Seminar on the topic: "Rules and template for the design of a scientific article"

Seminar on the topic: "Rules and template for the design of a scientific article"On February 2, the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the University held an online scientific seminar on the topic: “Gylym maqalany rәsіmdeudіn erezhesi men үlgisi” for students and undergraduates. Speakers - masters of economic sciences, members of the CMSS Blyalova A.B., Dаkarim G.Қ.
The purpose of the scientific seminar is to develop students' research skills, which will allow them, depending on the year of study, to prepare an article, a term paper, a graduation project, and a master's thesis.
Such seminars are important for the development of education and science.

 Seminar on the topic: "Rules and template for the design of a scientific article"

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