Exhibition craftsmen "The Silk Road"

Exhibition craftsmen "The Silk Road"The Department of Tourism and catering trade, together with the International Public Fund "Legacy of nomadic civilization" held an exhibition of applied art masters to support the campaign "Made in Kazakhstan" in celebration of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 25 star days.
During the event, masters of applied art held master classes in needlework, representatives of the Fund "Our Hearts" implemented a piggy bank made of plaster that made people with disabilities. Manufacturers of sportswear LLP Zibroo presented sports equipment to the 28th World Winter Universiade.
Guests also from Malaysia, students were able to plunge into the age of the Silk Road, met with national values, to try the national cuisine.
As a result, the exhibition items have been sold, as well as guests and participants could get acquainted with the address of the masters in the trade houses.

The regional dimension of the economy: recipes for economic growth of territories.

The regional dimension of the economy: recipes for economic growth of territories.6 December by Student Scientific Institute «Parasat» was held the round table on the theme:"The regional dimension of the economy: recipes for economic growth of territories."
Reporters in a very easy and accessible form told to all the listeners about the state of economic development of regions in Kazakhstan, that there is a differentiation between regions in almost all indicators.For reducing this imbalance students proposed to develop clusters, attracting more enterprises, increase revenues to regional budgets and to develop long-term regional public policy.
According to results of the round table participants were awarded by diplomas and thank-you letters.

Open counsel o'clock of department "banking" on a theme: "Theatricalized presentation devoted to the prophylaxis of distribution of HIV and AIDS in the youth environment"

Open counsel o'clock of department "banking" on a theme:  "Theatricalized presentation devoted  to the prophylaxis of distribution of HIV and AIDS in the youth environment"On Decembers, 2, 2016 a department conducted "banking" the extended open counsel hour on a theme: "Theatricalized presentation sanctified to the prophylaxis of distribution of HIV and AIDS in a youth environment" with participation the groups of F-11к; F-21с/k; F-22; F-23; F-32; F-32с; F-42. Groups in the up-diffused roles showed pernicious habits and their consequences of зодоровью. Students showed activity and creative potential.
Aim of measure: fight against distribution of HIV and AIDS in a youth environment.
Upon completion of measure to the students deeds and memorable gifts were handedto the youth environment.Upon completion of measure to the students deeds and memorable gifts were handedт for.

Roundtable on "The results of industrialization in the 25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Roundtable on "The results of industrialization in the 25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan"Department of Economics and Management 06.12.2016g. held a round table discussion on "The results of industrialization in the 25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan." The roundtable was attended by representatives of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Association of Karaganda and the Fund "Damu".
They discussed the implementation of government programs to facilitate the successful industrialization of the country.

Roundtable on "Commercialization of scientific results"

Roundtable on "Commercialization of scientific results"November 16, 2016 in coworking center "Dostyk" KEUK held a round table discussion on "Commercialization of scientific results." Roundtable held in conjunction with EPI Research Institute, Research Institute of NESA and the Department of "Economics and Management". Moderator of the round table PhD, Professor DR Sihimbaeva There was an interesting, lively conversation, during which undergraduates and SRI directors discussed the problem of commercialization of research activities, developed proposals for their solution.

The contest of student works

The contest of student works25.11. 2016 Meeting of the Student Scientific Society "Zerde" conducted. At the meeting of 1-st year students of the Faculty of PMT received in the scientific community, as well as the selection of student research papers for further participation in the inter-faculty competition was held. Supervises the work doctor PhD Omarova A.T.

25 star days

25 star days12.03.2016 the department Commodity and certification within the framework of "25 star days" was held "round table" - "Healthy Youth - Healthy Nation". At the event were invited to head TSSZ №1, physician Jan Svetlana Arkadevna, physician coordinator of the physiology of the center and a healthy lifestyle Isetova Dean Muhametzhanovna nurse medetsinskogo points DEs Zhakeshova Gulnura Orynbekovna.

Business game on discipline "Money, credit, banks"

Business game on discipline "Money, credit, banks"on November, 29 2016 within the framework of event, sanctified to the professional holiday "Day of Financier" teacher of department "banking" master's degree of Idirissova А.Т. conducted a business game on discipline "Money, credit, banks" in gr.F-23.
On results the game of command were the recipients of an award diplomas and thanks you letter.

Department of "Ecology and evaluation" as part of the 25 star days, commemorating the 25th anniversary of Independence, organized the event "Family values: culture, achievement, tradition ''

Department of "Ecology and evaluation" as part of the 25 star days, commemorating the 25th anniversary of Independence, organized the event "Family values: culture, achievement, tradition ''2.12.2016 The chair "Ecology and evaluation" as part of the 25 star days, commemorating the 25th anniversary of Independence, organized the family living room "Family values: culture, achievements and traditions." The family living room were invited guests - family Rakhimzhanova winners of the competition "Family of the Year 2012" and specialist in social self-Smagulov Tolegen Muratovic.

Poetic evening "Menin elim, Menin zherіm"

Poetic evening "Menin elim, Menin zherіm"November 28, 2016, 14:00 hours in the DKS department of foreign language and manual ultrasonic inspection conducted literature- poetic evening "Menin elim, Menin zherіm", dedicated to 25-th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan.
In literature- poetry evening was attended by students of I course of the Kazakh branch of the FBP ,FEU, UFF.
literature- poetry evening was held in four nomination:
1. Expressive reading
2. Acting
3. The musical and dance art
4. Art
Grant won the group at Tur-13s/k

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