• Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:



    Faculty of Business and Law

    Field of study:


  • Contingent of students on the educational program
    Students, studying at the expense of budget funds
    Students, receiving personal grants, scholarships
    Foreign students, studying on this program
    Students, who took part in the academic mobility programs:
    - inside the country
    - outside Kazakhstan

    Degree program:Bachelor Bachelor in the field of servicesin specialty 5В090800 «Assessment»
    Degree and term Single degree (one university)( 274 ECTS - credits / loans 159 kaz.)
    Educational institution Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
    Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance of Education (IQAA) http://nkaoko.kz/
    Term actions This program was approved by the University for a period of 4 years for those receiving a degree at the University from 2016
    Level QF for the EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 1st cycle; EQF (European Qualifications Framework): level 6; NQF (National Qualifications Framework): level 6
  • A) Objective
    • The purpose of training students in the educational program of a specialty 5B090800 - Assessment is a high-quality preparation of bachelors in the field of assessment activities with professional and social competencies that meet the requirements of a modern economy and labor market.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • Legal regulation of appraisal activity
    • Economic analysis
    • National standards for assessment the Republic of Kazakhstan
    • International Assessment Standards
    • Economics and property management
    • Business Assessment
    • Assessment the effectiveness of investment projects
    • Assessment and Human Resource Management
    • Valuation of mortgage assets
    • Assessment of natural resources
    • Environmental assessment
    • Basics Realtor and development activities
    • Consulting valuation activity
    • Property in the housing sector
    • Real estate appraisal
    • Evaluation of machines, equipment and vehicles
    • Assessment of intellectual property and intangible assets
    • 2.General information /Speciality
    • «Bachelor in the field of services»
    • 3.Direction
    • Services
    • 4.Features
  • C) Employment and the further training
    • 1.Employment
    • Businesses and organizations with different forms of property, consulting and accounting firms, investment companies, centers for assessment of movable and immovable property, departments of collateral the banks of the second level, the Departments of State Property Management
    • 2.Further training
    • Magistracy
  • D) Style education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The implementation of educational programs is carried out on the basis of educational and methodical complexes of disciplines and specialties.
    • Educational program on specialty 5B090800 "Assessment" contains
    • Theoretical training, including general education study cycles, basic and majors;
    • additional types of training - various kinds of professional practice, physical training, military training, etc.;
    • intermediate and final certification.
    • 2.Assessment methods
    • Used ballroom-rating of the credit-module system of organization of educational process, based on a modular principle, presenting content of the educational program.
  • E) Software competence
    • 1.- Be able to analyze and understand the philosophical issues with scientific positions, independently develop cultural wealth, logically and convincingly right thinking and the right to build oral and written language
    • Be capable of self-knowledge, a critical assessment of their strengths and weaknesses, to moral and physical self-improvement, high motivation to their professional and civic engagement
    • Be capable of professional written and oral communication in the Kazakh and Russian languages; to know a foreign language at the level necessary to perform professional tasks
    • Be able to express and justify their position on the choice of methods for solving tasks
    • 2.- To know the social and ethical values based on public opinion, traditions, customs, social norms and navigate to them in their professional activity
    • To know the basics of the legal system and legislation of Kazakhstan; to abide by business ethics, to own ethical and legal standards of conduct
    • To know the trends of social development; to be able to adequately guided in different social situations
    • Be able to work in a team, properly to defend their point of view, to offer new solutions; be able to find compromises, to relate their views to the collective opinion: to strive for professional and personal growth
    • Be able to analyze socially significant problems and processes, and to practice the methods of the humanities, social and economic sciences in a variety of social and professional activities
    • Have the basics of economic knowledge, to have a scientific understanding of the management, marketing, finance; to know and understand the objectives and methods of state regulation of the economy, the role of the public sector in the economy
    • Be able to navigate in today's information flow and adapt to rapidly changing phenomena and processes in the global economy; be flexible and mobile in different conditions and situations related to professional activities; be skilled in decision-making of economic and organizational nature in the face of uncertainty and risk
    • Know the main sections of mathematics, physics, engineering graphics; have a basic knowledge necessary for the study of professional disciplines
    • Be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the professional sphere
    • Be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions in the field of evaluation
    • Be able to critically rethink the experience, modify if necessary, the profile of their professional activities, be aware of the social importance of their future profession, have a high motivation to carry out professional activities
    • Be skilled in finding a compromise between the different requirements (cost, quality, safety and deadlines) in long-term and short-term planning and is able to make the best decisions in the field of evaluation
    • To be able to synthesize, analyze, the perception of information, setting goals and choosing the ways to achieve it can formulate arguments and solve problems in the field of valuation activities
    • Know the classification, arrangement, the main assets of the enterprise and be able to analyze the efficiency of their use
    • Be prepared for the development of investment projects
    • Be able to perform settlement and design activities, and to develop technical documentation and training materials, proposals and measures for the creation and modernization of fixed assets
    • Own methods of technical and economic analysis, is able to inform decision-making and implemented in the field of assessment is able to apply the results in practice
    • Be skilled in economical and safe use of natural resources, energy and materials
    • Have knowledge of the organizational structure, management practices and management performance criteria in respect of appraisal activity
    • to be capable to development of standards of an assessment
    • possess knowledge in the field of real estate valuation, know the development trends of the real estate market and mortgage lending
    • Be able to master the services provided in the appraisal activity
    • possess basic knowledge of the physiology of labor and life safety, the ability to competently operate in emergency and emergency situations
    • Be able to analyze the best scientific and technical expertise and technology trends
    • be able to perform theoretical and experimental research
    • To be able to self-improvement and professional growth of the individual with diverse humanitarian and natural science knowledge and interests
  • F) A complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of student professional practice in work organization as well as with clients, graduates can demonstrate the ability to the next:
    • demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the field of study, including elements of the most advanced knowledge in the field;
    • to apply this knowledge and understanding in a professional manner;
    • to formulate arguments and solve problems in the field of study;
    • to collect and interpret information to make judgments taking into account social, ethical and scientific considerations;
    • communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialists and non-specialists.
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