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Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship


Dear Applicants!

On my own behalf and on behalf of all the faculty and staff of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship of the Karaganda Economic University welcomes you!
Each of you are standing in front of a responsible choice - where do learn how to tie his profession near future. Decision-making should be deliberate and prudent. It is important that the learning process was interesting and informative, and the upcoming professional activity brings satisfaction and provide a successful career, a decent salary, high social status, prestige in the society.
Stepping threshold faculty, you will immediately feel that they are in a special world where at the head are knowledge and creativity. Features of training at our faculty is not only new knowledge but also with a new acquaintance, own development.
Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship prepares professionals in accordance with state educational standards. Economic education students receive in five specialties: economics, management, state and local government, the global economy, international relations.
In the Karaganda Economic University has an effective system of support and incentives for students.
Joined the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship, you have all chances to become parties to international programs and projects. Faculty of implementing several joint programs with leading Russian and Western universities.
We live in the twenty-first century. This is the age of globalization, when the requirements for economists working in any country of the world, becoming universal.
I am sure that your names and eventually occupy a worthy place in the list of our honorary graduates, of course, if you persist in their desire to achieve in this life certain heights if want to develop their intelligence, their creativity. The main thing is to understand that much of your life depends primarily on you - your desire, optimism, determination and consistency.

Welcome to our team!
Sincerely, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship
Gimranova Galia Ilyasovna, expectant Economic Sciences, Professor
Phone: 8 (7212) 441619
Deputy Dean of the PMT for educational and methodical work
senior teacher Blyalov Bakhytzhan Erikovich
Deputy Dean of the PMT for educational work
Yusupov Mukhamedzhan Tursumbaevich
Phone: 8 (7212) 44-16-19 vn.192

Specialty faculty:

6В04101 Economy
6В04102 Management
6В04105 State and local government
6В03101 International relations
6В04107 World economy
6В04108 Assessment
6В05201 Ecology

Faculty of business, law and technology


Dear applicant!

Do you dream of achieving success in life and finding your place in the vast world? So the crucial moment in your life has come – the choice of a future profession. And, of course, you ask yourself the questions: "Who will I become? What awaits me?".
Choosing a university and a future profession is one of the most important and responsible moments in every person's life! Professional growth, career and opportunities for self-realization depend on the quality of the education received.
It is honorable and responsible to be a student of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology. At our faculty, every applicant has great prospects. Students study according to specially developed university programs, conduct research under the guidance of experienced scientists and teachers, participate in interesting youth projects and implement them in real life.
As our esteemed rector likes to repeat, a student is a barometer of our life. I, with both hands – FOR!
I invite you, dear applicant, to spend your best years at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. And as a former graduate, and now dean of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology, I guarantee it will be interesting!

Sincerely, Dean of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology
Rakhimgulova Manshuk Bulatovna. PhD, associate professor.
Contact phone: 8(7212)441558 ext.120
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology for Educational and Methodological Work
Ayeshova Nurgul Temirtayevna
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology for Educational Work
Yeleubekova Nazgul Yeleubekkyzy
Contact phone number:8 (7212 )44-15-58 ext.121

Specialty faculty:

6B01401 Foundations of Law and Economics
6B11303 Logistics (by industry)
6B11101 Gastronomy and hotel business
6B04212 Jurisprudence
6B04213 Customs business
6B04106 Marketing
6B07201 Technology of food products
6B07502 Standardization, Metrology and Certification
6B11101 Tourism
6B10201 Social work

Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies


Dear applicants!

Entering the University, yesterday's students acquire a new status – a student. At our faculty as well as at the whole University all necessary measures are taken for successful adaptation of students in the new environment. Dean and curators of the first course at any time ready to answer the students ' questions. We find an individual approach to each student, which subsequently has a beneficial effect on his learning, and most importantly – his desire to learn. The Dean's office is in constant contact with the parents of students, informs about the success and achievements of their children.

The feature of the first year of study lies in the fact that in this period the students are studying mainly Humanities discipline. This makes it possible to strengthen the basis of the humanitarian worldview, on the basis of which the profiling knowledge will be built.

The main thing in the first year – to teach students to learn and skillfully organize their time. The most important role in training is played by the teaching staff, because it is the teachers who give the knowledge that subsequently help the student to distinguish from a variety of areas that will be interesting.

Sincerely, Dean of Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies
Ph.D., Associate Professor Serikova Gulzira Salmaganbetovna
Contact phone: 8 (7212) 441629 ext. 130
Deputy Dean of the PMT for educational and methodical work
Sayfullina Julia Magdatovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Deputy Dean of the PMT for educational work
Aubakirova Altynay Tleshovna, k.e.n., dotsent.
Contact phone: 8 (7212) 441634 ext. 163

Specialty faculty:

6B05201 Ecology
6B06102 Computer science and software
6B04103 Accounting and Auditing
6B04104 Finances
6B04108 Evaluation
6B06101 Information systems
6B06103 IT Analytics

Faculty of distance learning


Dear applicants, future students!

Welcome speech Dean of the FDO Z. N. Borbasova:

Education with the use of distance technologies reaches a new level of development and allows each person to keep up with the times, to expand their skills and knowledge that will allow them to find their place in the labor market and make a successful career. Using modern Internet technologies, we try to organize the educational process for students with the greatest comfort and minimum cost. Studying at the faculty of distance learning, everyone can get a decent education, regardless of place of residence and level of employment. Distance learning system allows you to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge from home, office or computer class of the faculty. This is the most important advantage of distance learning over traditional forms of education. The faculty of distance learning today is:
one of the largest faculties in the University, modern educational technologies;
best value for money;
flexible training schedule, taking into account the capabilities of each student;
individual approach, methodological assistance and organizational support throughout the training period.
The contingent of our students is represented by graduates of specialized colleges, young parents, top managers of companies, heads of state structures, which indicates the multifaceted opportunities offered by the faculty.
Namely: a unique database of teaching materials (including electronic interactive learning complexes), the best teachers of the University with the skills to work in an information environment, convenience in the organization of classes, securing a curator for each student to obtain timely advice on the organization of the educational process.
Entering our faculty, the entrant makes a really right choice!
Graduates of our faculty are consistently in demand in the labor market. Many of them have made a brilliant professional career, occupy leading positions in the civil service and in business.

Distance learning is your step into the future!

Contacts KUK

Karaganda University Kazpotrebsoyuz

st. Academic, 9

Phone dialer 44-16-24, 44-16-34, 44-15-68
Fax 8/7212 / 44-16-32
8/7212 / 44-15-92

additional information

Selection Committee: 92-05-62, 44-15-72

The Department of strategic development: 44-16-34 int. 6555, 194

The Department of personnel management: 44-16-52

Service of documents management and control: 44-16-34 int. 156 Fax: (3212) 44-16-32

Department of planning, organizing, monitoring and control of the educational process: 44-16-00

Department of postgraduate and further education: 44-15-88

Business and Law faculty: 44-15-58

Economics and management faculty: 44-16-19

Informational technical faculty: 44-16-27

Accounting and Finance faculty: 44-16-29

Deanery of Business and Law faculty: 44-16-24 int.122

Deanery of Economics and Management faculty: 44-16-34 int. 129

Deanery of Accounting and Finance faculty: 44-16-24 int.136

Deanery of Informational technical faculty: 44-16-34 int.162

Colledge of Economics, Business and Law: 44-16-41

Library: 44-16-50

E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



University Student + = Strength and Honor



Students of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz, aware of its responsibility for the implementation of the main goals of higher education - training professionally and culturally oriented personality with philosophical potential of creative thinking abilities, which owns stable competencies in specialty and, considering it his duty to consolidate and develop the principles of corporate governance, adopt the Code of honor student and undertake to strictly follow it.

1. Student DEs aspires to become a worthy citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a professional in their chosen specialty, to develop the best qualities of the creative person.

2. Student DEs in good faith applies to all forms of learning and knowledge control, in compliance with accepted standards of training.

3. Student DEs is committed to combat all forms of academic dishonesty, including:

- Cheating and appeal to others to others for help when proceeding through the control of knowledge;

- Any idea in terms of curriculum materials (essays, control, graduation and other works), including online resources, as the results of their labor;

- The use of or related service provider for a higher score;

- Absenteeism, tardiness and skipping training sessions without good reason;

- Use during class cell phone, other equipment for listening to music and gaming.

Student DEs treats all types of academic dishonesty listed as incompatible with access to high-quality and competitive education, a decent future economic, political and administrative elite of Kazakhstan.

4. Student DEs must:

- Comply with political correctness when carrying out activities on campus or on the activities carried out on behalf of the CPP;

- Respect the rules of student ethics and rules of conduct in dealing with other students;

- To practice tolerance and respect for the customs and traditions of other nations, to take into account cultural and other features of different ethnic and social groups and religious denominations;

- Be neat in dress, behavior and thoughts.

5. Student DEs, living in a hostel, maintains an atmosphere of good-neighborliness, avoids conflicts with other residents and the administration.

6. Student DEs be polite in dealing with faculty, staff, and representatives of the university administration does not allow familiarity treatment to them and avoid displays of rudeness and incorrectness.

7. Students may not use the DEs abusive, insulting personality vocabulary.

8. Student DEs cares about maintaining a high academic culture, an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect in the university community, seeks to resolve conflicts by peaceful means, does not allow the use of violence against other students.

9. Student DEs refrain from behavior that could damage the reputation of the student community or authority DEs.

10. Student DEs leads a healthy lifestyle, and completely abandons bad habits both in the university and outside it.

11. Student DEs respects traditions of the university, protects his property, ensure cleanliness and order in the Student House.

12. Student DEs deems it necessary and useful all activities aimed at strengthening the system of student self-government, the development of students' creativity (scientific, educational, sports, art, etc.), napovyshenie corporate culture and image of the university.

13. The student has the right to express their DEs on the general organizational issues and the learning process, to participate in the analysis of situations involving violations of the provisions of this Code.

14. The bodies of the student government at the faculties shall have the discretion to apply to violators of the provisions of this Code of moral sanction, such as: the imposition of a public censure, suspension of privileges to participate in the activities of the student government. The question of the application of such penalties, the student government at each faculty decide.

Taking on the provisions of this Code are fully aware that their violation drops the honor, dignity and rank student of Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz.


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