Immersion in the profession - professional practice of future psychologists

Immersion in the profession - professional practice of future psychologists

For the first time, students of the innovative educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz from January 24 to February 19, 2022 undergo psychological and pedagogical practice. Its main goal is to develop skills in the use of psychological tools and technologies in educational organizations.

At the introductory conference held by the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work, the leaders of the practice introduced the 1st year students of the full-time form of education with the use of DOT with the content of psychological and pedagogical practice, gave methodological recommendations for completing tasks.During the period of practice, students master all types of activities of a practical psychologist in the organization of education; get acquainted with different types, working conditions, internal regulations, traditions of educational organizations from the position of a future manager in the field of education.In the course of practice, the future psychologist develops both personally and professionally. Immersion in the professional environment is a condition for the development of basic professional competencies and the formation of professional consciousness. We wish our students fruitful practice and creative success!




Immersion in the profession - professional practice of future psychologists

Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ