Description specialties DCC

Educational programs 5B072700 - Technology of food products, 5B073200 - Standardization, Metrology and Certification realized on the issuing department merchandising and certification of Information Technology Faculty of Karaganda Economic University.
Bachelor carried out on a modular educational program specifically 5B072700 - Technology of food products, 5B073200 - Standardization, Metrology and Certification of full-time and part-time (distance-education technology) forms of learning.
The educational program specialty 5B073200 - Standardization, Metrology and Certification bachelors in the field of standardization and certification of consumer goods and services, the educational program 5B072700 specialty - Technology of food products produced Bachelors in Technology of food products with professional and social competencies that meet the requirements of a modern economy and the labor market.
For graduates of the department have the opportunity to continue their education on educational programs of postgraduate and additional professional education. Upon completion of undergraduate student may continue to study at Master's degree in 6M072700 "Technology of food products", 6M073200 "Standardization and Certification" on the profile and scientific-pedagogical orientation.
Implementation of educational programs is based on the educational complex specialty and educational complex discipline.
Producing department merchandising and certification has sufficient material and technical base for conducting laboratory and practical training and research work of students, provided by the curriculum of the educational program.
For the implementation of the educational process producing department merchandising and certification has laboratories: Physics; Chemistry; analytical chemistry; Microbiology; metrology; testing food and conformity assessment; product identification; Examining the quality of goods; cooking technology and specialized classrooms and standardization of management and service.
There is an electronic reference database of normative documents on standardization, certification and metrology. Work on the implementation of virtual training and manufacturing complex is carried out through the development and application of virtual labs. In addition, the department used such innovative methods of training as business games, workshops, case studies, development of case studies that contribute to the formation of the creative style of activity of the future specialist and substantially increase motivation, the depth and fullness of skills development.

Электронный университет
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