Professional work of the department "Management and Innovation"

Professional work of the department "Management and Innovation"

February 17, 2022 Department of "Management and Innovation" Salauatova D.M., Senior Lecturer of the Department "Management and Innovation" Kurmangalieva L.A. an offline meeting was held with 3rd year students of "Karaganda Banking College" majoring in "Management". At the meeting, the main competitive advantages of the university were presented, a presentation of the OP "Management" and "Project and Innovation Management" was presented. Students asked questions about the forms of education and the possibility of studying on a grant.

Strengthening ties with enterprises in the region

Strengthening ties with enterprises in the region

Representatives of the university, headed by the vice-rector for research and integration activities prof. Nakipova G.N. visited a plant for the production of passenger buses - QazTehna LLP (Saran). In addition to buses, the company produces a new generation of quarry, road equipment. The plant is positioned as a high-tech and environmentally friendly production.
A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed with the LLP, an agreement on internship was concluded, an agreement was reached on joint activities not only in employment, but also in educational activities.
Currently, students of the ОP "Logistics" are undergoing an internship at LLP "QazTehna"

Olympiad in the Fundamentals of Law

Olympiad in the Fundamentals of Law

On February 25, 2022, an Olympiad on the discipline “Fundamentals of Law” among 11th grade students of the city of Karaganda was held within the walls of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The event was held in order to attract and support talented young people interested in state-right issues. The Olympiad was attended by the teams "Gymnasium No. 9", "School No. 63", "Lyceum School No. 66", "Kanysh Satpayev Gymnasium", "School No. 59". The participants of the schools, applying their knowledge, performed various individual and team tasks, gained invaluable experience for further professional orientation. Following the results of the Olympiad, the Leader team was awarded a diploma of the I degree "Gymnasium No. 9" , the diploma of the I I degree was awarded to the teams "Optimists" "School No. 63", "Areopagus" "Lyceum School No. 66”, The teams “Bolashak” “Lyceum School No. 66”, “Zerde” “Kanysh Satpayev Gymnasium”, “Temis” “School No. 59” were awarded the diploma of the I I I degree. All teams were awarded diplomas, and team leaders and school principals were awarded letters of thanks.

Field training on the basis of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs «Atameken».

Field training on the basis of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs «Atameken».

Field classes or excursions to enterprises are already a long-standing traditional and most widely practiced form of organizing training at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
On February 25, 2022, within the framework of the discipline «Entrepreneurship», the head of the Department «Management and Innovation», PhD, associate professor Salauatova D.M. organized a field lesson on the basis of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs «Atameken».Director Kulpeisov E.D., Head of the Department of Human Capital development Ospanova K.A. an explanatory conversation was organized and conducted with students on the main activities of the Chamber as a non-profit organization representing the interests of small, medium and large businesses, ensuring the protection of their rights and interests, broad coverage and involvement of all entrepreneurs in the process of forming legislative and other regulatory rules of business.The head of the Human Capital Development Department, K.A. Ospanova, conducted a tour of the main departments of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs «Atameken» with a presentation of their activities.
Students were asked questions, including the possibility of participating in competitions for grant/ concessional financing of projects, since the final work in the discipline «Entrepreneurship» is the development of a business plan. The meeting was interesting and productive.
We thank the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs «Atameken» for cooperation!

Meeting with representatives of US Service Kazakhstan companies

Meeting with representatives of US Service Kazakhstan companiesOn February 22, 2022, students of the specialty "Accounting and Audit" met with representatives of the company US Service Kazakhstan.
The company "US Service Kazakhstan" LLP is a close-knit team of like-minded people who have been successfully working in Kazakhstan since 2011. The company not only qualitatively does the installation of climate equipment, but also builds cold storage facilities from sandwich panels turnkey. The most modern technologies are used in the construction of warehouses. This allows us to provide the client with the ideal option of providing services in one place.
Representatives of "US Service Kazakhstan" LLP at our university selected accountants for their team, head. warehouses, materialists. The meeting was interesting, lively, the students were active, asked questions to which they received detailed answers.
As a result of the meeting, agreements were reached on the conclusion of contracts for practice, both free and paid.

Meeting of the Student Scientific Society for the department «Banking Management and Financial Markets»

Meeting of the Student Scientific Society for the department «Banking Management and Financial Markets»

On 02.23.2022, the department held a meeting of the SSS, where students made presentations. In total, 5 reports were listened to, which were recommended for participation in the Conference of the NAO «Narkhoz University».
Attended: Talimova L.A., Borisova E.I., Sayfullina Y.M., Kurmanalina A.K., Gusmanova Zh.A., Ermakova A.K., Idirisova A.T., Isanov A.S.
Invited: students of the specialty «Finance» gr.F-19-2 Pavlova A., Justus A., Rozhkov K., Kassikhina V., gr. F-20-3c/k Alshimbekov S.
After the meeting , the following resolutions were made:
Submitted reports:
1. Alshymbekov S. «Consumer credit in the Republic of Kazakhstan» (scientific supervisor of the art.Ermekova K.A.).
2. Pavlova A. Topic of the report: «The main trends in the development of commercial banks in the conditions of increasing uncertainty in the Republic of Kazakhstan», (scientific supervisor assoc.Gusmanova Zh.A.)
3. Justus A. Topic of the report: «Electronic payment systems, their economic role and security in the country», (scientific supervisor assoc.Borisova E.I.)
4. Kassikhina V. «Analysis of the current state and development of the mortgage lending system in economic conditions», (scientific supervisor assoc.Gusmanova Zh.A.)
5. Rozhkov K. «The role of the national bank in monetary regulation in the economy, its problems and impact on the welfare of the people», (scientific supervisor assoc.Borisova E.I.)
It was decided to recommend the presented reports for the participation of students in the upcoming conference of the NAO «Narkhoz University».

Field training in the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC CF «Jusan Bank»

Field training in the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC CF «Jusan Bank»

The Department of «Banking Management and Financial Markets» held a field lesson in the CF of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in JSC CF «Jusan Bank» on February 22 2022. from 09:00 to 11:00 hours, Ph.D., Associate Professor Sayfullina Y.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor Borisova E.I. and senior lecturer Idirisova A.T. in the disciplines «Financing and lending of investments» on the topic: «Short-term bank lending as a way of financing investment projects», «Bank management and marketing» on the topic: «Management of assets and liabilities of a commercial bank», «Monetary regulation» on the topic: «Regulation of the volume of money supply and the monetary base» in groups F-19-2, F-20-4s.
Students at this event learned from the mouth of specialists the main functions of financial institutions, what activities are carried out in the field of monetary policy and much more.

Meeting of parents and graduates of Karaganda Banking College

Meeting of parents and graduates of Karaganda Banking College

On 23.02.2022, as part of the career guidance work, a parent-teacher meeting was held in the ZOOM format with parents and graduates of the Karaganda Banking College. The meeting was attended by representatives of KarUK, Head of the Department of «Banking Management and Financial Markets» Talimova L.A., Director of the CGWC Ivadilinova L.H., Secretary of the admissions committee Krasnoshchekova E.A. and other heads of faculties of the university. On the part of the Karaganda Banking College, the heads of the graduating classes and the parents of the graduates were present.
In this event, the following issues were raised: information about specialties, employment, rules for admission to the university, the teaching staff of the university, benefits and other opportunities of the university.

Meeting in the Abay g. and village of Topar, Abay district

Meeting in the Abay g. and village of Topar, Abay district

On February 23, 2022, teachers of KarUK Issanov A.S., Amantai A.A. carried out career guidance work for school graduates in the village of Topar in the Abay district on the wall of the Abay high school. Secondary school named after Abay.Momyshula high school.
For graduates, information was provided about university, specialties and other opportunities (discounts, grants, mobility, sports and cultural areas, etc.).
A video about KarUK was also shown and a survey was conducted.


Career guidance work at the A. Baitursynuly

Career guidance work at the A. Baitursynuly

School Teachers of the Department of "Tourism and Restaurant Business" of the Kazpotrebsoyuz KarU A.K. Blyalova, together with Doctor of Economics, Professor B.B. Doskalieva, conducted career guidance work among students of the 11th grade of the A.Baitursynula comprehensive school. The students were provided with full information about the university's educational programs, answered all their questions.
We thank the school administration for the meeting and cooperation!



On February 25, 2022, the Department of "Tourism and Restaurant Business" of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz held an Olympiad in following specialties "Restaurant and hotel business", "Tourism" among students of grades 10-11 of the city of Karaganda.
Schools named after Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, No. 45, Ushtobinsk supporting school, No. 82, No. 48, Bilim-Innovation Lyceum No. 2 took part in the Olympiad.
The total number of participants is 41 people.
The event was held at a good level
We thank all participants for their interest !
Distribution of diplomas and letters of thanks – until 04.03.2022
Results on the university's website -, on the department's Instagram page (@keu_tur_rd) until 03.03.2022

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