• Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:



    Faculty of Economics and Management

    Field of study:

    Social sciences and business

  • Contingent of students on the educational program
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:
    - inside the country
    - outside Kazakhstan

    Mandatory disciplines

    Sociology, Political Science, Cultural Studies, Psychology)/8 credits         

    History of Kazakhstan/5 credits               

    Philosophy/5 credits     

    Physical culture/8 credits            

    Foreign language/10 credits      

    Kazakh (Russian)/10 credits       

    Information and communication technologies/5 credits


    Elective discipline

    Ecology and safety of life/5 credits

    Economic theory/5 credits

    Eternal country /5 credits

    Professionally oriented language/6 credits

    Mathematics in economics/4 credits

    Digital statistics /5 credits

    Microeconomics/4 credits

    Macroeconomics/5 credits

    International economy/5 credits

    Management/5 credits

    Marketing/5 credits

    1C- enterprise/5 credits

    1C-Accounting/5 credits

    Econometrics/5 credits

    Data analysis and economic forecasting/5 credits

    Bases of Law/4 credits

    Bases of anticorruption /4 credits

    Finance/5 credits

    Tax and Taxation/5 credits

    Financial reporting and analysis/5 credits

    Financial control and monitoring/5 credits

    Government regulation of economy/4 credits

    Regional economy and management/4 credits

    Labor economy/6 credits

    Analysis of time series/6 credits

    Economy of a trading company /5 credits

    Economics of hospitality enterprises/5 credits

    Business planning/6 credits

    Planning of enterprise activities/6 credits

    Production organization/5 credits

    Production management/5 credits

    Economic analysis/6 credits

    Accounting/5 credits

    Economy firm/5 credits

    Entrepreneurship/5 credits

    Government purchases/5 credits

    Analysis of projects/ 6 credits

    Business analytics/ 6 credits
  • A) Object
    • The purpose of this bachelor program is to prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of economics and management, who have skills in complex socio-economic analysis of complex and dynamically developing processes, the demand for specialists in the labor market, participation in the dissemination and use of economic knowledge in order to develop the potential and competitiveness of the region and countries
      Successful graduates should: demonstrate a systematic understanding of the field of study, skills in terms of skills and research methods used in this field; plan, develop, implement and adjust an integrated research process.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • Basic disciplines: Economic theory; Macroeconomics; Microeconomics, etc.
      Main disciplines:
      Economics of Enterprise; Entrepreneurship; Organization of Rationing and Labor Remuneration; Business planning; Project Management, Government Procurement, etc.
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • With the implementation of the educational program of the specialty 5B050600 "Economics", a credit-modular system of organization of the educational process, based on the modular principle of curricula and the use of a system of credit units and the corresponding educational technologies is used
    • 3.Direction
    • Busines sand management
    • 4.Special features
    • Graduates of the educational program 5B050600 "Economics" are focused on:
      -scientific research activities;
      -counting and economic activities;
      - analytical activity;
      - organizational and management activities;
      - production and technological activities;
      - project activities;
      - commercialactivity.
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • Enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, government bodies, government regulatory bodies of the economy in the market infrastructure, budget organizations
    • 2.Further training
    • Master’s degree courses 6M050600 "Economics"
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational process widely uses innovative educational technologies for conducting classes (role-playing, business games, case-method, training, field classes in organizations and institutions, round tables, discussions, drawing up individual and group projects). The training courses include meetings with practitioners, managers (top managers) of major leading companies in the region, representatives of various organizations and institutions.
    • 2.Methods of assessment
    • Midterm; intermediate certification (testing, oral exam, written exam, writing an essay, project defense); protection of reports on the passage of educational, industrial, pre-diploma practice; final certification (state exam, defense of thesis)
  • E) Program competence
    • 1.General competence:
    • The program complies with the requirements of the State Compulsory Educational Standard “Higher Education. Undergraduate. ”To ensure the quality of academic programs at the first level of the cycle.
      GC1 - to have basic knowledge in the field of natural science (social, humanitarian, economic) disciplines that contribute to the formation of a highly educated personality with a broad outlook and culture of thinking
      GC 2 - have the skills to handle modern technology, be able to use information technology in the field of professional activity
      GC 3 - possess the skills of acquiring new knowledge necessary for daily professional activities and continuing education in the magistracy
      GC 4 - know social and ethical values based on public opinion, traditions, social norms and focus on them in their professional activities
      GC 5 - know the basics of the legal system and legislation of Kazakhstan
      GC 6 - to know the traditions and culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan: to be tolerant to the traditions and culture of other nations of the world
      GC 7 - to know the trends of social development of the society; be able to adequately navigate in various social situations
      GC 8 - to be able to work in a team, correctly defend their point of view, propose new solutions; be able to find compromises, relate his opinion with the opinion of the team: strive for professional and personal growth
      GC 9 - have a scientific understanding of management, marketing, finance, and so on; know and understand the goals and methods of state regulation of the economy, the role of the public sector in the economy
      GC 10 - to master deep knowledge in the field of economic theory, microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics for the further understanding of the essence and logic of all economic phenomena and processes
    • 2.Special (professional) competence:
    • PC 1 - To know the Laws regulating entrepreneurial activity, to have an idea about the general principles and methods of legislative regulation of entrepreneurial activity, to be able to use knowledge in the field of law for carrying out economic activities, to have the skills to withstand corruption
      PC 2 - To be able to collect and interpret scientific and practical, statistical and analytical information to compile analysis, based on knowledge of economic theory, microeconomics and macroeconomics
      PC 3 - Have the initial skills of programming and processing information necessary for making the right management decisions based on the analysis of available information
      PC 4 - Master the skills of econometric analysis and modeling
      PC 5 - Independently acquire and creatively use new knowledge on the theory and practice of production management, be able to analyze and plan production processes; be able to make the choice of an effective way of organizing production
      PC 6– To be able to apply theoretical knowledge in the field of management, marketing in solving practical problems, have the skills to conduct marketing research to solve managerial problems
      PC 7 - Master the theoretical knowledge of monetary and financial policy at the micro and macro levels
      PC 8 - Use the methods of forming and controlling management decisions in the field of finance; be able to conduct practical research, analysis of problem situations, develop proposals and recommendations for improving the efficiency of financial operations in an enterprise
      PC 9 - To be able to interpret and analyze accounting information, to understand the role and importance of various types of accounting policies applied in enterprises
      PC 10 - To have an understanding of the principles, methods of pricing and pricing strategy development, have the skills of the subsequent application of the knowledge gained in the activities of the company
      PC 11 - To be able to analyze and interpret information for the development of management decisions taking into account production, social, economic considerations; be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities in the creation and functioning of small, medium and large business entities; in the interaction of business entities with stakeholders
      PC 12 - Demonstrate knowledge, understanding of the principles of analysis and forecasting of the economy, be able to make forecasts based on the available economic data
      PC 13 - Master the theoretical knowledge of the economic security of the country in modern conditions of economic relations
      PC 14 - To be able to analyze the existing trends in the labor market, to be able to use the results of the analysis obtained to prove hypotheses, make management decisions, etc.
      PC 15 - To be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities, analyze and evaluate solutions used by the state to regulate economic processes
      PC 16 - Know the skills to develop your own recommendations for the development of competition, the formation of competencies for the successful survival of the company in a competitive environment
      PC 17 - Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles of enterprise economics
      PC 18 - To be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice in the field of analysis and assessment of the activities of a commercial enterprise
      PC 19 - To be able to use time as a tool for management activities in the effectiveness of an organization
      PC 20 - Demonstrate the ability to build ethical office relationships in the enterprise and in organizations
      PC 21 - to develop arguments and make decisions in the analysis of the financial statements of the company using the principles of IFRS
      PC 22 - to develop arguments and make decisions in the field of analyzing the effectiveness and profitability of projects, through the search, collection, analysis and systematization
      PC 23 - be able to apply theoretical knowledge in the field of business planning, start-ups, as well as enterprise activities
      PC 24 - be able to critically assess personal strengths and weaknesses; aware of the social significance of their future profession, have the skills of independent job search, interviewing, interviewing; able to effectively perform management functions in a multicultural environment
      PC 25 - To be able to put into practice various types of motivation and ways of rewarding employees in accordance with their psychological types; be able to critically assess the strengths and weaknesses in the existing behavior of the organization; analyze and shape organizational culture
      PC 26 - To have skills in applying methods of labor valuation, principles and rules for the organization and remuneration, inventory management, enterprise costs
      PC 27 - To be able to put into practice the knowledge and skills in the field of public procurement
      PC 28 - To be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities in the creation and functioning of business entities
  • F) Full list of program learning outcomes
    • In the context of student professional practice, in work in an organization, as well as with a client, graduates can demonstrate the ability to do the following:
      - use basic and special methods of economic analysis of information, systematize and synthesize information, prepare surveys, reports on professional activities;
      - apply information technology to analyze the main indicators of the enterprise;
      - analyze the interrelation of economic processes, phenomena at the macro and micro levels, identify problems, suggest ways and means to solve them and evaluate the expected results;
      - critically evaluate from different sides the behavior of economic agents of various sectors of the economy (trade, production, etc.), trends in the development of objects in the field of professional activity
      - use the methods of economic analysis of production and business activities of the enterprise and its divisions and assess the market position of the enterprise;
      - to develop investment projects based on standard methods, taking into account existing legal acts;
      - use methods of evaluating the effectiveness of economic entities, their financial condition, determining the level of competitiveness;
      - apply the methods of valuation of labor, the principles and rules of the organization and remuneration of labor, inventory management, costs of the enterprise;
      - to possess the methodology of planning, using the methods of developing general and functional strategies for the development of an enterprise
  • Foreign language 6 credits / 10ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "English language"
    • Post requisites: "English language "
    • Purpose: the course material provides for the use of authentic texts, video and audio materials, adequately reflecting the content of the studied subjects and areas of communication. The active vocabulary of students receives its further expansion, including through the potential vocabulary.
    • Expected results:
    • dialogic and monologue speech in English,
    • to talk on professional, business and everyday topics,
    • listening comprehension of English speaking
    • business written communication
    • reading and translating specialty texts with and without a dictionary,
    • understand what is being read,
    • transfer read content,
    • Use of reference books (explanatory and other dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias).
    • Professor’s full name: Makhaeva A.M.
  • Information and communication technology 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: study subjects based on the knowledge gained in high school the basics of computer science, mathematics and physics.
    • Post requisites: knowledge in the discipline necessary to study courses: "New Technologies in the EMS", "Economic Information Systems"
    • Purpose: mastering by students of professional and personal competencies that will enable the use of modern information and communication technologies in various areas of professional activity, scientific and practical work, self-education and for other purposes.
    • A brief description of the course: In addition to the practical purpose, the course provides academic and educational purposes, helping to expand the horizons of students, improve their general culture and education.
    • Expected results:
    • to give an idea about the use of applied programs;
    • give an idea of the architecture of computer systems, operating systems and networks;
    • To introduce the basic concepts of network development and Web applications with the basics of information security;
    • explain the principles of information and communication technologies and e-learning;
    • learn to conduct independent creative search;
    • to examine possibilities of modern information technology and its development trends.
    • Professor’s full name: Satymbekova S. B.
  • Management 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Economic Theory", "Microeconomics", "Macroeconomics", "International Economics"
    • Post requisites: "State regulation of the economy", "Enterprise economy"
    • Purpose: mastering students of the basic principles and methods of organizing and managing an enterprise, studying, systematizing and fixing the fundamentals of the theory and practice of managing enterprises in modern business conditions, decision-making processes in the field of management, acquainting them with modern methods and methods of working in conditions of industry competition, since the formation market economic relations requires the training of qualified professionals, armed with new knowledge and skills that possess modern apparatus for solving fundamentally new tasks.
    • Expected results:
    • master the theoretical foundations of management;
    • to master the methods of implementation of basic management functions (decision-making, organization, motivation and control);
    • to master modern technologies of effective influence on individual and group behavior in an organization;
    • master the methods and basic techniques of research activities in the process of improving the management of the organization;
    • to improve the skills of independent work and the development of the need for personal and professional self-improvement.
    • Professor’s full name: Blyalov B.E.
  • Modern history of Kazakhstan 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "History of Kazakhstan", "Human Rights Society".
    • Post requisites: "Philosophy", "Fundamentals of Law", "Political Science", "Sociology", "History of State and Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
    • Purpose: at the present stage, Kazakhstan defines its place in the global social space and historical time. In Kazakhstan society, historical consciousness is formed, which is a link of time and generations based on the awareness of common historical fate. National self-awareness is formed on the priorities of consolidation and unity of Kazakhstan society. The past of Kazakhstan - constitutes the main part of the humanitarian space at various levels of public consciousness. The formation of a modern intellectual personality is based on the interaction of national history and historical continuity.
    • Expected results:
    • Demonstrate knowledge in the field of political, economic, social and cultural formation of an independent Kazakhstan; have an idea of ​​the main historical events of the country; know the main features and directions of domestic and foreign policy of Kazakhstan.
    • To be able to use theoretical knowledge in professional activities; have the skill of conducting comparative analytical work, formulate and substantiate their point of view, be able to comprehend events and phenomena of reality on the basis of historical analysis.
    • Use the methods of information retrieval and analytical and synthetic activities in solving objective problems; be able to systematize the knowledge gained, interpret and analyze historical events and current socio-political processes and phenomena based on scientific critical analysis.
    • Present information in various forms of reports, reports tailored to the specifics of the audience, be able to make presentations, reports, scientific essays on the socio-political and economic processes and phenomena occurring in the Republic of Kazakhstan, be able to lead the discussion.
    • Improve the skills of independent work, strive to improve the quality of the work being done, organize the interconnection of your knowledge and streamline it, see the prospects of your own activities
    • Professor’s full name: Mustafin S.S.
  • Philosophy 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: cultural studies, religious studies, political science, sociology.
    • Post requisites: history and philosophy of science, human development, gender education, phenomenology.
    • Purpose: the formation of knowledge about the basic philosophical directions, methodologies, as well as the skills of the Dialogue culture.
    • Expected results:
      • know the subject, functions, main sections and directions of philosophy
      • the place and role of philosophy in the life of society and man
      • main stages of development of world and Kazakh philosophical thought
      • a circle of fundamental problems of philosophy, features of their formulation and solution in the process of its formation
      • main philosophical theories and methods used in the study of man, nature and society
      • actual problems of modern domestic and world philosophy
      • have an idea of the sociocultural specific features of the formation of the philosophical worldview;
      • know the universal connections of phenomena, understand the essence of the development of science, its dynamics
    • Professor’s full name: Klishina M.V.
  • Professional Kazakh language 2 credits / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: «Kazakh language», «Modern history of Kazakhstan», «History of international relations in the new period», «Philosophy»
    • Post requisites: “Protocol with diplomatic ethics”, “Contemporary international issues”
    • Purpose: Formation and development of communicative competences in the Kazakh language; professionally-oriented language readiness of a competent person who is able to establish strong relationships in their professional activities. One of such important areas for students is their future career. The main objective of the proposed curriculum is to provide students with the opportunity to understand professional texts of professional topics using professional practice, intensive, effective teaching methods (intensive, computer), accumulated at the department of practical Kazakh language, skills development, vocabulary, development of speech culture.
    • A brief description of the course: The discipline is aimed at the formation of a linguistic person who is fluent in the communicative and pragmatic language of the Kazakh language, based on principles that encourage and develop cognitive activity in the teaching discipline.
    • Expected results:
    • uses the appropriate language units in relation to the discipline. Engaged in a professional situation. Reads texts, scientific papers in their field. Notification, draft, etc. The game can be systematically proven to give an argument.
    • Students can use the Kazakh language as a professional communication tool, depending on their specialty;
    • Using professional vocabulary and lexical skills, using industry conditions in the workplace, the ability to accurately convey ideas about their profession, the importance of the cognitive activity of the Kazakh language;
    • Based on the language of the spiritual, historical and cultural wealth of the Kazakh people, students become familiar with the history, culture, literature, traditions and customs of Kazakhstan;
    • In daily activities or in business communication students will be able to learn professional writing skills and will be able to shape and develop, as well as be aware of their profession.
    • Professor's full name: Akataeva S.B.
  • Professionally-oriented foreign language 2 credits / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: foreign language, Kazakh / Russian language in the amount of the university course.
    • Post requisites: mastering a foreign language at the level of international standards B2, as well as LSP - language for specific purposes.
    • Purpose: the formation and improvement of the initial level of knowledge of a foreign language, achieved at the previous level of education, and students mastering the necessary and sufficient level of communicative competence to solve professional activities when communicating with foreign partners, as well as for further self-education.
    • A brief description of the course: Formation of the ability of graduates to intercultural communication in foreign languages and the development of skills to carry out professional communication in a professional foreign language will allow the bachelor to work successfully in their chosen field of activity, broaden their horizons, improve their professional skills and skills, which will enhance its competitiveness in the market labor.
    • Expected results:
      • development of lexical and grammatical skills;
      • automation of reading skills of special texts;
      • development of dialogical speech on professional topics in communication situations in the future field of activity;
      • improving the skills of monologue speech on professional topics in situations of communication in the future field of activity;
      • improving listening skills;
      • mastering the skills of business speech and writing;
      • development of information culture;
      • broadening horizons and increasing the general culture of students.
    • Professor’s full name: Abdrakhmanova S.T.
  • Accounting 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, statistical theory, macroeconomics, microeconomics.
    • Postrequisites: Management, entrepreneurship, data analysis and forecasting of the economy, enterprise planning.
    • Purpose: is to study th e role of accounting and auditing in the enterprise management system. To accomplish this task, the course of teaching is based on the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Accounting and Financial Reporting” dated February 28, 2007 No. 234, international and national financial reporting standards, and other regulatory and legislative documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Expected results:
    • Know and understand: Have a clear idea about the features of the organization of accounting at enterprises.
    • Use in practice knowledge and ability to understand: Bachelors of this profile should demonstrate communication, integration of theory and practice, should be able to conduct financial, economic and managerial activities in organizations, evaluate, analyze financial statements, apply theoretical knowledge in practice in real life, receiving, analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating and presenting information.
    • Ability to make judgments, evaluating ideas and formulating conclusions: To be able to collect and summarize information about business operations, filling in appropriately primary and summary documents reflecting the activities of the enterprise, using not only the data of regulatory documents, but also their own vision of the problem.
    • Communication skills: To be able to communicate and present information, ideas, problems and their solutions concerning the organization of accounting at the enterprise, in the audience of not only specialists, but also non-specialists.
    • Learning skills: To be able to independently study the legislative and regulatory documentation in order to properly use it for the organization of accounting and auditing at the enterprise
    • Professor’s full name : Podvisotsky V.V.
  • Career planning 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Management", "Human Resource Management", "Sociology", "Fundamentals of pedagogy, psychology and self-knowledge."
    • Post requisites: “Business Communications Management”, “Organizational Behavior and Leadership”
    • Purpose: maximum preparation of students for the employment process, namely the passage of any type of interview; Expansion and deepening of students' knowledge about the laws of professional activity, the formation of ideas about actions that contribute to successful employment and the development of business career.
    • Expected results:
    • Know and understand the theoretical foundations of the planning and career building processes;
    • To be able to practice the algorithms for building a business career developed by management practices; skills to use the basic principles and tools to improve the efficiency of management;
    • Be able to critically evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses; aware of the social significance of their future profession, has a high motivation to carry out professional activities; able to use knowledge of working with groups of people and individual employees in management activities;
    • owns modern technologies of personnel management; capable of analyzing and designing interpersonal, group and organizational communications; owns various ways of resolving conflict situations;
    • Have the skills of independent job search, interviewing, interviews; able to effectively perform managerial functions in a multicultural environment; takes into account the consequences of management decisions and actions from the position of social responsibility.
    • Professor’s full name: Kose Zh.K.
  • Company financial statements 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Finance", "Corporate Finance", "Taxes and Taxation", "Money, Credit, Banks".
    • Post requisites: Budgeting, Evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects
    • Purpose: the course “Financial Reporting of Companies” is a special course that provides basic knowledge and skills in the preparation, analysis and forecasting of various forms of financial reporting by companies.
    • A brief description of the course: this course covers a range of issues that reveal the economic content of a company's financial statements, the composition and structure of various forms of financial statements and their elements, the procedure for maintaining and drawing up the main forms of financial statements, analysis of financial and economic activities of an enterprise through the study of financial statements, content and specific assessment of the bankruptcy of the enterprise, a mechanism for predicting the main forms of financial reporting.
    • Expected results:
    • to have an idea about the forms of financial statements, the specifics of preparing, maintaining and analyzing the company's financial statements, assessing the likelihood of a bankruptcy of an enterprise;
    • based on the knowledge gained, be able to use indicators and financial reporting data in the practice of business entities;
    • gain skills in collecting and processing financial and statistical data to determine the overall financial condition of the company and forecast its future activities;
    • develop the skills of presenting (reporting) these financial reports and substantiating the results of their analysis to persons involved and not involved in the activities of the enterprise;
    • develop the skills and abilities of self-study of new financial information, including foreign ones.
    • Professor’s full name: Alenicheva E.E.
  • Culturology 2 credits / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "History of Kazakhstan", "Human Rights Society"
    • Post requisites: "Philosophy", "Sociology", "Political Science".
    • Purpose: the development of humanitarian culture in conjunction with vocational education; facilitating the assimilation of the fundamentals of cultural knowledge, the most important problems of the history and theory of culture; the formation of ideas about the patterns of development of world cultures; preparation for professional activity in multicultural society; the formation of skills to identify the dominant in a particular culture values, meanings and meanings that make up the historical and cultural identity
    • Expected results:
    • Master the basic conceptual apparatus of cultural studies; have knowledge of the laws and factors of the socio-cultural development of society; to have an idea of culture as a socio-historical phenomenon; about the ways of acquiring, storing and transmitting the basic values of culture, the laws governing the creation and introduction of innovations in culture;
    • Apply theoretical knowledge in the practice of intracultural and intercultural communications; understand the role of culture in the process of social self-organization and self-regulation of communities; to anticipate the socio-economic, environmental and moral consequences of professional activities;
    • Use the methods of information retrieval and analytical and synthetic activities in solving objective problems; be able to make judgments on social, scientific or ethical issues and interpret socio-cultural processes, phenomena and facts on the basis of scientific critical analysis;
    • Present information in various forms of communication, taking into account the specifics of the audience; to organize and participate in interaction with the professional and surrounding community, to work in a group, to own various social roles in a team; build a dialogical relationship and make a reasonable compromise;
    • To enhance the skills of independent work, to develop the ability and interest in creative activities, the need for continuous self-education; to form moral, aesthetic and social guidelines necessary both for the formation of a world view and the achievement of personal success, as well as for activities in the public interest
    • Professor’s full name: Seifullina G.R.
  • Ecology and sustainable development 2 credits / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: chemistry, biology, physics, geography and mathematics (in
    • school curriculum).
    • Post requisites: disciplines according to the curriculum of the specialty.
    • Purpose: the formation of an environmental outlook, obtaining deep system knowledge and ideas about the foundations of the sustainable development of society and nature, theoretical and practical knowledge on modern approaches to the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection.
    • A brief description of the course: reveals the content of the basic laws that determine the interaction of living organisms with the environment, the functioning of ecological systems and the biosphere as a whole. In the course of studying the course, the students form a complex of knowledge on the patterns of development of the biosphere and the conditions for maintaining its sustainability, also develops skills for analyzing environmental processes, setting specific objectives and priorities for the sustainable development of nature and society.
    • Expected results:
    • know the basic laws of interaction between nature and society; basics of ecosystem functioning and biosphere development; the impact of harmful and dangerous factors of production and the environment on human health; concept, strategies, problems of sustainable development and practical approaches to their solution at the global, regional and local levels; fundamentals of environmental protection legislation; principles of organization of safe production processes.
    • V. be able to assess the ecological state of the environment; to assess the anthropogenic impact of production on the environment; critically comprehend the development trends of ecological and economic systems associated with the use of natural resources and characterize their environmental consequences.
    • have the skills to study the components of the ecosystem and the biosphere as a whole; determine the optimal conditions for sustainable development of ecological-economic systems; conducting a logical discussion on topics related to solving environmental problems; possession of standard environmental monitoring methodologies; have the skills to search and systematize scientific and special literature.
    • Professor’s full name: Baykenova G.G.
  • Finance 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: to study the discipline "Finance" students need knowledge in the field of economic theory, micro- and macroeconomics.
    • Post requisites: "State Budget", "Taxes and Taxation", "Corporate Finance", "Financial Management" and other disciplines included in the curricula of universities.
    • Purpose: is to provide theoretical and practical training of students in mastering financial categories, concepts, terms, their classification, meaning and place in social and economic processes.
    • A brief description of the course: studying the nature of finance, the characteristics of their functioning, the possibilities of a financial mechanism in the effective development of social production, achieving an understanding of the relationship and interaction of forms of organization of finance and methods of their application in specific conditions of social and economic development of society. The course logically consistently examines issues of nature, finance functions, their interaction with other economic categories, features of manifestation in economic life, shows the mechanism of action through the forms and methods of organizing financial relations, the possibility of using finance in regulating a market economy.
    • Expected results:
    • Understand the objective possibilities of finance in society, seek sources of financial resources, know the nature of financial relations at the present stage, determine the role of the state in financial management, its financial policy, taxation mechanism, insurance;
    • Be able to use the methodology of financial research (literature search and analysis, theoretical and applied research skills, the ability to critically evaluate and present research);
    • Know the modern methods of management in the field of finance business entities, financial planning and forecasting;
    • Analyze and evaluate existing financial and economic risks, make and substantiate a forecast of the dynamics of key financial and economic indicators at the micro, macro level;
    • To be able to apply this knowledge to solve problems on the basis of making optimal economic decisions.
    • Professor’s full name: Tatieva G.A.
  • Financial statements in accordance with IFRS 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Accounting; Economic Theory, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Mathematics in Economics.
    • Post requisites: Financial Management, Financial Analysis, Audit
    • Purpose: is to acquire the skills of collecting, recording and processing information necessary for the formation of financial statements of organizations in accordance with international financial reporting standards
    • Expected results:
    • Know and understand: Students, after successfully completing the course “Financial reporting in accordance with IFRS”, should have theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the area of the fundamental principles of financial accounting; preparation of all forms of financial statements in accordance with IFRS, preparation of consolidated financial statements, etc.
    • Use in practice knowledge and ability to understand: Bachelors of this profile should demonstrate communication, integration of theory and practice, should be able to analyze and make management decisions, and organize an effective system of internal control, form and present financial statements in accordance with international financial reporting standards.
    • Ability to make judgments, evaluating ideas and formulating conclusions: To be able to collect and summarize information about the economic operations of the entity, filling in appropriately primary and summary documents reflecting the activities of the enterprise, using not only the data of international financial reporting standards, but also his own vision of the problem.
    • Communicative skills: To be able to communicate and visually present information, ideas, problems and their solutions concerning the application of IFRS in the organization of accounting at the enterprise, in the audience of not only specialists, but also non-specialists.
    • Skills in the field of training: Improve the skills of independent work in studying the content of IFRS and methodological recommendations to them
    • Professor’s full name: Aubakirova A.T.
  • Fundamentals of health and safety 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Biology", "Chemistry", "Ecology"
    • Post requisites: “Labor Protection”, “Sociology”, “Psychology”
    • Purpose: is to equip future specialists with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to create safe and comfortable living conditions, to make informed decisions in emergency situations to protect the population and production personnel of economic facilities from the possible consequences of accidents, disasters, natural disasters, as well as during the elimination consequences, i.e. the formation of professional competence.
    • Expected results:
    • In the process of studying the discipline should acquire the knowledge of the basics of life support, develop skills and abilities to maintain their health and the health of others; to give knowledge about the structure and functions of the body; to create in the public consciousness a high responsibility for the birth and upbringing of a harmoniously developed and healthy generation.
    • B. Learn concepts such as safety, principles of health, emergency situations, first aid for injuries, fractures, emergency cases, the characterization of natural and man-made disasters, the clinical picture of various diseases and treatment principles, as well as their prevention.
    • B. To be able to analyze with their help specific situations in life and in everyday life, as well as at work, determine the clinical signs of diseases, organs and systems, the functional features of their interaction, use various health programs and methods of maintaining health.
    • C. to build arguments and evidence through the search, collection, analysis, systematization and interpretation of information, taking into account social, ethical and scientific considerations.
    • D. present information in various forms of communication, cooperate and work in a group, discuss and defend his position, make decisions.
    • E. to have the skills of independent work, the need for further self-improvement, to understand the need for constant updating of professional knowledge.
    • Professor’s full name: Isabaev A.S.
  • Law basics 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: The Modern History of Kazakhstan
    • Post requisites: “Business Law”, “Public Service and Management”, Fundamentals of Countering Corruption
    • Purpose: the acquisition of students' professional competencies necessary for the success of professional activities of specialists in modern conditions. The main objective of the discipline "Fundamentals of Law" is to give students initial knowledge of law, develop a positive attitude towards it, realize the need to comply with legal norms, thereby ensuring full, professional training for a bachelor who functions in a legal state.
    • A brief description of the course: basic questions about the state and law. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, legal norms are updated dynamically, stipulating and ensuring ongoing reforms. Modern conditions place high demands on a specialist with higher and secondary special education, including in the field of the foundations of law. Currently, legal awareness and legal awareness of the subject of law is especially important, since the protection of the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen, which is the basis of a legal state, is impossible without a high level of legal culture of the society. Knowledge of basic norms and principles allows you to navigate in the main branches of modern law, understand the basics of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and successfully use the laws and regulations in their professional activities.
    • Expected results:
      • knowledge of the basic concepts and categories of state studies and jurisprudence;
      • the ability to properly understand the state-legal phenomena;
      • value life orientations based on the priority of individual rights and freedoms;
      • practical skills of work with the branch legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
      • skills of applying the norms of legislation in everyday life and in practical work;
      • the ability to legally competent actions in the subsequent daily life and professional activities.
    • Professor’s full name: Momysheva F.S.
  • Logistics 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Economic Theory", "Marketing". "Microeconomics", "Mathematics in Economics".
    • Post requisites: "Enterprise Economics", "Production Organization", "Entrepreneurship"
    • Purpose: to study the scientific and theoretical foundations of logistics, as well as the mastery of practical skills in the analysis of modern logistics systems
    • Expected results:
    • know and understand the basic concepts of logistics: material flows, logistics operations, logistics systems, logistics service, warehousing, cargo handling, inventory rationing.
    • V. be able to apply basic concepts, principles and the concept of logistics in the analysis of practical situations and develop effective solutions to improve the functional areas of logistics
    • master practical skills in selecting suppliers, product distribution systems, logistic intermediaries, calculating the stock of production capacity and the methodology for calculating the need for storage space and containers
    • to provide information in the field of logistics development in various forms of messages, taking into account the specifics of the audience
    • have the skills of independent work, understand the need for constant updating of professional knowledge
    • Professor’s full name:
  • Political science 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Modern History of Kazakhstan, Cultural Studies, Religious Studies
    • Post requisites: Conflictology, Social Policy
    • Purpose: to form students' basic scientific knowledge about the subject and methods of political science, the evolution of political thought, the laws of political life, to help navigate the political reality, to develop a scientific approach to the assessment of certain political events and phenomena, norms of political thinking and behavior; equip with the knowledge necessary to creatively solve their professional problems, to form a democratic political culture.
    • Expected results:
    • Have an idea of the nature of the political sphere of society, the nature, possible boundaries, prospects and main types of policies; master the terminology of political sciences, basic, key concepts that constitute the theoretical basis for understanding the problems of the development of society;
    • Apply theoretical knowledge about the functioning of the political sphere of social life in practice; be able to analyze various aspects of the political life of society; to understand the issues of the influence of various political ideologies on the individual; apply a holistic approach to politics; build a dialogical relationship and make a reasonable compromise.
    • Use the methods of information retrieval and analytical-synthetic activities in solving objective problems; be able to make judgments on sociopolitical problems and interpret sociopolitical processes, phenomena and facts on the basis of scientific critical analysis;
    • Present information in various forms of communication, taking into account the specifics of the audience; organize and participate in interaction with the professional and surrounding community, work in a group, own various social roles in a team, build dialogical relations and make a reasonable compromise;
    • To increase the skills of independent work and the development of the need for personal and professional self-improvement; benefit from experience, organize the relationship of their knowledge and organize them, see the prospects for their own activities
    • Professor’s full name: Seifullina G.R.
  • Religious studies 2 credits / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: History of Kazakhstan, Cultural Studies, Political Science
    • Post requisites: Philosophy, History of State and Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    • Objective: the formation of knowledge about the main religious areas, the formation of a culture of interfaith communication, tolerance and the ability to resist the influence of non-traditional totalitarian religious associations and religious extremism. The course of religious studies is intended to form a culture of interfaith communication and overcome the influence of religious extremism.
    • Expected results:
    • Have an idea of the sociocultural specific features of religion; free to operate with concepts; know universal connections of phenomena, understand the essence of the development of religion, its dynamics; to understand the general theoretical questions of religion; master the skills and techniques of philosophical analysis of religion.
    • To be able to use in practice the knowledge and ability to understand, transform the theoretical level of understanding of information into the corresponding level of the communicative process.
    • To put forward, substantiate and criticize certain judgments, to separate the essential from the non-essential; reveal the relationship between the phenomena of reality; to identify and analyze contradictions in the surrounding reality, to see it in change and development, to analyze the fragments of religious life.
    • Present the information in various forms of messages taking into account the specifics of the audience and build a communicative process.
    • Enhance the skills of independent work and the development of the need for personal and professional self-improvement for lifelong learning
    • Professor’s full name: Seifullina G.R.
  • Sociology 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "History of Kazakhstan", "World History"
    • Post requisites: "Conflictology"
    • Purpose: expansion and deepening of students' knowledge of the laws of social processes, the formation of ideas about the role of sociological knowledge in the general system of socio-humanitarian knowledge
    • Expected results:
    • Know the theoretical and applied principles and laws of the functioning of sociological science, basic sociological concepts, classical and modern sociological theories, main directions and results of modern research in the field of sociology
    • To be able to independently analyze the processes and phenomena occurring in society, to apply sociological knowledge in practice; use methods of sociological analysis in professional activities; understand the purpose and role of social and economic phenomena occurring in society.
    • To use the methods of information retrieval and analytical and synthetic activities in solving objective problems; be able to make judgments and make decisions on social, scientific or ethical problems and interpret social processes, phenomena and facts on the basis of scientific critical analysis.
    • To present information in various forms of messages, taking into account the specifics of the audience; be able to talk, interview, business talk, dispute, controversy, discussion, debate, debate, debate, round table, business meeting, team business game, negotiations;
    • Possess the skills of a holistic approach to the analysis, design, forecasting problems of modern society, interpersonal and intercultural communication, methods of conducting sociological research
    • Professor’s full name: Kenzhebayeva S.K.
  • State procurements 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic Theory, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Enterprise Economics, Entrepreneurship
    • Post requisites: writing a thesis
    • Purpose: to form students' ideas about e-government procurement in Kazakhstan and skills of working on electronic trading platforms.
    • A brief description of the course: In the modern mixed-type economy, the public procurement system is an indispensable, integral element of management and is designed to perform not only the functions of meeting social needs, but also the functions of state regulation of the economy. The present stage of development of the national economic system of Kazakhstan is associated with the search for new management methods capable of ensuring the effective functioning of the entire economic mechanism, as well as individual regions, enterprises, industries, complexes in complex, dynamically changing market environment conditions that form new requirements for strategy and tactics economic behavior.
    • Expected results:
      • know the main trends in the development of the theory and methodology of the modern public procurement system; basic principles and specifics of government procurement; the main provisions of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of procurement of goods, works, services for state needs; the procedure for conducting procurement procedures in various ways;
      • be able to effectively solve management problems in the field of public procurement, effectively use analytical tools for solving various research and management problems in the field of public procurement; effectively using modern information and communication technologies for solving various research and administrative tasks in the field of public procurement;
      • have skills in owning information technology in the procurement of goods, works, services for government needs, including working with electronic databases, official websites.
    • Professor’s full name:Mukhambetova Z.S.


  • Name of the practice: Training

    Course: 2 course
    Objective: to master the skills of working with educational literature, legislative and regulatory documents; development of the ability to analyze and summarize theoretical and practical material, use the results of the analysis to summarize sound conclusions and make management decisions.
    Expected results:
    1. Approval of students in the correctness of the choice of training directions.
    2. Formation of students' ideas about the organization of economic work.
    3. The primary acquaintance of students with the organization of the functioning of economic entities.
    4. Acquisition of the primary experience of performing individual tasks and displaying the results “for tasks” corresponding to the professional activities of bachelors in the direction of preparation for Economics.


  • Name of practice: Production
    Course: 3 course, 2 short course, 4 course
    Objective: to consolidate, expand, deepen and systematize knowledge of special disciplines on the basis of studying the economic and statistical reporting of enterprises in various industries, to acquire the skills of independent work in analyzing and planning business enterprises, to develop a creative initiative to solve the problems of strategic planning and improve the efficiency of the enterprise.
    Expected results:
    Have: an idea of the priority directions of development of the national economy and the prospects for the technical, economic and social development of various sectors of the national economy;
    Know: - The theoretical foundations and patterns of functioning of a market economy; - the essence and socio-economic role of labor; nature and content of labor; conditions and modes of work and rest; ways of studying work processes and methods of valuation of labor; - methods of labor incentives; - principles of making and implementing economic and managerial decisions;
    To be able to: - identify problems of an economic nature when analyzing specific situations, suggest ways to solve them and evaluate the expected results; - substantiate and determine the size of the primary labor collective, evaluate sanitary and hygienic, psychophysiological and aesthetic working conditions, draw up schedules of work regimes, conduct photo-chasing observations, establish labor standards; - determine the amount of wages and various types of material incentives; - determine the economic and social effectiveness of measures to improve human labor activity.


  • Name of practice: Pre-diploma
    Course: 3 short course, 4 course
    Objective: to consolidate professional competencies, using the analysis of the necessary material collected by the student in the completed thesis work.
    Expected results:
    - have a systematic understanding of the structure and development trends of Kazakhstan and the world economy;
    - understand the diversity of economic processes in the modern world, their relationship with other processes occurring in society;
    - acquire the skill of independent work with the literature on economic topics and experience in using the conceptual apparatus;
    - be prepared for professional activity in enterprises (organizations) of all fields of activity and forms of ownership; independently work in positions that require an analytical approach in non-standard situations;
    - be competitive, have knowledge of related specializations.

Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ