Theatre “Inspiration” presented viewers performance by M.Y. Lermontov “Masquerade”

Theatre “Inspiration” presented viewers performance by M.Y. Lermontov “Masquerade”We have functional theatre “Inspiration”, which in KEU etc. 2008. Talented students with pleasure visites lessons, take participation in choice repertoire, play in performance.
Recently students endured on the court viewers dram by Lermontov “Masquerade”, 180 years of writing which celebrates in this year.
Preparation performance was going two month. Students so emotions feel deeply plot of the dram, which played, don’t give in present professional artists.
Performance viewers liked, as our artist could show, what so value, like love, generosity, truth are staying actuality at the all time.

The game "Features of diplomatic etiquette"

The game "Features of diplomatic etiquette"December 8, 2016 the department of the world economy and international relations with the 4 course students of a specialty "International Relations" held the game "Features of diplomatic etiquette" in kazakh, russian and english languages.

An intellectual game “Polylingual Generation”

An intellectual game “Polylingual Generation”In the framework of 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s Independence “World Economy and International Relations” chair conducted an intellectual game “Polylingual Generation” on 9, December 2016. The participants were from Karaganda general and high education institutes. The event was held in three languages – kazakh, russian and english.

Best Products - for a better life

Best Products - for a better lifeDecember 6, 2016 the department "Commodity and Certification" conducted an open educational event for students of first and second courses, specialty "Standardization and Certification" - "Best Product - for a better life."
The event was held in the form of special presentation. The purpose of the event - an introduction to the specialty "Standardization and Certification".

Role-playing game "Model UN General Assembly"

Role-playing game "Model UN General Assembly"On December, 8th 2016 Gornaya Maiya, Evsyukova Julia, Rakhimbayeva Assel and Schwabauer Natasha, students of “International Relations”,with the help of “World Economics and International Relations” department’s lecturers – Baigozhina G. and Atabayeva D., participated in the Model United Nations, simulating UN General Assembly meeting and dedicated to the legal status of women in Central Asian countries. The RPG was organized under the auspices of the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. According to the results, among 15 delegations Gornaya M. and Evsyukova J. won nomination as a “Best Delegation”.

Passed Debate game on «Nurly Bolashak»

Passed Debate game on «Nurly Bolashak»In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan December 8, 2016 Department of Economic Theory and State, local governance and organized debate rules game on the theme of «Nurly Bolashak». Intellectual Debate game was in the «APF» format (American parliamentary format). Speakers discussed the topic «This House calls the most important achievements of Kazakhstan during the 25th anniversary independence». We discussed the current problems and prospects of development of economy and social sphere of Kazakhstan. Participants of the game awarded letters of appreciation.

Platinum lecture “Preventive measures to counter the religious-motivated violent extremism and international terrorism”.

Platinum lecture “Preventive measures to counter the religious-motivated violent extremism and international terrorism”.December 8, 2016 department of world economy and international relations held a platinum lecture of religious scholar, adviser to the head of Karaganda oblast on religion, deputy chairman of the support Center to victims of destructive religious movements "Nurly Bilim" Syzdykov Rustem Malikovichon the theme “Preventive measures to counter the religious-motivated violent extremism and international terrorism”.


Language Olympiad “POLYLINGUAL SCHOOL LEAVER”Foreign and Russian languages chair held the language Olympiad “POLYLINGUAL SCHOOL LEAVER”. 50 school students from 19 schools and gymnasiums of Karaganda city and Saran city took part in the Olympiad.
The Olympiad had two rounds: 1) lexical and grammatical test on three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English (on 10 questions in each language). By the results of the first round works of 8 school students with the highest points in testing have been selected.
The second round – performance with presentation on chosen topic. The performance was estimated by the jury: candidate of philological sciences, professor Aubakirova G. T., сandidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor Mukusheva G. R., сandidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor Uskenbayeva S. T., master Abdrakhmanova S. T.
By the results of two rounds the following school students have been awarded:
1st place – Akhmetova Zhansaya (secondary school № 76);
2nd place – Yurkiv Ekaterina (gymnasium № 93);
3rd place – Abilova Dayana (secondary school № 36).

Trivia game “National symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

Trivia game “National symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan”Teachers of foreign and Russian languages chair Bazarbayeva L.T., Gainutdinova G.F. held the trivia game among 1st course students on the subject “National symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan” which is devoted to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It should be noted that the trivia game has been held in hostels where there live our students. There is all necessary for good rest, preparation for lessons, development of creativity. The competition on knowledge of national symbols has taken place in an interactive form and students showed good knowledge of both of symbols and history of independent Kazakhstan.

A visiting session on the basis of KSU «Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region»

A visiting session on the basis of KSU «Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region»December 6, 2016 was organized and held a visiting session on the subject "Municipal Management" on "Municipal management in unitary and federal states" among the groups' SLG-41K "on the basis of KSU" Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region "teachers of the department of ET and SLG and "SLG-42".
As part of the retreat sessions dealt with the KSU "Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region" as a subject of municipal government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Classes are conducted in the state and in Russian.
According to the plan of retreat Lectures read Ph.D., Associate Professor Z.K. Zhanbekova, seminars conducted master, teacher Yertay Kh., On the activity of KSU "Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region", as well as topical issues of local government told Deputy Director Sadykov Aida Sayynovana. Students actively discussed local governance issues, compared with the domestic foreign experience, asked questions about the problems and prospects of the activity of the center, then they got all the answers from Aida Sayynovny and teachers from the DEs.

Creative meeting on the theme: «Work for the good of the country»

Creative meeting on the theme: «Work for the good of the country»In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan December 5, 2016 from 14.00 to 15.00 Chair of ET and SLG it was organized and held a creative meeting of students with veterans of labor in Karaganda on the subject «Work for the good of the country». Present: faculty and students of the Faculty of Economics and Management. Invited guests: Abdreimov Iman Shayhetdinovich, Bakeev Kudaybergen, Colina Korneevna Marta.
During the meeting, the audience was shown a video of «universal labor society», which reflect the importance of social modernization of Kazakhstan: Twenty Steps to the Universal Society of Labor. Invited guests spoke to the students, shared their experiences in the workplace, wished the students success in their studies and in the workplace.
During the event they were awarded the winners of the student essay contest, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic: «My contribution to the prosperity of the Republic of Kazakhstan.»
1st place - Diana Yugokpaeva AA-22 Supervisor: Senior lecturer in ET and SLG Takirova G.A.
2nd place - Anastasia Milov AA-14c, scientific director of: Master, lecturer ET and SLG Kokkozova A.B.
3rd place - Lobster Aybar SLG-11k, scientific director of: Master, teacher and chair of ET and SLG Yertay Kh.
At the end of a creative meeting on behalf of the organizers of the event invited guests were presented with letters of thanks and memorable gifts.

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