ESPC in action

ESPC in action

Primary health care is the basis of a system of medical care based on a biopsychosocial model and includes measures for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of diseases and conditions, social and medical rehabilitation, healthy lifestyle formation and sanitary and hygienic education of the population. The provision of affordable and high-quality primary health care depends on the professionalism of specialists, including social workers and psychologists of the healthcare system.

The Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work interacts on an ongoing basis with the partners of the UNPC from medical institutions. On February 2, 2022, a «platinum» lecture was held by the Deputy Director of MF «Hippocrates» LLP Nesterova V.A. on the topic «Socio-psychological work at the level of primary health care» for students of educational programs «Psychology and management in education» and «Social work». There was a discussion of socio-psychological methods and technologies for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the reproductive health of young people, stress management and stress resistance.

International Election Day at Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz!

International Election Day at Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz!

February 3, 2022 in Budapest within the framework of the General Conference of Elections, which took place on September 14-17, 2005, was marked World Elections Day.
In connection with this February 4 - professor-teaching staff of the Department of «Legal Regulation of Economic Relations» Karaganda University Kazpotrebsoyuz held a 2-hour event dedicated to the International Day. Senior lecturer Esenov Dastan Kudaibergenovich and Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Sidorova Natalia Vladimirovna gave a lecture on «The essence and history of elections in the world and in Kazakhstan» in the state and Russian languages. The audience of participants was distinguished by the participation of students majoring in «Economics», «Physical Culture and Sports Management», «Customs», «Accounting and Auditing», «Jurisprudence». The lectures continued with intellectual games on selective law.
The main tasks of this day are the establishment in the public consciousness of the irreversibility of the process of democratization, informing the population about the achievements in the selection process and the formation of young voters adhering to democratic values.

Active corps of young deputies

Active corps of young deputies

At the invitation of the youth wing "Zhas Otan" of the Karaganda region, an active student of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology took part in a special meeting of the corps of young deputies under the Nur Otan party. During the meeting, reports of young deputies of the region and activists of the city were heard, plans for the upcoming period were drawn up. The event, held in the format of a free exchange of opinions and discussion of topical issues of concern to young people, was of great educational and motivational importance. At the end of the meeting, the 1st deputy chairman of the Karaganda region of the Nur Otan party, Altynbekov Bekzat Komaruly, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the youth.


Master classes of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz on the MIETC project in Spain

Master classes of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz on the MIETC project in Spain

From 31.01.2022 to 04.02.2022, Master subject trainings took place, within the framework of which the methodology and methods of the implementation of the educational process in the disciplines of the master's program were reviewed and discussed.
The Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, within the framework of the training, carried out work in the field of partner universities cooperation. Two agreements were signed on joint activities within the framework of a scientific and educational consortium with the Technological University of Tajikistan and the Tajik State University of Commerce. The parties agreed to organize a scientific and educational consortium to carry out joint scientific, educational and research activities aimed at developing a system of training highly qualified specialists and implementing research projects of theoretical, methodological and applied nature on topical issues of economics and management. A joint research theme "Social determinants of the quality and standard of living of the population: trends and events’ development" was also proposed. It is planned to hold an international scientific and practical conference with partner universities in April 2022, at the moment a program of events is being developed.

Seminar on the topic: "Rules and template for the design of a scientific article"

Seminar on the topic: "Rules and template for the design of a scientific article"On February 2, the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the University held an online scientific seminar on the topic: “Gylym maqalany rәsіmdeudіn erezhesi men үlgisi” for students and undergraduates. Speakers - masters of economic sciences, members of the CMSS Blyalova A.B., Dаkarim G.Қ.
The purpose of the scientific seminar is to develop students' research skills, which will allow them, depending on the year of study, to prepare an article, a term paper, a graduation project, and a master's thesis.
Such seminars are important for the development of education and science.

Seminar on the topic "Planning the costs of scientific research (within the framework of the competition for grant funding for scientific projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan)"

Seminar on the topic "Planning the costs of scientific research (within the framework of the competition for grant funding for scientific projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan)"January 27, 2022 on the ZOOM PhD platform, senior lecturer of the Department of Finance, member of the CYSS KarUK Tyngisheva A.M. held a scientific seminar on the topic "Planning the costs of scientific research (within the framework of the competition for grant funding for scientific projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan)". Teachers of KarUK took part in the work of the scientific seminar. During the workshop, examples of budgeting for scientific research were considered.

Flash mob in support of Karaganda athletes, Vladislav Kireev and Ekaterina Aidova are our pride!

Flash mob in support of Karaganda athletes, Vladislav Kireev and Ekaterina Aidova are our pride!

On January 31, a flash mob was held on the square in front of the Karaganda Sports Palace in support of Karaganda athletes who went to the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, organized jointly with the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Karaganda region.
Two representatives of the Karaganda region – biathlete Vladislav Kireev and speed skater Ekaterina Aidova will take part in these main competitions of the fourth anniversary. Vladislav Kireev and Ekaterina Aidova are our students, our pride!
50 university students took part in the flash mob, so they decided to support and wish them victory at the 2022 Winter Olympics.
We are waiting for you with well-deserved victories, we believe in you, you are the best!

The right choice of profession is the key to the future!

The right choice of profession is the key to the future!

On January 31, 2022, as part of the career guidance work, an online meeting was held with students of grades 11 of secondary School No. 1 in Priozersk. The meeting was organized and conducted by the head of the Department of Management and Innovation, PhD, Associate Professor Salauatova D.M., PhD, Associate Professor Orynbasarova E.D. 46 students took part in the meeting. They were provided with information about the main competitive advantages of the university, educational programs, forms of study.
During the meeting, issues arising when choosing a university and an educational program were discussed. The students showed interest in our university and asked a lot of questions.

Platinum Lecture “Psychology of the Victim”

Platinum Lecture “Psychology of the Victim”

Students of the educational programs "psychology and management in education" and "social work" of Karaganda University of kazpotrebsoyuz acquire new knowledge about the future profession not only in the educational process, but also in platinum lectures.
Meetings with highly qualified practitioners help future psychologists and social workers develop personally and professionally, motivate them to achieve high results in training and career growth.
On January 31, 2022, the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work organized an online platinum lecture by the psychologist of the Evgenia Ivanova Psychotherapy Center in Karaganda Madina Bulatovna Ospanova on the topic “Psychology of the Victim”
Ospanova M.B. acquainted students with the nature of the phenomenon of the victim, the main practices of counseling and prevention of psychological problems in the work of the Center for Psychotherapy. The students were interested in the organization of group therapy, which is relevant for the modern psychologist of literature and the influence of the psychologist's professional activity on his personal qualities.
Students and teachers of the department "Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work" expresses gratitude to Ospanova M.B. for an informative and informative lecture!


Immersion in the profession - professional practice of future psychologists

Immersion in the profession - professional practice of future psychologists

For the first time, students of the innovative educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz from January 24 to February 19, 2022 undergo psychological and pedagogical practice. Its main goal is to develop skills in the use of psychological tools and technologies in educational organizations.

At the introductory conference held by the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work, the leaders of the practice introduced the 1st year students of the full-time form of education with the use of DOT with the content of psychological and pedagogical practice, gave methodological recommendations for completing tasks.During the period of practice, students master all types of activities of a practical psychologist in the organization of education; get acquainted with different types, working conditions, internal regulations, traditions of educational organizations from the position of a future manager in the field of education.In the course of practice, the future psychologist develops both personally and professionally. Immersion in the professional environment is a condition for the development of basic professional competencies and the formation of professional consciousness. We wish our students fruitful practice and creative success!




"Best university teacher-2021"

"Best university teacher-2021"

According to the results of the meeting of the Republican Competition Commission, the head of the Department of Commodity Science and Certification, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Yesenbayeva Gulmira Akhmadievna became the winner of the republican competition "The Best University Teacher-2021". Note that Esenbayeva G.A. is a two-time winner of the title "The best teacher of the university."
The competition was held on the basis of the information system of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, through which participants could observe the transparency of all stages. Applications and documents for participation in the competition "The Best University Teacher-2021" were also accepted in electronic format. This ensured the transparency of the competition. The commission included representatives of NGOs, the media, student and youth organizations, the Association of Kazakhstani universities and experts in the field of education.
In total, 718 applicants from 76 higher educational institutions of the country participated in the competition. The winners were 150 teachers from 45 Kazakh universities.
We congratulate Esenbayeva Gulmira Akhmadievna on a well-deserved award and wish her further creative success!

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