The right choice of profession is the key to the future!

The right choice of profession is the key to the future!

On January 31, 2022, as part of the career guidance work, an online meeting was held with students of grades 11 of secondary School No. 1 in Priozersk. The meeting was organized and conducted by the head of the Department of Management and Innovation, PhD, Associate Professor Salauatova D.M., PhD, Associate Professor Orynbasarova E.D. 46 students took part in the meeting. They were provided with information about the main competitive advantages of the university, educational programs, forms of study.
During the meeting, issues arising when choosing a university and an educational program were discussed. The students showed interest in our university and asked a lot of questions.

 The right choice of profession is the key to the future!

Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ