• Раздел таблицы


Zhaliyeva Elvira Halelovna

year of graduation is 2006, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Information systems,
Karaganda c.
year of graduation is 2009,
Karaganda State Technical University, master
Professional experience: since 2006 teacher in KEUK, ICS department

Nurtedenov Ruslan Ilgizerovich

year of graduation is 2006, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Information systems
Professional experience: JSC Branch of Insurance company «HOMAD Insurance», director of the branch, Karaganda c.

Satymbekova Saida Bazarbaevna
year of graduation is 2007, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Information systems,
Karaganda c.
year of graduation is 2013, master degree of USCO, Astrakhan State University, Russia, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Career: teacher since 2007 in KEUK, the ICS department

Shalkibasova Gulnar Igibaevna
year of graduation is 2009, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Information systems, Karaganda c.
year of graduation is 2011, masters degree, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Karaganda c.
year of graduation is 2012, postgraduate, Astrakhan State University, Russia
Professional experience: Lecturer, ICS department

Muntaev Nurjan Amangeldyevich
year of graduation is 2009, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Information systems, Karaganda c.
Master degree of USCO, Novosibirsk State University, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Career: LP «Artson Build Invest», director of computer service center

Botbaev Kairat Fayzulaevich
year of graduation is 2010, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Information Systems
year graduation is 2012, master degree at St. Petersburg National Research University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Russia (USCO program)
Career: 2012, LP «PSP System», ngineer

Imanbaev Aydin Aytgazyevich
year of graduation is 2010, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Information Systems
year of graduation is 2012, master degree at St. Petersburg National Research University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Russia (USCO program)
Professional experience: since 2012 teacher, ICS department

Kazachenko Galina Evgenyevna
year of graduation is 2010, the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Information Systems
Career: LP "SIA Stort.kz», technical department, Head of technical department

Description Special

5В070300 – «Informational systems»
Preparation of students majoring the specialty 5V070300 - "Information Systems" that is performed in the following: full-time (post-secondary and secondary - professional education); part-time and distance (post-secondary and secondary - professional and higher education) in the state and russian languages.
Professional activities of graduates are carried out on the public and private enterprises and organizations where there are developed, implemented and operated the information systems in various spheres of human activity, such as mechanical engineering, metallurgy, transport, telecommunications, science and education, health, agriculture, the service sector, state and local government, economics, business, management, and others.
The objects of professional activity of the "Information Systems" specialty's graduates can be: informational, software, technical, technological and staffing information systems and networks, including the means and methods of their design, development, implementation, maintenance and operation of the IS. The subjects of professional activity of graduates are workstations, computer networks with the appropriate hardware and software, as well as information technology, models, methods, languages and programming techniques.
To be admitted to the specialty "Information Systems" applicants pass UNT on five school subjects: mathematics, kazakh language, the russian language, history of Kazakhstan, physics.
Training is done on a commercial basis, and by the public and additional grants.
The students of the specialty "Information Systems" are acquainted with occupational activities of systems analysts, database administrators, IT-managers, systems engineers that carry out their activities in all spheres of human activity.
After graduation, graduates work in governmental, non-governmental, departmental institutions, including the tax department on Karaganda region, the Department of customs control of Karaganda, Karaganda c. DIA, Citizen service center of Karaganda c., private organizations of the city and the country, such as LP "InterkompterService", CTS "Plus-Micro", JSC NAT Kazakhstan, JSC "Evraziyan Foods", JSC "Beliy veter", JSC «Unifinance» and others.
After completing the studies at the university graduate has the opportunity to continue his education on educational programs of postgraduate and additional professional education. The department has master's degree in the specialty 6M070300 - Information systems based on license dated on February 3, 2010 № 0137406, approved by the MES RK. At the department for masters are available: state general education standard of RK, typical work plan, working educational plan, educational and methodological complexes on subjects that are studied in the department, the catalog of elective courses.
In addition, the student - a graduate can also continue his education at the university of agreed programs of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to obtain two diplomas.
The road to success begins with a quality education in KEUK! Start your journey today.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the selection committee
and by phones: 44-15-72, 44-16-34 (intr. 159).

5В070400 – «Computer science and software»
Bachelor of the specialty 5V070400 - "Computers and Software" in accordance with the fundamental and special preparation can perform the following functions depending on objects of professional activity:
- designing the operating and information systems,
- exploitation of operational and information systems,
- system and network administration,
- supporting of IS,
- testing systems,
- provision of hardware and software protection.
The sphere of professional activity of graduates are public and private companies and organizations where they develop, implement and use computer hardware and software in various fields, more specifically engineering, metallurgy, transport, telecommunications, science and education, health, agriculture, the service sector, administration, economics, business, management of various technologies, that is, in almost all spheres of human activity.
Professional activities:
- designing and building;
- industrial and technological;
- experimental research;
- organizational and management;
- exploitation.
Preparation of students is carried out by full-time education: after secondary and professional education in the state and russian languages.
Duration of training for full-time:
- 4 years (on the basis of secondary education);
- 3 years (on the basis of post-secondary education).
To join the specialty "Computer science and software" applicants pass UNT on five school subjects: mathematics, kazakh language, the russian language, history of Kazakhstan, physics. College graduates pass CTA on four school subjects.
Graduates are awarded the academic degree of Bachelor of engineering and technology.
The road to success begins with a quality education in KEUK!
Start your journey today.

Medical center

The main tasks and functions of medical center:
- timely first aid to students, PPS, staff;
- the organization of constant examination of temporary disability of students and freeing them from classes with the issuance of a certificate of health state;
- in the direction of the local doctor provides anti-relapse treatment, carry out physiotherapy and injections;
- conducting health education through lectures on AIDS, drug abuse, sexually transmitted diseases by inviting leading experts and environmental protection, the release sanbulletins on various topics;
- providing an X-ray examination of students, PPS and staff.

The main activities of practitioner:
- organizes the work of the medical center staff to provide timely and high-quality medical and medication assistance to students, PPS and staff of the University;
- examines temporary disability of students and free them from classes by the end of the school year with the issuance of a certificate of health state;
- provides 100% x-ray examination of students and staff (to detect pulmonary tuberculosis);
- intended by local doctor provides anti-relapse treatments, issues physiotherapy treatments, selection of treatment according to the established diagnosis, writes the methodology of procedures, explains the mechanism of action of physiotherapy to a patient, introduces patients with safety measures.

The main activities of infirmary nurses:
- provides infectious safety (in compliance with the rules for sanitary and anti-epidermal mode, aseptic, right stores, processes, and uses sterilized medical devices);
- performs all phases of the nursing process of patients care (initial assessment of the patient's condition, interpreting the data, care planning in conjunction with the patient);
- timely and accurately performs preventive and therapeutic and diagnostic procedures prescribed by the doctor;
- provides emergency first aid in acute diseases, accidents and various types of disasters and call the doctor to the patient or his direction in the near health care setting;
- introduces drugs, anti-shock means (anaphylactic shock) patients for health reasons (if you can not timely arrival of the doctor to the patient) in accordance with the established procedure of action for a given condition;
- ensures proper storage, accounting and writing off of drugs, adherence to the rules of medication by patients;
- approves medical reporting documentation;
- conducting health education work for health promotion and disease prevention, promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Medical center

Medical center

Medical center

Medical center


Description specialties DCC

Educational programs 5B072700 - Technology of food products, 5B073200 - Standardization, Metrology and Certification realized on the issuing department merchandising and certification of Information Technology Faculty of Karaganda Economic University.
Bachelor carried out on a modular educational program specifically 5B072700 - Technology of food products, 5B073200 - Standardization, Metrology and Certification of full-time and part-time (distance-education technology) forms of learning.
The educational program specialty 5B073200 - Standardization, Metrology and Certification bachelors in the field of standardization and certification of consumer goods and services, the educational program 5B072700 specialty - Technology of food products produced Bachelors in Technology of food products with professional and social competencies that meet the requirements of a modern economy and the labor market.
For graduates of the department have the opportunity to continue their education on educational programs of postgraduate and additional professional education. Upon completion of undergraduate student may continue to study at Master's degree in 6M072700 "Technology of food products", 6M073200 "Standardization and Certification" on the profile and scientific-pedagogical orientation.
Implementation of educational programs is based on the educational complex specialty and educational complex discipline.
Producing department merchandising and certification has sufficient material and technical base for conducting laboratory and practical training and research work of students, provided by the curriculum of the educational program.
For the implementation of the educational process producing department merchandising and certification has laboratories: Physics; Chemistry; analytical chemistry; Microbiology; metrology; testing food and conformity assessment; product identification; Examining the quality of goods; cooking technology and specialized classrooms and standardization of management and service.
There is an electronic reference database of normative documents on standardization, certification and metrology. Work on the implementation of virtual training and manufacturing complex is carried out through the development and application of virtual labs. In addition, the department used such innovative methods of training as business games, workshops, case studies, development of case studies that contribute to the formation of the creative style of activity of the future specialist and substantially increase motivation, the depth and fullness of skills development.

5В073200 «Standardization and certification»

The mission of the educational program 5B073200 - Standardization and Certification (by fields) is to provide quality training of innovative-oriented, competitive personnel in the field of standardization and certification that meet the modern requirements of the labor market, as the basis for their professional growth and personal development.

Academic degree: Bachelor of Standardization and Certification
The scope of the graduate's professional activity is the establishment, implementation and control of the implementation of norms, rules and requirements for products, the technological process of its development, production, use (consumption) and metrological support, aimed at high quality and safety of products, economic efficiency for the producer and consumer.
Objects of professional activity of graduates are management bodies, enterprises, organizations directly related to products (services), processes, equipment of enterprises and testing laboratories, methods and means of measurement, testing and control, regulatory documentation, standardization systems, certification and quality management.
Types of professional activity:
- organizational and managerial;
- industrial and technological;
- calculation and design;
- experimental - research;
Holders of a university diploma in the specialty - "Standardization and certification" - can work:
- in the bodies for the confirmation of compliance;
- in testing laboratories
- at the enterprises of industry of all forms of ownership;
- in research centers;
- in the bodies of commodity expertise;
- in consumer protection organizations;
- in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
- in the centers of quality management of enterprises;
- in the customs service.
Possible positions: from the manager and the quality specialist to the head of the conformity assessment body, the testing laboratory, the chief specialist of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Graduates who successfully mastered the educational programs of higher education of the specialty "Standardization and certification" and demonstrated a high level of knowledge, a propensity for creative work can be recommended for further training in magistracy or for teaching activities.


Submit applications for settlement    Number of available places in the hostel    Number of beds 546

Dormitory Information

The Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz has formed the basis of the future student campus, which includes 4 dormitories, a stadium, a tennis court, basketball and volleyball courts, a gym, a medical center, student cafes, mini-laundries, an information and educational center, an honesty store. There is a wireless WI-FI Internet access network in the dormitories of the university and the student campus.

In 4 comfortable dormitories of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz that meet all modern requirements with a total area of more than 14,000 sq. m. more than 300 students live here. A warm atmosphere and homely comfort awaits you in every dormitories.
The dormitories of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz are distinguished by comfort, security and all conditions for living. Students live in two and four local rooms. The dormitories have all the conditions for living, studying and recreation. Much attention is paid to creating conditions for classes and recreation. Reading rooms are equipped for studying in the hostel, computer classes are created.

Student dormitories are equipped with video surveillance cameras. The registration is carried out on each floor and is monitored by security guards. At the entrance to the dormitories, residents pass through electronic passes.

The University strives to provide a place in the dormitory for all those in need.

Student dormitories are located at the following addresses:
dormitory No. 1 - Akademicheskaya str., 5 (number of rooms – 62)

dormitory No.2 - Akademicheskaya str., 7 (number of rooms – 29)

dormitory No. 3 - Akademicheskaya str., 5/1 (number of rooms - 30)

dormitory No. 4 - Komissarova str., 32 (number of rooms - 69)

To receive an electronic referral to the dormitory, the student/applicant must:

  1. Register on the website https://sqko.kz
  2. Submit an online application with the attachment of electronic materials:

- student's/applicant's identity card;

- photo 3*4;

- certificates of social category (supporting documents on disability, on the presence in the family of 4 or more children left without parental care). If available.

- diplomas, certificates of international, republican and regional levels in the field of sports, science, debate movement and creativity (if available).

**The application is considered within 3 working days.

  1. Sign the application with an electronic digital signature (EDS).

**If the student /applicant is not an adult, then the application from the student /applicant is signed by the EDS of one of the parents.

  1. After receiving the status of the application "Approved", it is necessary to conclude a housing lease agreement and sign an EDS.
  2. Make payment for accommodation (in the amount of 11,500 tenge) and attach a receipt for payment in electronic form (IT is MANDATORY to indicate "Payment for the hostel" in the column name of the payment). **Payment can be made via the mobile banking application (Kaspi, CenterCredit Bank, Halyk Bank).
  3. Waiting for the signing of a housing lease agreement by the rector of the university.
  4. Receiving an electronic referral for settlement.
  5. Contacting the university dormitory at the address indicated in the direction.

Upon check-in, you must present to the commandant of the hostel:

  1. Referral for the provision of a hostel;
  2. Medspravka (pass the med.examination at the Medical Center of the University, 205 kab.)

Contact phone number for communication:

8 (7212) 44-16-24 (ext.169)

Nonresident students have a preferential right to move into the dormitory of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz:

1) persons with disabilities from among the disabled, disabled since childhood, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care, if both or one parent has a disability (groups 1 and 2) (a copy of the death certificate of both or the only parent or a certificate from an orphanage, a copy of the certificate of disability);

2) persons from among the youth who were left without parental care at the time of reaching adulthood, persons equated by benefits and guarantees to participants and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, persons from among rural youth who entered the specialties that determine the socio-economic development of the village, as well as persons with the status of an oralman who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan (a copy of the certificate of guardianship and guardianship, a copy of the certificate of an oralman);

3) students enrolled in the first year, who have the sign "Altyn Belgi", students who have a certificate of the winner of the Presidential, international and republican Olympiad and (or) competition, as well as applicants who graduated from an educational institution with honors with a supporting document on education (a copy of the certificate, certificate, diploma);

4) holders of an educational grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (a copy of the certificate of awarding an educational grant);

5) from a large family, if the family has more than 3 children under 18 years old and the mother has the sign "Altyn alka" or "Kumis alka" (a copy of the certificate of the presence of 4 or more children in the family);

6) foreign citizens admitted to study at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz under international agreements (contracts) are placed in a dormitory on a general basis;

7) students from among the senior students who have high results in educational, scientific and social work (a copy of the transcript, copies of diplomas).

Скачать этот файл (Положение_о_студенческом_общежитии_2024.pdf) Положение_о_студенческом_общежитии_2024.pdf  208 Кб
Скачать этот файл (Правила_заселения_и_выселения_из_общежитий_2024.pdf) Правила_заселения_и_выселения_из_общежитий_2024.pdf  245 Кб
Скачать этот файл (Правила_проживания_в_общежитии_2024.pdf) Правила_проживания_в_общежитии_2024.pdf  246 Кб















Our graduates

1 Aimagambetov Erkara Balkaraevich – Rector of Karaganda economic university, d.e.sc., professor
2 Ashlyaev Hazbolat Sopyzhanovich – Chairman of the Kazpotrebsoyuz
3 Nigmatullin Erlan Zairullaevich – Parliament's Senate deputy
4 Karzhasov Bazarbai Karabaevich – Chairman of Karaganda Oblpotrebsoyuz
5 Кuttybai Miras – Youth Policy Department Head of Karaganda region
6 Baranova Tatyana Ivanovna – c.e.sc., docent of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANE and PA), Orenburg branch
7 Кuvandykov Maksat Kapashevich – Head of the customs regulation of the Aktobe region
8 Podyablonskaya Lidiya Michailovna – c.e.sc., docent of the department «State and local finances», sen. scientific employee, State university of the RF MF
9 Аlimov Gabdulmutalap Suleimenovich – first deputy director of the RSE «Karaotkel» of Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
10 Shaihina Tursynkhan – Cairman of trade and commerce chamber of the Akmola region
11 Baltashev Maral Matzhanovich – Director of the administrative building of the Supreme court

University managment

  • University managment

    Aimagambetov Erkara Balkaraevich

    Academic title: Doctor of Economics, Professor


    - In 1970, he completed the Karaganda Cooperative Institute of Centrsouuz.

    - In 1975, he graduated from the Graduate School of the Kiev State University after T. G. Shevchenko. Candidate of Economic Sciences (1975)

    - In 1989, he defended his doctoral dissertation in Kiev State University after T. G. Shevchenko on the speciality"Political Economy".

    - From 1991 to 1997-vice-rector for academic affairs at the Karaganda Cooperative Institute of Centrosoyuz.

    - From 1997, rector of Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

    Scientific achievements:

    Author of more than 500 scientific publications, scientific and practical manuals, textbooks, 10 monographs. 2 works have been published in Web of Science (Hirsch index – 0), 8 - in SCOPUS (Hirsch index – 1). Under his leadership, several major international scientific and practical conferences were held with the participation of leading scientists from foreign countries and the CIS, more than 30 candidate and 10 doctoral dissertations were completed and defended.


    - medal "for valiant work" in 100 days of independence V. I. Lenin

    - ⁠Medal "For Labor Valor"

    - Order “Kurmet” (2004)

    - anniversary medal “10th anniversary of Construction of Kazakhstan” (2005)

    - silver medal “A. Baitursynov” (2006)

    - medal for the 10th anniversary of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2007)

    - anniversary medal “10 years of Astana” (2007)

    - Order "Parasat" (2009)

    - gold medal of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan “Birlik”

    - anniversary medal “20th anniversary of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan”

    - Order "Dostyk" II degree (2016)

    Honourable citizen of Karaganda region

  • University managment
    Vice-rector for Academic Affairs and Strategic Development

    Nakipova Gulmira Nikolaevna

    Current position: Vice-rector for Academic Affairs and Strategic Development

    Academic title: Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economics

    е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    - In 1987, she graduated with honors from the Karaganda cooperative Institute with a degree in Trade Economics.

    - From 1988 to 2002, she worked at the departments of "trade Economics" and "Management and marketing". In 1999, she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of economic Sciences. In 2002, she was awarded the academic title of associate Professor of Economics.

    - From 2002 to 2004, she worked as the Dean of the faculty of advanced training, and since 2004 as the Dean of the Accounting and Finance faculty of the University.

    - In 2008, she defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of economic Sciences and in 2011 was awarded the title of Professor of Economics.

    Scientific achievements:

    Nakipova G. E. published about 100 scientific papers, of which about 10 articles published in international information databases Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus, published 7 monographs, 5 textbooks (2 textbooks published jointly by universities of the Russian Federation) and 3 textbooks under the stamp of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


    - In 2007 and 2012 she was the owner of the state grant "The Best teacher of the University".

    - In 2011, in connection with the 20th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan was awarded "Honorary diploma" of the Union of consumer cooperation of Kazakhstan,

    - in 2013, awarded "Letter of thanks" of Akim of Karaganda region

    - in 2016 awarded by the diploma "Kurmet" of the Ministry of education and science.

  • no pfoto
    Vice-Rector for International Relations and Strategic Development

    Abdikarimova Aliya Toleutaevna

    Current position: Vice-Rector for International Relations and Strategic Development

    Academic title: Candidate of Economic Sciences

    Contacts: +77017518507

    е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Reception hours for personal matters: Wednesday – 14.00 – 17.00


    -1995 – 1999 – studies at the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, specialty "International economic relations"

    -1999 – 2002 – studies at the graduate school of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

    -2003 – defense of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in the specialty "08.00.01 – Economic theory"

    Scientific achievements:

    About 30 scientific papers have been published, including publications in scientific journals of the international information base Scopus, COXON of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 3 monographs, 3 textbooks have been published.

  • University managment
    Vice-Rector for Social Affairs

    Almaz Sabitovich Orynbekov

    Academic title: Master of law

    - In 2012 graduated from the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, specialty "Jurisprudence".
    - In 2014 graduated from the master's degree program of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
    - 2022 - postgraduate studies, Faculty of Law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia).

    Scientific achievements:
    Has publications in the amount of 28.5 p.sh.

    Work experience:
    - 2012 -2019 lecturer, senior lecturer of the Department of "General Legal and special disciplines". Courses taught: "Criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Basics of anti-corruption", "Public service and management in the Republic of Kazakhstan".
    - 2019 – 2022 Researcher, Senior researcher at the Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

  • no pfoto
    Vice-rector for administrative and economic affairs

    Seidualiev Sabit Bakhytovich

    Current position: Vice-rector for administrative and economic affairs

    Contacts: +7 7212 44-16-71

    e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Reception hours for personal matters: Thursday at 16:00h. office No. 123

    Education: Karaganda State Technical University, graduated in 2010 with a degree in Electric Power Engineering.

  • University managment
    Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation

    Sikhimbaev Muratbay Ryzdikbaevich

    Current position: Vice-rector for research and integration activities

    Academic title: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

    Contacts: +7 7212 44-15-78

    е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Hours of reception on personal issues:

    Wednesday at 11:00 a.m., office №353.

    Education:-In 1984. - Graduated with honors from Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, specialty "Technology of mechanical engineering, metal-cutting machines and tools"
    -1987-1990 - Postgraduate study at the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman. N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow).
    -2002г. - Candidate of Economic Sciences: Specialty 08.00.19 - "Economics of Nature Management and Environmental Protection".
    -2010г. - Doctor of Economics: Specialty 08.00.05 - "Economics and management of national economy by branches and spheres of activity".
    -2012г. - Professor of CQAFSE MSHE RK.

    Scientific achievements:More than 350 publications, including more than 70 publications in highly rated journals with impact factor Scopus, Web of science, as well as more than 50 publications in journals recommended by the CQAFSE MSHE RK. He has published more than 35 monographs, including in foreign editions. He took part in the fulfillment of 5 fundamental topics on grant financing of the Committee of Science of MES RK, more than 30 applied researches and international projects.
  • University managment
    Dean of the Economics and Management Faculty

    Gimranova Galia Ilyasovna

    Candidate of economic sciences,
    Professor of the University

    In 1991 she graduated from the Ural State University, majoring in "Political Economy". Since 2004 – has been a candidate of economic sciences.
    In 2011 he was awarded the rank of assistant professor. Since 2004 she has been an Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and International Economic Relations. She has also been appointed Director of the Department of postgraduate and further education.

  • University managment
    Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law

    Rakhimgulova Manshuk Bulatovna

    Contacts: +7 7212 44-15-58

    e-mail: мThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Reception hours for personal matters:

    Wednesday from 15:00h. to 17:00h. office No. 385


    In 2009, she graduated with honors from the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz with a degree in Law.

    In 2011, she graduated with honors from the master's degree program of the Karaganda State University "Bolashak" with the award of qualification and academic degree "Master of Law".

    In 2016, she entered the PhD program at the Karaganda University named after E.A.Buketov. On July 27, 2019, she defended her dissertation on the topic "Jury trial and its role in the democratization of the judicial system of Kazakhstan".

    On November 19, 2019, by the decision of the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D030100 – Jurisprudence was awarded

    Scientific achievements:

    More than 30 scientific papers have been published, including scientific articles in publications recommended by the authorized body - 7, in scientific journals with a non-zero impact factor included in the Scopus database – 2, individually prepared monographs - 1; co-authored monographs - 2, individually prepared textbooks - 2, a textbook in co-authorship - 5, electronic textbooks for which author's certificates of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been obtained - 3. He is the executor of the research topics of grant funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Situational approach in improving the effectiveness of countering offenses and crimes of terrorist and extremist orientation".
  • University managment
    Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance

    Serikova Gulzira Salmaganbetovna

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

    In 1995 she graduated from the Kazakh Institute of Consumer Cooperatives.
    Since 2002 - candidate of economic sciences.
    In 2006, he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in Economics.
    Since 2017 - the dean of the accounting and financial department.

  • Dean of the faculty of distance learning

    Barbashova Of Ziad Kazibekova

    Doctor of Economics, Professor

    2008-2012-head. the Department of marketing and tourism KEUK
    2012 - 2017. Deputy Director of scientific research Institute of new Economics and systems analysis (NEINAS)
    2018-acting Dean of the faculty of distance learning
    Winner of the state grant of MES RK "Best teacher – 2010".
    Winner of KEU award "Man of the year -2010".

Information and Technology Faculty

Department "Information and Computing Systems"

Department of "Commodity and Certification"

Department "Ecology and evaluation"

Department of "Higher Mathematics"



Dear applicants, prospective students of the Informational Technical faculty!

You have chosen to enter the one of the most prestigious universities of Kazahstan - Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, which was founded almost 50 years ago in 1966. Before you there is a new department, which aims to train highly qualified professionals that meet the requirements of innovative development of Kazakhstan's economy.
One of the main objectives of our educational program is to train engineers, managers of a new type, who knows the "high technology", can promote them to the "market", own the whole spectrum of knowledge in the field of patent- informational work, standardization and certification, food technology, computer science, ecology of the environment, technical and economic evaluation of real and personal property, and etc.
University students are engaged in the major research-oriented activities at both the regional and Kazakhstan, and the world practice. Because the most important feature of learning at our university is the integration, the inextricable link of the educational process and scientific research.
Our students find time for recreation too. Sport life does not bypass us by. Our students participate in various sports competitions and cultural events.
Our graduates work in public administration, in science and technology, in major public and private industrial banks, banks of insurance companies, venture capital organizations and other organizations of all forms of ownership.
All of us - students and undergraduates, the faculty and staff - are proud of our university, and we will be glad to see you as a new member of our large and friendly university family! Good luck at UNT!

Kind regards,
KEUK graduate 1971, Dean of ITF, professor,
Ulakov Sayran Nursultanovich

Faculty of Distance Learning (FDL)


Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz offers higher education using a new technology - distance learning. The organization of the learning process in this direction is carried out by the Faculty of Distance Learning (FDL).

The aim of the faculty: training of highly qualified specialists based on modern information technologies. 

 The main objectives of the organization of the educational process in the university with the use of distance education technologies are individualization of learning, expansion of the educational environment in KarUK, creation of conditions for lifelong learning, implementation of needs in educational services, development of a unified educational space.

The main advantages of distance learning are a modern approach to training, intensive digitalization and development of Internet technologies in education, free access to educational materials and other information resources, greater mobility for young people and the possibility of simultaneous training in Kazakhstan and abroad, increasing the number of students with special needs and the development of inclusive education.

Distance learning in KarUK is provided through:

  • educational portal plt.keu.kz,
  • server of technological support of distance learning,
  • local network with Internet access,
  • content bank for all disciplines in the information system PLATONUS, MOOC on keu.kz.

The contingent of the FDL students is represented by graduates of colleges and higher educational institutions, young parents, top managers of well-known companies, heads of government agencies, which speaks about the multifaceted opportunities offered by the faculty.

Graduates of the distance learning faculty of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz are stably demanded in the labor market. Many of them have made a brilliant professional career, occupy leading positions in public service and business.

Address Akademicheskaya str., 9
- 131 cab. - Dean
- 143 cab. - deputy dekana
- 129 room- methodologists
- 145 cab. - tutors
Tel: (87212) 44-16-27;
(87212) - 44-16-24 (ext. 6565) - Dean
(87212) 44-16-25 (87212) 44-16-24 (ext.109) - deputy dekana
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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