Description Special

5В070300 – «Informational systems»
Preparation of students majoring the specialty 5V070300 - "Information Systems" that is performed in the following: full-time (post-secondary and secondary - professional education); part-time and distance (post-secondary and secondary - professional and higher education) in the state and russian languages.
Professional activities of graduates are carried out on the public and private enterprises and organizations where there are developed, implemented and operated the information systems in various spheres of human activity, such as mechanical engineering, metallurgy, transport, telecommunications, science and education, health, agriculture, the service sector, state and local government, economics, business, management, and others.
The objects of professional activity of the "Information Systems" specialty's graduates can be: informational, software, technical, technological and staffing information systems and networks, including the means and methods of their design, development, implementation, maintenance and operation of the IS. The subjects of professional activity of graduates are workstations, computer networks with the appropriate hardware and software, as well as information technology, models, methods, languages and programming techniques.
To be admitted to the specialty "Information Systems" applicants pass UNT on five school subjects: mathematics, kazakh language, the russian language, history of Kazakhstan, physics.
Training is done on a commercial basis, and by the public and additional grants.
The students of the specialty "Information Systems" are acquainted with occupational activities of systems analysts, database administrators, IT-managers, systems engineers that carry out their activities in all spheres of human activity.
After graduation, graduates work in governmental, non-governmental, departmental institutions, including the tax department on Karaganda region, the Department of customs control of Karaganda, Karaganda c. DIA, Citizen service center of Karaganda c., private organizations of the city and the country, such as LP "InterkompterService", CTS "Plus-Micro", JSC NAT Kazakhstan, JSC "Evraziyan Foods", JSC "Beliy veter", JSC «Unifinance» and others.
After completing the studies at the university graduate has the opportunity to continue his education on educational programs of postgraduate and additional professional education. The department has master's degree in the specialty 6M070300 - Information systems based on license dated on February 3, 2010 № 0137406, approved by the MES RK. At the department for masters are available: state general education standard of RK, typical work plan, working educational plan, educational and methodological complexes on subjects that are studied in the department, the catalog of elective courses.
In addition, the student - a graduate can also continue his education at the university of agreed programs of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to obtain two diplomas.
The road to success begins with a quality education in KEUK! Start your journey today.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the selection committee
and by phones: 44-15-72, 44-16-34 (intr. 159).

5В070400 – «Computer science and software»
Bachelor of the specialty 5V070400 - "Computers and Software" in accordance with the fundamental and special preparation can perform the following functions depending on objects of professional activity:
- designing the operating and information systems,
- exploitation of operational and information systems,
- system and network administration,
- supporting of IS,
- testing systems,
- provision of hardware and software protection.
The sphere of professional activity of graduates are public and private companies and organizations where they develop, implement and use computer hardware and software in various fields, more specifically engineering, metallurgy, transport, telecommunications, science and education, health, agriculture, the service sector, administration, economics, business, management of various technologies, that is, in almost all spheres of human activity.
Professional activities:
- designing and building;
- industrial and technological;
- experimental research;
- organizational and management;
- exploitation.
Preparation of students is carried out by full-time education: after secondary and professional education in the state and russian languages.
Duration of training for full-time:
- 4 years (on the basis of secondary education);
- 3 years (on the basis of post-secondary education).
To join the specialty "Computer science and software" applicants pass UNT on five school subjects: mathematics, kazakh language, the russian language, history of Kazakhstan, physics. College graduates pass CTA on four school subjects.
Graduates are awarded the academic degree of Bachelor of engineering and technology.
The road to success begins with a quality education in KEUK!
Start your journey today.

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