"Best university teacher-2021"

"Best university teacher-2021"

According to the results of the meeting of the Republican Competition Commission, the head of the Department of Commodity Science and Certification, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Yesenbayeva Gulmira Akhmadievna became the winner of the republican competition "The Best University Teacher-2021". Note that Esenbayeva G.A. is a two-time winner of the title "The best teacher of the university."
The competition was held on the basis of the information system of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, through which participants could observe the transparency of all stages. Applications and documents for participation in the competition "The Best University Teacher-2021" were also accepted in electronic format. This ensured the transparency of the competition. The commission included representatives of NGOs, the media, student and youth organizations, the Association of Kazakhstani universities and experts in the field of education.
In total, 718 applicants from 76 higher educational institutions of the country participated in the competition. The winners were 150 teachers from 45 Kazakh universities.
We congratulate Esenbayeva Gulmira Akhmadievna on a well-deserved award and wish her further creative success!


Электронный университет
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