Interactive lecture "Innovative methods of prevention of religious extremism"

Interactive lecture "Innovative methods of prevention of religious extremism"

On March 15, 17 the Department of Ecology and Evaluation held an event within the framework of the discussion of the Address of the Head of State "The Third Modernization of Kazakhstan - Global Competitiveness". With an interactive lecture "Innovative methods for the prevention of religious extremism", the expert on self-regulation, psychologist Smagulov Tolegen Muratovich addressed the faculty staff and students of the specialties "Ecology" and "Evaluation". There was a lively discussion of topical issues of the formation of modern thinking, "zero" tolerance for manifestations of religious extremism, and the situation in the sphere of religion.


Interactive lecture "Innovative methods of prevention of religious extremism" Interactive lecture "Innovative methods of prevention of religious extremism"
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ