• Раздел таблицы


Valid licenses

11License 2019 + application (rus).pdf

Previously obtained licenses

License card

State Licensing 

Order for state certification 2005



Appendix to the license.pdf

Appendix to the license dated 08.12.2001г

Order for state certification 2010

Appendix to license.pdf

Appendix to license.pdf

Appendix to the license dated 10.03.2010

  Appendix to license.pdf

Appendix to license.pdf

Appendix to license.pdf 18.06.2003г


Appendix to license.pdf


Appendix to the license

Representative offices from 08.12.2001



Internal academic mobility



       Academic mobility is the transfer of students or research teachers for a certain academic period (including completing an educational or practical training), usually a semester or academic year, to another higher educational institution (domestically or abroad) for study or research, with compulsory re-enrollment of completed educational programs in the form of loans at your university.

       There is external (international) and internal (national) academic mobility.

      External academic mobility is the training of students in foreign universities, as well as the work of teachers and researchers in foreign educational or scientific institutions.

Internal academic mobility is the training of students, as well as the work of research teachers in leading Kazakhstani universities.

Internal (intra-Kazakhstan) academic mobility is the transfer of students, research teachers or conducting research for a certain academic period, a semester, or academic year, to another higher educational institution of Kazakhstan with the obligatory transfer of completed educational programs in the form of loans in your university or to continue studies in another high school.


What documents are required to participate in the internal academic mobility program?

     On internal academic mobility, documents are prepared taking into account the requests of the inviting party. Mandatory documents are:

1) Student's statement;

 2) Student’s agreement;

 4) Tripartite agreement;

 5) Letter of recommendation (signed by the dean, head of department, curator);

 6) Transcript;

 7) Individual curriculum ;

 8) Medical certificate (form No. 086U);

 9) 2 copies of identity card;

 10) 2 photos (size 3 * 4);

 11) 2 files.

 For academic mobility please contact:

  1. External academic mobility -

 Center for International Programs and Projects

 Elena Shukusheva,

 room 268, tel. 44-16-34 (ext. 141).

  1. Internal academic mobility - Department of Academic Development

 Ukubaeva Alfiya, room 391, tel. 44-16-34 (ext. 138).


Content          Consortium        Events 



Wider objective

The aim of the project is to sensitise, enhance and foster the employability of individuals according to the requirements of Bologna post 2010

Specific project objectives

- Installation of an appropriate competence model into PC HEI which is congruent with country specifics like economic, social/culture and labour market aspects identified in the analysis
- Conceptualization and establishment of Centers for Competence and Employment Development (CCED) at PC HEI targeting different stakeholders and groups
- Provision of tested of training, modules , tools and instrument oriented to different target groups
- Promotion of the CCED as well as the competence and employability approach inside and outside the universities

Project outputs

According to the specific project objectives the following tangible outputs and intangible outcomes in the frames of development are planned:
- Analysis
Analysis reports of Russian Federation, Kazakhstan institutional reports on PC HEIs
- Development and conceptualization if the CCEDs
Individual concept of CCED including the competence model, Business plans for CCEDs, materials, modules, trainings and tools for different target groups, Training program for staff members of PC HEI
- Piloting and Establishment of the CCED
Institutional integration of CCED
- QM and Evaluation
Evaluation a and quality plan, instruments, reports and manual with recommendations
- Dissemination and sustainability
Dissemination instruments, tools, materials and plan for promoting the project, CCED
- Project management
Project meetings

Project partners

Organisation name City, Country
• Fachhochschule des Mittelstands Bielefeld, Germany
• Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (Technological Education Institute of Piraeus) Piraeus, Greece
• University of Maribor Maribor, Slovenia
• Institut für berufliche Bildung, Arbeitsmarkt- und Sozialpolitik GmbH Berlin, Germany
• Don State Technical University Rostov-on-Don, Russia
• Perm State University Perm, Russia
• Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Tyumen, Russia
• Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography Moscow, Russia
• Voronezh State University Voronezh, Russia
• Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz Karaganda, Kazakhstan
• Shakarim State University of Semey Semey, Kazakhstan
• Narxoz University Almaty, Kazakhstan















The content of these materials is the responsibility of the authors and does not reflect the views of the European Commission. The Commission is not responsible for any use of the materials presented in this publication


Coordination board for scienc



The agenda of the meetings



Approval of the composition 
and work plan of the Coordination Council
Nakipova G.E.


Fulfillment of action plans for 
SRI and SRI of SRI EPI and the
departments of the University
for the academic year (as of October 2017)
Khanov T.A,
Taubayev A.A.


Discussion of proposals on the
implementation of the concept
"Development of an educational
hub in Central Asia and modernization of science"
Nakipova G.E.


Formation of a plan for activities 
of the coworking center "Dostyk"

Феткулов А.Х.


Discussion of the timing of major 
events on research and research work of students
Nakipova G.E.,
Khanov T.A,
heads of departments


Summing up the results of grant,
research projects and intermediate initiative topics
Nakipova G.E.,
Taubayev A.A.

heads of departments


Discussion of the deadlines for 
the formation of the bankruptcy and timing
of tenders for student innovation projects, startup projects
(republican subject Olympiads, regional competition)
Nakipova G.E.,
Khanov T.A.



Estimates of expenses for research
work and research work of students of university departments
Nakipova G.E.


Discussion of the report on research
and research work of students for 2017
Nakipova G.E.,
Khanov T.A,
Taubayev A.A.

heads of departments


Consideration of plans for research 
work and research work of students of the
departments of the University and the Research
Institute of Economic and Legal Research for 2018
Khanov T.A.

heads of departments


On the results of pedagogical
practice and performance of scientific /
experimental research work
of students of postgraduate education
Director of the Department of Postgraduate Education,
chief specialis

heads of departments








First name,
middle name,


Position, subdivision


Sihimbaev M.R.

acting vice-rector for research, strategic and innovative development


Hanov T.A.

– director of the scientific research institute of economics and legal studies


Taubaev A.A.

– director of the monitoring centre and the development of research work


Abdakimova M.K.

head of the department of social work and social and political disciplines


Abenova S.T.

head of department of international economics and international relations


Au T.I.

head of the department of common legal and social disciplines


Baikenov G.G.

head of the department of ecology and evaluation


Veselska N.R.

head of the department of legal regulation of economic relations


Dauletova A.M.

head of the department of marketing and logistics


Emelina N.K.

head of the department of higher mathematics


Ertysbayev G.N.

head of the department of foreign and russian languages


Esenbaeva G.A.

head of the department of commodity and certification


Zhetpisbayeva M.K.

head of the of department economic theory and state and municipal management


Kabataeva K.T.

head of the department of kazakh language and culture of Kazakhstan


Madieva K.S.

head of the department of accounting and auditing


Musataeva A.A.

head of the department of economics and management


Mataeva B.T.

head of the department of tourism and restaurant business


Omarova SH.E.

head of the department of information computer systems


Sembekov A.K

head of the department of finance, tax and insurance


Talimova L.A.

head of the department of banking


Ligostaeva A.A.

– director of the department of postgraduate and further education


Ten T.L.

programs coordinator USCO


Bokenchin K.K.

– chairman of the council of young scientists


Syzdyk B.K.

responsible for SRWS university


Grishina E.A.

– board secretary





Acting Dean Faculty of Distance Learning
BORBASOVA ZIYADA NAZIBEKOVNA, Doctor of Economics, Professor
2008-2012 - head. Department of Marketing and Tourism KEUK;
2012 - 2017 - deputy Director of the Research Institute for New Economics and Systems Analysis (NIINESA)
2018 - Acting Dean of the Faculty of Distance Learning
Winner of the state grant of MES RK "The best teacher - 2010".
Winner of the KEU Prize "Man of the Year-2010" Best Scientist - 2015.

Schedule of admission of students of the faculty of distance learning

Schedule of admission of students of the faculty of distance learning

Dean of the faculty Borbasova Ziyada Nazibekovna

Days of the week




09.00-17.00 (in addition to the scheduled time of classes)

All the majors


09.00-17.00 (in addition to the scheduled time of classes)

All the majors


09.00-17.00 (in addition to the scheduled time of classes)

All the majors


09.00-17.00 (in addition to the scheduled time of classes)

All the majors


09.00-17.00 (in addition to the scheduled time of classes)

All the majors


09.00-12.00 (in addition to the scheduled time of classes)

All the majors

Kurmanalina Anar Kayratovna

Mobility programs for students

Regulation on academic mobility in Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz


The programs of Academic mobility: 

  • International scholarship programs

 International scholarship "Bolashak" https://www.bolashak.gov.kz/

 British Council programmes https://www.britishcouncil.kz/ru/newton-al-farabi/programme

 German academic exchange service-DAAD http://www.daad.kz/ru/

 Full Bright program https://eca.state.gov/fulbright/country/kazakhstan

 International student exchange program (Global UGRAD) www.worldlearning.org/ugrad

  • Academic mobility program within the framework of bilateral agreements and agreements of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and partner universities

Training under the program of academic mobility with self-financing 

Within the framework of the signed agreements between Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and the partner universities, a student exchange program with independent funding can be with the following countries:

  • Neighboring countries:

Russian University of Economics. G. V. Plekhanova, Moscow (Russia) https://www.rea.ru/

Ural Federal University named after. First President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg (Russia) https://urfu.ru/ru/

Ural state University of Economics, Yekaterinburg (Russia) http://www.usue.ru/

Ural state law University, Yekaterinburg (Russia) https://www.usla.ru/university/

Belgorod national state research University, Belgorod (Russia) https://www.bsu.edu.ru/bsu/

St. Petersburg state University of Economics, St. Petersburg, (Russia) http://en.unecon.ru/

Siberian University of consumer cooperation, Novosibirsk (Russia) http://www.sibupk.su/

Kuban state agrarian University, Krasnodar (Russia) https://kubsau.ru/

Kyiv national University. T. Shevchenko, Kyiv (Ukraine) http://www.univ.kiev.ua/ru

Belarusian state University, Minsk (Belarus) https://bsu.by/

Belarusian trade and economic University, Gomel (Belarus) http://i-bteu.by/

Azerbaijan University of cooperation, Baku (Azerbaijan) http://aku.edu.az/

Tajik state University of Commerce, Dushanbe (Tajikistan) http://www.tguk.tj/index.php/tj/

  • Far abroad:

Roma Tre University, Rome (Italy) http://www.uniroma3.it/en/about-us/where-we-are/

Milano Bicocca, Milan (Italy) https://www.unimib.it/unimib-international

University of Florence, Florence (Italy) https://www.unifi.it/

University of Pisa, Pisa (Italy) https://www.unipi.it/index.php/university/item/2325

Mendel University in Brno, Brno (Czech Republic) http://www.mendelu.cz/en

Karintia University of applied studies, Villach (Austria) http://www.fh-kaernten.at/en.html

University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela (Spain) http://www.usc.es/en/index.html

Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov (Romania) https://www.unitbv.ro/en

Kodolanyi Janos University of applied sciences, Budapest (Hungary) http://www.kodolanyi.hu/ru/kju

University of Pecs, PECs (Hungary) https://international.pte.hu/

Anadolu University, Eskisehir (Turkey) https://www.anadolu.edu.tr/en/

Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou (China) http://zufe.admissions.cn/

Beijing foreign studies university, Beijing (China) http://www.bfsu.edu.cn/

Solbridge international school of business, Woosong, Daejeon (Republic of Korea) http://www.solbridge.ac.kr/

Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam (Malaysia) https://www.unipage.net/en/20156/mara_university_of_technology

Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia (Tbilisi) https://www.bsu.edu.ge/?lang=en


Who can participate:

- Bachelor students - 2-4 courses

- Master students - 1 course

- PhD students - 1-2 course

- GPA should not be lower than 3.0


Financial conditions:

- education is free of charge, but some universities can be exceptions (see list of partner universities);

- expenses are covered by the Participants themselves, including living expenses, transportation costs, visa and health insurance.


Relevant documents:

- application (download application);

- signed characteristics of the student from the supervisor;

- Letter of recommendation from the Dean of the faculty;

- transcript in 3 languages (Kazakh, Russian and English), ordered in the Student support center of the University or at the Dean's office of the faculty;

- color copy of passport / identity card;

- student's motivation letter;

- CV;

- hand receipt from both parents (download exemplar);

- Applications № 6, № 7 and № 8 (download exemplar);

- medical certificate 082 / U (for traveling abroad);

- certificate of language proficiency at the level of B2, C1, C2 (depending on the language of study at the partner University);

- syllabus;

 - photo 3x4 - 2 Photos;

- file folder - 1 folder.

- the originals of all documents must be submitted to the Center for international programs and projects and academic mobility (Office 268). It is also necessary to send scanned copies of documents to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  (in subject please indicate your full name and direction).

The selection procedure of the University:

  1. Request the curriculum for the semester at the Chair (it can be Working study curriculum/Individual study curriculum)
  2. Select three universities (by priority) from the list; print the disciplines for the semester from the website of your chosen University.
  3. The difference in subjects and distance courses should be agreed with the adviser / head of the Chair.

For getting more information

Contacts of International Officers can be found here: https://www.keu.kz/en/international/contact-us.html 

Tel. +7 (7172) 44-16-12 (EXT.141), e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

University Security Service

About University Security

Based on the interests of ensuring a normal, safe mode of work and study and preserving the material assets of the university, an independent, administrative unit of the Security Service was created by order of the university rector dated July 01, 2014.
The security service in its activities reports directly to the rector of the university.

The security service is intended for:


1. Organizations and ensuring the maintenance of public order on the territory of the University;
2. Organizations and ensuring security, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of employees, teachers, students of the University in the performance of their duties;
3. Organizations and ensuring the protection of University facilities, material assets and cash;
4. Providing economic security and economic activities of the University.
5. Prevention of offenses among students studying at the University.

The main functions of the unit are:


1. Ensuring the order of admission of workers, students and other persons, as well as vehicles to the building and the territory of the University, as well as the procedure for moving property on the territory of the University or outside the territory of the University;
2. Ensuring the protection of University facilities from theft, theft, robbery, arson and other criminal attacks and public unrest;
3. Organization of the development of measures for the safety of University facilities;
4. Ensuring the proper operation of the security alarm, monitoring its condition and taking measures to repair in case of damage, failure and other malfunctions;
5. Ensuring compliance with the checkpoint by employees, students and other persons. Security service officers access control is carried out by order of the rector of the university No. 58-p dated August 27, 2014 .;
6.Development and implementation of measures to identify, prevent and combat public unrest and criminal acts in relation to the composition of the University as a whole;
7.Preparation of materials for transfer to law enforcement bodies for investigation of the facts of offenses and crimes committed against the University and its individual employees.
The security service in its activities is guided by the following documents:
• Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• The Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan governing the educational sphere;
• Normative acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• The provisions of state standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed in accordance with international standards ISO 9000 series;
• Charter of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz;
• Code of Ethics for teachers and employees of KEUK;
• Decisions of the Academic Council and the university administration, orders and instructions of the rector;
• other regulations in the field of education and security;
• Regulations on the security service approved by the rector of the university.

Security officers serve in uniforms provided by the university.
The security service maintains documentation on all areas of activity, draws up a report on the results of its work for the academic year.
Monthly summarize the work on the revealed violations and violations of the internal regulations committed by employees, teachers and students of the university and represents the university rector.

 University Security Service

 University Security Service

 University Security Service

 University Security Service

 University Security Service

 University Security Service

Security Management

Head Office Security:
Abenov Abdylnasir Moldabaevich - education: higher education, juridical;
He has 30 years of experience in internal organs, working in various positions, colonel politics. Honorable medals: "For impeccable service in the internal affairs bodies - III stage", "For impeccable service in the internal affairs bodies - II degree", "For best law enforcement", "Veteran of internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for service. "

Deputy Head of Security:
Zhakupov Nurtas Zhakupovich - education: higher-legal; He has 19 years of experience in the internal affairs bodies, worked in various senior positions, major of the police.
Электронный университет
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