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  • Дебатный турнир «Улучшение кDebate tournament "Improving the quality of human capital: problems and prospects"ачества человеческого капитала: проблемы и перспективы». (2)

Дебатный турнир «Улучшение кDebate tournament "Improving the quality of human capital: problems and prospects"ачества человеческого капитала: проблемы и перспективы». (2)

Дебатный турнир «Улучшение кDebate tournament "Improving the quality of human capital: problems and prospects"ачества человеческого капитала: проблемы и перспективы». (2)15 Mar 2017. Department of commodity and certification organized debate tournament in the framework of clarification of the message of the President N..Nazarbayev dated January 31, 2017. "The third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness" on the theme: "Improving the quality of human capital: problems and prospects". The tournament was attended by students 1 and 2 courses of the University. Tournament participants were awarded with certificates and prizes for taken I, II, III places, also individual participants rated the following nominations: "Best speaker", "Best judge" and "Best endeavor".


Дебатный турнир «Улучшение кDebate tournament "Improving the quality of human capital: problems and prospects"ачества человеческого капитала: проблемы и перспективы». (2) Дебатный турнир «Улучшение кDebate tournament "Improving the quality of human capital: problems and prospects"ачества человеческого капитала: проблемы и перспективы». (2)
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