and non-specialist.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • Basic disciplines: Economic Theory, Macroeconomics, Management, Marketing
      Main subjects: Theory of Public Administration; Regional Economics and Management; State and Business; Municipal Management; Socio-economic planning
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • When implementing the educational program of the specialty “State and local government”, a credit-modular system of organization of the educational process is used, based on the modular principle of curricula, using a system of credit units (credits) and relevant educational technologies
    • 3.Direction
    • Social Sciences, Economics and Business
    • 4.Features
    • Graduates of the specialty "State and local management" are focused on the following professional activities:
      organizational and managerial;
      information and methodical;
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • Central and local executive authorities; representative authorities; national and private companies, budget organizations; civil society institutions; public organizations; non-profit organizations; international organizations and international authorities; research and educational organizations and institutions
    • 2.Further education
    • Masters in the specialty 6M051000 "State and local government"
  • D) Education style
    • 1.Learning and teaching approaches
    • In the educational process, active and interactive forms of conducting classes are widely used (business games, case studies, field work in organizations and institutions, round tables, discussions, literature review and drawing up individual and group projects). The training courses include meetings with representatives of state and local government bodies, public organizations, and civil society institutions
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • Boundary control; intermediate certification (testing, oral / written exam); protection of professional practice reports; final certification (state exam, defense of thesis)
  • E) Program Competence
    • 1.General competence
    • The program complies with the requirements of the State Compulsory Educational Standard “Higher Education. Undergraduate. ”To ensure the quality of academic programs at the first level of the cycle. OK1 - to have basic knowledge in the field of natural science (social, humanitarian, economic) disciplines that contribute to the formation of a highly educated personality with a broad outlook and culture of thinking; OK 2 - have the skills to handle modern technology, be able to use information technology in the field of professional activity; OK 3 - possess the skills of acquiring new knowledge necessary for daily professional activities and continuing education in the magistracy; OK 4 - to know social and ethical values based on public opinion, traditions, customs, social norms and to be guided by them in their professional activities; OK 5 - know the basics of the legal system and legislation of Kazakhstan; comply with business ethics, possess ethical and legal standards of conduct; OK 6 - know the traditions and culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan; be tolerant to the traditions and culture of other nations of the world; OK 7 - know the trends of social development of society; be able to adequately navigate in various social situations; OK 8 - to be able to work in a team, correctly defend one's point of view, propose new solutions; be able to find compromises, relate his opinion with the opinion of the team: strive for professional and personal growth; OK 9 - possess the basics of economic knowledge, have a scientific understanding of management, marketing, finance, and so on; know and understand the goals and methods of state regulation of the economy, the role of the public sector in the economy;
      OK 10 - to be able to navigate modern information flows and adapt to dynamically changing phenomena and processes in the global economy; be flexible and mobile in different conditions and situations related to professional activities; possess decision-making skills of an economic and organizational nature in conditions of uncertainty and risk; OK 11 - to be able to analyze and understand ideological problems from a scientific point of view, independently master cultural riches, think logically and convincingly and correctly construct oral and written speech;
      OK 12 - to be able to self-knowledge, to critically evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, to moral and physical self-improvement, to highly motivate their professional and civic activism; GC 13 - be able to analyze socially significant problems and processes and use in practice the methods of the humanities, social sciences and economics in various types of social and professional activities; OK 14 - to be capable of professional written and oral communication in the Kazakh and Russian languages; know a foreign language at the level necessary to perform professional tasks; OK 15 - to be able to express and justify their position on the choice of methods for solving the set tasks
    • 2.Special (professional) competencies PC 1 – knowledge of the main stages of the evolution of the state management theory.
    • PC 2 - the ability to determine the priorities of professional activity, effectively implement management decisions. PC 3 - the ability to identify problems, define goals, choose the best solution, evaluate the results and consequences of the management decision. PC 4 - the ability to make decisions in the face of uncertainty and risk. PC 5 - the ability to apply adequate tools and mechanisms of regulatory impact in the implementation of management decisions. PC 6 - the ability to assess the ratio of the planned result and the resources spent. PC 7 - the ability to apply existing technologies and methods of personnel work. PC 8 - the ability to apply the rules of law in professional activities when making management decisions. PC 9 - the ability to determine the parameters of quality management decisions and the implementation of administrative processes, identify deviations and take corrective measures. PC 10 - the ability to adequately assess the goals and results of activities. PC 11 - the ability to use the basics of the theory of motivation in solving managerial problems.
      PC 12 - the presence of skills for the preparation, accounting, storage, protection, transfer of official documentation in accordance with the requirements of the workflow. PC 13 - the ability to determine social, political, economic patterns and trends, the ability to develop projects of social change, the ability to assess the economic, social and political conditions and the consequences of government programs adopted. PC 14 - the ability to compile and systematize information for creating databases, possession of management software tools, the ability to prepare information and methodological materials on the socio-economic development of society and government activities, the ability to apply information and communication technologies in their professional activities
      PC 15 - knowledge and ability to adapt the best practices of foreign state and municipal management to their practical activities. PC 16 - the ability to cooperate with state institutions c civil society, business, the media, citizens.
      PC 17 - the ability to interact in the course of professional activities in accordance with the ethical requirements for official conduct. PC 18 - the ability to develop projects of regulatory and non-regulatory legal acts, the ability to navigate the legal system of Kazakhstan. PC 19 - the ability to identify information necessary for making decisions when receiving "feedback" in professional activities, the ability to find the basis for the cooperation of public authorities of Kazakhstan with business and civil society institutions
  • F) Full list of learning outcomes for this program
    • In the context of student professional practice, in work in an organization, as well as with a client, graduates can demonstrate the ability to do the following: initiative, communication, strategic thinking, organization, analyticity, leadership, ethics, quality orientation, consumer orientation, intolerance to corruption
Educational practice

Course: 1, 1s
The purpose of educational practice is acquaintance of students of the educational program of specialty "Public and Local Administration" to activities of a higher educational institution, educational programs, types functions and tasks of future professional activity, acquisition of primary professional competences in public administration.
The expected results:
• to get acquainted with KEUK main activities;
• to study the purposes and tasks of the educational program of specialty "Public and Local Administration";
• to study tasks of future professional activity;
• to seek for self-development, ability to independently solve professional problems.

Work practice
Course: 2, 2s, 3, 3s, 4
The purpose of a work practice is fixing of key competences, studying of practical experience and development of methods, receptions and approaches to management in public sector, acquisition of practical skills and experience of professional activity in "The public and local administration".
The expected results:
• to consider specifics of the main activities of establishment;
• to consider the main standard and legal documents regulating activity of establishment;
• to study the external environment of public institution and to give characteristic of management of the organization;
• to disclose specifics of functioning of bodies of representative and executive power;
• to analyse efficiency of implementation of regional state programs;
• to consider preventive actions for prevention of corruption;
• to study use of standards of the labor law, respect for office discipline, business etiquette by the public servant;
• to analyse efficiency of activity of establishment;
• to seize abilities to independently plan the activity, to come into useful contacts, to define a role professional position, to form sense of responsibility.

Course: 3s, 4
The purpose of an externship is generalization and systematization of the theoretical and practical knowledge gained when studying activity of concrete public institution and their generalization during performance of final qualification work.
The expected results:
• systematization, fixing and expansion of the theoretical and practical knowledge gained by students in the course of training;
• acquisition of experience of the solution of the practical tasks demanding use of professional knowledge and abilities;
• formation of skills of effective management of social and economic processes;
• formation of skills of creative thinking and independent activity in the analysis of a problem, improvement of practical skills of work in the specialty;
• collecting, generalization and the analysis of the materials received during practice for preparation of the report on practice and use of results when writing final qualification work.

Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ