Employment of graduates: new facets of cooperation with the Employment Center of Karaganda

Employment of graduates: new facets of cooperation with the Employment Center of KaragandaWithin the framework of measures to promote youth employment on 24.01.2022, a meeting was held at the Resource Center of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz with the director of the KSU "Employment Center of the Akimat of the city of Karaganda" Nurzhan Syzdykov, head of the Department for Employer Support A.A. Zhakanova and a specialist of the Department for employer support A. Abdrashitova.
At the meeting, representatives of the KSU "Employment Center of the Akimat of the city of Karaganda" (https://instagram.com/czn_karaganda?utm_medium=copy_link) told about the employment programs for young people "Youth practice", "First workplace": advantages, deadlines, wages, etc. Special attention was paid to the introduction of a new register of organizations with a list of vacant vacancies, which will be available to universities from February 2022, which will effectively distribute graduates who studied under the state order, as well as provide information about vacant vacancies to other university graduates.
During the meeting, agreements were reached to improve the effectiveness of cooperation between the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and the Employment Center for the employment of young people in the region.

"The role of the university in the formation of culture and overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships. Interdisciplinary approach".

"The role of the university in the formation of culture and overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships. Interdisciplinary approach".

On January 12-13, Professor Klishina M.V. held a lecture for the curators of FBPiT "The role of the university in the formation of culture and overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships. Interdisciplinary approach".

The following issues were considered: aggression in interpersonal relationships; aggressive behavior and interpersonal interaction of adolescents and youth; effective forms and methods of conflict prevention, violence and cruelty in the adolescent and youth environment; bullying, mobbing, cyberbullying, cyberbullying, columbine (schoolshooting), hazing, trolling, – the main manifestations of destructiveness and aggressiveness in interpersonal interaction; the relationship between the level of aggressiveness and the type of interpersonal relationships; trainings for curators and methods " Modern forms of overcoming aggression in interpersonal relationships".

The participants were provided with the results of research conducted using the following methods: Morphological test of life values, Catell's 16-factor personality questionnaire (16-PF), Personal questionnaire of Eysenck, Questionnaire for measuring aggressive and hostile reactions of A. Bass and A. Darkey, Hostility Scale of V.V. Cook and D.M. Medley, Diagnosis of MLO Leary, Thomas questionnaire, experiment "Prisoner's Dilemma". In particular, the Bass-Darkey questionnaire is designed to identify the severity of physical, verbal, indirect aggressiveness, a tendency to irritation, negativism, resentment, suspicion, guilt.

The listeners got acquainted with the fact that physical aggression, indirect aggression, irritation and verbal aggression together form the total index of aggressive reactions, and resentment and suspicion - the index of hostility.

Meeting of members of the Scientific and Expert Council of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan

Meeting of members of the Scientific and Expert Council of the Assembly of People of KazakhstanOn November 25, 2022, at 14.30, a meeting of the Scientific Expert Council was held on the topic "Discussion of the prospects of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and state policy". At the meeting, some factors and circumstances in the activities of the APK, mistakes in state policy that led to tragic events in Kazakhstan in the first days of 2022 were identified. Proposals were made to hold a number of discussions on the role of the APK as an institution of civil society. The Department received words of gratitude for the participation and discussion of topical issues from the head of the Council Kalashnikova N.

Webinar "International Student Olympiads and Projects"

Webinar "International Student Olympiads and Projects"On January 20, 2022, the Webinar "International Student Olympiads and Projects" was held on the ZOOM platform with the participation of teaching staff and university students. During the Webinar, Senior Lecturer, member of CYSS KarUK E.B. Bukatov spoke about current international competitions, projects and conferences in the near and far abroad. The teaching staff and students were provided with information materials and links for participation in international olympiads, projects and conferences.

KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz awarded 4 stars QS Stars

KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz awarded 4 stars QS Stars

A comprehensive analysis of the activities of QS Stars universities by the world's leading rating agency Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) makes it possible to identify the most successful and the best universities in many countries of the world.

Organizations are evaluated in more than 10 categories, selected in accordance with international standards. The assessment is carried out by independent auditors according to criteria that are important for potential applicants, as they allow them to understand whether the chosen university meets the expectations, how comfortable it is to study in it, how the education received affects their career. A feature of this program is the university's ability to talk about its strengths, receiving the highest rating from international experts.

There are only 10 universities in the world that are rated "5+ stars" by QS Stars.

According to the results of the international audit conducted at the end of 2021 according to the QS Stars methodology, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz was awarded an overall honorary rating of "4 stars", while in the categories "Employment", "Teaching", "Academic Development" our university received "5 stars".

Of the 27 domestic universities present in various QS rankings, only 2 (KazNU named after Alfarabi and KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz) currently have a QS Stars audit score of 5 and 4 stars, respectively.

Four stars are assigned to an institution of higher education that has received international qualifications, has high levels in the categories "Teaching", "Academic Development" and "Employability", which means that employers prefer graduates of the KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz who have education, which meets the established QS standards.


Project Competition "Best Scientific Proposal - 2022"

Project Competition "Best Scientific Proposal - 2022"On January 25, 2022, students of the SPD-21-3 group of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz Anel Zeynegabidenova, AvulovaBonu took part in the international competition of projects«Best scientific proposal – 2022», held in Kazan, Russian Federation, in the category of creative scientific solution with materials related to the development of the Information Project«Mobile application» and took the 1st place !

Open Olympiad among students and young professionals «Petropolitan Science (Re)Search» section «World Economy»

Open Olympiad among students and young professionals «Petropolitan Science (Re)Search» section «World Economy»

Open Olympiad among students and young professionals «Petropolitan Science (Re)Search» section «World Economy» was held in October-December 2021 in St. Petersburg, Russia, St. Petersburg State University.
The goal of the Petropolitan Science (Re)Search was aimed at encouraging talented young specialists with deep knowledge and a broad scientific outlook, specialists who are ready to develop science in the future, including in border areas.
The structure of the Olympiad was designed specifically to help participants to fully reveal their research and creative abilities, to show knowledge in their chosen scientific field. The Olympiad includes various types of tasks:
• creation of research papers and subsequent public presentation of the results of their work in the format of protection;
• solving tasks and completing test tasks;
• additional written assignments - answers to questions.
The student of the WE-18-2 group, specialty «World Economy» Turkeshev Yerassyl took part in the national team of the foreign team, where, as part of the national team of foreign students, he passed all competitive rounds and became the winner of the Olympiad on «World Economy».
Team List:
1. Blanche de Montaignac de Chauvance
2. Gülseran Akay
3. Jesse Nevalainen
4. Léonie Chalopin
5. Nijat Maharramov
6. Yerassyl Turkeshev
The Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz congratulates the winner.

Information Day "Library and Department: Edges of Partnership"

Information Day "Library and Department: Edges of Partnership"On January 17, the Information Day “Library and Department: Facets of Partnership” was held at the library of the KarU of Kazpotrebsoyuz in the scientific and educational center for the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship.
The university library contributes to the educational process, educational activities, provides the educational process and scientific research. The library becomes the center of information support for current educational and research processes, and the activities carried out by the library create conditions for obtaining and updating knowledge oriented towards the future.

«XIII Republican subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan»

«XIII Republican subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan»

The XIII Republican Subject Olympiad was held among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Student performance was assessed on the basis of individual scores for each subject.
Students on the educational program "State and local government" Seypilova A.A., Zhenis A.R., Abdrakhmanova A.K., were awarded a diploma of the III degree at the XII Republican subject Olympiad.
The Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz congratulates the winners.

«XII Republican subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan»

«XII Republican subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan»

The XII Republican Subject Olympiad was held among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Student performance was assessed on the basis of individual scores for each subject.
Students of the educational program "Management" Ferzauli A.M., Abzhalelov T.A., Vagner E.R. received a diploma of II degree at the XII Republican Subject Olympiad.
The Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz congratulates the winners.

According to the results of 2021, the "Logistics" Educational Program was recognized as the best educational program of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz according to which the Department of Marketing and Logistics was awarded the diploma "Best E

According to the results of 2021, the "Logistics" Educational Program was recognized as the best educational program of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz according to which the Department of Marketing and Logistics was awarded the diploma "Best E

Congratulations to all colleagues on the successful completion of the year! We wish you happiness, prosperity and achievement of all your goals in 2022.
Our success does not end there)))
The best students study here...:
The Best Athlete is Dementiev Sergey - Log-18-2 student;
The Best Student of the year-Zubova Аnastassiya - Log-18-2 student.
We wish everyone to be the best and happiest, the most successful and athletic in the coming 2022!

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